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from Thrifty Decor Chick
Can you believe it? It's the first Monday of the month and I actually remembered the before and after link up! I'm kind of proud of myself. ;)
I found some fantastic projects to share with you today and then you can link up your own for August. Can we take a minute and cry over how fast this summer has gone?? It was such a fun couple of months for us. (Remember when summer was actually three months?) I do always enjoy when life has some structure again, but I will miss our summer days. We are soaking up the last bits of it over the next couple of weeks.
So here we go -- some of my favorite projects you all shared last month. This
in Breann's home is awesome:
They built it themselves and I love the wood with the industrial chairs. What a fun spot!
is SO COOL! It was truly transformed with paint -- she painted (literally) everything and what a difference it made:
What a great space to get away or for the kids to hang out. I love that it feels like a little cabin in her backyard!
had me swooning:
Gorgeous, right?? I've been going back and forth on outdoor curtains for our pergola and this has me convinced we should do it. Classic and beautiful.
I also LOVED Carli's :
It all feels so lush and I love all of the pretty colors she used.&
Mari-Jane made some simple changes to her
and it turned out beautifully!:
I love that it's super functional too. That wood counter is so beautiful, and I love all the folding space!
and I love how everything has a place:
I've been wanting to tweak some items in ours to make it work even better and I love her organization!
And last but certainly not least, Gillian made over
and simple updates made such a difference:
You really have to see the before to truly appreciate their work -- it's a beautiful little bathroom now!
If you would like to be considered for next month's recap, please either link to Thrifty Decor Chick in your post or copy and paste this button into it:
&div align="center"&&a href="http://www./" title="TDC Before and After" target="_blank"&&img src="/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/beforeAndAfterButton_thumb1.gif" alt="TDC Before and After" style="border:" /&&/a&&/div&
Now let's see what you've been up to recently! I love seeing these before and after posts!
Hey there! We've had a busy week soaking up some summer activities…our time off is coming to a close soon. This week alone we visited the Indy Children's Museum, explored downtown, saw a movie and took a trip to Kings Island. Such a blast but I'm ready to relax a bit today! (If you are interested in visiting our fun city, check out
for my tips and our favorite places.)&
I'm back today with a quick and easy project that I finished up in the loft last week. I'm pretty excited about it! Last time I shared this space I had this empty space :&
I've known all along exactly what I wanted to put there -- a gift wrap station. :) I'm all about form and function and I knew this would be cute and serve a purpose in this space.&
I hardly spent anything on this because I used old trim from this room for the frame. You can definitely put this directly on the wall but I wanted to make a little bit more of a statement and I had the trim anyway.&
I had plenty of wall space but didn't want it to go too low -- that corner is already my favorite spot on the window seat and I didn't want to worry about hitting my head. :) Turns out you can fit quite a few rolls in a small space. I ended up with 24 inches tall by about 34 wide:&
Most gift wrap is 30 inches wide but Christmas wrapping is sometimes wider so that will just depend on your needs.&
I nailed the trim directly on the planks and then cleaned it up -- putty for the corners and holes and a couple coats of semi gloss paint:&
The next part was super easy. I picked up some
in the 3/8 size (again, any size will do, just make sure they don't bow with the weight of the paper):&
And a couple packages of :&
Make sure your rods will fit in the hooks! Mine were 7/8 inches so it worked perfect.&
I did some trial and error to decide on the layout -- I knew I wanted six up there so I measured out every 3.5 inches. I held my measuring tape up and marked those distances down the length of the trim, making sure each one was in the middle:&
Make sure you do the exact same measurements on the other side. Then you've got yourself a super cute display that functions great as well:&
OH I just love it!! So cute! Of course I got it up and decided I needed a few new rolls of paper to make it even cuter. :) I couldn't resist.&
I love the pops of color against the white wall. I'm starting to love how everything kind of "sings" against white. I don't think all white would ever happen in our house but I can tell I'm going to like it in this space:&
To access the paper I can either pull the wrapping out from the wall and cut it where it is, or it's easy to take them down. I will probably just take them down when I need them.&
All in all this was only a $10 project since I had the trim, and as I mentioned, that's optional anyway.&
Not gonna lie, I'm already thinking about how cute it will look with Christmas paper! :)&
There you go -- a simple, inexpensive project that you can adjust to your needs. I absolutely love mine and am happy I was able to put that space to use.&
Have a great weekend my friends! :)&
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