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中国领先的中小学教育品牌精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义讲义编号_学员编号: 学员姓名: 年 级: 初三 辅导科目: 英语 课时数: 学科教师:课题首字母填空专练授课日期及时段教学目的教学内容字母填空汇编 考察类型: ― 根据上下文得情景确定“意义”上正确的词 ― 根据词汇的辨析和词组的搭配来解题 ― 利用逻辑关系解题 ― 利用语法和句型解题 首字母填空答题步骤: C 阅读全文(细读和粗读) C 判断所缺单词词性 C 填出使文章完整通顺的单词 C 检查所填单词的数和时态 答题注意事项: 1 会判断词性,具备分析句子的结构和成分能力 2 关注细节(时态,语态,人称,名词单复数,形容词副词的级) 3 一般全文中 5-6 个单词相对比较简单,通常可以顺利填出 4 要学会猜测单词,不留空格 5 不要在一时拿不定主意的词上纠缠 解题重点: 判断词性(尤其是长句) ; 关注上下文或句; 积累高频词汇;复查语法 难点: 考纲词汇生僻或冷门词汇;一词多义的词;精锐教育网站: www.1smart.org1精锐教育.教学管理部 中国领先的中小学教育品牌模拟训练: 1. 卢湾区 Eyes Can Speak Much meaning can be carried clearly, with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind of e necessary, you will look at y 94 92 ? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too long. And if he f 93 that he is being looked at, he may feel uncomfortable. The same is in the daily life. If you are looked at for more than up and down, to see if there is anything wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, 95 . But sometimes things are different. If a man looks at a you will feel angry toward the person who is looking at you that way. Eyes do speak, right? Looking too long at someone may seem to be r her. W 96 woman for more than 10 seconds, it may mean that he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he loves two people are in a conversation, the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to 97 cannot express. 98 two people and the place where you make sure that the listener does pay attention to what he or she is speaking. Lovers will enjoy looking at each other or being looked at for a long time, to show something that w stay. Clearly, eye contact should be done according to the relationship b2. 杨浦区 I was in New York and rode with a friend in a taxi. When we got out, my friend said to the driver, “Thank you. You did a good job of driving.” The driver was surprised for a second. “I admire the way you keep cool in h 92 “What was that all about?” I asked. “I am trying to bring l 93 “It’s not one man. S 94 At last the goodwill could s 95 attitudes (态度) of 3,000 people.” “It sounds good,” I said, “but I’m not sure whether it would work in practice.” “Nothing is lost if it doesn’t. It didn’t take a 96 of my time or money to tell that man he was doing a good job. I have made a study of this. The thing that seems to be lacking (缺乏) for the postal employees is that no one tells the people who work for the post office what a good job they’re doing,” he said. “B 97 they’re not doing a good job,” I said. “They’re not doing a good job because they feel nobody cares whether they do a good job or not. Why not say a kind word to them? When those people hear my words, they will feel better. The city will benefit from their h 98 . If more people join me, the city will become a better place,” he said. back to New York,” he said. “I believe it can save the city.” the driver has 20 passengers. He’s going to be nice to those 20 people because someone was to at least 1,000 people. If I can make three people happy, then finally I can change the “How can one man save New York?” nice to him. Those people in turn will be kinder to their employees (雇员), or shopkeepers, or waiters, or their own families. traffic,” my friend said. “Thank you,” the driver said and drove off.3. 奉贤区 The Winter Olympics in Vancouver(温哥华) ended last month. It was a big success. Many people worked very hard to make it a big success: the sportsmen and the sportswomen, the Olympic organizers and, of course, t___92___ of people who精锐教育网站: www.1smart.org 2 精锐教育.教学管理部 中国领先的中小学教育品牌came to Vancouver to work as volunteers. There were 18,5000 volunteers at this Olympics. Most came from countries far away, including China. They helped the visitors by showing them directions and giving them i___93___. They also worked as ushers(引座员) at events to make sure ticket holders got to their proper seats. Some volunteers worked as drivers to make sure VIPs l__94____ judges got to events on time. Many of the volunteers took time off from their jobs to come to Vancouver. They chose to work ten hours a day at the Olympics, for f__95____. They didn’t receive any money or get any special gifts for their work. They did, h___96___, get a great feeling: the feeling of helping out and of being a part of something big. One man said he volunteered because it was,“a chance to be part of one of the biggest events in the world. I didn’t want to miss out.” It’s a great feeling to know that you have p___97____ a part, even a small part, in making a big event a success. At the Shanghai World Expo, you have a chance to know that feeling. Even if you can’t be an official volunteer, you can s___98____ be friendly and helpful to foreign visitors. It will be a chance for you to be a part of something big and make Expo a big success.4.崇明县 Moshe Kai Cavalin is a half Chinese American boy. As one of the youngest students to graduate from a two-year college at the age of 11, Moshe Kai Cavalin has every reason to be proud of h 92 . is not only his young age, But Cavalin said, “I feel proud, but not too proud, because it is the enemy of learning.” Cavalin graduated from the East Los Angeles Community College. What surprised m 93 but his excellent performance: he is one of the three graduates from the college who had a high score. When he first went to the college at the age of 8, professors treated him like a child. But later, he became one of the c 94 95 and got along pretty well with the other students who were 18 years and older. The 11-year-old college graduate is going to write a book about his secrets on how he graduated from college at 11 w going to primary school and high school. “I want to be a scientist like Albert Einstein,” said Cavalin. Cavalin’s mother Sandy Chien comes from Taiwan, and his father is from Brazil. Chien said her son s 96 (天赋) at the age of two. He learned very fast and liked to watch TV and read children’s books. “I tried to send my son to the elementary school, but I found that he learned too fast and very often he had n 97 do during the lessons. So I decided to teach him at home.” said Chien. Like many Chinese parents, Chien sent her son to a private school to learn the piano at 4, and later sent him to learn Chinese Kung Fu. At age 7, Cavalin had c 98 high school at home. Being born in America, English is his mother language. He can also speak French. He likes to play games with friends of the same age. However, he has a good relationship with the students who are 10 years older than him at college. to his talent5. 徐汇区 Parents are the first teacher of children. Mum and Dad―they're two of the most important people in your life. You p see at least one of them every day and, over your life time, they're likely to influence(影响) you more than a else. How do you get along with your parents? Here are five ways you can try. Spend time together. Instead of playing a computer game or watching TV, you can go outside together, try to play a game,精锐教育网站: www.1smart.org 3 精锐教育.教学管理部92 93 中国领先的中小学教育品牌or read a. book out loudly. If your parents are divorced(离婚), make the most of the time you spend together. You can talk on the phone and email each other. Be kind. Little things might m 94 a lot to your mum or dad. You can make your parents happy all day with-a 95 or cleans up his room without being asked. hug, a card, or a joke. It's also lovely when a kid helps do some h that you care for each other. B and being caring and polite. Share your feelings and ask for help. Many kids say they'd like their parents to help them when they're upset. But your mum or dad might not know that you're having a problem. Tell your parents if you're sad. If you don't usually do this, try it and you'll be glad if you have done it. Do your best at whatever you do. You don't have to be p proud. It makes them happy to see how you're t they're doing a good job. 98 97 but when you do your best, you make your parents into such a great kid. Why? That's because it lets them know 96Show your care. In Western countries, families are- always kissing-, hugging, and say &I love you&. It's important to show kisses and hugs, kids and parents show their love by respecting(尊敬) each other,6.松江区 Small moments sometimes last a very long time. And a few words ― though they mean little at the time to the people who say them ― can have great power. I recently heard a s mostly in advertising. As a boy, Davis was t 93 shy and helpless. He had f 94 friends and no self-confidence. Then one day, his 95 the last chapter of high-school English teacher, Ruth White, asked the class to write their own chapter that would f a 96 92 from Malcolm Davis, who has been a professional writer for the last twenty-four years,the novel since they had been reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Davis wrote his chapter and turned it in. Today he cannot recall special about the chapter he wrote, or what grade Mrs. White gave him. However, what he does remember is the 97 his life. four words in the paper: “This is good writing.” Four words. They c“Until I read those words, I had no idea of who I was or what I was or what I was going to be,” he said, “After reading her note, I went home and wrote a short story, something I had always dreamed of doing but never believed I could do.” Over the r 98 of that year in school, he wrote many short stories and always brought them to Mrs. White for instruction. “She was encouraging, helping and honest. She was just what I needed,” Davis said.7.浦东新区 Test scores make you either happy or sad and your parents pay high attention to your test results. You spend days filling in blanks, trying to make the best a (92) to question after question. Maybe you tried your hardest or maybe you n (93) tried! What you need to remember is that a test is a picture of your ability from just one day. It consists of some pieces including your health, your personality, your interests, and your motivation. You need to look at all the pieces to get a clear i (94) of your progress. So whether your scores are higher than you thought, or l (95) than you had hoped, try not to think of them as what you will be at last. It probably c (96) you why your scores have become the focus of your life. Thepurpose of a test is to check how much you have learned about a subject. It not only helps make your newly acquired knowledge forever, but also enables you to find out what needs to spend more time improving. If you’re p (97) with the results, encourage yourself to work for a further aim. If disappointment has overcome you, ask your teacher and your parents to help you set a reasonable goal for improvement. Most exams are about to test your skill in certain subject areas such as精锐教育网站: www.1smart.org 4 精锐教育.教学管理部 中国领先的中小学教育品牌math, language and arts. Some compare your skills to other students’ skills from across the country, o (98)just testwhether or not you have mastered a specific skill. These scores can be very puzzling…even to adults. You should speak to both your teacher and your parents to find out what they mean in your educational journey. It is important to take a correct attitude towards test scores.8.虹口区 The government employs (雇佣) many people to help take care of our society. However, they cannot help out every one just by themselves. They need our help! Consider Volunteering! What Is Volunteering? Volunteering is when we regularly go and do nice things for other people. There are many t__92__ of volunteers. Volunteers may help out in local retirement homes, or in hospitals. Some volunteers work with poor people and other volunteers help teach orphaned children to read. Volunteering Teaches Mature(成熟) Thinking Volunteering is something that really helps us. It gives us a chance to stop complaining about our own lives, and realized e__93__ how lucky we are. We are able to see the people who really need help. Volunteering also teaches us more a__94__ responsibility, patience, empathy(同情心), and above all, compassion(爱心). Ways to Start Volunteering There are many places that you can go to try to start volunteering. Here are just a few places you can go and what you can do at each place. Hospital-ask if you can go and visit people who are really s__95__. Sometimes all they need is just someone who will t___96___ with them, or someone to give them hope. Orphanage(孤儿院) -the children living here really need someone to p__97__ with them. Whatever you decide to do, just do the b__98__you can.9.金山区 When Chinese people find out that someone comes from London, they often say, &London is a foggy city, isn't it?& British people who visit China often have to say that London is not a foggy city at all! In fact, London u but it isn't any more. In London, lots of its pollution came from factories, but a lot of it came from coal (煤) because people burned it in their houses to keep w n 94 93 during the winter. By the 1950s, London's air pollution had become so bad that the government decided to do something to clean up the air. A new rule was made. It said that was allowed to burn coal in any British city. Just a few years later, the air became much cleaner. 95 with air pollution that London met forty or fifty years ago. 97 , lots of people will lose their jobs. Second, 98 becoming cleaner, because the 96 for Chinese cities to solve it. First, more of the pollution comes from big factories than from Now many Chinese cities meet the same kind of p However, it is more d 92 to be a foggy city,coal that people use in their houses. If these factories are suddenly c government and ordinary people are trying to make pollution less.cleaner fuels are quite expensive. However, the air in many cities is already s10.长宁区 We love to be fashionable. So we buy clothes from time to time to make us look p___92___ or cooler. But a problem精锐教育网站: www.1smart.org 5 精锐教育.教学管理部 中国领先的中小学教育品牌appears: how to deal with those old clothes? Don't just throw them out. You can do s___93___ different! Donate your old clothes to charities. Some organizations c___94___ old clothes for those who need them in local areas or send them to foreign countries. Keep them. Fashion is a thing that goes a___95___ in cycles. So an out-of-date coat may be the hottest thing on the market next year. Do it yourself. It’s not too hard. But you have to think it over b___96___ you do. It’s easy to find some tips online. If you are good at fashion designing, you could even s___97___ your creation to make some money. Recycle them. Some clothes l___98___ those made of denim(牛仔布) can be recycled. Denim can be used again, for example, to build houses for people who are made homeless by natural disasters. Keep clothes out of landfills (垃圾填埋场) ! You can do it!11.闵行区 My name is Lin Hui. I like to tell stories about people who work together. What is even better is when countries help each other and build a good friendship. An excellent e 92 of this happen when Britain and China worked together to in China long ago. People could see Milu deer in bring the Milu deer back to China. Milu deer, a kind of animal with large horns(角), used to be c 93most places at that time. Like other deer they lived together and ate grass and the soft parts of trees. But later, Milu deer were often killed for food or sport. The Ming and Qing dynasties(朝代) did not protect them and many were killed. That is how the Milu deer d 94 from China. Luckily b 95 all of them were killed, some were taken to Britain to improve the environment of the beautiful park which belonged to the Duke of Bedford(贝德福特公爵). He liked them so much that he took them from China to Britain. Milu deer liked the cool, wet weather in England and their number increased year by year. As a result, when in 1985 the government of China wanted to bring back the Milu deer, the Duke of Bedford was able to h 96 The deer certainly seem h being w 98 again. 97 . The first deer came back to China to the Nanhaizi Milu Park 20 kilometers south of Beijing and the centre in Dafeng, Jiangsu Province. to be back in China as their number has grown quickly. There are now so many of them that a new park has been opened for them in Hubei Province. At the moment the Milu deer live in centres where they are protected and cared for. It is told that one day there will be enough animals to let them live in the wild12.闸北区精锐教育网站: www.1smart.org6精锐教育.教学管理部 中国领先的中小学教育品牌Education in ancient GreeceThe ancient Greeks were great builders and thinkers. Their ideas still influence (影响) us today, (92) e__________ in the arts, science, literature and philosophy. But school for boys and girls in ancient Greece was very different from today. School for boys Boys in ancient Greece stayed at home when they were young. They helped their parents work and had (93) h__________ like fishing and sailing. At the age of six or seven, most of them started to go to school. They studied philosophy and (94) h__________ to play the lyre (a kind of musical instrument). They also studied other subjects, but they did not use many books. Most of what they (95) l __________ was said out loud and memorized. School for girls In most places in ancient Greece, girls did not go to school. They stayed at home and learned (96) f__________ their mothers. Girls were not allowed to go outside the house much. (97) H__________, things were different for girls in a part of Greece called Sparta. Girls there went to military (军事的) school where they learned how to wrestle and fight! This was to prepare them for joining the (98) a__________. Girls in Sparta were allowed to go outside the house a lot more.13.青浦区 Several years ago, a famous TV series named Struggle (奋斗) made a beautiful girl famous in China. She is Wang Luodan, who played the role(扮演) of Mi Lan in this TV series. Then she r___92___ a lot of applause(掌声) and praise. When Wang Luodan first went to Secondary Normal School (师范中专), she began to show her ability in art and literature(文学). She was the o 93 one in her school who could play the drums, besides playing the piano and dancing 94 well. “I felt that I was very cool at that time.” Wang said. In 2001, Wang Luodan entered the Beijing Film Academy(学院), learning performance. She worked hard as a c student and had great patience. When her classmates became famous, she was not w 95 or disappointed. 96 and missed theHer first TV series was Butterfly in the Air. Because of her sweet appearance, she was chosen for the role of Shan Juan in the TV series Sun Shining like Blossom. In order to play the role well, Wang cut her long h chance to appear in the movie Qinghong. Last year, The TV series My youthfulness was very p 97 . Wang Luodan played Qian Xiaoyang, a confident, lovely and garrulous(喋喋不休的)country girl. Now many of Qian Xiaoyang’s classic(经典的) words are very popular on the Internet such as “The time is too slim as well as the slot of fingers is too broad. (时间太瘦,指缝太宽。)” Wang Luodan is an ambitious a 98 , she will achieve more in the future.精锐教育网站: www.1smart.org7精锐教育.教学管理部 中国领先的中小学教育品牌14.静安区 Shanghai, a beautiful city during the day, becomes even more wonderful at night. At the end of the day, both the older part of the city around the Bund and the more m are full of colorful bright lights. The buildings, both new and old, look c boat a 94 93 92 buildings in Pudong different and very exciting.If you look across the Huangpu River, you can see the brilliant Oriental Pearl TV Tower and the Jinmao Tower. Take a the river and you can see the amazing nightlife on the Bund. There are more than 30 tour boats, including 95 in the streets, try the famous Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street (步行街). There are busy shops ancient dragon boats in the Ming and Qing styles and boats made in the Shikumen style. If you prefer w and cafes and you will see thousands of local people enjoying themselves. Most of the shops close at 10 pm but at that time, teahouses are still open. In fact, some of them are open 24 hours a day. Karaoke bars and coffee houses are also popular nightlife places where you can meet friends and make new o 96 . 97 where you can If you are in Shanghai for the first time, make sure you also visit Xingtiandi, a very popular a 98see buildings in Western and Chinese style side by side. Xingtiandi is a great place for young people, but it may be a little n for older visitors! A quieter place to visit is Park 97, near the west gate of Fuxing Park, Luwan District. Park 97 opened in 1997 and you can find clubs and international restaurants like Baci where you can get Italian food and Tokyo Joe’s, a Japanese restaurant.15.黄浦区 Hi Mary, Thank you for writing to me and I will try to give you some ideas about improving your written English. The bad news, of course, is that there is no e 92 way to do this. It takes work.. Improving your English, like getting better at anything else, means lots of practice. I think you already know enough words and grammar in English to make sentences and to understand English, and the problem you have is as the problem all Chinese students have when they learn English. You go to English class a couple of times a week and the r 93 you speak Chinese. If you come to Canada, your English would improve very q 94 every day. It’s just practice. To improve your writing in English, you should do t 95 things. First, you should try to read English as much as possible. It doesn’t matter what you read, so pick something that interests you. Reading English will show you how English words are used together, how English speakers express themselves and so on, so you can learn a lot from that. Then you should practice writing. Ask your teacher if you can get extra assignments and write things like short stories. Your teacher can show you where you make mistakes and how to c 96 how you learn. You say you can not obey your plans. In English we say, “Plan the work, work the plan.” You need a plan and then you need to follow your plan to improve. I hope these ideas are u 98 Best wishes, Brad Flankin . I wish you luck, and if you want to write to me I will be happy to try to help you. We can talk about China, about Canada or anything else you like. them. You can also write more letters to English speakers on the that is Internet (I will be happy to exchange letters with you if that will help). Don’t worry if you make mistakes b 97 of the time because you would use it all day,精锐教育网站: www.1smart.org8精锐教育.教学管理部 中国领先的中小学教育品牌参考答案卢湾区 92. experience 93. finds 94. yourself 杨浦区 92. heavy 奉贤区 92. thousands 93. information 94. like 95. free 96.however 97.played 98. still 崇明县 92 himself 徐汇区 92-98 probably, anyone, mean, housework, Besides, perfect, turning 松江区 92. story 93. terribly 94. few 95. follow 96. anything 97. changed 98. rest 浦东新区 92. answer 93. never 94. idea 95. lower 96. confuses 97. pleased 98. others; 虹口区 92. types 93. exactly 94. about 95. sick 96. talk 97. play 98. best 金山区 92. used 93. warm 94. nobody 95. problem 96. difficult 97. closed 98. slowly 长宁区 92.prettier 93.something 94.collect 95.around 96.before 97.sell 98.like 闵行区 94. disappeared, 95. before, 闸北区 92. especially 93. hobbies 青浦区 92.received 93.only 静安区 92. modern 93. completely 94. along 95. walking 96. ones 97. area/attraction 98. noisy/noisier 黄浦区 92 easy 93 rest 94 quickly 95 two 96 correct 97because 98 useful 94.college/common 95.worried 96.hair 97.popular 98.actress 94. how 95. learned 96. from 97. However 98. army 96. help, 97. happy, 98. well 93 many/most 94 class 95 without 96 showed 97 nothing 98 completed 93. love 94. Suppose 95. spread 96. any 97. But 98. happiness 95. rude 96. When 97. words 98. between精锐教育网站: www.1smart.org9精锐教育.教学管理部
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