playstation vita注册4 与 Vita 如何用 Remote Play 连接游戏吗

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Watch us play a PlayStation 4 game on an Xperia Z3 Tablet device (Remote Play demo)
Watch us play a PlayStation 4 game on an Xperia Z3 Tablet device (Remote Play demo)
The new Z3 devices that got announced on September 3 are shaping up to be one of the best in their respective classes, but the overall positive impression from Sony's unveiling has been further solidified thanks to the introduction of some new fancy features for said Z3 devices, one of which is Remote Play for PlayStation.So, what Remote Play does for PlayStation 4 and Xperia Z3 series device owners is that it allows them to stream games running on the console right to the screen of their mobile device. Sounds cool, right? This way, you can let other family members enjoy a show or some other program on the TV, while you're still experiencing the goodness of your gaming console, courtesy of your phone or tablet's screen. However, one thing to keep in mind is that Remote Play only works when your console and Z3 device are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.Unfortunately, the feature will be exclusive to the Xperia Z3, Z3 Compact, and Z3 Tablet Compact, but since these don't really outclass the hardware of the Xperia Z2 (or even Z1), we do hope that Sony will update its "older" phones with Remote Play at some point. Until then, why don't you hit the Play button below and see what the buzz is all about?
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this is what samsung can't do for a fact...hahaha.
If $ony wanted to they could make this service available to any modern day smartphone.
Na Sony should keep this exclusive to their Xperias
It would make people want to get a Xperia over another phone
Someone on XDA might be able to port it over to over devices
Like with the Nvidia Shield streaming, which can be done with any Android using the Limelight app
It's going to be. Me and many other gamers are patiently waiting. Do your research next time.
Research? I highly doubt Sony is going to open this service up to non-sony devices. This is the same company that made the vita only support Sony chargers and SD cards.
Even though they have already solely announced it months ago lmao….
but some hacker surely will
This idea probably came from Samsung Group Play.
false. it was already floated back in the xperia z days when it was shown that the playstation controller can be plugged to the xperia.
besides, samsung has no gaming console so how could they come up with something similar. sony is not a copycat. not so much....yet...
Can u play AAA titles with sammy?
damn Good.
With 10M ps4 sale. It will capture a lots heart
Cool, now no need to buy the Vita now haha
Also can you stream from Sony's Cloud service without a PS4?
The vita is still worth the money on its own. It is a great handheld. Especially if you have other Sony stuff.
I think Sony is shooting themselves with the foot with this move. Not for xperia, but for the vita. Remote play was a system seller for many people, and they just cannibalized their own product. I thought if the vita gained enough traction through remote play, they would support it more. Sigh, I guess it will never get the support it deserves
I guess, they are promoting with both device, Xperia and Vita ~
They give choices, for those who want a phone and the Remote Play ~
And who want Vita and Remote Play ~
At the same time, I dont think Sony is shooting themselves, they are profit with both devices , and Sony just give customers opportunity to select ~
The thing is, the vita is really struggling, and xperia is becoming more and more popular. Keeping this as a vita exclusive feature was helping it, and like I said, it was a system seller. This almost makes the vita useless for a lot of people. The vita is a very niche machine, with just Japanese games and Indies. This feature could have helped it gain a more mainstream attraction.
I think they even shouldn't have made the vita at all. Mobile gaming is the future. On phones not on extra devices. The way mobiles are getting better graphics by the 1/2 year or full year. The vita etc just can't keep up. They should bring back the xperia play every year so people who like handheld gaming could get that one. And also all the xperias should be able to get those games and with the ps controlles you could also play it as good as it would or even better than on a vita
Oh and forgot to say that this option is brilliant. Could get allot of ps owners to switch to sony xperias
They should have made the vita. It is a true gaming device. Not a phone, which is riddled with free to play and pay to win. Real software that is about making a good game, not a big money grab like mobile gaming. And not everything is about power. Power=/= quality. There can be good games without having AAA graphics.and the vita has dedicated controls, vs just a touch screen. Controlling it is so much better. You can have true first person shooters with two analog sticks. And if handheld gaming is on its way out, how do you explain the 44 million 3DSes sold. And playing with a controller connected to a phone isn't the same. I have done it before, and nothing beats real dedicated controls
So actually you are saying playing with a vita is better than with a ps3 controller?
You should try it with asphalt8 or spiderman 2 its really good(with ps3 controller)
Also the xperia play had dedicated controls and i know its better than touchscreen. it had real games made for it. Some where very good. I think sony should've made a successor of the play wich would take over the vita. Its not like they can't port the vita system in to a phone.
The only thing sony has to do is port the games over with the dedicated controls for the ps3 controller.
And about the ds3 its just that it speaks to more people. Especially childeren the vita doesn't stand a chance when it comes to childeren. And 44 million isn't that much as there are only 2 big player's sony and nintendo
the vita has been around long enough, the only reason sony hasn't killed it is coz they don't want negative feedback caused by a backlash from the 4 million or so Vita owners.
and btw having more options is never a bad thing
I never said it was. It is a good move for us, the consumer. For them, not so much. And Sony has sold around 12 million vitas
i didn't know that simply making a game character move around a small space already constitutes "playing"
Lag problems?
Probably not ~
If it is lag, that probably is the Wireless modem problem ~
As it is like watching video on phone ~
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Watch us play a PlayStation 4 game on an Xperia Z3 Tablet device (Remote Play demo)
Watch us play a PlayStation 4 game on an Xperia Z3 Tablet device (Remote Play demo)
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去年此時,正是PS4沸沸揚揚準備在台上市的時候,而嶄新的搖控遊玩(Remote Play)概念,也再次引起許多注意,玩家可以透過PS Vita掌機,隨時隨地享用PS4遊戲大餐。雖然這已經是業界領先,但Sony似乎並不滿足,在今年又順便丟下了一顆震撼彈,讓Xperia Z3系列手機都可支援PS4的搖控遊玩機能。
這項遙控遊玩機能甚至還為PS Vita帶來更多買氣,根據Sony在TGS 2014的報告,在PS4發售之後,PS Vita的銷量也連帶提昇了百分之二十五,那麼這次Z3系列手機也支援遙控遊玩機能(後續Sony釋出更新,讓Z2手機也可支援控遊玩,未來應該有更多Xperia手機都能支援),豈不是自己人打自己人,其實不然,因為手機並不像PS Vita這樣,可以透過網際網路進行遠端遙控,而是限制在區網之內才能連線遙控,除此之外還有一點要解決的是,手機對於遊戲的操控性遠遠不及掌機,如果用觸控螢幕的虛擬按鍵來玩PS4遊戲,那就不叫享受,而是折磨了。
▲PS4帶動PS Vita的銷量提昇,Sony應該算是鬆了一口氣。
對於操控性的問題,Sony當然有解決之道,那就是讓Dualshock 4手把可以與手機配對,用手機螢幕加遊戲手把,再推出一個可以連結兩者的「遊戲控制掛載器 GCM10」,組合出一台新的「掌機」,裝起來外型感覺有點像NVIDIA所推出的Android掌機SHIELD,不過內涵當然完全不同。
▲透過遊戲控制掛載器 GCM10連結手把與手機的示意圖。
PS Vita的Remote Play
先來複習一下PS Vita的遙控遊玩吧!這項功能並非首創,在PS Vita的前身-PSP當中便已搭載遙控遊玩PS3的功能,然而不管是從遙控的順暢度或是遊戲支援度來說,多數玩家並未給予好評,不過在實測PS4的遙控遊玩之後,可以發現以往的連線延遲問題已獲得相當大的改善,而且全數PS4遊戲皆可支援遙控遊玩,娛樂應用的範圍變得更廣。
不過要使用PS Vita這項遙控功能有幾點要注意的,初次使用必須在PS4上啟用遙控機能並登錄裝置,且PS4及PS Vita必須使用同一組PSN帳號,當然,兩者都必須連接網路,才可進行連動。
▲由於PS4控制器的按鍵較多,PS Vita主機上不足的按鍵就由背後的觸控版來模擬。
▲進入遙控遊玩模式,PS Vita的Select鍵可對應PS4新增的Share鍵功能分享影片及截圖。
▲將PS Vita的系統更新到最新版之後,開啟主畫面,點選「PS4連動」功能。
▲選擇「遙控遊玩」機能,此功能可直接在PS Vita上顯示PS4的畫面,而「第二螢幕」則需要遊戲有支援。
▲初次使用要先進行PS Vita的登錄,依照畫面的步驟指示,將PS4上顯示的號碼輸入空格。
▲號碼輸入完成後按下登錄,PS Vita便會自動進行搜尋及連線PS4的動作。
▲連線成功,PS Vita上便會顯示PS4的主介面,此畫面不支援觸控螢幕,要用搖桿及按鈕操作。
▲如果勾選PS4設定中「可透過網路啟動PS4」的選項,以後就可直接用PS Vita遙控開啟家中PS4進行遊玩。
Xperia Z3的Remote Play
接著我們來試試看手機的遙控遊玩機能吧,在Z3手機中已經有內建Playstation App,這是一款Sony為行動裝置所推出,專門用來與PS4搭配使用的應用程式,可用來進行PS4上的文字輸入以及第二螢幕等輔助功能,並沒有限制一定要Sony手機才能安裝,不過要在Z3等支援遙控遊玩的手機上,App介面才會出現遙控遊玩的功能按鈕。
▲用不同手機開啟Playstation App,可以發現在Z3手機會多出一個PS4遙控遊玩的功能圖示。(左邊紅米,右邊Z3)
▲手機要與PS4連動遙控,同樣要先經過配對,設定的方式跟前面PS Vita的方式相當雷同,並不困難。
▲按下「PS4遙控遊玩」會提示需要另外安裝一款「PS4 Remote Play」的App。
▲開啟「PS4 Remote Play」App,會問你要不要登錄DualShock 4手把,這裡我們暫且跳過,先試試看單純用手機的遙控遊玩。
一路比較下來,不管是PS Vita或是Xperia Z3的遙控遊玩,可以說是各有所長,卻也都有不足之處,首先PS Vita支援遠端連線,想當然爾對於網路環境的要求更高一些,但最大問題是,除非你是掌機遊戲的愛好者,否則並不太建議為了這個功能而去購買PS Vita,即使它擁有隨處可玩的特性,但是摒棄次世代遊戲的影音享受,而去屈就小螢幕,總感覺有哪裡怪怪的。
不管怎麼說,這項遙控遊玩功能從推出到目前為止,仍然是僅見於PS系列家用主機(Wii U控制器勉強可以說是有遙控遊玩機能,但它本來就是Wii U主機的配備之一),而且也有一定程度的順暢性,這點就值得稱讚了,隨著手機硬體越來越強大,網路環境越來越健全,作為一種特殊的附加功能與遊玩方式,遙控遊玩相信還是會大有可為。
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您可能會有興趣的文章想知道 PlayStation 4 与 Vita 如何用 Remote Play 连接游戏吗?快来看看吧
在我们于昨天知道 后,各位是否也好奇他们连动
游要怎么链接还有玩起来到底如何呢?就我们目前所知,PS Vita 应该已经收到 Remote Play 支持的更新了,至于 PS4 那边,理论上应该会在开卖送到你手上之后便已经拥有此功能支持。至于前面的两个问题,我们已经在跳转之后准备了官方最新的 Remote Play 演示视频,还有在今年主站编辑试玩的视频,来给各位解答,快点去看看吧。
如果掌机的终极进化就是能和当代主机拥有相同的画面输出的话,似乎索尼已经勉强达到其标准了。虽然不是通过提升硬件来达到的,但是如果将PS4接到个人网络服务站(云?),再把PSV1000的3g模块利用上(接收终端),似乎不仅仅在家中,在室内,只要拥有信号的地方就能玩到PS4的游戏。这也并非不可能不实现。。。。突然想到老黄的SHIELD掌机,这不是相同的道理吗。似乎关于云计算又要产生一个分支啊,云游戏。首先领跑者就是索尼和英伟达,可是英伟达只有技术没有游戏,而索尼是集硬件软件的游戏大手,谁更占据优势显而易见。然而任天堂和微软已经在起点上落后了。或许主机游戏的又一场革命已经悄悄上演了,但是未来真正的情况又是又如何呢,我还是擦擦眼睛慢慢等待吧。 其实我是瞎扯淡的。。 一切便携设备终极进化的关键是电池!!! 求嘘爆 iphone能控制ipad游戏就好了,比如fifa 这不就是WiiU么....... 壮哉我大手柄 前天升级3.0,有个PS4联动的图标后使用快捷导航没有帐号?
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索尼PS4的Romote Play功能不可谓不强大,让自家的手机产品瞬间就变成了次世代游戏机,让很多索饭简直鸡冻得不能自已。是的,让索尼手机和平板与索尼游戏机PS4进行连接后,用户们便能这些设备上玩PS4游戏了。之前索尼宣布这项功能只为Z3产品独占,不过现在索尼表示Xperia Z2系列在软件更新后也可以使用Remote Play功能玩上PS4游戏,这里的Z2系列包括Sony Xperia Z2手机、Xperia Z2 Tablet平板设备。
Xperia Z2通过Remote Play功能玩PS4游戏:
不过更大的惊喜是,在大神云集的XDA Developers论坛上,已经有人将Remote Play功能进行了破解,这也就意味着,这项功能不再为sony产品独占,只要有一部运行Android 4.4及以上系统的手机,并进行了root,便可以一试。PSV的地位有些岌岌可危了。
19:59:57 上传
③已安装好PlayStationApp_2.0.17 这里有:
最好要有谷歌框架和谷歌play 能翻墙(推荐fqrouter这个软件) 不过不是必要条件
提取码 tc09
复制到 根目录\system\app
复制到 根目录\system\etc\permissions
复制到 根目录\system\framework
④然后用RE管理器 对上述6个文件的权限进行设置,如下图
这时会发现程序多了一个&remote play&
点击打开 不过会闪退
这时我们再进入根目录\system\app 把superuser.apk 改名,啥都行
然后在\system\app 找到 点击安装它 (每次重启手机可能都要安装一次)
⑥打开PS4 登陆账号B
然后我们打开PlayStationApp 登陆账号B,可能需要翻墙,因人而异
添加PS4手柄 发现大部分手机都添加不了 跳过
稍等片刻就能连接上了 然后我们再激活手柄 登陆账号A 这时候就能用手柄控制PS4了
⑦比较蛋疼的是 这样手柄和手机就不能离PS4太远了 毕竟是手柄直连主机
有一个折衷的办法就行虚拟按键映射 REMOTE PLAY软件有提供虚拟按键操作 可以把手柄映射到相应的屏幕位置
高画质目测有720P 画质善佳 不过有0.2S的延迟 比较蛋疼 只适合玩慢节奏的游戏
本人网件R3800路由器 PS4用超六类线
手机为华为荣耀3C wifi2.4G 如果换成5G的WIFI 可能会好一点
&我要补充一句,只有索尼手机用这个不需要ROOT,而且手柄也是无线操控,其它手机算了又要ROOT又要有线连接,毫无意义。索尼手机不需要打开PS4就能玩 &
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限70积分9397精华0UID604515帖子金钱6907 威望0
Lv.7, 积分 9397, 距离下一级还需 603 积分
UID604515帖子威望0 多玩草66 草
本帖最后由 永恒传说12 于
20:21 编辑
&笑了 关键是谁会没事上厕所的时间都舍不得让出来
&没看索尼的宣传图吗 美女坐在盖着盖子的马桶上 Z4卡在手柄支架上 在厕所远程玩PS4 索尼的意思是 在家里随便在哪都可以玩PS4 哪怕是你在厕所一样可以&
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限60积分4136精华0UID帖子金钱13976 威望0
Lv.6, 积分 4136, 距离下一级还需 864 积分
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Lv.5, 积分 1345, 距离下一级还需 1155 积分
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shabips3banzhu shabips3banzhu shabips3banzhu
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限50积分2123精华0UID帖子金钱6390 威望0
Lv.5, 积分 2123, 距离下一级还需 377 积分
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20:29 编辑
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Lv.8, 积分 10990, 距离下一级还需 9010 积分
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UID帖子威望5 多玩草100 草
首先ps4 其次要买游戏 最后要手机……
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Lv.5, 积分 1050, 距离下一级还需 1450 积分
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Lv.7, 积分 9960, 距离下一级还需 40 积分
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Lv.8, 积分 14804, 距离下一级还需 5196 积分
UID1494962帖子威望0 多玩草160 草
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UID6883450帖子威望0 多玩草10 草
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Lv.6, 积分 2779, 距离下一级还需 2221 积分
UID帖子威望1 多玩草0 草
哈! 一堆人都覺得沒用...在下卻覺得這個超有用...
的50,60& LCD,就能享受超大又超清晰的畫面,只要能把顯示delay
本帖最后由 初心者829 于
22:05 编辑
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限50积分1691精华0UID帖子金钱16714 威望0
Lv.5, 积分 1691, 距离下一级还需 809 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草
我其实想等PS4破解了再买&&可是明天就双11 好犹豫啊
新人欢迎积分0 阅读权限80积分15760精华0UID4201103帖子金钱30881 威望0
Lv.8, 积分 15760, 距离下一级还需 4240 积分
UID4201103帖子威望0 多玩草480 草
我买PS3 就是为了接上58寸电视爽
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