2014-2015学年度八年级上册期中试卷第二次大联考 试卷

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山东省滕州市西部协作区学年八年级历史上学期第一次联考试题(答案不全) 鲁教版
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    山东省滕州市西部协作区学年八年级历史上学期第一次联考试题(答案不全) 鲁教版  一、单项选择题:(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分。)  1.中央电视台每年以“感动”为标准评选年度感动中国人物,如果可以对历史人物评选,你认为1839年感动中国人物最有资格当选的应是   A.邓世昌
D.洪秀全  2.“列强的炮声惊醒了古老中华帝国的美梦,中华民族的屈辱史——中国近代史开始了”。“列强的炮声”指的是  A.鸦片战争
D.八国联军侵华战争  3.1839年,英国驻广州商务监督给首相发出密件,建议向清廷发出通牒,要求其割让一个岛屿给英王陛下。后来 英国通过鸦片战争达到了该目的。这个“岛屿”是  A.香港岛
D.澎湖列岛  4.圆明园是清代最著名的皇家园林,它毁于第二次鸦片战争。关于这场战争的史实叙述正确的是  A.该战争爆发于1840年  B.战争期间是我国近代丧失领土最多的时期  C.我国开始开放上海  D.清政府划定北京东交民巷为使馆界,原住中国居民迁出  7.“万里出征,抬棺死战,驱外虏于西域,为民族第一功臣,此左宗棠也。”材料称赞左宗棠为“民族功臣”的依据是  A.痛击阿古 柏,收复新疆
B.出使俄国,收回伊犁  C.查缴鸦片,虎门销烟
D.黄海大战,壮烈牺牲  8.弘扬民族精神是历史影视的主题之一。下列再现了邓世昌英勇抗击日本侵略者的影片是  A.《鸦片战争》
D.《甲午风云》  9.1899年,康有为从美洲回国途经日本时写下这样的诗句:“有人遥指旌旗出,千古伤心过马关。”使康有为伤心的主要原因是哪一条约的签订  A.《南京条约》
D.《辛丑条约》  10.“日本轮船得驶入下开各口,附搭行客,装运货物:一、从湖北省宜昌溯长江以至四川省重庆;二、从上海驶进吴淞江及运河以至苏州府、杭州府。”以上文字出自  A.《南京条约》
D.《辛丑条约》  11.《辛丑条约》签订后美国公使田贝说:“事实上,外国公使成为中国不可分割的一部分”,从此可以“任意斥责一切对待外国人不称职的中国官吏”。这说明了  A.清政府与列强建立了外交关系
D.中国的反帝斗争蓬勃发展  12.近代列强先后对中国发动多次侵略战争,清王朝被迫与列强签订了一系列不平等条约。下列关于战争与条约对应正确的是  A.鸦片战争——《伊犁条约》
B.第二次鸦片战争——《辛丑条约》  C.甲午中日战争——《马关条约》
D.八国联军侵华战争——《南京条约》您所在位置: &
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A. 1988年在我国山东蓬莱海面出现过一次双日重叠的日出现象,蔚为壮观
B. 下雨时,先看到闪电后看到雷声
C. 在地热喷泉架一个锅,能煮熟食物
D. 每年八月,钱塘江口出现大潮,此时海水像千军万马以排山倒海之势扑来
) A.用平直的刻度尺在曲线上从起点到终点慢慢移动,直到读出数值
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绍兴市七校学年上学期10月联考八年级英语试卷&&& 听力部分(20分)一、听力第一节:听小对话,选择回答。1. What was the weather like yesterday?&&A. Cloudy.&&B. Rainy. &&&C.Sunny.2. Where did Sandy go on vacation? &&A. She went to the beach.&B. She stayed at home.&C. She visited museums.3. Who did Kathy play tennis with?A. Her father.&&B. Her best friend.&&C. Her PE teacher.4. What does Jack usually do on weekends?&&A He usually uses the Internet.&& &&&B. He usually watches television.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. He usually helps with housework.5. Is Paul more outgoing than his sister?&&A Yes, he is. &&B. No, he isn’t. &&C. Sorry, we don’t know.第二节:听两段较长对话回答问题。& 听下面一段较长对话,回答6至7小题。6. When did Jim go to Donghai?A. Last Friday.&&B. Last Saturday.&&C. Last Sunday.7. What did Jim do in Donghai in the morning?A. Visited the old town. &&B. Ate a special chicken. &C. Tried paragliding.听下面一段较长对话,回答8至10小题。8. What does Tina do on weekends?A. She plays sports.&&B. She goes to the mountains.&&C. She goes shopping.9. What’s Tina’s favorite sport?A. Basketball.&&&B Volleyball.&&&C. Skateboarding.10. What does Sam think of Tina?A. She is funny . &&B. She is friendly.&&C. She is hard-working.第三节:听短文,选择最佳选项。11. Where is Tommy now?A. England&&&B. America &&&C. China12. What does Tommy like to have for lunch?A. milk and vegetables&B. vegetables and fish&C. milk and fish13. How often does Tommy exercise?A. Once a week &&B. Twice a week &&C. Three times a week14. Does Tommy often watch television late at night?A. Yes, every day. &&B. No, hardly ever&&C. Yes, sometimes.15. How many hours does he sleep every night?A. Eight &&&&B. Nine &&&&C. Ten&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 笔试部分(80分)二、单项填空(每小题1分,满分10分)& 16. ― Did you go fishing with ________ yesterday? &&―Yes, I went with my father.& &&A. someone &&B. anyone&&C. no one&&&D. everyone 17. Today the weather was so cool _____ they had a great time there. &&A. and&&&B.as&&&&C. that& &&&D. but& 18. I have quite ______ friends. I feel very happy. &&A. few&&&B. a few &&&C. little& &&D. a little& 19. ―________do you read English books?& && ―Twice a day.&& &&A. How many&&& &B. How much&&& &C. How long&&&&& D. How often& t20.I feel my stomach terrible. I think I ate ______ at lunch time.&&A. something bad& &&&&B. nothing bad& &&C. bad something& &&&&D. something good 21. Nobody taught me English . I learned it by _______ . &&A. I&& &&&B.my&&& &&C. mine&& &&D.myself 22. They ______ go out for dinner, but not very often.& &&A. never& &&B. always& &&C. usually& &&D. sometimes 23. We have to stay at home& ________ the heavy rain. &&A. because&& &&B. because of& &C. but&& &&&D. and& 24.&―I am________. May I have something to eat?& &&―OK. Here is some bread.& A. thirsty& &&B. hungry& &&C. tired& &&&D. sleepy& 25. &―Steven, can you help me buy some meat? &&―& ___,I like shopping.& A. That’s right&& &B. Sorry& &&C. Of course& &D. You’re welcome.
三、完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分)& &The summer vacation is the best time for students. They can go outdoors and have fun. They can go to big cities to& 26& , or go to the countryside to enjoy the beauty of&& 27& . Peter is an American middle school student and he loves& 28& very much. He always travels in his country. This summer vacation he wants to do something& 29& . He is interested in Chinese history.& 30& he is flying to Beijing and Xi’an for the summer vacation. He is leaving on July 12th and& 31& New York on the last day of the month. He plans& 32& a fantastic vacation. During the& 33& , he is visiting places of interest and going shopping. At night, he& 34& to enjoy the night views. He is sure he will have a& 35& time.& 26. A. watch TV&&& &B. exercising&&& &C. go sightseeing&& &D. go fishing& 27. A. buildings&& &&B. city&&&& &&C. farm&&&& &&&D. nature& 28. A. travelling&& &&B. shopping&&& &C. fishing&&& &&&D. hiking& 29. A. tiring&&&& &&B. different& &&C. delicious&&&& &&D. boring& 30. A. Because&&& &&B. So&&&& &&C. But&&&& &&&D. Although 31. A. getting back to& &B. get back to&&& &C. getting back& &&D. gets back to& 32. A. having&&& &&B. to have&&& &C. to having&&& &&D. had& 33. A. weekend&& &&B. week&&& &&C. night&&&& &&&D. day&&& 34. A. take a walk&& &B. taking walks&& &C. takes a walk &&D. take walks& 35. A. great&&& &&B. well&&&& &&C. terrible& &&&D. exciting 四、阅读理解(36-45每小题2分,46-50每小题1分,满分25分)& A&&&& Mary is an American girl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. Mary doesn’t know much Chinese, but she is studying it. She often speaks Chinese with her Chinese friends. Sometimes they can’t understand her, because she can’t speak Chinese very well.&& It’s Saturday morning. She goes out. She is walking in the street. She wants to go to the zoo to see the elephants and monkeys, but she doesn’t know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy the way. The boy can’t understand her. Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper. She draws an elephant on it, and shows the picture to the boy. The boy understands, and shows her the way to the zoo.&& 36. Mary is________.&& A. Chinese&&&& &B. English&&&&& &C. Japanese&&&& &D. American& 37. Mary is in______ with her parents now.&& A. Shanghai&&&& &B. Beijing&&&&& &C. New York&&&& &D. London& 38. Mary doesn’t know how to get to_______.&& &A. the zoo&&&& &B. the park&&&&& &C. her home&&&&& D. her school& 39. Mary can’t speak_______ very well.&& &A. English&&&&& &B. England&&&&& &C. China&&&&&& &D. Chinese& 40. At last the boy________.&& A. can understand Mary’s Chinese&&&& B. takes her to the zoo&& C. shows her the way to t he zoo&&&&& D. draws a picture for Mary, too&&
BWhat do we do when we go camping? First, we make a plan. We take food, clothing, a knife, and things for cooking and eating. We take things to keep us away from insects and the sun.& Then we put everything into the car and we drive to the woods. We look for a place for campers(露营者) and we look for a good place for our tent(帐篷). The place should have a lot of moving air. This will keep some insects away. High land with water on both sides of it is good. Then we put up our tent. We put everything into the tent, and we are ready for fun. We can swim in the lake, walk in the woods, climb a mountain, row a boat, or go fishing.& In the evening we come back to the tent, and we build a big fire because it can keep the insects away. We sit around the fire and talk. We may tell interesting stories or we may sing songs.&&& At night we lie down on the grass. We can look up at the stars. It is a busy day, so we try to go to sleep early. Everything is dark. Everything is quiet. We hope we won’t hear music from the radio in the next tent. We hope it won’t rain.& 41. Before going camping we should first ______. A. make a plan&&& &&&&B. take some food& C. take things to keep us warm&&&&& &D. take something for cooking and eating 42. We go to camp ______.& A. by bus&&&& &B. by car&&& &&C. by bike&&&& &D. on foot 43. Campers can take part in ______ activities.& & &A. one or two&&& &B. only a few&& &C. many&& &&D. two or three 44. In the evening we build a fire because ______. A. it is cold at night& &&&&B. it can keep us warm C. it can keep the insects away&&& &D. it is dark and quiet 45. Campers like to ______ at night.& A. hear music from the radio&&& &&B. go to sleep early &C. have rain&& D. be busy CLi Lei, Beijing& I found the summer vacation was not so interesting as I imagined(想象). It was very hot, so I had to spend most of the time staying at home, watching TV, listening to the radio and playing with my dog. Sometimes, I went to visit my relatives(亲戚). Gina, New York& I went to the countryside with my family and stayed there for about two weeks. The air there was nice and clean. Every day, we fed the chickens, milked the cows, played with the dogs and went fishing. We enjoyed ourselves very much. We wished to go there again. Alice, London& My summer vacation was great. I went to Switzerland(瑞士) with my friends and stayed there for a week. It wasn’t very hot there. We went to a climb the Alps(阿尔卑斯山). We felt very tired but excited. We also saw some beautiful lakes, went boating and took many photos. 46.Li Lei did NOT ______ during the summer vacation.& A.watch TV&&& &B. go fishing &&&C. play with his dog &D. listen to the radio47.Where did Gina spend the summer vacation?& A.At home &&B. In the countryside. &C. In Switzerland. &&D. the Alps48.Alice spent her summer vacation with _____.&&A.her friends& &B her family&& &&C. her relatives &&D. her teachers49.What can we learn from the passage?& A. Li Lei didn’t enjoy his vacation. & &B. It was not very hot in the countryside.&&C. Gina went boating during her vacation. &D. Alice went fishing on her vacation.50.What is the passage mainly about?& A. Activities you can do on vacation. &&B. Trips to different countries. C. Three people’s summer vacations.&&D. Good habits about going for a vacation.
五、词汇运用(每小题1分,满分15 分)&A. 选择方框内的单词填空。build,& seem,&& two,&& loud,& different,51. Can you find five& _________ in the two pictures?52. There are a lot of old __________ from 50 years ago in the city.& 53. Some students watch TV _______ a week. 54. What’s wrong with you? You _______ to be unhappy. 55. Please speak _______, I can hardly hear you. B.根据所给汉语及文章内容,写出单词的正确形式. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Saturday,March 25th &&& This morning my family& 56& ( 决定) to climb the mountain for exercise. We walked up to the& 57_(顶部)and enjoyed beautiful flowers along the way. It was so& 58& (精彩的)!& 59& (不过), it began to rain before we got back home. We didn’t take& 60& (雨伞), so we were all& 61& (湿的). && We all need to exercise. It makes our& 62& (心智) and bodies healthier,and we will feel better about _63_& (我们自己). My parents said that it was best to exercise two or three times a week and twenty minutes each time was& 64& (足够的).&& Exercise is also fun, we can spend time with our friends and family as we play sports& 65& (在一起). So start exercising before it’s too late!六、阅读下面短文,补全表格中所缺的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)& Parents, doctors and teachers want to know how to help children keep healthy. Here are five rules to keep healthy. Eat different food& If you eat different food, you can get the nutrients(营养) your body needs. You have to eat two kinds of fruits and three kinds of vegetables a day. Drink water often& When you’re really thirsty(口渴的), water is the No.1 choice(选择). How much do kids need? If you are older than 12 years old, drink 3 cups a day. Listen to your body& When you’re eating, notice(注意) how your body feels. Sometimes, people eat too much because they don’t notice when they need to stop eating. Eating too much can make you feel uncomfortable(不舒服). Limit(限制) screen time& What’s screen time? It’s the time you spend watching TV or using the computer. Try to spend at most two hours a day on the screen. Be active(积极的)& What activities do you like best? Find ways to be active every day. You can write down lots of things to do, and then you can do them when your parents say it’s time to stop watching TV or playing computer games!& &66&6&6&more&than&6&&70&&七、书面表达(15分)& &上周,学校学生会对关于“你怎么过周末?”进行了三个方面的问卷调查。请根据下列调查结果,写一篇70词左右的短文,介绍调查的情况并发表自己的看法。watch television&&&&&&& exercise&&&&&&&& do homework&&&&&Last week we asked the students in our school about what they do on weekends. Here are the results.
2014年八年级第一次月考英语参考答案及听力材料第一节:听小对话,选择回答。对话读一遍。1. M:What was weather like yesterday?W:Oh, it rained hard.2. M:Where did you go on vacation, Sandy?W:I went to the beach, it’s so relaxing.3. M: Did you go shopping last night, Kathy?W: No, I played tennis with my best friend.4. M: What do usually do on weekends, Jack?W:I usually help my mum with housework.5. W: Do you think you are different from your sister, Paul?M: Yes, of course. She is more outgoing than me.第二节:听两段较长对话回答问题。对话读两遍。& 听下面一段较长对话,回答6至7小题。M: Hello, Ann. I went to Donghai with my family last Sunday.W: Really? What did you do there?M: I tried paragliding with my parents in the morning.W: Oh, so wonderful. Did you eat anything special there?M: Yes, we ate a special chicken for dinner. It was very delicious. We also visited the old town of Donghai in the afternoon.W: I want to go there next vacation.听下面一段较长对话,回答8至10小题。M: Hi,Tina! What do you usually do on weekend?W: Hi,Sam. I usually play sports with my friends.M: What’s your favorite sport?W: Skateboarding.M: Do you go skateboarding every day?W: Of course. I want to win the game next month.M: I’m sure you can. You are so hard-working. And do you watch television? W: Yes, I often watch sports on TV.第三节:听短文,选择最佳选项。短文读两遍。&Dear Mum,&&&&& I have stayed in the United States for ten month. It’s warm and sunny here, and I have one healthy habit. I get up at six every day. Then I have a glass of milk and a hamburger for breakfast. At noon, I like to eat some vegetables and fish. I like to exercise three times a week after school in the afternoon. I hardly ever watch TV late at night, and I sleep for nine hours every night. Bye for now!Tommy一、1-5 BABCB &6-10 CCACC &11-15 BBCBB &二、16-20 BCBDA &21-25 DDBBC 三、26-30CDABB&31-35 ABDCA &四、36-40 BBADC &41-45 ABCCB &46-50 BBAAC 五、51.differences &52.buildings &53.twice &&54.seem &&55.loudly 56.decided &&57.top&&&58.wonderful &59. However &60. umbrellas &61. wet &&&62. mind &&63. ourselves &64. enough &&65.together六、66.the nutrients &67.water &&68.stop (eating) &69.two hours &70. favorite七、略


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