十天突破雅思口语语 cue card下载!!文字并带有音频的!!

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Example for Cue Card Notes
你可能喜欢雅思口语part 2的一张cue card,不知该怎么准备,求牛人给一个方案!Describe something interesting you want to learn moreYou should say:What it is,When you became interested,And how to learn it.
我没有考过雅思,只是凭自己感觉回答,不知道可以不,也许马上我也要去考了Recently I am very interested in cooking, because I like to eat and I feel great when my mum told me that she likes to eat my food. So I am going to learn more and improve my skills. I have been eating my mum's dishes for a long time, I do like to eat it, so I would learn some skills from her first, I can become her assistant in kitchen first, prepare food like washing vegetales, cut meat and etc. Then keep an eye on all the procedures, especially how to life food flavor, that's the key procedure. Actually I enjoy grandma's food more, hehe, maybe it is because that I only eat there once a week, so I miss her food more, grandma would be a great teacher, too.能这样回答不?
关键是想出个适合的东西,或技术,然后根据特点描述下就OK了我拿网页java编程举个例子,当然你可以举任何你熟悉领域的技术1. what it is -- Recently, I became interested Java Applet programming, which allows us to add executable scripts or even small ap...
扫描下载二维码雅思口语part 2如果是这张cue card,应该怎么答?求牛人给出方案Describe your ideal house or roomYou should say:Where it is,What it is like,And who do you want to live with.
personally,i have attended the IELTS five times and my speaking result is alway around 7 ponits.you suggest you talk in this way,just like a template.back to the topic now.as far i as think,i hope my roon is besides a balcony,guaranteeing that i am able to enjoy the first sunshine through the window when i wake up every morning.there should be some pot plants on my balcony,which can decorate my roon as an environmental area.with these lovely plants,i am likely to have a good mood and enjoy my life to the full every day.besides,i perfer to have a room with a air-conditioner,so i do not have to worry about the temperature all the year around.i can sit besides the desk,listening my favourite music,surfing the internet and chat with my dear friends online.you can imagine who lovely my life is when i live in such a kind of house.no matter how upset and depressed i am,once i come into my room,all the worries will vanish,for my private space can bring me a good mood.as to my roomate,before my marriage,i perfer to live with my parents,for they have been taking care of me and i want to have a good time with them.however,when i marry to my MIss.right,i want to enjoy our honeymoon in our private space.
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如何顺利通过雅思口语Part II的Cue card?
  很多在Part II的Cue card环节都会发现自己面临两大问题,一是没话说,而是不知道该怎么说。脑中出现的可能总是几个关键词而已,口头连词成句的能力还有欠缺,导致频繁出现不成文的英语。这两点大大影响了成绩,而攻克这两大难点则需要们在日常生活中的练习中加大。
  网络的发达让不少英剧美剧走入寻常人家,们不愁没有模仿的***会,但是由此却带来了一个小小的学习误区。由于的首要要求是清晰流畅以及它的简便性和临场性,所以表达时偶尔的弱化语法被很多备考的同学误认为:&是不讲究语法的&。这种观点是非常错误的,语法是整个句子的骨架,没有它去支撑的话,句子会散架,甚至只能被叫做sentence fragments(碎片)了。为此,丰富句子的时代,加大谓语的多样性是提分的法宝。
  考官曾经明确指出:的一个语法评分标准就是~Use a wide range of tenses.(使用多种多样的时态)。而这一点却恰恰经常被我们忽视,为此,第一大技巧就是加大谓语的多样性。通常大家重视的多是自己语言表达出来之后是不是容易被理解。理解固然很重要,但是&时态的多样性&绝对是拿分的第一要诀。其实在的Part 2里,我们仔细进行研究就会发现:每一个topic都至少有4种时态可以发挥,那就是~一般现在时、一般过去时、过去进行时和现在完成时。
  E.g: Today I am happy to describe one thing that is very important in my daily life---namely my laptop.
  E.g: Talking about my favorite journey, I still remember I had a fantastic time in Sydney with my parents last summer. The trip was amazing! The moment we were relaxing ourselves there, we enjoyed all sorts of delicious foods such as&&
  E.g: So I really think Mr. Zhao is the teacher who has influenced me significantly in past 10 years.


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