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[chǎnfáng] delivery room (in hospital)labour ward
[di'liv?ri] n.递送,交付,分娩,交货,引渡 n.[律] 财产等的正式移交 发送,传输 [rum] n.房间,屋子,寓所,场所,地位,空间,机会,余地 [w?:d] n.守卫,保卫,保护,牢房,病房,行政区,监护,锁孔 vt.守护,保卫,防止,挡住,躲开,避免单词产房的英汉对照例句不在医院的产房,Didn't in a delivery room of the hospital分娩时可用的精油3滴佛手柑2滴熏衣草1滴快乐鼠尾草在产房里点个电油灯,让其慢慢挥发。Delivery vapourising blend3drops bergamot2drops lavender1drop clary sage vapourise in electric oil burner in delivery room.内中也没有一个缺乏的,因为人人将田产房屋都卖了,把所卖的价银拿来,放在使徒脚前,There were no needy persons among them.for from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them brought the money from the sales你的意思是在产房?You mean in the delivery room?然后我们带你进了产房。And we took you into the delivery room.我想父亲应该呆在产房I assume daddy would like to be in the delivery room?也许你可以在产房里帮一下你的前妻Maybe you can assist your ex-wife in the delivery room.直到你真的在产房外Until you get to the delivery room.提交更多产房的相关例句
Copyright &
姓  名: 洋山芋爱土豆
标  题: 关于11号线上海游泳馆的英文翻译  [
14:56:13 ]
内  容: 11号线的上海游泳馆站为什么不是Shanghai Natatorium,而是要翻译成Shanghai Swimming Center,上海游泳中心?
回  复: 您好:轨道交通车站站名,均由上海市地名办负责制定,希望您继续给予我们工作更多的理解与支持!
& && && && && && &&&上海地铁& &
本帖最后由 zzColin 于
09:59 编辑
Shanghai Swimming Pool也可以啊,干嘛用center
Swimming Center。。。怎么感觉好像City Center人很多很热闹很拥挤的样子
Shanghai Swimming Pool& &上海游泳池
Shanghai Swimming Pool 。。。。。。。。。。。
Shanghai Swiming Room。。。。
jwcheung 发表于
Shanghai Swimming Pool也可以啊,干嘛用center
快速铁 发表于
Shanghai Swiming Room。。。。
Shanghai Aquatic Center
公交车上还有把某某桥直接翻译成bridge的。985上好像有大木桥叫成da mu bridge的。所以,好好学习china english,以后公交地铁都不怕。
本帖最后由 洋山芋爱土豆 于
19:06 编辑
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
本帖最后由 goshawk007s 于
10:38 编辑
shanghai swimming pool
shanghai indoor swimming pool
swimming pool
N-COUNT. A swimming pool is a large hole in the ground that has been made and filled with water so that people can swim in it.
我觉得Swimming Pool最好
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