mass storagee和reserve区别

Classic Car Storage, secure indoor car storage
Classic Car Storage with The Classic Reserve&
The Classic Reserve Limited was founded in 1995 by father and son ,
Dick and David Horsnell. Both classic car owners and enthusiasts
themselves , they were inspired to create the ideal environment for
the long term storage of classic and collectable (and everyday vehicles for that
matter) and as such, they have clients that have been with Classic
reserve for in excess of 12 years! For those discerning owners that
have the need, but find themselves without the facilities, we provide
the only solution.
Owning a classic car can be richly rewarding experience . It can&
however, bring with it a host of difficulties to overcome: the threat
of theft and / or vandalism, the problem of finding sufficient storage
space to store the vehicle when not in use, taking care of the
mechanical aspect during storage and keeping the car in tip top
condition for that show, rally or special day out. If you
cannot part with your beloved vehicle , we can provide alternative
storage systems for you to use at home.
Equally important is the transportation of your vehicle . Wherever
you may wish to use your car within the UK , for whatever
reason, we can be relied upon to get it there in first class condition
The Classic Reserve Ltd are customer
orientated, where nothing is too much trouble. Whether you are
resident in the UK and need secure, dehumidified storage for a short period of time,
or perhaps have been posted abroad and require storage for several
years you will understand that your
vehicle deserves the best possible storage environment and standardsconserve preserve reserve区别
conserve preserve reserve 三个词意思都差不多 具体用法有什么不一样?
n.[常用复]糖食, 蜜饯; 果酱; 【医】糖剂
保护; 防护; 维护
保持; 维持; 支持
保管, 保存, 保藏,防...腐烂
蜜饯(水果); 腌制(蔬菜等); 把...制成罐头
使(某人名字)流传; 把(某人)铭记在心; 使(诗歌等)留存
禁猎, 把...圈为禁猎地
poach on sb.'s preserves 侵犯某人的活动范围, 侵犯某人的利益
储备; 贮藏; 保存
保留; 留下[出, 给];【宗】保留(赦罪权); 留出(部分)圣餐
推迟; 延迟
预定[约]; 租定(座位, 房间等)
把...除外; 限制
救(命); 让活着
be placed on the reserve 被编入后备舰队
be reserved for 留作, (专)供...之用
break down all reserve 消除一切隔阂
call up the reserves 召集预备役
in reserve 留下的, 备用的
have in reserve 留作预备
keep in reserve 留作预备
place a reserve upon (a house) 给(房子)标上拍卖的最低价格
place to reserve 留作备用款[公积]
throw off reserve 消除隔阂
with reserve 有[无]保留
without reserve 有[无]保留
reserve clause 保留条款
conserve v.保存,保藏,保护(强调节约)。
  In winter, some people conserve energy by lowing the heat at night.
preserve v.保护;维持;保养;防止(食物)腐败(强调使不受破坏)。
  The government preserves the rights of the individual person.
reserve v.保留,储备(强调为某一特殊目的);订(座位),预定。
  We are reserving these seats for my parents.
—— meidongni
CopyRight & 沪江网 2015&reserve,preserve,conserve的详细区别?_百度知道
reserve的意思“保留(权利,意见等)”“预定(座位,机票等)”i.e.I phoned to reserve two tickets。我打电话订了两张票。I reserve the right to disagree。我保有否定的权利。conserve和preserve都有“保护某一事物免受伤害,损失之意”,但前者强调“Trying to keep something in its original state”,也就是使事物维持在原状态。而后者则强调“Trying to make wise use of a situation”,明智地使用某事物,使其不致浪费或使用不当而遭到损失。i.e.• The Minister asked the people in cities to conserve water.部长要求城里面的人节约用水• The fast bowler conserved his energy by shortening his run up.快的投手用缩短助跑来保存能量。• During the summer, theatre owners conserve energy by switching off the AC. 在夏天,戏院老板关掉源来保存能量• Our government doesn't do a good job of preserving our monuments.政府在保护古遗址方面做的不好。• We must make an effort to preserve our forests.我们必须要保护我们的森林。• This is a beautiful old house. We must preserve it.这个老房子很漂亮,我们必须要把它保存好。
出门在外也不愁News and analysis for the clean energy economy
This week, the future of “operating reserves” may have just begun in Berlin. A new battery storage unit connected to the grid has gone we described the system a few months ago .
In a way, this battery is not really about storage the way we generally think about it – power saved for s rather, it will be rapidly and frequently charged and discharged. Operating reserves – the German is “Regelenergie” – are essentially plant capacity used to accommodate short-term fluctuations. Sometimes, a bit of power is quickly needed to stab this power is needed within a second. At other times, power is needed within a minute.
The Germans break down this market roughly into “second reserves” and “minute reserves,” though the former is also further broken down into primary and secondary. Indeed, even if you don’t speak German the Wikipedia entry for
(synonymous with Regelenergie) shows how big the discussion is in Germany, especially compared to the stub of an entry at Wikipedia for
(which also covers a wider range of ancillary services including longer-term backup energy).
The new battery reacts within a fraction of a second, far faster than conventional plants can with their rotating masses. In other words, this option provides more grid stability than conventional plants can. And it also appears to be cheaper than the conventional option, according to one insider who spoke with me off the record yesterday in Berlin. Indeed, he added that the sale price of this system could be a third lower than this pilot project already based on the prices being negotiated for further sales.
While wholesale prices are making conventional , the market for operating reserves remains quite healthy. North German power provider Wemag, which contracted the storage system, has probably made a wise business decision to expand more into lucrative future market – away from wholesale power and towards operating reserves.
The system is a real-world example of the kind of battery storage recently described in the
for a 100 percent supply of renewable power. If you speak German and want to see a good summary from German television, there is a recommendable .
Source: . Reproduced with permission.
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