"how can i deal with itthe problem? i hav

How to: Deal with bullying in the workplace - reed.co.uk
Think of bullying and many of us think of the school playground. But bullying in the workplace, amongst grown adults, is a reality. And it&s a reality which, if not dealt with in the right way, can lead to serious difficulties for everyone involved.
Many cases of workplace bullying go unreported or misunderstood and, as a victim, it can be hard to know where to turn.
Here are some practical ways to identify if you or anyone you know is the victim of bullying at work, and how to deal with it.
Are you being bullied?
As any accusations you make are likely to be taken extremely seriously, the first thing is to ascertain whether you are actually being bullied. Being chastised for poor performance, as long as it&s done professionally, is unlikely to be classed as bullying (although it may sometimes be difficult to deal with).
Identifying the difference between bullying and performance management can be difficult, especially if your role is goal-orientated or target-driven. However, it&s important you consider this distinction before you decide to take your claims any further.
What&s more, as bullying is almost always carried out on a repetitive basis, it&s important to ascertain whether your situation is the result of an isolated incident, or a prolonged episode of bullying.
What is bullying in the workplace?
Bullying comes in a variety of shapes and forms, and may be carried out at various levels. Bullying could come from a manager, a supervisor, a co-worker or anyone else from around the organisation.
Although this is by no means a comprehensive list, some examples of bullying in the workplace might include:
Insults, rudeness or intentional embarrassment
Spreading rumours or stories about individuals
Excluding and ignoring people or any other form of victimisation
Unwarranted personal or professional criticism
Making staff members perform demeaning, degrading or pointless tasks
Threatening behaviour
Unwanted sexual advances and harassment
Preventing promotion or other professional development
It is important to remember that, just as bullying can come in a variety of different forms, it can also be carried out in a variety of different ways which may not necessarily be limited to face-to-face communications. If you&re being bullied via e-mail, telephone, text message or any other type of written or verbal communication, it is no less serious.
Effects of bullying
Bullying can have a number of negative consequences for the victims, having a significant effect on both their professional and personal lives.
Aside from the obvious loss of motivation at work, it can also lead to anxiousness, sleeplessness, loss of self-confidence and other self-esteem issues. Victims of regular bullying often find it difficult to maintain concentration, making it hard for them to cope with daily tasks and continue working effectively.
Bullying can also lead to a deterioration in health, mental illness, stress and depression, all of which can lead to extended periods of absence, which could have serious repercussions for an employer&s business. To put it simply, if not dealt with properly, bullying has the potential to cause serious damage to your career. &
Excuses for bullying
Whatever their position and your relationship with them, workplace bullies may attempt to justify their behaviour, and convince you that any wrongdoing or victimisation is simply a misunderstanding. Sometimes their superiors, other members of staff and co-workers may also try and explain their actions. Common excuses include:
They&re under a lot of pressure to get results
They&re &just passionate&
They&re firm, but fair
They&re &just not that sort of person&
Perhaps even worse than these excuses, a bully&s actions can sometimes be ignored because of their position within the business. If someone is seen as indispensable to an organisation, they may be allowed to act in any way they choose, with other members of staff fearful of repercussions if they are brave enough to speak up.
Always remember that, despite what anyone says, excuses like these do not vindicate the actions of a bully. Bullying is always inexcusable, regardless of the instigator.
If you feel you&re the victim of bullying, it&s time to take action.&
What can I do?
Talk to the guilty party
The first thing to try to do is talk to the bully. The person in question may not have realised how badly you&ve reacted to their behaviour and the complaint might not have to go any further.
If you don&t feel comfortable approaching them alone, ask a colleague to come with you and act as a mediator. Although this won&t always be enough to change their behaviour, a large number of workplace issues can be resolved informally, and needn&t be taken any further.
Talk to the right people
If talking to the bully isn&t an option, then find the right people to take your complaint to. Ask to speak to your line manager or someone from your employer&s Human Resources department.
Explain how the issue is causing you to feel unmotivated and affecting your performance in the workplace. Discussing the issue with other people will not only mean the issue gets resolved more quickly, but it can also be extremely comforting and cathartic.
Seek formal help
If it&s got to the point where no-one else will listen, then you could take the matter further by seeking external assistance. A good place to start is ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service). Their main aim is to improve working life through better employment relations and they offer free and impartial advice on the subject.
Advice can also be sought from the Citizens Advice Bureau, and many other independent bodies. However, following more formal procedures may only exacerbate the situation, and this option should only ever be used as a last resort.
For more information on who to speak to, visit the directgov website.
Stay calm, stay professional
However you decide to deal with the situation, it&s always important to stay calm. Although it&s often easier said than done, letting the bully see that they&re getting to you may make the situation worse. Try to remain as rational and professional as possible, and take the right steps to find a resolution.
If you do think you&re being bullied, don&t suffer in silence and don&t wait too long to speak up. Nobody deserves to be a victim.
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Triple your chances of getting the job you want.Location: USA
My way of thinking is this. I dont want to live my life as a kid, going to school occasionaly hanging out with friends then proceeding in going off to college learning about stuff im acting like im interested in then proceed to take a job that i never will like and proceed to search for a bitch to marry me and in some kind of dream land make me fucking sandwitches and is hot and will fuck me alot. (Thats me hopin that last part) But ill prolly settle for some 6 and have a couple kids, never be able to do anything for myself exciting due to my fixed income and lack of success in the stock market and never be able to buy the things i wanted (possibly a nice car, a fucking basketball hoop idk) or go places i wanted (fucking dubai, fuckin canad idk) beacause of my restrained down responsibilities and boring ass hard ass life in the suburbs of the midwest or some shit. Oh yeah and all my friends are fuckin gone off and married and moved to some other location PROBABLY doin the same exact thing
This seems like the &American Doom?& (Not dream) Because i dont want to fucking live that life
I want to fucking live the life of celebrities that people talk about in their free time about how they went off to rehab because theyre life is more awesome than theirs. I just dont want myself to believe that i cant be one of those people. I dont want myself to believe that i CANT become a recording artist and make more money than the average american who WANTS to live the life that i dont want to. I want myself to believe that I can fucking live the life that I dream about some day. That doesnt mean it will just come to me overnight. I will have to work hard for it. And im working alright. Im working. Im sixteen years old and I have over ten songs finished sitting wanting to be finalized once i get those recording shit that I bought with my money off of tax returns (170$! :D). I will release mixtape on mixtape so people will hear my shit and bump it in they fuckin cars. I dont know if being whie is relavant at all or helps my cause but uh i just wanted to say that. Im very unconfident because im fuckin zitted up teen and I feel like people are shallow and wudnt want to listen to me. that was random. But im also getting the word &OPTIMISM& tatted on my forearm when im 18 because when i think of that word life is good for me. And when im oprtimistic i
make good rap. Well ya i just thought id let you all know this i guess. Im venting and kina upset. (Its 3 AM ima go to bed now)
i make rap.
Location: Hell
Location: Your little sister\'...
free osama. young steak dinner. @anthonynoire
Location: USA
ya i kinda ranted jeez so what
i make rap.
Post: 2921
Location: #OYYOYVille
My way of thinking is this. I dont want to live my life as a kid, going to school occasionaly hanging out with friends then proceeding in going off to college learning about stuff im acting like im interested in then proceed to take a job that i never will like and proceed to search for a bitch to marry me and in some kind of dream land make me fucking sandwitches and is hot and will fuck me alot. (Thats me hopin that last part) But ill prolly settle for some 6 and have a couple kids, never be able to do anything for myself exciting due to my fixed income and lack of success in the stock market and never be able to buy the things i wanted (possibly a nice car, a fucking basketball hoop idk) or go places i wanted (fucking dubai, fuckin canad idk) beacause of my restrained down responsibilities and boring ass hard ass life in the suburbs of the midwest or some shit. Oh yeah and all my friends are fuckin gone off and married and moved to some other location PROBABLY doin the same exact thing
This seems like the &American Doom?& (Not dream) Because i dont want to fucking live that life
I want to fucking live the life of celebrities that people talk about in their free time about how they went off to rehab because theyre life is more awesome than theirs. I just dont want myself to believe that i cant be one of those people. I dont want myself to believe that i CANT become a recording artist and make more money than the average american who WANTS to live the life that i dont want to. I want myself to believe that I can fucking live the life that I dream about some day. That doesnt mean it will just come to me overnight. I will have to work hard for it. And im working alright. Im working. Im sixteen years old and I have over ten songs finished sitting wanting to be finalized once i get those recording shit that I bought with my money off of tax returns (170$! :D). I will release mixtape on mixtape so people will hear my shit and bump it in they fuckin cars. I dont know if being whie is relavant at all or helps my cause but uh i just wanted to say that. Im very unconfident because im fuckin zitted up teen and I feel like people are shallow and wudnt want to listen to me. that was random. But im also getting the word &OPTIMISM& tatted on my forearm when im 18 because when i think of that word life is good for me. And when im oprtimistic i
make good rap. Well ya i just thought id let you all know this i guess. Im venting and kina upset. (Its 3 AM ima go to bed now)
It's funny you venting nigga because buddy was doing the same thing. Nigga been having trouble sleeping lately because of stress and anxiety, all because my dad is dying of cancer at the moment. Since I'm up late and have nothing better to do, allow a nigga to open his bag of jewels (no homo doe)
Normally, in my Satanistic type mindset, I never share burdens with people I don't know because I don't think it's necessary but for some reason, I feel like imparting some shared experience with a confused nigga like yourself. I'm 18, not really rich not really poor but like you, I sort of feel like I deserve more. (shoutout to Group Home for the rhyme inspiration) All I can say is be honest with yourself. There's a fine line between optimism and naivete, don't deceive yourself. Be sure that you are truly talented and are coming from a place of inspiration rather than attempting to emulate said talent and inspiration.
Also, understand that life is prone to drastic, unforeseen occurrences. I never planned on losing my pops, but sadly, it is imminent. You may similarly not plan on living the life you loathe, but it may certainly be your fate. If I were you, I would be sure to have a contingency plan in case your &dream& doesn't work out. I would phrase more as a goal, goals are tangible-- real, certainly possible. Dreams are very abstract. However, if you understand what it it takes to get where you want to be, I'm sure you will succeed as long as you are realistic and keep things in perspective. The problem many people on this forum have is they are overly materialistic. I wouldbe hypocritical to criticize everyone else of that when a nigga just dropped like $600 last night on gear, but there's a key difference: I am careful to not let material possessions validate or give my life worth or lack thereof.
You should be wary and keep a similar mindset. Like you, a lot of my close, close friends moved away. Some of the ones I have nearby are close by but they are more like niggas you chill with to have fun and pass time, not necessarily true homies that you would call a brother. I've said this before and I'll say it again, but to some, success is concrete and mortar. We define our achievements with houses, aesthetics, and glamour, rather than defining success as having a home, depth or possessing wisdom. I truly believe in destiny and the purpose in all things, however, people may not be willing to accept their purpose may not be what they intended it to be.
I say home because we as people all need an earthly dominion where we can be ourselves and recharge our energy. To some, it's late at night in a club grinding on some hoodrats donk, to others, it's reading a corny ass Twilight book, maybe to some of the more nerdy type niggas you getting your blister on playing NBA 2K12, or you could be getting your blister on lifting weights in a gym. You need to find a place where you can seek some therapy for your body and soul whether its in your music or perhaps some other talent you possess you have yet to discover.
Beauty and things like that are nice but understand they are nothing more than good looking things and nothing beautiful ever stays beautiful forever in terms of aesthetics. My dad for example, he used to be a marathon runner, nigga used to go to the gym with me all the time. I used to run with him. Now? He looks like a starved Somalian. To me in many ways he's still beautiful (no homo and no incest doe) because he represents the man I always loved and looked up to and was to me, the strongest person in my life and my best friend I've ever had besides my grandmother, my brother and my mother. Never let aesthetics masquerade as beauty, because at the end of the day, it is nothing more than a hollow victory. That &6& looking hoe could be such an amazing person on a personal level that even if her donk isn't the most curvaceous or her tits the most suckable or her mouth the best in terms niggaconda receptivity, the friend and partner you have for a lifetime will trump any empty, shallow victory.
Lastly, beware of letting your lifestyle define who you are as a person and your self-worth, similar in the fashion you would of material possessions. Even if you end up selling insurance and end up with an average looking wife and some whack ass kids, remember: put things in perspective. Some people? They just got diagnosed with a life threatening disease and they have a timeline. Others? Maybe they stepped on a landmine in Afghanistan and now have to deal with being disabled for the rest of their life. You have it easy, even myself, I am blessed. Just remember that whenever you think you have it bad, someone else has it worse. So don't be so hard on yourself. But if it all goes to hell, just do gay porn bruh. I bet you a cute nigga and wouldn't mind taking a quarter liter of pure niggaconda nigjizz on your face. #OYYOY #BUDDYWIZDOM #NOHOMODOE
|||||||||||||| Twitter:
Post: 1449
can you help me do a research paper for my psy class?
Location: Los Angeles
Post: 1428
Location: cuse
i could tell you where white before i finished reading the first paragraph. smh white people.
Post: 1192
My way of thinking is this. I dont want to live my life as a kid, going to school occasionaly hanging out with friends then proceeding in going off to college learning about stuff im acting like im interested in then proceed to take a job that i never will like and proceed to search for a bitch to marry me and in some kind of dream land make me fucking sandwitches and is hot and will fuck me alot. (Thats me hopin that last part) But ill prolly settle for some 6 and have a couple kids, never be able to do anything for myself exciting due to my fixed income and lack of success in the stock market and never be able to buy the things i wanted (possibly a nice car, a fucking basketball hoop idk) or go places i wanted (fucking dubai, fuckin canad idk) beacause of my restrained down responsibilities and boring ass hard ass life in the suburbs of the midwest or some shit. Oh yeah and all my friends are fuckin gone off and married and moved to some other location PROBABLY doin the same exact thing
This seems like the &American Doom?& (Not dream) Because i dont want to fucking live that life
I want to fucking live the life of celebrities that people talk about in their free time about how they went off to rehab because theyre life is more awesome than theirs. I just dont want myself to believe that i cant be one of those people. I dont want myself to believe that i CANT become a recording artist and make more money than the average american who WANTS to live the life that i dont want to. I want myself to believe that I can fucking live the life that I dream about some day. That doesnt mean it will just come to me overnight. I will have to work hard for it. And im working alright. Im working. Im sixteen years old and I have over ten songs finished sitting wanting to be finalized once i get those recording shit that I bought with my money off of tax returns (170$! :D). I will release mixtape on mixtape so people will hear my shit and bump it in they fuckin cars. I dont know if being whie is relavant at all or helps my cause but uh i just wanted to say that. Im very unconfident because im fuckin zitted up teen and I feel like people are shallow and wudnt want to listen to me. that was random. But im also getting the word &OPTIMISM& tatted on my forearm when im 18 because when i think of that word life is good for me. And when im oprtimistic i
make good rap. Well ya i just thought id let you all know this i guess. Im venting and kina upset. (Its 3 AM ima go to bed now)
It's funny you venting nigga because buddy was doing the same thing. Nigga been having trouble sleeping lately because of stress and anxiety, all because my dad is dying of cancer at the moment. Since I'm up late and have nothing better to do, allow a nigga to open his bag of jewels (no homo doe)
Normally, in my Satanistic type mindset, I never share burdens with people I don't know because I don't think it's necessary but for some reason, I feel like imparting some shared experience with a confused nigga like yourself. I'm 18, not really rich not really poor but like you, I sort of feel like I deserve more. (shoutout to Group Home for the rhyme inspiration) All I can say is be honest with yourself. There's a fine line between optimism and naivete, don't deceive yourself. Be sure that you are truly talented and are coming from a place of inspiration rather than attempting to emulate said talent and inspiration.
Also, understand that life is prone to drastic, unforeseen occurrences. I never planned on losing my pops, but sadly, it is imminent. You may similarly not plan on living the life you loathe, but it may certainly be your fate. If I were you, I would be sure to have a contingency plan in case your &dream& doesn't work out. I would phrase more as a goal, goals are tangible-- real, certainly possible. Dreams are very abstract. However, if you understand what it it takes to get where you want to be, I'm sure you will succeed as long as you are realistic and keep things in perspective. The problem many people on this forum have is they are overly materialistic. I wouldbe hypocritical to criticize everyone else of that when a nigga just dropped like $600 last night on gear, but there's a key difference: I am careful to not let material possessions validate or give my life worth or lack thereof.
You should be wary and keep a similar mindset. Like you, a lot of my close, close friends moved away. Some of the ones I have nearby are close by but they are more like niggas you chill with to have fun and pass time, not necessarily true homies that you would call a brother. I've said this before and I'll say it again, but to some, success is concrete and mortar. We define our achievements with houses, aesthetics, and glamour, rather than defining success as having a home, depth or possessing wisdom. I truly believe in destiny and the purpose in all things, however, people may not be willing to accept their purpose may not be what they intended it to be.
I say home because we as people all need an earthly dominion where we can be ourselves and recharge our energy. To some, it's late at night in a club grinding on some hoodrats donk, to others, it's reading a corny ass Twilight book, maybe to some of the more nerdy type niggas you getting your blister on playing NBA 2K12, or you could be getting your blister on lifting weights in a gym. You need to find a place where you can seek some therapy for your body and soul whether its in your music or perhaps some other talent you possess you have yet to discover.
Beauty and things like that are nice but understand they are nothing more than good looking things and nothing beautiful ever stays beautiful forever in terms of aesthetics. My dad for example, he used to be a marathon runner, nigga used to go to the gym with me all the time. I used to run with him. Now? He looks like a starved Somalian. To me in many ways he's still beautiful (no homo and no incest doe) because he represents the man I always loved and looked up to and was to me, the strongest person in my life and my best friend I've ever had besides my grandmother, my brother and my mother. Never let aesthetics masquerade as beauty, because at the end of the day, it is nothing more than a hollow victory. That &6& looking hoe could be such an amazing person on a personal level that even if her donk isn't the most curvaceous or her tits the most suckable or her mouth the best in terms niggaconda receptivity, the friend and partner you have for a lifetime will trump any empty, shallow victory.
Lastly, beware of letting your lifestyle define who you are as a person and your self-worth, similar in the fashion you would of material possessions. Even if you end up selling insurance and end up with an average looking wife and some whack ass kids, remember: put things in perspective. Some people? They just got diagnosed with a life threatening disease and they have a timeline. Others? Maybe they stepped on a landmine in Afghanistan and now have to deal with being disabled for the rest of their life. You have it easy, even myself, I am blessed. Just remember that whenever you think you have it bad, someone else has it worse. So don't be so hard on yourself. But if it all goes to hell, just do gay porn bruh. I bet you a cute nigga and wouldn't mind taking a quarter liter of pure niggaconda nigjizz on your face. #OYYOY #BUDDYWIZDOM #NOHOMODOE
Post: 2312
Location: so flo
i could tell you where white before i finished reading the first paragraph. smh white people.
The title didn't give it away?
Post: 2313
Location: ???
why would you want to live the life of a drug addict celebrity that's probably not truly happy and probably miserable that they need drugs to keep themselves happy cuz their friends arent real friends but friends that use them just cuz they're famous...
why can't you just do what makes you happy. if you dont wanna go to school, then dont go to school. you want that dream job you wish for? strive for it harder, work for it, network, learn yourself if you dont wanna go to school. do what is fun and makes you happy.
i found out that the reason why my one friend got into berkeley wasn't cuz of her good grades and her portfolio (although that may have helped) but the fact that she walked straight to the admissions office and made them listen to her and hear what she had to say, offer, do, and instead of hoping and wishing that she'd get into the architecture program there, she MADE it happen.
stfu with your wishing and hoping this and that and why can't i bullshit and get up your ass and DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.
El Chino : id let claire fuck me with a strap on while im on
Post: 1141
Post: 2312
Location: so flo
Claire you're wasting time. He's gonna go on to drop out of community college and do nothing with his life.
Post: 2309
Location: eastcoast
everybody is sad nowadays
Post: 1826
Location: SoCal
HB is not a place to confess your hopes and dreams, because no one gives a fuck. That said, its funny cuz my way of thinking is this. I dont want to live my life as a kid, going to school occasionaly hanging out with friends then proceeding in going off to college learning about stuff im acting like im interested in then proceed to take a job that i never will like and proceed to search for a bitch to marry me and in some kind of dream land make me fucking sandwitches and is hot and will fuck me alot. (Thats me hopin that last part) But ill prolly settle for some 6 and have a couple kids, never be able to do anything for myself exciting due to my fixed income and lack of success in the stock market and never be able to buy the things i wanted (possibly a nice car, a fucking basketball hoop idk) or go places i wanted (fucking dubai, fuckin canad idk) beacause of my restrained down responsibilities and boring ass hard ass life in the suburbs of the midwest or some shit. Oh yeah and all my friends are fuckin gone off and married and moved to some other location PROBABLY doin the same exact thing
This seems like the &American Doom?& (Not dream) Because i dont want to fucking live that life
I want to fucking live the life of celebrities that people talk about in their free time about how they went off to rehab because theyre life is more awesome than theirs. I just dont want myself to believe that i cant be one of those people. I dont want myself to believe that i CANT become a recording artist and make more money than the average american who WANTS to live the life that i dont want to. I want myself to believe that I can fucking live the life that I dream about some day. That doesnt mean it will just come to me overnight. I will have to work hard for it. And im working alright. Im working. Im sixteen years old and I have over ten songs finished sitting wanting to be finalized once i get those recording shit that I bought with my money off of tax returns (170$! :D). I will release mixtape on mixtape so people will hear my shit and bump it in they fuckin cars. I dont know if being whie is relavant at all or helps my cause but uh i just wanted to say that. Im very unconfident because im fuckin zitted up teen and I feel like people are shallow and wudnt want to listen to me. that was random. But im also getting the word &OPTIMISM& tatted on my forearm when im 18 because when i think of that word life is good for me. And when im oprtimistic i make good rap. Well ya i just thought id let you all know this i guess. Im venting and kina upset. (Its 3 AM ima go to bed now)
everybody is sad nowadays
It's only natural. We're all going to die in a few months..
Post: 2496
Location: SD \\ CHI
My way of thinking is this. I dont want to live my life as a kid, going to school occasionaly hanging out with friends then proceeding in going off to college learning about stuff im acting like im interested in then proceed to take a job that i never will like and proceed to search for a bitch to marry me and in some kind of dream land make me fucking sandwitches and is hot and will fuck me alot. (Thats me hopin that last part) But ill prolly settle for some 6 and have a couple kids, never be able to do anything for myself exciting due to my fixed income and lack of success in the stock market and never be able to buy the things i wanted (possibly a nice car, a fucking basketball hoop idk) or go places i wanted (fucking dubai, fuckin canad idk) beacause of my restrained down responsibilities and boring ass hard ass life in the suburbs of the midwest or some shit. Oh yeah and all my friends are fuckin gone off and married and moved to some other location PROBABLY doin the same exact thing
This seems like the &American Doom?& (Not dream) Because i dont want to fucking live that life
I want to fucking live the life of celebrities that people talk about in their free time about how they went off to rehab because theyre life is more awesome than theirs. I just dont want myself to believe that i cant be one of those people. I dont want myself to believe that i CANT become a recording artist and make more money than the average american who WANTS to live the life that i dont want to. I want myself to believe that I can fucking live the life that I dream about some day. That doesnt mean it will just come to me overnight. I will have to work hard for it. And im working alright. Im working. Im sixteen years old and I have over ten songs finished sitting wanting to be finalized once i get those recording shit that I bought with my money off of tax returns (170$! :D). I will release mixtape on mixtape so people will hear my shit and bump it in they fuckin cars. I dont know if being whie is relavant at all or helps my cause but uh i just wanted to say that. Im very unconfident because im fuckin zitted up teen and I feel like people are shallow and wudnt want to listen to me. that was random. But im also getting the word &OPTIMISM& tatted on my forearm when im 18 because when i think of that word life is good for me. And when im oprtimistic i
make good rap. Well ya i just thought id let you all know this i guess. Im venting and kina upset. (Its 3 AM ima go to bed now)
It's funny you venting nigga because buddy was doing the same thing. Nigga been having trouble sleeping lately because of stress and anxiety, all because my dad is dying of cancer at the moment. Since I'm up late and have nothing better to do, allow a nigga to open his bag of jewels (no homo doe)
Normally, in my Satanistic type mindset, I never share burdens with people I don't know because I don't think it's necessary but for some reason, I feel like imparting some shared experience with a confused nigga like yourself. I'm 18, not really rich not really poor but like you, I sort of feel like I deserve more. (shoutout to Group Home for the rhyme inspiration) All I can say is be honest with yourself. There's a fine line between optimism and naivete, don't deceive yourself. Be sure that you are truly talented and are coming from a place of inspiration rather than attempting to emulate said talent and inspiration.
Also, understand that life is prone to drastic, unforeseen occurrences. I never planned on losing my pops, but sadly, it is imminent. You may similarly not plan on living the life you loathe, but it may certainly be your fate. If I were you, I would be sure to have a contingency plan in case your &dream& doesn't work out. I would phrase more as a goal, goals are tangible-- real, certainly possible. Dreams are very abstract. However, if you understand what it it takes to get where you want to be, I'm sure you will succeed as long as you are realistic and keep things in perspective. The problem many people on this forum have is they are overly materialistic. I wouldbe hypocritical to criticize everyone else of that when a nigga just dropped like $600 last night on gear, but there's a key difference: I am careful to not let material possessions validate or give my life worth or lack thereof.
You should be wary and keep a similar mindset. Like you, a lot of my close, close friends moved away. Some of the ones I have nearby are close by but they are more like niggas you chill with to have fun and pass time, not necessarily true homies that you would call a brother. I've said this before and I'll say it again, but to some, success is concrete and mortar. We define our achievements with houses, aesthetics, and glamour, rather than defining success as having a home, depth or possessing wisdom. I truly believe in destiny and the purpose in all things, however, people may not be willing to accept their purpose may not be what they intended it to be.
I say home because we as people all need an earthly dominion where we can be ourselves and recharge our energy. To some, it's late at night in a club grinding on some hoodrats donk, to others, it's reading a corny ass Twilight book, maybe to some of the more nerdy type niggas you getting your blister on playing NBA 2K12, or you could be getting your blister on lifting weights in a gym. You need to find a place where you can seek some therapy for your body and soul whether its in your music or perhaps some other talent you possess you have yet to discover.
Beauty and things like that are nice but understand they are nothing more than good looking things and nothing beautiful ever stays beautiful forever in terms of aesthetics. My dad for example, he used to be a marathon runner, nigga used to go to the gym with me all the time. I used to run with him. Now? He looks like a starved Somalian. To me in many ways he's still beautiful (no homo and no incest doe) because he represents the man I always loved and looked up to and was to me, the strongest person in my life and my best friend I've ever had besides my grandmother, my brother and my mother. Never let aesthetics masquerade as beauty, because at the end of the day, it is nothing more than a hollow victory. That &6& looking hoe could be such an amazing person on a personal level that even if her donk isn't the most curvaceous or her tits the most suckable or her mouth the best in terms niggaconda receptivity, the friend and partner you have for a lifetime will trump any empty, shallow victory.
Lastly, beware of letting your lifestyle define who you are as a person and your self-worth, similar in the fashion you would of material possessions. Even if you end up selling insurance and end up with an average looking wife and some whack ass kids, remember: put things in perspective. Some people? They just got diagnosed with a life threatening disease and they have a timeline. Others? Maybe they stepped on a landmine in Afghanistan and now have to deal with being disabled for the rest of their life. You have it easy, even myself, I am blessed. Just remember that whenever you think you have it bad, someone else has it worse. So don't be so hard on yourself. But if it all goes to hell, just do gay porn bruh. I bet you a cute nigga and wouldn't mind taking a quarter liter of pure niggaconda nigjizz on your face. #OYYOY #BUDDYWIZDOM #NOHOMODOEbuddy om u got a lot on your mind man
?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? /bkbrown
Post: 2921
Location: #OYYOYVille
My way of thinking is this. I dont want to live my life as a kid, going to school occasionaly hanging out with friends then proceeding in going off to college learning about stuff im acting like im interested in then proceed to take a job that i never will like and proceed to search for a bitch to marry me and in some kind of dream land make me fucking sandwitches and is hot and will fuck me alot. (Thats me hopin that last part) But ill prolly settle for some 6 and have a couple kids, never be able to do anything for myself exciting due to my fixed income and lack of success in the stock market and never be able to buy the things i wanted (possibly a nice car, a fucking basketball hoop idk) or go places i wanted (fucking dubai, fuckin canad idk) beacause of my restrained down responsibilities and boring ass hard ass life in the suburbs of the midwest or some shit. Oh yeah and all my friends are fuckin gone off and married and moved to some other location PROBABLY doin the same exact thing
This seems like the &American Doom?& (Not dream) Because i dont want to fucking live that life
I want to fucking live the life of celebrities that people talk about in their free time about how they went off to rehab because theyre life is more awesome than theirs. I just dont want myself to believe that i cant be one of those people. I dont want myself to believe that i CANT become a recording artist and make more money than the average american who WANTS to live the life that i dont want to. I want myself to believe that I can fucking live the life that I dream about some day. That doesnt mean it will just come to me overnight. I will have to work hard for it. And im working alright. Im working. Im sixteen years old and I have over ten songs finished sitting wanting to be finalized once i get those recording shit that I bought with my money off of tax returns (170$! :D). I will release mixtape on mixtape so people will hear my shit and bump it in they fuckin cars. I dont know if being whie is relavant at all or helps my cause but uh i just wanted to say that. Im very unconfident because im fuckin zitted up teen and I feel like people are shallow and wudnt want to listen to me. that was random. But im also getting the word &OPTIMISM& tatted on my forearm when im 18 because when i think of that word life is good for me. And when im oprtimistic i
make good rap. Well ya i just thought id let you all know this i guess. Im venting and kina upset. (Its 3 AM ima go to bed now)
It's funny you venting nigga because buddy was doing the same thing. Nigga been having trouble sleeping lately because of stress and anxiety, all because my dad is dying of cancer at the moment. Since I'm up late and have nothing better to do, allow a nigga to open his bag of jewels (no homo doe)
Normally, in my Satanistic type mindset, I never share burdens with people I don't know because I don't think it's necessary but for some reason, I feel like imparting some shared experience with a confused nigga like yourself. I'm 18, not really rich not really poor but like you, I sort of feel like I deserve more. (shoutout to Group Home for the rhyme inspiration) All I can say is be honest with yourself. There's a fine line between optimism and naivete, don't deceive yourself. Be sure that you are truly talented and are coming from a place of inspiration rather than attempting to emulate said talent and inspiration.
Also, understand that life is prone to drastic, unforeseen occurrences. I never planned on losing my pops, but sadly, it is imminent. You may similarly not plan on living the life you loathe, but it may certainly be your fate. If I were you, I would be sure to have a contingency plan in case your &dream& doesn't work out. I would phrase more as a goal, goals are tangible-- real, certainly possible. Dreams are very abstract. However, if you understand what it it takes to get where you want to be, I'm sure you will succeed as long as you are realistic and keep things in perspective. The problem many people on this forum have is they are overly materialistic. I wouldbe hypocritical to criticize everyone else of that when a nigga just dropped like $600 last night on gear, but there's a key difference: I am careful to not let material possessions validate or give my life worth or lack thereof.
You should be wary and keep a similar mindset. Like you, a lot of my close, close friends moved away. Some of the ones I have nearby are close by but they are more like niggas you chill with to have fun and pass time, not necessarily true homies that you would call a brother. I've said this before and I'll say it again, but to some, success is concrete and mortar. We define our achievements with houses, aesthetics, and glamour, rather than defining success as having a home, depth or possessing wisdom. I truly believe in destiny and the purpose in all things, however, people may not be willing to accept their purpose may not be what they intended it to be.
I say home because we as people all need an earthly dominion where we can be ourselves and recharge our energy. To some, it's late at night in a club grinding on some hoodrats donk, to others, it's reading a corny ass Twilight book, maybe to some of the more nerdy type niggas you getting your blister on playing NBA 2K12, or you could be getting your blister on lifting weights in a gym. You need to find a place where you can seek some therapy for your body and soul whether its in your music or perhaps some other talent you possess you have yet to discover.
Beauty and things like that are nice but understand they are nothing more than good looking things and nothing beautiful ever stays beautiful forever in terms of aesthetics. My dad for example, he used to be a marathon runner, nigga used to go to the gym with me all the time. I used to run with him. Now? He looks like a starved Somalian. To me in many ways he's still beautiful (no homo and no incest doe) because he represents the man I always loved and looked up to and was to me, the strongest person in my life and my best friend I've ever had besides my grandmother, my brother and my mother. Never let aesthetics masquerade as beauty, because at the end of the day, it is nothing more than a hollow victory. That &6& looking hoe could be such an amazing person on a personal level that even if her donk isn't the most curvaceous or her tits the most suckable or her mouth the best in terms niggaconda receptivity, the friend and partner you have for a lifetime will trump any empty, shallow victory.
Lastly, beware of letting your lifestyle define who you are as a person and your self-worth, similar in the fashion you would of material possessions. Even if you end up selling insurance and end up with an average looking wife and some whack ass kids, remember: put things in perspective. Some people? They just got diagnosed with a life threatening disease and they have a timeline. Others? Maybe they stepped on a landmine in Afghanistan and now have to deal with being disabled for the rest of their life. You have it easy, even myself, I am blessed. Just remember that whenever you think you have it bad, someone else has it worse. So don't be so hard on yourself. But if it all goes to hell, just do gay porn bruh. I bet you a cute nigga and wouldn't mind taking a quarter liter of pure niggaconda nigjizz on your face. #OYYOY #BUDDYWIZDOM #NOHOMODOEbuddy om u got a lot on your mind man
That anxiety lifestyle might not make it
|||||||||||||| Twitter:
Post: 2921
Location: #OYYOYVille
can you help me do a research paper for my psy class?
Sure chinaman, if you can pay me $40 it's yours. I already do that for illiterate niggas in my hometown area. Buddy doesn't have paypal so you finna have to pay a nigga of mine if you're interested.
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Post: 2267
A good first step is learning how to type like someone over the age of 7.
you have to conform to society in some aspects in order to make a decent living
if your only plans are becoming a recording artist, you need to get off the pedestal and wake the fuck up
you need to get good grades in high school, get good grades in college, and have some fun in between
Location: stl
CHEAP~ Huf Camo Waxed Highland, Saddlemans, Jcrew, Levis Commuters~CHEAP
Don't wish for things because nothing will just come to you, being a &rapper& isn't the only way to being wealthy. I don't know if you're good at rapping or not but if you're serious start learning about marketing and propaganda because that's what sells now, not talent. With that said there are plenty of other ways to &make it&, do what you love. Just don't let someone else decide your future.
Post: 1744
Location: Miami, FL
Ive been thinking about this topic and have been searching within myself as to how i really feel.
buddy omar. your post has served as some sort of epiphany and I sincerely want to thank you.
agree with avantgarde too
edit: had to quote philosopher omar. too many chars. dgaf
you and every other kid is trying to be a rapper .. good luck with that. and to be honest your view of success is basically the american dream nowadays &living like a celebrity&... ask any 14 year old girl that is their dream too
Post: 2187
Location: Up in the skys
My way of thinking is this. I dont want to live my life as a kid, going to school occasionaly hanging out with friends then proceeding in going off to college learning about stuff im acting like im interested in then proceed to take a job that i never will like and proceed to search for a bitch to marry me and in some kind of dream land make me fucking sandwitches and is hot and will fuck me alot. (Thats me hopin that last part) But ill prolly settle for some 6 and have a couple kids, never be able to do anything for myself exciting due to my fixed income and lack of success in the stock market and never be able to buy the things i wanted (possibly a nice car, a fucking basketball hoop idk) or go places i wanted (fucking dubai, fuckin canad idk) beacause of my restrained down responsibilities and boring ass hard ass life in the suburbs of the midwest or some shit. Oh yeah and all my friends are fuckin gone off and married and moved to some other location PROBABLY doin the same exact thing
This seems like the &American Doom?& (Not dream) Because i dont want to fucking live that life
I want to fucking live the life of celebrities that people talk about in their free time about how they went off to rehab because theyre life is more awesome than theirs. I just dont want myself to believe that i cant be one of those people. I dont want myself to believe that i CANT become a recording artist and make more money than the average american who WANTS to live the life that i dont want to. I want myself to believe that I can fucking live the life that I dream about some day. That doesnt mean it will just come to me overnight. I will have to work hard for it. And im working alright. Im working. Im sixteen years old and I have over ten songs finished sitting wanting to be finalized once i get those recording shit that I bought with my money off of tax returns (170$! :D). I will release mixtape on mixtape so people will hear my shit and bump it in they fuckin cars. I dont know if being whie is relavant at all or helps my cause but uh i just wanted to say that. Im very unconfident because im fuckin zitted up teen and I feel like people are shallow and wudnt want to listen to me. that was random. But im also getting the word &OPTIMISM& tatted on my forearm when im 18 because when i think of that word life is good for me. And when im oprtimistic i
make good rap. Well ya i just thought id let you all know this i guess. Im venting and kina upset. (Its 3 AM ima go to bed now)
It's funny you venting nigga because buddy was doing the same thing. Nigga been having trouble sleeping lately because of stress and anxiety, all because my dad is dying of cancer at the moment. Since I'm up late and have nothing better to do, allow a nigga to open his bag of jewels (no homo doe)
Normally, in my Satanistic type mindset, I never share burdens with people I don't know because I don't think it's necessary but for some reason, I feel like imparting some shared experience with a confused nigga like yourself. I'm 18, not really rich not really poor but like you, I sort of feel like I deserve more. (shoutout to Group Home for the rhyme inspiration) All I can say is be honest with yourself. There's a fine line between optimism and naivete, don't deceive yourself. Be sure that you are truly talented and are coming from a place of inspiration rather than attempting to emulate said talent and inspiration.
Also, understand that life is prone to drastic, unforeseen occurrences. I never planned on losing my pops, but sadly, it is imminent. You may similarly not plan on living the life you loathe, but it may certainly be your fate. If I were you, I would be sure to have a contingency plan in case your &dream& doesn't work out. I would phrase more as a goal, goals are tangible-- real, certainly possible. Dreams are very abstract. However, if you understand what it it takes to get where you want to be, I'm sure you will succeed as long as you are realistic and keep things in perspective. The problem many people on this forum have is they are overly materialistic. I wouldbe hypocritical to criticize everyone else of that when a nigga just dropped like $600 last night on gear, but there's a key difference: I am careful to not let material possessions validate or give my life worth or lack thereof.
You should be wary and keep a similar mindset. Like you, a lot of my close, close friends moved away. Some of the ones I have nearby are close by but they are more like niggas you chill with to have fun and pass time, not necessarily true homies that you would call a brother. I've said this before and I'll say it again, but to some, success is concrete and mortar. We define our achievements with houses, aesthetics, and glamour, rather than defining success as having a home, depth or possessing wisdom. I truly believe in destiny and the purpose in all things, however, people may not be willing to accept their purpose may not be what they intended it to be.
I say home because we as people all need an earthly dominion where we can be ourselves and recharge our energy. To some, it's late at night in a club grinding on some hoodrats donk, to others, it's reading a corny ass Twilight book, maybe to some of the more nerdy type niggas you getting your blister on playing NBA 2K12, or you could be getting your blister on lifting weights in a gym. You need to find a place where you can seek some therapy for your body and soul whether its in your music or perhaps some other talent you possess you have yet to discover.
Beauty and things like that are nice but understand they are nothing more than good looking things and nothing beautiful ever stays beautiful forever in terms of aesthetics. My dad for example, he used to be a marathon runner, nigga used to go to the gym with me all the time. I used to run with him. Now? He looks like a starved Somalian. To me in many ways he's still beautiful (no homo and no incest doe) because he represents the man I always loved and looked up to and was to me, the strongest person in my life and my best friend I've ever had besides my grandmother, my brother and my mother. Never let aesthetics masquerade as beauty, because at the end of the day, it is nothing more than a hollow victory. That &6& looking hoe could be such an amazing person on a personal level that even if her donk isn't the most curvaceous or her tits the most suckable or her mouth the best in terms niggaconda receptivity, the friend and partner you have for a lifetime will trump any empty, shallow victory.
Lastly, beware of letting your lifestyle define who you are as a person and your self-worth, similar in the fashion you would of material possessions. Even if you end up selling insurance and end up with an average looking wife and some whack ass kids, remember: put things in perspective. Some people? They just got diagnosed with a life threatening disease and they have a timeline. Others? Maybe they stepped on a landmine in Afghanistan and now have to deal with being disabled for the rest of their life. You have it easy, even myself, I am blessed. Just remember that whenever you think you have it bad, someone else has it worse. So don't be so hard on yourself. But if it all goes to hell, just do gay porn bruh. I bet you a cute nigga and wouldn't mind taking a quarter liter of pure niggaconda nigjizz on your face. #OYYOY #BUDDYWIZDOM #NOHOMODOE
Much LUV #NoHomoDoe
Cmon get down with a real nigga wussup
Post: 2818
Location: between the bay and...
you and every other kid is trying to be a rapper .. good luck with that. and to be honest your view of success is basically the american dream nowadays &living like a celebrity&... ask any 14 year old girl that is their dream too
plus #buddyomarspittruth, but for i am at the crossroads now of seeing materialistic hit doesn't bring happiness, hell money doesn't and i make a decent living, it provides u a way not to strees about living paycheck to paycheck but also people who aren't doing as well as you depend on you(like my mom),but we all have been fed the same crock of shit as to what success is and television and media are dumbing everybody down, i mean shit just trying to find a chick that just wants the simple life(not implying struggle) but who jut want a nice little house, couple of kids and jut travel is one in a million, everybody wants to be a star but that shit is for the birds, your legacy should be what you learned and were to teach others and lives you touch, and that's were i find myself trying to let down my guard, i want to live forever in hearts not by my wallet
edit: my favorite comedian paul mooney says&you never see a bank truck chasing a hure,can't take that shit with you& so when you can decipher money from success you will finally be free
Location: US
It's funny you venting nigga because buddy was doing the same thing. Nigga been having trouble sleeping lately because of stress and anxiety, all because my dad is dying of cancer at the moment. Since I'm up late and have nothing better to do, allow a nigga to open his bag of jewels (no homo doe)
Normally, in my Satanistic type mindset, I never share burdens with people I don't know because I don't think it's necessary but for some reason, I feel like imparting some shared experience with a confused nigga like yourself. I'm 18, not really rich not really poor but like you, I sort of feel like I deserve more. (shoutout to Group Home for the rhyme inspiration) All I can say is be honest with yourself. There's a fine line between optimism and naivete, don't deceive yourself. Be sure that you are truly talented and are coming from a place of inspiration rather than attempting to emulate said talent and inspiration.
Also, understand that life is prone to drastic, unforeseen occurrences. I never planned on losing my pops, but sadly, it is imminent. You may similarly not plan on living the life you loathe, but it may certainly be your fate. If I were you, I would be sure to have a contingency plan in case your &dream& doesn't work out. I would phrase more as a goal, goals are tangible-- real, certainly possible. Dreams are very abstract. However, if you understand what it it takes to get where you want to be, I'm sure you will succeed as long as you are realistic and keep things in perspective. The problem many people on this forum have is they are overly materialistic. I wouldbe hypocritical to criticize everyone else of that when a nigga just dropped like $600 last night on gear, but there's a key difference: I am careful to not let material possessions validate or give my life worth or lack thereof.
You should be wary and keep a similar mindset. Like you, a lot of my close, close friends moved away. Some of the ones I have nearby are close by but they are more like niggas you chill with to have fun and pass time, not necessarily true homies that you would call a brother. I've said this before and I'll say it again, but to some, success is concrete and mortar. We define our achievements with houses, aesthetics, and glamour, rather than defining success as having a home, depth or possessing wisdom. I truly believe in destiny and the purpose in all things, however, people may not be willing to accept their purpose may not be what they intended it to be.
I say home because we as people all need an earthly dominion where we can be ourselves and recharge our energy. To some, it's late at night in a club grinding on some hoodrats donk, to others, it's reading a corny ass Twilight book, maybe to some of the more nerdy type niggas you getting your blister on playing NBA 2K12, or you could be getting your blister on lifting weights in a gym. You need to find a place where you can seek some therapy for your body and soul whether its in your music or perhaps some other talent you possess you have yet to discover.
Beauty and things like that are nice but understand they are nothing more than good looking things and nothing beautiful ever stays beautiful forever in terms of aesthetics. My dad for example, he used to be a marathon runner, nigga used to go to the gym with me all the time. I used to run with him. Now? He looks like a starved Somalian. To me in many ways he's still beautiful (no homo and no incest doe) because he represents the man I always loved and looked up to and was to me, the strongest person in my life and my best friend I've ever had besides my grandmother, my brother and my mother. Never let aesthetics masquerade as beauty, because at the end of the day, it is nothing more than a hollow victory. That &6& looking hoe could be such an amazing person on a personal level that even if her donk isn't the most curvaceous or her tits the most suckable or her mouth the best in terms niggaconda receptivity, the friend and partner you have for a lifetime will trump any empty, shallow victory.
Lastly, beware of letting your lifestyle define who you are as a person and your self-worth, similar in the fashion you would of material possessions. Even if you end up selling insurance and end up with an average looking wife and some whack ass kids, remember: put things in perspective. Some people? They just got diagnosed with a life threatening disease and they have a timeline. Others? Maybe they stepped on a landmine in Afghanistan and now have to deal with being disabled for the rest of their life. You have it easy, even myself, I am blessed. Just remember that whenever you think you have it bad, someone else has it worse. So don't be so hard on yourself. But if it all goes to hell, just do gay porn bruh. I bet you a cute nigga and wouldn't mind taking a quarter liter of pure niggaconda nigjizz on your face. #OYYOY #BUDDYWIZDOM #NOHOMODOE
why doesn't that other gay dude (bowlan or whatever) post stuff like this? shit opened my eyes. thanks man
niggas who didn't read neither post by OP and Buddy lost out.
&The clothes don't make the man the man made them clothes.&
Post: 2921
Location: #OYYOYVille
I'm happy for those who read my words with humility and an open mind. I'm glad it helped some of yall. #BUDDYWIZDOM
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