
急求一篇关于伟大女性的英文叙述类文章(演讲稿)如题程度大概高一,不要用过于华丽的句式以及过于高级的单词,要求没有语法错误,主要介绍人物的履历,300词左右……可选人物:(最好是比较有名的,中外皆可)圣女贞德,伊丽莎白·弗赖伊、宋庆龄、居里夫人、乔迪·威廉姆斯(1997年诺贝尔和平奖获得者)……不可选人物:任长霞、戴安娜王妃、简·古道尔(因为已经被别人演讲过了)不可选加上:特雷莎(Mother Teresa)
Good moring everyone.Today I'm going to talk about myself ,that is carrot.As we know,carrot is a kind of radish .But do you konw where it came from and how to plant it If you don't konw,let me tell you.Somebody consider that carrot is from some western countries in Europe.But it's not the truth.In fact,carrot is from southwest Asia.The first man who grew carrot was an Afghan ,he planted carrot in 2500 years ago.So the history of planting carrot is longer than the history of Christianity.At about 1000 year's ago,carrot was spreaded to Europe .Then in the 13th century carrot was spreaded to China and in the 16th century spreaded to America and Japan.It is easy to grow carrot.In the ordinary way,we should plow the land at first ,and then sow the seeds of carrots .Of course,we must water them everyday,and apply fertilizer some time .If there are some harmful insects,we have to rid of them.After they grow into small plants.We could wait three month then the carrot will be ripe .With the development of human beings,ways of growwing carrot get more and more.There is another interesting way for the agricultural scientists to grow carrots .They sent the seeds of carrot into space by spaceship .The cosmic rays made the gene of carrot changed.And the carrots will get very large ,some of them can reach 20 kilos .But scientists said that kind of carrot will be delicious.So ,why not try to plant carrot in a new way to make it both big and delicious?That's all .Thank you~
急求一篇关于美的演讲稿演讲稿题目 : 美
美是什么 若问生命自身的美是从哪里来的,我想,它来自许多方面,比如:富有女人味的温柔和纯真;在广博的教育中形成的才智;认定正确的事情就决不退让半步的坚定信念;还有健康\幸福等等. 在人的一切举止中都包含着美.年轻人身上有生机勃勃的美.精神焕发的健康体魄也很美.打个比方说,年轻人的美就像春天,而在老人身上,美则具有秋天素雅淡泊的韵味.总之可以说,人类所有孜孜不倦的创造都是美的,消极怠慢则都是丑陋的.佛学有一句话,叫"自体显照",我想,只要充分发挥生命中原有的力量,一个人就能具有超越时代\超越年龄的真正的美. 许多人认为,美人和青春有着不可分割的关系,再漂亮的女人,只要上了年纪,就不能称之为美人了,这是个常识.但是,所谓女人的美,当然是不同的,有十几岁的美,有三十几岁的美,也有五十几岁的美.重要的是,知道什么是适合自己的美,并让它充分显示出来,才是我们必要的修养重点. 所谓美,也是在与丑的对比中才显示出来的.真正的美包含在富有人性的积极情感中.无论对自然,还是对人,你都十分谦虚,十分尊重,并怀着善意理解对方,这时你就有了美.只要热情地唤起人类共同的深厚情感,你就能创造出这样的美,好好培养这样的美,它就会变得崇高. 美是什么? 大自然馈赠给我们形形色色的美,人类文明给我们创造了缤纷多彩的美,我们日益生活在一个高度审美化了的世界中.面对令人眼花缭乱的各种各样的美,如果我们凝思发问:美到底是什么?想必是极其自然、也是极其合理的. 但是,时下有一种声音,这种声音来自"美学理论家",这种声音说:提问"美是什么"这样的问题是极为可笑的,因为这个问题不可穷诘,没有最终答案. 美学理论的"专家"们不回答"美是什么"的问题.而且否定别人思考和提问这个问题,这简直是一种强词夺理.这种强词夺理,说到底是有西方的理论作支撑. 伴随着对历史上各种美的定义“公说公有理、婆说婆有理”的教训的反思和现代科学思想从确定走向不确定,从求真走向求效的转变,近代以来,西方美学从形而上走向形而下,从本质主义走向实证主义和实用主义,出现了一种美学取消主义和艺术解构主义的声浪.如狄德罗说:“我和一切对美有过著作的作家一样,首先注意到人们谈论得最多的东西,每每注定是人们知道得很少的东面,而美的性质则是其中之一……几乎所有的人都同意有美,并且只要哪儿有美,就会有许多人强烈感觉到它,而知道什么是美的人竟如此之少.”韦兹说:关于艺术,“一切美学理论试图建立一个正确的理论,便在原则上犯了错误……它们以为‘艺术'能有一个真正的或任何真实的定义,这是错误的.”“我们所要开始的问题不是‘艺术是什么',而是‘艺术究竟是何种概念’……在美学中,首先的问题便是对艺术概念的实际运用的说明,给予这个概念的实际功能一个逻辑的描述.” 当前中国美学界的美本质取消主义思潮正是西方美学取消主义的翻版. 应当说,取消主义美学认识到美的本质的复杂性、不确定性,打破了传统美学乐观主义的梦想,也给传统美学的简单化的思维方式当头一棒,这是美学的进步.然而,它对自己所信奉的否定主义美本质观过于偏执,以致嘲笑、剥夺别人思考美之为美的权利,从而把自己推进了荒谬可笑的绝境. 美学取消主义一方面认为美不可界定,另一方面又在对美作界定,这个定义即“无”.而肯定自己否定主义的美学见解事实上也是一种“有”.正如大乘佛教所勘破的那样:执物为有故是有,执物为空也是有,只有把"色即是空"的见解也空掉("空空"),才是真正的空.真正的美学取消主义应当什么也不说.它既然要有所言说,并竭力要人们放弃其他美的定义,信奉它的否定主义美学定义,本身就是自相矛盾的. 美学取消主义取消美本质的研究转而走向美的具体形态的描述与分析,事实上,在对某一门类的美学资料进行选择、分析时,在对某种美学形态、审美文化加以取舍、评价时,又必然暗含、体现了自己的某种对美的看法.这种对美的看法恰恰是与否定主义的美本质观直接对立的.事实上我们看到,在“美学史”一类的形而下的描述性研究著作中,如果编著者缺少对美的一以贯之的思考,就会在评述中出现自打嘴巴的情况和“看人挑担不知重”的不负责任的现象. 因为美之难解,于是干脆放弃思考,这也是美学研究中的鸵鸟行为.事实上“美是什么的问题”是回避不了的基本问题.搞美学研究不回答“美是什么”,正如搞经济学拒绝回答“商品是什么”、搞伦理学拒绝回答“什么是善”、搞哲学拒绝回答“什么是真”一样荒唐可笑.一个美本质缺席的美学理论体系是残缺不全的,一个对美本质毫无已见的美学家是不能令人信服的. 人类对于事物本质的从识,始于不知,中于知,终于不知.自然科学尚且如此,社会科学更复如此.在社会科学领域,没有绝对真理,有的只是包含的绝对真理颗粒多一点的相对真理.对于“美是什么”的思考和回答也只能以此相求.取消主义美学一方面从思维的开放性否定过去种种自我封闭的美学定义,一方面又将自己否定主义的美本质观封闭起来,要别人把它当作绝对真理而放弃美本质的思考,体现了"当局者迷"式的愚蠢,任其扩散,只会阻碍美学研究的进步.其实,只要我们不过于求全,认识到任何学说建构只是相对真理的探索,人们顺着"美是什么"的思路作些新的思考又何妨呢?
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It is my great honor to stand here to give a speech to all of you .First, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is
. Tonight,the topic of my speech is about teamwork.First,I want to talk about a kind of animal,ants. Ants lived a hundred million years ago,the same time as dinosaurs existed.However,now we see no dinosaurs,but ants still live everywhere.Ants are so small that it seems everything can kill them.But they have an amazing ability to communicate with each other and work together to accomplish tasks that is complicated.Such ability is called “swarm intelligence”,and the concept of swarm intelligence have been used in a variety of human applications.And that is teamwork, the concept of people working together cooperatively.Projects now often require that people work together to acco therefore, teamwork is an important factor in most
organizations. Although individual accomplishments are also valued,but sometimes they are more based on teamwork.Barack Obama could not be president of the United States Of America without the unyeilding help from his chief strategist who's been a partner with him every step of the way and the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of American politics .Fortunately, we are slowly beginning to recognize the importance of teamwork in sports, business, and school.While individual skill and effort in sports is important, teamwork is paramount. So it is easy to understand why the teams with the highest payrolls seldom
win champion ships. Teamwork has also become increasingly acknowledged as an essential skill for employees in companies both small and large. Teamwork in school is just as important as teamwork in sports and business.Then ,what is needed in teamwork and what is teamwork skills?Aside from any required technical proficiency, a wide variety of social skills are desirable for successful teamwork, including: First.listening . it is important to listen to other people's ideas. When people are allowed to freely express their ideas, these initial ideas will produce other ideas. Second,discussing. It is necessary to discuss your ideas with your teammates until you agree. Thid,questioning. Fourth,persuading .individuals are encouraged to exchange, defend, and then to ultimately rethink their ideas. Fifth,respecting .it is important to treat others with respect and to support their ideas. Besides,helping ,sharing,participating is also crucial.The last one is communication - For a team to work effectively it is essential that team members acquire communication skills and use effective communication channels between one another. No man is an island, every man is a piece of the continent. Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it. Team means Together Everyone Achieves More!That’s all. Thanks for listening.


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