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Learn How to Get Rid of Acne
Learn how to get rid of acne and KEEP it off–forever!
Well you didn’t come to this site by accident.
You obviously have a problem.
We’d like to help you solve it.
I can read your mind.
I can see through your computer screen.
My crystal ball says… that either you or someone you know has an acne problem.
And you’d like a couple answers.
Well you’ve come to the right place.
We are the FOREMOST experts on ALL things acne-removal related.
Not only will we show you how and why you GET the acne, we will show you how to GET rid of the acne, and even better yet–how to KEEP it off.
78% of all acne sufferers actually GET RID of the acne, only for it to come back, sometimes even stronger than before.
Knowing how to prevent this acne and actually keeping WITH our plan (or the plan you finally decide upon) will save you time, energy and stress later on.
Remember–an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and this old maxim couldn’t be more truer in any other topic than acne prevention.
Best Treatments To Get Rid Of Acne:
Exposed Skincare
For Adults or Teenagers?
Long-Term Effects
30 Days + 1 Year
From $29.95
From $43.19
From $26.66
Our Rating
First, a little bit about who we are, and why we decided to set this site up.
I’m Mark, the site manager, and I started this site with my girlfriend, Min.
Guess what?
We both had HUGE chronic acne problems.
We’re talking total face coverage.
We’re talking enough-to-skip-prom type acne.
We’re talking the 6th plague of Egypt where God sent boils on the Egyptians type acne.
But we’re a regular couple.
I eat relatively healthy.
I’m in shape.
I exercise.
I play basketball.
I play music.
I go to school.
I breathe the same air everyone else breathes.
Then why am I the one with all this acne, while it seems 9 out of ten people I see on the street have fair skin?
Well these are some of the questions I would face throughout my high school and college, and even young adult years.
But hopefully, my story (soon to follow) will show you that it’s NEVER too late to do something about a problem, whether it’s acne, being overweight, studying, whatever.
And if you follow these steps, you too can be acne free for the rest of your life!!
Free Ebook Download!
The Expert Guide To Dealing With Acne (Worth $20)
If you are suffering from acne (or have a child who is) and want to learn more about the causes and cures for acne, blackheads, pimples, and zits – this guide is for you.
At 55 pages long, this is an in-depth yet easy-to-read guide packed full of information and tips for getting rid of acne quickly, easily and for good! Best of all, as a visitor to my site, you can claim a copy of this guide for free.
Enter Your Details Below To Download Your Copy:
My Story of Acne Horror
Like many of you, I was just another normal human being walking around the earth with a face full acne.
I had no idea why I had it.
Sure I had some idea of the “technical reasons.”
My dermatologist would tell me the boring explanations every time I went to go visit him.
He’d prescribe me some heavy duty stuff–medicines he promised would get rid of the acne.
I’d try them, sometimes they wouldn’t work, sometimes they’d work a little until I stopped taking the medicines, and sometimes they’d even make my acne worse!
I would often think back to when I didn’t have acne (I started breaking out seriously when I was 17 years old).
Can you remember the age when you realized your acne became a problem?
Think back–it wasn’t too long ago.
How did you go from that…to this?
Well for a while, I gave up hope.
I just kept on funnelling money into various products, going to school, being ashamed, and spending more money.
It was a cycle of terror.
I kind of gave up hope at a certain point.
I didn’t know what to do–didn’t care anymore, just became USED to the acne, USED to being ashamed of it, that even though it bothered me, I sort of just left it to be.
The fact that you’re on this site means that you’re already one step ahead of me in that sense.
For whatever reason, you DID land on this site–that means you’re at least taking some initiative to solving your problem.
Honestly, I couldn’t even bring myself to look in the mirror anymore at my lowest point.
That is until my girlfriend Min (the cofounder of this site), who also suffered from an acne problem, started clearing up.
Her acne was never quite as bad as mine, but it wasn’t anything to sneeze at.
At first, it was barely noticeable, but definitely noticeable.
One day, she just came in to school looking a lot clearer, her face was just… this may sound corny…but prettier.
Then, in a couple days, the change was definite, you can’t argue with results.
She hadn’t told me that she had started any new products or any new treatment.
She never went to a dermatologist either.
When I asked her, she just told me she started making a couple lifestyle changes, and trying some tried and true products.
And in less than 30 days, her face went from pizza-status to Megan Fox.
Now what would anyone do in this situation?
Well I told her to tell me exactly what she did and that I would take notes.
And that I would try this for myself to see what happens.
Well, what so happened was that it helped me too!
Nothing like a couple lifestyle changes to do the trick.
Of course, I didn’t take her exact regiment and apply it to my own life.
I made a couple modifications here and there, as I saw fit.
You should do the same.
Read on to see the exact method that I used to get rid of my acne!
Why People Get Acne – The Brief Science!
But first… a BRIEF (I promise it’s going to be brief… I really can’t stand much for scientific explanations for acne, but some of it is important to know) explanation on why people get acne.
I’ll go down the list very briefly.
Some, all, or even NONE of these factors may apply to you.
But the basic concept of acne development is the same.
Want clear skin? Prepare to work for it.
The Basic Science Behind an Acne Breakout
An individual pimple is when your pore gets clogged–for whatever reason!
When the pore gets clogged by something such as skin flakes, oil from your skin’s oil glands, oil from oily products, oil from your fingers, dirt, bacteria, and anything else, the area gets “infected” and the body reacts to the blocked pore.
Now within this blocked pore, anything can happen.
Usually, bacteria will start to develop there.
Bacteria is EVERYWHERE, including on our skin and faces.
But when the bacteria gets nice and cozy within a blocked pore?
Well your body reacts to the bacteria by sending out white blood cells (the body’s immune system soldiers) to fight the infection.
What happens is a normal reaction to any sort of infection. The white blood cells attack, creating the pimple.
The pus created from the white blood cells (think of a scab! that’s also an example of white blood cells, and the creation of pus) creates the bump we see as a pimple.
So really, the pimple is just a cause of our own body trying to defend itself!
So what do you need to know about all this?
Instead of letting our body defend itself, causing pimples, let’s not give it the chance at all.
How to Get Rid of Acne – the FOOLPROOF SIX STEPS
Alright–let’s get to the meaty part.
Remember that regimen that Min and I used to clear ourselves of acne?
Well we itemized it into SIX easy steps to remember.
Just follow these steps and if you can, take notes.
Also–at the end, we’ll give you links to some great products (such as
which we STILL use,) which make this whole process so much easier and faster.
Stop smoking.
Stop drinking.
Stop going to bed at 3AM in the morning.
Drink copious amounts of water.
Take up yoga.
Everyone’s definition of “the Good Life” is different.
Stop wasting time and start getting on track.
By attempting to live this “Good Life” you will have the right mentality to take care of the remaining 9 steps.
The Go-To Cleanser
Pretty basic–most of us wash our face at LEAST once, but more commonly, twice a day with soap.
Stop using bar soap, as it contains ingredients that will dry your face out.
Don’t scrub your face like you’re trying to get a stain out of the kitchen floor either.
Simply buy a nice gentle facewash ( works very well) and act as if you are rubbing it into your skin, like lotion.
Products like Exposed Skincare are specially formulated to work for both adults and teenagers alike and have a great track record of getting rid of acne. They also have a full 1 year money-back guarantee so you can be sure you have no risk as it is guaranteed to give you clearer skin in just 30 days.
Remember–oils are naturally on your face, there’s nothing you can do about that.
But you can take measures to reduce the oil on your face.
Ever eat something greasy and feel as if you’re leaking from the pores?
Well–you are.
Stop with the grease.
Fruits and vegetables are MEDICALLY PROVEN to help cure acne.
Well, as much as you can help it.
There are going to be times where you have to… but don’t touch your face if you don’t have to.
Don’t rub your chin, wipe your brow, or if you do have to–use a sterilized napkin or similar utensil.
Of course, touching also includes popping your pimples, which is a disgusting habit anyhow.
Germs are a part of life.
But the face and the skin on your face is extremely sensitive, and can react worse than the rest of your body to an attack of germs.
So wash your hands, and wash them well.
Nothing will give you clear skin overnight.
Only a steady regimen of the previous steps along with the right mix of products will truly help your skin be free from acne, and stay that way.
What’s the pont of some overnight cure, when your skin isn’t healthy–and the acne will come back the instant you stop using the product?
Let’s run through our recommended products.
– Best Choice
This is the product we personally still use, even after our acne has disappeared. This keeps our skin fresh, moisturized, and looking as healthy as ever.
This is our number one rated treatment and is suitable for both teenagers and adults alike, guaranteeing to give you clearer skin in just 30 days. .
– Alternative Option
Almost as effective as the Exposed Skincare kit, what we like about ClearPores is that there are two systems, one for facial acne and the other for body acne.
There is also a kit that combines both products for all-round treatment.
The main downside is the price as it is an expensive product, however it does work and is guaranteed for 90 days. .
– 3rd Choice
Our final recommendation is Revitol Acnezine which is a good solid product that is your next best choice if neither Exposed Skincare or the ClearPores system suits you.
It is the cheapest of the three products although it is not quite as advanced and only consists of pills and a cream.
However, it is effective even if the results seem to take a little longer. .
The Top Acne Cures Compared:
Exposed Skincare
For Adults or Teenagers?
Long-Term Effects
30 Days + 1 Year
From $29.95
From $43.19
From $26.66
Our Rating
Well, that’s it!
Now the length of treatment may vary for everyone.
Some people will start seeing results after a few days.
Some people–it may take a few weeks.
Don’t be disheartened though.
Just focus on going each and everyday with these EXACT six steps, and you will be on your way to having clear skin.
We guarantee it!
Finally got rid of your acne?
Shoot us an email with your story!
Have some questions for us, or our other readers?
Please comment below.
And stay acne-free everyone!
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