i have finished my paper in one third time thatdid you know thatdid

― When did you start your math homework?― One hour ago, but I
it yet.
]A. didn't finish
B. finishedC. have finished
D. haven't finished - 跟谁学
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:― When did you start your math homework?― One hour ago, but I
it yet.
]A. didn't finish
B. finishedC. have finished
D. haven't finished― When did you start your math homework?― One hour ago, but I
it yet.
]A. didn't finish
B. finishedC. have finished
D. haven't finished科目:最佳答案C解析
填空I have finally finished my paper and it me an entire month.(take)填空I have finally finished my paper and it me an entire month.(take)选项是 A.takes B.took.C.was taken D.had taken
has taken,此处应该用完成时,因为是已经完成了的事 如果必须是这些选项,那可以勉强选择took
has taken.
我觉得用 takes
1)one, ones, that, those   That替换单数可数名词或不可数名词;one只替换单数的可数名词.  Eg:   The vase on the left is more beautiful than _the one_ on the right.   The coffee produced in Brazil is more famous than that in Mexico.  That只用于替换表示事物的名词, 而one/ones替换表示人和表示事物的名词皆可.  Eg:   His younger sister is taller than the elder one.   I need the plastic bags, not the paper ones.  That/ those一般不带前置定语,但必须有后置定语.One/ones都可.当替换词的后置定语用所有格的of短语或当替换词被所有格修饰时,不用one/ones而用that of/those of.  Eg:   I like the vase better than the one / that in another shop.  The windows of your flat are cleaner than those of mine.  A grandparent’s job is easier than that of a parent.  The computers in our school are connected to the Internet while those in their school aren’t.  That/ those用于替换有定冠词的名词;one/ones用于替换有不定冠词的名词.  Eg:   The style of the building is similar to that of a temple.  A CD player made in Japan costs more than one made in China.      2) it, this和 that   都可以替代前文已提到的事或情况,细微差别在于it不如其余两者那么强调.   Eg:   So she decided to paint the door pink. It upset the neighbours a bit.  So she decided to paint the house pink. That really upset the neighbours.  当前面提到的事物不止一件时, it通常指最先提到的事物,而this/that是指最后提到的事物.  Eg:   We keep the ice cream machine in the spare room. It is mainly used by the children. (指 the machine)  We keep the ice cream machine in the spare room. This/That is mainly used by the children. (指the spare room)  This可以出现在它所指代的事物之前;而that则指上文所提到的事物.  Eg:   Listen to this ! We will have three days off.   “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Who said that?      3) It和one   It用以指特定的前面提到过的事物,即:it和它替换的是同一个事物,it前无修饰语;而one用于替换与前提事物有共同之处但并不完全一样的事物,因此,one之前或之后一定有修饰语来加以区别.   Eg:   I bought a dictionary three years ago and I am still using___it___ now.  I bought a dictionary three years ago but I am going to buy a new __one_____soon.   It引起的几个易混淆的时间句型    It + be + 时间 + since-clause 这个句型表示从since 从句谓语动作发生以后到现在或过去所经过的一段时间,意为“自从.以来已多久了”   It is three years since his father passed away .   It + be + 时间 + before-clause   这个句型中的时间一般为表示一段时间的词语 (如:a long time , months , weeks , days ,hours , minutes ) ,主句中的谓语动词用肯定式,意为“过多长时间才.”.主句的谓语动词是否定式时,意为“没过多长时间就.”.主句的时态可用过去时was或将来时will be;用was 时,before从句的动词用一般过去时;用will be 时,before从句常用一般现在时.   她没过多久就背会了那些诗歌.   It was not long before she learned those poems by heart .   过了很久警察才来.  It was long before the police arrived .   要过好几个小时他才会作出决定.  It will be hours before he makes a decision .   要不了几个小时我们还会再见面的.   It will not be hours before meet again .    3. It + be + 时间 + when-clause   这个句型中, it 指时间,而且表示时间的词语前没有介词(时间一般为具体时间).主句中的谓语动词和从句中的谓语动词在时态上一般是一致的,主句是will be,when从句用一般现在时代替将来时.   It was already 8 o‘clock when we got home .  It was the next morning when we finished our work .   It will be midnight when they get there .    It + be + 时间 + that-clause 这个句型是个强调句型.例如:    It was two years ago that he made an important invention .   (原句是:He made an important invention two years ago .   )It was at 5 o’clock that he practised playing the violin in the morning .   (原句是:He practised playing the violin at 5 o‘clock in the morning . )   比较:It was 5 o’clock when he started in the morning . (5 o‘clock前没有介词,这是个定语从句)   It + be + time + that-clause  这个句型属虚拟语气结构,不管主句中用的是 is 或 was ,that从句都须用动词的过去式或should + 动词原型(但不及用过去式普通),在time之前有时可加上high或about 以加强语气.例如:    It is time(that)we handed in our exercises .  (= It is time that we should hand in our exercises .)   It is high time (that ) she wrote a letter to her boyfriend .   It / This / That + the first(second , third …) time + that-clause  这个句型表示截止到说话时为止的某人的一种经历,关键是注意time前有序数词,主句是 is 时 ,从句要用现在完成时;如果主句用一般过去时was ,则从句须相应地用过去完成时.例如: This is the first time (that) these Europeans have visited the Great Wall . It was the fifth time (that) I had paid a friendly visit to Africa .   There起始的句型归纳:  1)there live/stand/lie/exist…  There lay a ditch two metres wide ahead.   2) There come/go/appear/occur/follow…用于描述某事的发生或某个动作的开始.   Eg: There will follow a break of 10 minutes and then we will go on with the lecture.   3) There being…(独立主格结构)   Eg: There being nothing left in the fridge, we had to do some shopping first.   4) …there to be结构常见于动词intend, mean, consider, hate, want等词后.   Eg: No one would expect there to be a war in his country.   I don’t want there to be another accident like this.   It 用于强调句  结构:It+动词be+强调部分+who(whom)/that+其他部分it可以用来对句子的某一成分加以强调.  Eg: Nancy saw your sister in Tokyo last week.   It was Nancy who saw your sister in Tokyo last week.   It was your sister whom Nancy saw in Tokyo last week.   It was in Tokyo that Nancy saw your sister last week.   It was last week that Nancy saw your sister in Tokyo.  有些否定句也可以改成这种强调结构:  It wasn’t until last summer that I heard from her.   I didn’t do all this for myself.   It wasn’t for myself that I did all this.  问句也可变成这种结构:  Who called him “comrade”?  Who was it that called him “comrade”?  How did you forget to lock the door?  How was it that you forgot to lock the door?$--------------------------------------------------------------  作为代词,it、that、this和one因其语意不像名词、动词、形容词那么明确,在阅读和翻译时,人们往往对其确切的指代关系搞 不清楚,造成对上下文意思的理解错误.从近几年的高考试题看,对上述代词测试的趋向十分明显,为此,了解这些代词的不同功能,弄清它们的指代关系,对阅读和高考都是有益的.it  1、用作人称代词,代替前文提到过的事物.用于同名同物的场合.  My watch is missing. I can’t find it anywhere.(it=my watch)  2、代替指示代词that或this.  What’s this? It’s a computer.  What’s that? It’s a pen.  3、用作非人称代词,表示时间、天气、距离、潮汐、自然环境等.  It’s time for lunch.  It was an overcast day.  How far is it from your office to the bank?  It’s high tide.  It was very quiet in the cafe.  It will be lovely in the garden tonight.  4、用于指代性别不详的人或动物,有时指婴、幼儿.  ——Who is it? 谁(敲门)啊?  ——It’s me , Lin Wei.  Her new baby is tiny. It only weighs two kilos.  5、用作指示代词,指代前文已提到或后文将提到的事情.  Yo I’ll never forget it.  The statesman was murdered last night. It was a terrible blow to the people.  I cannot but dwell happily on it——I’ll see my girl friend again after such a long separation.  6、用作引导词(即先行代词),在句中作形式主语或形式宾语,代替后面的动词不定式短语、动名词短语、从句,或引导强调结构.  (1)代替动词不定式(短语).  It is a great joy to battle against nature.  It’s nice not to be dependent on them.  It is necessary for him to go there.(由for引出动词不定式的逻辑主语)  It’s very good of you to have listened to me.(由of引出动词不定式的逻辑主语)  He thought it unnecessary to quarrel with him over trifles.  Don’t you consider it better not to disturb him now?  (2)代替动名词短语,作主语或宾语.  It’s no use talking to him about it.  Is it worth while making such an experiment?  I found it worth while discussing the problem.  The young teacher found it not so hard conducting a class full of naughty boys.  (3)代替由从属连词that引导,或由连接代词及连接副词引导的从句,在句中作主语或宾语.  It was evident that victory had returned.  It is doubtful whether she will be able to come.  It hasn’t been made clear when the new road is to be opened to traffic.  It is a mystery to me how it all happened.  It was clear enough what she meant.  They want to make it clear to the public that they do an important and necessary job.  (4)用在强调结构中,表示所强调的内容.  It is the people that (who) are really powerful.  It was on Sunday night that all this happened.that  1、用于打电话或其它听得见而看不到的场合.  Who is that?  Is that you, John?  2、代替前面提到的名词(即“定冠词/物主代词+名词”),以避免重复.用于同名异物的场合.  The population of China is larger than that of Japan. (that代替the population)  My seat was next to that of the mayor. (that代替the seat)  He lost his gold watch and that was his grandfather’s. (that=his gold watch)  3、用来指前面所提到的情况,代替上文.  We see him when he comes to town, but that isn’t often.(that指代上文整句话)  This ship was built in less than a year, and that in the midst of the war. (that代表前面整个句子的意思)  He is now eleven, and yet can do nothing but read, and that very poorly. (that代表前面整个句子的意思)this  1、与that相比较,this指空间或时间上较近的事物;that指空间或时间上较远的事物.  比较:  This building that one was built many years ago. (前近后远)  She still remembered that bright April afternoon. (过去时间)  You can’t bathe at this time of the year.  2、与that相比较,that指前面提到过的事物;this则指后面将要提到的事物,即“以下所述”.  Larry helped me finish my work and that was very kind of him.  The reason is this.  理由如下.  This is the news of the past twenty-four hours.  以下是过去二十四小时的新闻.  注意:  (1)有时that与this可能同时在一个句子中,我们用that表示“前者”用this表示“后者”.  Work and play are both that (work) gives us energy, and this(play) gives us rest.  Virtue and this leads to misery, that to peace.  善与恶都在你面前;后者(恶)导致不幸,前者(善)通向安宁.  (2)有时this也可指前面提到过的事情.  More and more money is being pumped into the educational system, and it is reasonable to assume this will continue.  越来越多的钱正在被投入到教育系统,而且人们很有理由认为这种情况还将继续下去.one  1、指人(任何一个人).  One should do one’s best for the revolution.  2、用来指代上文提到的同名异物的名词(即“不定冠词+名词”),意为“一个”.  ——Do you have a TV set?  ——Yes, I have one.(one=a TV set)  The task is one of great importance. (one=a task)
扫描下载二维码During my second year of nursing school, our teacher gave us a test. I was a hardworking student and I did well in all the subjects. I finished the questions successfully until I read the last one: “What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?”Of course this was a joke. I saw the cleaning woman every day. She is short and about 60 years old. She has dark hair. But how would I know her name? I had never talked with her before. In fact, I’d never even thought about talking to her. I stared at my paper and started to feel rather guilty. Finally, I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Before the class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our grades.“Absolutely,” the teacher said. “In your life, you will meet many people. All are important. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is to smile and to say hello.”I’ve never forgotten that lesson. Everyone deserves my attention and I should get to know all of the people who work and live around me. That was, perhaps, the most important lesson of my life. I also learned the cleaning woman’s name was Dorothy.小题1:How was the writer at the nursing school?A.She didn’t study hard.B.She was one of the top students.C.She loved telling jokes. D.She often asked questions in class.小题2:What did the cleaning lady look like?A.She had only a little hair.B.She was not tall.C.She looked young.D.She always smiled.小题3:How did the writer feel she first saw the last question?A.She felt guilty.B.She felt surprised. C.She felt excited.D.She felt comfortable.小题4:What can we learn from paragraph 3 and 4?A.The last question was a part of the quiz.B.The students needn’t answer the last question.C.Only one student didn’t know the answer.D.None of the students knew the woman’s name.小题5:What did the teacher want to tell the students through the last question?A.You should pay attention to everyone around you. B.You should work hard to get good grades in school. C.You should be friends with the cleaning lady.D.You should try to make as many friends as you can. - 跟谁学
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:During my second year of nursing school, our teacher gave us a test. I was a hardworking student and I did well in all the subjects. I finished the questions successfully until I read the last one: “What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?”Of course this was a joke. I saw the cleaning woman every day. She is short and about 60 years old. She has dark hair. But how would I know her name? I had never talked with her before. In fact, I’d never even thought about talking to her. I stared at my paper and started to feel rather guilty. Finally, I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Before the class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our grades.“Absolutely,” the teacher said. “In your life, you will meet many people. All are important. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is to smile and to say hello.”I’ve never forgotten that lesson. Everyone deserves my attention and I should get to know all of the people who work and live around me. That was, perhaps, the most important lesson of my life. I also learned the cleaning woman’s name was Dorothy.小题1:How was the writer at the nursing school?A.She didn’t study hard.B.She was one of the top students.C.She loved telling jokes. D.She often asked questions in class.小题2:What did the cleaning lady look like?A.She had only a little hair.B.She was not tall.C.She looked young.D.She always smiled.小题3:How did the writer feel she first saw the last question?A.She felt guilty.B.She felt surprised. C.She felt excited.D.She felt comfortable.小题4:What can we learn from paragraph 3 and 4?A.The last question was a part of the quiz.B.The students needn’t answer the last question.C.Only one student didn’t know the answer.D.None of the students knew the woman’s name.小题5:What did the teacher want to tell the students through the last question?A.You should pay attention to everyone around you. B.You should work hard to get good grades in school. C.You should be friends with the cleaning lady.D.You should try to make as many friends as you can.During my second year of nursing school, our teacher gave us a test. I was a hardworking student and I did well in all the subjects. I finished the questions successfully until I read the last one: “What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?”Of course this was a joke. I saw the cleaning woman every day. She is short and about 60 years old. She has dark hair. But how would I know her name? I had never talked with her before. In fact, I’d never even thought about talking to her. I stared at my paper and started to feel rather guilty. Finally, I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Before the class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our grades.“Absolutely,” the teacher said. “In your life, you will meet many people. All are important. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is to smile and to say hello.”I’ve never forgotten that lesson. Everyone deserves my attention and I should get to know all of the people who work and live around me. That was, perhaps, the most important lesson of my life. I also learned the cleaning woman’s name was Dorothy.小题1:How was the writer at the nursing school?A.She didn’t study hard.B.She was one of the top students.C.She loved telling jokes. D.She often asked questions in class.小题2:What did the cleaning lady look like?A.She had only a little hair.B.She was not tall.C.She looked young.D.She always smiled.小题3:How did the writer feel she first saw the last question?A.She felt guilty.B.She felt surprised. C.She felt excited.D.She felt comfortable.小题4:What can we learn from paragraph 3 and 4?A.The last question was a part of the quiz.B.The students needn’t answer the last question.C.Only one student didn’t know the answer.D.None of the students knew the woman’s name.小题5:What did the teacher want to tell the students through the last question?A.You should pay attention to everyone around you. B.You should work hard to get good grades in school. C.You should be friends with the cleaning lady.D.You should try to make as many friends as you can.科目:最佳答案小题1:B小题2:B小题3:B小题4:A小题5:A解析


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