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.net framework 3.5
Microsoft .NET Framework
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Microsoft .NET Framework Download
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 is a full cumulative update that contains many new features building incrementally upon .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, and includes cumulative servicing updates to the .NET Framework 2.0 and .NET Framework 3.0 subcomponents.
System Requirements:
Processor: 400 MHz Pentium processor or equivalent (Minimum); 1GHz Pentium processor or equivalent (Recommended)
RAM: 96 MB (Minimum); 256 MB (Recommended)
Hard Disk: Up to 500 MB of available space may be required
Display: 800 x 600, 256 colors (Minimum); 1024 x 768 high color, 32-bit (Recommended)
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.NET Resource Corner
We now support
.NET 3.5 Hosting (SP1) Available
.NET 3.5, .NET 3.0, and .NET 2.0 frameworks are available on all of our Windows hosting platforms -
.NET 4.0 is supported on our Windows 2008 hosting platform.
What's New with .NET Framework 3.5
.NET Framework 3.5 builds incrementally on the new features that were added in .NET Framework 3.0.
In addition, .NET Framework 3.5 contains some new features which have been added as new assemblies
to avoid breaking changes. They include the following:
Sevice Pack 1
Our .NET hosting platform supports .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1, which includes updated AJAX assemblies,
ASP.NET Dyanmic Data, ASP.NET Routing Engine, ADO.NET Entity Framework, and ADO.NET Data Services. With SP1,
the .NET Framework supports SQL Server 2008.
.NET 3.5 includes deep integration of Language Integrated Query (LINQ). This new feature will let customers write code
written in LINQ-enabled languages to filter, enumerate, and create projections of several types of SQL data,
collections, XML, and DataSets by using the same syntax.
ASP.NET AJAX 3.5 lets you create more efficient, more interactive, and more personalized Web user experiences
that work across most browsers.
New Web Protocol Support
New web protocol support for building Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services including AJAX, ATOM, JSON, POX, REST,
RSS and new WS* standards.
Visual Studio 2008 Support
Full support in Visual Studio 2008 for Windows Communications Foundation, and Windows Presentation Foundation, and including the new workflow-enabled services technology.
New Classes
New classes in .NET Framework 3.5 base class library address many common customer requests.
Helpful Links for .NET Framework 3.5
Other .NET Framework Versions at DiscountASP.NET:
Supporting the latest Web Stack
DiscountASP.NET | All Rights Reserved
All trademarks are property of their legal owners.
Microsoft Windows Hosting Product PagesWin8 .NET Framework 3.5 离线安装包 中文版
应用平台:Windows 8 64位
微软在最新的WIN8系统中没有集成.NET 3.5,如果安装的话,必须是在线安装,为了方便不能上网或者上网速度慢的用户安装.NET 3.5,作者制作了这个离线安装包,可自动安装.NET 3.5
如果不想使用工具安装,用下面的方法,也可在WIN8系统中实现离线安装.NET Framework 3.5
执行&dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:G:\sources\sxs& ,其中/Source: 是Win8安装目中的文件夹
注意:这个.net 3.5安装包是专用于win8 64位系统的,Win8 32位系统的,请到下面的页面下载:
Win8 .NET Framework 3.5 离线安装包 中文版
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