line怎么注册?我下载了电脑版,I O S的下载不了,有申请facebook账号号,能 V P N,

f e t i o n
f e t i o n本专辑共收录 800 款相关的游戏/应用
怎样为我的网站或目录设置密码保护? 要创建一个密码保护文件夹,您需要访问cPanel,点击“密码保护目录”图标。然后输入您想保护的网站,最后设置用户名和密码。..
imagemagick / imagick路径, 怎样使用ImageMagick 我们不支持ImageMagick组件。 您可以使用GD或是Netpbm libraries来实现图像处理。
如何编辑/修改/添加CNAME或其他DNS记录? 您可以使用"DNS编辑"工具来修改CNAME或其他DNS记录。
如何使用远程MySQL? 抱歉,由于安全和平台的原因我们不提供远程MySQL连接。
如何使用分享SSL? 抱歉, 我们不在此处提供SSL。
如何指向我的域名? 您可以从您的域名注册商获得将您域名指向我们nameserver的方法。您可以在控制面板中找到您的nameserver信息。当您将域名的nameserver更新为我们的,它将在24 - 48内生效。..
遇到403 Forbidden error 请CHMOD您的public_html目录至755以修复该问题。
1.进入控制面板 -> 文件管理。选择您的public_html文件夹,通过选择“修改权限”按钮来更改..
什么是IPS标签? 抱歉, 目前我们不接受域名转移。但是, 您可以将域名放置在我们的主机上,您可以随时通过指向nameservers来将域名放置在我们这儿。..
如何绑定多个域名? 如果您想在控制面板中管理多个域名,请使用“添加域名”部分来添加新域名。..
这边支持Java吗? 我们的服务器支持Javascript, 但我们不支持 Java applets/servlets (或是JSP) 。
你们提供SFTP吗? 目前暂不支持此功能。
你们支持innodb吗? 非常抱歉, 我们不提供InnoDB的支持。
Mail goes to spam folder This issue can be related to mail filtering rules. It's possible someone from this server (it's a SH..
How to block IP using .htaccess file? You may block access to your website from specific IP addresses using .htaccess file.
You need to c..
How to import/export database? To import/export a MySQL database you need to follow these simple steps:
- If you want to import da..
如何安装脚本? 您可以使用自动安装器来安装程序。请登录到您的控制面板然后点击“自动安装器”图标。如果在列表中找不到您想安装的程序,那么您就得手动来安装这个程序了。..
服务器支持FFMPEG吗? 很抱歉我们的服务器不对FFMPEG提供支持。
There are no domains which have awstats stats to display Advanced stats program (such as awstats, webalizer, analog) is not available at the moment. But you ..
What domain name extensions can I host? You can host all domain name extensions on our servers without any problems.
Function such as exec() has been disabled for security reasons Unfortunately, functions like exec(), shell_exec(), proc_open(), passthru(), system(), popen() and s..
What is the path to my root (home base) directory? Your path to home directory is /home/YOUR_CPANEL_USERNAME/public_html/
If using Dreamweaver, the ho..
How can I get root access? This is a shared hosting server and root access is not available.
Can you install Zend Optimizer or ionCube? PHP extensions like Zend Optimizer and ionCube are installed on our servers by default.
Do you allow warez linking? You can link to remote file upload sites like RapidShare, MegaUpload and others, but we may ask you ..
Global server time Global server time configuration cannot be changed, but you can use PHP function date_default_timezo..
Can I edit php.ini? Unfortunately, you can not edit php.ini
But you can change most of PHP settings yourself by using p..
Where can I see CPU usage logs? Unfortunately, we do not store reports of CPU usage on server. We only email customers about high CP..
How to enable domain privacy? It is not possible to hide WHOIS information, because we do not manage your domain name. Contact you..
Can not delete file .pureftpd-upload If you see a file named like '.pureftpd-upload' or similar and can not delete it, please do not worr..
How to transfer my free domain to another registrar? I am sorry, but you can not transfer your free subdomain to another registrar. You can only transfer..
What is the limit for sending emails? You can send up to 100 email messages per hour (that's up to 2400 emails per day). Also you can not ..
Can I install ruby gems? Ruby gems are not supported at the moment.
Do you support Ruby on Rails? Ruby on Rails is not supported by our servers.
How to run cronjob? Please use this example command to run cronjob:
php -f /home/YOUR_CPANEL_USERNAME/public_html/fil..
How to change cPanel password? If you are having issues with the control panel or FTP password, you can change your main password f..
How to cancel account? You can delete your account at any time by using the 'Control Panel' -> 'Delete Account' function. W..
Do you provide phone support? Unfortunately, we do not provide phone support. You can always ask your question via ticket.
How to add addon domain? To add another domain to your account login to your members area click "Control Panel" button at the..
I get file permission problems Please use "Fix file ownership" tool from control panel to fix this problem.
We speak English only I am sorry, but we speak English only. Please use / tool, to translate te..
How to transfer my website to your server? If your website doesn't use MySQL databases, moving your site is very easy. Simply upload all your f..
Do you support Frontpage Extensions? We do not support Frontpage extensions. Microsoft stopped working on Frontpage project in early 2006..
Can you install additional PHP modules? Our servers have all popular PHP modules and extensions installed already.
If some module is not ..
Where are your servers and company located? Our company is based in Ukraine, Kiev and our servers are located in the United Kingdom.
Servers ..
Do you register international domains? We do not register domains at the moment, but you are welcome to host your own domains with any exte..
Do you support ASP? Unfortunately, our servers run Linux OS and ASP is not supported here.
Do you support flash sites? Flash is fully supported here. Flash is a client side feature - it runs on the user's computer, not ..
Do you support Python? I am sorry for the inconveniences, but Python is not supported at the moment.
Can I run cgi and/or perl scripts on my website? Unfortunately we do not support Perl/CGI at the moment.
Can I get shell access? You can use "SSH Web Console" to execute most SSH commands. We do not provide regular SSH access for..
How often do you make backups? We attempt to make full backups of each site every week and you can restore them if needed from cont..
Do you provide MSSQL support? Unfortunately, we support MySQL only (MSSQL is not supported here).
"Unable to read 0 bytes in FILE_NAME.php on line 0" error If you see "Unable to read XXX bytes in FILE_NAME on line 0" or similar error message when visiting ..
How do I disable directory listings ('index of' page)? If you see "Index of /" message and list of your files and directories when visiting your website, i..
How do I access webmail? You can access your webmail at http://webmail.#master_domain (login with your email account address/..
I was suspended for mass mail Mass mail is strictly prohibited by our Terms Of Service.
You can send no more than 20 emails per..
How to create a .htaccess file? Here’s how to create a text file suitable for an .htaccess file:
1. Open up a text editor on y..
Is cURL installed on your server? Curl and CurlSSL are installed by default on our servers.
Does server support SSI? Unfortunately, we do not support SSI at the moment.
Do you place any forced ads on my website? We do not place any forced advertisements on your website.
我能将AdSense或者其他广告放在我的网站上吗? You are welcome to place any advertisements on your website at any time.
我能使用临时链接来访问我的网站吗? You can always find your domain preview link from our Control Panel -> Account Details section. You ..
你们允许成人内容吗? Any kind of adult content is strictly prohibited.
我能安装SVN软件吗? We do not support SVN software here.
怎样创建用户错误页面? In order to divert such error to your own custom page, simply add a single line to your .htaccess fi..
我能按月付款吗? Our services is absolutely free and you do not need to pay for it.
你能告诉我价格列表吗? Here is the price list for VIP accounts:
Pay for 1 month
Pay for 3 months
如何修改文件/文件夹权限? You can change the file permissions in two different ways:
1. Enter cPanel -> File Manager. Choose..
你们能提供专用服务器主机服务吗? Unfortunately we do not offer dedicated servers at the moment. You can only order our hosting servic..
mod_rewrite可用吗? mod_rewrite is enabled by default on our servers.
你们提供VPS吗? Unfortunately, we do not offer VPS. We provide shared hosting only.
我无法用phpMyAdmin创建数据库 All databases should be created using control panel. It's impossible to create a new database using ..
我收到错误信息“MySQL服务器断开连接” If you see error message 'MySQL server has gone away', it might be that your script is not optimized..
下载/上传速度太慢了! I just checked server connections (both download and upload links) and it's in perfect condition.
我能运行文件分享或图片存储服务吗? Unfortunately you cannot run such type of website here.
如何打开register_globals PHP register_globals setting is set to OFF on our servers for security reasons. All modern scripts, ..
我收到内部服务器错误 (500) There are many different possibilities why you can get Internal Server Error. And in most cases it i..
我能在你们的服务器上安装ShoutCast吗? Unfortunately we do not support ShoutCast on our servers.
我收到FTP错误"421太多连接" If you use FileZilla software:
To limit the number of connections of an EXISTING configured conne..
有你们服务器的介绍(或者参数表)吗? Our servers use QuadCore Intel Xeon CPUs, 8 GB ECC RAM (memory), fast SCSI drives (RAID-1 protected)..
你们支持gzip吗? Our servers support mod_gzip, mod_deflate by default.
To use GZIP, please call the function ob_s..
你们支持邮件列表或大量邮件吗? Unfortunately we do not support mailing lists. Mass mail is strictly prohibited by our terms of serv..
我能直接登录phpMyAdmin吗? You can access phpMyAdmin directly from http://phpmyadmin.#master_domain
You need to know your data..
求助,我的cronjob不工作了 If you run cronjob using PHP command (like php -f /home/username/public_html/file.php) and get no PH..
我如何在搜索引擎上提交我的网站? Unfortunately, we do not provide website submission services. Please refer to "Google Webmaster Guid..
搜索引擎未收录我的网站 This is not related to hosting, and is related to your website only. Please refer to "Google Webmast..
网站上的图片不显示 Please make sure images are uploaded to server. Secondly, check if HTML source code has the correct ..
你们能升级php版本吗? Our server runs PHP5. However, all PHP4 features are supported by PHP5, so you will never have any p..
怎样编辑MX记录? You can change the MX records your domain by navigating to cPanel and selecting 'MX Record'.
我能在主机上设置多少个账号? You can host as many domains as you wish, we have no limits for that.
我能自己重置我的账号吗? You can do this by using the 'Control Panel' -> 'Reload Account' function. It will not only restore ..
我收到错误信息“不期望的T_STRING” You may get this error because all .html files are parsed as PHP here. So, if your .html file contai..
我能用Dreamweaver发布我的网站吗? You can use Dreamweaver software to create, upload and update your websites without any problems.
你们支持FXP吗? I'm sorry, but direct file transfer from one FTP server to another (FXP) is not supported here.
如何初始化默认(选择全部)邮箱账号? This feature (catch-all email accounts) is not supported at the moment.
如何将在线邮箱集成进我的网站? You can access webmail at http://webmail.#master_domain, you cannot add it to your website.
语法错误:: 语法错误,不期望的 T_PRIVATE If you get error message 'unexpected T_PRIVATE' or similar error in your script, make sure your scri..
我收到信息“提供的参数无效” If you see error message 'invalid argument supplied' or similar error message in your script, it mea..
PHP严重错误:无法重定义 If you see error message 'PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare function' or similar error message in yo..
如何在我的网站上添加登录表单? You can protect individual directories using 'Password Protected Directories' feature in your contro..
你们能为我提供定制套餐吗? Unfortunately, we do not offer custom packages at the moment. All available packages are listed on o..
我需要你们相关项目的信息 You can find all information about our affiliate program on our website. You can also signup for aff..
你们的主机支持POP3, SMTP或IMAP吗? Our servers support POP3 and IMAP protocols.
对上传文件数量有什么限制吗? You can have a maximum of 15000 files uploaded on your account. Uploading a huge amount of files is ..
你们提供phplist吗? We do not offer phplist (or any other mailing list tools) and you can not send more than 100 emails ..
如何创建备份? To create a backup, please login to your control panel and go to Backups section.
If account back..
如何恢复备份? We automatically create a backups of your account and store it under Backups section of your control..
加上www后,域名无法访问 You need to check your DNS zone settings to see if you have an "A" record for "www" entry of your do..
你们提供subversion (SVN)主机吗? I'm sorry, but we do not support subversion hosting.
你们的服务器支持音频/视频流吗? Our servers support audio and video streaming, but you will need to configure everything yourself be..
你们服务器有安装好的Flash Media Server吗? Unfortunately, Flash Media Server is not supported here.
我怎样才能开通SMTP验证? Follow the steps below to configure Outlook Express to use SMTP authentication:
1. From the top me..
什么是专用IP?它有什么好处? Generally, having a website on a shared IP address will not cause you any harm. However, there are a..
你们提供RVSKin吗? I'm sorry, but we do not offer rvskin.
我怎么编辑httpd.conf? You can not edit httppd.conf file because this is a shared hosting server and this file can be edite..
你们公司有兴趣资助我的网站吗? I'm afraid we are not interested in sponsoring any websites or organizations at the moment.
我能成为你们的职员吗? I'm afraid we are not looking for new staff members at the moment. However, if we need more persons ..
你们文件格式和大小的限制是什么? We do not have any file type or file size limits when uploading via FTP. If you upload file using PH..
我收到错误信息“open_basedir限制作用,文件不在允许路径内” If you get get 'open_basedir restriction in effect, file is not within the allowed path' or similar ..
你们有什么好的计费系统推荐给我? There are many different webhosting billing systems around, and your final choice depends on your ne..
你们支持TomCat吗? I apologize for inconveniences, but TomCat is not supported here, it's not fully control panel compa..
你们支持ColdFusion吗? I'm sorry, ColdFusion is not supported here.
求助,我的网站被黑了! The most common reasons for a hacked (defaced) website include:
- Outdated web application. Every..
你们可以在同一服务器上放多少个账号? The number of accounts depend on the account type and many other factors, so each server has a diffe..
你们有多少用户? I'm sorry, but we could not disclose this information because of client privacy policy.
你们提供Windows主机吗? We use CentOS operating system (it's just another Linux distribution optimized for web hosting platf..
我能将含有特殊字符的域名绑定在你们的主机上吗? We do not support domains with special characters (such as "_" or "%"). However you can host an inte..
你们的服务器支持Capistrano吗? I am sorry, but Capistrano is not supported on our servers.
allow_url_fopen函数可用吗》 PHP function allow_url_fopen is enabled by default on our servers. If you get any errors when trying..
服务器上有病毒! Please rest assured there are no viruses on our servers, because we use Linux OS. If you get any vir..
我能在我的网站上使用AJAX吗? Yes, AJAX is based on JavaScript which is fully supported here, so you can use AJAX without any prob..
我能安装破解程序吗? Nulled scripts are not allowed to be hosted here.
你们有安装好的memcache吗? I'm sorry, but memcache module is not installed on our servers.
求助,我无法安装Joomla组件! This is a known issue with Joomla script - some components could not be installed correctly when upl..
我能在我的网站上卖原料吗? You are welcome to create an online shop and sell goods on your website without any problems.
你们服务器有防ddos攻击保护吗? Our servers use advanced hardware firewalls to make sure customer accounts are safe and protected fr..
你们有安装好的XSL(T)处理器吗? Yes, XSLT processor is installed on our servers.
你们提供控制面板的安全连接吗? No, secure cpanel access not supported at the moment. However it will be supported in nearly future.
我能同时登录多个控制面板账号吗? Unfortunately, at the moment, you can not create multiple logins for same cPanel.
magic_quotes_gpc在你们的服务器上可用吗? PHP magic_quotes and magic_quotes_gpc functions are enabled on our server by default.
我怎样才能初始化邮箱代理? You can setup email forwarders buy using the "Manage Forwarders" section in your control panel.
MySQL端口是多少? MySQL port number is 3306.
我在上传新文件后看到的仍是旧内容 Most likely, your browser has stored the older copy in it's cache for faster loading of your site. Y..
我怎样才能在我地址栏前像其他网站一样加上logo(图标)? You can have image near your address bar (favicon) very easy.
1. Create favicon image at http://w..
我能直接在我的文件上复制/粘贴HTML代码吗? You can edit the HMTL code by using the File Manager in control panel. Select the file you wish to a..
你们的服务器支持WebDav/WebDisk吗? Unfortunately WebDav is currently unsupported.
你们能增加/更新一键安装助手的程序吗? Unfortunately, at the moment, we cannot add more scripts to our installer. However new scripts are a..
当使用密码保护目录时,我能修改401错误页面代码吗? To change 401 error page layout, go to Error Pages section in your cPanel. Then, choose the domain y..
我能安装邮件自动回复(自动回复器)吗? The email auto responder feature is not supported at the moment, but will be supported in nearly fut..
我能在不登陆控制面板的情况下修改邮箱密码吗? You only change email password directly from the control panel email management section.
我能拦截不希望看到的邮件吗? Server has already advanced spam blocking tools installed.
我能将邮件信息输送到任何文件(程序)吗? Email piping is not supported at the moment.
我的FTP只显示个文件,但我的文件不止这么多 You need to configure your FTP client to increase the file display limits. Please ask for support fr..
我能使用匿名FTP连接吗? We do not support anonymous FTP connections for security and performance reasons.
我能在我的邮箱账号中使用SSL吗? Secure (SSL) email access is not supported at the moment, but it may be enabled in future.
求助,我的Perl/CGI程序显示500错误 There are many different possibilities. And in most cases it is due incorrect .htaccess file configu..
严重错误:允许空间大小XXX bytes已用完 If you get PHP error 'Allowed memory size of XXX bytes exhausted' here is one way how you can fix:
你们接受全世界所有国家的用户吗? We do accept customers from all countries in the world.
求助,我误删了一些文件! We automatically create a backups for some accounts and store it under Backups section of your contr..
我能发送信息吗? Yes, You can configure the newsletters in Your reseller panel Configuration -> Newsletters section.
你们支持SSL吗? We are apologize for the inconveniences, but we do not support SSL. It might be supported in future.
我怎样才能创建MySQL触发器 Current version of control panel does not support MySQL triggers, but this feature has been requeste..
我收到phpmyadmin错误信息“源文件无法读取” If you get 'Source file could not be read. Try later or contact with your server' or similar error m..
我能在我的网站上添加聊天程序吗? All kind of chats (except IRC) are allowed here. You can add online chat, chat box, shoutbox, etc.
我能从命令行运行命令吗? You can run some commands via command line by using the "SSH Web Console" tool.
我能删除我的账户文件 (整个账号)吗? You can cancel hosting package from control panel at any time, but you can not delete your profile (..
我收到错误信息“服务器的 MySQL 的最大用户连接数参数设置不足” If you get 'User XXX already has more than max_user_connections active connections' or similar error..
我能在你们的服务器上运行应用吗? Unfortunately, you can not execute applications on our servers for security and performance reasons.
你们支持JDBC或ODBC吗? Unfortunately, JDBC or ODBC is not supported here.
PHP函数open_basedir可用吗? The PHP open_basedir feature is enabled by default and unfortunately, it can not be disabled for sec..
你们支持Magento吗? Unfortunately, we do not support Magento on our server, because it requires InnoDB storage engine, w..
你们支持GD库吗? GD library is enabled on our server by default.
我能在主机上放置色情/动画吗? Yes, you can host this type of websites here.
你们支持Gallery2程序吗? Yes, the Gallery script will work fine on our servers. Make sure to select NetPBM and GD as image pr..
我能安装perl/pear扩展吗? Unfortunately you cannot install perl/pear extensions on our servers.
你们提供什么电子商务解决方案? We have Auto Installer which offers ZendCart, OS Commerce, CubeCart shopping carts.
你们提供pdo和pdo_mysql吗? Yes, we do offer pdo and pdo_mysql support.
我能将社交网站放在你们的主机上吗? Unfortunately you cannot host social websites like myspace or facebook here.
PHP函数memory_limit是多少? PHP memory_limit is set to 128MB by default and can not be increased any more.
我能将在线游戏程序放在这儿吗? Unfortunately you cannot host online gaming scripts here since they take up too much server resource..
我能通过SSH在你们的服务器上运行后台进程吗? Unfortunately, we do not allow to run any permanent background processes.
你们允许HIYP网站吗? Yes, you can run HIYP websites here.
我能将种子放在你们服务器上吗? You can link to torrent files, but torrent tracking systems are not allowed to be hosted here.
你们使用哪个版本的Apache? We use Apache 2.2 version on our servers.
你们的PHP具体配置是什么? You may check our server PHP info here:
我能将youtube复制程序放置在你们的服务器上吗? Unfortunately you can not host youtube clone scripts on our servers, because we do not support FFMPE..
你们支持 .htaccess覆盖吗? Yes, we do support .htaccess override on our servers.
你们服务器上的PHP安全模式是打开的还是关闭的? PHP safe mode is set to "off" by default on our server.
我的PHP函数max_input_time需要被设置成 -1 You can set the max_input_time to "-1", by adding the following line to your .htaccess file:
你们支持Mplayer或Mencoder吗? We apologize for inconvenience, but we do not support Mplayer and Mencoder on our servers.
你们支持Flv2tool吗? We apologize for inconvenience, but we do not support Flv2tool on our servers.
你们支持Libogg + Libvorbis吗? Unfortunately we do not support Libogg and Libvorbis on our servers.
你们支持LAME MP3 Encoder吗? Unfortunately, we do not support LAME MP3 Encoder on our servers.
你们支持DotNetNuke吗? Unfortunately, we do not support DotNetNuke (DNN) on our servers, because it requires Windows 2000 o..
symlin功能可用吗? The symlink function is disabled for security reasons and could not be enabled here.
你们有exim运行在其他端口吗? Unfortaunetelly we only run SMTP on port 25.
我能在我的网站上添加一个论坛吗? You can install forum script automatically using Auto Installer section in your cPanel.
You can a..
我能在你们的服务器上编译程序或者运行已编译的程序吗? Unfortunately, You cannot install any compilers, compile scripts or run compiled programs on our ser..
我能运行在电脑桌面上使用的程序吗? You can not run any kind of executable programs here for security and performance reasons.
赌博内容允许吗? Yes, gambling content is allowed on our servers and you can host gambling sites.
你们公司成立多少年了? We have provided hosting services worldwide since 2002.
你们允许HYIP网站吗? You can host HYIP sites without any problems here.
文件下载超时,请求帮助 There is a 2 minute connection timeout on our servers. That means that all connections (such as file..
我能将附属于其他网站的页面放在你们主机上吗? You can host affiliate based websites (with affiliate links, banners, etc.) without any problems.
我能免费使用你们的套餐吗? All our services are 100% free and you don't need to pay a dime. Ever!
你们提供网站建设工具吗? We offer very easy to use website builder tool. It's available in control panel (click "Website Buil..
你们允许p2p连接吗? We do not allow P2P (or similar) connections on our servers.
你们服务器最大上传文件限制是多少? The PHP upload_max_filesize limit is set to 8 MB on our servers, what means you can upload files up ..
你们能禁用auto_prepend_file或auto_append_file吗? Unfortunately, auto_prepend_file and auto_append_file settings cannot be disabled.
你们有什么CPU使用限额吗? We allow using up to 20% of CPU power for our customers per website. If this limit is exceeded, the ..
fopen可用吗? Function fopen() is enabled and works without any restrictions on our servers. Function allow_url_fo..
我的监控程序说报告说网站已被关闭 I see your website is working just fine. If you use 3rd party monitoring scripts/services, please be..
我怎样才能修改我网站的字符集? You can modify database charset using phpmyadmin at any time. Select database you want to edit, clic..
我怎样才能修改页面编码? You need to complete this step to change page encoding:
Add this line somewhere below HEAD tag:
你们支持通配符二级域名吗? Unfortunately, wildcard subdomains are not supported on our servers.
我找不到.htaccess文件 If you do not see .htaccess file, there might be 2 possible issues:
1. This file is not created o..
我能设置多个FTP账号吗? You can setup multiple FTP accounts using FTP Accounts section in your cPanel at any time.
我在哪儿能看见控制面板或主机管理软件的演示? We do not offer cPanel demo access for security and performance reasons. However you can register on..
你们接受PTC网站吗? Sorry, but PTC sites are not allowed to be hosted here.
你们接受GPT网站吗? Sorry, but GPT sites are not allowed to be hosted here.
你们的服务器支持mono吗? Our servers run Linux and mono (or other .NET applications) is not supported.
你们的服务器能操作SHTML页面吗? Unfortunately, our servers do not support SHTML.
怎样修改我的用户的密码? If You have forgotten or simply need to change the password for client's control panel, You need to ..
为什么我不能重激活我的账号? You can reactivate canceled account(s) from the control panel at any time. Please just click 'Reacti..
在哪儿我能看到你们的功能列表? You can find complete list of our features at http://www.#master_domain/
你们提供防弹主机吗? Unfortunately, we do not offer bulletproof hosting services at the moment.
怎样才能初始化我的邮箱账户? To add an email account, you need to use 'Manage Emails' section in control panel.
我怎样才能找到我的IP地址? Your IP can be found at http://www./ website. Please just open this website via browser..
我看到错误信息“CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION无法激活” If you see 'curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated...' err..
如何建立一个新网站? It's possible to create a new website in different ways.
1. If you have experience using website..
我忘记用户区密码了,请帮助我。 If you can not remember the members area password, you can always use the 'Password Reminder' featur..
你们支持PostgreSQL吗? We would like to bring you PostgreSQL support. Unfortunately, it's not supported due to control pane..
如何预防文件权限问题? In order to prevent files from being owned by nobody (or user 99), you should always upload all file..
你们支持SourceGuardian吗? Our servers support Ioncube and Zend encoders. Other encryption modules like SourceGuardian are not ..
我误删了public_html文件夹 Please run 'Fix File Permissions' tool from your control panel. This will recreate your public_html ..
我的FTP不工作了 First of all, make sure you are using the correct FTP details (like hostname, username and password)..
我怎样才能开始使用? In order to get started, please go to cPanel -> Getting Started section and you will find your accou..
我无法打开txt和exe文件 We apologize for the inconveniences, but .txt and .exe files are disabled for security reasons. Howe..
求助,我的AdSense广告不显示 If your ads are not being displayed, please make sure your code has been placed between "body" tags...
我能在网站中添加多媒体内容吗? You can embed multimedia content on your website without any problems.
我无法使用Google Webmaster tools来认证我的网站 If there are any problems trying to verify your website, it might be there is a problem with your .h..
我看到错误信息"无法同时接收同一用户超过5个连接" Most likely your FTP client opens more than 5 sessions to accelerate uploading. Check your FTP setti..
我看到MySQL错误“max_updates超限” We allow 50000 MySQL connections per website in 1 hour. If you execute more MySQL connections, you w..
我在我的网站上看见乱码 If strange symbols are displayed on your website, it's related to incorrect database and/or page enc..
我只能上传2M大小的文件 In order to upload files bigger than 2 MB FTP client should be used. We do not limit the FTP client ..
我看到“警告: ftp_mkdir()失败”错误 In order to fix this error please run the 'Fix File Permissions' tool from your control panel. This ..
你们会取消不活跃的网站吗? Your website must get at least 10 visitors per month and it must be fully uploaded (it cannot contai..
我怎样才能手动运行MySQL查询? If you need to launch MySQL query manually, please use the phpMyAdmin tool which is available in you..
SSL是什么? SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. What SSL does is encrypt data when it it travels from your comp..
如何初始化目录列表 When a web browser is pointed to a directory on your web site which does not have an index.html file..
我能在主机上放置像RapidLeech这样的程序吗? Unfortunately, it's not allowed to host RapidLeech script on our servers due to technical reasons. T..
服务器支持Red5吗? Unfortunately, Red5 is not supported because it requires Java to run.
能打开其他的端口吗? We apologize for inconveniences, but for security reasons we can't open additional ports.
你们支持sockets吗? Sockets are fully supported.
我能使用rsync吗? Unfortunately, rsync is not supported.
我的主机目录是什么? Your host directory is public_html, all files must be uploaded to it.
你们支持Dolphin吗? Unfortunately we do not support dolphin package, as it requires PHP exec() function and ffmpeg featu..
为什么NS服务器更新没用? Please be aware that usually it takes 24 to 48 hours for the nameservers change to take full effect ..
PHP mail()函数工作吗? PHP mail() works completely fine. However, You should be aware, that this is shared server and somet..
你们的服务器支持哪个MySQL储存引擎? Our servers support MyISAM storage engine. Other storage engines like InnoDB, IBMDB2I, BerkeleyDB, B..
你们支持MySQL heap tables吗? MySQL heap tables are supported and can be used on our servers.
你们使用哪个版本的perl? Unfortunately we do not support Perl/CGI.
我怎样才能从网站获得收入? We would love to assist you monetizing your website. Unfortunately, we provide only webhosting servi..
我能取消我的域名吗? You can cancel account/domain by using the "Delete Account" section of your control panel.
你们支持SQLite扩展吗? Yes, SQLite extension fully supported.
当通过phpmyadmin导入数据库时我遇到了禁止的错误 If access denied errors are displayed when you try to import MySQL backup file via phpmyadmin, most ..
我看到错误信息“脚本执行时间超过了XXX秒的上限” If error message 'Fatal error: Maximum execution time of XXX seconds exceeded' is displayed, it mean..
我能自动备份吗? I'm afraid cPanel does not allow webmasters to automate backups in full.
However, you can always ..
你能帮我修改我的域名吗? It is not possible to simply change the domain name, but it can be done manually. In order to do thi..
你能给我展示一个使用你们主机的网站吗? I'm afraid we do not reveal our client details (like website URLs, emails, etc.) to 3rd parties due ..
我在哪儿能看到控制面板的信息? Your cPanel information is listed in members area (http://cpanel.#master_domain/)
Please click 'A..
如何禁用magic quotes? (通过 .htaccess) You need to put this line in Your .htaccess file in the directory, where You want the magic_quotes d..
你能为我注册域名吗? Unfortunately, we do not register domains and do not accept domain transfers at the moment. Your can..
我怎样才能创建新的mysql数据库/用户? You can setup new (view existing) MySQL database, username and password anytime. Please login to you..
我怎样才能安装额外的在线邮箱主题? Unfortunately, additional webmail themes are not available at the moment.
你们能允许traceroute吗? Unfortunately, we cannot activate traceroute feature due to security reasons.
如何在我的电脑上创建一个完整的备份? These are the steps to perform a full backup of your account:
1. Enter cPanel
2. Choose "Backup ..
问题:浏览器总在下载PHP文件 There might be several ways to fix PHP file download problem:
1. Check the Apache Handlers sectio..
我看到错误信息“你提供的参数不是一个有效的mysql连接” If error message 'mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource' or si..
我看到错误信息“无法修改头部信息 - 头部已发送” If error message 'Cannot modify header information - headers already sent' is displayed on your webs..
如何才能保护我网站的源代码? I'm afraid source code could not be protected. Anyone can view site source code by visiting your web..
我看到错误信息“语法错误,不希望的$end” If error message 'syntax error, unexpected $end' is displayed on your website, most likely there are..
我看到错误“无法发送session缓存限制” If error message 'cannot send session cache limiter' is displayed on your website, most likely your ..
你们能给我提供一个VPN连接吗? Unfortunately, we do not offer VPN connections with our servers.
我服务器上的CGI不工作了(我收到404 或 500 internal error) Unfortunately we do not support CGI/Perl scripting.
如何安装SSL证书? Unfortunately, SSL feature is currently unavailable.
怎样才能消除DNS? Please check out these instructions on how to flush Your computer's DNS:
为什么登陆添加的FTP账号失败? If you have created additional FTP accounts and experience any login problems, please double check i..
我的新MX记录不起作用 If you experience any problems with emails after changing your MX records, please kindly note this i..
我想将 MX记录指向一个IP地址 You can edit your DNS zone and MX records by using the "DNS Zone Editor" tool from control panel.
PHP功能chmod()在服务器上不工作 In order to Change Permissions Mode (chmod) on the file, you need to own the file first. All the scr..
你们支持多重域名的SSL 吗? SSL is currently unsupported by our hosting.
MySQL服务器超时是什么? Our servers have MySQL timeout limit set to 20 seconds by default. This limit is set by server admin..
我无法访问我的网站!(因为IP被禁) This could be because your IP has been banned (as for example we can visit your website without any ..
你们的服务器支持FastCGI吗? FastCGI/CGI/Perl is not supported on our servers.
你能优化我的网站使其对搜索引擎友好吗? I would love to help you optimizing your website for better rankings in search engines. Unfortunatel..
我在XXX的第一行看到"unexpected T_STRING" (如果账号在使用iWeb) iWeb's format of coding is not fully compatible with our hosting. This means that you must remove th..
当调试我的网站时,我看到HTTP代码200 If you see a message (code) like '200 OK' when debugging your site, it means your website works perf..
MySQL服务器不工作! (收到Error 28) Please try to run MySQL database repair function from MySQL section of your control panel. If it doe..
你们有安装好的zlib吗? Zlib PHP module is installed and enabled by default on our servers.
我怎样才能找回MySQL密码? If you do not remember MySQL password, you need to reset it (MySQL passwords could not be recovered ..
时区能通过.htaccess修改吗? If you couldn't change timezone using PHP functions in your script, it's also possible to change tim..
你们能导入我的旧账号吗? We do not provide assistance in importing or transferring account files to our hosting, you must do ..
如何修改我的会员区的密码? To change your members area password, please login to your account at http://cpanel.#master_domain a..
你们在使用什么类型的RAID? We are using RAID-10 configuration on our servers.
fsockopen可用吗? PHP function fsockopen() is enabled.
你们的MySQL服务器支持CREATE VIEW吗? We fully support MySQL CREATE VIEW operation.
我的根目录是什么? 它能被修改吗? The only possible path to home directory is /home/YOUR_USERNAME/public_html.
Home directory cannot ..
我能通过支付更多的钱来提升CPU配额吗? I'm afraid there is no way to increase server resources usage here. All our servers have limits whic..
我的NS服务器IP是多少? Our nameserver IPs are:
ns1.#master_domain -
ns2.#master_domain -
用户'xxx'@'localhost'禁止登陆 It seems you are using incorrect MySQL hostname: we do not use 'localhost' our MySQL hostname is 'my..
我怎样才能配置网站重定向? All types of redirects can be added/configured/removed using 'Redirects' section in cPanel.
我能在主机上放游戏外挂吗? It's allowed to host game cheats and hacks on our servers. However, please kindly note that if any c..
我能在主机上放代理网站吗? It's allowed to host proxy scripts for your personal use only. If proxy scripts are accessible to al..
你们支持SmartFoxServer吗? Unfortunately, we do not support SmartFoxServer as it requires Java to run.
你们支持通配符SSL证书吗? Unfortunately we do not support SSL at the moment.
你们支持.htacess吗? Yes, .htaccess is fully supported on our servers.
However before you will start start using .htac..
你们提供海外主机吗? I'm afraid we do not offer offshore hosting at the moment.
你们支持 PHPmotion吗? Unfortunately, PHPmotion script is not supported on our servers as it requires FFMpeg (which is not ..
PHP SOAP可用吗?它能被打开吗? PHP SOAP function is fully supported on our servers.
dl()功能可用吗? I am sorry for the hassle, but we can not enable this function or enable this loader on our servers ..
.hu顶级域名注册需求 The .hu TLD registry has special requirements for domains before nameservers can be changed.
你们有什么inode限制吗? You may store up to 20000 files on your account.
如何登陆控制面板? You can access your account cPanel by logging into your members area here:
火狐错误: 该页重定向不正确 (以防无限循环) When a webpage redirects you in an endless loop, Firefox will display an error with the message, The..
我的电子邮件不能到达 yahoo / hotmail! 对于给您造成的不便我们深感抱歉,不过好像有人从服务器发送大量的电子邮件从而导致我们的IP地址被列入黑名单了。关于这个问题我们已经联系了雅虎/ hotmail,电子邮件应该可以被正常接收在接下来的48小..
我能在你们的服务器上安装PECL id3吗? 对此我们非常抱歉,因为安全问题,我们的服务器无法安装PECL id3。
在安装Drupal时,Cron Job不工作 感谢您的提问。为了使cron job顺利运行,请按以下步骤操作:
1. 首先,您需要通过控制面板来配置cron job(您可以在控制面板中找到cron job图标)。
2. 然后,选择您需要的界面..
我能在你们的主机上搭建VNC服务器吗? 抱歉,由于技术问题,您不能在我们的主机上搭建VNC服务器。
你们能在服务器上安装APC (Alternative PHP Cache)吗? 抱歉,我们使用默认PHP缓存设置,因此我们不在服务器上安装APC (alternative PHP cache)。感谢您的理解与支持。..
你们的服务器上有安装好的Lunics吗? 抱歉,因为安全原因,我们未在服务器上安装好Lunics。
我能在这儿使用SSH隧道吗? 您只能在我们的SSH控制台上使用基本的SSH命令,由于安全原因,SSH隧道不可用。..
你们能将我的两个账号合并吗? 抱歉,由于技术原因,将两个不同的的账号合并是不可能的。
你们能修改suhosin.request.max_vars的值吗? 非常抱歉,我们无法修改该限制。我们的PHP限制已经设为共享主机所能达到的最高值了。..
你们支持CRE LOADED吗? 抱歉,目前我们的服务器不支持CRE LOADED。
你能在我的账号中开启mod_layout模块吗? 抱歉, 该模块不能被开启。
你们支持JSON吗? 是的, 该功能(JSON)在我们的服务器上可用。
我收到错误信息“复制/移动文件失败” 请在会员区使用“修复文件所有权”工具来修复该问题。
我能在这儿安装PHP Fusion吗? 是的,你可以在我们的服务器上安装PHP Fusion而不发生任何错误,但是我们并不提供网站发展服务。当然, 您可以向程序开发者获取帮助和支持 (这样您也可以获得更多细节信息), 如果您遇到任何错误, ..
FTP一直超时 (无反应) 因为安全原因,我们不允许FTP客户端在连接2分钟内无动作。如果想解决超时问题,请一次上传所有文件。
如何关闭PHP错误? 关闭您网站的PHP错误报告,请将以下文字复制至您的.htaccess文件:
php_flag display_errors off..
你们能安装PHP版的MagickWand吗 我们的主机不支持MagickWand。
你们最多可以允许多少mysql用户连接 (在同一时间)? 我们的服务器最多允许同一mysql用户同时有5个mysql连接。
我在哪儿可以看见我的网站日志? 抱歉, 由于平台原因, 我们不提供具体网站日志 (我们仅提供独立访客,点击量和流量报告)。其实,您可以使用专业的数据分析工具来管理您的网站,比如Google Analytics :
我怎样才能修改MySQL数据库的Collation属性? 您可以通过phpMyAdmin按以下介绍来实现:
1. 登入您的控制面板并点击数据库中的phpMyAdmin图标。
2. 从左边的菜单中选中您想要改变的数据库。
3. 点击phpMyAdmin顶..
如何使目录 / 文件可写? 使所需的目录 / 文件可写,只要改变文件权限至777即可。可以通过控制面板的文件管理器或FTP客户端来完成。..
如何安装谷歌应用? 这个安装指南面向商业和学校应用,包括基础和高级配置,所以您可以在30分钟内流畅的开始和运行谷歌应用:
我无法通过控制面板的文件管理器来解压.rar文件 对于这个问题我们非常抱歉,我们的服务器不支持.rar文件的解压。 请重新上传一个.zip文件,您就可以顺利的解压文件了。..
你们能重命名我的域名吗?(域名已注册) 抱歉,由于安全原因我们不能修改您当前主机域名。 您可以通过取消/删除当前账号并注册一个新账号来实现更新域名。..
你们支持mysqli或mcrypt吗? 是的,我们的PHP配置支持该功能。
你们支持SimpleXML吗? 是的,我们的服务器支持SimpleXML。
如何禁用mod_security? 请在您的.htaccess文件中添加以下内容以禁用mod_security:
SecFilterEngine Off
你们的服务器支持Elgg (CMS)吗? Elgg在我们的服务器上运行的很好,我们的服务器符合其所有要求。
我如何才能将自助建站的模板换成另一个? 如果您想改变您的自助建站的模板,您需要从控制面板里重新开始安装进程。
你们支持Video Whisper吗 ? 抱歉, 因为技术原因,我们的服务器不支持Video Whisper。
你们支持VidiScript吗? 抱歉我们的服务器不支持VidiScript,因为VidiScript需要MEncoder 和FFMPEG,而我们目前也不支持这两个程序。..
如何使用 .htaccess文件? 请查看关于.htaccess文件的最大指南,以获取实施这个必要功能的最佳体验。
你能帮我安装geoip PECL 模块到PHP引擎上吗? 很抱歉,出于安全角度的考量, geoip PECL for PHP不能在我们的服务器上安装。不过您可以使用类似功能的脚本来实现该功能。..
你能给我一个域名检查脚本吗? 很抱歉我们无法为您提供,不过这个帖子应该对您有帮助:
我能从手机或其他移动设备上登录我的控制面板吗? 很抱歉,我们的控制面板仅适用于windows/linux 平台. 很抱歉我们无法测试控制面板在移动设备上的可用性,不过它应该可以在移动平台上的浏览器中被正常访问。..
服务器支持php_imap吗? 是的,服务器支持此功能。
服务器支持OpenSSL吗? 是的,我们的服务器支持此功能。
如何修复/优化数据库? 您可以通过phpMyAdmin来优化/修复您的数据库:
我的IP好像被服务器屏蔽了 您的网站看起来很正常。您能告诉我您的IP吗?您可以在这里看到您的当前IP:
我有很多问题,你们有电话客服吗? 很抱歉,我们暂不提供电话客服支持。不过您可以访问我们的网站以获取7X24小时的即时通讯支持。(需要升级为SuperVIP)...
服务器支持eyeOS吗? 免费账号不支持搭建eyeOS,不过您可以使用VIP帐号搭建。
欢迎您随时升级到VIP / 超级VIP。..
我的网站显示乱码了 这可能是由于您的文件编码不对而造成的。您应该使用UTF8编码。
您的网站也应该具有UTF-8的meta tag:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content..
服务器支持APE server吗? 很抱歉,我们不支持该功能。
服务器支持Plone吗? 很抱歉,我们不支持该功能。
curl支持https方式吗 (Curl SSL)? 我们的服务器完全支持 Curl SSL。
我的database socket path是? 默认的Unix socket 文件路径是 /tmp/mysql.sock (如果不能用就尝试这个: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock)...
你能启用或禁用allow_url_include吗? 函数allow_url_include默认是可用的。
你们提供独立IP吗? 很抱歉,目前暂不支持分配独立IP。不过,如果未来我们开始提供此业务的话我们会及时让您获悉的。..
为什么我无法修改整个服务器的设置? 对于给您造成的不便表示非常抱歉,我们提供的是共享主机服务,因此一台服务器上会运行着多个网站和多个帐户。
如何更改用户的登录邮箱? 您可以在这里修改您的登录邮箱:
访问http://cpanel.#master_domain,然后点击"我的信息(My Profile)" 选项卡...
我可以创建有限登录我的cPanel的帐号给我的朋友吗? 目前还不能创建这种帐号,不过一般的网站都包含三种核心内容:数据库、邮箱帐号和网站文件,这分别对应数据库帐号、邮局帐号以及FTP帐号。 你可以为你的朋友创建这些元素,他们就能够管理自己的网站和电子邮件了..
phpmyadmin支持外键吗? 创建外键需要InnoDB引擎,很抱歉我们的服务器不支持此引擎。
服务器支持Mp4Box吗? 很抱歉,我们不支持此功能。
如何禁用output_buffering? 要禁用此功能请在您的.htaccess文件中添加下列代码行:
php_value output_buffering Off..
mod_gzip应该怎么用?它不能用! 我们的服务器均支持mod_gzip, mod_deflate。
我能使用https来访问我的控制面板吗? 目前暂不支持ssl访问控制面板。
服务器支持Zend吗? 服务器提供对Zend的全部支持。您可以流畅地运行使用Zend编码的程序。
我的账户的错误日志在哪? 很抱歉,为了节省系统开销我们不对个人用户提供错误日志服务。
服务器支持suPHP, suApache, suexec 或 suhosin吗? 我们不提供对suPHP, suapache, suexec 以及 suhosin 等模块的支持。不过我们使用其他安全措施例如PHP的open_basedir特性和mod_security Apache..
你们提供的网站模板在哪呢? 在我们服务器上的每个账号均自带了 YouBuilding 智能建站助手,它提供了100多种模板供您选择。要使用它,请登录到控制面板进入相应功能。..
服务器支持OmniBase吗? 很抱歉,服务器不支持此功能。
服务器支持Smalltalk吗? 很抱歉,我们不支持此功能。
服务器支持GCC编译器吗? 很抱歉,服务器不支持此功能。
服务器支持.htaccess的Rewrite(qsappend | QSA 重定向)吗? 是的,我们的服务器支持这一功能。 您可以使用在您的.htaccess文件中添加以下代码来测试该功能: .htaccess file:
Options +FollowSymlinks
服务器支持opencart吗? 是的,服务器支持此功能。
服务器支持mhash吗? 是的,服务器支持MHASH。
我看到空白页面(如果网站是基于PHP的) 如果你的网站是基于PHP的,这个问题最常见的原因是脚本中的某个字符不支持。使用”或者};地方在PHP中出现了问题。这种情况下就会出现白屏而不会得到任何的警告或错误提示信息。
1. PHP错..
能安装PECL ssh2吗? 我们对于此问题给您造成的不便表示非常抱歉,然而出于兼容性考虑,我们不支持在服务器上安装PECL ssh2。..
服务器上支持进行AC3编解码吗? 很抱歉,我们的服务器不支持此功能。
服务器上支持进行AAC编解码吗? 很抱歉,我们的服务器不支持此功能。
服务器上支持进行 OGG/Vorbis 编解码吗? 很抱歉,我们的服务器不支持此功能。
服务器上支持进行x264编解码吗? 很抱歉,我们的服务器不支持此功能。
服务器上支持DivX/XviD编码处理吗? 很抱歉,我们的服务器不支持此功能。
服务器支持win32 codec吗? 很抱歉,我们的服务器不支持此功能。
服务器支持redmine吗?? 很抱歉服务器不支持此功能,因为它需要使用 Ruby on Rails.
能启用DNS集群功能吗? 恐怕不能启用,因为它需要大量修改DNS集群已经在我们的系统最佳性能优化服务器。..
wordpress的自动更新失败 Wordpress的自动更新功能可能因为文件权限问题而无法正常工作。
服务器支持phpSHIELD吗? 很抱歉,服务器不支持phpSHIELD。然而如果您需要phpSHIELD loaders,您可以直接使用phpSHIELD加密过的程序。..
常见程序的配置文件都在哪里? 常见程序的配置文件位置:
4Images Gallery
B2 Evolution
Boonex Dolphi..
你们的服务条款(TOS,Terms of Service)在哪? 您在任何时候都可以通过访问 /en/page/tos 来查看我们的服务条款。..
如何添加MIME类型? 您可以使用 .htaccess 文件来实现此功能。
AddType video/x..
服务器遇到硬件故障 很不幸我们在服务器上遇到了一个硬件引起的问题。我们已经安排工程师尽快解决该问题。请关注您的控制面板以获得最新动态。..
你们的空间支持timthumb吗? 是的,我们的服务器完全支持这一功能。
table表过多 若果您的账户在数据库中被取消了太多table,那么我们我们就没办法做,所以一定要确保这种情况不再发生。一个数据库不能有超过500个table,所以请不要超过这个限制,否则它将被自动删除。..
由于MySQL查询缓慢 我的账户被取消了 由于MySQL查询缓慢,您的账户被取消了。
你支持 Postini 反垃圾邮箱吗? 当然,我们完全支持谷歌Postini服务。
如何解决电子邮件发送和接受?电子邮件是垃圾邮件文件夹 我们的邮件服务器有非常高的使用率并且每小时可以发送成千上万的垫子邮件。由于这个原因,我们的服务器IP地址可能会被一些上市提供商和电子邮件破坏,您将不能交付。..
如何改变MYSQL用户名或密码 如果不能更改MySQL用户名或者MySQL数据库名称没有删除它。但是您可以从您的控制面板MySQL部分上更改MySQL用户密码..
你支持nginx吗? 不幸的是nginx(Web服务器/反向代理和电子邮件(IMAP/POP3)代理)由于技术和安全方面的原因不支持我们的服务器。..
为什么是我的(支持)论坛取消?(有效期vB, 调查等.) 它取消了我们的自动化系统,所以我们不允许主机VB或IBT论坛
您的论坛被取消了,因为我们怀疑非法/nulled 违法我们的服务条款。由于没有检查这个,webhost,我们不想冒这个险。链入页面许..
我如何禁用 short open tags? 要禁用short open tags,您需要在您的网站根目录创建一个 .htaccess 文件, 如果已经存在此文件,请添加以下内容到该文件里:
php_value short_open_tag..
我怎么才能换一个服务器? 改变服务器,您不得不重新创建您的账户,请一定要先创建一个您的文件和数据库的备份。您可以使用控制面板上“删除账户”图标删除账户。您的账户被删除后可以设置一个新的账户相同的域名。这次将被创建在不同的服务器..
我在FileZillaI遇到ECONNREFUSED 错误 这个错误很可能与您的电脑的网络/防火墙设置有关。关于如何解决这个问题请访问以下链接:
你们支持wordpress mu吗?,如果支持我应该如何安装它? 我们的服务器均不支持Wordpress MU。
数据库 information_schema是干嘛的?我能不能删掉它? 我们不支持information_schema数据库,因为它会造成高CPU资源占用。
可以为我开启PHP的TLS stream socket transport? 此功能(PHP sockets)在我们的服务器上默认是开放的.
我需要群发邮件, 我能使用外部SMTP (如google)来发送它们吗? 如果您需要发送(或是群发)以您的域名结尾的邮箱为发件人的邮件
我们推荐您使用Gmail. Google的 GMail 提供免费的 SMTP 服务器给所..
我的 Wordpress遭黑客攻击,
如何重设管理员密码? 如果您忘记了您的wordpress的密码,您可以直接通过编辑数据库来重设它。
磁盘已满错误 感谢您的反馈。我们将很快检查并解决这一问题。
我遇到一个错误! 为了帮助消除可能出现的问题,我们需要更多的信息。请尽量包括错误消息/代码和截图。也请让我们尽可能多地知道您遇到的错误的详细情况。..
如何在线解压文件? 要解压缩文件,请在文件管理器中使用解压缩功能。
或者您可以使用在线SSH控制台,通过命令“unzip 文件名”来解压缩文件..
为什么我得输入两次登录信息才能进入密码保护目录? This is happening because you have password-protected a subfolder on your account. If there is a .ht..
如何优化Joomla的性能? Joomla script is not a 'heavy' application by default, however if it is not maintained properly, it ..
如何配置FTP客户端? 关于配置FTP客户端的方法:
Filezilla (windows)
Round cube显示收件人地址或发件人地址是空的 请升级发件人使用的Round cube版本。如果您看到您的发件人是空的,请添加Identity。
1) 进入 Roundcube 并访问 Settings
建立数据库连接时出错 如果您收到 'Error establishing a database connection'的错误信息,这说明您的脚本未能连接到数据库。
我可以通过xoom付款吗? 很抱歉,我们只接受我们官网上写明的几种付款方式。
我无法收发邮件 在此过程中您遇到什么错误提示了吗?您是否设置了条件过滤?您收到对方的自动回复邮件了吗?..
PHP最长执行时间是多久? 服务器上PHP执行时间最长为60秒。
发出邮件的最大长度是多少? 如果您通过在线邮箱发送邮件则最大长度为5MB。如果您使用我们的SMTP服务,最大长度是5MB...
你们支持iconv吗? 我们的服务器完全支持Iconv。
从fantastico中安装的Coppermine不显示缩略图 如果您在上传图片的过程中看不到缩略图,请登录到您的coppermine的管理员面板 -> Config -> File settings, 找到"Method for resizing images"..
我能直接访问phpMyAdmin吗? (不通过cPanel)? (Duplicate #117) 您可以从控制面板访问phpMyAdmin,或是从http://phpmyadmin.#master_domain直接登录。
我可以在一个文件夹里存放多少个文件? 对于一个文件夹中能存放多少文件我们并未作出限制。不过您在FTP中只能看到最多2000个文件。..
我能运行SocialEngine吗? 很抱歉,SocialEngine不能运行,因为它需要使用InnoDB数据库引擎,而这不被我们的服务器支持。..
我能运行scgi脚本吗? 很抱歉,我们不支持scgi脚本。
邮件长度限制是多少? 当前的邮件长度限制是5MB。
你能给我提升下CPU配额吗? 这是共享主机服务器,所以您也和其他用户共享这个服务器的所有资源。20%的CPU配额已经非常高了,这意味着您的账户可以最大使用整个服务器的20%的CPU资源,所以不能再给您提高CPU配额了。..
因数据库中有广告/诈骗内容而被封停 我们发现您的博客或论坛中有非常多的匿名评论,这通常是由于您对您的网站疏于管理,所以自动发帖机在您的网站上疯狂发布广告和其他垃圾信息。这种行为会给MySQL服务造成巨大冗余负担,可能会给其他用户的使用带..
如何关闭PHP错误报告? 要关闭PHP的错误报告您可以在您的PHP脚本中使用这个语句:
怎样修复内容编码错误(Content encoding error)? 如果您的网站显示"Content encoding error"(内容编码错误),这一错误极可能发生于gzip压缩过程中。尝试禁用gzip压缩。
你们支持Zend Framework吗? Zend Framework不被我们的cPanel支持,不过您可以自己安装Zend框架支持库组件:在/download/latest下载然后上传组件到..
你们支持CloudFlare吗? 我们支持CloudFlare, 如果您对cloudflare在使用上有疑问还请联系他们的客服。
当我分享我的网站时在Facebook上显示的预览图是错误的 Facebook缓存的页面,所以你只需要让Facebook更新缓存。
要做到这一点,你应该访问Facebook的: /tools/de..
我可以设置vhosts相关功能吗? 很抱歉,您无法使用vhosts的相关功能。
我可以建立多少个计划任务? 您可以建立最多2个计划任务,这既适用于分销账户也适用于最终用户。
服务器不支持使用UDP协议的应用 基于网络安全和性能的因素,禁止在我们的服务器上使用基于UDP协议的程序。..
你们的空间支持播客站或网络电台吗? 很抱歉,我们的空间不支持这类站点。
空间支持owncloud吗? 我们的共享主机和分销主机上均不支持搭建ownCloud,这是由该程序的特性所致。如果您真的需要搭建,请选择我们的VPS服务...
如何上传我的网站? You must either use FTP (file transfer protocol) client, or upload via our File Manager located in y..
如何重置email密码? 要重置您的email密码,请访问您的控制面板,然后点击管理邮箱,点击您的帐户附近的修改密码链接。
我的MySQL主机名是? 我们的MySQL主机名格式是 'mysql.'格式。
请查看您的控制面板的 'MySQL 数据库'部分,创建一个数据库,然后查看 'MySQL Host'部分...
我可以创建多少个MX记录? 当前您只能创建一条MX记录。
如何在我的网站上禁用自带的stopforumspam插件? 您需要添加以下内容到您的.htaccess文件中:
php_value auto_prepend_file none}


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