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剑9TEST4小作文,麻烦大家帮我看一下,谢谢谢谢哈The graphindicates the energy consumption from 2008 to 2030 in USA. In general, theconsumption of each type of energy except hydropower is predicated to have an increase in these years_作业帮
剑9TEST4小作文,麻烦大家帮我看一下,谢谢谢谢哈The graphindicates the energy consumption from 2008 to 2030 in USA. In general, theconsumption of each type of energy except hydropower is predicated to have an increase in these years
剑9TEST4小作文,麻烦大家帮我看一下,谢谢谢谢哈The graphindicates the energy consumption from 2008 to 2030 in USA. In general, theconsumption of each type of energy except hydropower is predicated to have an increase in these years, while the figure for hydropower seems to remain constant during the same period. The most popularenergy in 1980 was petrol and oil with 35q. After that, the amountof usage of petrol and oil experienced some fluctuations and rose to around 42q in 2005. From 2005 to 2030, it is predictable that the figure wouldsee an increase and peak at about 47q in 2030. The consumption ofnatural gas and coal was the second (20q) and the third (17q) popular energy in 1980. During the next 5 years, the figure fornatural gas dropped to 18q, while it for coal climbed to the same number. These two figures kept the same until 1992, after which both of them fluctuated and is projected to be the same again in 2013 (around 23q). After 2013, the consumption if coal is predicated to go up sharply to around 28q when the figure for natural gas may maintains the same level as it in 2013. The use of nuclear, solar/wind and hydropower were the lowest in 1980 with the consumption about 4q. After 50 years,the consumption of nuclear and solar/wind is predicted to have slight increases(2q and 1q respectively), while the figure for hydropower has no change in 2030. Overall, petrol and oil are the most popularenergy during this period, and hydropower can not attract more use in these years.小作文字数太多了,每次雅思写作就得5,麻烦大家帮忙看看一下问题出在哪?如何把句子变短,要用到相同名词的时候我的代词用得不好,就只会用it跟figure去代替,还有麻烦大家给点建议趋势图哪些细节不用写,我看答案见答案连一些波动都不会去描述,请大家帮忙,谢谢谢谢。
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