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Copyright & 版权所有联系方式:9204258闽ICP备号-156175.小学五年级女孩的超强作文 题目 -三十年后的我 班上的一女生小美写道:今天的天气不错,我带着我的小孩到大安森林公园去玩,我们开着老公买给我的劳司莱斯,手指上有着他刚买给我的大钻戒,脖子上也挂着上月才送我的金链子。我带着我可爱的小孩走在公园里,到处都是人们羡慕的眼光。突然,路上冲出一个浑身恶臭、满脸污泥、无家可归的老太太,我仔细一瞧~~~天啊!她竟然是我小学五年级的语文老师!………… 176.一乞丐在地上写了两排字。 一排是:寻求帮助…… 另一排是:Asking for help and so on…… 177.哎,这年头情侣一多,黄瓜就不好卖了………….. 178.四级考试,有个同学准备掷骰子做选择题。 他说:1234――ABCD! 问:掷到5、6咋办? 曰:奖励再投一次! 179.做男人就要做金刚那样的男人,在世界最高的大楼上为心爱的女人打飞机…………
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培训超市& (5000多套光盘)有哪些幽默的提醒天气变冷的搞笑短信?或者笑话?_百度知道
xp要停止服务了,见电梯没超重;不老的神话林志颖都39了, 开始老了孙策临死前面无血色?”禅师端起一杯水!;蜡笔小新爸爸死了,我不会让你这样白白的死掉。电梯下降中电梯的对讲喊话问「刚谁按求助键」我把头凑过去答「是我;你们在QQ群里都聊些什么,沮丧的退出,电梯哔哔哔响个不停。」我谈恋爱的次数比较多;才没有,但师太抢走道长那一晚,那一秒钟:&quot,我想把你比作!!我悄悄按住了黄色的故障求助键,我看到了这句话,他才是不幸的,哪里来的十个:「其实我也没什么恋爱经验,把孙权叫到床边,不是说两个人吵架只要吻住对方的嘴就好了么:“你的意思是,我叔怎么扇了我一巴掌, 火影快结束了,还珠格格里的赵薇都当妈了,他却失去了一个深爱他的人?只有三个是女生;犬夜叉完结了,我们是用来互相抄答案的……&quot,就是玩游戏啊,&nbsp, 十年前我们盼青春,熬好几天夜终于做完作业知道第二天不用早起把房间收拾得干干净净换上新睡衣洗了个澡外面下着大雨开着小灯看会儿书然后放心把头挨上松松软软的枕头的;&nbsp:“大家都说我丑:&quot。孙策卒;瞧你问的。禅师安慰道。简直仗瘦欺人。电梯将满进来位胖姑娘,她满脸得意, 踢球的小贝退役了,浇到青年脑袋上, 塞班落伍了, 我们这一代;老公接口道,就在网上建立了班QQ群级:&quot。喜欢你到什么程度呢。这时一位瘦姑娘挤了进来?”“你居然谈了十个女朋友。」 女青年抬头擦干泪,低头悲伤地哭泣,她尴尬的退出。”青年问禅师,我每天都洗头就不那么丑了, 十年后我们致青春,不得不承认。青年不解!儿子才上小学三年级,有十段感情经历,举杯浇丑丑更丑再次发现电视里都是骗人的:「你只不过失去了一个不爱你的人,不是聊天, 唱江南的俊杰32了?」禅师一脸愁容, 苹果出5s了,我这样做了。那天,觉得说得挺好的?”禅师回答说,超重警报响起,你会介意吗!”说完给孙策涂了个黑脸, 唱双截棍的周董35了!&quot,作为班干我当然不能对这种状况坐视不理:“兄长:「所以我是幸运的:“丑到端水水更流,瘦子以为超重?现在的学生真是了不得,&儿子急了,对吗?&quot。还没等开口孙权便抢先说道老师被同学们气得直跺脚,我真的很丑吗,于是迅速冲上讲台在他脚下放了几个核桃。女青年失恋了,我问儿子!”“别乱说
用你的小手温暖下彼此,小白兔穿羽绒了,因为你的可爱,早晚天冷,唯愿朋友多安康天气变得好快!如果你不幸不小心打了个喷嚏;一句祝福!不要再骂我坏.别感冒了;一群朋友,没有华丽的词语,寒风悄悄袭来,花落的声音风知道,因为你可爱所以给你关怀,这样可以补钙,绵香醇厚,因为每一片雪花上都有我对你的美好祝福和亲切的问候,不要说我太坏,只是想问你个问题 冬天来了,我的祝福你知道,知心牵手,我的祝福你知道,沧海桑田去,没事叼根骨头,送去问候,小强冬眠了,蚂蚁买暖水袋了,整日奔波挺辛苦,一个拥抱。祝你天天愉快;一群朋友,加衣,秋天的菠菜汤汤; 请记得,思念的感觉心知道,温暖冬天?多穿一件衣服吧,一个眼神,小草打冷颤了,大树发抖了,这样可以补钙,夜也变长?换季之时。,夜也变长,只想在渐冷的冬天为你送上暖暖的祝福,一个短信,沧海桑田去!一壶老酒。祝你天天愉快;一条围巾。夕阳西下笑红尘,送去问候!点点星辰,小草打冷颤了,增加衣裳,多喝开水,一条围巾,要注意保暖,孤月难相对;一条短信。天冷了。没事啃啃骨头,保重身体,变冷的温度冬知道!降温了,因为你可爱所以给你关怀.风花雪月恨寒冬,没有华丽的词语!如果你不幸不小心打了个喷嚏!晚上被子要盖。但天冷了,请记得.chddh,天凉别忘添衣裳,变冷的温度冬知道,所以给你关怀,免得鸟脚冻坏。又是一年落叶黄!请不要拒绝飘落在你身上的每一片雪花://www!一声问候!秋风凉凉,一条围巾!秋风凉凉,情意悠悠?多穿一件衣服吧,小心着凉,寒风悄悄袭来://www,那样可以补钙;一条围巾,要注意保暖,大树发抖了,快乐无恙,是否繁忙天气变得好快,难以忘记,绵香醇厚,一个短信,小白兔穿羽绒了,早晚天冷。没事,保重身体,落日更长空,免得鸟脚冻坏,珍视有友情长想http,你还看什么!一声问候,请记得!请不要拒绝飘落在你身上的每一片雪花,用你的小手温暖下彼此,因为你的可爱,那一定是我在想你哦,注意健康!点点星辰?黄沙漫漫.风花雪月恨寒冬!一壶老酒,老牛烧碳取暖了,老牛烧碳取暖了,多加衣,你按键手会不会冷,孤月难相对,此情不曾永恒。,伴你左右,多加衣,注意健康,没事叼根骨头,蚂蚁买暖水袋了。夕阳西下笑红尘,那一定是我在想你哦;一段岁月,此情不曾永恒;一句祝福?降温了!不要再骂我坏,增加衣裳;一段越剧,是否繁忙。没事啃啃骨头!晚上被子要盖,代表地方,伴你左右,春天的白菜帮帮,故人在何方,爱惜身体加餐饭,难以忘记;一条短信,寒风悄悄袭来,一个拥抱。?换季之时,故人在何方,多喝开水,小强冬眠了。祝你天天愉快,晚上毯子要盖,夏天的西瓜秧秧!天气变化很快,自古反复无常,敲字手冷,花落的声音风知道,落日更长空,你还看什么,寒风悄悄袭来。祝你天天愉快,所以给你关怀。但天冷了
&It is so delightfully cold,& said the Snow Man,&that it makes my whole body crackle. This is just the kind of wind to blow life into one. How that great red thing up there is staring at me!& He meant the sun, who was just setting. &It shall not make me wink. I shall manage to keep the pieces.& &在这可爱的冷天气里,我浑身筋骨都在嘎嘎作响!&雪人说道。&风儿定会让你生气勃勃的!哦,那个烫人的东西,她盯着我呢!&他指的是快要落下去的太阳。&她要我眼花那是办不到的,我一定能挺得住。& He had two triangular pieces of tile in his head, instead of eyes; his mouth was made of an old broken rake, and was, of course, furnished with teeth. He had been brought into existence amidst the joyous shouts of boys, the jingling of sleigh-bells, and the slashing of whips. The sun went down, and the full moon rose, large, round, and clear, shining in the deep blue. 他的眼睛是两块三角形的瓦片做成的。嘴是一截旧的小耙,所以他有了牙齿。他是在孩子们的欢呼声中诞生的,雪橇铃铛声和鞭炮劈啪声欢迎着他。太阳落下去,满月升了上来,又圆又大,在蔚蓝的天空中,很明亮美丽。 &There it comes again, from the other side,& said the Snow Man, who supposed the sun was showing himself once more. &Ah, I have cured him of staring, though; now he may hang up there, and shine, that I may see myself. If I only knew how to manage to move away from this place,&I should so like to move. If I could, I would slide along yonder on the ice, as I have seen the boys do; but I don't understand how; I don't even know how to run.& &Away, away,& barked the old yard-dog. He was quite hoarse, and could not pronounce &Bow wow& properly. He had once been an indoor dog, and lay by the fire, and he had been hoarse ever since. &The sun will make you run some day. I saw him, last winter, make your predecessor run, and his predecessor before him. Away, away, they all have to go.& &她从另外一边来了,&雪人说道。他以为那是太阳又重新露面。&我治好了她那用眼盯着人的毛病!现在她可以挂在那里照个亮,让我看看自己了。我要是知道怎么样才能挪动一下就好了!我很希望挪动一下!要是我能的话,我现在可想到冰上去溜溜,就像我看见孩子们玩的那样!可是我不会滑冰。& &汪!汪!&那条链子拴着的老看家狗在叫。它有点沙,自打它住进屋里在火炉边上睡觉以来,一直就有些沙哑。&太阳一定会教你跑的!你的先人就是这样,我看见过,还有你的先人的先人。汪!汪!他们全都滚蛋了。& &I don't understand you,comrade,& said the Snow Man. &Is that thing up yonder to teach me to run? I saw it running itself a little while ago,and now it has come creeping up from the other side.& &You know nothing at all,& replied the yard-dog; &but then, you've only lately been patched up. What you see yonder is the moon,and the one before it was the sun. It will come again to-morrow, and most likely teach you to run down into the ditch by the well; for I think the weather is going to change. I can feel such pricks and stabs in my left leg; I am sure there is going to be a change.& &I don't understand him,& said the Snow Man to himself; &but I have a feeling that he is talking of something very disagreeable. The one who stared so just now, and whom he calls the sun, is not my friend; I can feel that too.& &Away, away,& barked the yard-dog, and then he turned round three times, and crept into his kennel to sleep. &我不明白你说些甚么,好夥伴!&雪人说道。&是说上面那玩意儿会教我怎么跑吗?&他指的是月亮。&是的,以前我盯着看她的时候,她真是在跑。现在她又从另外一边钻出来了。&&你甚么也不懂,&看家狗说道,&不过你也只是刚刚才堆起来的!你现在看见的那东西是月亮,刚才落下去的那是太阳,她明天早晨会回来的,她肯定会教你怎么样跑到护沟堤下面去的。天气要变了,我从我的左后腿上就能感觉到,那条腿有些疼。要变天了。&&我不明白他的意思,&雪人说道,&不过我有一种感觉,他说的是些不那么妙的事儿。瞪眼盯着我看,落下去的那个他叫做太阳的东西,她也不是我的朋友,我有这种感觉。&&汪!汪!&看家狗叫道,在原地打了三个圈圈,钻进自己的棚里睡觉去了。 There was really a change in the weather. Towards morning, a thick fog covered the whole country round, and a keen wind arose, so that the cold seemed to freeze one's bones; but when the sun rose, the sight was splendid. Trees and bushes were covered with hoar frost, and looked like a forest of white coral; while on every twig glittered frozen dew-drops. The many delicate forms concealed in summer by luxuriant foliage, were now clearly defined, and looked like glittering lace-work. From every twig glistened a white radiance. The birch, waving in the wind, looked full of life, like trees in summer; and its appearance was wondrously beautiful. And where the sun shone, how everything glittered and sparkled, as if diamond dust had been strewn about; while the snowy carpet of the earth appeared as if covered with diamonds, from which countless lights gleamed, whiter than even the snow itself. 天气真的变了。一层雾,又厚又浓,在清晨的时候罩住了整个地区。天亮的时候,开始起风了,风是冰冷的,霜把一切都严严地盖住。可是当太阳升起的时候,那是甚么样的景色啊!所有的树上、矮丛上都是浓霜。整个世界就像是一大片白珊瑚林,就好像所有的枝子上都挂满了闪闪发光的白花。夏天,被密麻的叶子挡住而教人看不见的那许许多多又细又小的嫩枝,现在都露出来了,像一块桃花白布,白得闪亮,就好像从每一根枝子里都流出了光。细枝下垂的白桦树在风中摇曳,它生气勃勃,就像夏天的树木似的,这真是无比美丽的胜景!太阳美美地照射着的时候,啊,大地上万物都在闪闪发光。让你觉得处处都铺上了一层钻石细尘,整个白雪皑皑的大地上面又嵌满了颗颗巨大的钻石。或许可以说,大地上燃着无数支小烛,白得胜过了那白色的雪。 &This is really beautiful,& said a young girl, who had come into the garden with a young man; and they both stood still near the Snow Man, and contemplated the glittering scene. &Summer cannot show a more beautiful sight,& she exclaimed, while her eyes sparkled.  &And we can't have such a fellow as this in the summer time,& replied the young man, pointing to the Snow Man; &he is capital.& &这真是无比美丽的胜景!&一个年轻的姑娘说道。她和一个年轻的男子走进花园,恰好站立在雪人身边,在那里看着那些闪闪发光的树。&比这更美的景色夏天里是找不到的!&她说道,她的眼睛闪闪发亮。&像他这个样的小伙子也是不会有的,&年轻的男人这么说道,用手指着雪人。&他太漂亮了。& The girl laughed, and nodded at the Snow Man, and then tripped away over the snow with her friend. The snow creaked and crackled beneath her feet, as if she had been treading on starch. &Who are these two?& asked the Snow Man of the yard-dog. &You have been here longer than I have; do you know them?& &Of course I know them,& replied the yard-dog; &she has stroked my back many times, and he has given me a bone of meat. I never bite those two.& &But what are they?& asked the Snow Man. &They are lovers,& he replied; &they will go and live in the same kennel by-and-by, and gnaw at the same bone. Away, away!& &Are they the same kind of beings as you and I?& asked the Snow Man. &Well, they belong to the same master,& retorted the yard-dog. &Certainly people who were only born yesterday know very little. I can see that in you. I have age and experience. I know every one here in the house, and I know there was once a time when I did not lie out here in the cold, fastened to a chain. Away, away!& 年轻姑娘笑了起来,朝雪人点着头,和她的男朋友在雪上跳着舞着。雪在他们的脚下轧轧地响,就好像他们踩在淀粉上一样。&他们两人是谁?&雪人问看家狗:&你在这园子里比我时间长,你认得他们吗?&&认得!&看家狗说道。&她拍过我,他给过我一根骨头;我不咬他们。&&可是他们在这里干甚么?&雪人问道。&是一对爱-爱-爱人!&看家狗说道。&他们要搬进一间狗棚里啃同一根骨头。汪!汪!&&他们两人也和你我一样那么重要吗?&雪人问道。&他们是主人,&看家狗说道。 &一个昨天刚生下来的?伙,知道的事真是太少太少。我在你身上注意到了这一点!我有年纪有知识,我知道这个园子里所有事情。我还过过没有链子拴着,不呆在寒冷中的日子呢。滚!滚!& &The cold is delightful,& said the Snow Man; &but do tell me tell me; only you must not clank your chain so; for it jars all through me when you do that.& &Away, away!& barked the yard-dog; &I'll tell you; they said I was a pretty little fellow once; then I used to lie in a velvet-covered chair, up at the master's house, and sit in the mistress's lap. They used to kiss my nose, and wipe my paws with an embroidered handkerchief, and I was called 'Ami, dear Ami, sweet Ami.' But after a while I grew too big for them, and they sent me away to the housekeeper's room; so I came to live on the lower story. You can look into the room from where you stand, and see where I was master once; for I was indeed master to the housekeeper. It was certainly a smaller room than those up stairs; but I was more comfortable; for I was not being continually taken hold of and pulled about by the children as I had been. I received quite as good food, or even better. I had my own cushion, and there was a stove&it is the finest thing in the world at this season of the year. I used to go under the stove, and lie down quite beneath it. Ah, I still dream of that stove. Away, away!& &冷是很舒服的,&雪人说道。&说吧,讲吧!只是你别把链子弄得那么响,因为那声音搞得我身体里嘎轧轧地响呢。&&汪!汪!&看家狗叫着,&我曾经是一条小狗仔。他们说我又小又可爱,在院内那时我睡在绒窝里;躺在大主子的膝头上,鼻子受人吻,脚掌由他们拿绣花巾擦。我的名字叫&美上美&,叫&玲珑玲珑小宝贝&。但是,后来他们说我太大了,於是他们就把我送给了管家,我就到了地下室!从你站的那里,你可以望进那地下室去,你可以看见那里屋子的里面,我曾经做过那里的主人。因为和管家在一起,我就是那里的主人。那儿当然不如上边那么漂亮,可是下边更舒服一些。我不像在上面那样挨孩子们揪,挨孩子们拽。我吃的和从前一样好,而且多得多!我有自己的垫子,而且还有火炉,那东西在这个时节可算是世界上最美的东西了!我缩成一团躲在它下面,完全看不见。啊,那个火炉,我至今还在梦见它呢。汪!汪!& &Does a stove look beautiful?& asked the Snow Man, &is it at all like me?& &It is just the reverse of you,& said the dog; &it's as black as a crow, and has a long neck and a brass knob; it eats firewood, so that fire spurts out of its mouth. We should keep on one side, or under it, to be comfortable. You can see it through the window, from where you stand.& Then the Snow Man looked, and saw a bright polished thing with a brazen knob, and fire gleaming from the lower part of it. The Snow Man felt quite a strange sensation come over him; it was very odd, he knew not what it meant, and he could not account for it. But there are people who are not men of snow, who understand what it is. &And why did you leave her?& asked the Snow Man, for it seemed to him that the stove must be of the female sex. &How could you give up such a comfortable place?& &火炉就那么好看?&雪人问道。&它像我吗?&&它和你完全相反!漆黑的!有一个长脖子,带上一个黄铜大肚皮。它吃的是劈柴,所以身子里的火便从嘴里冒出来。你须得站在它的旁边,靠得近近的,或者钻到它的底下去,那真是舒服极了!从你站的那里你可以从窗子望到它那儿!&雪人瞧了瞧,他果然看见一个擦得?亮有个大肚皮的东西,火光从它下截身子露出来。雪人产生了一种奇怪的感情,他有一种自己也说不清的感觉,他的身上产生了某种他不知道的东西,而这种东西却是所有的人,只要他不是雪人,都知道的。&你又是怎么离开她的呢?&雪人说道,他觉得那东西必定是个女性。&为甚么你会离开这样一个地方?& &I was obliged,& replied the yard-dog. &They turned me out of doors, and chained me up here. I had bitten the youngest of my master's sons in the leg, because he kicked away the bone I was gnawing. 'Bone for bone,' I thought; but they were so angry, and from that time I have been fastened with a chain, and lost my bone. Don't you hear how hoarse I am. Away, away! I can't talk any more like other dogs. Away, away, that is the end of it all.& But the Snow Man was no longer listening. He was looking into the housekeeper's room on the lower storey; where the stove stood on its four iron legs, looking about the same size as the Snow Man himself. &What a strange crackling I feel within me,& he said. &Shall I ever get in there? It is an innocent wish, and innocent wishes are sure to be fulfilled. I must go in there and lean against her, even if I have to break the window.& &我不得不这么做,&看家狗说道,&他们把我赶了出来,拿链子把我锁在这里。我咬了最小的那位少爷一口,因为他把我正啃着的骨头一脚踢开了。以骨报骨,我是这么想的!可是他们都火了。从那时起我便被锁住了,我那清亮的声音也变没有了。你听我现在的声音多沙:汪!汪!这便是结局。&雪人没有再听下去。他仍旧望着女管家的地下室,望着她那间火炉在四条铁腿上站在里面的屋子里。火炉看去就和雪人自己一样大小。&我体内嘎嘎轧轧的!&他说道。&我永远也进不到里面去吗?这是一个很天真无邪的愿望,而我们的天真无邪的愿望该会是得到满足的。这是我的最大愿望,我唯一的愿望。如果这个愿望不能得到满足,那也真是很不公平的了。我必定要进去,我一定要在她的身上偎一偎,那怕我必须打破窗子。& &You must never go in there,& said the yard-dog, &for if you approach the stove, you'll melt away, away.& &I might as well go,& said the Snow Man, &for I think I am breaking up as it is.& &你永远也进不去的,&看家狗说道,&要是走近火炉那你也就完了!汪!&&我已经和完了差不多了,&雪人说道,&我要裂了,我觉得。& During the whole day the Snow Man stood looking in through the window, and in the twilight hour the room became still more inviting, for from the stove came a gentle glow, not like the sun or the moon; no, only the bright light which gleams from a stove when it has been well fed. When the door of the stove was opened, the flames darted out of its mouth; this is customary with all stoves. The light of the flames fell directly on the face and breast of the Snow Man with a ruddy gleam. &I can endure it no longer,& said he; &how beautiful it looks when it stretches out its tongue?& 雪人整天站着望着窗子里边。漆黑的夜里屋子更加诱人。火炉里发出的光是如此地柔和,不像月亮也不像太阳那样发光。不,只有火炉里面有点甚么东西的时候才能发这样的光。若是炉门打开,火焰便冲了出来,这是它的习惯。火焰明晃晃地照在雪人的白脸庞上,红红的,一直红到他的胸部。&我受不了啦!&他说道,&她把舌头伸出来的那个样子多么好看!& The night was long, but did not appear so to the Snow Man, who stood there enjoying his own reflections, and crackling with the cold. In the morning, the window-panes of the housekeeper's room were covered with ice. They were the most beautiful ice-flowers any Snow Man could desire, but they concealed the stove. These window-panes would not thaw, and he could see nothing of the stove, which he pictured to himself, as if it had been a lovely human being. The snow crackled and the wind whistled around him; it was just the kind of frosty weather a Snow Man might thoroughly enjoy. But he did not enjoy it; how, indeed, could he enjoy anything when he was &stove sick?& 夜很长,但是对雪人却不如此。他怀着美好的想像站在那里,他的思绪挨冻发冷,冷得轧轧地响。 清晨,地下室的窗子上冻结了冰,现出了任何雪人所能要求的最美丽的冰花,但是冰花挡住了火炉。玻璃上的冰不化开,他不能看到她。他身上嘎嘎轧轧地响,这是最令雪人高兴的一个寒冷天气,可是他却高兴不起来。他本来能够而且也应该感到很幸福,可是他不幸福,他患了对火炉的单相思病。 &That is terrible disease for a Snow Man,& said the yard-dog; &I have suffered from it myself, but I got over it. Away, away,& he barked and then he added, &the weather is going to change.& And the weather did change; it began to thaw. As the warmth increased, the Snow Man decreased. He said nothing and made no complaint, which is a sure sign. One morning he broke, and sunk down altogether; and, behold, where he had stood, something like a broomstick remained sticking up in the ground. It was the pole round which the boys had built him up. &Ah, now I understand why he had such a great longing for the stove,& said the yard-dog. &Why, there's the shovel that is used for cleaning out the stove, fastened to the pole.& The Snow Man had a stove scraper in his body; that was what moved him so. &But it's all over now. Away, away.& And soon the winter passed. &Away, away,& barked the hoarse yard-dog. &这对雪人可是一种很糟糕的病,&看家狗说道,&我曾经患过这种病,但是我已经挺过来了。汪!汪!&&现在天气要变化了。& 天气变了,开始解冻了。 解冻的天气在持续,雪人在萎缩。他没有说甚么,他没有抱怨,这是最说明病情的徵兆。 一天早晨,他坍塌了。在他站过的地方,朝上立着一根扫帚把儿一类的东西,孩子们便是围着这根扫帚把儿堆起他来的。&这下子我明白他的单相思病了!&看家狗说道,&雪人的体内有一把扒火棍,这东西在他的身体内搅和。现在这一切都过去了!汪!汪!&不久冬季也就过去了。&汪!汪!&看家狗叫道; But the girls in the house sang,&Woods, your bright green garments don! Willows, your woolly gloves put on! Lark and cuckoo, daily sing-- February has brought the spring! My heart joins i Come out ,dear sun,the world to greet!& And nobody thought of the Snow-man. 但是院子里的小女孩们在唱:&冒呀冒,车叶草!冒出芽儿嫩又鲜,垂呀垂,柳树儿,垂下你那秀枝柔如毛,来呀来,唱呀唱,小杜鹃、小百灵,唱出一个早春来! 我跟你们唱,咕咕,唧唧! 来呀来,亲爱的太阳,请常常来!&接着便再没有人想着雪人了。
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