2012职称英语押题考试应该买哪个出版社的 SDER

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  <font face="楷体_GB2312" color="#12年4月7日的考试一天一天临近,广大考生要抓紧时间复习了,小编为大家整理了职称英语综合类模拟练习,祝大家考试顺利过关。  补全短文 Ludwig Van Beethoven   Ludwig Van Beethoven, a major composer of the nineteenth century, overcame many personal problems to achieve artistic greatness.   Born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770, he first studied music with the court organist, Gilles van der Eeden. His father was excessively strict and given to heavy drinking. ____ (1) ____. Appointed deputy court organist to Christian Gottlob Neefe at a surprisingly early age in 1782, Beethoven also played the harpsichord and the viola. In 1792 he was sent to Vienna by his patron, Count Ferdinand Waldstein, to study music under Haydn.   Beethoven remained unmarried. ____ (2) ____. Continually plagued by ill health, he developed an ear infection which led to his tragic deafness in 1819.   ____ (3) ____ He completed mature masterpieces of great musical depth: three piano sonatas, four string quartets, the Missa Solemnis, and the 9th Symphony. He died in 1827. ____ (4) ____ .   Noting that Beethoven often flew into fits of rage, Goethe once said of him, &I am astonished by his talent, but he is unfortunately an altogether untamed personality. & ____ (5) ____ .   A In spite of this handicap, however, he continued to write music.   B Because of irregular payments from his publishers and erratic support from his patrons, he was troubled by finanl worries throughout his adult life.   C His life was marked by a passionate dedication to independence.   D When his mother died, Beethoven, then a young man, was named guardian of his two younger brothers.   E Although Beethoven&s personality may have been untamed, his music shows great discipline and control, and this is how we remember him best.   F Today his music is still being played all over the world.
【】 责任编辑:lily
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听说职称英语考试书上出原题,可是综合的书是哪出的?有说人事出版社的,有说辽宁出版社的,还有说外语出版社的。难道哪个出版社的书咱都要买吗?有知道确切答案的 ,告诉一下呗,谢谢了。
官方指定的教材:职称英语等级考试用书(综合类)&&辽宁电子出版社&&43元&&职称英语等级考试用书(理工类)&&中国人事出版社&&43元 职称英语等级考试用书(卫生类)&&中国人事出版社&&43元& &职称日语等级考试用书&&中国人事出版社&&37元&&职称俄语等级考试用书&&中国人事出版社&&37元
韩世鹏 发表于
官方指定的教材:职称英语等级考试用书(综合类)&&辽宁电子出版社&&43元&&职称英语等级考试用书(理工类) ...
新鲜芒果 发表于
心真细 呵呵
哈哈& &谢谢各位了,2013年一定要过职称的了,要不耽误事了,所以才确定下。顺便告诉我下,买英语词典要带入考场,哪个词典好,推荐下,要是能多带几本的话,我考虑都带进去的
韩世鹏 发表于
哈哈& &谢谢各位了,2013年一定要过职称的了,要不耽误事了,所以才确定下。顺便告诉我下,买英语词典要带入 ...
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& Comsenz Inc.2016年职称英语卫生类A级概括大意强化测试题及答案(6)-职称英语考试-青年人
来源:青年人()& 11:31:35 & 【职称英语考试】
  Optimists Really Do Live Longer, Say Scientists
  1. For the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer optimism was fundamentally wrong, banal and corrupting, while the father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Frend simply declared it to be neurotic.
  2. Experience shows that looking on the bright side of life does have advantages and recent scientific evidence points to the positive mindset as being beneficial to health. In other words optimists live longer.
  3. That was the conclusion reached by experts at the Mayo Clinic in the U. S. State of Minnesota who evaluated answers given by people to a set of questions in the 1960s. Of the 729 candidates, 200 had died and according to scientists, there were a disproportionate number of pessimists among them.
  4. Ten points more on the pessimism scale—that was the difference between “slightly pessimistic” and “averagely pessimistic” — were enough to boost a person’s chances of dying by 19 percent, according to the study by prominent psychologist Martin Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania.
  5. The study does not say why pessimists die but an older survey taken among children in San Francisco and Los Angeles makes it clear that personal attitude towards the world is a key factor in the longevity equation.
  6. The latest evidence to support the theory that optimists tend to cope better with illness of all kinds has been provided by Professor Ralf Schwarzer of Berlin's Free University who questioned 600 heart and lung patients. His conclusion: Optimists recover more swiftly from operations than their pess tend to be happier after treatment and return to work more swiftly.
  7. There have been suggestions that optimists do not stay healthier but rather turn into optimists later because they enjoy good health. Numerous surveys have taken into account a person's state of health at the outset and the effect remains the same.
  8. Studies have shown that optimists do not blind themselves to reality either. They thus interpret it in a positive way. “Sublimating and denying things tend to alter reality but illusions are a way of seeing reality in the best light.” said Californian psychology professor Shelley Taylor.
  9. German science journal “Bild der Wissenschaft”, which carries a major article on the topic in its current March issue, commented on “the right attitude” to having a tumor.
  10. It seems psychotherapy can go some way towards extending the life span and life quality of a sick person although a complete recovery using psychological technique alone is unlikely.
  11. Doctors like, however, to point to the example of U. S. cycling professional Lance Armstrong, who was seriously ill with cancer, but whose unshakable optimism helped him to take the top trophy twice at cycling's premier Tour de France.
  12. The magazine also quoted a study by Sheldon Cohens of the Carnegie-Mellon-University in Pittsburgh:420 volunteers were deliberately infected with strains of various common cold viruses. A day later checks were carried out to see who had caught a cold.
  13. The results showed that in the case of people who had satisfactory, long-term relations with friends neighbors or colleagues, the virus was less likely to trigger a cold. Of people with three or fewer firm relationships 62 percent became ill compared with only 35 percent of those who had six or more close human links.
  1. Paragraph 2 ______________
  2. Paragraph 6 ______________
  3. Paragraph 7 ______________
  4. Paragraph 8 ______________
  A. Quicker recovery from illness
  B. A longer life
  C. From good health to optimism
  D. A positive way of understanding reality
  E. Optimism and pessimism
  F. Optimists with illusions
  5. Some scholars did not believe ______________.
  6. How long one can live partly depends on ______________.
  7. An optimist does not necessarily try ______________.
  8. An experiment showed that optimists were ______________.
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  Ludwig van Beethoven
  Ludwig van Beethoven, a major composer of the nineteenth century, overcame many personal problems to achieve artistic greatness.
  Born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770, be first studied music with the court organist, Gilles van der Eeden. His father was excessively strict and given to heavy drinking. When his mother died, Beethoven, ____(1)____, was named guardian of his two younger brothers. Appointed deputy court organist to Christian Gottlob Neefe at a surprisingly early age in 1782, Beethoven also played the harpsichord and the viola. In 1792 he was sent to Vienna by his patron, Count Ferdinand Waldstein, to study music under Haydn.
  Beethoven remained unmarried. Because of irregular payments from his publishers and erratic support from his patrons, ____(2)____. Continually plagued by ill health, he developed an ear infection which led to his tragic deafness in 1819.
  In spited of this handicap, ____(3)____. He completed mature masterpieces of great musical depth: three piano sonata, four string quartets, the Missa Solemnis, and the 9th Symphony. He died in 1827. His life was marked ____(4)____.
  Noting that Beethoven often flew into fits of rage, Goethe once said of him, "I am astonished by his talent, but he is unfortunately an altogether untamed personality." Although Beethoven's personality ____(5)____, his music shows great discipline and control, and this is how we remember him best.
  A however, he continued to write music
  B he was troubled by financial worries throughout his adult life
  C by a passionate dedication to independence
  D then a young man
  E may have been untamed
  F his music has been loved over the past centuries


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