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Now that my belly is at that stage where its obviously a baby bump people have started to come up and touch me. I mean random strangers and family members alike and I can't help but feel super uncomfortable. Like everyone goes through it and its all part of the process for pregnant women but like... Why? I mean you wouldn't come up to my daughter once she's born and start rubbing her, so why are you going to do it while she's inside me still?
I hate to be rude, especially to my family members but I just can't help but feel super uncomfortable and anxious when being touched. Its one thing if someone ASKED if they could feel her move, but nobody even asks!
How did everyone else handle this?
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I keep my hands there around alot of people but I let them know up front especially family please dont touch my stomach without asking cuz sometimes it makes me uncomfortable nd strangers I stop them nd say im sorry but i dont allow everyone to touch my stomach there is too much going around but usually keeping your hand there keeps the strangers from touching
I keep my hands there around alot of people but I let them know up front especially family please dont touch my stomach without asking cuz sometimes it makes me uncomfortable nd strangers I stop them nd say im sorry but i dont allow everyone to touch my stomach there is too much going around but usually keeping your hand there keeps the strangers from touching
There actually are people who think its ok to come up and touch your newborn just because. Thats the one thing that I dislike the most. I hate being rude to people but I dont want everyone touching my baby. As far as touching my belly I definately agree that its really awkward. I dont think people do it to be rude I think its just that they don't think youll care even if you do. I dont like everyone touching me. Friends and family ok but its still wierd lol
There actually are people who think its ok to come up and touch your newborn just because. Thats the one thing that I dislike the most. I hate being rude to people but I dont want everyone touching my baby. As far as touching my belly I definately agree that its really awkward. I dont think people do it to be rude I think its just that they don't think youll care even if you do. I dont like everyone touching me. Friends and family ok but its still wierd lol
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anyone else?
Now that my belly is at that stage where its obviously a baby bump people have started to come up and touch me. I mean random strangers and family members alike and I can't help but feel super uncomfortable. Like everyone goes through it and its all part of the process for pregnant women but like... Why? I mean you wouldn't come up to my daughter once she's born and start rubbing her, so why are you going to do it while she's inside me still?
I hate to be rude, especially to my family members but I just can't help but feel super uncomfortable and anxious when being touched. Its one thing if someone ASKED if they could feel her move, but nobody even asks!
How did everyone else handle this?
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