
我想SM公司 我现<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a007a岁()读初三没特候<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0af跳舞<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a006c655f.5画画唱歌我想进SM公司要准备我打算6或7我12<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a006c655f-21岁~~ 我打算2015或201460%看看风景解情况<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad%参见选拔几努力剩看缘
SM公司韩娱乐业巨..红组合 东神起 神等都SM公司培养容易进
那你要加油啊 我给你回答你的提问 你要是选我是最佳答案 那等你出名 我就很荣幸啊另外你可以参加比赛 展现自己 有可能你就会这样出名
权你要么现在去 要么不去
太大了,最好现在就快点去! 1.是必须需要父母的支持,因为你要面试挑选适合自己的衣服,最好是比较显示气质的衣服,还有就是以你的话应该可以录取,你的介绍给人感觉你很优秀,即然这样的话就要努力接受专业培训,那样你的学业就会耽搁,而且会去韩国上学,没有爸爸妈妈的支持可是很困难的啊 2.韩国人很注重自己的国家哦~所以如果韩语和英语发音不好,千万不要唱哦~唱中文歌就好了,但是韩语的基础一定要学好,再备用一首韩文歌曲,最好是抒情歌,高音部分SM很看好,中文歌我觉得想你的三百六十五天比较好,不过只是我觉得,你还是挑选你唱的比较好的歌曲。上去的时候别忘鞠躬,结束也一样 3.每个项目都报吧,出了那个模特的,最好是有乐器特长,亨利和公主就是靠乐器选上的哦~不要做一些偏男性化的装扮,SM很讨厌这些,一些休闲装就好了,最好跳舞能方便些的,你的舞蹈功底是必须的……其实吧,我认为……没有很棒的舞蹈功底想进SM根本就是不可能,你看看神起和SJ的哥哥们,哪个是不会舞蹈的,而且要有很棒的相貌哦~选上后,公司会在各个角度来看你的相貌……还可以的话说不定会整容,不好的直接不要,这在网上已经有人说过了 对了,你很担心殴打事件吧?这个应该是……嗯……不会的,只不过可能会比如说大声对你说这样之类的现在去正好 等6年后就不会收了,年龄太大……还有什么问题私聊我吧
填写:资料(包括月身高体重历联系式等) 照艺术照(全身照半身照面部特写照) - 记挑看 自唱歌曲(自用电脑录刻CD) 跳舞再舞蹈拍刻光盘 演戏拍 邮寄或E-Mail: SM公司址:韩首尔市江南区押欧亭2洞521号 韩文公司址: &#49436;&#50872; &#44053;&#45224;&#44396; &#50517;&#44396;&#041; 521 发送际信写吧: &#45824;&#54620;&#48124;&#44397; &#49436;&#50872;&#53945;&#48324;&#49884; &#44053;&#45224;&#44396; &#50517;&#44396;&#041; 521 SM Entertainment (Republic of KOREA) 公司电号码:02- 邮箱: SM网页关于选秀:====================================================亲决报SM选秀,现应该抓紧练习唱歌舞蹈般海外练习要通网络初选才能公司进行面试(除非能碰SM公选拔)初选听唱歌录,舞蹈,唱歌非专业难录取.虽说培训由公司进行,SM海外选员都太乎龄,关键要基础,14岁除非艺校否则难足够经验,所LZ要加油哦!
楼,很支持你的梦想呢!!sm公司会有定期的选拔比赛,像青少年best选拔大赏,但是都是在韩国本土,参加这个比赛是最好的办法,但是比赛也非常的严苛,只有得到外貌、舞蹈、声乐等方面的大赏才能进入公司。sm公司每周会有一天用来专门招揽新人,就在公司楼下领一张报名表,填好以后就可以到公司内的评审面前比赛了。不过这种方式能选上的人非常非常少,出道的只有shinee的泰民。其实sm公司很关注一些大型的比赛,楼可以多去参加国内的一些比赛,如果你表现够好,就有机会被公司的星探看上。但是,楼啊,sm公司即使进去了也不好出道,现在公司内光是中国练习生就有差不多一百个的样子,很多人受不了都回来了- -。而且楼你的条件很不利,如果不会舞蹈,那么唱歌就必须是非常的突出,长相在舞蹈和唱歌都不是非常出色的情况下就必须非常的好看,外貌好了对于实力的要求也会相对偏低一些。其实sm公司真的没那么好,对于艺人很严苛,练习生之间的竞争又过大,楼还不如去试试JYP和YG。这两个公司同样是韩国一等一的经济公司,sm公司里面中国练习生太多太多了,但是这两个公司的中国练习生不是很多,甚至可以说是很少了,而且我们庚宝和张力尹的成功也让他们非常低注重中国市场,可能对于各方面的要求就会相对低一些。不管怎样,有梦想是一件非常美好的事情!楼请加油吧~
I am smart but a slow learner, I have seen people who learn things quickly have a different approach to new things and a different attitude but I can't clearly tell these things apart. Can you?
Answered by Will Stern
Will Sern的回复:
I've been in the web development industry for 16 years and have had to learn countless new technologies. I've also been a guitar, graphic design & video editing teacher for the better part of 2 decades. As a result, I've learned some very efficient ways to help people learn new things quickly:
Drown your way to swimming.
Don't start at the bottom, start at the top. Find the very best person in the field and follow what they say. If you don't understand their words because they're over your head. Listen to them more - Google their terminologies - until you do understand the world they live in. Compare your work to the best on earth, not to your peers.
Put yourself in a place that's way over your head. Apply for a job that you probably won't get ... The failed interview will provide invaluable information as to what people value on the playing field you want to be on.
"Play with the big boys" any chance you get. Get addicted to the feeling of being the worst on the team. If you become the best, find a new place to work where you aren't anymore.
Refuse to learn without doing.
Don't read a blog on how to code without hand-coding/copying every example.
If you listen to a lecture, take unnecessarily complex notes—this will lock in information.
Edit: Research shows that taking more selective notes causes you to process the information and retain it better:
Start a blog. Disseminate the valuable information you're learning to others.
The simple act of teaching will cause you to process the knowledge to a level of simplicity that greatly increases your understanding. Plus, any human interaction surrounding the knowledge - comments, arguments, corrections, will cause it to lock-in deeper into your memory.
Practice shorter, but more frequently rather than longer, but less frequently.
A guitar student who practices 10 minutes every day will do far better than one who plays 2 hours once a week. The latter will simply keep re-learning much of the same thing each week, forgetting it by the next week. Your brain remembers the first and last things the most, so make sure to recap each "learning session" with the most important things you want to remember.
Q: What learning strategies do people who are "quick learners" follow?
I am smart but a slow learner, I have seen people who learn things quickly have a different approach to new things and a different attitude but I can't clearly tell these things apart. Can you?
Answered by Will Stern
I've been in the web development industry for 16 years and have had to learn countless new technologies. I've also been a guitar, graphic design & video editing teacher for the better part of 2 decades. As a result, I've learned some very efficient ways to help people learn new things quickly:
Drown your way to swimming.
Don't start at the bottom, start at the top. Find the very best person in the field and follow what they say. If you don't understand their words because they're over your head. Listen to them more - Google their terminologies - until you do understand the world they live in. Compare your work to the best on earth, not to your peers.
Q: What learning strategies do people who are "quick learners" follow?
I am smart but a slow learner, I have seen people who learn things quickly have a different approach to new things and a different attitude but I can't clearly tell these things apart. Can you?
Answered by Will Stern
Will Stern 的回答。
I've been in the web development industry for 16 years and have had to learn countless new technologies. I've also been a guitar, graphic design & video editing teacher for the better part of 2 decades. As a result, I've learned some very efficient ways to help people learn new things quickly:
我在 Web 开发部门呆过 16 年,学过很多新技能。在这 20 年的大部分时间里,我还是一个吉他、平面设计&视频编辑老师。最终,我学会了一些非常有效的能帮助他人快速学习新东西的方法。
Drown your way to swimming.
Don't start at the bottom, start at the top. Find the very best person in the field and follow what they say. If you don't understand their words because they're over your head. Listen to them more - Google their terminologies - until you do understand the world they live in. Compare your work to the best on earth, not to your peers.
Put yourself in a place that's way over your head. Apply for a job that you probably won't get ... The failed interview will provide invaluable information as to what people value on the playing field you want to be on.
"Play with the big boys" any chance you get. Get addicted to the feeling of being the worst on the team. If you become the best, find a new place to work where you aren't anymore.
Refuse to learn without doing.
Don't read a blog on how to code without hand-coding/copying every example.
If you listen to a lecture, take unnecessarily complex notes - this will lock in information.
Edit: Research shows that taking more selective notes causes you to process the information and retain it better: Taking Notes by Hand Benefits Recall, Researchers Find
Start a blog. Disseminate the valuable information you're learning to others.
The simple act of teaching will cause you to process the knowledge to a level of simplicity that greatly increases your understanding. Plus, any human interaction surrounding the knowledge - comments, arguments, corrections, will cause it to lock-in deeper into your memory.
Practice shorter, but more frequently rather than longer, but less frequently.
A guitar student who practices 10 minutes every day will do far better than one who plays 2 hours once a week. The latter will simply keep re-learning much of the same thing each week, forgetting it by the next week. Your brain remembers the first and last things the most, so make sure to recap each "learning session" with the most important things you want to remember.
一个每天练习 10 分钟吉他的学生会比一个每星期仅仅一次 2 小时练习的学生学得更好。后者只会每个星期学一次,然后忘记了,然后下个星期再学一次同样的东西。你的大脑总会清晰地记住学习的首末,所以请确保你每次学习的每个部分都包含你想要记住的东西。
Q: What learning strategies do people who are "quick learners" follow?
I am smart but a slow learner, I have seen people who learn things quickly have a different approach to new things and a different attitude but I can't clearly tell these things apart. Can you?
Answered by Will Stern
I've been in the web development industry for 16 years and have had to learn countless new technologies. I've also been a guitar, graphic design & video editing teacher for the better part of 2 decades. As a result, I've learned some very efficient ways to help people learn new things quickly:
Drown your way to swimming.
Don't start at the bottom, start at the top. Find the very best person in the field and follow what they say. If you don't understand their words because they're over your head. Listen to them more - Google their terminologies - until you do understand the world they live in. Compare your work to the best on earth, not to your peers.
Put yourself in a place that's way over your head. Apply for a job that you probably won't get ... The failed interview will provide invaluable information as to what people value on the playing field you want to be on.
"Play with the big boys" any chance you get. Get addicted to the feeling of being the worst on the team. If you become the best, find a new place to work where you aren't anymore.
Refuse to learn without doing.
Don't read a blog on how to code without hand-coding/copying every example.
If you listen to a lecture, take unnecessarily complex notes - this will lock in information.
Edit: Research shows that taking more selective notes causes you to process the information and retain it better: Taking Notes by Hand Benefits Recall, Researchers Find
Start a blog. Disseminate the valuable information you're learning to others.
The simple act of teaching will cause you to process the knowledge to a level of simplicity that greatly increases your understanding. Plus, any human interaction surrounding the knowledge - comments, arguments, corrections, will cause it to lock-in deeper into your memory.
Practice shorter, but more frequently rather than longer, but less frequently.
A guitar student who practices 10 minutes every day will do far better than one who plays 2 hours once a week. The latter will simply keep re-learning much of the same thing each week, forgetting it by the next week. Your brain remembers the first and last things the most, so make sure to recap each "learning session" with the most important things you want to remember.
Q: What learning strategies do people who are "quick learners" follow?
I am smart but a slow learner, I have seen people who learn things quickly have a different approach to new things and a different attitude but I can't clearly tell these things apart. Can you?
Answered by Will Stern
I've been in the web development industry for 16 years and have had to learn countless new technologies. I've also been a guitar, graphic design & video editing teacher for the better part of 2 decades. As a result, I've learned some very efficient ways to help people learn new things quickly:
Drown your way to swimming
Don't start at the bottom, start at the top. Find the very best person in the field and follow what they say. If you don't understand their words because they're over your head. Listen to them more - Google their terminologies - until you do understand the world they live in. Compare your work to the best on earth, not to your peers.
Put yourself in a place that's way over your head. Apply for a job that you probably won't get ... The failed interview will provide invaluable information as to what people value on the playing field you want to be on.
"Play with the big boys" any chance you get. Get addicted to the feeling of being the worst on the team. If you become the best, find a new place to work where you aren't anymore.
Refuse to learn without doing.
Don't read a blog on how to code without hand-coding/copying every example.
If you listen to a lecture, take unnecessarily complex notes - this will lock in information.
Edit: Research shows that taking more selective notes causes you to process the information and retain it better: Taking Notes by Hand Benefits Recall, Researchers Find
Start a blog. Disseminate the valuable information you're learning to others.
The simple act of teaching will cause you to process the knowledge to a level of simplicity that greatly increases your understanding. Plus, any human interaction surrounding the knowledge - comments, arguments, corrections, will cause it to lock-in deeper into your memory.
Practice shorter, but more frequently rather than longer, but less frequently.
A guitar student who practices 10 minutes every day will do far better than one who plays 2 hours once a week. The latter will simply keep re-learning much of the same thing each week, forgetting it by the next week. Your brain remembers the first and last things the most, so make sure to recap each "learning session" with the most important things you want to remember.
Q: What learning strategies do people who are "quick learners" follow?
I am smart but a slow learner, I have seen people who learn things quickly have a different approach to new things and a different attitude but I can't clearly tell these things apart. Can you?
Answered by Will Stern
I've been in the web development industry for 16 years and have had to learn countless new technologies. I've also been a guitar, graphic design & video editing teacher for the better part of 2 decades. As a result, I've learned some very efficient ways to help people learn new things quickly:
Drown your way to swimming.
Don't start at the bottom, start at the top. Find the very best person in the field and follow what they say. If you don't understand their words because they're over your head. Listen to them more - Google their terminologies - until you do understand the world they live in. Compare your work to the best on earth, not to your peers.
Put yourself in a place that's way over your head. Apply for a job that you probably won't get ... The failed interview will provide invaluable information as to what people value on the playing field you want to be on.
"Play with the big boys" any chance you get. Get addicted to the feeling of being the worst on the team. If you become the best, find a new place to work where you aren't anymore.
Refuse to learn without doing.
Don't read a blog on how to code without hand-coding/copying every example.
If you listen to a lecture, take unnecessarily complex notes - this will lock in information.
Edit: Research shows that taking more selective notes causes you to process the information and retain it better: Taking Notes by Hand Benefits Recall, Researchers Find
Start a blog. Disseminate the valuable information you're learning to others.
The simple act of teaching will cause you to process the knowledge to a level of simplicity that greatly increases your understanding. Plus, any human interaction surrounding the knowledge - comments, arguments, corrections, will cause it to lock-in deeper into your memory.
Practice shorter, but more frequently rather than longer, but less frequently.
A guitar student who practices 10 minutes every day will do far better than one who plays 2 hours once a week. The latter will simply keep re-learning much of the same thing each week, forgetting it by the next week. Your brain remembers the first and last things the most, so make sure to recap each "learning session" with the most important things you want to remember.
Q: What learning strategies do people who are "quick learners" follow?
I am smart but a slow learner, I have seen people who learn things quickly have a different approach to new things and a different attitude but I can't clearly tell these things apart. Can you?
Answered by Will Stern
Will Stern 回答道:
I've been in the web development industry for 16 years and have had to learn countless new technologies. I've also been a guitar, graphic design & video editing teacher for the better part of 2 decades. As a result, I've learned some very efficient ways to help people learn new things quickly:
Drown your way to swimming.
Don't start at the bottom, start at the top. Find the very best person in the field and follow what they say. If you don't understand their words because they're over your head. Listen to them more - Google their terminologies - until you do understand the world they live in. Compare your work to the best on earth, not to your peers.
Put yourself in a place that's way over your head. Apply for a job that you probably won't get ... The failed interview will provide invaluable information as to what people value on the playing field you want to be on.
"Play with the big boys" any chance you get. Get addicted to the feeling of being the worst on the team. If you become the best, find a new place to work where you aren't anymore.
Refuse to learn without doing.
Don't read a blog on how to code without hand-coding/copying every example.
If you listen to a lecture, take unnecessarily complex notes - this will lock in information.
Edit: Research shows that taking more selective notes causes you to process the information and retain it better: Taking Notes by Hand Benefits Recall, Researchers Find
Start a blog. Disseminate the valuable information you're learning to others.
The simple act of teaching will cause you to process the knowledge to a level of simplicity that greatly increases your understanding. Plus, any human interaction surrounding the knowledge - comments, arguments, corrections, will cause it to lock-in deeper into your memory.
Practice shorter, but more frequently rather than longer, but less frequently.
A guitar student who practices 10 minutes every day will do far better than one who plays 2 hours once a week. The latter will simply keep re-learning much of the same thing each week, forgetting it by the next week. Your brain remembers the first and last things the most, so make sure to recap each "learning session" with the most important things you want to remember.
Q: What learning strategies do people wh...
Q: What learning strategies do people who are "quick learners" follow?
I am smart but a slow learner, I have seen people who learn things quickly have a different approach to new things and a different attitude but I can't clearly tell these things apart. Can you?
Answered by Will Stern
Will Stern回答
I've been in the web development industry for 16 years and have had to learn countless new technologies. I've also been a guitar, graphic design & video editing teacher for the better part of 2 decades. As a result, I've learned some very efficient ways to help people learn new things quickly:
Drown your way to swimming.
Don't start at the bottom, start at the top. Find the very best person in the field and follow what they say. If you don't understand their words because they're over your head. Listen to them more - Google their terminologies - until you do understand the world they live in. Compare your work to the best on earth, not to your peers.
Put yourself in a place that's way over your head. Apply for a job that you probably won't get ... The failed interview will provide invaluable information as to what people value on the playing field you want to be on.
"Play with the big boys" any chance you get. Get addicted to the feeling of being the worst on the team. If you become the best, find a new place to work where you aren't anymore.
Refuse to learn without doing.
Don't read a blog on how to code without hand-coding/copying every example.
If you listen to a lecture, take unnecessarily complex notes - this will lock in information.
Edit: Research shows that taking more selective notes causes you to process the information and retain it better: Taking Notes by Hand Benefits Recall, Researchers Find
Start a blog. Disseminate the valuable information you're learning to others.
The simple act of teaching will cause you to process the knowledge to a level of simplicity that greatly increases your understanding. Plus, any human interaction surrounding the knowledge - comments, arguments, corrections, will cause it to lock-in deeper into your memory.
Practice shorter, but more frequently rather than longer, but less frequently.
A guitar student who practices 10 minutes every day will do far better than one who plays 2 hours once a week. The latter will simply keep re-learning much of the same thing each week, forgetting it by the next week. Your brain remembers the first and last things the most, so make sure to recap each "learning session" with the most important things you want to remember.
Q: What learning strategies do people who are "quick learners" follow?
I am smart but a slow learner, I have seen people who learn things quickly have a different approach to new things and a different attitude but I can't clearly tell these things apart. Can you?
Answered by Will Stern
I've been in the web development industry for 16 years and have had to learn countless new technologies. I've also been a guitar, graphic design & video editing teacher for the better part of 2 decades. As a result, I've learned some very efficient ways to help people learn new things quickly:
Drown your way to swimming.
Don't start at the bottom, start at the top. Find the very best person in the field and follow what they say. If you don't understand their words because they're over your head. Listen to them more - Google their terminologies - until you do understand the world they live in. Compare your work to the best on earth, not to your peers.
Put yourself in a place that's way over your head. Apply for a job that you probably won't get ... The failed interview will provide invaluable information as to what people value on the playing field you want to be on.
一定要“好高骛远 [译者注:这里非贬义]”,比如去申请没什么把握的工作岗位......失败是在所难免的,但你能获得宝贵的信息,了解你还缺哪些素养。
"Play with the big boys" any chance you get. Get addicted to the feeling of being the worst on the team. If you become the best, find a new place to work where you aren't anymore.
Refuse to learn without doing.
Don't read a blog on how to code without hand-coding/copying every example.
If you listen to a lecture, take unnecessarily complex notes - this will lock in information.
Edit: Research shows that taking more selective notes causes you to process the information and retain it better: Taking Notes by Hand Benefits Recall, Researchers Find
Start a blog. Disseminate the valuable information you're learning to others.
The simple act of teaching will cause you to process the knowledge to a level of simplicity that greatly increases your understanding. Plus, any human interaction surrounding the knowledge - comments, arguments, corrections, will cause it to lock-in deeper into your memory.
Practice shorter, but more frequently rather than longer, but less frequently.
A guitar student who practices 10 minutes every day will do far better than one who plays 2 hours once a week. The latter will simply keep re-learning much of the same thing each week, forgetting it by the next week. Your brain remembers the first and last things the most, so make sure to recap each "learning session" with the most important things you want to remember.
个人觉得,quick learner并不一定是学霸
个人觉得,quick learner并不一定是学霸...
请叫我标题党 =、=
请叫我标题党 =、=唉……我会尽快赶上Quora这边的进度的!...
Q: What learning strategies do people who are "quick learners" follow?
I am smart but a slow learner, I have seen people who learn things quickly have a different approach to new things and a different attitude but I can't clearly tell these things apart. Can you?
Answered by Will Stern
Will Stern的回答
I've been in the web development industry for 16 years and have had to learn countless new technologies. I've also been a guitar, graphic design & video editing teacher for the better part of 2 decades. As a result, I've learned some very efficient ways to help people learn new things quickly:
Drown your way to swimming.
Don't start at the bottom, start at the top. Find the very best person in the field and follow what they say. If you don't understand their words because they're over your head. Listen to them more - Google their terminologies - until you do understand the world they live in. Compare your work to the best on earth, not to your peers.
Put yourself in a place that's way over your head. Apply for a job that you probably won't get ... The failed interview will provide invaluable information as to what people value on the playing field you want to be on.
"Play with the big boys" any chance you get. Get addicted to the feeling of being the worst on the team. If you become the best, find a new place to work where you aren't anymore.
Refuse to learn without doing.
Don't read a blog on how to code without hand-coding/copying every example.
If you listen to a lecture, take unnecessarily complex notes - this will lock in information.
Edit: Research shows that taking more selective notes causes you to process the information and retain it better: Taking Notes by Hand Benefits Recall, Researchers Find
Start a blog. Disseminate the valuable information you're learning to others.
The simple act of teaching will cause you to process the knowledge to a level of simplicity that greatly increases your understanding. Plus, any human interaction surrounding the knowledge - comments, arguments, corrections, will cause it to lock-in deeper into your memory.
Practice shorter, but more frequently rather than longer, but less frequently.
A guitar student who practices 10 minutes every day will do far better than one who plays 2 hours once a week. The latter will simply keep re-learning much of the same thing each week, forgetting it by the next week. Your brain remembers the first and last things the most, so make sure to recap each "learning session" with the most important things you want to remember.
Q: What learning strategies do people who are "quick learners" follow?
I am smart but a slow learner, I have seen people who learn things quickly have a different approach to new things and a different attitude but I can't clearly tell these things apart. Can you?
Answered by Will Stern
I've been in the web development industry for 16 years and have had to learn countless new technologies. I've also been a guitar, graphic design & video editing teacher for the better part of 2 decades. As a result, I've learned some very efficient ways to help people learn new things quickly:
Drown your way to swimming.
Don't start at the bottom, start at the top. Find the very best person in the field and follow what they say. If you don't understand their words because they're over your head. Listen to them more - Google their terminologies - until you do understand the world they live in. Compare your work to the best on earth, not to your peers.
Put yourself in a place that's way over your head. Apply for a job that you probably won't get ... The failed interview will provide invaluable information as to what people value on the playing field you want to be on.
"Play with the big boys" any chance you get. Get addicted to the feeling of being the worst on the team. If you become the best, find a new place to work where you aren't anymore.
Refuse to learn without doing.
Don't read a blog on how to code without hand-coding/copying every example.
If you listen to a lecture, take unnecessarily complex notes - this will lock in information.
Edit: Research shows that taking more selective notes causes you to process the information and retain it better: Taking Notes by Hand Benefits Recall, Researchers Find
Start a blog. Disseminate the valuable information you're learning to others.
The simple act of teaching will cause you to process the knowledge to a level of simplicity that greatly increases your understanding. Plus, any human interaction surrounding the knowledge - comments, arguments, corrections, will cause it to lock-in deeper into your memory.
Practice shorter, but more frequently rather than longer, but less frequently.
A guitar student who practices 10 minutes every day will do far better than one who plays 2 hours once a week. The latter will simply keep re-learning much of the same thing each week, forgetting it by the next week. Your brain remembers the first and last things the most, so make sure to recap each "learning session" with the most important things you want to remember.


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