
#pragma once
template &class T&
class DLinkNode
DLinkNode& T &*
DLinkNode& T &*
DLinkNode() ;
DLinkNode( T data , DLinkNode& T &* prev = NULL , DLinkNode& T &* next = NULL ) ;
// End of DLinkNode.h
template & class T &
DLinkNode& T &::DLinkNode()
this -& prev = NULL ;
this -& prev = NULL ;
// End of DLinkNode.h
template & class T &
DLinkNode& T &::DLinkNode( T data , DLinkNode& T &* prev /* = NULL
*/, DLinkNode& T &* next /* = NULL */ )
this -& data =
this -& prev =
this -& next =
#pragma once
#include "DLinkNode.h"
#include &iostream&
template & class T &
class DoublyLinkedList
DLinkNode& T &*
DoublyLinkedList() ;
DoublyLinkedList( T table[] , int count ) ;
~DoublyLinkedList() ;
void outPut() ;
int length() ;
bool isEmpty() ;
DLinkNode& T &* getNode( int i ) ;
T get( int i ) ;
bool set( int i , T x ) ;
DLinkNode& T &* insert( int i , T x ) ;
bool remove( int i , T& old ) ;
void clear() ;
friend ostream& operator&& ( ostream& out , DoublyLinkedList& T && list)
list.outPut() ;
// 定义构造函数,来构造空的双链表
template & class T &
DoublyLinkedList& T &::DoublyLinkedList()
head = NULL ;
// End of DoublyLinkedList.h
template & class T &
DoublyLinkedList& T &::DoublyLinkedList( T table[] , int count )
this -& head = NULL ;
if ( cout & 0 )
head = new DLinkNode& T &( table[ 0 ] , NULL , NULL ) ;
DLinkNode& T &* temp =
for( int i = 1 ; i & i ++ )
temp -& next
= new DLinkNode& T &( table[ i ] , temp , NULL ) ;
temp = temp -&
// End of DoublyLinkedList.h
template & class T &
void DoublyLinkedList& T &::outPut()
DLinkNode& T &* temp =
while( temp != NULL )
cout && temp -& data && " " ;
temp = temp -&
// End of DoublyLinkedList.h
template & class T &
int DoublyLinkedList& T &::length()
DLinkNode& T &* temp =
int len = 0 ;
while( temp != NULL )
temp = temp -&
// End of DoublyLinkedList.h
template & class T &
bool DoublyLinkedList& T &::isEmpty()
return head == NULL ;
// End of DoublyLinkedList.h
template & class T &
DLinkNode& T &* DoublyLinkedList& T &::getNode( int i )
int len = length() ;
if( i & 0 || i & len )
return NULL ;
int number = 0 ;
DLinkNode& T &* temp =
while( temp != NULL && number & i )
number ++ ;
temp = temp -&
// End of DoublyLinkedList.h
template & class T &
T DoublyLinkedList& T &::get( int i )
DLinkNode& T &* temp = getNode( i ) ;
if( temp != NULL )
return temp -&
throw"双链表为空或者参数i指定元素序号无效" ;
// End of DoublyLinkedList.h
template & class T &
bool DoublyLinkedList& T &::set( int i , T x )
DLinkNode& T &* temp = getNode( i ) ;
if( temp != NULL )
temp -& data =
// End of DoublyLinkedList.h
template & class T &
DLinkNode& T &* DoublyLinkedList& T &::insert( int i , T x )
//int len = this -& length() ;
//if( i & len )
//if( i & 0 )
// i = 0 ;
DLinkNode& T &* temp = NULL ;
if( head == NULL || i & 0 )
temp = new DLinkNode& T &( x , NULL , head
DLinkNode& T &* tempNode = getNode( i - 1 ) ;
temp = new DLinkNode& T &( x , tempNode , tempNode -& next ) ;
tempNode -& next =
//tempNode -& prev =
// End of DoublyLinkedList.h
template & class T &
bool DoublyLinkedList& T &::remove( int i , T& old )
DLinkNode& T &* temp = getNode( i ) ;
if( temp != NULL )
temp -& next -& prev = temp -&
temp -& prev -& next = temp -&
old = temp -&
// End of DoublyLinkedList.h
template & class T &
void DoublyLinkedList& T &::clear()
DLinkNode& T &* temp =
while( temp != NULL )
DLinkNode& T &* tempNode =
temp = temp -&
delete tempN
head = NULL ;
// End of DoublyLinkedList.h
template & class T &
DoublyLinkedList& T &::~DoublyLinkedList()
#pragma once
#include &iostream&
struct Element
friend ostream& operator&&( ostream& out , const Element& elem ) ;
bool operator==( Element& elem ) ;
bool operator!=( Element& elem ) ;
// End of Element.h
ostream& operator&&( ostream& out , const Element& elem)
out&&"( "&& elem.row &&" , "&& elem.column &&" , "&&elem.value &&" ) " ;
// End of Element.h
bool Element::operator==( Element& elem )
if( row == elem.row && column == elem.column && value == elem.value )
// End of Element.h
bool Element::operator!=( Element& elem )
if( (* this == elem ) )
#include "DoublyLinkedList.h"
#include "SeqSparseMatrix.h"
#include &iostream&
int main()
Element itema[] = { { 0 , 2 , 11 } , { 0 , 4 , 17 } , { 4 , 4 , 50 } ,{ 1 , 1 , 20 } ,{ 3 , 5 , 28 } } ;
SeqSparseMatrix smata( 5 , 6 , itema , 5 ) ;
Element itemb[] = { { 0 , 2 ,10 } , { 1 , 4 , 9 } , { 3 ,5 ,20 } , { 4 , 5 ,31 } ,{ 4 , 2 , 1 } } ;
SeqSparseMatrix smatb( 5 , 6 ,itemb , 5 ) ;
cout&&smata + smatb&&
if( smata == smata )
cout&&"caosiyuan "&&
system( "pause" ) ;
return 0 ;
#pragma once
#include "Element.h"
#include "DoublyLinkedList.h"
#include &iomanip&
class SeqSparseMatrix
DoublyLinkedList& Element&
SeqSparseMatrix( int rows = 4 , int columns = 4 ) ;//构造空的稀疏矩阵,指定行数和列数
SeqSparseMatrix( int rows , int columns , Element item[] , int n ) ;
int get( int i , int j ) ;
bool set( int i , int j , int value ) ;
bool set( Element item ) ;
void outPut() ;
SeqSparseMatrix& transpostion() ;
friend ostream& operator&&( ostream& out , SeqSparseMatrix& mat ) ;
SeqSparseMatrix& operator+=( SeqSparseMatrix& mat ) ;
friend SeqSparseMatrix& operator+( SeqSparseMatrix& mata , SeqSparseMatrix& matb ) ;
bool operator==( SeqSparseMatrix& mat ) ;
// End of SeqSparseMatrix.h
SeqSparseMatrix::SeqSparseMatrix( int rows /* = 4
*/, int columns /* = 4 */ )
if( rows &= 0 || columns &= 0 )
throw"矩阵的行或列非正数异常" ;
this -& rows
this -& columns =
// End of SeqSparseMatrix.h
SeqSparseMatrix::SeqSparseMatrix( int rows , int columns , Element item[] , int n )
if( rows &= 0 || columns &= 0 )
throw"矩阵的行或列非正数异常" ;
this -& rows
this -& columns =
for( int i = 0 ; i & i ++ )
set( item[ i ] ) ;
// End of SeqSparseMatrix.h
int SeqSparseMatrix::get( int i , int j )
if( i & 0 || i & rows || j & 0 || j & columns )
throw"矩阵元素的行或列序号越界异常" ;
int number = 0 ;
while( number & list.length() )
Element elem = list.get( number ) ;
if( elem.row ==i && elem.column == j )
return elem.
if( elem.row & i || elem.row == i && elem.column & j )
number ++ ;
return 0 ;
// End of SeqSparseMatrix.h
bool SeqSparseMatrix::set( int i , int j , int value )
Element item = { i , j , value } ;
return set( item ) ;
// End of SeqSparseMatrix.h
bool SeqSparseMatrix::set( Element item )
if ( item.row &= 0 && item.row & this -& rows && item.column &= 0 || item.column & this -& columns )
int number = 0 ;
while( number & list.length() )
Element elem = list.get( number ) ;
if ( elem.row == item.row && elem.column == item.column )
list.set( number , item ) ;
if( elem.row & item.row || elem.row == item.row && elem.column & item.column )
number ++ ;
list.insert( number , item ) ;
// End of SeqSparseMatrix.h
void SeqSparseMatrix::outPut()
cout&&"稀疏矩阵( "&&rows&&"×"&&columns&&" ) : \n" ;
int number = 0 ;
int len = list.length() ;
if( number & len )
elem = list.get( number ++ ) ;
for( int i = 0 ; i & i ++ )
for( int j = 0 ; j & j ++ )
if( i == elem.row && j == elem.column )
cout&&setw( 5 )&&elem.
if( number & len )
elem = list.get( number ++ ) ;
else cout&& setw( 5 )&& 0 ;
// End of SeqSparseMatrix.h
ostream& operator&&(ostream& out , SeqSparseMatrix& mat )
mat.outPut() ;
// End of SeqSparseMatrix.h
SeqSparseMatrix& SeqSparseMatrix::operator+=( SeqSparseMatrix& mat )
if( this -& rows != mat.rows || this -& columns != mat.columns )
throw"两个矩阵阶数不同,不能相加" ;
int i = 0 , j = 0 ;
while( i & list.length() && j & mat.list.length() )
Element item = this -& list.get( i ) ;
Element elem = mat.list.get( j ) ;
if( elem.row == item.row && elem.column == item.column )
item.value += elem.
list.set( i ,item ) ;
else if( item.row & elem.row || item.row == elem.row && item.column & elem.column )
this -& list.insert( i , elem ) ;
while( j & mat.list.length() )
this -& list.insert( i ++ , mat.list.get( j ++ ) ) ;
// End of SeqSparseMatrix.h
SeqSparseMatrix& operator+( SeqSparseMatrix& mata , SeqSparseMatrix& matb )
// End of SeqSparseMatrix.h
bool SeqSparseMatrix::operator==( SeqSparseMatrix& mat )
if( rows != mat.rows || columns != mat.columns || list.length() != mat.list.length() )
= list.length() ;
int mark = 1 ;
while( mark == 1 && i & len )
Element item = this -& list.get( i ) ;
Element elem = mat.list.get( i ) ;
if( item != elem )
mark = 0 ;
// End of SeqSparseMatrix.h
SeqSparseMatrix& SeqSparseMatrix::transpostion()
int len = list.length() ;
SeqSparseMatrix mat( columns ,rows ) ;
for( int i = 0 ; i & i ++ )
Element elem = list.get( i ) ;
Element item = { elem.column , elem.row , elem.value } ;
mat.set( item ) ;
曹思源的其他代码建立双向链表 实现对双向链表的插入 删除操作·_百度知道
建立双向链表 实现对双向链表的插入 删除操作·
#include&iostream&using std::using std::template&typename T& class Node{
//节点的定义public: Node(T t):item(t),previous(0),next(0){} T Node* Node*};template&typename T& class TwoWayLinkedList{
//双向链表的定义public: TwoWayLinkedList():length(0),head(0),tail(0){}; ~TwoWayLinkedList(); int getLength(){} void add(T t); T get(int i); void insert(int i,T t); void del(int i); void display();private: Node&T&* Node&T&*};template &typename T& void TwoWayLinkedList&T&::add(T t){
//在链表的结尾添加新元素 if(head==0){
head=new Node&T&(t);
tail= } else {
Node&T&* q=new Node&T&(t);
//把结尾移到这个新元素 } length++;}template&typename T& T TwoWayLinkedList&T&::get(int i){
//返还下标为i的元素 if(i&=length||i&0) return 0;
//如果没有这个下标返还0 int j=0; Node&T&* p= while(j&i){
j++; } T item=(p-&T);}template&typename T& void TwoWayLinkedList&T&::insert(int i, T t){
//在下标为i处插入一个新元素 if(i&=0){
Node&T&* p=new Node&T&(t);
length++; } else if(i&=length) add(t);
//如果下标大于最大下标加在最后面 else{
Node&T&* n=new Node&T&(t);
Node&T&* t=
length++; }}template&typename T& void TwoWayLinkedList&T&::del(int i){
删除下标为i的元素 if(i&0||i&=length) // 如果没有这个下标直接退出 else{
else if(length==1){
else if(i==0){ // 如果要删除第一个元素
Node&T&* t=
else if(i==length-1){
Node&T&* t=
Node&T&* t=
Node&T&* p=t-&
length--; }}template&typename T& TwoWayLinkedList&T&::~TwoWayLinkedList(){
//拆构函数 Node&T&* t= Node&T&* while(t!=0){
t=t-& }}template&typename T& void TwoWayLinkedList&T&::display(){
//按顺序显示全部元素 T int i=0; while(i&length){
cout&&item&&& &; } cout&&}主函数你自己添把。
#include &iostream&struct Node{
//指向下一节点的指针,习惯用next命名 结构体Node的成员变量
Node( const int& d=int() )
//结构体也可以有构造函数 ,d=T()来指定默认值
//所有数据类型,默认初始化都为0,这里data默认初始化为0};class Chain
void delall()
while( head != NULL )
head = head-& //把head的指向改变为下一节点
length = 0;
~Chain(){ delall(); }
Node*& getpoint( int position )
if( position&0 || position&length )
position =
if( position==0 )
Node* head_bak =
for( int i=1; i & i++ )
head_bak = head_bak-&
return head_bak-&
void insert( const int& data, int position ) //如果不修改参数的话,使用引用做参数的时候,最好加上const
Node* pin = new Node(data);
pin-&next = getpoint(position);
getpoint(position) =
int del( const int& data )
int position = find(data);
if( position !=-1 )
Node* &pnext = getpoint(position);
Node* pbak =
pnext = pnext-&
friend ostream& operator&&( ostream& os, const Chain& oc )
Node* phead = oc.
os && &[ &;
while( phead !=NULL )
os && phead-&data && ' ';
phead = phead-&
os && &] &;
}};void show(){
cout && &******************************& &&
cout && &2- 向链表内添加节点(数据,节点号)& &&
cout && &3- 删除链表内某一个数据(数据)& &&
cout && &0- 退出& &&
cout && &******************************& &&}int main(){
int position, data, choice, data_
while( choice != 0 )
cout && &请选择:&;
switch ( choice )
cout && &请输入要插入的数据和插入位置:& ;
cin && data &&
link.insert( data,position );
cout && link &&
cout && &请输入要删除的数据:&;
link.del( data );
cout && link &&


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