情态动词与虚拟语气气中 谓语动词的单复数

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09-07-25 &匿名提问 发布
主谓一致指“人称”和“数”方面的一致关系。对大多数人来说,往往会在掌握主语和随后的谓语动词之间的一致问题上遇到困难。一般情况下,主谓之间的一致关系由以下三个原则支配: 语法一致原则 (grammatical concord) 意义一致原则 (notional concord) 就近原则 (principle of proximity) (一)语法一致原则 用作主语的名词词组中心词和谓语动词在单、复数形式上的一致,就是语法一致。也就是说,如果名词中心词是单数,动词用单数形式;如果名词中心词是复数,动词用复数形式。例如: This table is a genuine antique. Both parties have their own advantages. Her job has something to do with computers. She wants to go home. They are divorcing each other. Mary was watching herself in the mirror. The bird built a nest. Susan comes home every week-end. (二)意义一致原则 有时,主语和谓语动词的一致关系取决于主语的单、复数意义,而不是语法上的单、复数形式,这样的一致关系就是意义一致。例如: Democratic government gradually take the place of an all-powerful monarchy. A barracks was attacked by the guerilla. Mumps is a kind of infectious disease. The United States is a developed country. It is the remains of a ruined palace. The archives was lost. This pair of trousers costs fifty dollars. (三)就近原则 有时,谓语动词的单、复数形式决定于最靠近它的词语。 例如: Either my grandsons or their father is coming. No one except his daughters agree with him. Mary and her sisters are baking a cake. Neither Richard nor I am going. 二、以集合名词做主语的主谓一致问题 有些集合名词,ommittee,council,crew,crowd,family,gang,government,group,mob,staff,team, union等,在意义上是复数,但在语法形式上是单数,这类名词作主语的主谓一致问题往往遵循“语法一致”或“意义一致”原则。例如: The committee has/have decided to dismiss him. A council of elders governs the tribe. The present government is trying to control inflation. The school staff are expected to supervise school meals. (一)通常作复数的集体名词 包括police,people, cattle, militia, vermin等,这些集体名词通常用作复数。 例如: The British police have only very limited powers. The militia were called out to guard the borderland. It seems the cattle on the sides of the dikes were the only living creatures in these desolate surroundings. (二)通常作不可数名词的集体名词 通常作不可数名词的集体名词,包括poultry,foliage,machinery, equipment,furniture, merchandise等,这类名词后的动词用单数形式。 例如: Poultry is expensive at this time of year. That green foliage was restful. The merchandise has arrived undamaged. All the machinery in the factory is made in China. The suite of furniture he bought was of contemporary style. The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive. (三)可作单数也可作复数的集体名词 可作单数也可作复数的集体名词,包括audience, committee, crew, family, government,jury等。 例如: The audience was/were enthusiastic on the opening night of the play. The committee has/have decided to dismiss him. The jury is/are about to announce the winners. The government has/have discussed the matter for a long time. 三、a committee, etc of +复数名词的主谓一致问题 如果主语是由a committee of /a panel of /a (the) board of +复数名词构成,随后的动词通常用单数。 例如: A committee of twelve men is to discuss the matter. A panel of experts has considered the situation. The board of managers is responsible for the firm. 四、以-s结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致问题 英语可数名词的规则复数形式是在词尾加-s或-es,但是有一些以-s结尾的名词并不是可数名词。它们用法多样,造成了实际使用上的困难,以下详述了以-s结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致问题。 (一)以-s结尾的疾病名称作主语的主谓一致问题 (二)以-s结尾的游戏名称作主语的主谓一致问题 (三)以-s结尾的地理名称作主语的主谓一致问题 (四)以-ics结尾的学科名称作主语的主谓一致问题 (五)其它以-s结尾的名词的主谓一致问题 (一)以-s结尾的疾病名称作主语的主谓一致问题 以-s结尾的疾病名称作主语的主谓一致问题,如:arthritis,bronchitis,diabetes,mumps,phlebitis,rickets,这类以-s结尾的疾病名称作主语时,谓语动词通常用作单数。 例如: Arthritis causes great pain in the joints of the patient. The diabetes is a kind of chronic disease. Measles usually occurs in children. Phlebitis is a swollen condition of the blood vessels. (二)以-s结尾的游戏名称作主语的主谓一致问题 以-s结尾的游戏名称作主语时,谓语动词通常用作单数。 例如: Darts is basically a easy game. Marbles is not confined to children. Skittles is not fashionable nowadays. Draughts is not very difficult to learn. 但当Darts,Marbles等的意义为游戏器具而非游戏名称时,谓语动词通常用作复数。 例如: Three darts are thrown at each turn. All nine skittles were brought down by the good throw. (三)以-s结尾的地理名称作主语的主谓一致问题 某些以-s结尾的地理名称,如果是国名,如the United States,the Netherlands等,因其是单一政治实体,所以谓语动词用作单数。 例如: The United States was hit by the Great Depression in 1930s'. In early January 1996 the Netherlands was hit by its worst storm since 1976. 但如果是群岛、山脉、海峡、瀑布等地理名称作主语,谓语动词用作复数。 例如: The West Indies are commonly divided into two parts. The Himalayas have a magnificent variety of plant. The Straits of Gibraltar have not lost their strategic importance. The Niagara Falls are perhaps the most splendid waterfall in the world. (四)以-ics结尾的学科名称作主语的主谓一致问题 某些以-ics结尾的学科名称作主语时,如physics,mathematics,mechanics, optics, acoustics, politics statistics, economics, linguistics, athletics等, 谓语动词通常用作单数。 例如: Physics is a fundamental subject in science. The third world economics is promising. Acoustics studies the science of sound. Mathematics is an interesting subject. Athletics is a required course for students of all grades. 但如果这类名词表示学科以外的其它含义,可作复数用。 例如: Athletics have been greatly encouraged at this college. The acoustics of the new concert hall are perfect. The economics of the project are still at issue. (五)其它以-s结尾的名词的主谓一致问题 A.以-s结尾的由两部分组成的物体名称作主语 英语中有一些通常以-s结尾的由两部分组成的物体名词,如glasses, pincers,pliers,scissors, shorts,suspenders,trousers等,这类名词做主语,如果不带“一把”、“一副”等单位词,谓语动词通常用复数。 例如: Mary's glasses are new. John's trousers are black. 如果带有单位词, 则由单位词决定动词的单、复数形式。 例如: One pair of pincers isn't enough. Two pairs of scissors are missing from my tool box. B.其他以-s结尾的名词 英语中还有一些以- s结尾的名词,如archives,arms,clothes, contents, eaves, fireworks, goods, minutes, morals, remains stairs, suburbs, thanks,wages这类名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数。 例如: The archives of the country are kept in the Department of Security. The contents of the book are most amusing. High wages often result in high prices. My thanks are sincere. 五、如果句子的主语是并列结构,其主谓一致问题通常遵循以下原则: (一)由and/both...and连接的并列主语的主谓一致问题 (二)由or/nor/either...or连接的并列主语的主谓一致问题 (三)主语 + as much as,etc的主谓一致问题 (一)由and/both...and连接的并列主语的主谓一致问题 由and/both...and连接的并列结构作主语,可根据主语的意义决定谓语动词的单、复数形式。 例如: Pancakes and syrup is a tasty breakfast. The number and diversity of British newspaper is considerable. Good and bad taste are inculcated by example. Fish and chips are getting very expensive. A truck and a car were in the ditch. Both Cathy and her daughter Lida have gone fishing in Canada. 当and连接的并列名词词组带有each,every,或者many a 等限定词时,谓语动词通常用单数。 例如: Each man and each woman there is asked to help. Every flower and every bush is to be cut down. Every change of season, every change of weather, indeed every hour of the day, produces some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains. Many a boy was disappointed after seeing the film. (二)由or/nor/either...or连接的并列主语的主谓一致问题 由or,nor,either...or, neither...nor,not only...but also连接的并列结构作主语,随后的动词形式通常按照“就近原则”处理。 例如: Neither Lucy nor Carol has any money left. Neither sleet nor snow stops him from driving his new Mercedes-Benz. Either Tina or Carol is sure to know the answer. Neither my father nor my brothers are likely to be at theater. Neither the Kansas coach nor the players were confident of victory. Not only one, but all of us are hoping to be there. Not only the switches but also the old wiring has been stolen. (三)主语 + as much as,etc的主谓一致问题 当主语后面跟有由as much as, rather than , more than, no less than 等引导的从属结构,或跟有由as well as, in addition to ,with, along with, together with, except等引导的词组时, 其后的动词形式取决主语的形式。 例如: The vessel, with its entire crew and cargo was lost. The ocean, as well as the gulf and the bay, provides good fishing. John, rather than his roommates, is to blame. Hugh,as well as his two sisters, is vacationing in Wyoming this summer. Some of the employees as much as the manager were responsible for the failure. My husband,more than anyone else in the family, is longing to go there again. Billy, together with his sisters, was wounded in the accident. No one except two girls was late for school. 六、以表示数量概念的名词词组作主语的主谓一致问题 数量概念分两类:一类是确定数量,如 two years, five seconds,three kilos,等,另一类是非确定数量,如all of..., some of..., none of...。如果用这类表示数量概念的名词词组作主语,会产生主谓一致问题。 (一)以表示确定数量的名词词组作主语的主谓一致问题 (二)以表示非确定数量的名词词组作主语的主谓一致问题 (一)以表示确定数量的名词词组作主语 当主语为表示确定数量的名词词组时,如果数量概念被看做一个整体,动词用单数,如果被看做组成该数量的个体,动词用复数。 例如: The treasurer considered that twenty dollars was not too much to ask. &Two months is too short a time,& General manager warned, &we must hurry up.& Three weeks is needed to complete the task. There were six silver dollars in each of the stockings. Three pints is not enough to get him drunk. A total of 50,000 new bicycles was registered in the year. 如果作主语的名词词组是由“分数/百分数+ of”词组构成,其动词形式 取决于of词组中名词的类别。 例如: Two-thirds of the people present is against the plan. Three-fourths of the surface of the earth is covered by sea. Over twenty percent of the city was destroyed in the war. Forty-five percent of the doctors were woman. 两数相减或相除,谓语动词用单数;两数相加或相乘,谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数。 例如: Sixty minus seventeen leaves forty-three. Forty-two divided by six is seven. Six and eight makes/make fourteen. Six times eight is/are forty-eight. 如果主语由&one in/one out of + 复数名词& 构成,在正式语体中,动词用单数。 例如: One in ten students has passed the examination. One out of twelve bottles was left intact. (二)以表示非确定数量的名词词组作主语的主谓一致问题 如果主语由 &a portion of, a series of, a pile of, a panel of +名词&或由“a kind/sort/type of, this kind/sort/type of+名词” 构成,谓语动词通常用单数。 例如: A panel of us has decided to hire a boat and travel through Holland by canal. A pile of apple logs was set beside the hearth. A portion of reports is deceiving. This kind of cars is rather expensive. This type of women is dangerous. That type of machines is up-to-date. 如果主语是由“many a +名词& 或“more than one +名词&构成,随后的动词遵循“语法一致”原则,用单数。 例如: Many a person in these circumstances has hoped for a long break. Many a man has his own responsibility. More than one student has failed the exam. More than one ship was lost this year. 如果主语是all of, some of,none of, half of, most of,lots of,loads of ,plenty of,等表示非确定数量的名词词组,谓语动词的单、复数形式根据 of词组中名词类别而定。 例如: Most of the money was recovered by Deputy Player. All of the cargo was lost. Some of the books were badly torn. None of my friends ever come to see me. Half of the building was destroied during the war. Half of the students are eager to leave now. Lots of people are waiting outside. Loads of apples have been distributed among the children. Plenty of water was prepared for irrigation.
be[bi:; bi]prep.是, 在, 存在[域] Belgium , 比利时abbr.[军] Base Ejection, 弹底喷射Besymb 〈化〉铍 (beryllium)BE=Bank of England 英格兰银行[英]bebeAHD:[b&] D.J.[bi8]K.K.[bi]v.(动词)第一和第三人称单数陈述语气过去动词形式 was[w¾z, w¼z] [w…z ] 非重读时 第二人称单数和复数以及第一和第三人称复数过去陈述语气词 were[w&r]  were的过去虚拟语气词过去分词 been[b¹n] 现在分词 be.ing[b&“¹ng] 第一人称单数现在陈述语气词 am[²m] 第二人称单数和复数以及第一和第三人称复数现在陈述语气词 are[&r] 第三人称单数现在陈述语气词 is[¹z] 现在虚拟语气词 bev.intr.(不及物动词)T have life or reality:有,存在:存在于现实中;有生命或现实性:I think, therefore I am.我思故我在To occupy a specified position:在:占据一个特定的位置:The food is on the table.食物在桌上To remain in a certain state or situation undisturbed, untouched, or unmolested:处于,持续:保持某一种状态不受干扰、没被触碰、没被干涉妨害:Let the children be.随这些孩子们去T occur:举行;发生:The test was yesterday.昨天进行了测验To go or come:去或来:Have you ever been to Italy? Have you been home recently?你曾经去过意大利吗?最近你回过家吗?Usage Problem Used as a copula in such senses as:【用法疑难】 是:在下面的意义上作系动词使用:To equal in identity:是:介绍相等的身份:“To be a Christian was to be a Roman”(James Bryce)“如果是个基督徒就等于是个罗马人”(詹姆斯·布赖斯)To have a specified significance:具有特殊意义:A is excellent, C is passing. Let n be the unknown quantity.A表示优秀,C表示及格。n表示未知数To belong to a specified class or group:类:属于一个特定的阶级或团体:The human being is a primate.人类是灵长类动物To have or show a specified quality or characteristic:是:具有或表现出特定的性质或特点:She is lovely. All men are mortal.她是可爱的。人难免一死To seem to consist or be made of:似乎是由…组成或制成的:The yard is all snow. He is all bluff and no bite.院子里全是雪。他只会虚张声势T befall:属于;遇到:Peace be unto you. Woe is me.愿你平安。我真伤心v.aux.(助动词)Used with the past participle of a transitive verb to form the passive voice:与一个及物动词的过去分词连用,形成被动语态:The mayoral election is held annually.市长选举每年都会举行Used with the present participle of a verb to express a continuing action:与动词的现在分词连用,表示一个持续不断的动作:We are working to improve housing conditions.我们正努力改善住房条件Used with the infinitive of a verb to express intention, obligation, or future action:与动词不定式连用表示倾向、义务或将来的动作:She was to call before she left. You are to make the necessary changes.她打算在离开前打电话。你要做出必要的改变Archaic Used with the past participle of certain intransitive verbs to form the perfect tense:【古语】 与某些不及物动词的过去分词连用,形成现在完成时态:“Where be those roses gone which sweetened so our eyes?”(Philip Sidney)“那些令人赏心悦目的玫瑰花哪里去了?”(菲利普·悉尼)Middle English ben 中古英语 ben from Old English b&n * see bheu…- 源自 古英语 b&n *参见 bheu…- See  am 1 ,  is , etc. for links to other Indo-European roots 参见 am1 ,  is等,因为同其它印欧语根的联系 be, breathe, exist, live, subsistThe central meaning shared by these verbs is “to have life or reality”: 这些动词共有的中心意思是“具有生命或现实性”:Her parents are no more. 她的父母去世了。A nicer person has never breathed. 世上活着的人里再没有比他更好的了。He is one of the worst actors who ever existed. 他是有史以来最差的演员之一。Human beings cannot live without food and water. 没有食物和水人类不能生存。The benevolence subsisting in her character draws her friends closer to her. 存在于她性格中的仁慈吸引她的朋友们接近她。 Traditional grammar requires the nominative form of the pronoun in the predicate of the verb be :  It is I  (not  me );  That must be they  (not  them ), and so forth.  Even literate speakers of Modern English have found the rule difficult to conform to, but the stigmatization of It is me  is by now so deeply lodged among the canons of correctness  that there is little likelihood that the construction will ever be entirely acceptable in formal writing. Adherence to the traditional rule in informal speech, however, has come to sound increasingly pedantic, and begins to sound absurd when the verb is contracted, as in It's we.  ·  The traditional rule creates particular problems when the pronoun following be  also functions as the object of a verb or preposition in a relative clause, as in  It is not them/they that we have in mind when we talk about “crime in the streets” nowadays,  where the plural pronoun serves as both the predicate of is  and the object of  have.   In this example, 57 percent of the Usage Panel preferred the nominative form they,  33 percent preferred the accusative them,  and 10 percent accepted both versions. But H.W. Fowler, like other authorities, argued that the use of the nominative here is an error caused by “the temptation . . . to assume, perhaps from hearing It is me  corrected to  It is I,  that a subjective [nominative] case cannot be wrong after the verb  to be. ”  Writers can usually find a way to avoid this problem: They are not the ones we have in mind, We have someone else in mind, and so on. See Usage Note at I 1we 传统语法要求系动词谓语中的代词用主格形式be : It is I (而不是 me ); That must be they (而不是 them ),等等。 即使现代英语有文化的人也发现很难遵守这个规则,而It is me 的烙印现在已深刻地印入了判断是否正确的准则之中, 以致很少有可能使这种用法在正式书面语中被完全接受。但是在非正式讲话中奉行传统规则已经日益变得象在卖弄学问。并且当系动词被缩减时,就象在It's we 中一样,听起来反而象是不合语法的。 当代词跟在be 后面做动词宾语或做关系从句中的介语宾语时,传统的规则就象在 当我们谈到当今“街上的犯罪”时,他们不是我们心中所想的那些人,  句中复数代词同时充当is 的宾语和 have 的宾语。 在这个例子中57%的用法使用小组更喜欢用主格形式they,  33%更喜欢用宾格形式them,  而10%则两种都接受。但是象其他的权威一样,H.W.福勒争论道,在这里用主格是一个错误,它之所以错是因为“多半听到了It is me 都被改正成 It is I 而拿不定主意,以为主格的情况在动词 to be 后面不可能错。” 作家们常常能够找到一个办法来避免这个问题:他们不是我们所想的人,我们脑子里想的是另一些人等等 参见 I1weBeBeNONE(无词性)The symbol for the element beryllium 元素beryllium的符号BEBEabbr.(略语)Also B.E. Bachelor of Education.也作 B.E. 教育学士Also B.E. Bachelor of Engineering.也作 B.E. 工学士Board of Education.地方教育委员会be[bi:]vi.现在时 I am, you are, he is, we are, you are, they are (缩略式 I'm, you're, he's, we're, you're, they're), (否定缩略式 I'm not, isn't, aren't), 过去时 I was, you were, he was, we were, you were, they were (过去时否定缩略式 wasn't, weren't), 过去分词 been, 现在分词 being作助动词用,构成各种时态或语态Be calm!安静!We're going now.我们现在就去。He was bitten by a dog.他被狗咬了。连接主语和补语Horses are animals.马是动物。This book is mine.这本书是我的。He will be happy.他会幸福的。The old lady was upstairs.那位老妇人在楼上待过。存在Besymb.〈化〉铍 (beryllium)
动词可充当非谓语和谓语,充当谓语即谓语动词. 谓语动词在形态变化上受主语的限制,有人称和数的变化,它是一个句子或一个从句中不可缺少的一部分。
谓语动词有很有,常见的用BE系列,如is am are 谓语动词指在句子中充当谓语的动词,有行为动词,系动词,情态动词和助动词等几种,其中行为动词又包括及物动词和不及物动词。 谓语动词是与非谓语动词相对应的概念.两者都是动词,但是前者是作谓语成分,后者不能作谓语成分.而谓语成分就是用来说明主语的动作或状态的,一般由动词或短语动词承担.目录基本结构谓语动词的概念谓语动词和非谓语动词主谓一致典型例题 编辑本段基本结构  英语句子的成分与现代汉语中学的句子成分类似,基本构成也包含主、谓、宾,有时有补语、状语,还有插入语等成分。由做谓语的动词在句子中称为谓语动词。一般来说没有谓语的句子是不完整的,比如你举例的句子就没有谓语,由于谓语是说明主语的,所以没有谓语的例句就像个没头的苍蝇,让人觉得很乱,不知所云。但是有些句子中谓语是可以省略的,比如感叹句,What a silly thing (you have done)!括号内的是句子的主语和谓语部分均可省略   所以掌握动词用法非常重要.动词做谓语放在主语或宾语之后,比如:I love you中, love就是谓语动词,又如You know what i know.中,两个know都是谓语成分,紧跟在施动者后.这是谓语动词的普通用法.动词一般都可以做谓语,其中Do可以代替大多数谓语动词.   至于特殊的谓语动词用法很灵活,比如虚拟语气中,谓语动词常采用过去时.有的谓语还有固定用法,比如If I were you I would tell him the truth.这里就体现的是虚拟语气中Be动词的固定变化,须识记.   还有一些可充当谓语动词使用的动词性短语,如turn off,look into,break up... ...   谓语动词(Predicative Verbs),非谓语动词(Non-predicative Verbs)   动词可充当非谓语和谓语,充当谓语即谓语动词. 谓语动词在形态变化上受主语的限制,有人称和数的变化,它是一个句子或一个从句中不可缺少的一部分。   非谓语动词有着动词不定式,动名词,现在分词和过去分词。编辑本段谓语动词的概念  比如:我看电视.“看”就是谓语.   你正在上网.“上网”也是谓语.   再举几个英语句子吧:I see a girl.我看见一个女孩.“看见”&see&就是这个句子的谓语.而see也是个动词,所以就叫做谓语动词.She is very beautiful.她很漂亮.&is&就是这个句子的谓语,也是动词.   而短语动词就是动词加小品构成的起动词作用的短语叫短语动词。例如:   Turn off the radio. 把收音机关上。(turn off是短语动词)   短语动词的构成基本有下列几种:   1)动词+副词,如:blank out;   2)动词+介词,如:look into;   3)动词+副词+介词,如:look forward to。构成短语动词的副词和介词都统称为小品词。   以后你会学到非谓语动词,顾名思义,非谓语动词也是动词,但不能作谓语,只能作主语、表语、宾语、补语、状语、定语。非谓语动词又分为动名词、不定式和分词。编辑本段谓语动词和非谓语动词  1) 谓语动词在句中可单独作谓语,而非谓语动词不能单独作谓语。   Miss Mary teaches us English.   玛丽教我们英语。(teaches 动词作谓语)   Mr.Victor came to our classroom to have a talk with us last week.   维克托先生上周来我们教室和我们谈话。 (to have a talk.... 不定式作目的状语)   2) 谓语动词受主语的人称和数的限制,而非谓语动词形式没有这种限制。   Larke likes the pop music.   拉克喜欢流行音乐。 (动词用单数第三人称形式,作谓语)   Larke has nothing to do today.   拉克今天没什么事要做。(do 用原形,补充说明nothing)   非谓语动词的特征   1 如果非谓语动词是及物动词,后面须跟宾语。   Studying English is my favorite.   学习英语是我的爱好。(studying 后跟宾语)   To help him is my duty.   帮助他是我的责任。(help 后跟宾语)   2 非谓语动词可以带有自己的状语或逻辑主语。   Working under such a condition is terrible.   在这样的环境下工作太可怕了。(under such a condition 是 working 的状语)   It's too difficult for him to master English in such a short time.   他在这么短的时间内掌握英语太难了。(for him 作不定式的逻辑主语)   3 非谓语动词仍有语态和时态的变化。   I am sorry to have kept you waiting long.   对不起让你久等了。(to have kept...是不定式的完成形式)   Seen from the mountain, the city looks much more beautiful.   从山上看,这座城市美丽多了。(Seen from...是分词的被动形式)   4 非谓语动词在句中可以当成名词或者形容词来使用。   Our coming made him happy.   我们的到来使他很高兴。(coming 起名词作用)   There are two big swimming pools here.编辑本段主谓一致  主谓一致是指:   1) 语法形式上要一致,即单复数形式与谓语要一致。   2) 意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致。   3) 就近原则,即谓语动词的单复形式取决于最靠近它的词语,   一般来说,不可数名词用动词单数,可数名词复数用动词复数。   There is much water in the thermos.   但当不可数名词前有表示数量的复数名词时,谓语动词用复数形式。   e.g. Ten thousand tons of coal were produced last year.   Large quantities of water are needed.   Large ammounts of money are enough.   In western countries, mountains of rubbish are thrown away each day.   1 并列结构作主语时谓语用复数   Reading and writing are very important.   注意: 当主语由and连结时,如果它表示一个单一的概念,即指同一人或同一物时,谓语动词用单数,and 此时连接的两个词前只有一个冠词。   The iron and steel industry is very important to our life.编辑本段典型例题  The League secretary and monitor ___ asked to make a speech at the meeting.   A. is B. was C. are D. were   答案B. 注: 先从时态上考虑。这是过去发生的事情应用过去时,先排除A.,C.。本题易误选D,因为The League secretary and monitor 好像是两个人,但仔细辨别, monitor 前没有the,在英语中,当一人兼数职时只在第一个职务前加定冠词。后面的职务用and 相连。这样本题主语为一个人,所以应选B。   2 主谓一致中的靠近原则   1) 当there be 句型的主语是一系列事物时,谓语应与最邻近的主语保持一致。   There is a pen, a knife and several books on the desk..   There are twenty boy-students and twenty-three girl-students in the class.   2)当either… or… 与neither… nor, 连接两个主语时,谓语动词与最邻近的主语保持一致。 如果句子是由here, there引导,而主语又不止一个时,谓语通常也和最邻近的主语一致。   Either you or she is to go.   Here is a pen, a few envelopes and some paper for you.   3 谓语动词与前面的主语一致   当主语后面跟有with, together with, like, except, but, no less than, as well as 等词引起的短语时,谓语动词与前面的主语一致。   The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory.   He as well as I wants to go boating.   4 .谓语需用单数   1) 代词each和由every, some, no, any等构成的复合代词作主语,或主语中含有each, every, 谓语需用单数。   Each of us has a tape-recorder.   There is something wrong with my watch.   2) 当主语是一本书或一条格言时,谓语动词常用单数。   The Arabian Nightis a book known to lovers of English.   《天方夜谭》是英语爱好者熟悉的一本好书。   3) 表示金钱,时间,价格或度量衡的复合名词作主语 时,通常把这些名词看作一个整体,谓语一般用单数。(用复数也可,意思不变。)   Three weeks was allowed for making the necessary preparations.   Ten yuan is enough.   5 指代意义决定谓语的单复数   1) 在代词what, which, who, none, some, any, more, most, all等词的单复数由其指代的词的单复数决定。   All is right. (一切顺利。)   All are present. (所有人都到齐了。)   2) 集体名词作主语时,谓语的数要根据主语的意思来决定。如family, audience, crew, crowd, class, company, committee等词后用复数形式时,意为这个集体中的各个成员,用单数时表示该个集体。   His house isn't very large. 他的家不大。   His family are music lovers. 他的家人都是音乐爱好者。   但集合名词people, police, cattle, poultry等在任何情况下都用复数形式。   Are there any police around?   3)有些名词,如variety, number, population, proportion, majority 等有时看作单数,有时看作复数。   A number of +名词复数+复数动词。   The number of +名词复数+单数动词。   A number of books have lent out.   The majority of the students like English.   6 与后接名词或代词保持一致   1) 用half of, part of, most of, a portion of 等词引起主语时,动词通常与of后面的名词,代词保持一致。   Most of his money is spent on books.   Most of the students are taking an active part in sports.   2) 在一些短语,如 many a 或 more than one 所修饰的词作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式。但由more than… of 作主语时,动词应与其后的名词或代词保持一致。   Many a person has read the novel. 许多人都读过这本书。   More than 60 percent of the students are from the city.百分之六十多的学生都来自这个城市
谓语[predicate verb]   谓语由简单动词或动词短语(助动词或情态动词+主要动词)构成,依据其在句中
谓语动词介绍繁简程度可把谓语分为简单谓语和复合谓语两类。不论何种时态,语态,语气,凡由一个动词(或动词词组)构成的谓语都是简单谓语。   谓语动词一般由动词的各种时态来体现。例如:   I (like) walking.我喜欢走路。(一般现在时主动语态)   I ( made) your birthday cake last night..昨晚我做好了你的生日蛋糕。 (一般过去时主动语态)   It (is used )by travelers and business people all over the world .全世界旅行者和商人都使用它 (一般现在时被动语态)本段复合谓语  可分为两种情况:第一种是由情态动词,助动词+不带to的动词不定式构成的重复谓语:   What does this word mean? 这个单词是什么意思?   I won’t do it again. 我不会再做它(指这件事it one more time&)。   I’ll go and move away the bag 我会移走这袋米的。   You’d better catch a bus. 你最好乘坐公交车。   第二种是由连系动词+表语构成的复合谓语。例如:   You look the same. 你(们)看起来一样.   We are all go home ,我们回家吧。   My pen is in my bag. 我的钢笔在我的书包里。   I fell tired all the time. 我整天感到疲惫.   He seemed rather tired last night. 他昨天看起来相当的累.   连系动词和表语在意思上紧密联系,不宜分割。编辑本段谓语种类  动词谓语   以动词或动词为中心的词组作为谓语最常见。   他约我去迪士尼。老鼠爱大米。   形容词谓语   在汉语中,形容词和动词在文法上表现很相似,很多语法学家都把它们归入谓词(predicative)一类。汉语中的形容词或其词组可以直接充当谓语,而无需另外添加系词(copula,相当于英语中的 be)。   (汉)她很丑陋。(英)She is very ugly.   名词谓语   名词或名词性的词组也可以充当谓语。


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