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例句与用法To enhance electrical safety , emsd have implemented new procedure for endorsement of periodic test certificates . registered electrical contractors ( recs ) and workers ( rews ) are required to provide test data on all branch and final circuits in addition to the schematic diagrams and checklists for the submission of the periodic test certificates . recrew can download the proposed schedule of test results for the record of test data为加强电力安全,本署已实施新措施,要注册电业承办商及工程人员在提交《定期测试证明书》时,除以往要求的线路图及核对表外,另须呈交包括分支电路及最终电路的测试数据。
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中文翻译分保接受人, 再保险人再保人再保险人
例句与用法The operation of o . i . n . c . as insurer and not as reinsurer as in other european countries作为保险人,而不像欧洲其他国家一样,作为再保险人运作。 Article 29 the reinsurer shall not demand payment of premiums from the applicant of the direct insurance第二十九条再保险接受人不得向原保险的投保人要求支付保险费。 Swiss re is one of the world s leading reinsurers and the world s largest life and health reinsurer瑞士再保险公司为全球领先的再保险公司,更是世界最大的人寿和健康再保险公司。 Also , in some cases , an american express entity outside of the country may be the reinsurer and may earn reinsurance income同时,在某些情况下,某一非本地的美国运通实体可能作为再保人及可赚取再保收入。 In
proportional reinsurance , the primary insurer and reinsurer proportionally share risks , premiums and losses在比例再保险中,原保险人与再保险人按合同约定的比例承担责任、分配保费以及分摊损失。 The insured or the beneficiary of the direct insurance shall not claim for the indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits from the reinsurer原保险的被保险人或者受益人,不得向再保险接受人提出赔偿或者给付保险金的请求。 Also in some cases , an american express entity outside of the country may be the reinsurer and may earn reinsurance income同时,在某些情况下,某一非本地的美国运通国际股份有限公司或其集团成员公司有可能作为再保人及可赚取再保收入。 The ceding insurance company shall not decline or delay fulfilling its obligation of the direct insurance on the basis that the reinsurer fails to fulfill the reinsurance obligation再保险分出人不得以再保险接受人未履行再保险责任为由,拒绝履行或者迟延履行其原保险责任。 Climate change is an economic threat too : swiss re , the world s second - largest reinsurer , has estimated the insurance costs at an extra 265 billion per year by 2010气候变化也是一种经济威胁:瑞士再保险是世界上第二大再保险者,据估计,到2010年,每年保险费要额外负担2650亿美元。 Proportional reinsurance , also named as sum insured reinsurance , is one using sum insured to divide the total risk amount into primary insurer ' s retention and reinsurer ' s liability比例再保险又称金额再保险,是以保险金额为责任分配的基础,确定分出公司自留额和接受公司责任额的一种再保险。 更多例句:&&1&&
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