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Building confidence in the on-line world: Why cyber security should be at the heart of your marketing strategy - 推酷
Building confidence in the on-line world: Why cyber security should be at the heart of your marketing strategy
I recently spoke at a
organised by
on the need to rethink data protection and information security strategies. My start point was that the common lack of business understanding and perspective on the part of the professionals involved has helped compound a collapse of customer confidence in the on-line world. This is now, in turn, helping compound the other obstacles to economic recovery. In consequence the introverted professionals clamouring for board attention are now part of the problem, not the solution. They need to look through the other end of telescope.
To my surprise that argument also went down well with the Heads of Information Security and of overall Risk in the audience. I therefore promised to publish the script: unchanged. I should perhaps add that I spoke after a splendid introduction by Neira Jones. She began with the
on the evolving threats as we move from fixed to mobile communication, the
and the world of
's Holistic Detective Agency.
After a panel discussion I took up the thread ...&
&I have been involved with the IT world for forty years and my first big project was
. Most of my career since has been spent zig-zagging over the black holes of incomprehension between technology enthusiasts, marketing specialists and finance directors and between all three and politicians:& whether the elected politicians who run the country or the corporate politicians who run big business.
My first main point is that most information security professionals would not understand a business case if it bit them on the bum. In consequence they blether about compliance and attacks without putting the risks into context. I am a fan of using
to strip out layers of overhead so as to deliver better security at lower cost, but that is not the prime objective.
What are the objectives
o&& &Customer Confidence
o&& &Board Confidence
o&& &Staff Confidence
o&& &Transaction Margin
o&& &Sustainable Net Profit
The objective is to help the organisation to make more money by getting more customers to do more and more profitable business, on-line if that has better margins, net of security costs.
That also entails being seen to have more trustworthy people processes.
I want to begin by being realistic about current consumer and business confidence and attitudes to risk.
We face a slow 1930s style economic recovery after a series of crashes akin to those of the late 1920s. Until the onset of re-armament, recovery in the 1930s was driven by customers seeking better value. Their disposable incomes recovered slowly, if at all. Today our after-tax disposable incomes are again falling in real terms. They are likely to continue to do so for some years. The growth in demand over the Internet is driven by those seeking more for less: whether they are your customers or your directors and investors.
Meanwhile confidence in the ability of the Internet community to deliver has been badly dented by a series of public scandals reinforced by personal experience. &
Few may be really concerned over whether GCHQ or the NSA has access to their e-mails or phone records. Few may fully appreciate that the business models of major players like Google, Facebook or the Mobile Phone Companies, entail selling their personal information to almost anyone who will pay. Few may understand that allying these business models to Government open data policies and the vulnerability of most customer databases, means that criminals can readily acquire all they need to obtain credentials in the names of almost all those worth impersonating. &
Almost all, however, receive a flow of helpful e-mails, texts and phone calls purporting to come from their bank or Internet Service Provider. Most are aware of the campaigns to persuade them to use security products that give as much protection against the threats of today as a leaky condom gives against sexually transmitted diseases.& Those with children or grandchildren fear theirs are among the one in five who have already been abused and bullied over the social networking sites they use.
At the business level, most organisations, large or small, have already been victimised
, over a quarter of them within the past twelve months. In consequence the proportion of those willing to transact on line has been static for some years. Almost all UK businesses, large and small, have websites. Barely a third are willing to transact on-line.
Hence the objectives. Not necessarily in order of priority.
You need to
give your customers the confidence to deal with YOU on-line
and that includes giving them the confidence that is really is YOU that they are dealing with. But first you need to give your Board a level of confidence that two thirds of their peers do not have.
Directors are disproportionately targets of fraud and impersonation
. UK-based attackers commonly use the details filed with Companies House to select victims worth serious effort.
The services you provide to YOUR board members to help them secure themselves
, including their smart phones and home systems, are therefore critical to giving them the confidence to invest more in the on-line products and services you want to use in order to secure the rest of the business.
And you cannot give your directors serious confidence in the security of the organisation unless you have done the same for your staff as a whole, so that their on-line behaviour does not present multiple points of weakness for penetrating your systems.&&&& &
But the objective is not just the &confidence& to do more on-line. It is to ensure that it is profitable business
. The cost of the additional security must not be more than the value of the additional transactions. More-over it is not just the transactions that are valuable.& The trigger for a switch to hardware encryption across all user laptops and smart phones on the part of one global player was when their legal counsel lost his laptop, with files on all their current legal and regulatory cases.
Who needs to worry about hackers or the failure of junior staff to abide with complex security policies when those at the top can be so vulnerable?& &
That& leads me to the need to put the &real& risks into perspective.
Putting the risks into perspective& &
o&& &An over ambitious chief executive
o&& &Insiders (from compliance officers to cleaners)
o&& &Digititis (crashing networks, systems etc.)
o&& &Mother nature (crashing power supplies, networks etc.)
o&& &Regulatory overheads driving business offshore
o&& &Intrusive Security driving away customers
o&& &Losses from fraud and cyber-crime
No-one has done destroyed as much shareholder value as much as
, who took Northern Rock into
, who took Bradford & Bingley into
. Meanwhile
was busy buying high risk asset portfolios even before he outbid Barclays for the can of worms that was
the biggest risk to any organisation is a chief executive who has lost touch with reality
, supported by a board of sycophants.& &
Then come the other insiders
. Almost all major frauds and most serious losses of intellectual property, whether research databases, development plans or marketing databases, involve insiders, whether actively corrupt or merely careless, from compliance officers and IT security itself, through help desks and dealers to the cleaners who have the run of the building at night.&& &
More systems are vulnerable to digititis
, finger trouble during supposedly routine upgrades, including of security,
than are brought down by external forces
, whether power failure, fire or flood, let alone hacking. Recent publicity for system outages (however brief) on the part of Google and Amazon, Apple and Microsoft, let alone& ATM and Banking networks, have concentrated minds on resilience as much as security. How many of you now carry more cash lest your cards stop working?
Few calculations of the cost of compliance include the business lost because of tick box complexity. The
last year indicated that barely a third of the cost was actual losses from fraud and theft. Over half was
legitimate business rejected through on-line fraud prevention and security measures
Security as part of marketing strategy
o&& &We value you as a customer
o&& &We are serious about customer service
o&& &How can we help you? abuse@yourbusiness.co.uk
o&& &Notification of attacks not breaches
o&& &Good Citizenship & Partnership Policing
The reported losses from e-Crime are aften piddling compared to what is spent on security, let alone what is written off as bad debts. But the biggest cost is the lost business from those who did not transact with you because they:
o&& &got lost, fed-up or timed out in the entrails of your on-line security system,
o&& &got confused by all the security do's and don'ts and decided it was safer not to
o&& &took the advice on strong passwords seriously and cannot remember what it was
o&& &only transact with those they trust, like Amazon,& John Lewis or Tesco
o&& &or because your security clashed with theirs
We have all read the hype on the growth of e-commerce. Over two thirds of the UK population may have bought on-line &more than never&, but barely a quarter does so regularly - counting &more than once a month on average& as regular.
We about to be subjected to another round of awareness campaigns designed to frighten potential customers into buying more scareware or into visiting only the websites of those market leaders who have been able to conceal their insecurity.& But your customers, let alone your directors, are confused and frightened enough already. The scale of that confusion and fear is indicated by the &billion or so of repayments now due from the mis-selling of impersonation protection policies by UK banks.&
you want your customers to transact via you
, not via Amazon or Paypal, you need to support, and be seen to support, campaigns that give realistic advice, with links to sources of help and redress that give your customers the feeling that if they report problems, some-one actually might take action and perhaps even help them. Your need to give those customers the warm glow of revenge they feel when they think that their report to abuse@yourbusiness.co.uk might actually help convict a fraudster or pederast, or help clean up the Internet by putting a criminal registrar who supplies domain names without checking the details out of business.
When I forward a possible scam to abuse@Paypal, I like the e-mail that comes back saying &thank you for reporting this, you were correct, it is a scam, your report will help us to protect you and others in the future&. I know that all they have done is collated my report with all the other reports of that particular scam and sent me an automated reply. But it gives me some hope that they might actually be doing something.
When those collations are indeed used to help action under civil law to remove the innocent carrier defence and secure help from Internet service Providers and Domain Name Registrars to take-out groups of predators you should make a point of telling your customers that their reports have helped.& You should also measure the response so that your Finance Director can share a warm glow that he might even remember when you next face him during budget negotiations.
It is also important to
make it easier for your customers to do business with you securely than insecurely.
The on-line security routines of the banks may look impressive but keeping track of multiple pin-numbers, passwords and memorable phrases is impractical unless you compromise security by writing them down or saving them inside the system. As soon as I got my new smart phone I switched on the tracking device. I like the idea of asking those I deal with to register the devices from which I expect to contact them and the location from I expect to use them so that I can use a simple pass code when going on-line from home but have strictly limited use away from home without passing robust security checks. In the corporate context, perhaps with encryption also secured to the device, you can even live with otherwise seriously counter-productive tick box breach notification regimes in reasonable confidence that no actual compromise has taken place.
Your routines for handling abuse
, so that it is easy to report attempts to impersonate your organisation or defraud your customers,
should be a core part of your brand positioning
, helping turn potential victims into loyal customers. Neglect them and you are telling your customers that you do not care. The routines you use to train your staff and contractors on how to help protect the organisation, its customers, themselves and their families should similarly help reinforce customer loyalty at a time of increased competition for profitable repeat business.
Here I would like to make a few points on
the value to your brand of being an active participant in collective good citizenship activities
, particularly those awareness campaigns that are linked to serious victim support programmes. The &brand& message is that not only do you look after yourselves and your customers, you also help look after those who are unfortunate enough to be the customers of your competitors.
You should also be active in trying to ensure that regulation is fit for purposes
, switching the focus from breach notification to what is done when a compromise is suspected. That entails notifying attacks to those who will collate the information for collective response. Being active alongside high value customers and business partners in those exercises that are for real should, once again, be part of well-targeted brand management.&
An example was when a major bank was aware that a group of high value customers was being selectively defrauded but could find no evidence of a breach: whether technology or people. It needed to find out whether the problem was specific to its customers or shared with its competitors: e.g. some-one had created a &Luxury Cruises R. US& website to harvest the details of high net worth individuals.& The answer was to work with others on a Silver Surfers Awareness Campaign to provide cover for co-operation without admitting its own concerns.& &
I understand that the Experian service for those with suspected compromises has had over 2,000 corporate clients, none of whom subsequently notified any of the incidents on which they sought help. One of its components is the use of the Garlik search engine to find who is selling information on your customers over the Dark Side of the Internet, partly so that the potential victims can be quietly contacted and helped, but also so that the supply chains can be identified and broken.
I will conclude with the case for having staff inside the new police volunteer support programmes so that, if you need to work with law enforcement, your processes for investigation or providing material of evidential use dovetail with theirs. There is a similar case for participating in the new cyber-security military reserve programmes, particularly those for rapid response without staff leaving their desks - because when there is a major problem with, for example, ATM networks and payment clearance , you may not otherwise know, whether it was digititis, criminal activity or the start of World War 3 - until too late.
Giving publicity to your support for such collective activity is a good way of not only sharing the cost and building allies but also promoting your image as taking the security of your customers and partners seriously and therefore being an organisation they can be confident of working with in an age of fear, uncertainty and caution.
&Thank you for listening.& &
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Reclaim Your Creative Confidence
Reclaim Your Creative Confidence
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Most people are born creative. But over time, a lot of us learn to stifle those impulses. We become warier of judgment, more cautious, more analytical. The world seems to divide into “creatives” and “noncreatives,” and too many people resign themselves to the latter category. And yet we know that creativity is essential to success in any discipline or industry.
The good news, according to authors Tom Kelley and David Kelley of IDEO, is that we all can rediscover our creative confidence. The trick is to overcome the four big fears that hold most of us back: fear of the messy unknown, fear of judgment, fear of the first step, and fear of losing control.
The authors use an approach based on the work of psychologist Albert Bandura in helping patients get over their snake phobias: You break challenges down into small steps and then build confidence by succeeding on one after another. Creativity is something you practice, say the authors, not just a talent you are born with.
Most people are born creative. As children, we revel in imaginary play, ask outlandish questions, draw blobs and call them dinosaurs. But over time, because of socialization and formal education, a lot of us start to stifle those impulses. We learn to be warier of judgment, more cautious, more analytical. The world seems to divide into “creatives” and “noncreatives,” and too many people consciously or unconsciously resign themselves to the latter category.
And yet we know that creativity is essential to success in any discipline or industry. According to a recent IBM survey of chief executives around the world, it’s the most sought-after trait in leaders today. No one can deny that creative thinking has enabled the rise and continued success of countless companies, from start-ups like Facebook and Google to stalwarts like Procter & Gamble and General Electric.
Students often come to Stanford University’s “d.school” (which was founded by one of us—David Kelley—and is formally known as the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design) to develop their creativity. Clients work with IDEO, our design and innovation consultancy, for the same reason. But along the way, we’ve learned that our job isn’t to teach them creativity. It’s to help them rediscover their creative confidence—the natural ability to come up with new ideas and the courage to try them out. We do this by giving them strategies to get past four fears that hold most of us back: fear of the messy unknown, fear of being judged, fear of the first step, and fear of losing control.
Easier said than done, you might argue. But we know it’s possible for people to overcome even their most deep-seated fears. Consider the work of Albert Bandura, a world-renowned psychologist and Stanford professor. In one series of early experiments, he helped people conquer lifelong snake phobias by guiding them through a series of increasingly demanding interactions. They would start by watching a snake through a two-way mirror. Once comfortable with that, they’d progress to observing it through an open door, then to watching someone else touch the snake, then to touching it themselves through a heavy leather glove, and, finally, in a few hours, to touching it with their own bare hands. Bandura calls this process of experiencing one small success after another “guided mastery.” The people who went through it weren’t just cured of a crippling fear they had assumed was untreatable. They also had less anxiety and more success in other parts of their lives, taking up new and potentially frightening activities like horseback riding and public speaking. They tried harder, persevered longer, and had more resilience in the face of failure. They had gained a new confidence in their ability to attain what they set out to do.
We’ve used much the same approach over the past 30 years to help people transcend the fears that block their creativity. You break challenges down into small steps and then build confidence by succeeding on one after another. Creativity is something you practice, not just a talent you’re born with. The process may feel a little uncomfortable at first, but—as the snake phobics learned—the discomfort quickly fades away and is replaced with new confidence and capabilities.
Creativity is something you practice, not just a talent you’re born with.
Fear of the Messy Unknown
Creative thinking in business begins with having empathy for your customers (whether they’re internal or external), and you can’t get that sitting behind a desk. Yes, we know it’s cozy in your office. Everything is r information comes from contradictory data are weeded out and ignored. Out in the world, it’s more chaotic. You have to deal with unexpected findings, with uncertainty, and with irrational people who say things you don’t want to hear. But that is where you find insights—and creative breakthroughs. Venturing forth in pursuit of learning, even without a hypothesis, can open you up to new information and help you discover nonobvious needs. Otherwise, you risk simply reconfirming ideas you’ve already had or waiting for others—your customers, your boss, or even your competitors—to tell you what to do.
At the d.school, we routinely assign students to do this sort of anthropological fieldwork—to get out of their comfort zones and into the world—until, suddenly, they start doing it on their own. Consider a computer scientist, two engineers, and an MBA student, all of whom took the Extreme Affordability class taught by Stanford business school professor Jim Patell. They eventually realized that they couldn’t complete their group project—to research and design a low-cost incubator for newborn babies in the developing world—while living in safe, suburban California. So they gathered their courage and visited rural Nepal. Talking with families and doctors firsthand, they learned that the babies in gravest danger were those born prematurely in areas far from hospitals. Nepalese villagers didn’t need a cheaper incubator at the hospital—they needed a fail-safe way to keep babies warm when they were away from doctors who could do so effectively. Those insights led the team to design a miniature “sleeping bag” with a pouch containing a special heat-storing wax. The Embrace Infant Warmer costs 99% less than a traditional incubator and can maintain the right temperature for up to six hours without an external power source. The innovation has the potential to save millions of low-birth-weight and premature babies every year, and it came about only because the team members were willing to throw themselves into unfamiliar territory.
Another example comes from two students, Akshay Kothari and Ankit Gupta, who took the d.school’s Launchpad course. The class required them to start a company from scratch by the end of the 10-week academic quarter. Both were self-described “geeks”—technically brilliant, deeply analytical, and definitely shy. But they opted to work on their project—an elegant news reader for the then–newly released iPad—off-campus in a Palo Alto caf& where they’d be surrounded by potential users. Getting over the awkwardness of approaching strangers, Akshay gathered feedback by asking caf& patrons to experiment with his prototypes. Ankit coded hundreds of small variations to be tested each day—changing everything from interaction patterns to the size of a button. In a matter of weeks they rapidly iterated their way to a successful product. “We went from people saying, ‘This is crap,’” says Akshay, “to ‘Is this app preloaded on every iPad?’” The result—Pulse News—received public praise from Steve Jobs at a worldwide developer’s conference only a few months later, has been downloaded by 15 million people, and is one of the original 50 apps in Apple’s App Store Hall of Fame.
It’s not just entrepreneurs and product developers who should get into “the mess.” Senior managers also must hear directly from anyone affected by their decisions. For instance, midway through a management off-site IDEO held for ConAgra Foods, the executives broke away from their upscale conference rooms to explore gritty Detroit neighborhoods, where you can go miles without seeing a grocery store. They personally observed how inner-city residents reacted to food products and spoke with an urban farmer who hopes to turn abandoned lots into community gardens. Now, according to Al Bolles, ConAgra’s executive vice president of research, quality, and innovation, such behavior is common at the company. “A few years ago, it was hard to pry my executive team away from the office,” he says, “but now we venture out and get onto our customers’ home turf to get insights about what they really need.”
Fear of Being Judged
If the scribbling, singing, dancing kindergartner symbolizes unfettered creative expression, the awkward teenager represents the opposite: someone who cares—deeply—about what other people think. It takes only a few years to develop that fear of judgment, but it stays with us throughout our adult lives, often constraining our careers. Most of us accept that when we are learning, say, to ski, others will see us fall down until practice pays off. But we can’t risk our business-world ego in the same way. As a result, we self-edit, killing potentially creative ideas because we’re afraid our bosses or peers will see us fail. We stick to “safe” solutions or suggestions. We hang back, allowing others to take risks. But you can’t be creative if you are constantly censoring yourself.
Half the battle is to resist judging yourself. If you can listen to your own intuition and embrace more of your ideas (good and bad), you’re already partway to overcoming this fear. So take baby steps, as Bandura’s clients did. Instead of letting thoughts run through your head and down the drain, capture them systematically in some form of idea notebook. Keep a whiteboard and marker in the shower. Schedule daily “white space” in your calendar, where your only task is to think or take a walk and daydream. When you try to generate ideas, shoot for 100 instead of 10. Defer your own judgment and you’ll be surprised at how many ideas you have—and like—by the end of the week.
Also, try using new language when you give feedback, and encourage your collaborators to do the same. At the d.school, our feedback typically starts with “I like…” and moves on to “I wish…” instead of just passing judgment with put-downs like “That will never work.” Opening with the positives and then using the first person for suggestions signals that “This is just my opinion and I want to help,” which makes listeners more receptive to your ideas.
We recently worked with Air New Zealand to reinvent the customer experience for its long-distance flights. As a highly regulated industry, airlines tend toward conservatism. To overcome the cultural norm of skepticism and caution, we started with a workshop aimed at generating crazy ideas. Executives brainstormed and prototyped a dozen unconventional (and some seemingly impractical) concepts, including harnesses that hold people standing up, groups of seats facing one another around a table, and even hammocks and bunk beds. Everyone was doing it, so no one was scared he or she would be judged. This willingness to consider wild notions and defer judgment eventually led the Air New Zealand team to a creative breakthrough: the Skycouch, a lie-flat seat for economy class. At first, it seemed impossible that such a seat could be made without enlarging its footprint (seats in business and first-class cabins take up much more space), but the new design does just that: A heavily padded section swings up like a footrest to transform an airline row into a futonlike platform that a couple can lie down on together. The Skycouch is now featured on a number of Air New Zealand’s international flights, and the company has won several industry awards as a result.
Fear of the First Step
Even when we want to embrace our creative ideas, acting on them presents its own challenges. Creative efforts are hardest at the beginning. The writer
the teacher, businesspeople, the first day of a new project. In a broader sense, we’re also talking about fear of charting a new path or breaking out of your predictable workflow. To overcome this inertia, good ideas are not enough. You need to stop planning and just get started—and the best way to do that is to stop focusing on the huge overall task and find a small piece you can tackle right away.
Best-selling writer Anne Lamott expertly captures this idea in a story from her childhood. Her brother had been assigned a school report about birds, but he waited to start on it until the night before it was due. He was near tears, overwhelmed by the task ahead, until his father gave him some wise advice: “Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.” In a business context, you can push yourself to take the first step by asking: What is the low-cost experiment? What’s the quickest, cheapest way to make progress toward the larger goal?
Or give yourself a crazy deadline, as John Keefe, a d.school alum and a senior editor at radio station WNYC, did after a colleague complained that her mom had to wait at city bus stops never knowing when the next bus would come. If you worked for New York City Transit and your boss asked you to solve that problem, how soon would you promise to get a system up and running? Six weeks? Ten? John, who doesn’t work for the transit authority, said, “Give me till the end of the day.” He bought an 800 number, figured out how to access real-time bus data, and linked it to text-to-speech technology. Within 24 hours, he had set up a service that allowed bus riders to call in, input their bus stop number, and hear the location of the approaching bus. John applies the same fearless attitude to his work at WNYC. “The most effective way I’ve found to practice design thinking is by showing, not telling,” he explains.
Another example of the “start simple” strategy comes from an IDEO project to develop a new dashboard feature for a European luxury car. To test their ideas, designers videotaped an existing car and then used digital effects to layer on proposed features. The rapid prototyping process took less than a week. When the team showed the video to our client, he laughed. “Last time we did something like this,” he said, “we built a prototype car, which took almost a year and cost over a million dollars. Then we took a video of it. You skipped the car and went straight to the video.”
Our mantra is “Don’t get ready, get started!” The first step will seem much less daunting if you make it a tiny one and you force yourself to do it right now. Rather than stalling and allowing your anxiety to build, just start inching toward the snake.
Fear of Losing Control
Confidence doesn’t simply mean believing your ideas are good. It means having the humility to let go of ideas that aren’t working and to accept good ideas from other people. When you abandon the status quo and work collaboratively, you sacrifice control over your product, your team, and your business. But the creative gains can more than compensate. Again, you can start small. If you’re facing a tough challenge, try calling a meeting with people fresh to the topic. Or break the routine of a weekly meeting by letting the most junior person in the room set the agenda and lead it. Look for opportunities to cede control and leverage different perspectives.
That’s exactly what Bonny Simi, director of airport planning at JetBlue Airways, did after an ice storm closed JFK International Airport for a six-hour stretch in 2007—and disrupted the airline’s flight service for the next six days. Everyone knew there were operational problems to be fixed, but no one knew exactly what to do. Fresh from a d.school course, Bonny suggested that JetBlue brainstorm solutions from the bottom up rather than the top down. First, she gathered a team of 120 frontline employees together for just one day—pilots, flight attendants, dispatchers, ramp workers, crew schedulers, and other staff members. Then she mapped out their disruption recovery actions (using yellow Post-it notes) and the challenges they faced (using pink ones). By the end of the day, Bonny’s grassroots task force had reached new insights—and resolve. The distributed team then spent the next few months working through more than a thousand pink Post-its to creatively solve each problem. By admitting that the answers lay in the collective, Bonny did more than she could ever have done alone. And JetBlue now recovers from major disruptions significantly faster than it did before.
Our own experience with the open innovation platform OpenIDEO is another case in point. Its launch was scary in two ways: First, we were starting a public conversation that could qui second, we were admitting that we don’t have all the answers. But we were ready, like Bandura’s phobics, to take a bigger leap—to touch the snake. And we soon discovered the benefits. Today, the OpenIDEO community includes about 30,000 people from 170 countries. They may never meet in person, but together they’ve already made a difference on dozens of initiatives—from helping revitalize cities in economic decline to prototyping ultrasound services for expectant mothers in Colombia. We’ve learned that no matter what group you’re in or where you work, there are always more ideas outside than inside.For people with backgrounds as diverse as those of Akshay, Ankit, John, and Bonny, fear—of the messy unknown, of judgment, of taking the first step, or of letting go—could have blocked the path to innovation. But instead, they worked to overcome their fears, rediscovered their creative confidence, and made a difference. As Hungarian essayist Gy&rgy Konr&d once said, “Courage is only the accumulation of small steps.” So don’t wait at the starting line. Let go of your fears and begin practicing creative confidence today.
is the general manager of IDEO and the author of The Ten Faces of Innovation (Currency/Doubleday, 2005). He is an executive fellow at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business and at the University of Tokyo.
is the founder and chairman of IDEO and the founder of the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford, where he is the Donald W. Whittier Professor in Mechanical Engineering.
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