
  A First-hand Perspective: Change Comes from Reorientation and Reality英国汉语风As an English reviewer and journalist for “Anhui Today”, I have the honor to be invited with three journalists from other well-known media by the Cultural and Education Section of the British Consulate-General in Shanghai which is operated by British Council and visited UK in late March. Visiting the UK in March is wonderful and unforgettable. The daffodils are all in bloom in St James's Park. This year, the plants, mammals and all manner of flying creatures are a little bit ahead of their normal routines. While we were there, there was a remarkable amount of sunshine across most of Britain to coax nature into life.
  Spring in the UK is unforgettable, but my finding of British people’s enthusiasm of learning Chinese language and culture is even more impressive and interesting. In just 9 days, we interviewed a number of high officials and successful professionals, including Bill Rammell MP, Minister of State at the Department for Education and Skills with responsibility for lifelong learning, further
Dame Mary Richardson, Chairperson of HSBC Education T Stephen Castle, Councilor of Essex County Council, Cabinet Member for Education, Leisure and Thames G Martin Fee, Education Business and Information M Fiona McLauchlan and Kristy McKenna from Scottish Executive Education D Roy Cross, Director Scotland of British C Mary Stiasny, Head of Education Science and Society Department of British Council, Paul Beashel, Senior Education Consultant of Epping Forest Education Consultancy Company and Dilly Tawakkul, HE Advisor of British Council. In addition, we visited 6 schools that have contact with schools in China or where Chinese language is taught.
  Wherever I went, I found that the government and the public attach importance to Chinese language teaching and learning. Chinese is an overwhelmingly difficult language to learn for many foreigners, whatever their native language is. The prospect of learning to read and write Chinese characters is daunting, and the concept of 'tones' is alien to most beginners. Furthermore as it is well known to us, English has been widely spoken in the world though, if not most spoken. Many people think British people have a reputation for not speaking languages other than their own. In UK schools it has been unusual for children to study a foreign language before the age of 11, and many students give up languages altogether at 14.
  This isn't stopping an increasing number from attempting to learn the most commonly spoken language in the world. According to the statistics held by the National Centre for Languages in the UK, we found out the number of people studying Chinese at high school almost doubled in five years. In 2000 there were 4028 people and this increased to 7580 in 2004. We may think that the number is not surprisingly big, compared to the number of people (about 300 million people) in China who studied, are studying or will English. But we cannot forget, first the population in the UK is less than that of Anhui Province, after high school, many people study Chinese at university in the UK, about 1000 a year. There are also several thousand taking evening classes and business classes in Chinese. And a small number of primary schools also offer lessons. It’s become quite clear now that China’s going to play such an important role in the future. Even if you’re not involved in the business world or in politics then it's still really important to have these language skills.
  That is the reason why the UK government is to make it compulsory to study one foreign language in primary school (pre-11). The most studied languages have traditionally been French, Spanish and German. But Mandarin Chinese is set to become the second most popular foreign language learned in UK schools. It is already studied by more children than German or Russian. Only French and Spanish are more popular. If the rate of growth continues it will overtake Spanish in three years.
  In Burnt Mill Comprehensive School, Harlow, an urban district of southeast England northeast of London which was designated as a new town to alleviate overpopulation in London, we had a wonderful visit. It happened that the school was having their annual China Week. The National Flag of the People’s Republic of China was hung above reception desk in the doorway. There we met MP Bill Rammel who was studying in the school. We were honored to share his passion for developing stronger links at primary and secondary level as well as in higher education. One of the topics we talked about is language learning.
  The Minister will come to China and announce that 250 students to have summer immersion. He said, “I think it is obvious that we people nowadays are living in a much smaller world where people may contact right away and directly across the world. Employers are looking for young people who have that capability to contact internationally, who can understand other peoples’ cultures and other peoples’ customs and who got some language skill. Therefore, we’ve got to encourage our school system to have such an institution to help their students to contact their counterparts from throughout the world. We encourage Chinese students to come to the UK to study and meanwhile we also encourage our students to go to China to study. We organize some British students to go to China in summer to study Chinese Language and culture. It is useful for them to develop awareness of what is happening in China nowadays. We know that it is a big, big challenge for us to persuade a great number of students (our population is much smaller than that of China) our kids to study foreign languages, especially to study Chinese which is totally different from our own language. I am heartened by the number of schools that teach Chinese.” (English Excerption by Daniel)
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品评校花校草,体验校园广场乡村音乐新歌后Kacey Musgraves(有声)
Kacey Musgraves, Country Music's New 'Golden' Girl
Kacey Musgraves' new album is titled Same Trailer Different Park.
JACKI LYDEN, HOST:&If you're just joining us, this is WEEKENDS on ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News. I'm Jacki Lyden. You may already have heard of the young singer-songwriter, Kacey Musgraves. She's getting a lot of buzz. The&&in her&&lyrics can be heard on the NBC television series &Nashville.& Now, she has a debut album, &Same Trailer Different Park.& It comes out next week.
KACEY MUSGRAVES: (Singing) You sure look real pretty in your glass house. You probably think you're too good to take the trash out.
LYDEN: Kacey Musgraves is joining us from Nashville, Tennessee. Kacey, I'm so happy to have you on the show.
MUSGRAVES: Thank you for having me.
LYDEN: Talk about being a singer when you're just beginning to find your way in this tiny town, Golden, Texas.
MUSGRAVES: Well, yeah, so I grew up in Golden, and it's super small. There's nothing really there. There's, like, one little store. So I went to high school just outside of that in a town called Mineola. And it was a little bigger. It was about five or 6,000 people. I was the girl who sang growing up, you know, just pretty much anywhere in public that I could.
LYDEN: Here, we get a sense of place in this single &Merry Go 'Round.&
MUSGRAVES: (Singing) If you ain't got two kids by 21, you're probably gonna die alone. Least that's what tradition told you. And it don't matter if you don't believe, come Sunday morning you best be there in the front row like you're supposed to. Same hurt in every heart.
LYDEN: You know, what really speaks to me in those lines - if you ain't got two kids by 21 - would have applied to a lot of people I went to high school with. And in &Merry Go 'Round,& you know, you take a little heat for some of these kinds of lines because it doesn't paint the iconic picture of small-town life. And, in fact, there's a certain point of view that says it was an anti-country music song. Did you see it that way?
MUSGRAVES: I mean, I had one guy think on the radio tour say, this is the anti-country song. And I had to say, I'm sorry, no, it's just the anti-small mind song, anti-settling. But, yeah, I'm all about small towns, I really am. I think it's a great place to grow up. But I think it might be a little more comforting to some people to hear it from a real
instead of one that tries to sweep things under the rug.
MUSGRAVES: (Singing) Mary, Mary quite contrary, we're so bored until we're buried. Just like dust, we settle in this town on this broken merry go 'round.
LYDEN: So I am really wondering who you're channeling for this writing. I know you got some great teaching in your earlier years, but you seem like such a natural writer.
MUSGRAVES: Thank you. Well, I hope that's because I love it so much. Yeah, I did have some early influences that pushed me to write and stick with it. And then once I kind of wrapped my brain around the whole process in creating a song and what all goes into that, I just, like, I fell in love with it. It's like putting a
LYDEN: You know, your wordplay is so . Let's listen to a little bit of &Silver Lining,& and then I want to ask you about songwriting.
MUSGRAVES: (Singing) And if you wanna find a head that fits your shoulder, you're gonna have to go to the dance. You're gonna have to go to the dance. If you wanna find the honey, you can't be scared of the bees. And if you wanna see the forest, you're gonna have to look past trees.
LYDEN: Your parents are still - are they anywhere living near Golden still?
MUSGRAVES: They are. They're actually - yes.
LYDEN: They're there.
LYDEN: Now, they run a printing shop. I just was wondering if that gave you a sense of being surrounded by words at all?
MUSGRAVES: Yeah, for sure. They were always conjuring up some sort of wordplay or
something. I mean, they're just - they're super creative.
LYDEN: So you moved from Golden to Austin when you were only 18 years old, and not very long after that, you moved to Nashville...
LYDEN: ...to record your first record deal - Music Row, very different parts of the South. What was your - what was running through your mind as that was going on? I mean, here you are, and you're in - it's often called Nashvegas.
MUSGRAVES: It felt good. It was a little, you know, , of course, moving away, but I really wanted to
myself in the songwriting community. And I knew that there was one here that was pretty unparalleled. So with some encouragement from a couple of people that I knew here - Rodney Foster was one of them. He is somebody I sing backup for for a while. And he basically just told me you got to be present to win, and that really made a lot of sense to me.
LYDEN: Yeah. So you've written a couple of songs for the ABC show &Nashville,& including this song &Undermine,& which is featured
in one episode. Let's listen a little bit to &Undermine.&
CHARLES ESTEN AND HAYDEN PANETTIERE: (as Deacon Claybourne and Juliette Barnes) (Singing) And if I only had one shot, won't waste on a shadow box. I'll stand right here.
HAYDEN PANETTIERE: (as Juliette Barnes) OK, follow me.
CHARLES ESTEN: (as Deacon Claybourne) Uh-huh.
PANETTIERE: (as Juliette Barnes) (Singing) And it's all talk, talk, talk, talking in the wind. It only slows you down if you start listening. And it's a whole lot harder to shine than undermine...
LYDEN: So you've written songs for TV, for other country music stars, and you said a moment ago that you really enjoyed being a lyricist. But you seem to be making quite a name for yourself as a performer. How, you know, you're on - you've been on tour. In your head, what do you think of yourself as being?
MUSGRAVES: Well, I mean, there's definitely both there. But I don't think you can really have one without the other. If I had to ultimately choose, I'd probably choose songwriting.
LYDEN: Let's talk about another track on this record. This one's called &Follow Your Arrow.&
MUSGRAVES: (Singing) Just cause you can't beat 'em, don't mean you should join 'em. So make lots of noise, kiss lots of boys or kiss lots of girls, if that's something you're into. When the straightened arrow gets a little too straight, roll up a joint or don't and follow your arrow wherever it points.
LYDEN: Tell me about these lyrics, Kacey. What's the story behind them? You've got: Kiss lots of boys, kiss lots of girls if that's what you're into, roll up a joint. And I'm just sitting here thinking, wow, this is a long way from, you know, Okie from Muscogee. Maybe country music's a bigger tent than I thought. What's going on here?
MUSGRAVES: Well, really, &Follow Your Arrow& is just a song about living the way you want to live, loving who you want to love and having fun doing so. And, you know, it's one of my favorites off the album because , I feel like it really channels people that I love, like Glenn Campbell or even Loretta, but the idea is it's a little more modern, I guess you'd say.
LYDEN: I would have to say I would have to agree.
MUSGRAVES: Thank you. Well, that's important to me. I mean, if you don't have something to say or somewhat of a point of view, I mean, then what do you have? I mean, that's kind of the whole point, you know?
LYDEN: Right. Well, we also want to say congratulations to you on your nomination for Female Vocalist of the Year from the Academy of Country Music.
MUSGRAVES: Thank you. Oh, so crazy. So, so crazy.
LYDEN: You got some really impressive company there.
MUSGRAVES: I do, yeah.
LYDEN: Miranda Lambert, Martina McBride. But I think you sound exactly like Kacey Musgraves.
MUSGRAVES: That means a lot to me. I love that , mainly because I just feel like I want to be the first me not the next anybody else.
LYDEN: Kacey Musgraves. Her new album is called &Same Trailer Different Park.& This weekend, you can listen to every track on the album for free at NPR's exclusive First Listen. Just go to nprmusic.org. Kacey, it's really been fun. And it would be fun to catch you in person some time, and I hope a lot of people can do that.
MUSGRAVES: I would love that. Thank you so much for having me.
MUSGRAVES: (Singing) ...hole in the ground. Whoa oh whoa oh. Stupid love is stupid don't know why we always do it finally find it just to lose it always wind up looking stupid, stupid.
24岁的Kacey Musgraves是今年美国乐坛最为成功的歌手之一。她唱功优秀,创作能力非凡。朂近,她推出了自己的第一张专辑“Same Trailer Different Park”。
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