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releases of phosphate fertilizer industry in the surrounding environment investi.
内容提示:releases of phosphate fertilizer industry in the surrounding environment investigation on heavy metals and polomum-210 in soil
上传日期: 04:32:49|
releases of phosphate fertilizer industry in the s
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&&&&Point-pattern matching is an important problem for the fields of computer vision and pattern recognition.
&&&&Finally,simulation results show that the method not only have well control effectiveness,but also can deal with the problem of constraint on the control input,and guarantee the robust stability for parameter changed.
&&&&The hybrid algorithm takes full advantage of 2-opt and 3-opt algorithms to improve the ability of local search of the genetic algorithm.
&&&&The result shows that the filtering algorithm can produce the better filtering effect than median filter and wavelet soft threshold denoising,decrease the angle random walk,rate random walk,rate ramp,the bias instability and quantization noise,and improve the stability of laser gyro drift output.
&&&&The statistical Decision-making Theory is one of the basic theories for treating the problem of pattern recognition,and method of Bayesian Decision-making Theory is a basic method in pattern recognition,facing the massive data,which can be used to make effective analysis and produce corresponding sorters,and possesses important significance for the classification and recognition of the data.
没有找到相关例句&&&&&&&& In this paper a microwave standard noise source which produces noise by healing a metal filament is described. Its design and the measurement of effective noise tem- perature are discussed in detail. A new method for estimating the effect of losses of glass envelope and tuning elements on-the effective noise temperature is presented. The effect of the cold end of the hot filament is also quantitatively corrected. The results of the experiments and the error analysis are given. This noise source can give a s... &&&&&&&&&&&&本文介绍了一种用加热金属丝来产生噪声的微波标准噪声源。对其设计与有效噪声 温度的量测进行了较详细的讨论。提出了一种量测玻壳和调谐元件损耗对有效噪声温度 影响的方法。对热丝冷端的影响进行了定量修正。 给出了实验结果和误差分析。表明这种噪声源可给出超额噪声比达8分贝的标准噪 声,误差不大于±0.23分贝。 用这热丝式标准噪声源对充氮气体放电噪声管进行了校准。讨论了校准方法,给出 了一种较好的方案,对s波段充氖管校准所得超额噪声比为18.58db,误差不大于 ±0.4 db。&&&&&&&& This paper introduces the experimental techniques and methods for photoelastic coatings. The coating material which can be contoured on any surface of curvature, successful bending technique and the regulative of doubling reflection poloriscope are presented. The studies of the thickness effect and reinforcing effect of the coatings supplied the basis for the photoelastic coating method, in particular, for the application of the stress analysis of plates and shells. In addition, the application of the
obli... &&&&&&&&&&&&本文介绍了光弹性贴片法的有关实验技术和实验方法,提供了一种能够“软成形”的贴片材料和成功的黏结技术,并着重研究了正交式反射偏光系统的调整。对贴片的厚度效应,加强效应的研究提供了光弹性贴片法的实验基础,特别是对于板壳结构的应用。此外,还探讨了斜射法在光弹性贴片法中的应用。有孔板条的拉伸和弯曲的典型实验以及对有孔壳体应力分析的实际应用说明所述实验技术和实验方法是有效的。&&&&&&&& An analytical design method for multivariable linear control systems is proposed.The difference between the expected transfer function and the real transfer function ofa given system is considered as a pseudo internal feedback. The feedback controller isthen introduced to compensate the bad effects of this internal feedback. The effectiveness of this method has been demonstrated in the design of the feedsystem of a heayy duty boring machine. &&&&&&&&&&&&本文给出线性多变量控制系统的一种分析设计方法,将预期特性和实际特性之差视为假想的内部反馈,引入并联校正装置补偿它对系统的有害影响。不同于通常的频率法或根轨迹法,这种方法不用图解,直接对系统的参数及结构进行分析计算,因而准确性较高,对多变量多迴路系统应用比较方便。在国产T615K重型镗床进给系统上进行试验,结果表明用本文的方法综合校正装置是有效的。&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社}


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