
发布: 16:48:21
IOC hail progress as Tom Daley dives into Aquatics Centre pool, completed on time and budget 正值2012年伦敦奥运会倒计时一周年之际,英国跳水运动员汤姆·戴利将在如期竣工的水上运动中心完成奥运泳池的首次试水。对此,国际奥委会赞扬了伦敦的筹备进展。
With 366 days to go, 2012 being a leap year, until the Olympic flame is lit in east London, organisers, the government and the International Olympic Committee are queuing up to hail progress to date. 由于2012年是闰年,今天距离奥运圣火在东伦敦点燃还有整整366天,英国奥组委、英国政府和国际奥委会都在努力希望伦敦奥运会的各项筹备工作能如期取得进展。
Wednesday's events to mark the milestone, which will see the ?269m Zaha Hadid designed Aquatics Centre formally handed over to organisers by the Olympic Delivery Authority and Tom Daley diving into the pool, will have an air of celebration. 于是,本周三就成为了具有里程碑意义的一天,由英籍女设计师扎哈·哈迪德设计、耗资2.69亿英镑的水上运动中心正式移交给伦敦奥运交付管理局验收,英国跳水运动员汤姆·戴利将第一个完成试水,庆祝这个具有纪念意义的时刻。
"Marking one year to go, by diving in the Aquatics Centre is an incredible honour. Only a few years ago, this was a distant dream," said Daley, who finished fifth at the world championships in Shanghai on Sunday. "I can't wait for next year and the honour of representing Team GB." But although world class athletes are beginning to test the venues, there remains much to do. “今天离奥运会开幕还有正好一年的时间,我很荣幸能在水上运动中心尝试跳水,这在几年前还只是一个遥远的梦想,”在上海游泳世锦赛周日男子单人十米跳台比赛中取得第五名的英国小将戴利说,“我已经对明年迫不及待了,能代表英国队是我的荣幸。”不过,尽管世界级的运动员正开始测试奥运场馆,留给英国奥组委的功课其实还有很多。
Venues 场馆篇
The Aquatics Centre is the sixth and final permanent venue to be handed over to organisers by the ODA, which has spent ?7.25bn of public money building them. Chairman John Armitt said the successful completion of the venues had helped boost the image of British contractors around the world.
"It's very satisfying to be handing it over on time and keeping within the budget. It's a great tribute to everybody that has played a part in this," he told the Guardian. "It is something that as a country and an industry we should be proud of and we should try to maximise opportunities in other parts of the world while memories are still fresh about what the industry can do." 伦敦奥运会工程项目共耗资72.5亿英镑,水上运动中心是第六个也是最后一个将由伦敦奥运交付管理局移交给奥组委的永久场馆。管理局董事长约翰·阿米特表示,各个场馆的顺利竣工有利于提升英国工程承包方在全世界的形象。 “能够按时完工并控制在预算之内让我们感到十分满意,这是回报给每位参与者的厚礼。”他告诉《卫报》,“这是作为一个国家和一个产业能让我们引以为豪的成就,我们应该在世界其他地区尽最大努力把握机遇,让大家还能清楚地意识到这一产业为我们做些什么。”
Some venues, especially the velodrome that has already been nominated for the Stirling Prize, have garnered more plaudits than others. The clean lines and simplicity of the stadium have also been praised but there has been criticism of the ugly temporary "water wings" that have been attached to the aquatics centre to boost the capacity to 17,500 for the Games. When it was designed, the high cost was justified by the signature design, which will be obscured by the temporary stands. "When you're inside it, it's fabulous," says Armitt, diplomatically. 一些奥运场馆已经得到了外界的更多褒奖,特别是自行车馆已被提名英国最高建筑奖——斯特林奖。不过游泳馆简约灵动的线条在受到了人们赞美的同时,也不乏一些批评声,临时搭起的“水翼”让人感到并不美观,这一附属于水上运动中心的设施是为了能容纳下17500名奥运观众。在设计初期,这一场馆标新立异的设计让大家认同其不菲的造价,但现在旁生出来的临时看台就有点让人费解。“等你身临其境,就会感到难以置信了,”阿米特客套地表示。
Despite outward appearances, the London organising committee still has a huge task. Each venue must be "fitted out", a task that includes the laying of the track in the main stadium, and several major temporary venues must be built from scratch. They include a 15,000 capacity hockey stadium, a 23,000 capacity arena for the equestrian events at Greenwich Park and a 15,000 seat bowl on Horseguard's Parade for the beach volleyball. 除了场馆外貌,伦敦奥组委还面临着一项艰巨的任务,那就是每个场馆都必须“装备一新”,这意味着主场馆的跑道布局和一些临时场馆都必须从头进行改造,这其中包括能容纳15000人的曲棍球场、在格林威治公园能容纳23000人的马术竞技场,还有能容纳15000名观众的皇家骑兵卫队阅兵场,届时那里会进行沙滩排球比赛。 Tickets 票务篇 London organising committee chief executive Paul Deighton has confirmed the last batch of 1.2m tickets that will go on sale from December will first be made available exclusively to those who took part in the initial ballot in April and have yet to get a ticket. Around 6m tickets have already been sold, considered unprecedented with a year to go, with only around 1.5m for football matches around the country and those final 1.2m across all sports – to be made available when the final seating configurations are decided – remaining. Next year, Locog also plans to sell "non-event tickets" which will allow entry to the park but not the venues. 伦敦奥组委首席执行官保罗·戴顿已确认最后一批将从十二月起对外销售的120万张门票首先会专供给那些在四月参加第一次无记名投票但还没有得到门票的民众。据悉,已有600万张奥运门票售罄,这在一周年倒数之际可谓是史无前例的成果,目前只剩下足球比赛的150万张门票和最后涉及所有比赛项目的120万张门票(将在座位配置方案最终确定后开始对外销售)。明年,伦敦奥组委还计划出售“非观赛门票”,持票者虽不能进入比赛场馆,但能进入奥林匹克公园。Later this year, millions of free tickets for the live sites, with big screens and concerts in Hyde Park, Victoria Park and Potter's Fields will also be made available on a first come, first served basis. The mantra from Locog chairman Lord Coe and other organisers has been that while they understand the "disappointment" created by the huge demand, which saw 22m applications in the initial rush for tickets, they stand by the controversial process. 在今年下半年,按照先到先得的原则,几百万张免费门票还将被发送到可以收看赛事直播的露天场地,海德公园、维多利亚公园以及波特菲尔德公园都将安装上巨型屏幕,举办音乐会。不过,伦敦奥组会主席塞巴斯蒂安·科勋爵和其他组织者也在暗中祈祷,他们深知第一批多达220万的门票申请者中必然会有一些人失望而归,但他们又必须坚持执行这一颇有争议的方案。 Transport 交通篇 Ever since London was awarded the Games in 2005, transport has been considered a potential achilles heel. The ODA passed responsibility for operational matters to Transport for London last year, but retains an overall co-ordination role. The first stirrings of a backlash have already been felt about the so-called "Olympic lanes" that will whisk 18,000 athletes and officials around the capital during the Games. 自伦敦在2005年获得奥运会申办权起,交通就已被公认为是伦敦潜在的软肋。伦敦奥运交付管理局在去年将管理运行事宜的责任托付给了伦敦交通局,但其自身也依旧扮演着统筹协调的作用。第一波效果已经形成,也就是能够在奥运会期间运输18000名运动员及官员的“奥运车道”。 They make up roughly a third of the 109-mile Olympic Route Network and have already sparked loud protests from London's black cab drivers. Meanwhile, much will rest on the ability of organisers to persuade businesses and individuals to modify their behaviour during the Games. 然而,这些在全长109英里的奥运车道网络中约占三分之一的车道已经遭到了伦敦出租车司机的强烈抗议。与此同时,组织者还得想办法说服商家和个人在奥运期间调整他们的日常习惯。 "The message must be business as unusual," said Armitt. They take some comfort from the variety of routes into Stratford, including the Jubilee Line and the new Javelin train from St Pancras, but will be desperate to avoid a millennium eve style meltdown. “这肯定会和平常不一样,”阿米特说。他们会在前往斯特拉特福德的多种线路中感到便捷,其中包括银禧线和起点为圣潘克勒斯火车站的新标枪高速列车,但恐怕依然难以避免像千禧年夜那样的交通大瘫痪。 On the nine busiest days of the Games there will be more than 1m Olympics-related journeys, with a report earlier this year warning of "extreme" conditions on a system already "creaking at the seams". 奥运会期间最繁忙的九天将负荷超过100万次和奥运会有关的出行,今年早些时候的一份报告就警告说一个系统的“极端”状况已经“在岌岌可危了”。 Security 安保篇 Olympics minister Hugh Robertson said that security plans needed rethinking when the coalition came to power. Before she quit, Lady Neville-Jones led a government review that resulted in the government predicting security at Games time could be delivered for ?475m, though the overall ?600m envelope will be retained. 奥运事务大臣休·罗伯逊表示,安保方案在落实时还需三思。安全事务大臣内维尔·琼斯女士在一项政府工作汇报中指出,尽管仍会保留总计6亿英镑的预算,政府预计在奥运期间的安保措施上会花费4.75亿英镑。 Ministers and organisers have sought to play down the significance of the resignation of Metropolitan police commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson, but he said in his own statement that a key reason for it was to allow time to get someone new in place for the Olympics. Locog will spend ?282m on security within the venues, chiefly through contractor G4S, but there will also need to call on several thousand non-uniformed military personnel. 奥运事务大臣和组织者们已经在努力减少伦敦大都会警察总监保罗·斯蒂芬森爵士因《世界新闻报》窃听丑闻辞职所带来的影响,但他在自己的一份声明中表示,这其中的关键因素是为了能有充分时间来找到奥运会的新负责人。伦敦奥组委将投入2.82亿英镑用于场馆内的安保措施,主要由G4S保安公司承包,还会得到几千名便衣武警的协助。 'Look and feel' 观赛篇
For all the operational challenges Coe's organising committee will face, in many ways the bigger challenge is building public enthusiasm for the Games to reach a crescendo around 27 July next year when the flame is lit. Coe has talked of Britain being a "slow burn" nation. He hopes the torch relay, which will begin at Land's End on 19 May and visit 74 locations in 70 days via 8,000 runners, will be the point at which cynicism is cast aside and enthusiasm ignites. 从很多角度来看,在明年7月27日奥运开幕之际点燃民众对奥运会的热情是伦敦奥组委需要面对的所有任务中更具挑战的一项。伦敦奥组会主席塞巴斯蒂安·科勋爵此前称英国是个“慢热”民族,他希望火炬接力能成为扫除民众不满并点燃其热情的转折点,伦敦奥运会的火炬接力将于5月19日在兰兹角起跑,8000名火炬接力者将在70天內将奥运圣火传递到74个地区。 Part of the task will be to keep those without tickets engaged, through the big screens planned for cities throughout the country and cultural events that will culminate in Festival 2012. London mayor Boris Johnson has a budget to "dress" key areas of the city, including placing Olympic rings on the capital's landmarks. The BBC, which has promised to broadcast every event from every venue live, will also have a big role to play. 想要点燃民众对奥运会的热情,另一项任务就是要让没有门票的民众也能参与其中,全英各个城市都在计划安装巨型屏幕,各种文化活动也会在伦敦2012节日举行。伦敦市长波利斯·约翰逊已计划将一笔预算用于“装扮”城市的关键区域,包括将奥运五环安置在伦敦的地标建筑上。而英国国家广播公司也已承诺将担负起重要的角色,现场直播每场奥运比赛。
Legacy 遗产篇
Given the relatively smooth progress of organisers to date, much of the controversy has centred on the legacy claims that helped secure the Games in the first place. The Olympic Park Legacy Company has taken on responsibility for the park after the Games and must prove it can make a commercial success of it while meeting the needs of local residents. 和组织者们相对顺利的筹备进展相比,首先确保奥运会遗产申请工作的成功成为了诸多争议的焦点。奥林匹克公园遗产公司已经开始负责后奥运会时期的奥林匹克公园遗产问题,在实现其商业价值的同时也要满足当地居民的需求。 The fate of the stadium, the object of a furious row between Spurs and West Ham, is mired in high court litigation and it will face searching scrutiny over the affordability of thousands of homes that will be left behind, partly the athletes village. 目前,两支英超足球俱乐部托特纳姆热刺和西汉姆联队正在激烈争夺伦敦奥运会主体育场在奥运后的使用权,体育场未来的命运仍深陷于法律争执中,并且还将经受上千户居民的承受力审核,其中一部分是运动员村。
One of the biggest challenges for the OPLC will be finding a tenant for the cavernous media centre, although there are renewed hopes that a major broadcaster may take an interest. 而奥林匹克公园遗产公司所面临的最大挑战之一就是为国际广播中心与主媒体中心找到靠谱的承租商,不过现在有一家规模很大的电视广播公司可能对此有兴趣。 But even more of a challenge is the "soft legacy", with figures showing that the number of people playing sport is resolutely refusing to budge and ongoing debate about whether the predicted opportunity to get more young people engaged in sport, build links between clubs and schools and raise the profile and quality of coaching, is really being seized. They were famously planting the trees in Athens the day before the opening ceremony, but the landscaping on the Olympic Park is starting to take shape. 不过更大的挑战是“软遗产”的后续发展问题,统计数据表明,参加体育运动的民众非常坚决地表示不愿搬走,而让年轻人是否有机会参与运动的争论也喋喋不休,相关部门正在讨论如何在俱乐部、学校、提高形象和教学质量之间搭建关系。在雅典奥运会开幕式前一天,人们正在那里种下树木,但这里奥林匹克公园的风貌才刚刚开始成形。
More than 4,000 new trees are planned, with 1,500 already planted. Over 300,000 wetland plants have been planted and there are bold claims for the Park that will be left behind. Eventually, there will be up to 11,000 new homes on the site, in the heart of an area that the Olympic Park Legacy Company hopes will be resurgent. Westfield, the giant shopping mall at the entrance to the Park and on which politicians are relying for many of their legacy claims about jobs and regeneration, opens for business in September. 这里计划种植4000多颗树木,其中有1500颗已经种下,此外还有30万株湿地植物也已布置到位,而奥林匹克公园的一些大胆主张则被抛到了身后。最终,奥林匹克公园遗产公司希望能在公园和中心区域为民众提供1.1万套新房。欧洲最大的市内购物中心维斯菲尔德也将落户公园入口,政治家们正寄希望于公园的遗产申报能促成更多的工作岗位、地区重新改造以及9月份新的商业契机。
发表于: 17:24:42
XX颗 -& XX棵
发表于: 17:25:39
正值2012年伦敦奥运会倒计时一周年之际,讀得怪怪。建議: 2012年倫敦奧運會進入一年倒計時之際。
发表于: 17:26:25
末句“while ...”应解为“趁……时”较妥当
发表于: 17:30:27
fabulous 解为“完美、精彩”等正面词汇更妥当,“难以置信”偏中性
diplomatically 似乎解为“官方回应”比“客套、委婉”妥当
发表于: 17:34:38
initial ballot in April 解为“四月首轮预售”较妥当,本篇的首句过长,可稍事分解
发表于: 17:55:25
售罄表示售完的意思 用在此处不恰当&&建议改为“售出”
发表于: 17:59:35
发表于: 18:01:04
发表于: 18:02:00
发表于: 18:03:59
发表于: 19:51:11
发表于: 19:57:45
发表于: 20:05:13
“But although world class athletes are beginning to test the venues,” 建议为 “尽管已经有世界级运动员将要进行场馆测试,”begin 不是一个持续性动作,这里being beginning指代“将要开始”
发表于: 20:05:53
发表于: 20:32:04
发表于: 20:55:26
3、around the country 没翻译出来
发表于: 21:05:10
“The first stirrings of a backlash have already been felt”翻译的不好,再考虑考虑?
发表于: 21:13:18
are queuing up to hail progress to date.
... 竞相赞扬筹备工作目前取得的进展。
发表于: 21:27:05
发表于: 21:50:26
周三,奥运交付管理局将把由Zaha Hadid设计、耗资2.69亿英镑的水上运动中心正式移交奥组委,Tom Daley也将完成他在该中心的第一跳,这一系列里程碑式的事件,都会洋溢着浓厚的庆祝气氛。
发表于: 21:53:49
发表于: 22:10:41
本段里的“to date”,还有文章首段的“to date”,都是“截至目前”的意思,都没翻出来。
发表于: 22:17:49
发表于: 22:38:24
“统计数据......搭建关系”这一句话,没有抓住语法关系,在这个从句中,“is reaally being seized”的主语是&opportunnity&.你再看看,就明白啦~
发表于: 22:38:24
“统计数据......搭建关系”这一句话,没有抓住语法关系,在这个从句中,“is reaally being seized”的主语是&opportunnity&.你再看看,就明白啦~
发表于: 22:38:24
“统计数据......搭建关系”这一句话,没有抓住语法关系,在这个从句中,“is reaally being seized”的主语是&opportunnity&.你再看看,就明白啦~
发表于: 22:40:04
“统计数据......搭建关系”这一句话,没有抓住语法关系,在这个从句中,“is reaally being seized”的主语是&opportunnity&.你再看看,就明白啦~
发表于: 22:42:32
发表于: 23:48:24
completed on time and budget
发表于: 00:02:07
see 经历、见证
发表于: 00:12:49
Marking one year to go, by diving in the Aquatics Centre is an incredible honour.标记一年的倒计时,(让我)在水运馆跳水的形式来进行,(对我)是一个难以置信的荣誉.
发表于: 00:16:46
there remains much to do.剩下的工作还有很多。
发表于: 00:28:51
which has spent ?7.25bn of public money building them.
发表于: 00:34:31
It's a great tribute to everybody that has played a part in this.这是给所有参与者的一份厚礼。(no“回报”)
发表于: 00:40:16
发表于: 01:13:59
Before she quit,在她辞职以前
发表于: 01:17:39
when the flame is lit.当圣火点燃的时候
发表于: 01:22:08
发表于: 02:14:39
发表于: 02:55:02
It is something that as a country and an industry we should be proud of
发表于: 03:02:59
发表于: 03:03:50
发表于: 03:11:57
发表于: 03:15:57
“ live sites”有直播网站的意思,好像跟露天场地无关吧
发表于: 03:24:03
发表于: 03:27:58
发表于: 03:32:50
发表于: 03:34:24
发表于: 03:48:05
发表于: 03:51:21
发表于: 03:53:31
发表于: 03:58:27
发表于: 04:00:52
发表于: 04:04:05
“They were famously planting the trees in Athens the day before the opening ceremony, but the landscaping on the Olympic Park is starting to take shape.”这句再好好推敲一下。
发表于: 06:06:58
发表于: 11:39:39
发表于: 11:42:51
发表于: 11:43:38
发表于: 11:46:11
发表于: 11:47:03
outward appearance
发表于: 11:53:31
发表于: 11:56:21
“military personnel”应该是军人吧
发表于: 11:57:20
发表于: 11:58:36
legacy 在此翻成遗产可能不是很合适
发表于: 12:23:39
发表于: 12:49:50


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