please click the power key to testtry againn !

Justin Guitar | Free Guitar Lessons
Buying things through the links below cost you no more but contribute a little to the site! Thanks, J.
- over 800 completely free guitar lessons!
The best guitar lessons available on the
internet - and they're free :)
Nothing to pay, nothing to lose - so take a look around and see why over 30,000 people a day learn guitar here!
There are many hundreds of free
guitar lessons here and as you can imagine it's taken quite a lot of work and over 10 years for me to put it all together. It's important to me to help everyone that wants to learn to play the guitar, not just those with money for tuition, so I run it on an "honour system".
I rely on the honesty of users like your good self to make a donation if they can afford to. Donations allow me to keep it free for everyone, so if you like what I'm doing here then please support the site, don't leave it for "everyone else": make a
or buy some . Thanks for your support!
Wishing you love, peace and happiness (and many years of guitar fun!)
"Justin's lessons are so well taught, he has really changed the lives of millions of people all over the world, keep the good songs coming Justin! Your fan, Tommy Emmanuel cgp."
"If you told me you wanted to get going on guitar I'd recommend Justin Sandercoe."
"On a day when there's a temptation to go into a dark place, and only see all the bad stuff there is in the world ... greed, cruelty, exploitation, selfishness ... I get days like that pretty often .... it's great to find someone giving out, and giving out good, and operating on an honour basis ... There are so many people who can't afford Guitar lessons .... well, here's a wonderful guy who has set up a whole system of teaching guitar ... Blues, Jazz, Rock, even Songwriting, from the basics, tuning the guitar, etc ... upwards ... If you use his site, it's up to you to determine how much you can contribute ... but this is an amazing site .... he is also very aware of issues in the world which need attention ... a great channel .. Check him out. He's a giver."
"Justin is one of the most impressive guitar teachers on the planet.
Whether he's teaching a complete beginner, or helping a more advanced player reach the next level, he knows exactly how to communicate the knowledge he has to share."Martin has an excellent tuition site too! .
"I have checked out Justin's site and found it to be comprehensive and informative. I have always felt that learning about music and especially music theory applied to the guitar, is helpful in finding your own unique voice on the instrument and expanding your creative horizons. Along with his insight into teaching and his fantastic abilities on the instrument, Justin has created a powerful go-to-place for anyone interested in exploring the instrument to their potential. Just don't hurt yourself."
"There's an abundance of guitar information out there on the web, some good, some not. I stumbled across Justin Sandercoe's site a year ago and now tell everyone about it. The lessons are conveyed so clearly, concisely and in the most congenial way. The site is laid out logically as well so you can to go straight to your area of interest... beginner, blues, rock, folk, jazz, rhythm, fingerpicking... it's all there and more. Spend ten minutes with Justin and you'll not only play better but feel better too. From novice to know-it-all, everyone will learn something from Sandercoe."
"After teaching guitar and music theory to thousands of students over past three decades, I thought that I had basically 'seen it all' when it comes to guitar instruction. Then I discovered Justin’s website, and man was I impressed! Justin’s caring spirit, attention to detail, vast knowledge base, and especially his lucid, laidback and nurturing style, allow students to fall in love with the learning process. You see, it’s not enough to simply find out how to play a few cool licks or chords. A truly great teacher will make you fall in love with the process of discovery so that you can unlock the best within you. Justin is one of these great teachers, and I highly
to anyone who wants to tap into their best selves. "
"Justin is an instructor with that rare combination that encompasses great playing in conjunction with a thoughtful, likable personality. Justin's instruction is extremely intelligent because he's smart enough to know the 'basics' don't have to be served 'raw' - Justin keenly serves the information covered in chocolate. Justin's site is like a free pass in a candy store!"
New Lesson Schedule
I try my best to get new cool content for y'all as often as I can. At the moment the schedule is:
Monday: new
for you every week!
Wednesday: new.
Friday: For those about to ROCK!! !
Plus I've got other lessons, Xmas songs and more coming so almost every day in December you got a new lesson!
Not every lesson will be to your taste but hopefully you'll find plenty to keep you busy in the 800+ lessons we have up already :) See the
or just surf around!
We Came As Strangers (Justin's Band!)
released our new album
2014, our debut album,
in May 2013. All our albums are available on iTunes and Amazon MP3.
Latest Lesson Updates! TOTAL FREE LESSONS ON THIS SITE: 805 :)
Note: I'm taking some time off over xmas and new year, so I added
the new lessons coming up,
the pages are live but the videos won't be live until the dates shown below (at about 6pm GMT).
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and all the best for the new year!
04-01-15 o UKE: My favourite Eddie Vedder uke song,
01-01-15 o Masssive 30 minute lesson on !
31-12-14 o A fantastic first guitar song for Beginners, it's
29-12-14 o Classic
28-12-14 o UKE: funniest vid ever,)
26-12-14 o AC/DC all time rock masterpeice it's ! (800)
24-12-14 o Most popular acoustic guitar hit ever? it's !
23-12-14 o Get your festive mood on cos !
22-12-14 o Lick the Monday Blues with a
21-12-14 o UKE: sounds awesome on Uke
19-12-14 o More awesome AC/DC with
18-12-14 o
between Phosphor-Bronze, Bronze 80/20 and coated.
17-12-14 o Easy version of
for beginners.
16-12-14 o New
art collaboration for Shattered Mater!
15-12-14 o Lick The Monday Blues with a easy but big idea !
14-12-14 o UKE: Great fun... get
on ukulele
13-12-14 o Music Business 101:
12-12-14 o All time classic AC/DC song, , great for beginners.
11-12-14 o Updated the
10-12-14 o Classic Beatles song,
09-12-14 o , what you want? ;)
08-12-14 o Lick ya Monday Blues with this easy
07-12-14 o UKE: Ukulele Songbook series: The Beatles classic,
06-12-14 o Music Business 101:
05-12-14 o AC/DC season (every Friday) starts with the incredible
04-12-14 o New We Came As Strangers live video for our song
03-12-14 o Updated video for
02-12-14 o
- great country style solo in a pop song.
01-12-14 o
is available.
01-12-14 o Lick the Monday Blues with a wicked .
Latest News - December 2014
Merry Christmas everybody!! :)
Another super productive month was November, not only got 15 new lessons out, but I filmed over 50 more which are coming out in the coming months!! A
new lesson almost every day in December and January is filling up too!!
So we got a cracking new AC/DC season with a new song every Friday! This was penance for doing that Mariah Carey Xmas song which comes out mid December, the gods of rock n roll)
The new Ukulele Song series is coming out every Sunday, lots of really cool songs, some very very easy ones, some trickier.
will be shipping from December 10 so should be in time for xmas.
Fridays we have songs from the Intermediate Songbooks, Wednesdays we got beginner songs, some Tuesdays we got Xmas songs...
I've got a bunch more lessons to film for the revised Blues Lead course but I don't think it'll be ready for release until the new year - it's a massive project and I don’t want to rush it - rather get it right - but it's coming. Also keen to get back into some jazz lessons, as much for my own study)
I learned to ski in the last month which has been fun! I'm still rubbish of course but can go down the indoor beginner slope without crashing - really looking forward to hitting the real powder next year. Not much else going on for me - just working my butt off!
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and new year filled with much love and laughter! J
Need more lessons than you find here? try JamPlay...
I've got a whole lot of lessons here to keep you occupied for quite a while, but if you run out of things to learn, where should you go?? I get asked all the time and the site I usually recommend is JamPlay. They got loads of lessons by many different teachers and the qualities seems generally very high. For justinguitar students you can get a
Free Trial to check it out and see if you dig it or not, and get $10 off using voucher code jgsave10. You'd be crazy not to go check out what they have on offer.
Endorsements and stuff I dig..
I'm real fussy about stuff I endorse, I will NEVER ever say to y'all that I play something if I'm not using it and honestly dig it. I do not get paid to use anything, but I do get discounted or free stuff sometimes. I don't have any exclusive deals and often use other stuff too.
(nearly all my acoustics are Maton), ,
(easily the best acoustic amplifiers available),
(awesome Blue sky reverb, El Capistan and Timeline delay effects pedals),
Pedalboards (I use a PT2 and a Jr),
Pedal Power (Pro II and Pro Digital),
(best sounding and easiest to use looper pedal around),
(Loopy 2, Quartermaster, Generator and Virtual Batteries),
(quiet, solid and pure switcher pedals),
(coolest looking music stands ever) and
tab software.
Check them out, all seriously great tools for making happy sounds in your ears!
Global Issues
I'm just a guitar player, but I also care deeply about the state of the planet (and the people on it!) and maybe I can introduce you to some things you are not aware of, or just things that I care about. So take time to read the articles if you are interested, otherwise just turn the page and ignore...
Malaria - The quiet killer
I wonder how many of you ever thought that in the time it takes to watch one of my 10 minute videos that 20 children in Africa will die from malaria. Shocking isn't it. There are over 1 million deaths around the world from this killer, and it is preventable and curable. 90% of all malaria deaths are in Africa, and 70% of those are children under 5 years of age. The best way to prevent malaria is for children to sleep under treated mosquito nets. When I volunteered at the orphanage in Kpando, Ghana in 2008, none of the kids had nets. They all do now, but there are many hundreds of thousands of kids with no nets and no protection from the little buggers while they are asleep.
If they do catch it, they usually can't afford treatment, a simple case of taking a tablet for a few weeks. There are many organisations that are working on distributing nets and I would urge you to support them, financially and by talking about this problem. Please check out the following sites: , , click on donate, and help save a child's life. Thanks for taking the time read this, and I hope it moves you to act.
Free Range Farming
When I was a kid there was this old woman who lived up the road and used to protest about "battery farming". We all thought it was a bit of joke, but that crazy old lady was right - battery chicken farming is
and cruel and in my humble opinion it should be banned worldwide. These animals are kept in cages so small they can't even turn around. Imagine your family pet, dog or cat locked in cage so small it couldn't turn around for it's whole life? Nasty. It really is quite sick. And it's done to make more money, no other reason.
Interestingly the . But the problem is still huge - and the reason is mostly down to unethical processed food manufacturers, eggs are of course used in mayonnaise, cakes and many other foods. If it's not labelled "free range eggs" then the eggs most likely come from a battery farm. Why talk about it here? Well the only way it's going to change is if us as consumers demand free range eggs to be used everywhere. . If you care about the welfare of animals, then be the change you would like to see. Only buy free range eggs and avoid buying processed foods that use battery eggs.
Robin Hood Tax
Others know it as the Tobin Tax and the idea has been around a while, but only now that the global economics are all chaotic are people looking again at how money flows around the globe. From the research I have done it appears to be a fantastic idea that may help the world address (in a very small way) the massive divide between rich and poor. The idea is to tax banks on internal transactions - not ones that involve consumers - just the banks. The idea has a lot of support around the world and I believe it is worthy of your support. But read about it yourself and make your own judgment.
This site is free for peace loving people - let's make this world a happy and safe place!
&Food for Thought&
Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.
Music is everyone's possession. It's only publishers who
think that people own it.
Many people die with their music still in them.
Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live.
Before they know it, time runs out.
Morality is doing right, no matter what you are told.
Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right.
30-11-14 o The Ukulele Songbook series started today with !
29-11-14 o New Music Business mini series starts with
28-11-14 o Ain't no cure for the .
26-11-14 o Very easy 3 chord beginner song, .
25-11-14 o Just cos it's so good - .
24-11-14 o Lick the Monday Blues with a .
21-11-14 o
19-11-14 o Super easy beginner version of
17-11-14 o Lick the Monday Blues with one of !
14-11-14 o Rocking it today with !
12-11-14 o Reworked the poptastic
this week.
10-11-14 o Lick the Monday Blues with a , the famous on Chuck stole.
07-11-14 o
for you this Friday.
05-11-14 o Revisited the all time classic
this week.
03-11-14 o Lick the Monday Blues with a cool
style repeating lick.
31-10-14 o The most requested song ever, a 30 minute mega lesson on !
29-10-14 o Rework Wednesday this week is
by Otis Redding
27-10-14 o Lick the Monday Blues with an
evergreen lick!
24-10-14 o One of the finest grooves ever!
by Booker T and the MGs!
22-10-14 o Rework Wednesday, the great beginner's Fingerstyle song
by Tracy Chapman.
21-10-14 o Just cos it's awesome...
by The Rolling Stones!
20-10-14 o Massive 'lick of paint' for the web site revealed after months of work!!
20-10-14 o Lick the Monday Blues with a tasty fast
17-10-14 o Jefferson Airplane's awesome !
13-10-14 o Lick the Monday Blues with modern
style lick!
12-10-14 o Massive overhaul of the
of the web site!
10-10-14 o Beginner song with just 2 chords!
06-10-14 o Lick the Monday Blues with a great
using the 'BB Box'
03-10-14 o
(incl. Spotify playlist!)
29-09-14 o Lick the Monday Blues with a classic
bending lick!
26-09-14 o Acoustic Fingerstyle magic, .
24-09-14 o Re-Work Wednesday:
22-09-14 o Lick the Monday Blues: the mighty
19-09-14 o Poptastic classic mega-hit,
17-09-14 o
gets a re-work this week!
15-09-14 o Lick the Monday Blues:
12-09-14 o It's all time guitar classic - !!
10-09-14 o Re-Work Wednesday:
08-09-14 o Lick the Monday Blues... this week is an
05-09-14 o Mahoosive hit this week: I'm Yours by .
01-09-14 o NEW SERIES: Lick the Monday Blues. Kicking off with !
27-08-14 o The new free web app is now live on the site!!
22-08-14 o Neil Diamond's mega hit
a bone fide vintage classic!
15-08-14 o
by The Every Brothers
08-08-14 o Great acoustic ballad this week,
02-08-14 o All time Metal classic, !!
25-07-14 o Thank ROCK for the awesome
23-07-14 o Technique ReVamp: this time we're !
18-07-14 o Rock Friday for the legendary
17-07-14 o Technique ReVamp: The incredible
12-07-14 o Technique ReVamp:
11-07-14 o Thank Rock It's Friday:
10-07-14 o Technique ReVamp:
09-07-14 o Technique ReVamp:
08-07-14 o Technique ReVamp:
05-07-14 o Always wanted to learn slide? check out
04-07-14 o Thank Rock It's Friday returns with Soundgarden's
10-06-14 o
by The Police
04-06-14 o
(Recording Series)
03-06-14 o
the Crash Test Dummies
01-06-14 o
by Neil Young, awesome!!
27-05-14 o Rockin Chewsday,
by the Arctic Monkeys.
24-05-14 o The incredible
by Jimi Hendrix - wow this is SO popular!!
20-05-14 o Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel classic
19-05-14 o Jazz Standard:
18-05-14 o Jazz Standard:
17-05-14 o Jazz Standard:
17-05-14 o lesson
15-05-14 o More Garage Band, now we're !
13-05-14 o
(including the solo) is this weeks vintage hit!
08-05-14 o First of new Recording Techniques tutorials, !
06-05-14 o More vintage awesomeness with !
04-05-14 o And lastly the Harmonic Analysis of
for a nice Sunday headache :)
03-05-14 o Melody for the Jazz Standard .
02-05-14 o Chords for the Jazz Standard .
29-04-14 o The beautiful is this weeks vintage classic!
23-04-14 o
is this weeks vintage hit!
20-04-14 o
16-04-14 o More supercool vintage hits, !
12-04-14 o Jazz 'Standard Saturday' starts with the classic ! (3 videos!)
07-04-14 o The classic , awesome :)
02-04-14 o , more prep for the Stds series
01-04-14 o More vintage classics with
29-03-14 o , great prep for the coming series!
26-03-14 o Stuff I wish someone told me when I was younger, .
25-03-14 o
from The Last Waltz!
19-03-14 o More Jazz, all about !
12-03-14 o The
to get you swinging.
11-03-14 o Classic vintage song
05-03-14 o Jazz series continues with
04-03-14 o Easy great sounding Vintage hit
26-02-14 o Reworking the jazz series with , join the journey here!
25-02-14 o Vintage classic, , lots of fun this one.
24-02-14 o 5' Guitar Exercise: , gotta make 'em as good as you can.
21-02-14 o 5' Guitar Exercise:!
18-02-14 o The beautiful ballad
for you this week :)
13-02-14 o Bit more Uke for you, getting into
12-02-14 o All time Vintage Songbook classic,
11-02-14 o New promo video for the
10-02-14 o Another super useful technique exercise, The Disappearing Metronome
04-02-14 o Starting off the NEW SERIES: 5' Guitar Exercises with awesome one
23-01-14 o Keepin on the Uke,
16-01-14 o More cool Uke strumming, the.
12-01-14 o Everyone loves
07-01-14 o
to get your groove on
05-01-14 o Ever popular tune, !
01-01-14 o Another bunch of
31-12-13 o All time classic,
27-12-13 o More Uke fun,
24-12-13 o Vintage classic from The King, !
17-12-13 o Crooner vintage hit for the Red Sox fans,
by Neil Diamond. Legend.
12-12-13 o I've started on the Uke lessons, !!
10-12-13 o More vintage Beatles brilliance,
05-12-13 o Quick Tip: !
03-12-13 o Vintage classic,
28-11-13 o Quick Tip: !
27-11-13 o Release of the!!
26-11-13 o Vintage Songbook: ! amazing Ray Davies song!
25-11-13 o , a free D'Addario NT Micro Tuner with all orders over ?50!
25-11-13 o NEW RELEASE:
is now available for pre-order
22-11-13 o Classic Christmas Song:
by John Lennon & Yoko Ono
21-11-13 o Quick Tip:
19-11-13 o Classic Christmas Song:
15-11-13 o Rock Songbook: The wonderful
14-11-13 o Quick Tip:
24-10-13 o Quick Tip:
18-10-13 o Massive hit for the
17-10-13 o Quick Tip:
11-10-13 o Hair metal hit
10-10-13 o Quick Tip:
04-10-13 o Awesome guitar riff in
03-10-13 o Quick Tip:
27-09-13 o All time classic rock -
26-09-13 o Quick Tip: !
24-09-13 o
from Travis
20-09-13 o Can you hear ? classic AC/DC!
19-09-13 o Quick Tip: !
17-09-13 o Mega hit
by Coldplay from the Acoustic Songbook!
16-09-13 o Last We Came As Strangers video for
16-09-13 o Skills:
16-09-13 o Skills:
16-09-13 o Skills:
16-09-13 o Skills:
16-09-13 o Skills:
16-09-13 o Skills:
16-09-13 o Skills:
16-09-13 o Skills:
16-09-13 o Skills: 13-09-13 o RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE!!!
- awesome!!
12-09-13 o Quick Tip: !
10-09-13 o Popular Eric Clapton ballad,
09-09-13 o One my vocals from the last We Came As Strangers album, song called
06-09-13 o Brit Pop classic !
05-09-13 o Quick Tip:)
03-09-13 o Super easy beginner tune, !
02-09-13 o Rocking We Came As Strangers Track,
30-08-13 o Most played rock riff ever?
29-08-13 o Quick Tip: , a pro trick!
27-08-13 o Remake of the beginner's classic,
by Roberta Flack
26-08-13 o More We Came As Strangers for you, , my vocal and fun solo!
22-08-13 o Quick Tip: , why I don't give out settings.
20-08-13 o , Stage 1 Beginner's tune!
19-08-13 o Another We Came As Strangers track for you, !
16-08-13 o I Wanna !
15-08-13 o Quick Tip:
13-08-13 o Huge 90's hit
12-08-13 o FourChords promo vid ft.
09-08-13 o Poptastic rock hit
08-08-13 o Quick Tip:
06-08-13 o Huge hit ballad
02-08-13 o The grunge classic
01-08-13 o Quick Tip:
30-07-13 o Chewsday Cheese
26-07-13 o Classic Cream riff
25-07-13 o
Quick Tip:
23-07-13 o Mega pop
19-07-13 o The first Heavy Metal?
18-07-13 o Quick Tip:
16-07-13 o Based on Bob's guitar it's
12-07-13 o Look in my eye?
11-07-13 o Quick Tip:
09-07-13 o 60's Sex Bomb's big hit
05-07-13 o Long live classic rock
04-07-13 o Quick Tip:
02-07-13 o
28-06-13 o
27-06-13 o
25-06-13 o
18-06-13 o
12-06-13 o
04-06-13 o
31-05-13 o
28-05-13 o
23-05-13 o
21-05-13 o
11-05-13 o
29-04-13 o
23-04-13 o
16-04-13 o
15-04-13 o Justin's band,
10-04-13 o NEW RELEASE: The for iOS :)
09-04-13 o
02-04-13 o
26-03-13 o Cheesy Chewsday Choon:
19-03-13 o Cheesy Chewsday Choon:
12-03-13 o Cheesy Chewsday Choon:.
04-03-13 o First Pop Songbook track,
01-03-13 o Release of the new
:) shipping by end of March.
22-02-13 o Funk it up with !
20-02-13 o My new app is out for iOS,
06-02-13 o Another classic !
30-01-13 o
23-01-13 o The
great acoustic song
16-01-13 o About time we had
09-01-13 o Acoustic classic,
by The Beatles
08-01-13 o Last of the Effective Practice series, !
02-01-13 o First new song this year is
01-01-13 o First of the new year is
26-12-12 o
is this weeks Acoustic Song!
25-12-12 o More practice help with
17-12-12 o New Acoustic tune is
16-12-12 o More practice help with
12-12-12 o
from the Acoustic Songbook
11-12-12 o More practice help with
05-12-12 o I see a
in your future :)
04-12-12 o
30-11-12 o Neil Young classic , what a great tune!
28-11-12 o More ...
27-11-12 o
23-11-12 o , a Beginner's Tune!
21-11-12 o
by Nirvana from!
20-11-12 o
19-11-12 o One of my all time faves,
18-11-12 o
with Pete Cook.
17-11-12 o Classic magic,
14-11-12 o Acoustic Songbook,
13-11-12 o
(new lesson in this series every Tuesday!)
12-11-12 o Interview and little jam with
11-11-12 o Awesome 12 string song, Extreme's
10-11-12 o , and demo of my new Maton.
10-11-12 o , what a great song!
09-11-12 o Top surfer dude Donovan Frankenreiter's catchy choon,.
08-11-12 o The Monkee's HUGE hit .
06-11-12 o Death Cab For Cutie's magnificent dark ballad, .
04-11-12 o
came into the room...
02-11-12 o
from new songbook :)
I didn't keep the records of dates and stuff before this, wish I had now, be interesting to see. Oh well.}


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