Stayingjust marriedd has its benefits, especially financial,

婚姻生财 研究显示已婚者比单身汉富两倍_百度文库
婚姻生财 研究显示已婚者比单身汉富两倍
你可能喜欢Marriage builds wealth more than being single?_.cn_language Tips
Marriage builds wealth more than being single?
Marriage builds wealth.
Staying married has its benefits, especially financial, as a new
U.S.-wide study shows the wealth of a married person is almost double that
of somebody who is single. Divorce among US baby boomers reduced personal wealth by
about 77 percent compared to that of a single person, while the financial
standing among those who remained married almost doubled, according to a
nationwide study released this week.
"If you really want to increase your wealth, get married and stay
married. On the other hand, divorce can devastate your wealth," said Jay
Zagorsky, author of the study and a research scientist at Ohio Sate
University's Center for Human Resource Research.
Married people will see an increase in wealth that is more than just
adding the assets of two single people, according to the study that was
published in the Journal of Sociology.
Those who remained together saw a 93 percent gain in wealth compared to
that of a single person, while individuals facing divorce saw their
financial situation deteriorate long before the decree became final,
according to Zagorsky.
The study used data from surveys taken over a 15-year period involving
9,055 Americans who were between 21 and 28 years old in 1985.
Those respondents who remained single had a steady, but slow growth in
wealth, from less than $2,000 at the start of the surveys up to an average
of about $11,000 after 15 years.
However, those who married and stayed that way showed a sharp increase
in wealth accumulation after marriage, growing to an average $43,000 by
the 10th year of marriage or by about 16 percent a year.
For people who married and then divorced, there was a slow build-up of
wealth during the early years of marriage and then a steady decline about
four years prior to divorce.
"Many of these people may have separated before the divorce became
official, which would help explain why wealth starts falling so early,"
Zagorsky said. "Divorce is often a long and messy process, and you can see
this in the four-year decline in wealth."
The study also cast doubt on a common assumption that divorce is much
harder financially on women than on men. In fact, it showed that women
suffered financially only slightly more than men.(Agencies)
这项研究分析了15年内对 9055名美国人的调查数据,这些人在1985年时年龄在21岁至28岁之间。
Cast doubt on: have a suspicion of (对某事感到怀疑)
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Kyla Pratt was in the news recently announcing the birth of her second child. What should have been a congratulatory moment for the young actress, some women turned into a way to shame Pratt for her marital status&or lack thereof. The comment section of websites that reported on the news was filled with commenters dismissing the relationship, citing that Pratt shouldn&t be parading the fact that she is now a two-time &baby mama& and nothing else.
We read news stories of married professional athletes who relentlessly cheat on their somewhat famous or just well-known wives and the comment section is like the cheering committee for the wife involved in an obviously failing marriage. Though this wife&s husband has been the center of cheating rumors, some commenters still praise the Mrs. for snagging the coveted &wife& title, excusing everything else with comments like, &at least he married her.& What?
I&ve been in a relationship with the man of my dreams, going on about six years, and we share two wonderful little boys together. My fiance was like a completed checklist of all the things I desired in a man. He was the proverbial fresh air, my new beginning, and there is no doubt in my mind that he and I are destined to be together for the long run. We were excited to become parents, but ironically, with our first-born child on the way, we were still not quite ready for marriage.
We had been living together for three years when we found out that we would be expecting a second child. The feeling of excitement that I had with my first son was replaced with shame. How will I present a second illegitimate baby to our families? I had no intention on being a two-time &baby mama& and this is exactly where I was headed. I imagined the reaction from the maternity nurses when they would inevitably ask, &Is this your first?& and I&d reluctantly admit, &No, number two& as they immediately would glance at my vacant ring finger, wondering if this second baby is by the same father.
&Two babies should be an automatic requirement for marriage&, I argued with myself. I reasoned that our families and friends would be more accepting of a second child if we shared the same last name. I argued that I didn&t want to bring another child into the world if we weren&t going to be married. We had our ups and downs, but when it came to our future, we had always been on the same page. We had long talks about growing old together, travelling the world when our children were off to college. We priced condos in Miami, LA and NY, certain that one of those destinations would be where we would spend our twilight years together. But for some time, I still felt like our relationship was severely lacking something: a marriage license.
I began questioning his commitment to our relationship. He couldn&t be serious about us if he wasn&t ready to be married. I did not understand where the resistance was coming from. We were happy and had fun together. We enjoyed watching our babies discover, perform and play together. We financially supported one another and overcame hard times together. He encouraged me to start writing again and I helped him re-discover his purpose in life after his basketball dreams began to dwindle. But it was after I made my case for marriage that I realized I hadn&t really been chasing anything other than a fancy title that will never change anything about our already committed, healthy and beneficial relationship.
In my quest to be looked at as a respectable woman, I invalidated all the many great things our union has done for the both of us. I felt like the off-brand, similar to comparing Payless shoes to Nike or Jordan. All shoes accomplish the exact same thing, but one just has a fancy title attached to it. In this comparison, I felt like the Payless shoe and marriage was the upgrade to the new Jordan shoe. I now realize that chasing the name brand of relationship titles fostered an environment for relationship insecurity.
The entire conversation of marriage between both friends and family has become insulting, &A man that asks for your hand in marriage is one that is 100 percent committed to the relationship.& What about our 6-year journey to maintain a relationship with two small children is not a validating statement of our commitment to one another? Some would say that marriage is the completion, the end of the courting phase, and the finish line in relationships. I&m not convinced. I believe that if people put more focus on building lasting relationships rather than lasting legal obligations, the divorce rate would be lower.
The deal is done and we are 100 percent committed, with or without the title. But even if we needed reassurance, I doubt that a legal document will have enough power to guarantee a lifetime together. For now, our focus will be on building a stable environment for our boys to thrive in. We&ll invest the tens of thousands we would spend on a wedding into our children&s college fund, or use it as a down payment on a house that our two-parent household can help them grow in.
Let me be clear: I have no qualms with marriage. I still wouldn&t mind having that ceremony one day, but it won&t be for the title, but for the celebration of our love. I am satisfied with knowing that with or without a marriage certificate, my relationship is valid and has all it needs to last us a lifetime.
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13:46:22  【】
Staying married has its benefits, especially financial, as a new U.S.-wide study shows the wealth of a married person is almost double that of somebody who is single.   Divorce among U.S. baby boomers reduced personal wealth by about 77 percent compared to that of a single person, while the financial standing among those who remained married almost doubled, according to a nationwide study released this week.   &If you really want to increase your wealth, get married and stay married. On the other hand, divorce can devastate your wealth,& said Jay Zagorsky, author of the study and a research scientist at Ohio Sate University's Center for Human Resource Research.   Married people will see an increase in wealth that is more than just adding the assets of two single people, according to the study that was published in the Journal of Sociology.   Those who remained together saw a 93 percent gain in wealth compared to that of a single person, while individuals facing divorce saw their financial situation deteriorate long before the decree became final, according to Zagorsky.   The study used data from surveys taken over a 15-year period involving 9,055 Americans who were between 21 and 28 years old in 1985.   Those respondents who remained single had a steady, but slow growth in wealth, from less than $2,000 at the start of the surveys up to an average of about $11,000 after 15 years.   However, those who married and stayed that way showed a sharp increase in wealth accumulation after marriage, growing to an average $43,000 by the 10th year of marriage or by about 16 percent a year.   For people who married and then divorced, there was a slow build-up of wealth during the early years of marriage and then a steady decline about four years prior to divorce.   &Many of these people may have separated before the divorce became official, which would help explain why wealth starts falling so early,& Zagorsky said. &Divorce is often a long and messy process, and you can see this in the four-year decline in wealth.&   The study also cast doubt on a common assumption that divorce is much harder financially on women than on men. In fact, it showed that women suffered financially only slightly more than men.
婚姻生财 研究显示已婚者比单身汉富两倍   维持婚姻关系好处多多,尤其是在个人财政方面。最新一项全美范围的研究显示,已婚人士拥有的个人财产几乎是单身汉的两倍。   据路透社1月20日报道,本周公布的这项涵盖美国各地的研究结果表明,在二战之后婴儿潮(1945年至1964年)时代出生的人当中,仍保持婚姻关系的人的财产比那些至今单身的人翻了近一番,而离婚者的个人财产则比单身汉下降了约77%。   美国俄亥俄州大学人力资源研究中心科学家、此次研究的主持杰伊·扎戈尔斯基说:“如果你真地想增加财产的话,那就去找个人结婚吧。并且你必须要维持婚姻关系,因为离婚可能使你散尽家财。”   据这份刊登在《美国社会学杂志》上的研究说,与至今保持单身的人相比,那些夫妇的个人财产已经增长了93%;而那些深陷离婚泥潭的人,在最终与昔日伴侣分道扬镳之前,他们的经济状况就早已开始走下坡路了。   这项研究所依据的调查数据来自9055名美国人,时间横跨15年,这些人在1985年时的年龄在21岁到28岁之间。   对于至今保持单身的人,他们的财产增长平稳,但速度缓慢。调查开始时,他们的财产不到2000美元,15年后达到1.1万美元;对于始终保持婚姻的人,他们的个人财产在婚后迅速增加,10年间达到4.3万美元,年平均增幅为16%;而看看那些结了婚又离婚的人,他们的财产在新婚后几年中有缓慢增长,但在正式离婚约4年以前就开始逐渐下降。   扎戈尔斯基说:“离婚是一个让人头痛的漫长历程。对于许多闹离婚的人,他们可能在正式离婚前就已经分居了,这也许就是为什么他们的财产早早便开始减少的原因。”   报道说,一般人认为,离婚后,女方遭受的经济损失比男方要严重得多。但这项这项研究的结果却表明,女方的经济损失仅比男方略微多一些。


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