i apologize for my behvior honey you know iso care about you,这个care of是什么意思思?

向女友道歉,i am so sorry baby i 怠丹壁诽撰赌辩涩菠绩am so care about you 这样行吗或者更好的表达和称呼
如果你做错了事情需要道歉,应甜蜜的绅士一些,她才会开心和原谅你。看看这句如何?I apologize for my behavior, honey. You know I so care about you.
I am so sorry baby I care for yo怠丹壁诽撰赌辩涩菠绩u
so much这样就行了。。。。
you are my everything!
出门在外也不愁Tuesday August 31,
of Real Clear Politics notes, it’s pretty obvious that the Democrats’ electoral woes are directly tied to the passage of the health care bill.
But somehow horserace analysts like Jonathan Alter, Jim Vanderhei and Mike Allen don’t want to talk about that.
Well, we’ve been talking about it for months now.
Nate Silver
as an “outstanding analyst.”
Looking at the generic ballot average, :
Partisans on both sides tell themselves stories about why they’re up, why they’re down, and why the other side is where it is. These stories usually contain at least a grain of truth, but they also help encourage ideologues in the face of an impending rejection by the electorate. Democrats ignored the political problem of health care in the fall and winter – arguing that Martha Coakley and Creigh Deeds were bad candidates, that voters had been turned off by the health care bill because of the process, and that they would come around once the many benefits kicked in. Now, they’re pointing to the economy as the only significant reason why the party is in trouble.
It would be difficult for any strong partisan to admit that such an accomplishment was so . Yet the polling is pretty unequivocal on the relationship between the Democrats’ fortunes and the health care bill. It was during the health care debate that the essential building block of the Democratic majority – Independent voters – began to crumble. It was evident in the generic ballot. It was evident in the President’s job approval numbers. It was evident in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts.
Reconstructing the Democrats’ meme, we can fairly say that the economy is a huge problem for the party. Of this, there can be no doubt. We can also say that the stalled recovery denied the Democrats a chance to win back the voters they lost over health care. But the process and passage of health care reform were crucial elements in the story.
That’s when the party started losing the voters it needs to retain control of the government.
VanderHei and John Harris
criticizing “liberal bloggers” who were obsessively naval gazing about the Dave Weigel/Journolist incident, and didn’t care about the fact that Democrats could lose seats in the House this fall.
In fact, FDL did polling at the first of the year that indicated that the health care bill was extremely unpopular with independents, and warned that the Democrats were living in la-la land to ignore it.
January 14, 2010:
FDL commissions SurveyUSA to do polling in swing districts to try and ascertain how the health care bill (particularly the individual mandate) will affect Democratic incumbents.
The first SurveyUSA poll finds that Vic Snyder is trailing GOP challenger Tim Griffin by 56% to 39%, and that the individual mandate is unpopular with 3 out of 4 voters.
If Snyder votes for the health care bill with the individual mandate, he loses another 6 points to Griffin.
Our second SurveyUSA poll finds that Steve Driehaus trails Steve Chabot in a rematch of their 2008 race, 39%-56%.
When asked if their opinion of Driehaus changes if he votes for the health care bill, 55% of Independents say that their opinion of him would go down.
: SurveyUSA polls one of the suburban districts that will be key to the Democrats’ ability to hold the House in 2010, this time Tim Bishop in (NY-01).
Bishop holds a 2 point lead over potential GOP challenger Randy Altschuler, who was already up on the air with ads.
Unlike Snyder and Driehaus’s GOP-leaning districts, Bishop’s district has a .
Party affiliation in the district is 27% GOP, 33% Democratic and 39% Independent.
When asked how they feel about a health care bill which forces them to buy insurance or pay a penalty, 66% of Independents say they are opposed and 48% say they are strongly opposed.
SurveyUSA finds that Baron Hill is trailing Republican Mike Sodrel by 8 points if they matched up once again. Again,
say that their opinion of Hill goes down if he votes for a health care bill forcing them to buy insurance or pay a penalty.
Rather than thank us for the head’s up that their caucus is going to be slaughtered if they vote for the health care bill, Mark Ambinder reports that “Already, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is blasting Democratic activist Jane Hamsher for using Survey USA to essentially poll-pressure Blue Dog Democrats into retirement.”
I talk with a Democratic operative, who tells me that by forcing Congress to vote for the health care bill, Democratic leadership and the White House are like the generals in Paths of Glory, “firing on their own men in the trenches.”
I wrote “There are currently 36 resolutions in states across the country to
which forces people to buy private insurance, or face a penalty of up to 2% of their income that the IRS will collect — the very thing that Obama campaigned against.
It will become a rallying cry for the right.”
A new SurveyUSA poll shows Tom Perriello trailing his GOP opponent by 23 points.
Prior to voting for the health care bill, a PPP poll showed Perriello essentially tied with Hurt:
This confirms what FDL has been saying for months:
forcing members of Congress like Tom Perriello to vote for the health care bill was truly
by House leadership and the administration. As , the health care bill was hugely unpopular in swing districts.
71% of Missouri voters support Proposition C, which “would prohibit the government from requiring people to have health insurance or from penalizing them for not having it.”
It’s a non-binding initiative, but a clear indication of where public sentiment is in a bellwether state.
The DCCC was very good at getting not-so-savvy poll analysts to try and discredit the SurveyUSA polling. (Those same pollsters, ironically, didn’t see anything weird in the
they were quoting authoritatively at the time, which many now find suspect — though ).
Somehow Democratic members of Congress engaged in magical thinking and believed Rahm’s BS about the popularity of the health care bill increasing if it passed.
Rather than focus on jobs creation in a country with climbing unemployment rates, Obama spent the better part of a year focused on passing a health care bill that looks like it will play no small part in the Democratic Party’s upcoming electoral woes.
Well, we warned you.
Update: New headline at Politico:
Democrats said throughout the year-long debate on Capitol Hill that support for the overhaul would increase once the bill passed and Americans were able to take advantage of some of its benefits. But it appears voters’ opinions of the legislation were set more firmly than anyone thought during the bruising political fight.
You don’t say.
Update II: Dave Weigel .
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It was three years ago that Chris Brown severely beat his then girlfriend, Rihanna, before a Grammy party. , Chris hit Rihanna repeatedly across the face and body, threatened to kill her and bit her on the ear and hand. We saw the photos of her face afterwards and it was frightening and sad. Rihanna told police that it was not the first time that Chris had beaten her. Chris did pay some minor consequences after pleading guilty to assault and was put on five years probation. From all accounts he has performed his community service well and on time, and has been praised by the judge presiding over his case. He’s also completed court-ordered domestic violence and anger management courses.
In interviews, Chris has been less than willing to take responsibility for his actions or to even talk about that night. He
last year after Robin Roberts asked him a question about the incident. Plus, he just comes across as a total a**hole. I know the kid is young at 22, but he’s behaved like a . He’s tweeted , once to a . He
despite warnings, and he seems entirely unaware of how lucky he is to even be able to get paid to sing and perform. He complains constantly when anyone dares question him.
Chris has had a career comeback lately that has raised a lot of eyebrows. Many people were disgusted to see him both perform at the Grammys and win a Grammy for Best R&B Album, and Chris has a message to all of them: in your face, basically. The title of this story doesn’t capture how pissy he was about it, since he used all caps and added an expletive for effect:
Chris Brown is known for his violent temper, but on Tuesday, according to his Twitter account, his anger was aimed at his followers on the social networking site, rather than his ex-girlfriend.
The R&B singer’s official Twitter feed lashed out at critics who had slammed the Grammys for honoring him during Sunday’s awards show, and had bitter words for those bashing him.
“HATE ALL U WANT BECUZ I GOT A GRAMMY Now! That’s the ultimate F**K OFF!” The tweets from Brown’s account said at the height of the rampage.
Earlier in the rant came: “Strange how we pick and choose who to hate! Let me ask u this. Our society is full of rappers (which I listen to) who have sold drugs (poisoning).
“But yet we glorify them and imitate everything they do. Then right before the worlds eyes a man shows how he can make a Big mistake and learn from it, but still has to deal with day to day hatred! You guys love to hate!!! But guess what???”
The tweets from Brown’s account were responding to a number of prior tweets from celebrities who didn’t believe he deserved to not only win a Grammy for
F.A.M.E., but also to perform twice during the show.
So selling drugs in the past is equivalent to beating on women in Chris’ world. At least he deleted it, but he surely had some prompting. This is but a small sample of the kind of behavior that should have sunk this kid’s career years ago. He makes a lot of money for a lot of people so they’re going to continue to let it slide. Not everyone in the industry is a team Breezy apologetic, though. Miranda Lambert tweeted that she didn’t “get it. He beat on a girl.” Other celebrities, like Sherri Shepherd, Jack Osbourne and
Wil Wheaton . There were also some very good editorials about this, particularly
and . These editorials and tweets were made before Chris tried to call his Grammy “the ultimate F*** off” to anyone that dared question his career.
Meanwhile people are showing Chris love on Twitter and basically writing that . Kaiser pointed me to analysis of this disturbing trend by
and . I just don’t get it at all. How could anyone even joke about that?
Here’s Chris outside a recording studio on 2-10-12 and out shopping on 12-4-11. Credit: FameFlynet
By Celebitchy
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