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eeglab4.4-_-functions-_-imagescloglog.m - 含有多种ICA算法的eeglab工具箱-
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% imagescloglog() - make an imagesc(0) plot with log y-axis and
x-axis values
&& imagescloglog(times,freqs,data);
&& imagescloglog(times,freqs,data,clim,xticks,yticks,'key','val',...);
times = vector of x-axis values (LOG spaced)
freqs = vector of y-axis values (LOG spaced)
= matrix of size (freqs,times)
% Optional inputs:
= optional color limit
xticks = graduation for x axis
yticks = graduation for y axis
= 'key', 'val' properties for figure
% Author: Arnaud Delorme, SCCN/INC/UCSD, La Jolla, 4/2003
% Copyright (C) 4/2003 Arnaud Delorme, SCCN/INC/UCSD, scott@sccn.ucsd.edu
% This prog you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software F either version 2 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% alo if not, write to the Free Software
% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
% $Log: imagescloglog.m,v $
% Revision 1.1
% Initial revision
% Revision 1.6
% debug last
% Revision 1.5
% adding properties
% Revision 1.4
% debug scale
% Revision 1.3
% Revision 1.2
% adding clim
% Revision 1.1
% Initial revision
function imagescloglog(times,freqs,data,clim, xticks, yticks, varargin)
if size(data,1) ~= length(freqs)
fprintf('logfreq(): data matrix must have %d rows!\n',length(freqs));
if size(data,2) ~= length(times)
fprintf('logfreq(): data matrix must have %d columns!\n',length(times));
if min(freqs)&= 0
fprintf('logfreq(): frequencies must be & 0!\n');
steplog = log(times(2))-log(times(1)); % same for all points
realborders = [exp(log(times(1))-steplog/2) exp(log(times(end))+steplog/2)];
= linspace(realborders(1), realborders(2), length(times));
% regressing 3 times
= mean(newtimes(2:end)-newtimes(1:end-1))/2; % automatically added to the borders in imagesc
newtimes = linspace(realborders(1)+border, realborders(2)-border, length(times));
= mean(newtimes(2:end)-newtimes(1:end-1))/2; % automatically added to the borders in imagesc
newtimes = linspace(realborders(1)+border, realborders(2)-border, length(times));
= mean(newtimes(2:end)-newtimes(1:end-1))/2; % automatically added to the borders in imagesc
newtimes = linspace(realborders(1)+border, realborders(2)-border, length(times));
% problem with log images in Matlab: border are automatically added
% to account for half of the width of a line: but they are added as
% if the data was linear. The commands below compensate for this effect
steplog = log(freqs(2))-log(freqs(1)); % same for all points
realborders = [exp(log(freqs(1))-steplog/2) exp(log(freqs(end))+steplog/2)];
= linspace(realborders(1), realborders(2), length(freqs));
% regressing 3 times
= mean(newfreqs(2:end)-newfreqs(1:end-1))/2; % automatically added to the borders in imagesc
newfreqs = linspace(realborders(1)+border, realborders(2)-border, length(freqs));
= mean(newfreqs(2:end)-newfreqs(1:end-1))/2; % automatically added to the borders in imagesc
newfreqs = linspace(realborders(1)+border, realborders(2)-border, length(freqs));
= mean(newfreqs(2:end)-newfreqs(1:end-1))/2; % automatically added to the borders in imagesc
newfreqs = linspace(realborders(1)+border, realborders(2)-border, length(freqs));
if nargin == 4 & ~isempty(clim)
set(gca, 'yscale', 'log', 'xscale', 'log');
% puting ticks
% ------------
if nargin &= 5
divs = linspace(log(times(1)), log(times(end)), 10);
divs = ceil(exp(divs)); divs = unique(divs); % ceil is critical here, round might misalign
% out-of border label with within border ticks
set(gca, 'xtickmode', 'manual');
set(gca, 'xtick', divs);
if nargin &= 6
divs = linspace(log(freqs(1)), log(freqs(end)), 10);
divs = ceil(exp(divs)); divs = unique(divs); % ceil is critical here, round might misalign
% out-of border label with within border ticks
set(gca, 'ytickmode', 'manual');
set(gca, 'ytick', divs);
% additional properties
% ---------------------
set(gca, 'yminortick', 'off', 'xaxislocation', 'bottom', 'box', 'off', 'ticklength', [0.03 0], 'tickdir','out', 'color', 'none');
if ~isempty(varargin)
set(gca, varargin{
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&2.20 kB 12:37
&12.51 kB 12:37
&74.90 kB 12:37
&&&0.00 B 12:37
&&&0.00 B 12:37
&chan_file819.00 B 12:37
&Standard-10-20-Cap81.ced3.99 kB 12:37
&mheadnew.mat356.56 kB 12:37
&292.56 kB 12:37
&568.05 kB 12:37
&49.00 B 12:37
&Standard-10-5-Cap385.sfp9.16 kB 12:37
&292.56 kB 12:37
&VolumeMNI.bin1.71 MB 12:37
&432.00 B 12:37
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&mritop.pcx30.01 kB 12:37
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&130.00 B 12:37
&46.78 kB 12:37
&2.27 kB 12:37
&1.84 kB 12:37
&2.99 kB 12:37
&11.92 kB 12:37
&5.06 kB 12:37
&5.39 kB 12:37
&1.72 kB 12:37
&341.00 B 12:37
&1.96 kB 12:37
&4.52 kB 12:37
&1.56 kB 12:37
&9.01 kB 12:37
&9.48 kB 12:37
&4.34 kB 12:37
&2.49 kB 12:37
&4.24 kB 12:37
&3.13 kB 12:37
&8.03 kB 12:37
&351.00 B 12:37
&3.72 kB 12:37
&3.08 kB 12:37
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&25.01 kB 12:37
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&4.54 kB 12:37
&4.38 kB 12:37
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&1.47 kB 12:37
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&8.38 kB 12:37
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&19.75 kB 12:37
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&4.58 kB 12:37
&4.78 kB 12:37
&2.34 kB 12:37
&3.57 kB 12:37
&3.17 kB 12:37
&2.09 kB 12:37
&2.59 kB 12:37
&6.01 kB 12:37
&3.26 kB 12:37
&7.40 kB 12:37
&28.12 kB 12:37
&2.64 kB 12:37
&5.24 kB 12:37
&2.33 kB 12:37
&3.66 kB 12:37
&11.56 kB 12:37
&17.50 kB 12:37
&3.59 kB 12:37
&3.97 kB 12:37
&42.78 kB 12:37
&4.57 kB 12:37
&54.64 kB 12:37
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&5.43 kB 12:37
&5.52 kB 12:37
&4.78 kB 12:37
&4.48 kB 12:37
&37.89 kB 12:37
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&5.61 kB 12:37
&9.03 kB 12:37
&4.25 kB 12:37
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&10.30 kB 12:37
&8.83 kB 12:37
&8.06 kB 12:37
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&16.58 kB 12:37
&6.98 kB 12:37
&5.98 kB 12:37
&19.06 kB 12:37
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&12.24 kB 12:37
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&5.28 kB 12:37
&4.20 kB 12:37
&18.25 kB 12:37
&5.95 kB 12:37
&11.37 kB 12:37
&4.67 kB 12:37
&13.62 kB 12:37
&8.33 kB 12:37
&2.06 kB 12:37
&3.11 kB 12:37
&6.48 kB 12:37
&7.03 kB 12:37
&7.14 kB 12:37
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&19.50 kB 12:37
&3.87 kB 12:37
&3.60 kB 12:37
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&12.62 kB 12:37
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&6.32 kB 12:37
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&12.05 kB 12:37
&10.17 kB 12:37
&8.33 kB 12:37
&3.67 kB 12:37
&2.60 kB 12:37
&569.00 B 12:37
&2.40 kB 12:37
&3.42 kB 12:37
&5.89 kB 12:37
&8.32 kB 12:37
&17.70 kB 12:37
&11.16 kB 12:37
&19.54 kB 12:37
&5.71 kB 12:37
&5.18 kB 12:37
&4.03 kB 12:37
&2.24 kB 12:37
&4.14 kB 12:37
&2.39 kB 12:37
&2.43 kB 12:37
&1.04 kB 12:37
&4.31 kB 12:37
&4.09 kB 12:37
&13.04 kB 12:37
&5.89 kB 12:37
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&4.58 kB 12:37
&3.54 kB 12:37
&1.79 kB 12:37
&6.44 kB 12:37
&939.00 B 12:37
&40.13 kB 12:37
&2.97 kB 12:37
&2.54 kB 12:37
&2.66 kB 12:37
&8.72 kB 12:37
&6.85 kB 12:37
&22.98 kB 12:37
&13.19 kB 12:37
&20.97 kB 12:37
&3.26 kB 12:37
&1.78 kB 12:37
&4.42 kB 12:37
&3.45 kB 12:37
&3.37 kB 12:37
&&&0.00 B 12:37
&&&0.00 B 12:37
&1.05 kB 12:37
&39.37 kB 12:37
&39.92 kB 12:37
&3.12 kB 12:37
&3.73 kB 12:37
&3.87 kB 12:37
&1.31 kB 12:37
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&8.84 kB 12:37
&3.08 kB 12:37
&2.52 kB 12:37
&2.88 kB 12:37
&6.53 kB 12:37
&2.94 kB 12:37
&3.85 kB 12:37
&6.08 kB 12:37
&5.67 kB 12:37
&2.37 kB 12:37
&3.61 kB 12:37
&5.34 kB 12:37
&4.20 kB 12:37
&15.92 kB 12:37
&3.00 kB 12:37
&4.36 kB 12:37
&5.20 kB 12:37
&14.28 kB 12:37
&9.05 kB 12:37
&17.74 kB 12:37
&3.18 kB 12:37
&17.54 kB 12:37
&17.09 kB 12:37
&7.59 kB 12:37
&7.54 kB 12:37
&4.37 kB 12:37
&6.55 kB 12:37
&20.76 kB 12:37
&7.20 kB 12:37
&6.66 kB 12:37
&2.30 kB 12:37
&2.50 kB 12:37
&3.82 kB 12:37
&3.83 kB 12:37
&2.78 kB 12:37
&2.10 kB 12:37
&17.59 kB 12:37
&6.07 kB 12:37
&6.07 kB 12:37
&9.34 kB 12:37
&10.37 kB 12:37
&456.00 B 12:37
&292.00 B 12:37
&&&0.00 B 12:37
&4.02 kB 12:37
&read_eep_cnt.dll44.50 kB 12:37
&907.00 B 12:37
&read_eep_cnt.mexglx64.63 kB 12:37
&1.39 kB 12:37
&2.35 kB 12:37
&read_eep_avr.mexglx27.22 kB 12:37
&1.14 kB 12:37
&read_eep_avr.dll17.50 kB 12:37
&1.62 kB 12:37
&1.72 kB 12:37
&2.24 kB 12:37
&&&0.00 B 12:37
&&private&0.00 B 12:37
&7.00 kB 12:37
&3.76 kB 12:37
&7.42 kB 12:37
&2.42 kB 12:37
&4.87 kB 12:37
&1.97 kB 12:37
&2.25 kB 12:37
&6.36 kB 12:37
&9.20 kB 12:37
&20.22 kB 12:37
&6.12 kB 12:37
&4.25 kB 12:37
&12.27 kB 12:37
&3.46 kB 12:37
&&&0.00 B 12:37
&pnas.adt136.53 kB 12:37
&pnas.flt776.00 B 12:37
&1.62 kB 12:37
&pnas_chan14.locs392.00 B 12:37
&pnas_chan.locs520.00 B 12:37
&scanned72.dat3.00 kB 12:37
&247.00 B 12:37
&eeglab_chan32.locs951.00 B 12:37
&&&0.00 B 12:37
&Standard-10-10-Cap33.ced1.65 kB 12:37
&Standard-10-10-Cap47.ced2.39 kB 12:37
&Standard-10-20-Cap19.ced994.00 B 12:37
&Standard-10-20-Cap25.ced1.27 kB 12:37
&Standard-10-20-Cap81.ced3.99 kB 12:37
&824.00 B 12:37
&Standard-10-10-Cap33.locs981.00 B 12:37
&Standard-10-20-Cap19.locs561.00 B 12:37
&Standard-10-20-Cap25.locs741.00 B 12:37
&Standard-10-20-Cap81.locs2.36 kB 12:37
&Standard-10-10-Cap47.locs1.37 kB 12:37
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eeglab4.4-_-functions-_-loadelec.m - 含有多种ICA算法的eeglab工具箱-
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% loadelec() - Load electrode names file for eegplot()
&& labelmatrix = loadelec('elec_file');
% Author: Colin Humprhies, CNL / Salk Institute, 1996
% See also: eegplot()
% Copyright (C) Colin Humphries, CNL / Salk Institute, Aug, 1996
% This prog you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software F either version 2 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% alo if not, write to the Free Software
% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
% $Log: loadelec.m,v $
% Revision 1.1
% Initial revision
% 01-25-02 reformated help & license, added links -ad
function channames = loadelec(channamefile)
chans = MAXCHANS;
errorcode = 0;
% Read the channel names
if channamefile ~= 0 & channamefile ~= '0' % read file of channel names
chid = fopen(channamefile,'r');
if chid &3,
fprintf('cannot open file %s.\n',channamefile);
channamefile = 0;
fprintf('Channamefile %s opened\n',channamefile);
if errorcode==0,
channames = fscanf(chid,'%s',[6 MAXCHANS]);
channames = channames';
[r c] = size(channames);
if channames(i,j)=='.',
channames(i,j)=' ';
% fprintf('%d channel names read from file.\n',r);
if (r&chans)
fprintf('Using first %d names.\n',chans);
channames = channames(1:chans,:);
if (r&chans)
fprintf('Only %d channel names read.\n',r);
if channamefile == 0 | channamefile == '0', % plot channel numbers
channames = [];
for c=1:chans
numeric = ['
' int2str(c)]; % four-character fields
numeric = ['
channames = [numeric];
% setting channames
channames = str2mat(channames, ' '); % add padding element to Y labels
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&2.20 kB 12:37
&12.51 kB 12:37
&74.90 kB 12:37
&&&0.00 B 12:37
&&&0.00 B 12:37
&chan_file819.00 B 12:37
&Standard-10-20-Cap81.ced3.99 kB 12:37
&mheadnew.mat356.56 kB 12:37
&292.56 kB 12:37
&568.05 kB 12:37
&49.00 B 12:37
&Standard-10-5-Cap385.sfp9.16 kB 12:37
&292.56 kB 12:37
&VolumeMNI.bin1.71 MB 12:37
&432.00 B 12:37
&mrirear.pcx71.54 kB 12:37
&mriside.pcx83.91 kB 12:37
&mritop.pcx30.01 kB 12:37
&eeglab1020.ced3.89 kB 12:37
&130.00 B 12:37
&46.78 kB 12:37
&2.27 kB 12:37
&1.84 kB 12:37
&2.99 kB 12:37
&11.92 kB 12:37
&5.06 kB 12:37
&5.39 kB 12:37
&1.72 kB 12:37
&341.00 B 12:37
&1.96 kB 12:37
&4.52 kB 12:37
&1.56 kB 12:37
&9.01 kB 12:37
&9.48 kB 12:37
&4.34 kB 12:37
&2.49 kB 12:37
&4.24 kB 12:37
&3.13 kB 12:37
&8.03 kB 12:37
&351.00 B 12:37
&3.72 kB 12:37
&3.08 kB 12:37
&9.46 kB 12:37
&3.78 kB 12:37
&25.01 kB 12:37
&2.88 kB 12:37
&10.89 kB 12:37
&7.33 kB 12:37
&1.22 kB 12:37
&4.89 kB 12:37
&17.38 kB 12:37
&3.67 kB 12:37
&8.72 kB 12:37
&binica.sc3.31 kB 12:37
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