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一搜工具条卸载方法 _百度百科
收藏 查看&一搜工具条卸载方法本词条缺少概述、信息栏、名片图,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来吧!   一搜工具条卸载方法所属公司雅虎  厂商网址  存在问题强制安装
卸载方法  一搜工具条删除比较简单单击一搜徽标打开下拉菜单选择帮助卸载选项如果无法访问工具条上的一搜徽标也可以使用Windows控制面板中的添加/删除程序卸载工具条单击Windows开始按钮然后选择设置打开控制面板文件夹然后双击添加/删除程序条目浏览程序列表选取一搜工具条单击添加/删除按钮
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pandora tv toolbar是什么软件
pandora tv toolbar是什么软件,怎么卸不掉
09-10-24 &匿名提问 发布
打开IE的“工具”菜单,并点击“ Internet 选项”,就会出现一个“ Internet 选项”设置对话框。用鼠标点击“清除历史记录”,再单击“确定”按钮,这时再查看IE的地址栏,就会发现地址栏中以“ http ://”打头的网址都被删除了。 &br&二、上面的方法只可以删除掉那些以“ http ://”开头的网址,但剩下的中文实名却没有被删除掉,而且显得更加醒目,如果想要删除掉这些中文实名的话,“ Internet 选项”对话框中还有一个“高级”设置按钮,这里面就有关于网络实名的设置选项。点击“高级”设置按钮后,你会发现“网络实名”下面有“清除地址栏下拉列表中显示的网络实名”和“在地址栏下拉列表中显示输入过的网络实名”两个选项,在前面一个选项前的方框内打上勾,在后面一个选项前的方框内去掉勾,然后点击“确定”退出,再进行清除历史记录的操作,之后,以“ http ://”打头的网址和中文实名就全都被删除掉了。 &br&&br&如果你还想减少点麻烦,不想使上网时的网络地址保留在地址栏上,您还可以尝试一下这样的操作:将“历史记录”项中的“网页保存在历史记录中的天数”改为0,点击“确定”退出。这时再次查看 Internet Explorer 地址栏中的信息就会发现,其中的英文网址、中文实名信息全部被干干净净清除了。 &br&&br&三、上面两种方法都太机械,IE的地址栏里一个网址都没有,自然会影响到我们浏览网页,毕竟,有的网址对我们浏览网页来说,还是非常非常有用而且方便的,在IE的地址栏下拉菜单里直接选用为好,省却了在IE的地址栏里输入网址的麻烦。 &br&&br&这时就只有请出注册表编辑器了。首先运行注册表编辑器 regedit. exe ,然后依次展开“ HKEY — CURRENT — USER — Software — Microsoft — Internet Explore — Typed URLs ”,就可以看到很多 URL 链接地址,删除自己不想要的即可。 &br&&br&四、用注册表编辑器 regedit. exe 来处理,如何有选择地删除网络实名问题还是没有得到解决。简单的方法往往是最好的方法,其实,我们可以用收藏夹来代替IE浏览器地址栏。方法是:不要经常在IE地址栏中输入网址,如果要输入网址,可以使用“文件\打开”命令,这样就不会在地址栏中留下太多的地址;如果是一个经常去的网站,可以添加到收藏夹,由于收藏夹可以“开始”→“收藏夹”→“要打开的网址”打开,也可以从“IE”→“收藏”打开,快速方便,而且,增加删除、先后顺序整理安排非常方便,不失为一个好办法。 展开其他相似回答 (1) 隐藏其他相似回答 (1) yu跳跳     10:16:37 222.211.40.* 举报 打开IE的“工具”菜单,并点击“ Internet 选项”,就会出现一个“ Internet 选项”设置对话框。用鼠标点击“清除历史记录”,再单击“确定”按钮,这时再查看IE的地址栏,就会发现地址栏中以“ http ://”打头的网址都被删除了。 二、上面的方法只可以删除掉那些以“ http ://”开头的网址,但剩下的中文实名却没有被删除掉,而且显得更加醒目,如果想要删除掉这些中文实名的话,“ Internet 选项”对话框中还有一个“高级”设置按钮,这里面就有关于网络实名的设置选项。点击“高级”设置按钮后,你会发现“网络实名”下面有“清除地址栏下拉列表中显示的网络实名”和“在地址栏下拉列表中显示输入过的网络实名”两个选项,在前面一个选项前的方框内打上勾,在后面一个选项前的方框内去掉勾,然后点击“确定”退出,再进行清除历史记录的操作,之后,以“ http ://”打头的网址和中文实名就全都被删除掉了。 如果你还想减少点麻烦,不想使上网时的网络地址保留在地址栏上,您还可以尝试一下这样的操作:将“历史记录”项中的“网页保存在历史记录中的天数”改为0,点击“确定”退出。这时再次查看 Internet Explorer 地址栏中的信息就会发现,其中的英文网址、中文实名信息全部被干干净净清除了。 三、上面两种方法都太机械,IE的地址栏里一个网址都没有,自然会影响到我们浏览网页,毕竟,有的网址对我们浏览网页来说,还是非常非常有用而且方便的,在IE的地址栏下拉菜单里直接选用为好,省却了在IE的地址栏里输入网址的麻烦。 这时就只有请出注册表编辑器了。首先运行注册表编辑器 regedit. exe ,然后依次展开“ HKEY — CURRENT — USER — Software — Microsoft — Internet Explore — Typed URLs ”,就可以看到很多 URL 链接地址,删除自己不想要的即可。 四、用注册表编辑器 regedit. exe 来处理,如何有选择地删除网络实名问题还是没有得到解决。简单的方法往往是最好的方法,其实,我们可以用收藏夹来代替IE浏览器地址栏。方法是:不要经常在IE地址栏中输入网址,如果要输入网址,可以使用“文件\打开”命令,这样就不会在地址栏中留下太多的地址;如果是一个经常去的网站,可以添加到收藏夹,由于收藏夹可以“开始”→“收藏夹”→“要打开的网址”打开,也可以从“IE”→“收藏”打开,快速方便,而且,增加删除、先后顺序整理安排非常方便,不失为一个好办法。
请登录后再发表评论!新立得软件包管理器 _百度百科
收藏 查看&新立得软件包管理器本词条缺少信息栏,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来吧!
新立得管理器起源于Debian它是dpkg命令的图形化前端或者说是前端软件套件管理工具它能够在图形界面内完成LINUX的搜寻安装和删除相当于终端里的apt命令在ubuntu最近的长期支持版里已经预装了新立得管理器在没有安装它的系统中可以通过apt-get install synaptic进行安装使用新立得管理器的同时不能使用因为它们实质上是一样的
Getting Started启动
To launch Synaptic, choose System & Administration & Synaptic Package Manager.
要运行新立得点击系统 &
& 新立得管理器System & Administration & Synaptic Package Manager
The main window is divided into three sections: a package browser on the left, the package list on the upper right, and package details on the lower right. The status bar shows you the system state at a glance.
Browsing the package database浏览数据库
To browse the (very large) list of available packages by category, section, package status, custom filters, or recent searches. Click on the corresponding button at the bottom of the left window pane. You can also create your own filters. See the filters Filters section for details.
如果要按分类类别状态自定义过滤器或者最近搜索来浏览软件包列表巨大点击窗口左下角相应的按钮您也可以自定义过滤器关于过滤器的详细信息请参考filters Filters一节
To search for packages by name or description, click on the Search button in the toolbar:
You can examine a number of package details in the lower right window pane such as its size, its dependencies, recommended or suggested additional packages, and a short description.
Adding or Removing Software添加或删除软件
To install a package
Click Reload or press Ctrl + R to make Synaptic aware of the latest updates.
点击刷新Reload或者按下Ctrl + R来使新立得获得最新的信息
Right-click on the package and choose Mark for Installation from the context menu, or press Ctrl + I. If the package requires the installation of another package, a dialog box appears:
右键点击需要的然後在弹出的中选择标记以便安装Mark for Installation或者按下 Ctrl + I.
Synaptic will warn you if your choices conflict with packages that are already installed on your system. If this is the case, the dialog box will show you any packages that need to be removed. If you are not sure you don't need the package(s) that will be removed, make sure you look up its function and use before you apply the changes you've made.
Click Mark to allow the installation of the additional package(s).
Once you're satisfied with your choices, click on Apply in the toolbar or press Ctrl + P.
当您满意您的选择後点击上的应用Apply按钮或者按下Ctrl + P
A dialog box appears with a summary of changes that will be made.
Confirm the changes by clicking on Apply.
To remove or 'completely remove' a package
Right-click on the package and choose Mark for Removal from the context menu
右键点击需要删除的然後在弹出的中选择标记以便删除Mark for Removal
Once you're satisfied with your choices, click on Apply in the toolbar or press Ctrl + P.
当您满意您的选择後点击上的应用Apply按钮或者按下Ctrl + P
A dialog box appears with a summary of changes that will be made. Confirm the changes by clicking on Apply.
The Mark for Complete Removal option instructs Synaptic to remove any configuration files associated with the package as well. 标记以便彻底删除Mark for Complete Removal选项会使新立得同时删除所有与相关的配置文件
To upgrade a package
Click Reload or press Ctrl + R to make Synaptic aware of the latest updates.
点击刷新Reload或者按下Ctrl + R来使新立得获得最新的软件包信息
Right-click on the package and choose Mark for Upgrade from the context menu, or press Ctrl + U.
右键点击需要的软件包然後在弹出的菜单中选择标记以便升级Mark for Upgrade''''或者按下 Ctrl + U.
Once you're satisfied with your choices, click on Apply in the toolbar or press Ctrl + P.
当您满意您的选择後点击工具栏上的应用Apply按钮或者按下Ctrl + P
A dialog box appears with a summary of changes that will be made. Confirm the changes by clicking on Apply.
Managing Repositories管理软件仓库
You can manage the list of repositories or software channels from the Software Preferences Panel. To learn more about managing software channels in Ubuntu, see the Ubuntu Repositories wiki page. You can call up the software preferences panel from within Synaptic by selecting Repositories from the Settings menu.
As a front-end to apt, Synaptic uses the system-wide list of software repositories file located at
/etc/apt/sources.list For more on managing software channels, see the Repositories wiki page. 作为apt的前端新立得使用系统系统己的软件仓库配置文件
Updating the Package List更新列表
Synaptic maintains a database of packages on your system in order to keep track of installed software. This list is checked against the software repositories to inform you of new packages or updates. Synaptic checks for new software packages when you launch Synaptic. It's a good idea to update the database from time to time while running Synaptic. In particular, you may want to do so if you have made changes to the list of software channels or if you have made changes to Synaptic's configuration. Just click on the Reload button or press Ctrl + R.
新立得维护了一个关于您系统上所有的数据库来追踪您系统上安装了的软件包新立得通过检查软件仓库来更新数据库这样它就可以提示您新的或者已有软件包的升级新立得在启动时检查新的在运行新立得时时常更新数据库是个不错的选择特别是当您改变了软件仓库列表或者更改了新立得的设置时您可能需要立即更新数据库需要更新只需点击上的刷新Reload按钮或者按下Ctrl + R
How to keep your system up-to-date如何使您的系统保持最新
Synaptic provides two methods for upgrading your system:
Smart Upgrade (Dist-Upgrade) -- recommended
The smart upgrade method tries to resolve package conflicts. This includes installing additional dependencies (required packages) if needed and preferring packages with higher priority. Smart Upgrade has the same effect as the apt-get dist-upgrade tool on the command line. d
智能升级(Dist-Upgrade) -- 推荐
智能升级会试图解决之间冲突的问题这包括在需要时安装额外的依赖关系需要的或者选择具有较高优先级的软件包智能升级与命令行上的apt-get dist-upgrade具有同样的效果
Default Upgrade
The default upgrade method marks upgrades of installed packages only. If the new version of a package depends on not installed packages or coflicts with an already installed package, it will not be upgraded.
Dist-upgrade is the default upgrade method used by Synaptic. To change the upgrade method, choose Preferences from the Settings menu, then click on the General tab and adjust the System upgrade entry. 智能升级是新立得默认的升级方式如果希望改变升级方式选择设置Settings菜单下的首选项Preferences点击常规信息General选项卡然後调整系统升级System upgrade项
To upgrade your system with Synaptic:
Click Reload or press Ctrl + R to make Synaptic aware of the latest updates.
点击刷新Reload或者按下Ctrl + R来使新立得获得最新的软件包信息
Click Mark all Upgrades or press Ctrl + G.
点击上的标记所有以便升级Mark all Upgrades按钮或者按下Ctrl + G
Click Apply on the toolbar or press Ctrl + P. A dialog appears with a summary of the changes that will be made to your system.
点击工具栏上的应用Apply按钮或者按下Ctrl + P* 这时会出现一个摘要您所作更改的对话框
Click Apply to confirm the changes and go ahead with the upgrade.
Integration with Update-Manager
Synaptic works hand-in-hand with Update-Manager to inform you about updates to the software installed on your system. If software or security updates are available, Update-Manager will display a pop-up message and an icon in the notification area on your GNOME desktop. To update your system, click on the notification icon, enter your password and click OK.
You can change the frequency of update checks in the Software Preferences panel. Choose Repositories from the Settings menu, then click on the Internet Updates tab and adjust the Check for updates entry.
您可以通过软件首选项面板Software Preferences改变检查更新的频率选择设置Settings菜单下的首选项Preferences点击Internet UpdatesInternet Updates选项卡然後调整自动检查更新Check for updates项
Locating software on your system定位你系统上的软件
Synaptic can tell you about every file that belongs to a software package it knows about and show you where it is located on your system. Search the database for the software package you are interested in and select it in Synaptic's main window. Next, click on the Installed Files tab to see a list of all files and where they are.
新立得可以告诉您它所知道的一个包内所有的文件的位置在数据库中搜索您感兴趣的然後在新立得的主窗口中选中它接着点击已安装的文件Installed Files选项卡来查看每个文件的位置
View the Changelog of a Package查看的变更日志
Applies to native Debian (.deb) packages only
You can view the changelog of a package with Synaptic. Select a package, then choose Download Changelog from the Package menu.
您可以用新立得来查看一个的变更日志选定一个然後选择Package菜单下的下载变更日志Download Changelog
View History查看历史
You can easily keep track of all changes made to your system's software configuration. To view the history log file, choose History from the File menu.
The history log only shows changes made with Synaptic.
How to force the installation of a package version如何强制安装某个版本的
To be added: Why you would (and would not) want to force a specific version
To force the installation of a package different from the one chosen by Synaptic, do the following:
Click Reload or press Ctrl + R to make Synaptic aware of the latest updates.
点击刷新Reload或者按下Ctrl + R来使新立得获得最新的软件包信息
Select the package. Choose Force Version from the Package menu.
选定需要改变的选择软件包Package菜单下的强制版本(Force Version)
Select the version you would like to use. To confirm your decision, click Force.
Click Apply on the toolbar or press Ctrl + P. A dialog appears with a summary of the changes that will be made to your system. To confirm, press Apply.
点击工具栏上的应用Apply按钮或者按下Ctrl + P这时会出现一个摘要您所作更改的对话框点击应用Apply来确认
How to fix broken packages如何修复
'Broken packages' are packages that have unsatisfied dependencies. If broken packages are detected, Synaptic will not allow any further changes to the system until all broken packages have been fixed.
To fix broken packages
Choose Edit & Fix Broken Packages from the menu.
选择编辑Edit)菜单下的修正损毁的Fix Broken Packages
Choose Apply Marked Changes from the Edit menu or press Ctrl + P.
点击编辑Edit下的实施标记的更新Apply Marked Change或者按下Ctrl + P
Confirm the summary of changes and click Apply.
Status Icons状态图标
The following icons are used to indicate the status of a package in the package list:
Keyboard shortcuts for Synaptic新立得的
&tablebgcolor=&#f1f1ed& tablewidth=&80%& tablestyle=&margin: 0px 0px 1em 1 padding: 0.5 : 0.9&rowbgcolor=&#dde3e7&&Command &style=&text-align:&&Key Combination
Update the list of available packages &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + R
Open the package search dialog &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + F
Show the Properties window for the selected package &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + O
Mark the selected package(s) for installation &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + I
Mark the selected package(s) for upgrade &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + U
Mark the selected package(s) for removal &style=&text-align:&&Delete
Mark the selected package(s) for complete removal &style=&text-align:&&Shift + Delete
Unmark any changes to packages &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + N
Mark all possible upgrades &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + G
Force the installation of a specific version of the package &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + E
Undo the last change &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + Z
Redo the last change &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + Shift + Z
Apply all marked changes &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + P
Quit Synaptic &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + Q
&tablebgcolor=&#f1f1ed& tablewidth=&80%& tablestyle=&margin: 0px 0px 1em 1 padding: 0.5 : 0.9&rowbgcolor=&#dde3e7&&命令 &style=&text-align:&&组合键
更新软件包列表 &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + R
打开搜索对话框 &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + F
显示所选的属性窗口 &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + O
标记所选的以便安装 &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + I
标记所选的以便升级 &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + U
标记所选的以便删除 &style=&text-align:&&Delete
标记所选的以便彻底删除 &style=&text-align:&&Shift + Delete
取消全部标记 &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + N
标记所有更新 &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + G
强制安装某个版本的软件包 &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + E
撤销最近一次更改 &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + Z
重做最近一次更改 &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + Shift + Z
应用所有标记的更改 &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + P
退出新立得 &style=&text-align:&&Ctrl + QBrowser works, Synaptic will not (note: probably inaccurate or outdated)
If the router is set to auto discover DNS then Synaptic will fail. Resolve this by setting up a static ip address and manually set DNS ip in router. Now Ubuntu (system-administration-networking) config static ip and enter your ISP dns ip and delete router DNS ip which will look something like
设置为自动检测DNS新立得就无法工作可以通过静态ip地址以及手动设置路由器的DNS来解决此问题现在使用Ubuntu系统--联网)配置静态ip然後输入您的ISP的DNS的ip地址然後删除的DNS的ip地址可能是类似 这样
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看}


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