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The Color Purple
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The Color Purple
&&by Alice Walker
/ / /Introduction
The Color Purple Introduction
In A Nutshell
Spoiler alert: The Color Purple isn't actually about the color purple. Sure, it gets mentioned , but if you're hoping this will be a book about all things purple in the world, you're probably better off checking out the classic children's book, .
This novel features a bit more than pictures of grapes, eggplants, and that . It stars Celie, a poor black woman in the rural South, and follows her through about thirty years of her life—from repeated sexual abuse by her father as a young girl to even more abuse at the hands of her husband as an adult. If there's one thing that becomes clear in the first few chapters of this book, it's that sometimes life just isn't fair. Luckily, with the help of some dear friends and her own indomitable spirit, Celie ultimately grows stronger and discovers her own independence. It's a happy ending to an otherwise pretty intense and moving story. So moving, in fact, that the book won author Alice Walker the
in 1983. They don't just hand those out to anyone, you know. Still, despite the undeniable impact the book has had on audiences around the world, it remains one of the  even today—over thirty years after being published. The reasons? Homosexuality, offensive language, and other sexually explicit material (gasp!). Now, we don't know about you, but any book that gets
all riled for a solid three decades must be pretty darn good. And guess what? This one is. Steven Spielberg even turned it into , starring none other than Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah. Yes, . If Oprah approves, you know you're gonna like it. If you're ready to tackle The Color Purple's more mature and painful elements, you'll be rewarded with a powerful story about one woman's evolution from a wounded soul to a free and happy spirit. So curl up and settle down—it's about to get purple up in here.
Why Should I Care?
Life: It can get pretty crazy. Whether it's stress at school, trouble back home, or drama with your friends, life has a special knack for pushing us into places we'd rather not go. But when the going gets tough, do we still have control over our lives and identities, or is it all up to fate? In The Color Purple, Shug encourages Celie to re-imagine the way she thinks about God. Rather than picturing an old guy who looks kind of like Dumbledore sitting up in the clouds, Shug suggests that Celie envisions God as a being with whom she can more closely connect. This simple change seems to allow Celie to begin to take ownership over her life and enjoy the mysteries it yields. Shug gets us thinking: Can we create our own identities? Are we in charge? Or is identity pre-made and pre-packaged for us by our family, our home, our friends, our community, and our CosmoGirl? Let's take a look at two other famously purple characters: Prince—popstar extraordinaire—and Harold, master of the . Prince has laughed in the face of pop since the 1980's and continually reinvents himself while writing songs about , the symbolic meaning of which still has scholars stumped. He even , for crying out loud. If that's not a bold move, we don't know what is. Harold is an equally prolific artist of purple things, and he rocks the footed pajamas. He shows us how to make the world our oyster and draw an ocean to go sailing on and a  for when we get hungry. When he encounters a roadblock or a problem, he simply draws his way into a solution. These purple personalities help answer our earlier question: Yes! You can, in fact, forge your own identity, whether that means changing your name or your surroundings. Of course, like Celie, some of us may have menacing characters like Mr.___ to worry about—bullies, strict teachers, or whatever kind of hater you might encounter. And that's why this story matters. Celie might seem particularly down and out, what with her social status as a black woman in the early 1900's South and the rampant abuse she suffers at the hands of almost every man in her life, but who hasn't felt like complete crud at some point or another? We can look at Celie's story and realize that if someone as downtrodden and mistreated as her can take control of her own fate, then what's holding us back? The Color Purple can be pretty darn intense at points, but ultimately, it's an uplifting story about one woman's journey toward self-discovery and happiness. Let's just put it this way—If and
care about this book, then you definitely should too.
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You've been inactive for a while, logging you out in a few seconds...&&&&&&&&&&&&Wadsworth PublishingStories 图画故事书&&&英文原版&The&Color&Purple&紫色
版 次:页 数:字 数:印刷时间:开 本:16开纸 张:印 次:包 装:
基本信息书号:6作者:Alice Walker版本:1出版日期: 00:00:00出版社:Wadsworth Publishing出版社:出版日期:日编著者:alice walkerISBN:978-0-15-所属分类:Celie is a poor black woman whose letters tell the storyof20years of her life, beginning at age 14 when she is beingabusedandraped by her father and attempting to protect her sisterfromthesame fate, and continuing over the course of hermarriageto"Mister," a brutal man who terrorizes her. Celieeventuallylearnsthat her abusive husband has been keeping hersister'sletters fromher and the rage she feels, combined with anexample oflove andindependence provided by her close friend Shug,pushes herfinallytoward an awakening of her creative and lovingself.
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我们也在这里:新gre考试阅读:The Color Purple
摘要:下面是过河GRE频道为大家整理的新gre考试阅读:The Color Purple,供参考,希望对大家有帮助,更多GRE辅导请继续关注GRE频道。
&  新gre考试阅读机经:The Color Purple
  The publication of The Color Purple transformed Alice Walker from an indu-
bitably serious black writer whose fiction belonged to a tradition of gritty, if
occasionally &magical,& realism into a popular novelist, with all the
perquisites and drawbacks attendant on that position. Unlike either The Third
Life of Grange Copland (1970) or Meridian (1976), The Color Purple gained imme-
diate and widespread public acceptance, winning both the Pulitzer Prize and the
American Book Award for 1982-83.
& & & & At the same time, however, it generated
immediate and widespread critical unease over what appeared to be manifest flaws
in its composition. Robert Towers, writing in the New York Review of Books,
concluded that on the evidence of The Color Purple &Alice Walker still has a lot
to learn about plotting and structuring what is clearly 6 intended to be a
realistic novel.& His opinion was shared by many reviewers, who pointed out
variously that in the last third of the book the narrator-protagonist Celie and
her friends are propelled toward a fairytale happy ending with more veloci that the letters from Nettie, with their disconcertingly
literate depictions of life in an African village, intrude into the middle of
the main action with little apparent m and that the device
of the letters to God is especially unrealistic inasmuch as it foregoes the
concretizing details that traditionally have given the epistolatory form its
peculiar verisimilitude: the secret writing-place,the cache, the ruses to enable
posting letters, and especially the letters received in return.
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GRE阅读高频机经原文:The Color Purple
  3. The Color Purple 相关文章:LSAT第22套 SECTION IV
  The publication of The Color Purple transformed Alice Walker from an indubitably serious black writer whose fiction belonged to a tradition of gritty, if occasionally magical, realism into a popular novelist, with all the perquisites and drawbacks attendant on that position. Unlike either The Third Life of Grange Copland or Meridian , The Color Purple gained immediate and widespread public acceptance, winning both the Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award for 1982-83. At the same time, however, it generated immediate and widespread critical unease over what appeared to be manifest flaws in its composition. Robert Towers, writing in the New York Review of Books, concluded that on the evidence of The Color Purple Alice Walker still has a lot to learn about plotting and structuring what is clearly intended to be a realistic novel. His opinion was shared by many reviewers, who pointed out variously that in the last third of the book the narrator-protagonist Celie and her friends are propelled toward a fairytale happy ending with more veloc that the letters from Nettie, with their disconcertingly literate depictions of life in an African village, intrude into the middle of the main action with little apparent m and that the device of the letters to God is especially unrealistic in as much as it foregoes the concretizing details that traditionally have given the epistolatory书信体的 form its peculiar verisimilitude: the secret writing-place, the cache, the ruses to enable posting letters, and especially the letters received in return.


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