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NAMEscsimgr_esdisk — SCSI class driver esdisk plug-in for scsimgrDESCRIPTIONThe SCSI class driver
plug-in for
implements management
and diagnostic operations specific to classes of devices bound to the
is the native HP-UX SCSI class driver that handles, by default,
all block devices including the following types : direct access, CD/DVD,
write-once read-multiple (WORM), and optical memory (OM).The plug-in handles the following operations for driver
Displays and clears driver
global statistics and the statistics
it maintains on instances of LUNs bound to it, and on related LUN paths.Displays status and other information maintained by driver
on LUNs bound to it.Gets, sets, and saves driver
global, per-lun instance attributes
or attributes for a set of devices bound to the driver.CommandsThe user can explicitly send the following
plug-in by specifying the
clear_stat Clears statistics.get_attr Displays information on attributes.get_info Displays status and other information.get_stat Displays statistics.save_attr Saves value of attributes in a persistent store.set_attr Set current values of attributes.Note:
for the syntax of the above commands.However, the only instance when it is necessary to explicitly send a command
to the plug-in is when performing operations on objects global to
global statistics, attributes or status information.
In all the other cases,
automatically invokes the plug-in
to perform the driver specific part of the operation, when the operation
applies to LUNs bound to driver
or to their LUN paths.AttributesThe following table lists driver
specific attributes.
Also, under
the category "Device Set",
the attributes the
driver can
including, device type, vendor identifier,
product identifier and product revision.
On the concept of attribute and attribute scope, refer to
The following conventions are used :
RO is Read Only.RW is Read Write.uint32 is unsigned 32 bit integer.Range of values for applicable attributes is listed.I/O Load Balancing PolicyThe I/O load balancing policy attribute,
is a tunable that controls how I/Os
are distributed across the paths to a LUN:
round_robin Paths are selected in a round robin manner.
This is more appropriate when all the paths to the device have similar
I/O turn-around characteristics.least_cmd_load The LUN path with the least number of active I/O requests is selected to
execute the next I/O.
This policy is appropriate when the paths to the LUN exhibit asymmetric
latency characteristics.
The load is distributed to optimize the bandwidth on each LUN path.cl_round_robin (cell aware round robin)This load balancing policy is applicable to HP cell-based platforms.
The LUN paths are selected in a round robin manner within the locality
of CPU on which the I/O was initiated, to ensure that memory access
latencies are optimized.preferred_pathThe I/O path set in the preferred_path attribute is preferrably used for
I/O transfer.
If this I/O path is not available or if the preferred_path
attribute was not set, any other path is selected
for I/O transfer.
This policy is useful for certain disk arrays, which may
exhibit some performance degradation if I/Os are transferred via several
I/O paths to a LUN simultaneously.EXAMPLESTo display
scsimgr esdisk
plug-in general help and supported commands:
scsimgr -h -d esdisk To get esdisk driver global statistics
scsimgr get_stat -d esdisk To clear esdisk driver global statistics
scsimgr clear_stat -d esdisk To get esdisk driver global status information
scsimgr get_info -d esdisk To display information about esdisk driver global attributes
scsimgr get_attr -d esdisk To set the load balancing policy for disk0 to preferred_path
and set the I/O path to be used preferably
scsimgr set_attr -D /dev/rdisk/disk0
-a load_bal_policy=preferred_path
-a preferred_path=0/3/1/0.0x72eb.0x0 To add a settable attribute scope corresponding to all disk devices from
HP with product identifier "MSA VOLUME", for allowing
modification of some settable attribute at this scope
scsimgr ddr_add -N "/escsi/esdisk/0x0/HP /MSA VOLUME
" To persistently change the default I/O load balancing policy, I/O timeout,
and maximum concurrent I/O
for all disk devices from
HP with product identifier "MSA VOLUME"
scsimgr save_attr -N "/escsi/esdisk/0x0/HP
-a load_bal_policy=least_cmd_load -a esd_secs=60
-a path_fail_secs=60 To disable write cache, Persistent Reservation and 16 bytes read/write CDB
for all disk devices bound to the
scsimgr set_attr -N /escsi/esdisk -a disable_flags='WCE PR RW16' AUTHORSCSI class driver
plug-in for
was developed by
Hewlett Packard Company.SEE ALSO,
Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.希捷 ES.2 这硬盘怎么样???_百度知道
希捷 ES.2 这硬盘怎么样???
希捷 ES.2 500G 32M SATA ST3500320NS 企业级硬盘 准备用硬盘*2做RO 带30台用BXP 读写都RO知道硬盘
呵呵 说ES2啊 始网吧用 2读2写 带<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a006c655f台 双千兆网卡 SUPERCACHE 使用候经现问题 写盘运行间 速度突降10M 换主板 内存 于事补 联系ST客服 说ICH9R与硬盘兼容性问题 付附件SN05 AN05 解决问题现我用ES2 改用RE3 2读2写60台
不一定 也有没问题的 论坛上也有好多关于ES2硬盘的问题的
出门在外也不愁希捷硬盘: 希捷新推,Constellation ES.3系企业级硬盘_第三媒体硬盘(HardDisk)频道
→ 希捷硬盘: 希捷新推,Constellation ES.3系企业级硬盘
希捷硬盘: 希捷新推,Constellation ES.3系企业级硬盘
针对大规模数据应用,日前,希捷新推出了Constellation ES.3系列企业级硬盘,容量有4TB、3TB、2TB、1TB,拥有最佳的抗震抗冲击能力,主要用于大容量RAID存储、主流企业外置
[正文] & &
&& 针对大规模数据应用,日前,希捷新推出了Constellation ES.3系列企业级,容量有4TB、3TB、2TB、1TB,拥有最佳的抗震抗冲击能力,主要用于大容量RAID存储、企业外置存储阵列(SAN/NAS/DAS)、大规模云数据存储、企业备份与恢复(D2D/Tape)、集中监控等,具体售价未知,提供质保五年。
&& 据介绍,希捷Constellation ES.3系列规格为3.5寸,包括SATA 6Gbps、SAS 6Gbps接口产品,拥有128MB缓存,转速7200RPM,平均延迟4.16毫秒,内部持续传输率175MB/s,支持24&#215;7连续运行,平均故障间隔时间140万小时,年故障率0.63%,年连续运行时间8760小时,空闲功耗4.45-6.73W,随机读取典型功耗8.08-11.27W,支持增强的纠错、对等性、端到端SAS数据完整性技术。
&&& (第三媒体 )
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(10-17) (10-08) (02-03) (01-09) (12-15) (11-30) (10-17) (10-17) (10-15) (10-11) (10-10)> 希捷 Barracuda ES.2 1TB硬盘介绍
很给力 7款绝对主流1TB硬盘年度横评 作者: 责任编辑:孙玉亮 【原创】
● 希捷 Barracuda ES.2 企业级
&&& 希捷 Barracuda ES.2 1TB企业级硬盘是横向评测中唯一一款单碟,不过为了和西数的1TB黑板做对比,也将其加入横测行列。
希捷 Barracuda ES.2 1TB企业级硬盘正面(点击放大)
&&& 希捷STNS属于希捷的和企业存储中的Barracuda ES.2系列,硬盘容量为1TB。硬盘拥有32MB超大缓存容量,而转速仍然维持在7200RPM,硬盘产地为泰国。
希捷 Barracuda ES.2 1TB企业级硬盘背面(点击放大)
&&& 希捷STNS定位于企业级存储系列,支持7*24小时的极酷工作环境,并且无故障运行时间超过1.2百万小时。另外,硬盘采用了动态功耗控制技术( PowerTrim& technology),进一步降低了硬盘在工作时的温度,使硬盘更稳定更长寿。
希捷 Barracuda ES.2 1TB企业级硬盘标签(点击放大)
&&& 希捷STNS采用了第二代垂直记录技术,单碟容量为250GB,所以1TB的超大容量则需要用4张盘片来实现。
希捷 Barracuda ES.2 1TB企业级硬盘接口(点击放大)
&&& 希捷 Barracuda ES.2 1TB企业级硬盘采用了主流的PCB反转设计,从外面看不到任何芯片,可以减少因为碰撞而造成损坏的几率。通过拆解可以发现该硬盘的接口部分与PCB板是一体的,采用SATA 3.0Gb/s接口。
希捷 Barracuda ES.2 1TB企业级硬盘[参考]&830元[联系方式] 北京中关村科贸2B119#柜台[联系电话] 010-[报价查询]
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