verrzano,an italian about whom little is known,...这个句子后面的定语从句 whom为什么用Whom引导而不是用Who?

如何锤炼雅思写作中句子 朗阁海外考试研究中心 一篇好的雅思文章除了内容丰富和组织紧密之外,词汇的运用和句子的处理也起着决定性作用。句子可长可短,一个句子,可以用不同的句式表达。如果句子清一色是简单句,文章必定很单调乏味。如果全篇充满了复杂句,读起来也很费力。最好的方法是以简单句为基础,配合适当的并列句和复杂句。那么如何润色句子,锤炼句子从而在雅思写作考试中取得高分呢?朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家经过研究发现,有以下几种写好句子的方法供大家参考:一、合并简单句:长句都是由短句合并而来,所以我们首先需要对简单的短句进行分析,然后再选择合适的语法手段将之合并。例如:原句Verrazano was an Italian. Little is known about him. He sailed into NewYork Harbor in 1524 and named it Angouleme.改动后:Verrazano, an Italian about whom little is known, sailed into New York Harbor in 1524 and named it Angouleme.通过分析不难发现,这三个短句所讨论的都是同一主体。这时候就可以使用各种可以做后置修饰或补充说明的语法手段将三个短句有机的结合起来。这些语法手段中包括了:分词作后置定语,不定式做后置定语,同位语等等。所以根据上面的例句进行简单总结,并将之抽象化,我们可以找到以人作主语的一种不错的长句句型模板:主语 + 【同位语 + 定语从句】 + 谓语 + (其他:宾语/表语/状语等) 其中:① 主语:人物名字② 同位语:名词或名词性的短语,表示人物的国籍、性别、职业、特长等信息 ③ 定语从句:详细阐述一个人每一方面的特征④ 剩余主句部分:该人物跟本文主题最相关的一个特征 用上面的方法可以把下面这个句子整合为一个不错的长句。例如:原句The heronie was a dear old lady. She had always been so kind to everybody. She had, in her youth, poisoned every one of her five husbands.
改动后:The heronie, a dear old lady, who had always been so kind to everybody, had, in her youth, poisoned every one of her five husbands.该用法最终甚至还可以从介绍人物这样一个范围推广到介绍任何一个具体的事物,比如如果要写得是recreational activities, 不管具体内容如何,最开始我们都需要介绍主题:recreational activities. 这时也可以使用和介绍人物同样的模板:原句:Recreational activities are things that we do to occupy our spare time. Recreational activities include various different forms. Recreational activities are considered to be both beneficial and vain.改动后:Recreational activities, things that we do to occupy our spare time, which include various different forms are considered to be both beneficial and vain. 跟前面几组例子一样,短句的堆砌显得冗长,而经过改动后的例句会更加的紧凑,丰满,句子内部成分长短结合,错落有致。 二、添加后置定语或定语从句:在名词后添加后置定语或定语从句也能将句子变成长句,而定语从句也可以用不同的写作方式,其中非限定性定语从句更是写作中扩句的好方法,它可以将两个简单句轻松转成逻辑清晰的从句形式。当前一句意思不够明确时,可以选择解释说明法来深入阐述,用非限制性定语从句进行扩展。 例如:雅思作文中的题目男女分校的优点和缺点:The advantage of single-sexinstitutions is that they tend to create a competitive atmosphere for students.男女分校的一个好处是,它们往往可以为学生创造一种竞争的氛围。如果将这个句子用非限制性定语从句扩充The advantage of single-sex institutions is that they tend to create a competitive atmosphere for students, who are of the same sex and who can concentrate on their studies instead of indulging in none academic matters, such as calf love. 男女分校的另一个好处是,它们往往可以为学生创造一种竞争的氛围:同性别的学生能够全神贯注地从事学业,而不是沉溺于与学习无关的事情,比如早恋。这样一经深入阐述,表达就更加全面,逻辑也更加清晰。 三、添加形式主语从句:形式主语从句是写长句方法中非常常用的一种句型。如果主语过长,我们用it来代替原来的主语,而把原来的主语放在句子的后面。在写雅思作文大学生是否应该找一份兼职工作时,很多同学想写这句话:大学生刚刚毕业就想立刻找到高薪的工作是不可能的。看到这样的汉语句子,一般我们的反应是要用It is impossible for sb. to do sth.. 这样的句型,然后想着往里填词:在sb. 的位置填上“刚刚毕业的大学生”,在不定式的位置填上“找到高薪的工作”,如:It is impossible for刚刚毕业的大学生to找到高薪的工作。那么“刚刚毕业的大学生”怎么写?英语里面好像找不到一个表示“刚刚毕业的”形容词放在大学生前面,所以就要用定语从句,写成college students who have just graduated, 如果graduated不会写,先写成 然后怎么写“高薪的”,英语里面也没有这样一个形容词放在jobs的前面,所以用定语从句,写成to find jobs which can give them a lot of money。这样这个句子将写成:It is impossible for college students who have just graduated to find jobs which can give them a lot of money. 这样将两个定语从句放在这个句型里面,实在是太容易犯错了。实际上,刚刚毕业的大学生可以写成:newly-graduated students, 而高薪的工作可以写成well-paying jobs, 将这两个短语放进去,成为:It is impossible for newly-graduated students to find well-paying jobs, 与上面的定语从句相比会获得更高的分数。这个就要多加练习,熟能生巧了,相信这样的简单句子组合起来会是一个完美的复杂句。 我们再换一种思路,想得简单点,把上面一句话拆分成为四句:①每年,都有很多大学生毕业。②他们都想找到工作。③这些工作可以给他们很多钱。④这是不可能的。 我相信这样的句子大部分考生很快就可以写出来:①Every year, many college students graduate.②They all want to find jobs.③These jobs can give them a lot of money.④This is impossible.第一句话属于五种简单句中的主谓句,第二句是主谓宾,第三句是主谓间宾直宾,第四句是主系表。 下面我们看看能不能润色一下:第一句话我们将熟悉的many改为heaps and heaps of (一批一批的),这是换词;然后 又想到还有独立的学院,再加上and institutes。第一句话变成:Every year, heaps and heaps of college students graduate from universities and institutes.第二句和第三句可以用定语从句连接起来,因为第三句的主语是第二句最后jobs的重复,所以②+③成为:They all want to find jobs, which can give them a lot of money. 再润色,我们发现give可以改为offer, a lot of money可以改为handsome salaries。利用学过的语法知识我们可以让这个句子更加复杂,给定语从句中加一个插入语:they hope, 放在which后面,这样这句话就成为:They all want to find jobs, which they hope can offer them handsome salaries.第四句话也可以和前两句连在一起,这次不采用主从复合句,而采用并列句,因为意思发生转折,故用but连接,而impossible太绝对了,改为hardly possible, 于是成为:They all want to find jobs, which they hope can offer them handsome salaries, but this is hardly possible.所以最初的那句话,经过拆解、加工(换词和连句)形成了下面的一组句子:Every year, heaps and heaps of college students graduate from universities and institutes. They all want to find jobs,which they hope can offer them handsome salaries, but this is hardly possible. 再例如:It is difficult for high school students to adopt a completely objective attitude towards their teachers when they are required to perform an evaluation task. 用it作形式主语的结构主要用于下列句型:1. It is+名词+从句:这样的名词有a fact, a surprise, an honor, a pity, common knowledge等。例如:It is common knowledge that the full moon brings fair weather. 皓月兆天晴,这是常识。2. It is+形容词+从句:这样的形容词有natural, true, strange, necessary, important, obvious, certain, wonderful, funny, possible, likely, probable等。例如:It is certain that free medical care will be given to most people in our city. 我们城市的多数人将享受免费医疗,这是一定的。3. It+动词+从句:这样的动词有seem, happen, appear, look, matter, make, strike, occur等。It appeared that he had a taste for music. 看来他对音乐有一定的鉴赏力。4. It + be + 分词+从句:这样的分词有said, reported, believed, known, decided, proved, thought, expected, announced, arranged, amusing, puzzling, striking等。It was amusing that a rabbit ran out of the empty box on the desk. 桌上的空盒子里竟然跑出来一只兔子,太有趣了。 需要说明的是,大部分连接词引导的主语从句都可以用it充当形式主语。 以上,朗阁海外考试研究中心介绍了写复杂句和长句的方法。当然句子结构要多变,考生们还要学会对非谓语,倒装,强调等更复杂的表达方法的运用。另外长句并非就是好句子,如果刻意写长句凑字数反而会影响主题的表达。句子简洁有力,用词贴切才是好的雅思作文的最终目标。 包含各类专业文献、文学作品欣赏、高等教育、各类资格考试、生活休闲娱乐、北京朗阁如何锤炼雅思写作中句子49等内容。
  朗阁名师分析如何锤炼雅思写作中句子朗阁名师分析如何锤炼雅思写作中句子隐藏&& 朗阁: 雅思培训
如何锤炼雅思写作...   朗阁名师分享如何锤炼雅思写作中句子朗阁名师分享如何锤炼雅思写作中句子隐藏&& 雅思培训
如何锤炼...   北京朗阁浅谈雅思写作句子成分:同位语及同位语从句 隐藏&& 浅谈雅思写作句子成分:同位语及同位语从句朗阁海外考试研究中心在雅思写作中, 烤鸭们只要用到复杂句基本上...   北京朗阁雅思如何有效分析雅思写作图表---雅思_研究生入学考试_高等教育_教育专区。如何有效分析雅思写作图表朗阁海外考试研究中心 康丹丹在雅思写作考试中,相对于第...   北京朗阁雅思写作中的词汇润色 隐藏&& 雅思写作中的词汇润色朗阁海外考试研究中心 从雅思写作的评分标准中我们可以看出, 雅思写作对考生的词汇要求是比较高的, ...   如何通过阅读来提高雅思写作朗阁海外考试研究中心 在最近几年的时间里,中国留学...也应 该将句子里的一些好的词组搭配,单词用法记录下来,以便用于以后的写作中。...  以上两个句子是最基本的句型,写作中可以采用这个基本句型的升级版,将之改为倒装... 北京朗阁如何锤炼雅思写... 暂无评价 5页 免费 大连朗阁-如何避免雅思写......   北京朗阁雅思写作逻辑关系表达常用连接词 隐藏&& 雅思写作逻辑关系表达常用连接词朗阁海外考试研究中心 在雅思写作中,不同逻辑关系的表达就意味着要使用不同的句式...   雅思口语part2需注意的四...1/2 相关文档推荐 【雅思】北京朗阁雅思培......三、套句以及框架 目前网络上和市面上有很多所谓的写作中能利用的万能套句和...形容词从句_百度百科
收藏 查看&形容词从句本词条缺少名片图,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来吧!
形容词从句是在句中起形容词作用的主谓结构,通常修饰它前面的名词或代词, 即它的先行词。形容词从句也称为定语从句(attributive clauses) 或关系从句(relative clauses)。外文名attributive clauses又&&&&称定语从句
先请看两个句子:  --Is that the woman who wants to buy your car? (是那个女的要买你的车吗?)  --I’ve just met Mrs. Smith-Perkins, who wants to buy your car.  (我刚才碰见史密斯-珀金斯夫人,她要买你的车。)  在第一句里,形容词从句 who wants to buy your car指明了是哪个女人,对先行词woman起限制作 用,这就是限制性形容词从句。这样的形容词从句不能随便省略,因为省略之后句意多半不完整。 比如说,如果有人问: “Is that thewoman?”听者很可能会感到莫名其妙, 不知道指的是哪个女人。但 在第二句里,即使省略斜体部分,听者也很可知道说的是哪一位史密斯-珀金斯夫人,也就是说形 容词从句who wants to buy your car只是对先行词作进一步说明作为补充而已,对先行词不起限制 作用,这就是非限制性形容词从句。同一个先行词选择用限制性形容词从句还是非限制性从句修饰,在意义上有时没有什么区别,有时却会有很明显的区别,例如:  --The travelers who knew about the floods took another road.  (知道涨大水的旅客走了另一条路。)指部分旅客,从句对旅客作了限制。  --The travelers, who knew about the floods, took another road.  (旅客都知道涨大水了,他们走了另一条路。)指全部旅客,从句对旅客只是作补充说明,没有限制。限制性和非限制性形容词从句在形式上有非常明显的区别:限制性形容词从句一般不以任何方式与句子的其他部分隔开,讲话的时候也没有停顿,书写时不用逗号。而非限制性形容词从句则经常与句子的其他部分隔开,讲话时有停顿(或是改变语调),书写时也要用逗号。请再比较下面的句子:  --Where’s the money (that) Ilentyou? (限制性形容词从句) (我借给你的钱到哪去了?)  --He lent me a thousand pounds, which was exactly the amount I needed to solve my problem. (非限制性形容词从句) (他借给我一千英镑,这笔钱正好可以解决我的问题。)如果非限制性从句位于主句之中,则把从句和主句用逗号分开,如:  --The treatment, which is being tried by researchers at four hospitals, has helped patients who have failed to respond to other remedies.因为非限制性形容词从句往往显得冗长,正式, 所以常用在书面语中, 口语中很少用。这两类形容词从句的区别已不仅仅是用不用逗号隔开的问题,两者之间还有着重要的语法区别。  a. 两种从句中关系代词的用法不同  1)非限制性形容词从句不能用that作关系代词。详见19.2.4 that, which的互换和不可互换。  2)非限制性从句用which作关系代词时有时可以代替前面的整个句子,参见19.6。  3)非限制性形容词从句中的关系代词都不能省略,而在限制性从句中,关系代词that, which,  whom有时可以省略。详见19.3中that, which, whom的省略。  b. 由先行词来决定形容词从句的性质  1)一个先行词(名词)如果已由其他修饰语作了完整的表述,就不再用限制性形容词从句修饰,  但可以用非限制性形容词从句来做补充说明。例如我们不能说:  --*My house which I bought last year has got a lovely garden.  因为名词house已经有了一个代词修饰语my,它就不能再用一个限制性形容词从句来修饰。这个句子应该改为  --My house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden.  或者保留限制性形容词从句但去掉代词修饰语,即:  --The house which I bought last year has got a lovely garden.  2)某些先行词只能跟限制性形容词从句  非限制性从句的先行词通常不能是代词,而限制性的形容词从句的先行词可以是(或者含有)any, all, every, some, many, much, no(body), several, those等非特指的限定词,甚至还可以是人称代词 he, she, we(这种用法仅限于正式英语和旧式英语中)。例如:  --In theory anyone who lives or works in the area may be at risk.  --All the students who had failed the test, wanted to try again.  --Every book that is written to deceive the reader should be banned.  --Someone who knows the area, but whose home is outside it, is more likely to be a successful representative.  --Much that has been said tonight will soon be forgotten.  --Nobody who/that watched the match will ever forget it.  --The journey was adisappointmentto those who would have preferred to travel by road.  --He who helps thehandicappeddeserves our support.  … we who are supposed to be so good at talking and writing.  注意,代词you, they, it一般都不能作先行词。不能说*They who work hard deserve some reward. 而一般改为Those who work…  也不能说*It that stands over there is a church. 可以改为 What stands over there is a church. 偶  尔,you后接非限制性形容词从句,如:  --You, to whom I owe allMy Happiness, …  3) 某些先行词只能跟非限制性形容词从句  当先行词是表示通常的“独一无二”的含义时,一般只能用非限制性形容词从句来修饰。例如:  --Dr Brown, who lives next door, comes from Australia.  而当专有名词临时呈现普通名词的特点,不是独一无二时,可接各类限制性修饰语。如:  --Do you mean the Memphis which used to be the capital of Egypt, or the Memphis in Tennessee?  c. 某些句型中只可能出现限制性形容词从句  1)在强调句型:“it + be + 名词/ 代词 + that/ who从句” 中的从句只可能是限制性的形容词从句。  --It was she who initiated divorce proceedings.  --It was Ann that I saw.  --It’s I who am responsible for the organization.  --It is they who are complaining.  2)在there be句型中出现的形容词从句也只能是限制性的。注意该句型中的关系代词常省略。如:  --There are three reasons why we should support this action.  --In fact there are some strategies which are much more reliable.  --Is there anything you want to tell me?  用此句型强调一个否定成分特别常见:  --There’s nothing (that/which) I can do about it.  --There was no way (in which) they could persuade her to try again.形容词从句的关系词同时兼有两个功能,一是它们像其他副词或代词一样,要在从句中作状语或是作从句动词的主语或宾语或其它成分,另外它们又像其他连接词一样,把主句和从句连接起来。  请看例句:  --What’s the name of the blonde girl who just came in?  句中who just came in是形容词从句,who是关系代词,它代替the blonde girl成为动词came的主语,同时它又把主句和从句连接成一个句子。所以理解形容词从句中的关系词就是要明白:一它代替主句中的哪个部分,二它在从句中充当什么成分。 这样下面的错误就能避免了:  --*This is the house that my father lived for thirty years. 应该改为 This is the house where/ in  which my father lived for thirty years. 因为关系词代替的是主句中的the house,但在从句中充当的是状语,所以不能用that,改为where 或in which。  形容词从句的关系词一般分为这样两类:关系代词和关系副词。包括代人的who, whom,whose, 代物的which以及既可以代人也可以代物的that  用法
a. 关系代词在限制性形容词从句中:  --I don’t like people who/that lose their tempers easily. (who/that代替主句中的people,在从句中作主语。)  --The airline has a booklet that/which tells you most of the important things about a trip to Europe. (that/which代替主句中的a booklet, 在从句中充当主语。)  --The girls whom/ that he employs are always complaining about their pay. (whom/that代替主句中的the girls,在从句中充当动词employ的宾语。)  --The bed that/which I slept on has no mattress. (which 代替主句中的the bed, 在从句中作介词on 的宾语。)  --Let ABC be a triangle whose sides are ofunequallength. (whose代替主句中的 triangle,在从句中作定语修饰sides)  b. 关系代词在非限制性形容词从句中:  --This is Mr. Gallagher, who writes comic poetry. (注意此时的who不能用that来替代)  --The giant panda, which is to be found in the remote parts of China, livesexclusivelyon bamboo shoots.  --His house, for which he paid $10,000, is now worth $50,000.  --The small man in the raincoat, whom nobody recognized, turned out to be Olivia’s first husband. (注意whom不能省略, 也不能替换为that)  --Ann, whose children are at school all day, is trying to get a job.  包括代替时间的when,代替地点的where以及代替原因且先行词为reason的why。也有的语法学家认为when, where, why这三个副词不过是代替了指时间的in/on which, 指地点的in/at which,以及可以指示原因的for which。  --Dan’s fondest memory is of last year, when the club gave a tea party for the Queen Mother. (when代替主句中的last year,相当于 in which, 在从句中作时间状语。)  --I know a wood where you can find wild strawberries. (where 代替主句中的a wood,相当于in which, 在从句中作地点状语。)  --Is there any reason why you can not come? (why代替主句中的reason,相当于for which,在从句中作原因状语。)  --In time we reached a stage where we had more black readers than white ones. (注意where 的先行词除了地点名词外,还可以是situation, stage 等词)a. that替代其他关系代词  在限制性形容词从句中that 是最活跃的一个关系代词。它常常可以代替其他关系代词(除了 whose),既可指人,也可指物;可以作主语,也可以作宾语。口语体中尤其明显。  --He is the man who/that people like at first sight. (指人,作主语)  --The lawyer whom/who/that I consulted gave me some useful advice. (指人,作宾语)  --Could you iron the trousers which/that arebehind the door? (指物,作主语)  --The school which/ that my children attend is within walking distance. (指物,作动词宾语)  --The ladder which/ that I was standing on began to slip. (指物,作介词宾语。注意只能说The ladder on which I was…
b. 从句连接词只能选用that  先行词前如果有限定词all, any(thing), every(thing), (a) few, (a) little, no(thing), none, only, some (thing), very或含有序数词或形容词最高级等修饰时,其后的关系代词通常要用that。如果这个关系代词作动词宾语时也可以省略。如:  --All that he has ever said confirms my suspicions of his motives. (= What he has ever said…)  --All the apples that fall areeatenby the pigs.  --Have you got anything that belongs to me? (= Have you got what belongs to me?)  --I advise you to accept any offer you receive.  --I hope that the little that I’ve been able to do has been of some use. (= I hope what I’ve…)  --The only thing that matters is to find our way home. (= What matters…)  --That’s the very film that I want to see.  --I’ll speak to her the first opportunity I have.  --The visiting room was the worst (that) I had seen.  --She must be one of the most remarkable women that ever lived.  c. 作的连接词that  限制性形容词从句中,当先行词是一个表示特征的主语补足语时,该从句用that而不是who来引导。  此时的that也可以省略。  --She’s not the brilliant dancer (that) she used to be.  …the distinguished actress that she later became.  --That was the kind of person she was.  (在非限制从句中,则用which来引导, 如:Theyhim of being a, which he was. )如果先行词是物,which和that在限制性形容词从句中大都可以互换,但在非限制性形容词从句中不能用that。例如我们可以说:  --Thethat/ which hedranklast night cost him eight pounds.  但是,在非限制性形容词从句中,  --I passed him a large glass of whisky, which he drank immediately. 不能说成*…whisky, that he drank…  另外,which在非限制性形容词从句中可以代替前面整个分句或句子(具体用法参见19.6), which也可以用在“介词+which”结构(参见19.5.1)。这两种情形下的which都不能用that替换。这两个关系代词的先行词都是人,但它们的区别并不与人称代词主格和宾格的区别相对应。其实who, whom主要是文体上的区别:whom大致上限用于正式文体,在非正式文体中,人们有避免使  用whom的倾向,可以用who,that来代替whom,但这些关系代词通常都被省略。  --People (that) I visit/ speak to… 就比People whom I visit/ speak to…更多见于口语中。  以下例句中,如果选用whom则表示文体较正式,如果选用who, that或是干脆省略关系代词,则文体属于非正式。  --The lawyer (whom/ who/ that) I consulted gave me some useful advice.  --That’s the man who (m) I saw talking to your parents.  --I think you should stay faithful to the person (whom/who/that) you’re married to.  但是注意:在介词后的只能是whom而不能是who,如不能说*This is the person to who you spoke. 而是This is the person to whom you spoke. (具体用法参见19.5中“介词+ whom”)。whose与其它关系代词一样在从句中都能单独充当一个句子成分,表示所属关系,whose象his, her 或its这样的形容词性物主代词一样与名词连用, whose充当该名词的定语。在形容词从句中(包括限制性与非限制性形容词从句),“whose + 名词”这一结构可以用作主语,动词宾语或介词宾语。另外请注意whose既可指人也可指物。例如:  --The film is about a spy whose wife betrays him.  --In Wasdale there is a mysterious dark lake, whose depth has never been measured.  --It was a meeting whose importance I did not realize at the time.  --According to Cook , whose book is published on Thursday, most disasters are avoidable.  --This is Felicity, whose sister you met last week.  在先行词是非人称的情况下,有某种避免使用whose的趋势。有时用of which代替whose指物,词序一般是“名词+of which”。  --He’s written a book whose name / the name of which I’ve completely forgotten. (另参见19.5.2)  或者改用介词词组,如:  --The house whose roof was damaged has now been repaired. 改为The house with the damaged roof has now been repaired.虽然说用why引导的形容词从句可以用来修饰先行词reason,可是the reason why在语义上显得重复,人们普遍使用的是省略why或是换用名词性从句。如:  --Is that the reason why they came? 通常说成:  --Is that the reason they came? 或Is that why they came?在限制性形容词从句中,关系代词that, which作动词宾语或介词宾语时常常被省略,口语体中尤其如此。  --The ladder (that/ which) I was standing on began to slip.  --The car (that/which) I hired broke down after five kilometers.  --This is the room (that/which) Churchill was born.  限制性形容词从句可以修饰一些感叹性名词短语(一般表示不赞同),此时的从句关系代词通常也省略。如:  --The fuss they made!  --The things they get up to!  --The clothes she wears!  在表明方式、时间或地点的某些单词后面,常用that代替in which, when或where。此时that也可以省略。  --I didn’t like the way (that) she spoke to me.  --The day (when/that ) she arrived at the congress was sunny.  --Things have changed a great deal since the last time you were here.  --Throughout the period I was in London, it rained heavily.  --The moment (when) you do something they disagree with they are at your throat…  --Do you know anywhere (that) I can get a drink?形容词从句通常可以有三种缩简方式:动词-ing形式 ,动词-ed形式以及介词短语。请注意,缩简之后的短语或分句并不一定依然作定语修饰原来的先行词,很多时候它们可以作状语。还有,可以缩简为短语的形容词从句必须是:从句的关系代词作从句的主语。  缩减为V-ing形式 / -ed形式  a. 形容词从句在下列情况可缩简为动词-ing形式  1) 从句中的动词是进行时态,例如:  --People who are/were waiting for the bus often shelter/shelteredin my doorway. 缩简成  --People waiting for the bus…  --He gestured towards the three cards that were lying on the tables. 缩简成:  --He gestured to the three cards lying on the tables.  --The bride, who was smiling happily, chatted to the guests. 缩简成:  --The bride, smiling happily, chatted to the guests. (-ing短语作)  --the scream of a man who is/ was dying in torment 缩简成:  --the scream of a man dying in torment  -ing形式可以有被动态,表示被动进行,例如:  --Reports that are being written by mycolleaguewill be discussed tomorrow. 缩简成:  --Reports being written by my colleague …  2) 从句中的动词表示一个习惯性或连续性的动作:  --Passengers who travel/ traveled in this bus buy/ bought their tickets in books. 缩简成;  --Passengers travelling in this bus…  --A notice which warns/ warned people… 缩简成:  --A notice warning people…  --Anyone who/that followed this advice could find himself in trouble. 缩简成:  --Anyone following this advice could find himself in trouble.  3) 从句中的主要动词表示一种愿望,即句中动词是wish, desire, want, hope等(但不是like),例如:  --people who wish / wished to go on the tour 缩简成:  --people wishing to go on the tour  --fans who hope/ hoped for aglimpseof the star 缩简成:  --fans hoping for a glimpse of the star  4) 从句中的动词是某些  --awickershopping-basket that /which containsgroceries缩简成:  --a wicker shopping-basket containing groceries  --It was a mixture that consists of oil and vinegar. 缩简成:  --It was a mixture consisting of oil and vinegar.  --This is a liquid that resembles that of soapy water. 缩简成:  --This is a liquid with a taste resembling that of soapy water.  5) 非限制性形容词从句中如果是上述动词之一或者是表示知道、考虑的任何动词(例如know, think, believe, expect)  --John, who knew that his wife was expecting a baby, started to take a course on baby care.  缩简成:  --John, knowing that his wife was expecting a baby, …  --Peter, who thought the journey would took two days, said… 缩简成;  --Peter, thinking the journey would take two days, said…  --Tom, who expected to be paid the following week, offered… 缩简成;  --Tom, expecting to be paid the following week, offered…  --Bill, who wanted to make an impression on Ann, took her to… 缩简成:  --Bill, wanting to make an important impression on Ann, took her to…  6) 表示同位的形容词从句  --She enjoys her job, which is teaching English. 缩简成:  --She enjoys her job, teaching English.  --Julia, who was a nun, spent much of her life in prayer an meditation. 缩简成:  --Julia, being a nun, …  --The baby would probably not live to grow up, who was a scrawny little thing, unlikely to survive the normal ailments of childhood. 缩简成:  --…, being a scrawny little thing, …  b. 形容词从句缩简为动词-ing形式后并不一定表示进行形容词从句缩简为动词-ing形式并不总是表示进行.在许多情况下-ing形式只是表示主动。也就是说一个-ing短语可以代替多个动词时态。如:  --The person writing reports is my colleague. = The person who will write/ will be writing/ writes/ is writing/ wrote/ was writing reports is my colleague.  即形容词从句中处于不同时态的动词词组write reports都可以替换为同一个分词短语writing reports。  c. 形容词从句缩简为动词-ing形式后并不一定是定语动词-ing短语替换了原来的形容词从句后并不一定还作定语,它们也可以作状语。如:  --The apple tree, which wasgently in the breeze, was a reminder of old times. 缩简成:  --The apple tree, swaying gently in the breeze, … (作状语,补充说明the apple tree)  --The crowd, who were laughing and shrieking, rushed under the nearest trees. 缩简成:  --Laughing and shrieking, the crowd rushed under the nearest trees. (作状语,表示伴随)  d. 替换限制性形容词从句的-ing短语通常不能用完成体,如:  --The man who has won the race is my brother. 不能替换为  --*The man having won the race is my brother.  e. 形容词从句缩简为一个带逻辑主语的-ing短语  有时,形容词从句可以替换为一个带逻辑主语的-ing短语,例如:  --He began hitting them with his stick, whose reply had not come as quickly as he wanted 缩简成:  --…, their reply not having come as quickly as he wanted..  --Bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures, some of which have a life-expectancyof around twenty years. 缩简成:  --…, some having a life-expectancy of around twenty years.  f. 形容词从句缩简为否定的-ing短语  否定形式的-ing短语也可以代替形容词从句,例如:  --He, who did not wish to boast, paused. 缩简成:  --He paused, not wishing to boast.  --He, who had not seen her for fifteen years or so, failed to recognize her at first. 缩简成:  --He failed to recognize her at first, not having seen her for fifteen years or so.  g. 形容词从句中的是被动态,即先行词是该动词表示的动作的结果或承受者,则可以用-ed短语替代形容词从句。-ed短语直接置于名词(先行词)之后。  --a girl who is/ was called Patricia 缩简成:a girl called Patricia  --those who are/have been/ were/ had been assembled 缩简成:those assembled  --two of the problems that have been mentioned above 缩简成;two of the problems mentioned above  --The substance, which was discovered almost by accident, has revolutionized medicine. 缩简成:  --…, discovered almost by accident, …  --The novels of Mary Webb, which were praised by Stanley Baldwin and were so popular in the 30s, and so popular in the 30s, were great favorites of mine. 缩简成:  --…, praised by Stanley Baldwin…  --She who was surprised at my reaction tried to console me. 缩简成:  --Surprised at my reaction, she tried to console me.  h. 一个–ed短语可以替代多种动词时态  例如;  --the car (being) repaired by that mechanic 可以对应这样一些时态:  --the car that will be repaired/ is (being) repaired/ was (being) repaired by that mechanic…  i. 与-ing短语一样,-ed短语替换限制性形容词从句通常不能用完成体。例如:  --The food which has been eaten was meant for tomorrow. 不能换成:  --The food having been eaten was meant for tomorrow.英语中的介词应用本来就相当灵活,用介词短语作后置修饰语被认为是最常见的。那么用介词短语替代那些作后置定语的形容词从句也就非常普遍了。  a. for短语替代why引导的形容词从句 。例如:  --She asked the reason why there was a delay. 缩简成:  --She asked the reason for the delay.  b. with/ without短语替代形容词从句  这是应用范围最广的一个替代结构。  with短语可表示某人或某物所具有的特征、特点或拥有的事物。without是with的反义词。  --a man who has a red nose 缩简成: a man with a red nose  --a man who carries/ carried/ was carrying the gun 缩简成: the man with the gun  --women who have no children 缩简成:women without children  --the house which has noporch缩简成:the house without a porch  还可用来表示某物表面具有或内部包含的事物。  --a round box in which there are some buttons 缩简成: a round box with some buttons in it  --fragments of wrapping paper to which there are still bits of sticky pate adhering 缩简成:  fragments of wrapping paper with bits of sticky pate still adhering to them  --The old man, whose tears were running down his face, stood up. 缩简成:  --The old man stood up with tears running down his face.  --It was a hot, calm day, when every object at the sea’s surface was visible for miles. 缩简成:  --It was a hot, calm day, with every object at the sea’s surface visible for miles.  c. in短语替代形容词从句描写穿戴  例如:  --a grey-haired man who is/was wearing a raincoat 缩简成:a grey-haired man in a raincoat  --little groups of people who are/ were in black 缩简成: little groups of people in black  --the man who is/ was wearing dark glasses 缩简成:the man in the dark glasses  d. of短语替代形容词从句可以表示某人或某物具有特定的品质  例如:  --a woman who has/ had much energy and great ambition 缩简成:a woman of energy and ambition of用于数词前,表示人的年龄大小等。例如:  --a woman who is/ was twenty-two (years old) 缩简成:a woman of twenty-two  e. 原形容词从句中的介词词组替代原从句  形容词从句中本来就有介词词组,并且有时这些介词词组本身就能表达出从句中用“动词+介词”词组表达的比较确定的含义,这样就可以省略动词而只用介词词组。例如最常见的是表示方位、时间的介词词组:  --the car that stood outside the station 缩简成:the car outside the station  --She reached into the room that/ which was behind her. 缩简成:  She reached into the room behind her.  --My brother, who has lived in America for over 30 years, can still speak Italian. 缩简成:  After 30 years in America, my brother can still speak Italian.  其他有明确含义的介词词组:  --the bond that is between mother and child 缩简成:the bond between mother and child  --the man who is/ was in charge 缩简成:the man in charge  --a film that is about four men on holiday 缩简成:a film about four men on holiday  f. 带逻辑主语的介词词组替代形容词从句  有时,可以用一个带逻辑主语的介词词组替代原来的形容词从句,例如:  --He was waiting, drumming with his fingers, whose eyes were on hisnapkin. 缩简成:  …, his eyes on his napkin.  介词+ which/whom/whose结构  形容词从句中的介词可以放在从句中或放在关系代词前,如:  --The old house (which) I was telling you about is empty.  --The old house about which I was telling you is empty.  介词放在关系代词前就出现了“介词+which/ whom/ whose”结构。此结构一般只用于正式文体。而在英语口语体中,通常将介词放在从句中并省去关系代词。试比较:  --The people (who/whom/that) he worked with thought he was a bit strange. (口语体)  --The people with whom he worked regarded him as eccentric. (正式文体)  再看几个例句:  --The man from whom I bought it told me to oil it.  --Atlas (in Greek mythology) was a kneeling man on whose shoulders the world rested.  --Her brother snatched the letter away, at which she was furious.  --Michel Croz, with whose help Whymper climbed the Matterhorn, was one of the first of the professional guides.  --Universal Agroplastics, of which Max Harrison was until recently the chairman, has made loss of three million pounds this year.  (环球农用塑料制品公司今年亏损达三百万英镑,直到前不久麦克斯哈里森还是它的董事长。)  另外英语中我们常常见到“介词+ which/ whom/ whose”结构的一个引伸结构“介词+ which +名词”。 该结构引出非限制性形容词从句,对主句作进一步说明。该结构中的名词常为time、point等表时间  的名词,或case、fact、 event、situation等名词。例如:  --We arrived at noon, by which time the demonstration was over.  --I was told my work wasunsatisfactory, at which point I submitted my resignation.  --He may be late, in which case we ought to wait for him.  --They were under water for several hours, from which experience they emergedunharmed.  --The last speakerassuredthe audience that the party would win the election, on which optimistic note the meeting ended.  “名词/代词+介词+which”结构  a. 在非限制性形容词从句中,某些名词或代词可以与of whom和of which连用。除一般名词外,可以用于这个结构的名词或代词包括限定词(如some, any, none, all, both, several, enough, many, most及few)以及其他表示数量的词和形容词最高级, 如a number (of whom), three (of which), half (of which), the majority (of whom), the youngest (of whom) 例如:  --We study in a big room, the windows of which open to the park.  --It is a language shared by several quite diverse cultures, each of which uses itdifferently.  --He introduced me to his boys, one of whom offered to go with me.  --The buses, most of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd.  --We’ve tested three hundred types of boot, none of which is completely waterproof.  --Her sons, both of whom work abroad, ring her up every week.  --I met the fruit-pickers, several of whom were university students.  b. 限制性形容词从句中的“名词/代词+介词+ which”结构  在限制性形容词从句中,由于of which可以代替whose用来指物,也就出现了“名词+of which” 的结构。例如:  --We had a meeting the purpose of which was completelyunclear. (= … a meeting whose purpose was …)  --a town the inhabitants of which speak French (= a town whose inhabitants speak French)  --I traveled in alorrythe back of which the owner had loaded with yams. (=… a lorry whose back…)  短语或整个句子作先行词  有时形容词从句修饰的不是它前面的一个名词,而是前面的整个分句或句子,这样,整个分句或整句子就成为形容词从句的先行词。这样的形容词从句通常都是非限制性形容词从句。例如:  --He tore up my photo, which upset me. 他把我的照片撕了,这使我很不高兴。  在这个句子里,不是照片令人不高兴,而是他把照片撕了这件事令人不高兴。整个句子He tore up my photo都是形容词从句的先行词。在这种情况下,从句的连接词总是用which,不能用that 或 what。有时从句的先行词是前面的短语,如:  --He walks for an hour each morning, which would bore me. (which 指的是walk for an hour each morning 这件事)  更多见的是前面整个句子作从句先行词:  --She cycled from London to Glasgow, which is pretty good for a woman of 75.  --The clock struck thirteen, which made everyone laugh.  --They are fond of snakes and lizards, which surprises me.  --She was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, which made the others jealous.  --Minute computers need only minute amounts of power, which means that they will run on small batteries.  --Colin married my sister and I married his bother, which makes Colin and me double in-laws.
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