What's the meaning of together在一起 Forever?

We Deserve More (Than The Meaning of Life) by Unfuck-the-World on DeviantArt
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Dec 10, :24 PM
I happened to discover the meaning of life today.I wrote it down and pondered welland then threw it away.In a world so sick and twistedthat being gay is a disgrace,a clear meaning behind anything will never have its place.So I shan't give you a reasonto change the things you say-because with life's purpose still unknown,you'll spit out hatred anyway.And if a time is ever to comewhen people can love without fear,I'll bet a pretty penny, friend,that life's meaning will be clear.For hatred clouds delusioned eyesof thosthough one thing I've learned about this lifeis that nothing ever stays.We deserve more than we're searching for-this "purpose of all things"?Life is only what you make of it,so close your eyes and spread your wings.
12.10.2013&&& Written as a vent from a full, ridiculous, completely odd day. I've been really working towards creating an identity for myself in my writings (other than just my darkened, depressed side) and this is possibly my most proud attempt at that so far. I figured I might as well start with outlining a few basic things I believe, this being a main tenet of mine :3&&& Dedicated as #91, "Answers", in my
&&& Okay, so now some backstory on today. Anyone who knows me knows I'm
I went from first to seventh period today and didn't even finish half my thermos. That's unheard of for me. I ran into three people I never expected to simply by making the conscious choice to take a different turn in the hallway for shits and giggles (an old friend, an ex, and a neighbor from years ago substituting). I don't know what w it's like I've been high on life all day freaking long. I usually appear pretty indifferent to everything, even if that's not the case, but I caught myself smiling like an idiot for no reason several times. I think I'm either permanently high or actually happy, although the former is considerably more likely. I won't argue with either, though~
So meaningful and deep!!! It's very beautiful^^[don't take this personally, cuz I'm just trying to help you with your poem....in the 5th stanza I'm pretty sure it should be delusion not delusioned....]
Thanks- I know that's not the correct word, but "delusion" isn't an adjective, it's a noun. I suppose "delusional" is closer to what I was going for. I'll fix it~
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Featured in GroupsForever - definition of forever by The Free Dictionary /forever
forever Also found in: , , , , .
(f?r-ĕv′ər, fər-)adv.1.
F eternally: No one can live forever.2.
A incessantly: was forever complaining about the job.n. A seemingly very long time: It has taken forever to resolve these problems.forever (f?:'r?v?; f?-) adv1.
Also: for ever eternally2.
incessantly3. informal for a very long time: he went on speaking forever. n4.
(as object) informal a very long time: it took him forever to reply. 5. …forever! an exclamation expressing support or loyalty: Scotland forever!. Usage: Forever and for ever can both be used to say that something is without end. For all other meanings, forever is the preferred formfor•ev•er
(fɔrˈɛv ər, fər-)
to last forever.
forever complaining.
a seemingly endless period of time.
foreverSomething that will last or continue forever will always last or continue.She would remember his name forever.They thought that their empire would last forever.Something that has gone forever has gone and will never reappear.This innocence is lost forever.They will vanish forever into the grey twilight.For the above two meanings, you can use the alternative spelling for ever in British English.My fate had been sealed for ever.We'll be married soon and then these lonesome nights will be over for ever.Other words and expressions can be used to say how long something lasts.If you say that someone is forever doing something, you mean that they do it very often.Babbage was forever spotting errors in their calculations.For this meaning, the only acceptable spelling is forever.
Switch to Adv.1.forever -
"no one can live forever"; "brightly beams our Father's mercy from his lighthouse evermore"- P.P.Bliss, , 2.forever - for a very long or se "she took forever to write the paper"; "we had to wait forever and a day" - a c characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech3.forever -
"the world is constantly changing", , , foreveradverb1. , , , , , for all time, ,
(informal), , till the end of time, till Doomsday We will live together forever.2. , , , , , , , , , , ,
He was forever attempting to arrange deals.Usage:&Forever and for ever can both be used to say that something is without end. For all other meanings, forever is the preferred form.
forever [fərˈevəʳ] ADV1. (= eternally) → he's gone forever → se ha
2. (= incessantly, repeatedly) → she's forever complaining → se
se está see also
1forever [fəˈrɛvər] adv (= once and for all) → He's gone forever → Il
à .to have gone forever (= be at an end) → être
(e)It has gone forever → C'est
. (= always) → She's forever complaining → Elle
de se .It will last forever → Cela
.forever adv (= eternally) live, last, be grateful → ; remember, go on → ; she is forever watchful → sie ist
; Scotland forever! → ein
auf ! (= irrevocably) go, disappear, change → ; the old social order was gone forever → das
(inf: = ages) it takes forever → es
(inf); these old slate roofs go on or last forever → diese
(inf: = constantly) to be forever doing something → (an) or
forever [fərˈɛvəʳ] adv (eternally) → , ; (for good) →
(fam) (incessantly, repeatedly) → , di ; (for ages) it lasted forever → è
un'eternitàit'll take forever → ci vorrà una forever →
nav?dy for altid
永久に ???
f?r alltid ??????
m?i m?i forever adv. siempre, para siempre, por siempre. forever adv Herpes is forever..El herpes es para siempre.
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When she was a baby, Jo had accidently dropped her into the coal hod, and Amy insisted that the fall had ruined her nose forever. Wing Biddlebaum, forever frightened and beset by a ghostly band of doubts, did not think of himself as in any way a part of the life of the town where he had lived for twenty years. All the inhabitants were killed, and trace of the ancient city was lost forever. Usually I had learned next day's lessons by the time I left the school building, and I couldn't sit still and read forever. I could see only the stretch of green before me, and I felt as if I must walk on forever, without coming to the end of it. The blood of chiefs is in my veins, where it must stay forever. In the solitude of night, with the hum of the great city rising below her-- at times even in theatres or crowded assemblies of men and women-- she forgot herself, and again stood in the weird brilliancy of that moonlight night in mute worship at the foot of that slowly-rising mystic altar of piled terraces, hanging forests, and lifted plateaus that climbed forever to the lonely skies. He had that sense, or inward prophecy, --which a young man had better never have been born than not to have, and a mature man had better die at once than utterly to relinquish,--that we are not doomed to creep on forever in the old bad way, but that, this very now, there are the harbingers abroad of a golden era, to be accomplished in his own lifetime. The great scene of grief, in which the wild infant bore a part had develope and as her tears fell upon her father's cheek, they were the pledge that she would grow up amid human joy and sorrow, nor forever do battle with the world, but be a woman in it. A pleasing land of drowsy head it was, Of dreams that wave before the half- And of gay castles in the clouds that pass, Forever flushing round a summer sky. They healed in time, and they forgot the pain, but the nice soft flap, that of course was intended to protect the delicate part of their ears from dust and injury, was gone forever. He in turn has clasped his arms tightly around her, as if he
and so she dances, and will dance the entire evening, and would dance forever, in ecstasy of bliss.
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