
TED演讲的主旨是:Ideas worth spreading.TED精选栏目为同学们收录TED英文演讲高清视频(中英字幕)。更多精彩请继续关注新东方英语听力频道。
TED演讲的主旨是:Ideas worth spreading.TED精选栏目为同学们收录TED英文演讲高清视频(中英字幕)。更多精彩请继续关注新东方英语听力频道。
又到一年表白时,一句简单的“I love you”怎能表达深深的爱意,3分钟浓缩了95部爱情电影,跟好莱坞经典一起学告白吧~
美国社交名媛金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)被批给6个月大女儿诺斯(North)修眉事件发生后,网络上开始流行为宝宝画夸张眉毛。 一些爸爸趁着孩子的妈妈不在时,便自告奋勇为宝宝花上了浓密的夸张眉毛,好萌啊!
被动语态是中考的考点, 也是生活中非常常见的表达方式。今天我们和北京新东方新概念老师杨菲菲一起来看看如何找到学习英语被动语态的突破口。
根据《星期日泰晤士报》报道,伦敦奥运会的开幕式将重现一些历史场景,并以“甲壳虫”乐队的老歌“Hey Jude(嘿,裘德)”结束。
《中国好声音》第三季魏然英文歌《I BELIEVE I CAN FLY》,小编表示很好听,你也来听听看吧~
即将在北美上映的《忍者神龟》主题曲《Shell Shocked》电影剪辑版 MV 发布!MV中包含大量精彩打斗镜头,忍者神龟的所向无敌在本支歌曲衬托下更显彪悍!
《中国好生音》第三季刘志佳英文歌《Girl On Fire》,一起来听一下吧。
中国好声音第三季选手郑俊树演唱的英文歌《You Raise Me Up》,一起来听一下吧~
《暮光之城》是美国作家斯蒂芬妮·梅尔(Stephenie Meyer)写的一本恐怖但是却浪漫的小说。小说《暮光之城》,描写的是高中学生贝拉与青春帅气的吸血鬼爱德华的浪漫爱情故事。
据最新公布的数据显示,2014 年英国经济增长率为 2.6%,这是自2007年以来经济增长的最快速度。然而,过去三个月的数字可能预示快速增长的势头正在减弱。
当某人说自己 in the hole, 意思就是他遇到经济困难,负债累累。至于具体欠了多少,只需在这个短语前加上数字就行。
In a Boston laboratory, a rat kidney has been stripped of its cells, leaving just this white scaffold.
Then the organ was reseeded with fresh cells and put into another rat. It filtered the animal’s blood and produced urine.
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给新东方英语频道提意见:邮箱 媒体合作:010-我是英语专业的学生,想报考2012年9月份的上海中级口译,请问具体我需要哪些资料来备考,要准备多长时间?_百度知道
有口译教程 听力教程 阅读教程 翻译教程 (别忘了问他们要光盘)然后再加一套历年真题 可以了 资料够了准备时间得看你花的精力 从现在开始的话到九月份足够了 还可以复习一两轮要是不放心的话就报一个班
报之前别买书 可能会涵盖的
主持人 郭卫民:
2012年,面对复杂严峻的国际经济形势和国内改革发展稳定的繁重任务,党中央、国务院坚持以科学发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,按照稳中求进的工作总基调,及时加强和改善宏观调控,把稳增长放在更加重要的位置,国民经济运行缓中企稳,经济社会发展稳中有进。In the year of 2012, in face of the increasingly complicated and severe international situation and arduous tasks of domestic reform, development and stability, the Central Party Committee and the State Council took scientific development as the theme and transformation of economic development mode as the mainline, followed the general tone of making progress while ensuring the stability by strengthening and improving macro control with emphasis on stabilizing growth. As a result, the overall national economic performance was getting stabilized, and the economic and social development realized a stabilized and accelerated development.
初步核算,全年国内生产总值519322亿元,按可比价格计算,比上年增长7.8%。分季度看,一季度同比增长8.1%,二季度增长7.6%,三季度增长7.4%,四季度增长7.9%。分产业看,第一产业增加值52377亿元,比上年增长4.5%;第二产业增加值235319亿元,增长8.1%;第三产业增加值231626亿元,增长8.1%。从环比看,四季度国内生产总值增长2.0%。According to the preliminary accounting, the gross domestic product (GDP) of China was 51,932.2 billion yuan in 2012, a year-on-year increase of 7.8 percent at comparable prices. Specifically, the year-on-year growth of the first quarter was 8.1 percent, 7.6 percent for the second quarter, 7.4 percent for the third quarter and 7.9 percent for the fourth quarter. The value added of the primary industry was 5,237.7 billion yuan, up by 4.5 the secondary industry 23,531.9 billion yuan, up by 8.1 and the tertiary industry 23,162.6 billion yuan, up by 8.1 percent. The gross domestic product of the fourth quarter of 2012 went up by 2 percent on a quarterly basis.
一、农业生产稳定增长 1. Agricultural Production Went up Steadily.
全年全国粮食总产量达到58957万吨,比上年增加1836万吨,增长3.2%,连续九年增产。其中,夏粮产量12995万吨,比上年增长2.8%;早稻产量3329万吨,增长1.6%;秋粮产量42633万吨,增长3.5%。全年棉花产量684万吨,比上年增长3.8%;油料产量3476万吨,增长5.1%;糖料产量13493万吨,增长7.8%。全年猪牛羊禽肉产量8221万吨,比上年增长5.4%,其中猪肉产量5335万吨,增长5.6%。生猪存栏47492万头,比上年增长1.6%;生猪出栏69628万头,比上年增长5.2%。全年禽蛋产量2861万吨,比上年增长1.8%;牛奶3744万吨,增长2.3%。The total grain output in 2012 was 589.57 million tons, an increase of 18.36 million tons, up by 3.2 percent, which was an increase for nine
years. The total output of summer grain was 129.95 million tons, up by 2.8 percent year-on- early rice was 33.29 million tons, an increase of 1.6 autumn grain was 426.33 million tons, an increase of 3.5 percent. The output of cotton in 2012 was 6.84 million tons, up by 3.8 oil-bearing crops 34.76 million tons, an increase of 5.1 and sugar crops 134.93 million tons, an increase of 7.8 percent. The total output of pork, beef, mutton and poultry in 2012 reached 82.21 million tons, a growth of 5.4 percent. The output of pork was 53.35 million tons, up by 5.6 percent. The number of pigs in stock was 474.92 million, up by 1.6 percent, while the number of slaughtered pigs was 696.28 million, an increase of 5.2 percent. The output of poultry eggs in 2012 was 28.61 million tons, up by 1.8 percent, and cow milk was 37.44 million tons, an increase of 2.3 percent.
二、工业生产缓中趋稳 2. Industrial Production was Getting Stabilized.
全年全国规模以上工业增加值按可比价格计算比上年增长10.0%,增速比上年回落3.9个百分点。分季度看,一季度同比增长11.6%,二季度增长9.5%,三季度增长9.1%,四季度增长10.0%。分经济类型看,国有及国有控股企业增加值比上年增长6.4%,集体企业增长7.1%,股份制企业增长11.8%,外商及港澳台商投资企业增长6.3%。分轻重工业看,重工业增加值比上年增长9.9%,轻工业增长10.1%。分行业看,41个工业大类行业增加值全部实现比上年增长。分地区看,东部地区增加值比上年增长8.8%,中部地区增长11.3%,西部地区增长12.6%。分产品看,全年471种工业产品中有345种产品产量比上年增长。其中,发电量增长4.7%,粗钢增长3.1%,钢材增长7.7%,水泥增长7.4%,十种有色金属增长9.3%,焦炭增长5.2%,硫酸(折100%)增长4.8%,烧碱(折100%)增长3.8%,化学纤维增长11.8%,微型计算机设备增长11.7%,集成电路增长9.3%,汽车增长6.3%,其中轿车增长8.3%,乙烯下降2.5%,平板玻璃下降3.2%。全年规模以上工业企业产销率达到98.0%,比上年下降0.5个百分点。规模以上工业企业实现出口交货值106759亿元,比上年增长7.1%。12月份,规模以上工业增加值同比增长10.3%,环比增长0.87%。The total value added of the industrial enterprises above designated size in 2012 was up by 10 percent at comparable prices, or 3.9 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the year-on-year growth of the first quarter was 11.6 percent, 9.5 percent for the second quarter, 9.1 percent for the third quarter and 10.0 percent for the fourth quarter. An analysis by types of ownership showed that the value added growth of the state-owned and state holding enterprises went up by 6.4 collective enterprises by 7.1 share-holding enterprises by 11.8 and enterprises funded by foreign investors or investors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan province by 6.3 percent. The annual growth of the heavy industry was 9.9 percent, and 10.1 percent for the light industry. All the 41 industrial divisions registered year-on-year growth. The growth rates in eastern, central and western regions were up by 8.8 percent, 11.3 percent and 12.6 percent respectively. Out of 471 kinds of industrial products, 345 kinds realized a year-on-year increase with electricity up by 4.7 percent, crude steel up by 3.1 percent, rolled steel up by 7.7 percent, cement up by 7.4 percent, ten kinds of
metals up by 9.3 percent, coke up by 5.2 percent, sulfuric acid (converted into 100%) up by 4.8 percent, caustic soda (converted into 100%) up by 3.8 percent, chemical fiber up by 11.8 percent, micro computer equipment up by 11.7 percent, integrated circuits up by 9.3 percent, and motor vehicles up by 6.3 percent. Specifically, the output of cars was up by 8.3 percent. The output of ethylene was down by 2.5 percent, and plain glass was down by 3.2 percent. The sales ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size in 2012 was 98.0 percent, down by 0.5 percentage point. The export delivery value reached 10,675.9 billion yuan, up by 7.1 percent. In December, the total value added of the industrial enterprises above designated size was up by 10.3 percent year-on-year, or up by 0.87 percent month-on-month.
1-11月份,全国规模以上工业企业实现利润46625亿元,同比增长3.0%,1-9月份为同比下降1.8%,去年同期为增长24.4%。在41个工业大类行业中,30个行业利润同比增长,10个行业利润同比下降,1个行业亏损。1-11月份,规模以上工业企业每百元主营业务收入中的成本为85.14元,比前三季度下降0.28元,比去年同期提高0.16元;规模以上工业企业主营业务收入利润率为5.66%。In the first eleven months of 2012, the profits made by industrial enterprises above designated size stood at 4,662.5 billion yuan, up by 3 percent year-on-year, whereas it was down by 1.8 percent in the first nine months and up by 24.4 percent in the same period of previous year. Among the 41 industrial divisions, 30 divisions registered year-on-year increase in profits, 10 divisions witnessed reduction and 1 division suffered losses. In the first eleven months of 2012, the costs for per-hundred-yuan turnover of primary activities of the industrial enterprises above designated size reached 85.14 yuan, a decrease of 0.28 yuan over that of the first three quarters, or 0.16 yuan more than that in the previous year. The profit rate of industrial enterprises above designated size from their primary activities was 5.66 percent.
三、固定资产投资较快增长 3. Investment in Fixed Assets Kept a Fast Growth.
全年固定资产投资(不含农户)364835亿元,比上年名义增长20.6%(扣除价格因素实际增长19.3%),增速比上年回落3.4个百分点。其中,国有及国有控股投资123694亿元,增长14.7%;民间投资223982亿元,增长24.8%,占全部投资的比重为61.4%。分地区看,东部地区投资比上年增长17.8%,中部地区增长25.8%,西部地区增长24.2%。分产业看,第一产业投资9004亿元,比上年增长32.2%;第二产业投资158672亿元,增长20.2%;第三产业投资197159亿元,增长20.6%。在第二产业投资中,工业投资154636亿元,比上年增长20.0%;其中,采矿业投资13129亿元,增长11.8%;制造业投资124971亿元,增长22.0%;电力、热力、燃气及水的生产和供应业投资16536亿元,增长12.8%。全年基础设施(不包括电力、热力、燃气及水的生产与供应)投资58391亿元,比上年增长13.3%。从到位资金情况看,全年到位资金399440亿元,比上年增长18.6%。其中,国家预算内资金增长29.7%,国内贷款增长8.4%,自筹资金增长21.7%,利用外资下降10.9%,其他资金增长13.7%。全年新开工项目计划总投资309083亿元,比上年增长28.6%;新开工项目356296个,比上年增加28948个。从环比看,12月份固定资产投资(不含农户)增长1.53%。In 2012, the investment in fixed assets (excluding rural households) was 36,483.5 billion yuan, a growth of 20.6 percent (a real growth of 19.3 percent after deducting price factors), which was 3.4 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the investment in the state-owned and state holding enterprises reached 12,369.4 billion yuan, a rise of 14.7 private investment reached 22,398.2 billion yuan, up by 24.8 percent, accounting for 61.4 percent of the total investment. In term of different areas, the growth in eastern, central and western regions was 17.8 percent, 25.8 percent and 24.2 percent respectively. The investment in the primary industry was 900.4 billion yuan, up by 32.2 the secondary industry 15,867.2 billion yuan, up by 20.2 and the tertiary industry 19,715.9 billion yuan, an increase of 20.6 percent. In terms of the investment in the secondary industry, it was 15,463.6 billion yuan, up by 20 percent. Specifically, the investment in mining reached 1,312.9 billion yuan, up by 11.8 manufacturing 12,497.1 billion yuan, up by 22 and the production and supply of electricity, gas and water 1,653.6 billion yuan, up by 12.8 percent. The investment in
facilities (excluding the production and supply of electricity, gas and water) was 5,839.1 billion yuan, up by 13.3 percent. The funds in place for investment in 2012 were 39,944.0 billion yuan, up by 18.6 percent. Specifically, the state budget went up by 29.7 percent, domestic loans up by 8.4 percent, self-raising funds up by 21.7 percent, foreign investment down by 10.9 percent and others up by 13.7 percent. The total investment in newly-started projects in 2012 was 30,908.3 billion yuan, an increase of 28.6 percent. The number of projects started this year was 356,296, or 28,948 more than that in the previous year. In December, investment in fixed assets (excluding rural households) grew by 1.53 percent month-on-month.
),增速比上年回落11.9个百分点;其中住宅投资增长11.4%,回落18.9个百分点。房屋新开工面积177334万平方米,比上年下降7.3%;其中住宅新开工面积下降11.2%。全国商品房销售面积111304万平方米,比上年增长1.8%,增速比上年回落2.6个百分点;其中住宅销售面积增长2.0%,回落1.4个百分点。全国商品房销售额64456亿元,增长10.0%,增速比上年回落1.1个百分点;其中住宅销售额增长10.9%,加快1.7个百分点。全年房地产开发企业土地购置面积35667万平方米,比上年下降19.5%。全国商品房待售面积36460万平方米,增长27.0%,增速比上年回落6.1个百分点。全年房地产开发企业本年到位资金96538亿元,增长12.7%,增速比上年回落4.8个百分点。其中,国内贷款增长13.2%,自筹资金增长11.7%,利用外资下降48.8%,其他资金增长14.7%。The total investment in real estate development in 2012 was 7,180.4 billion yuan, a nominal annual growth of 16.2 percent (a real growth of 14.9 percent after deducting price factors), or 11.9 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. In particular, the investment in residential buildings went up by 11.4 percent, or 18.9 percentage points lower. The floor space started this year was 1,773.34 million square meters, down by 7.3 percent. Specifically, the floor space of residential buildings started in the year went down by 11.2 percent. The floor space of commercial buildings sold in 2012 was 1,113.04 million square meters, up by 1.8 percent, or 2.6 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the floor space of residential buildings sold was up by 2 percent, or 1.4 percentage points lower. The total sales of commercial buildings were 6,445.6 billion yuan, up by 10 percent, or 1.1 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the sales of residential buildings were up by 10.9 percent, or 1.7 percentage points higher. The land space purchased for real estate development this year was 356.67 million square meters, down by 19.5 percent. The floor space of commercial buildings for sale was 364.6 million square meters, up by 27 percent, or 6.1 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. The funds in place for real estate development enterprises in the year reached 9,653.8 billion yuan, up by 12.7 percent, or 4.8 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the growth of domestic loans was up by 13.2 percent, self-raising funds up by 11.7 percent, foreign investment down by 48.8 percent and other sources up by 14.7 percent.
四、市场销售稳定增长 4. Sales on Domestic Markets Enjoyed a Steady Growth.
全年社会消费品零售总额207167亿元,比上年名义增长14.3%(扣除价格因素实际增长12.1%),增速比上年回落2.8个百分点。其中,限额以上企业(单位)消费品零售额101129亿元,增长14.6%。按经营单位所在地分,城镇消费品零售额179318亿元,比上年增长14.3%;乡村消费品零售额27849亿元,增长14.5%。按消费形态分,餐饮收入23283亿元,比上年增长13.6%;商品零售183884亿元,增长14.4%。在商品零售中,限额以上企业(单位)商品零售额93330亿元,增长14.8%。其中,汽车类增长7.3%,增速比上年回落7.3个百分点;家具类增长27.0%,回落5.8个百分点;家用电器和音像器材类增长7.2%,回落14.4个百分点。12月份,社会消费品零售总额同比名义增长15.2%(扣除价格因素实际增长13.5%),环比增长1.53%。In 2012, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 20,716.7 billion yuan, a nominal annual rise of 14.3 percent (a real growth of 12.1 percent after deducting price factors), or 2.8 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the retail sales of the enterprises (units) above designated size stood at 10,112.9 billion yuan, up by 14.6 percent. Analyzed by different areas, the retail sales in urban areas reached 17,931.8 billion yuan, up by 14.3 percent, and the retail sales in rural areas stood at 2,784.9 billion yuan, up by 14.5 percent. Grouped by consumption patterns, the income of catering industry was 2,328.3 billion yuan, up by 13.6 and the retail sales of goods were 18,388.4 billion yuan, up by 14.4 percent. In particular, the retail sales of the enterprises (units) above designated size reached 9,333.0 billion yuan, an annual growth of 14.8 percent. Specifically, the sales of motor vehicles rose by 7.3 percent, or 7.3 percentage points lower than that
furniture grew up by 27 percent, or 5.8 per and household appliances and audio-video equipment went up by 7.2 percent, or 14.4 percentage points lower. In December, the total retail sales of consumer goods rose by 15.2 percent year-on-year (a real growth of 13.5 percent after deducting price factors), or 1.53 percent growth month-on-month.
五、进出口增速回落 5. The Growth Rates of Imports and Exports Declined.
全年进出口总额38667.6亿美元,比上年增长6.2%,增速比上年回落16.3个百分点;出口20489.3亿美元,增长7.9%;进口18178.3亿美元,增长4.3%。进出口相抵,顺差2311亿美元。进出口总额中,一般贸易进出口20098.3亿美元,比上年增长4.4%;加工贸易进出口13439.5亿美元,增长3.0%。出口额中,一般贸易出口9880.1亿美元,增长7.7%;加工贸易出口8627.8亿美元,增长3.3%。进口额中,一般贸易进口10218.2亿美元,增长1.4%;加工贸易进口4811.7亿美元,增长2.4%。12月份,进出口总额3668.4亿美元,同比增长10.2%;其中出口1992.3亿美元,增长14.1%;进口1676.1亿美元,增长6.0%。The total value of imports and exports in 2012 was 3,866.76 billion US dollars, an annual increase of 6.2 percent, or 16.3 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. The total value of exports was 2,048.93 billion dollars, up by 7.9 the total value of imports was 1,817.83 billion dollars, a year-on-year increase of 4.3 percent. The trade balance was 231.1 billion dollars. In terms of the total value of imports and exports, the general trade was 2,009.83 billion dollars, up by 4.4 processing trade was 1,343.95 billion dollars, up by 3 percent. Among the value of exports, the general trade was 988.01 billion dollars, up by 7.7 and processing trade 862.78 billion dollars, up by 3.3 percent. Among the value of imports, the general trade was 1,021.82 billion dollars, up by 1.4 and processing trade 481.17 billion dollars, up by 2.4 percent. In December, the total value of imports and exports was 366.84 billion US dollars, up by 10.2 percent year-on-year. The total value of exports was 199.23 billion US dollars, up by 14.1 and that of imports was 167.61 billion US dollars, up by 6 percent.
六、居民消费价格涨幅回落 6. The Growth of Consumer Price Fell Back.
全年居民消费价格比上年上涨2.6%,涨幅比上年回落2.8个百分点。其中,城市上涨2.7%,农村上涨2.5%。分类别看,食品价格比上年上涨4.8%,烟酒及用品上涨2.9%,衣着上涨3.1%,家庭设备用品及维修服务上涨1.9%,医疗保健和个人用品上涨2.0%,交通和通信下降0.1%,娱乐教育文化用品及服务上涨0.5%,居住上涨2.1%。在食品价格中,粮食价格上涨4.0%,油脂价格上涨5.1%,肉禽及其制品价格上涨2.1%,鲜菜价格上涨15.9%,鲜果价格下降1.2%。12月份,居民消费价格同比上涨2.5%,环比上涨0.8%。全年工业生产者出厂价格比上年下降1.7%;12月份同比下降1.9%,环比下降0.1%。全年工业生产者购进价格比上年下降1.8%;12月份同比下降2.4%,环比下降0.1%。In 2012, the consumer price went up by 2.6 percent year-on-year, which was 2.8 percentage points lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the price went up by 2.7 percent in urban areas and 2.5 percent in rural areas. Grouped by commodity categories, prices for food rose by 4.8 tobacco, liquor and articles rose by 2.9 clothing up by 3.1 household facilities, articles and maintenance services up by 1.9 health care and personal articles grew by 2.0 transportation and communication down by 0.1 recreation, education, culture articles and services grew by 0.5 percent and housing went up by 2.1 percent. In terms of food prices, grain grew up by 4 percent, oil or fat up by 5.1 percent, meat, poultry and processed products up by 2.1 percent, fresh vegetables up by 15.9 percent, and fresh fruits down by 1.2 percent. In December, the consumer prices went up by 2.5 percent year-on-year, or 0.8 percent month-on-month. In the year of 2012, the producer prices for industrial products went down by 1.7 percent, while the price dropped by 1.9 percent in December year-on-year, or down by 0.1 percent month-on-month. The purchasing price for industrial producers was down by 1.8 percent year-on-year. In December, the price was down by 2.4 percent year-on-year or down by 0.1 percent month-on-month.
七、城乡居民收入稳定增长 7. Urban and Rural Residents& Income Increased Steadily.
全年城镇居民人均总收入26959元。其中,城镇居民人均可支配收入24565元,比上年名义增长12.6%;扣除价格因素实际增长9.6%,增速比上年加快1.2个百分点。在城镇居民人均总收入中,工资性收入比上年名义增长12.5%,经营净收入增长15.3%,财产性收入增长8.9%,转移性收入增长11.6%。全年城镇居民人均可支配收入中位数21986元,同比名义增长15.0%。按城镇居民五等份收入分组,低收入组人均可支配收入10354元,中等偏下收入组人均可支配收入16761元,中等收入组人均可支配收入22419元,中等偏上收入组人均可支配收入29814元,高收入组人均可支配收入51456元。全年农村居民人均纯收入7917元,比上年名义增长13.5%;扣除价格因素实际增长10.7%,比上年回落0.7个百分点。其中,工资性收入比上年名义增长16.3%,家庭经营纯收入增长9.7%,财产性收入增长9.0%,转移性收入增长21.9%。农村居民人均纯收入中位数7019元,名义增长13.3%。按农村居民五等份收入分组,低收入组人均纯收入2316元,中等偏下收入组人均纯收入4807元,中等收入组人均纯收入7041元,中等偏上收入组人均纯收入10142元,高收入组人均纯收入19009元。全年农民工总量26261万人,比上年增加983万人,增长3.9%;其中本地农民工9925万人,增长5.4%;外出农民工16336万人,增长3.0%。年末外出农民工人均月收入水平2290元,比上年增长11.8%。In 2012, the per capita total income of urban households was 26,959 yuan. Specifically, the per capita disposable income of urban households was 24,565 yuan, the nominal growth was 12.6 percent, or a real growth of 9.6 percent after deducting price factors, which was 1.2 percentage points higher than that in the previous year. Of the per capita total income of urban households, the nominal year-on-year growth of wage income was 12.5 net income from business operation 15.3 property income 8.9 percent and transferred income 11.6 percent. The median of per capita disposable income of urban households was 21,986 yuan, up by 15 percent. Taking the per capita disposable income of urban households into five levels, that of the low-income group reached 10,354 yuan, the lower-middle-income group 16,761 yuan, the middle-income group 22,419 yuan, the upper-middle-income group 29,814 yuan, and the high-income group 51,456 yuan. The per capita net income of rural households was 7,917 yuan, up by 13.5 percent, or 10.7 percent in real terms, which was 0.7 percentage point lower than that in the previous year. Specifically, the growth of wage income was 16.3 household operation income 9.7 property income 9 and 21.9 percent from transferred income. In 2012, the median of per capita net income of rural households was 7,019 yuan, up by 13.3 percent year-on-year. Taking the per capita net income of rural households into five levels, that of the low-income group reached 2,316 yuan, the lower-middle-income group 4,807 yuan, the middle-income group 7,041 yuan, the upper-middle-income group 10,142 yuan, and the high-income group 19,009 yuan. The number of rural migrant workers at the end of the year was 262.61 million, which was 9.83 million more than that in the previous year, or up by 3.9 percent. Specifically, the numbers of local and outside workers were 99.25 million and 163.36 million respectively, up by 5.4 and 3.0 percent. The monthly income of migrant workers at the end of the year was 2,290 yuan, up by 11.8 percent.
八、货币供应量平稳增长 8. Money Supply Maintained a Steady Growth.
12月末,广义货币(M2)余额97.42万亿元,比上年末增长13.8%,增速比上年末加快0.2个百分点;狭义货币(M1)余额30.87万亿元,增长6.5%,回落1.4个百分点;流通中现金(M0)余额5.47万亿元,增长7.7%,回落6.1个百分点。12月末,人民币贷款余额62.99万亿元,人民币存款余额91.74万亿元。全年新增人民币贷款8.20万亿元,比上年多增7320亿元;新增人民币存款10.81万亿元,比上年多增1.17万亿元。By the end of December 2012, the balance of broad money (M2) was 97.42 trillion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 13.8 percent, which was 0.2 percentage point higher than that at the end
the balance of narrow money (M1) was 30.87 trillion yuan, up by 6.5 percent, or 1.4 per and the balance of cash in circulation (M0) was 5.47 trillion yuan, a rise of 7.7 percent, or 6.1 percentage points lower. At the end of December, the amount of outstanding loans was 62.99 trillion yuan, while the amount of outstanding deposits was 91.74 trillion yuan. In the year of 2012, the newly increased loans reached 8.2 trillion yuan, an increase of 732 the newly increased deposits were 10.81 trillion yuan, or 1.17 trillion yuan more than that in the year of 2011.
九、人口与就业形势总体稳定 9. Population and Employment were Generally Stable.
2012年末,中国大陆总人口(包括31个省、自治区、直辖市和中国人民解放军现役军人,不包括香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾省以及海外华侨人数)135404万人,比上年末增加669万人。出生人口1635万人,人口出生率为12.10&,比上年提高0.17个千分点;死亡人口966万人,人口死亡率为7.15&,比上年提高0.01个千分点;人口自然增长率为4.95&,比上年提高0.16个千分点。从性别结构看,男性人口69395万人,女性人口66009万人;总人口性别比为105.13(以女性为100,男性对女性的比例),比上年末下降0.05;出生人口性别比为117.70,比上年末下降0.08。从年龄构成看,60岁及以上人口19390万人,占总人口的14.3%,比上年末提高0.59个百分点;65岁及以上人口12714万人,占总人口的9.4%,比上年末提高0.27个百分点;15-59岁劳动年龄人口93727万人,比上年减少345万人,占总人口的比重为69.2%,比上年末下降0.60个百分点。从城乡结构看,城镇人口71182万人,比上年末增加2103万人;乡村人口64222万人,减少1434万人;城镇人口占总人口比重达到52.57%,比上年末提高1.30个百分点。全国居住地和户口登记地不在同一个乡镇街道且离开户口登记地半年以上的人口(即人户分离人口)2.79亿人,比上年末增加789万人;其中流动人口为2.36亿人,比上年末增加669万人。年末全国就业人员76704万人,比上年末增加284万人;其中城镇就业人员37102万人,比上年末增加1188万人。By the end of 2012, the total population of mainland China was 1,354.04 million (including population of 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and servicemen in CPLA; but not including residents in Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, Taiwan Province and overseas Chinese), an increase of 6.69 million over that at the end of 2011. The number of births was 16.35 million and the birth rate was 12.1 in a thousand, or 0.17 thousand point higher than that
the deaths were 9.66 million with a death rate of 7.15 in a thousand, or 0.01 t the natural growth rate was 4.95 in a thousand, or 0.16 thousand point higher. In terms of gender, the male population was 693.95 million, and female population was 660.09 the sex ratio of total population was 105.13 (the female is 100, male to female), down by 0.05 compared with that at the end
the sex ratio at birth was 117.70, which was 0.08 lower than that at the end of previous year. Population aged 60 and over was 193.9 million, which was 14.3 percent of the total population, or 0.59 percentage point higher than that at the
population aged 65 and over was 127.14 million, accounting for 9.4 percent of the total population, or 0.27 per population at the working age of 15-59 was 937.27 million, a decrease of 3.45 million, and it accounted for 69.2 percent of the total population, or 0.6 percentage point lower. In terms of urban-rural structure, urban population was 711.82 million, an increase of 21.03 million ov and the rural population was 642.22 million, a decrease of 14.34 million. The proportion of urban population to total population was 52.57 percent, which was 1.3 percentage points higher than that at the end of the previous year. The population who reside in street communities with permanent household registration elsewhere and having been away from that place for more than 6 months reached 279 million, which was 7.89 million more than that in the previous year. Specifically, the migrant population was 236 million, or 6.69 million more. At the end of the year, the total number of employed persons was 767.04 million, or 2.84 million more than that at the end of 2011; the number of urban employed persons was 371.02 million, or 11.88 million more.
下一阶段,要认真贯彻落实党的十八大精神和中央经济工作会议部署,坚持以科学发展为主题,以加快转变发展方式为主线,以提高经济增长质量和效益为中心,稳中求进,扎实工作,进一步深化改革开放,进一步强化创新驱动,进一步加强和改善宏观调控,进一步保障和改善民生,促进经济持续健康发展和社会和谐稳定。In the next phase, we should conscientiously implement the spirits of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the overall arrangements made at the Central Economic Work Conference, adhere to scientific development and focus on changing the economic growth mode as the main theme and improving the quality and efficiency of economic growth as the core. We should seek progress while ensure the stability and solid work should be done. We should further deepen reform and opening up and strengthen innovation, reinforce and improve the macro control, make great efforts to guarantee and improve people&s livelihood, and endeavor to achieve a sound and sustainable economic growth and realize a harmonious and stable society.
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