shanghai sports university的简写简写

Sports&&& Shanghai Jiao Tong University is the one of first batch institutions, which tried to establish high-level sports teams, determined by the Ministry of Education. The high-level sports teams of Shanghai Jiao Tong University include basketball team, table tennis team, swimming team, track and field team, tennis team, rowing team and calisthenics team. It owns many excellent coaches and referees and athletes, including more than 30 sport masters. Following the School Education and Sports Law, based on the rule of “one dragon” team building, the physical education department actively tries variant team building modes (School sports team and school enterprise team), strengthens study, training and live management in order to make it to the top in Asia and advance into the worlds forefront. Through nearly 20 years of efforts, Shanghai Jiao Tong University has presented a good tendency of sports contests development, has accumulated an abundant practical experience, has made splendid athletic achievements, and has established a national leader position in sports.&&& In recent years, Shanghai Jiao Tong University athletes have won many gold and silver medals, and fruitful achievements in the international and domestic sporting events. It has won the highest honor award of “Top Ten Presidents Cup” in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th The Peoples Republic of China University Games. The total number of gold medals ranked top one in the Seventh University Games, and the total team scores ranked the second at the Eighth University Games.
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