陷入麻烦 英语各位英语学的好的大神

昨天,我正往邻居的家去坐顺风车去参加一个社区晚餐聚会,沿着人行道上,长满了淡紫色的丁香。小花儿安静而柔美地摆动,正因为它们在微风中起舞教我停下了脚步。我看着它们在微风中轻轻地左右摆动,就像它们是活的,且很活得很快乐。我在想,令人也能像丁香般地活得起那么惬意,会是怎么样。这是母亲节,我住得离我妈很遥远。我想到了我的邻居,她也是一位母亲。事实上,她是两个孩子的妈。我的脑海里泛起了新念头,于是我赶紧回家,迅速地翻查黄页最就近的花店的所在,并确保他们有鲜花出售,好让我送上爱意和阳光灿烂的感觉,来温暖一位母亲的心。执著一束阳光黄色的水仙花,我敲响我的邻居的门和一个母亲的心扉,换来的是暖心的微笑、热情的拥抱,和怀着极大的喜悦来紧握我的手。我们在门口这一瞬间的交流,令一位母亲的生活起舞,我要感谢小丁香带来的那一刻!~~~~~全人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~原文如下:Yesterday, I was walking past some lavender coloured lilacs growing along the sidewalk on the way to catch a ride with my neighbor who was joining me for a community dinner gathering. The quiet and soft movement of the little flowers as they danced in the breeze just make me pause for a moment.
I looked at them moving gently from one side to another in the breeze as if they were alive and happy. I was thinking about what it would be like to make another human being alive and happy like those lilacs.It was Mother's Day, and I live many continents away from my mother. I thought about my neighbor, who is a mother too. As a matter of fact, she was a mother of two children. I hurriedly went back home with my new idea unfolding in my mind. I looked through my yellow pages quickly, located the nearest flower sellers, and made sure that they had fresh flowers to sell with which I was able to add love and a bright feel to warm a mother's heart. Collecting a bouquet of sunshine yellow daffodils, I opened the door of my neighbor, the door of a mother, the door of someone who smiled and hugged me and held my hand tightly with great joy. Such a short moment of exchange in a doorway made a mother dance with life and I have to thank the little lilacs for that moment!


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