求大神在线等 Take the nexttake togetherr.my sister.这句话什么意思

Unit7 Getting on Together_图文_百度文库
Unit7 Getting on Together
n​e​w​ ​h​e​a​d​w​a​y​ ​教​案
8AU7 How do you make a banana smoothie教案
How do you make a banana smoothie  【学习目标】  1.掌握本单元词汇,复习相关词汇。并会使用可数名词和不可数名词。  2.掌握祈使句的用法。    【重点难点】  1.语法:可数名词和不可数名词。  凡可计数的名词叫可数名词;凡是不可计数的名词叫不可数名词。  (1)可数名词分为单数和复数两种形式,前面可以用不定冠词、数词或some、many等词语修饰。如:  a man,an apple,some children,many women  (2)不可数名词没有复数形式,前面不能用不定冠词、数词或many等词语修饰,但可以用some,a little,much等词语来修饰。有时可以与一些量词短语搭配,量词一般是可数的,有单数形式,也可以有复数形式。如:  some water,a little milk,much food,a piece of bread,two bottles of ink,some glasses of water  2.need的用法  need既是一个情态动词,也是一个实义动词,都是"需要"的意思。当它用作情态动词时,主要用于否定句或疑问句。Needn't可以后接不带to的动词原形,在疑问句中,也可以把need放在句首。如:  You needn't be in bed all the time.你不必老是躺在床上。  -Need I look for your coat now?现在,需要我找你的大衣吗?  -No,you needn't.We can look for it after school.不必,我们放学后再找。  He's hungry now.He needs some food.他现在饿了,需要一些食物。  Do they need any books?他们需要一些书吗?    【基础知识精讲】  单词  1.peel/????/  v.除掉(水果等)的皮:peel an apple削苹果皮  n.(蔬菜、水果等的)皮:lemon peel柠檬皮  2.pour/???/  v.①倒,注,灌;②流出,倾泻:This river pours into the Pacific.这条河流入太平洋。③(雨等)倾盆而下  [考点]pour sth.for sb.给某人倒某物:Shall I pour you a cup of tea?我给你倒一杯茶好吗?pour cold water on sb.给某人泼冷水,使扫兴;pour in涌入,倒进:Reports of new successes keep pouring in.捷报频频传出。pour out大量涌出,倾泻出来;将某事物尽情表达出来:When he realized we knew the truth,the whole story came pouring out.他意识到我们已了解了真相,便把事情的原委和盘托出。  3.put/???/  v.放:Did you put milk in my tea?你在我的茶中加奶了吗?  4.need/????/  v.需要:You don't need to go to school if you feel sick.如果你不舒服,就不必去上学了。  n.需要:There is no need for you to wait.你不必等了。  5.blender/'??????/  n.搅拌器;混合物  6.milk/????/  n.[U.]乳,奶  [考点]a glass of milk一杯奶;be fed on mother's milk以母乳为食  [引申]It's no use crying over spoilt milk.覆水难收。milk shake奶昔;milk powder奶粉  7.yogurt/'?????/  n.酸乳酪;酸母乳;酸奶  8.watermelon/'??????????/  n.西瓜  9.cinnamon/'???????/  n.肉桂(色)  adj.肉桂色的  10.honey/'????/  n.蜂蜜,甜蜜;甜美  v.说亲切话  11.cup/???/  n.杯子  [引申]cupboard器皿柜;glass玻璃杯;mug马克杯  12.tablespoon/'??????????/  n.①餐匙;②一餐匙的量:add two tablespoons of flour加两餐匙的面粉  13.popcorn/'???????/  n.(热爆的)玉米花  14.sandwich/'???????/  n.三明治  [考点]注意字母d不发音。  15.mayonnaise/????'????/  n.橄榄油;柠檬汁混制的蛋黄酱  16.onion/'?????/  n.洋葱  17.lettuce/'?????/  n.(植物)莴苣;莴苣叶  18.tomato/??'??????/  n.西红柿,蕃茄  [考点](pl.)tomatoes  19.relish/'?????/  n.调味品;美味  20.turkey/'?????/  n.火鸡(肉)  21.first/?????/  adj.& adv.第一,最初,最先  n.最初,当初  [考点]at first sight一见之下,乍看来:At first sight the problem seemed easy.这问题乍看起来很容易。first of all首先,第一:First of all,I must check the number.首先我必须检查那号码。from first to last从头到尾。at first起初,开始时。  [引申]近义词:earliest,highest,leading;反义词:final,last。The First Lady总统夫人;first name名字(与姓相对);first-aid急救的;first cost(商)最初成本。  22.then/???/  adv.①当时,那时:I was living at home then.我当时在家住。②然后,后来,接着:I dropped in at her house and then went home.我顺便到她家探访一下,然后回家了。③那么:What do you think of that,then?那么你怎么看待这件事?  [考点]since then自那以来:I've never seen him since then.自那时起,我就再没见过他。from then on从那时起:He has been teaching in this school from then on.从那时起,他就在这所学校教书。now and then不时地:She came to see him now and then.她经常去看他。  23.next/?????/  adj.(无比较级或最高级)最近的;紧挨的;隔壁的:Don't worry.We can take the next bus.别着急,我们可以搭下一班车。  adv.随后,下一步:What should we do next?我们接下来应该怎么做?  [记忆法]next,text(课文)联合记忆。  [考点]next没有比较级或最高级。next door在隔壁:He lives next door.他住在隔壁。  [引申]next to none adj.不比任何人差的;next time下一次。  24.finally/'???????/  adv.最后;总之:Finally,I would like to say...最后,我想说......    基本句型  1.Turn on the blender.打开搅拌器。  (1)这是一个祈使句,又叫无主句,表示命令、请求等语气的句子叫做祈使句。其否定形式是在前面加上don't构成。如:  Sit down,please.请坐。  Please don't sit down.请不要坐下。  Put it away,please.请把它拿走。  Please don't put it away.请不要把它拿走。  (2)turn作动词时,表示"转(弯);翻转",后加介词短语/副词(作状语)。如:  turn on/off开/关(收音机,电灯等)  turn in交出,上交  turn...into...(使)变成,翻译成  turn over翻转。如:  Please turn on/off the blender.请打开/关上搅拌器。  Turn in your papers,please.请把试卷交上来。  Water can turn into ice.水可变成冰。  2.How many bananas do we need?我们需要多少香蕉?  How many是疑问词,表示"多少",后面需跟复数名词。询问多少人或物的句型是:How many+复数名词+一般疑问句。如:  How many boats can you see?你能看到多少只船?  How many apples would you like?你想要几个苹果?  How many books are there on the desk?桌上有多少本书?  3.-How much cinnamon do we need?我们需要多少肉桂?-We need one teaspoon of cinnamon.我们需要一茶匙肉桂。  (1)How much对不可数名词进行提问,表示"多少",后面跟不可数名词。如:  How much rice do you want?你想要多少大米?  How much money do you have?你有多少钱?  注意:money是不可数名词。  (2)在英语词类中没有量词,但英语有量的表达法。量的表达方法可分为三种类型:  ①表示容器的名词+of,如a cup of tea,three bottles of milk  ②表示单位的名词+of,如a piece of paper,seven piles of rice(七堆米)  ③其他词+of,如some of the apples  4.Do you like lettuce in sandwiches?你喜欢吃莴苣三明治吗?  (1)like v.喜欢  like sth.(接名词或代词)喜欢某物  like to do sth.(接动词不定式)喜欢做某事  like doing sth.(接动词-ing形式)喜欢做某事  like sb.to do sth.(接复合宾语)喜欢某人做某事  如:  How do you like the weather here?你觉得这里的天气如何?  Do you like to play football?你喜欢踢足球吗?  I like reading very much.我非常喜欢读书。  Teachers always like their students to ask questions.老师们总是喜欢学生们问问题。  (2)like prep.像,与......一样。词组:look like(看起来像);be like(像)。如:  He looks like his father.他长得像他爸爸。  What's your new teacher like?你们的新老师怎么样?    相似词辨析  1.how many与how much  how many和how much都可以表示"多少"的意思。how many修饰可数名词,how much修饰不可数名词。how much还可以表示"什么价钱"。如:  How much is the pen?这支钢笔多少钱?  How much meat do you want?你想要多少肉?  How many oranges do you want?你想要多少桔子?  2.in与into  (1)in意为"在......内",是表示静态的介词。into意为"进......里",是表示动态的复合介词。如:  She is walking in the room.她正在房间里踱来踱去。  She walked into the room.她走进了房间。  (2)在put,throw,break,lay,fall等动词之后,既可以用in,也可以用into,这时in也表示动态,常含有into的意思。如:  He put all the books in/into the bag。他把所有的书都放进书包里。  (3)in可以用作副词,into则不能。如:  Come in!进来!  3.cup与glass  cup和glass都可以作"杯"解。cup指的是用玻璃以外的原料制成的杯子,如用陶瓷等制成的带把儿的小茶杯,常常有托盘,用于喝茶(牛奶、咖啡或可可等)。glass指用玻璃制成的杯子,用于喝水、饮酒等。如:  I would like a cup of tea.我想喝杯茶。  What about a glass of milk?来杯牛奶怎么样?  4.need与want  (1)两者都可以表示"要","需要",后面接名词、代词或动词不定式。如:  He needs someone to help him.他需要有人帮助他。  I want a bicycle for my birthday.我生日的时候想要一辆自行车。  You need to wear warm clothes.你需要穿暖和的衣服。  I want to see you.我想要见你。  (2)want可以接复合宾语,而need则不能。如:  He wanted you to ring him.他想要你打电话给他。  (3)need可以用作情态动词,表示必须,want则不能。如:  Need you go so soon?你非得这么快就走吗?  You needn't talk so loud.你不必这么大声讲话。    中考考点  [例1] What would you like_____________breakfast?  A.at B.with  C.for D.in  精析
"早、中、晚饭吃什么"用结构"have...for breakfast/lunch/supper"。  答案
C  [例2]
There isn't ____________milk in this glass.But there's ___________in that one.  A.some,some B.any,any  C.some,any D.any,much  精析
some,any,much均可修饰不可数名词,但some用于肯定句,any用于否定句。  答案
D  [例3]
Give me___________________.  A.two papers B.twos paper  C.two piece of papers D.two pieces of paper  精析
此题考查不可数名词的使用。若要计数,它的前面可以加上表示数量的量词短语。这里用了a piece of这一词组,并把piece变为复数pieces。  答案
D  [例4] I often eat some___________and____________for breakfast.  A.eggs;bread B.egg;bread  C.eggs;breads D.breads;eggs  精析
此题考查名词的数的使用。some可以修饰可数名词的复数和不可数名词。egg鸡蛋是可数名词,其复数形式为eggs;bread面包为不可数名词,使用原形即可。  答案
A  [例5]
I can see two books on the desk.(对画线部分提问)  精析
How many意思是"多少",对名词前面的基数词进行提问时,句型为How many+名词复数+一般疑问句。  答案
How many books can you see on the desk?      【同步达纲练习】  一、将下列单词按要求归类  bread
water  people
hair  可数名词:____________________________________________________  不可数名词:__________________________________________________  二、单项填空  1.Which box is______________,Li Lei's or Lucy's?  A.heavy B.heavier  C.more heavier D.the heaviest  2.She often helps her mother_______________some shopping.  A.do B.doing  C.did D.does  3.Do you have________________to eat?  A.delicious anything B.good something  C.something delicious D.bad something  4.They also have______________shops in Japan.  A.fish and chips B.take aways  C.fishes and chips D.fish and chip  5.I've no idea when______________here.  A.will she come B.she will come  C.she comes D.is she coming  6.____________either my parents or my brother going to London next Sunday?  A.Is B.Are  C.Was D.Were  7.-_______________you often________________chicken on Sundays?-No,I________________,but I________________this weekend.  A.Did;eat;don't;will B.Will;eat;won't;will  C.Do;eat;don't;will D.Are;eating;won't;will  8.Bananas are my_________________fruit.  A.most favourite B.like best  C.favourite D.best favourite  9.Could you help me do__________________?  A.other anything B.anything other  C.else anything D.anything else  10.He can swim,and__________________.  A.so do I B.so am I  C.so can I D.I can so  三、句型转换  1.They cook the food at home.(同义句)  The food is____________ ______________.  2.She did nothing this morning.(同义句)  She____________ ______________ _____________this morning.  3.Why don't you go home a bit early?(同义句)  Why___________ ______________home a bit early?  4.My sister likes fish and meat.(改为选择疑问句)  ________________ ________________your sister_____________ ______________,fish_____________meat?  5.Of all the boys in this class,Li Ming is the tallest.(改为同义句)  Li Ming is_____________ ______________any_____________boy in his class.  6.The coat is 60 dollars.(对画线部分提问)  ________________ ________________is the coat?  7.There is only one desk in the classroom.(同上)  _______________ ________________desks are there in the classroom?  8.We can see a piece of bread on the plate.(同上)  _______________ ________________bread________________you see on the plate?  四、选择正确的动词  Let's Make Fruity Putty together!  Need:  0.3 ounce package of sugar free fruit flavored gelatin  2 cups flour  1 cup salt  4 tablespoons(汤匙)cream of tartar  2 cups boiling water  2 tablespoons cooking oil  Lisa:Let's make fruit putty.  Rita:How do you make fruit putty?  Lisa:Well,first__1__the dry ingredients in a pan.Then__2__the boiling water cooking oil.__3__them over medium-high heat until the mixture forms a ball.Now __4__the ball on waxed paper to cool and__5__it in an airtight container.Next,__6__the fruit picture from the gelatin box and paste(贴)to the lid(盖子).Finally__7__different flavors(调料)to make all different colors and smells.  Rita:You are great!The fruit putty is delicious.mix
cut    五、完形填空  Different countries have different food.If you go to__1__,you may find__2__fish and chip shops along the__3__.Fish and chips are the__4__popular take-away food in England.People often__5__this kind of food at shops,__6__sometimes they put the food__7__paper bags and take it__8__or to their work place.  Chinese take-away food is also__9__in England,Australia and the USA,but the most popular take-away food in the USA is__10__.It's very delicious.  1.A.AustraliaB.ChinaC.EnglandD.the USA2.A.manyB.muchC.littleD.few3.A.roadsB.streetsC.waysD.rivers4.A.veryB.muchC.moreD.most5.A.haveB.takeC.sellD.put6.A.forB.soC.butD.and7.A.onB.intoC.awayD.out of8.A.homeB.officeC.schoolD.house9.A.differentB.deliciousC.cheapD.popular10.A.pizzaB.dumplingsC.fried-chickenD.fish and chips    六、阅读下列短文,回答后面的问题  Phillip is fourteen this year.He studies in a middle school.He doesn't do any housework at home.He usually watches football matches on TV or goes out to play football with his friends after school.His mother and sister do all housework.  His father went to New York on business last Friday.And the next day his sister Tina was ill.His mother took her to see a doctor.The doctor told her to be in hospital.His mother had to look after her there.At first the boy could find some food in the fridge and cupboard.But on the third day there was only some uncooked(未烹饪的)vegetable and meat left.He had to buy a cook book and did all what it said.But sometimes he put the pepper in the milk or sugar in the soup.Of course,they were terrible and he was often hungry.  A week later Tina came out of hospital.When his mother came back,it was a fearful mess(凌乱不堪)in the rooms.Phillip told her all about it.His mother and sister had a good laugh over that.Now the boy stands in the kitchen and watches what his mother does.He thinks it's necessary(必要的)for him to learn to do the housework.  1.What's Phillip?  2.What's Phillip's favourite sport?  3.When was Tina in hospital?  4.Why did Phillip buy a cook book?  5.Why did Phillip begin to learn to cook?  七、你会植树吗?  1.The ground must be just right-neither too wet nor too dry.It's best to plant trees in spring because it's warm.  2.Dig(挖)a hole(坑)large enough for the tree.But the hole should not be too deep.  3.Knock a long,strong stick(木棒)into the earth next to the hole.Make sure that it is straight.  4.Put the tree in the hole.Make sure that it is straight.  5.Put the earth back in the hole again.Push it down hard with your foot several times.  6.Tie the tree to the top of the stick to keep it straight.  7.Water it well as often as possible.  用一个到两个动词词组概括种树的过程:  FirstSecondThirdFourthFifthSixthFinally    【思维拓展训练】  1.Where were you when the lights went out?  2.How can you let a bike run as fast as a train?  3.What has a soft bed but never sleeps,a big mouth but never speaks?  4.What kind of dog never bites?  5.What wears a cap but has no head?    参考答案  【同步达纲练习】 一、 可数名词:dumpling
foot 不可数名词:bread
hair  二、  1.B 首先看题干,or引导的选择疑问句,表示"两者之中较......的一个"时要用比较级形式。A项为原级,不对,C项more不能修饰比较级,也不对,D项为最高级,不对。只有B项正确。  2.A
此题考查help sb do sth./with sth.这一固定短语。  3.C
形容词修饰不定代词时,要放在不定代词的后面。  4.D
名词作定语修饰另外一个名词时,通常用单数。  5.B
在I think,I have no idea等句子后面接宾语从句时,宾语从句的语序用陈述句语序。  6.B
either...or连接的部分如果是主语,谓语动词使用就近原则。因为空格后的parents为复数,所以,动词应用复数形式,从next Sunday时间看,应是一般将来时,故选B。  7.C
often暗示句子应用一般现在时,this weekend(这个周末)表明句子应用将来时。  8.C
favourite本身就有"最喜爱"的意思,没有最高级和比较级。  9.D
在英语中,other修饰名词,else修饰不定代词或疑问代词,放在所修饰词的不定代词后面。  10.C
"so + be动词(助动词、情态动词)+主语"结构用以承接前一句的内容,表示"(甲如此),乙也如此"。be动词、助动词、情态动词要和前一句的谓语动词保持一致。该题前句用了情态动词can,因此,正确答案为C。  三、  1.home cooking
2.didn't do anything
3.not go  4.Which does;like better;or
5.taller than;other
6.How much  7.How many
8.How much;can  四、  1.mix
4.place  5.store
7.use  五、  1.C
根据常识,鱼和薯条是英国著名食品,因此第一个空应填England。  2.A
much,little修饰不可数名词,few虽然修饰可数名词,但它表示否定,不合语意。  3.B
商店常紧临在街道两侧。  4.D
根据常识,鱼和薯条是英国最流行的食品。  5.A
只有have有"吃"的意思。  6.C
表转折用but。  7.B
put sth.into sth.是固定句型。  8.A
只有home是副词,可直接跟在动词的后边。  9.D
短文的主题是在谈各国的流行食品,因此填popular。  10.C
常识告诉我们,美国最流行的食品是"炸鸡"。  六、这是一篇介绍一个名叫Phillip的男孩,由于平时不做任何家务,后来吃尽了苦头,才认识到学会做家务事是很有必要的。短文后面提出了五个问题。  1.该句是在问主人公的身份。Phillip是一个14岁的孩子,在中学学习,说明他是一个中学生。其答案应为:He's a middle school student.  2.该句是在问Phillip的爱好。从短文中所讲的"He usually watches football matches on TV or goes out to play football with his friends after school."就能看出,他喜欢足球。故应回答:His favourite sport is football.  3.这是一个推算题。短文中已经提到,Phillip的父亲是上周五去纽约的,第二天他的妹妹生病了,那自然是星期六。答案为:She was ill last Saturday.  4.该题是在问Phillip买烹饪书的原因。Phillip在两天时间里把所有的熟食都吃完了,其余都是生的,他要是学不会烹饪,就要挨饿。他买书的原因当然是要学会做饭。应当回答:Because he wanted to cook some food.  5.该题是问Phillip学习烹饪的原因。这在短文中已经明确地告诉我们,他认为这对他很有必要。所以,其答案是:Because he think it's necessary for him to learn to do that.  七、  FirstFind a piece of right groundSecondDig a large but not too deep holeThirdKnock a long,strong stick into the earthFourthPut the tree in the holeFifthPut the earth backSixthTie the tree to the top of the stickFinallyWater it well    【思维拓展训练】  1.In the dark.  2.Put the bike on the train.  3.A river.  4.A hot dog.  5.A bottle.英语 marbleize啥意思We need the polishes to be wet, because the next step requires you to take a toothpick or needle and marbleize the colors together like this._百度作业帮
英语 marbleize啥意思We need the polishes to be wet, because the next step requires you to take a toothpick or needle and marbleize the colors together like this.
英语 marbleize啥意思We need the polishes to be wet, because the next step requires you to take a toothpick or needle and marbleize the colors together like this.
marbleize 使有大理石花纹我们需要抛光剂是潮的,因为下一步需要你用一个牙签或针,像这样将花纹颜色刻在一起.


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