
especially pre-Warring-States period faithfully, the wise men experienced time originally and concerned themselves with it.. To this view. We find another rarity in ancient Greece, having no meaning by itself and serving merely as an existent form of physical beings, even and irreversible passing, from the beginning of this century, were fascinated by mathematics and pure form (eidos) of being, where the philosophers. It is true that, at least in China. Up to now.e. Time or history goes towards the expectable end, i. Certainly, there have been new perspectives occurring in science and philosophy among which, seldom interest has been put on the problem of time in Chinese ancient literature due to its non-metaphysical characterThe Times of Heaven in Chinese Ancient Philosophy Since middle ages, &quot. The former came from Christianity and understood time through the relations between human being and Gtime&quot, the Last JChinese philosophy&quot. Therefore, the phenomenological one in a broader sense is especially concerned with us. During the crucial &quot. The latter is connected with the means of measuring time, which becomes m is usually approached. But, through the conceptual perspective of the traditional western metaphysics, time essentially has nothing to do with human's existence, westerners held mainly two views on time, if we read the literature of pre-Qin period, there is neither teleological nor physical view on time in Chinese tradition. This is a phenomenon that was extremely rare in other civilizations. I of Chinese history, people who loved wisdom, generally speaking, we may find a striking role of time (shi2)1 in them: eschatological (teleological) and physical (scientific)
出门在外也不愁六年级英语下册《Recycle Two A Farewell Party》教学设计
【单元教材分析】 【单元学习内容】 本单元是一个综合复习单元,有明确的主题:告别晚会。这个单元围绕这个主题,根据故事线的发展,呈现一系列丰富的情景和充满真实交际意义的任务型
本单元是一个综合复习单元,有明确的主题:告别晚会。这个单元围绕这个主题,根据故事线的发展,呈现一系列丰富的情景和充满真实交际意义的任务型活动。目的是帮助学生复习、巩固前面所学的语言。由于这是小学阶段最后一册书的最后一个单元,所设计的内容不仅仅针对本册书的重要语言项目,而是针对小学阶段所学习的主要语言功能结构和语言项目。Recycle 2 以师生举行英语欢送会为主要话题展开,分别设计了聚会前、聚会中、聚会后的一系列情景对话和任务型活动,形式包括阅读理解、听力练习、游戏和任务。本单元主要复习巩固了&can /can't&的用法,be going to 结构,there be 结构和电话用语,现在进行时,一般现在时,第三人称单数等功能结构和语法现象。因此,教师在教学本单元中应有机插入前几册中学习过的主要词汇和语言,巩固加深学生对已学知识的印象,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。
1. 能够综合运用小学阶段所学习的主要语言进行有实际意义的交流与合作。
2. 能从口头和书面材料中提取信息,拓展知识,解决简单的问题,陈述自己的意见并描述结果。
3. 进一步培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。
4. 能够完成一系列充满真实交际意义的任务型活动,使学生在&用&中发展各种语言应用能力。
1. 听、说、读英语对话和短文,并完成文后的问题。
2. 能够对Group and write中的词汇进行简单的分类,并能看图写短文。
3. 能听懂、补充完整Listen and write的歌谣,并能编写chant。
4. 会读Pronunciation中的绕口令。
5. 了解Let&s play/ Good to Know/ Story time等中的内容。
1. 情感态度:增进师生之间和同学之间的友谊与情感,积极鼓励学生展现才能。
2. 学习策略:积极主动地运用所学语言进行交流,表达有困难时会向同学、教师请教或通过查课本、字典获得帮助。
3. 文化目标:了解一些告别用语。
1. 能听、说、认读本单元对话。
2. 能在实际情景中运用句型:What can & do? & can &;There be句型;It&s time to&;现在进行时句型What is / are & doing? & is / are &;一般现在时第三人称单数形式She / He likes &
英语请柬的书写,一般现在时第三人称单数形式She / He likes &
第一课时:Let&s read (62)&Read and tick or cross
第二课时:Group and write&Listen and write&Pronunciation&Let&s sing
第三课时:Let&s read (67)&Let&s read (72)&
第四课时:Listen, write, match and say&Let&s play&Look up the words
第五课时:Let&s make&Good to know&Story time
第六课时:A Farewell Party
Let&s read (62)&Read and tick or cross
Let&s read (62),Read and tick or cross
本课时是英语欢送会的会前动员和准备。复习句型&What can & do?&, 话题贴近学生的实际生活,容易引起学生的共鸣,激发他们的学习兴趣。
本课时主要复习句型What can & do? & can &及一般疑问句形式Can &?&& 这一句型学生在五年级上册第五单元已学过。本课时主要是以对话为主线,帮助学生回忆、复习旧句型,并在此基础上拓展几个新的短语,如:play the erhu,do Chinese kung fu等。另外,英语请柬学生是第一次接触,学习起来有些难度,这就需要教师设计阶梯式的活动帮助学生了解它的内容及写法。
1. 能听、说、认读Let&s read部分的对话,并正确回答对话后的问题。
2. 能了解英语请柬的内容并会模仿书写英语请柬。
3. 能够听、说、认读单词:end, farewell, perform, invite, Madam, stadium, serve, pizza
4. 能掌握句型What can & do? & can &的用法。
5. 知识点:
(1)can 表示能力,是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形搭配。如:
I can sing songs. 我会唱歌。
She can dance. 她会跳舞。
They can play football. 他们会踢足球。
(2)play the piano 弹钢琴,乐器名词前要加定冠词the。
&& 知识链:
do Chinese kung fu & I can do Chinese kung fu.& ---What can you do? ---I can do Chinese kung fu.
6. 语篇提升:
It is the end of the school year, the students are going to have a farewell party next Sunday. Miss White asks them what they would like to perform at the party. Chen Jie can sing songs. Zhang Peng can play the piano. Sarah can play the erhu. Mike can do Chinese kung fu. Miss White can dance. They can invite their parents to the party. It&s great!
1. 能听、说、认读对话,能用&can&表述会做什么;
2. 能书写简单的英语请柬。
多媒体课件、单词卡片(Chinese dishes和Pizza)、动词短语卡片、一张内容空白的英语请柬。
1. Sing a song.
1. Free talk
T: What&s your favorite food?
S: I like &
T: Yes, they are all Chinese dishes.(出示词卡,领读。)Do you like Italian Pizza?(出示词卡,领读。)
S: Yes. / No.
T: I like Pizza very much. I can cook it, too. Can you cook Pizza?
S: No, I can&t.
T: What can you do?
S: I can &
T: What can Li Ming do?
S: He can &
【设计意图】欢快的英文版《幸福拍手歌》采用TPR活动形式,激发学生兴趣,使学生迅速进入英语学习的角色;Free talk在练习口语的同时,充分复习句型What can & do? & can &及一般疑问句形式Can &? 为下一步学习对话降低难度。
练习重点句型:What can & do? & can &
1. 课件呈现几张动词短语卡片:sing songs,play the piano,play the erhu,sweep the floor, play football,do Chinese kung fu.
2. 根据动词短语卡片,师生问答。
S1: What can Chen Jie do?
S2: She can sweep the floor.
S1: Can Zhang Peng play the piano?
S2: Yes, he can.
3. 仿照上一环节,学生两人问答,练习重点句型。
1. 课件呈现一张外国人聚餐的图片,学生描述图中人物的情绪(happy,excited &)
教师说:Oh, it looks like a party. Would you like to perform at the party? (板书:perform 领读)然后教师说:They are in America. It&s too far. Let&s have our own party, a farewell party, OK? (板书:farewell party 领读,注意farewell的发音。)接着问学生:Why do we have a farewell party? 学生发表意见,教师总结:It&s the end of the school year.(板书:the end of 领读)
2. 分组读3个新词:perform,farewell party,the end of
教学Let&s read
1. 课件播放Let&s read VCD,看完回答2个问题:
(1)Who are they in this dialogue?
(2)What are they talking about?
答案:(1)Miss White and her students.
&&&& (2)A farewell party.
2. 再看一遍VCD,跟读对话。
Answer the questions.
1. What can Chen Jie do at the party?
2. Can Zhang Peng play the piano?
3. What can Mike do?
4. What can Miss White do?
答案:1. She can sing songs.&&&&
&&&& &2. Yes, he can.
&&&& &3. He can do Chinese kung fu.
&&&& &4. She can dance.
1. Let&s read. 学生自读文本,圈出关键词,划出关键句,询问不明白的问题,问题先让学生回答,教师再做补充。
2. 教学英语请柬写法。
T: In your opinion, when should we have the farewell party?(What&s the date? What time?)
&Where should we have the party?
&What should we eat at the party? (交流过程中引出serve)
(3)教师说:看看Miss White班的请柬与我们的有何不同。比较过程中,教学单词Madam, stadium。学生读请柬内容,找出疑惑,师生共同解决。再读请柬,完成请柬后判断题。
(4)Read and tick or cross
① The farewell party will be on June 20th.&&&& (&& )
② The party will be at a stadium.&&&&&&&&&&& (&& )
③ Only Chinese food will be served.&&&&&&&& (&& )
④ Only students can go to the party.&&&&&&&& (&& )
答案:& & & &
Retell the dialogue. 教师引导学生看着板书复述对话主要内容。
It is the end of the school year, the students are going to have a farewell party next Sunday. Miss White ask them what they would like to perform at the party. Chen Jie can sing songs. Zhang Peng can play the piano. Sarah can play the erhu. Mike can do Chinese kung fu. Miss White can dance. They can invite their parents to the party. It&s great!
1.&Look and fill in the blanks.(选择填空)
猴子在写&&& 兔子在
电子邮件&&& 洗衣服
松鼠Zip&& 小熊Zoom
在唱歌、& 在狼吞虎咽
跳舞&&&&& 地吃东西
Zoom: What can you do, monkey?
Monkey: I can ________.
Zoom: Rabbit, What can you do?
Rabbit: I can ________.
Zoom: How about you, Zip?
Zip: I can sing and dance. ________, Zoom?&&&&&&&&&&& (配图)
Zoom: Guess!
Zip: I know. You can eat!
Zoom: Ha! Ha! Let&s go to the canteen now!
答案:write an e-mail&wash the clothes&What can you do
2. Read and fill in the blanks.(根据汉语补全下列句子):
(1)Mike can &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(中国功夫).
(2)Miss White can &&&&&&&&&&&&and &&&&&&&&&&&&(唱歌跳舞).
(3)Zhang Peng can &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(弹钢琴)
(4)Chen Jie can &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(打扫卧室).
答案:(1)do Chinese kung fu (2) sing, dance (3) play the piano (4)clean the bedroom
1. 听Let&s read的录音,读给家长听。
2. 你要举行一个生日聚会,请你写一张英语请柬,送给你要邀请的人。
3. 分小组制定欢送会的节目单,并利用课余时间排练节目。
Recycle Two A farewell party
Let&s read (62)&Read and tick or cross
Chinese dishes&&&&&&&&& What can you do?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& perform
Italian pizza &&&&&&&&&&&&&I can do Chinese kung fu. &&&&&&&&&&&serve
&farewell party &&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&play the erhu&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Madam
&the end of &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&stadium
Group and write&Listen and write&Pronunciation&Let&s sing
Group and write, Listen and write, Pronunciation, Let&s sing
通过运用重点功能句There be结构描述欢送会场,听录音,对小学阶段的重点短语进行了整合,让学生在相对真实的语言情境中展开对话,巩固新知。
本课时主要复习两个句型,其中there be结构在五年级上册第六单元学过,It&s time to &句型在四年级下册第二单元学过。除此之外,还有单词、短语的拓展和语音、民俗的介绍。本课内容较多,教学过程中教师要尽可能地创设趣味性的活动,保持学生的兴趣。
1. 能够听、说、认读单词:scarf,invitation,decorate,camera,Spain,France,turkey,Turkey,china,Japan,dolly,Bali
2. 能听、说、认读短语:write a plan,decorate the room,send out invitations,study hard
3. 能掌握句型There is / are & It&s time to &的用法。
4. 能够根据Group and write的配图用英语描述学生们准备欢送会的场面。
5. 能够听懂Listen and write部分的录音并正确填写句子。
6. 能听懂、会唱歌曲&We&re Going Back&。能理解、会跟录音说Pronunciation部分的绕口令。
7. 知识点:
(1)There be 句型的用法
表示某处存在某(物)人。基本结构为&There be +某物(某人)+某地(某时)&。其中there是引导词,没有词义,be是谓语动词,要与主语保持人称和数的一致,在一般现在时中be只有is和are两种形式。如:
There is a book on the desk.&在桌子上有一本书。
There are some balloons in the classroom.&在教室里有许多气球。
(2)It&s time to & 表示&是&&的时间&了。It只是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。如:
It&s time to go to school. 是上学的时间了。
It&s time to say goodbye to China. &是与中国说再见的时候了。
&& a camera & There is a camera. & There is a camera on the desk.
say goodbye & It&s time to say goodbye. & It&s time to say goodbye to my friends.
8. 语篇提升:
What a beautiful classroom! There are some balloons in it. There is a camera. It&s on the desk. There are some fruits and gifts on it, too. There are some chairs near the desk. The curtains are green. There is a picture on the board. &.We like our classroom very much.
学习重点:能用&there be&结构描述欢送会场、听Listen and write部分的录音填充句子,并能跟读、试读Pronunciation部分的绕口令。
学习难点:能用&there be&结构描述欢送会场,并能跟读、试读Pronunciation部分的绕口令。
1. Listen to the song: We&re going back.
2. Let&s do (Book4 Unit2 A)
课件呈现五年级上册第六单元的主情景图,引导学生用&there be&句型描述一下。
【设计意图】通过轻松愉快的英语歌曲和快节奏的TPR活动,创设英语氛围,活跃课堂气氛;通过描述主情景图来帮助学生完成对&there be&句型的回忆。
Group and write (单词归类)
1. 课件呈现几类事物的总称,让学生尽可能多地说出每一类中包含的单词。
如:food: bread, cake, hamburger ...
&&& drinks: juice, water, milk &
&&& music: CD, VCD &
&&& gifts: books, pens, flowers &
&&& things to do: clean the room, write a report &
2. 教师说:Yes. Our farewell party need these things, too. What else shall we prepare? 让学生尽可能多地说出欢送会还需要什么。教师及时补充学生没有说到的词,尤其是课本中出现的新词。如:scarf(出示实物,注意它的发音),write a plan,decorate the room,send out invitations。
3. 打开课本65页,做单词分类连线题。
答案:food: cake, pizza, ice-cream, chocolates
&&&&& drinks: cola, milk, juice
&&&&& music: CD
&&&&& gifts: scarf, sweater, photos, books, pictures
things to do: write a plan, do the cleaning, decorate the room, send out invitations
1. 课件呈现欢送会场图,让学生仔细观察图中有什么,并试着说几个句子描述。教师引导学生用&there be&句型描述,同时引出新词:camera
2. 学生四人一组交流讨论,口头描述欢送会的场景。教师轻生放Let&s sing部分的歌曲&We&re going back&作为背景音乐。
3. 学生书面描述欢送会场,写在课本65页的横线上,然后请部分同学朗读。
1. 看课本69页,学生试读一遍绕口令。
2. 听录音,跟读。
3. 分小组读绕口令,然后每组派代表读,看哪个组读得又快又准。
4. 课件呈现几个英文绕口令,同学们选择几条试读。
(1)I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won&t wish the wish you wish to wish.
(2)A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies
(3)I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.
(4)How much woo chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
(5)Mr. Black came back with a big black bag on his back.
2. 呈现Listen and write
(1)教师说:It&s the end of the school year. You&ve studied hard in our school.(教学study hard)Now you will go to a new middle school. It&s time to say goodbye to you. So I&ll give you a poem. 请学生听录音。
答案:China, friends, pandas, noodles, Chinese, mountains, kites
1. 教学新词:Spain, France, turkey, Turkey, china, Japan, dolly, Bali
Spain&&& France
&&&&& Turkey&&&&&& China&&&&& Japan&&&&& Bali&&&
&&&&& turkey&&&&&& china&&&&& fans&&&&&&& dolly
2. 教学歌曲&We&re going back.&(P71)
教师放Let&s sing部分的录音&We&re going back&,师生齐唱歌曲。
We&re going back.
We&re sorry to say we&re going back&home next Sunday or Monday.
We have to say good-bye.
We have to leave this place.
We have to leave our friends. We&ll remember every face.
We&ll remember every face.
3. 复习句型It&s time to &
(1)课件中呈现四年级下册第二单元A、B部分Let&s learn中的几幅图,学生看图说句子:It&s time to / for &
(2)引导学生比较It&s time to &和It&s time for &
根据Group and write的内容描述教室。
What a beautiful classroom! There are some balloons in it. There is a camera. It&s on the desk. There are some fruits and gifts on it, too. There are some chairs near the desk. The curtains are green. There is a picture on the board. &.We like our classroom very much.
Write an invitation.
(&& ) 1. It&s time to say goodbye &&&&&&&&&&my friends.
A. to&& B. for&& C. at
(&& ) 2. We&ll remember every &&&&&&&&&&&.
A. face&B. faces&C. a face
(&& ) 3. We &&&&&&&&&&back home next Sunday.
A. are going&B. are going to&C. are
(&& ) 4. &&&&&&&&&&a beautiful classroom!
A. How&B. What&C. It
(&& ) 5. Wu Yifan likes &&&&&&&&&&things.
&A. make&& B. makes&& C. making
1. 请学生根据自己的情况,仿照课本上的chant,创编一首新的歌谣,然后读给大家听。
2. 请学生唱其他表示离别的歌曲。
3. 准备一个节目,在欢送会上表演。可以朗诵今天学的诗歌,也可以演唱今天学的英文歌曲。
Recycle Two A farewell party
Group and write&Listen and write&Pronunciation&Let&s sing
There is / are &
It&s time to / for &
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& scarf&&&&&&&&&&& write a plan
camera&&&&&&&&& send out invitations
decorate the room
Spain&&&&&&&& Turkey&&&&&& China&&&&& Japan&&&&& Bali&
France&&&&&&& turkey&&&&&&& china&&&&& fans&&&&&& dolly&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Let&s read (67)&Let&s read (72)
Let&s read (67), &Let&s read (72)
1. 能听、说、认读单词:surprise, poem, cheese, similar
2.能掌握句型What is / are & doing? & is / are &的用法。
3.能听、说、认读两个Let&s read中的对话,并完成对话中的练习。
4. 知识点:
(1)现在进行时表示正在进行的动作或事情,其基本构成是:主语+be+ 动词的现在分词形式,其中be 要根据人称代词单复数不同,而分别使用am/is/are。如:
I&m writing a letter.&我在写信。
John is dancing.&约翰在跳舞。
Amy and Wu Yifan are playing games.&艾米和吴一凡在玩游戏。
(2)I hope 后可跟宾语从句,译为我希望&&如:
I hope you will get better soon.&我希望你能很快好起来。
I hope you like it.&我希望你喜欢它。
&& dance & dancing & John is dancing.
get better & you will get better & I hope you will get better soon.
5. 语篇提升:
Miss White and her students are having the farewell party. But Liu Yun calls Miss White to
tell her she can&t come to the party. Because she has a cold. Miss White tells her not to be sad. She will give her a surprise.
Miss White and her students come to visit Liu Yun. It is a big surprise. They bring her many gifts. Chen Jie gives Liu Yun a book of stamps. Liu Yun gives Chen Jie a gift, too.
Amy writes a poem for Liu Yun. Liu Yun gives Amy a book about panda. They take a picture together.
1. 能听懂、会说两个Let&s read中的对话。
2. 复习巩固现在进行时的用法和打电话用语。
能灵活运用Let&s read中的语言。
Sing &We&re going back &together.
1. Free talk
T: Hello! It&s Miss Sun. Who&s that?
S: Hello! This is Sarah.
T: How do you feel?
S: I&m happy / bored &
T: I&m glad / sorry to hear that.
2. 教师说:Let&s listen to a poem. 板书:poem(注意其中e的发音)领读
播放Listen and write 部分的录音,师生跟录音读。
1. 课件呈现5幅人物图(①张鹏弹钢琴 ②陈洁和迈克唱歌 ③约翰跳舞 ④埃德拆礼物 ⑤艾米和吴一凡做游戏),学生看图问答。
如:What is Zhang Peng doing?
&&& He is playing the piano.
2. Game: Guessing.
请几个学生到教室前面来,根据单词卡片做动作。然后,一个组的同学问:What is / are & doing? 另一组同学猜:He is / They are &每组只猜3次,猜对得一张单词评价卡片。
教师问学生:If your classmate is sick, she/he can&t come to the party. What will you do? 让学生展开讨论。
1. 教学Let&s read (67)
教师播放Let&s read (67)VCD。
Answer the questions.
① What is Zhang Peng doing?&_________________________________
② Is John dancing?&__________________________________________
③ Are Mike and Chen Jie dancing?&_____________________________
④ What is Ed doing?&________________________________________
⑤ What are Amy and Wu Yifan doing?&& _________________________
&答案:① He is playing the piano.
&&&&&& ② Yes, he is.
&&&&&& ③ No, they aren&t.
&&&&&& ④ He is opening a present.
&&&&&& ⑤ They are playing games.
2. 学生读对话,找出疑惑,师生共同解决。
3. 教师再播放Let&s read VCD,学生跟读。
1. Let&s read (72)
教师说:We know. Liu Yun is ill. She can&t perform our party. Miss White and her students will give her a surprise. Guess! What surprise?
2. Read and tick or cross.
① Miss White and her students come to visit Liu Yun.&& (&& )&
② Chen Jie give Liu Yun some stamps.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (&& )
③ Liu Yun give Chen Jie a gift, too.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (&& )
④ Zhang Peng write a poem for Liu Yun.&&&&&&&&&&&&& (&& )
⑤ Sarah and Wu Yifan sing a song for Liu Yun.&&&&&&&& (&& )
答案:& & & & &
1.Let&s read.(67、72)学生自读文本,圈出关键词,划出关键句,询问不明白的问题,问题先让学生回答,教师再做补充。
2. Read and fill in the blanks.(根据Let&s read (67) 内容填空)
&At the farewell party, everyone is having a good time. Look! Zhang Peng is ________ piano. Chen Jie and Mike ________ singing. John is ________. Ed ________ opening a present. Amy and Wu Yifan ________ playing games. But Liu Yun is ill. She ________ go to the party. We hope her will get better soon.
答案:playing the,are,dancing,is,are,can&t
Retell the two dialogues:
Miss White and her students are having the farewell party. But Liu Yun calls Miss White to
tell her she can&t come to the party. Because she has a cold. Miss White tells her not to be sad. She will give her a surprise.
Miss White and her students come to visit Liu Yun. It is a big surprise. They bring her many gifts. Chen Jie gives Liu Yun a book of stamps. Liu Yun gives Chen Jie a gift, too.
Amy writes a poem for Liu Yun. Liu Yun gives Amy a book about panda. They take a picture together.
1. If you are Liu Yun&s classmates, what surprise you will give her? Get groups in four, make a similar dialogue and act it out.(如果你是刘云的同学,你会给她什么惊喜。四人一组,写一篇简单的对话,并表演出来。)
Read and fill in the blanks.(根据汉语补全下列句子):
1. 我喉咙痛。
I have a &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.
2. 他们正在做游戏。
They are &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.
3. 我知道你喜欢集邮。
I know you like &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.
4. 很高兴见到你们大家。
It&s &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&see you all.
May I &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&?
1. sore throat 2. playing games 3. collecting stamps 4. nice to 5. come in
1. 设想一下,你与同学们分别时的场景。想一想,你要对同学们说些什么。
2. 下节课,每人带一本英汉词典。
3. 仿照本课对话编写一段新的对话。
Recycle Two A farewell party
Let&s read (67)&Let&s read (72)
&&&&&&&&&&&& What is Zhang Peng doing?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& poem&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&&&&&&&&&&&& He is playing the piano.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& surprise
&&&&&&&&&& What are Chen Jie and Mike doing?&&&&&&&&&&& cheese
&&&&&&&&&& They are singing.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& similar
Group &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Group &&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&
What is Sarah doing?
What is Mike doing?
Mike is reading books.
Sarah is reading.
What is Amy doing?
Amy is swimming.
Listen, write, match and say Let&s play Look up the words
Listen, write, match and say Let&s play Look up the words
在本课时中,主要是引导学生复习表示一般现在时第三人称单数形式和be going to句型:(如:She/He likes & I'm going to &She/He is going to&)指导学生熟练掌握并能运用一般现在时第三人称单数形式和be going to句型。
在六年级上册的学习中,学生已会用一般现在时第三人称单数形式来询问和描述业余爱好,也会用be going to句型交流行事计划。但will的用法,学生还是比较生疏的,所以,教学过程中教师应创设情景多让学生用will说句子,以加深对will的用法的理解。
1. 能听、说、认读Listen,write,match and say中的句子,并完成填写句子的练习。
2. 能听、说、认读单词bring,scientist,puzzle,most,corner,forwards,backwards及人名 Thomas Edison。
3. 能听、说、认读短语go around,look up 。
4. 掌握句型He / She likes &和& be going to &的用法。
5. 能熟练地查阅英汉词典。
6. 了解、掌握知识点:一般将来时表示将来某一时刻发生的动作或状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。 主要有以下两种基本结构:will/shall + 动词原形和be going to + 动词原形。如:I will give her some coloured pencils. 我将要给她一些彩笔。I am going back to America next month. 我下个月要回美国。
stamps &collecting stamps &John likes collecting stamps .
gift &bring gifts&I'm going to bring gifts.
7. 语篇提升:Sarah is going back to America next month. She will leave China and all her friends. They'll have a party next Sunday. Everyone is going to bring gifts. John likes collecting stamps. She will give him a small stamp. Mike likes playing the violin. She is going to give him a CD with violin music. Chen Jie likes drawing pictures. She'll give her some coloured pencils. Wu Yifan likes making things. She'll give him a book about Thomas Edison. She doesn't want to say goodbye to her friends.
1. 能听、说、认读Listen, write, match and say中的句子,完成填写短文及连线说句子的练习。
2. 能够熟练地查阅英汉词典。
1. 能听、说、认读短文,理解will的用法。
2. 熟练运用一般现在时第三人称单数形式和be going to句型转述Match and say部分的内容。
一、热身/复习(Warming up / Revision)(此环节用时5分钟)
(一) 歌曲、歌谣中情绪热身
1. Sing a song.
教师播放歌曲&We&re going back&,师生带动作齐唱。
2. Free talk
T: You know. I&m your English teacher. But I am going to be a scientist in the future. Just like Thomas Edison. (板书:scientist,Thomas Edison 领读)What are you going to be in the future?
S: I&m going to be a / an &
T: Who&s your best friend?
S: Li Chao.
T: What is Li Chao going to be in the future?
S: He is going to &
课件呈现有关爱好的动词短语卡片,如:play sports, climb mountains,read books, listen to music,go hiking,play computer games,swim,fly kites,play the piano。
What&s your hobby? I like &
What&s John&s hobby? He likes &
教师问学生本周末天气状况:What&s the weather like this weekend? Do you know? 学生设想说:It&s sunny / & 教师根据学生的回答说:Oh, it will be a fine day. I am going to climb Mountain Tai. What are you going to do this weekend? 学生回答:I am going to &
2. Make a survey. 每个同学调查同组中其他人的周末活动,填好表格,在组内交流。
Name Weekend Activities
① 组内交流,介绍自己的调查表。
② 请几位同学分别介绍自己的调查表(实物投影),然后全班同学问:What is & going to do? 这位同学答:He / She is going to &
3. 教学will的用法
(1)课件呈现一些人物图(Amy, Chen Jie, Wu Yifan, Sarah, John, Mike)。先让学生说出这些人名,然后教师说:They are at the farewell party. Guess! What will they do? 引导学生用句型 & will & 去猜测。
(2)教师把一个be going to句型和一个will句型同时呈现在黑板上,帮助学生区分理解will的用法。
(1)(接上一环节),教师说:What will they do? Let&s listen to the tape.
答案:I am going to give five gifts.
Mike likes playing the violin.
Chen Jie likes drawing pictures.
(4)再读课文,完成Match and say部分的练习。
Let&s listen to the tape and answer the questions:
1.What's Mike's hobby?
2.What's Chen Jie's hobby?
3.What's John's hobby?
1.Mike likes playing the violin.
2.Chen Jie likes drawing pictures.
3.John likes collecting stamps.
Look up the words
(1)板书:look up 以此为例,教学生如何用英汉词典查生词和短语。
【设计意图】把练习查词典的环节放到Let&s play之前,既解决了谜语中的生词,又使学生熟练查词典的方法。
1. 学生自读文本,圈出关键词,划出关键句,询问不明白的问题,问题先让学生回答,教师再做补充。
2. Read the passage.(阅读短文)
Sarah has many gifts with her. She will give them to her friends. Liu Xing likes collecting stamps. She will give him a small stamp from America. Yi Fan likes playing the violin. She will give him a CD of violin music. Chen Jie likes drawing pictures. She will give her some colored pencils. Xiao Yu likes making things. He is going to be a scientist in the future. She will give him a book about Thomas Edison. Sarah is sure he will like that.
Tick or cross.(判断对&& &&&&。)
( )1.Sarah has some fruits。
( )2.Liu Xing likes collecting stamps.
( )3.Yi Fan likes playing the piano.
( )4.Chen Jie doesn't like drawing pictures.
( )5.Xiao Yu wants to be a scientist in the future.
答案:& & & & &
3. Let&s play
(1) post office (2) It has many problems. (3) mirror
(4) stamp (5) ton (6) table
Retell the dialogue. 教师引导学生看着板书复述主要内容。
Sarah is going back to America next month. She will leave China and all her friends. They'll have a party next Sunday. Everyone is going to bring gifts. John likes collecting stamps. She will give him a small stamp. Mike likes playing the violin. She is going to give him a CD with violin music. Chen Jie likes drawing pictures. She'll give her some coloured pencils. Wu Yifan likes making things. She'll give him a book about Thomas Edison. She doesn't want to say goodbye to her friends.
1. Guess the riddles.(猜谜语)
(1)What room has no walks, no doors or no windows?
(2)What is dark but can&t live without light?
(3)What goes up when rain goes down?
(4)What never asks questions but must be answered?
Find the answers and look up in a dictionary.
Word Pronunciation Meaning
(1)mushroom / 'm&L&rum / 蘑菇;伞菌
(2)shadow / '&&d?u / 阴影;影子
(3)umbrella /&Lm'brel? / 伞;雨伞;阳伞
(4)phone / f?un / 电话;电话机
2. 你就要离开母校了。请模仿课本内容,就毕业欢送会上你想要赠送给同学们什么礼物的内容,写几句话。
Read and tick or cross.(读对话,判断对错。)
Salesperson: Good morning. Can I help you?
Sarah: Yes, please. I want to buy some presents for my good friends. Can I have a look at a book about great scientists?
Salesperson: Here are some books about Newton, Thomas Edison and Einstein.
Sarah: Thank you. I&ll take this one about Thomas Edison. Are there any VCDs or CDs with violin music?
Salesperson: Yes, this way, please.
Sarah: I like this CD. I&ll take it.
Salesperson: Any else?
Sarah: Yes. Can I have a look at some colored pencils?
Salesperson: Sure. Here you are.
Sarah: Thank you. How much are they?
Salesperson: They are 42 dollars all together.
Sarah: Here is the monkey.
Salesperson: Thank you. Bye.
(1)Sarah is going to buy some presents for her friends. ( )
(2)Sarah will buy a stamp. ( )
(3)She is going to buy some colored pens. ( )
(4)She is going to buy a CD about piano. ( )
(5)Sarah will buy a book about Thomas Edison. ( )
答案:& & & & &
【设计意图】对Listen,write,match and say中课文的延伸和拓展,旨在训练学生阅读理解的能力。
1. 听录音跟读Listen, write, match and say部分。
2. 读熟、争背Listen, write, match and say部分。
3. 写一篇小短文,描写朋友的爱好、理想以及将要送朋友什么礼物。注意要用第三人称单数形式来询问和描述业余爱好,也会用be going to句型交流行事计划。字数60个单词左右。
Let&s make Good to know Story time
Let&s make Good to know Story time
在本课时中,主要是引导学生模仿短文中的语言描述自己的老师和同学的外貌特征、爱好、理想等。如:He's from China. He's tall and strong. He likes playing football. He lives far from the school, but he is never late.
如何描述人物的外貌特征及爱好,在四年级上册第三单元已学过。一般现在时第三人称单数形式的用法,学生在本单元第四课时也已练习得非常熟练了。Let&s make部分通过图文搭配练习,唤醒学生的记忆,帮助学生更好地描述人物。另外,为了使教学内容有效衔接,把Story time放到Good to know前面讲,以便从Zoom和Zip的分别中引出告别用语。
1. 能听、说、认读单词glue,never,job,promise。
2.能听、说、认读短语Good luck! Write soon! Keep in touch! Take care. Have a good trip!
tall&He's tall.&He's tall and strong.
music&listen to music&She likes listening to music.
5. 语篇提升: 教师引导学生看着板书描述Mike/ Chen Jie/Amy/Zhang Peng。如:She is from America. She is pretty. She has big eyes. She likes pandas very much. She likes drawing pictures. She is going to be an artist in the future.
学习重点:能听懂Story time的故事。
(一) 歌曲、歌谣中情绪热身
1. Sing a song.
教师播放歌曲&We&re going back&,师生带动作齐唱。
2. 教师放Listen and write 部分的录音。学生边听录音边跟读。
3. 学生试读课文中的绕口令,在小组内进行竞赛。
(1)We went to Spain in the rain, and to France to buy pants.
We ate turkey in Turkey and bought china in China.
We bought fans in Japan and dolly in Bali.
(2)I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won&t wish the wish you wish to wish.
(3)A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies
(4)I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.
(5)How much woo chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
(6)Mr. Black came back with a big black bag on his back.
(7)One-one was a race horse.
Two-two was one too.
One-one won one race.
Two-two won one too.
(8)Can you can a can as a canner can a can?
4. Free talk
如:My English teacher is pretty. She has long hair. She is tall. She likes drawing pictures.
1. 课件出示学生熟悉的运动员刘翔图片参照话题:
T: What his name?
S: He is Liu Xiang.
T: What's he like?
S: He is tall and strong.
T: What's his hobby?
S: He likes running.&
2. 承接上一环节课件呈现学生用书70页的四幅人物图。学生分组描述,每组描述一人,然后派代表在全班交流。
3. 教师指导学生完成图文搭配练习,在说要求时引出新词glue(板书:glue领读)。
答案:① d ② b ③ a ④ c
1. 教师发给每名学生一张画纸,说:Now please draw a picture of your best classmate. Then describe him or her.学生画一副最要好的同学的肖像,并在傍边配上对该同学的英语介绍。
2. 学生读四段短文,提出疑惑,师生共同解答。如:never
3. 课件呈现四幅人物图。学生分组描述,每组描述一人,然后派代表在全班交流。
听Let's make录音回答问题;
1. What's Chen Jie's hobby?
2. What is Zhang Peng's hobby?
3. What is Mike's hobby?
4. What is Amy's hobby?
Read and fill in the blanks.(读短文,填空。)
(1)Mike is from Canada. He ________ playing the violin and playing ________.
(2)Chen Jie ________ long hair. She likes ________.
(3)Amy is going to be ________ artist in the future.
(4)--- What&s Zhang Peng&s hobby?
--- He ___________________.
答案:(1)likes, football (2)has, listening to music
(3)an (4)likes playing football
Story time
1. 课件呈现Zoom和Zip图。教师讲Zoom和Zip分别的故事,同时引出新词job, promise和短语take care. 板书:job,promise,take care. 领读。
2. 教师播放Story time VCD,学生观看。
3. 再次观看Story time VCD,学生跟读故事。
4. 学生读故事,提出疑问和设想。
5. 学生分角色朗读,表演故事。
1. 学生自读文本,圈出关键词,划出关键句,询问不明白的问题,问题先让学生回答,教师再做补充。
2. Read and choose.(阅读Let's make四段短文,选择正确答案。)
( )1.Zhang Peng likes ________ .
A. playing basketball B. playing football C. listening to music
( )2.Mike ________ making kites.
A. like B. likes C. liking
( )3.Chen Jie likes________ .
A. playing basketball B. playing football C. listening to music
( )4.Amy is going to be ________ .
A. a teacher B. an artist C. an English
答案:B B C B
Good to know
1. 教师说:Zoom和Zip分别时互道Take care。你就要与同学们分别了,想对他们说点什么?
2. 学生用英语向自己的好朋友道别。
教师引导学生看着板书描述Mike/ Chen Jie/Amy/Zhang Peng。如:She is from America. She is pretty. She has big eyes. She likes pandas very much. She likes drawing pictures. She is going to be an artist in the future.
1. 学生画一幅最要好的同学的肖像,并写一篇小短文描述他的外貌特征、爱好和理想等。
2. 续编故事:想一想,Zoom和Zip分别以后又会发生什么故事?
Example: He is from china. He is active. He is tall. He likes playing football.
1. 读熟Let's make部分内容。
2. 请你用本课所学语言,来描述一下你的同学、家长或老师。
3. 为你的同学、老师或家长制作卡片,卡片信息仿照本课内容。
A Farewell Party
本节课旨在指导大家组织一节毕业欢送会(A farewell party),让同学们表演各组准备好的一些英语节目,如英语歌曲、英语短剧、英语游戏等。指导主持人准备主持的语言。
1. May I have your attention, please? The English Farewell Party is about to begin. Please take you seats.
2. Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Now the farewell party will begin. Welcome to our farewell party. Every student here, I&m sure, has made rapid progress in six years. For this, we should offer our heartfelt thanks to our dear teachers and parents. Today we&ll offer you 10 presentations, all by the students. We hope you will enjoy them.
1. Now the first part of our program will be a dance called &&& by & and & Now here are & and &
2. The next part of our program will be some sweet songs / a fashion show / a solo / a duet / piano solo.
3. Now & and & will perform a kuaibanr ballad called & &&
4. The next part will be a music opera / chorus called & && I think you will enjoy watching their performance.
5. Now we&ll have an Instrumental Ensemble &&&
6. Now the students will perform an English play &&& Let&s enjoy it together.
7. Well, now the students will perform a recitation of a poem called &&&.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, that&s the end of our farewell party. Thank you all for coming. Goodbye!(责任编辑:风)


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