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January是什么意思 January在线翻译 January什么意思 January的意思 January的翻译 January的解释 January的发音 January的同义词 January的反义词
January英 ['d?aenju?ri] 美 ['d?aenjueri] 第三人称复数:January 基本解释名词一月; [人名] 贾纽厄里January 相关例句名词1. January1. I was born on 3 January.&&&&我生于元月三日。January 网络解释1. 最佳答案: 一月:最佳答案: 一月:January | 二月:February | 三月:March2. 2. january: 一月份January 双语例句1. If you say Yiyue Yiri, instead of Zhengyue Chuyi, most people would mistake it as 1st of January (We get used to expressing Gregorian calendar by Arabic numerals while expressing Yinli by Chinese numerals).&&&&正月十五,是元宵节。元宵节的说法主要是通行于中国南方地区。生活在北方的人们更愿意叫它正月十五。这是一个家人团聚的时刻,也是祭奠先祖的时刻。这一天的结束,也基本上意味着,春节的结束,新一年工作的开始。2. January是什么意思2. In 2005, China First Aviation Industry Group and the Zimbabwe Ministry of Traffic signed a new export contract of two Xinzhou-60 aircraft, which is the first time to export this kind of aircraft. In January 2006, the Chinese government gave Zimbabwe a Xinzhou-60 aircraft as an aid.&&&&2005年中国航空工业第一集团公司与津巴布韦交通部签订了出口两架新舟60飞机的合同,这是新舟60第一次出口海外。2006年1月,中国政府向津巴布韦无偿援助了一架新舟60飞机。<p class="p10 paediatric cases, suffering from Lobular pneumonia by pulse magnetic field treatment, admitted by our department during the period of January 2008 and October 2008, designi 120 cases, which were Health check-up the same term, designing control group.&&&&我科于2008年1月~2008年10月收治的部分支气管肺炎患儿采用脉冲磁疗治疗120例,设为观察组;同期门诊健康体检儿童120例,设为对照组,观察组于治疗前及治疗后4周分别采血2ml,对照组于体检时采血2ml,分离血清用免疫比浊法进行免疫球蛋白检测,并对治疗前后患儿的体液免疫功能进行分析研究。4. 4. Then in 1562, Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world, and the new year fell on January first.&&&&但是,有些人不知道或是不相信新年日期的变动,照例在4月1日这天庆祝新年开始。5. To all this, United Artists claimed not to understand of its presence in the trial since they neither owned theaters nor practiced block booking. The trial ended in January 1946 finding the eight studios guilty of restraint in trade focusing mainly in block booking and theater pooling.&&&&联艺则在质疑自己为什么会被列入被告席,因为它们即不拥有影院,也没有卖片花。1946年本案告结,八大制片厂被控主要通过卖片花和影院联营垄断市场。6. Beginning January 28, it will be on view alongside the legendary Hope, a larger stone but a slightly more drab one, and yet a rock whose allure remains potent enough to have drawn five million visitors to the national collection last year.&&&&从今年1月28日起,这颗钻石将与传奇的「希望之钻」一起展出,后者更大一些,但比较朴实无华,不过它仍有惊人魅力,去年吸引了500万人前来参观这件国家收藏品。7. A role player for the Lakers a year ago after coming over from Orlando in a trade, Ariza showcased ball-hawking defense and an ability to score in transition in limited playing time before breaking a bone in his right foot in January.&&&&一年前,阿里扎还只是湖人队的一名角色球员,但他在有限的出场时间内表现出了出色的防守能力和运动战得分能力,直到今年一月他右脚骨折。8. January的解释8. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing was born at Kamenz, Germany, January 22, 1729, the son of a Lutheran minister.&&&&戈特霍尔德埃夫莱姆莱卡门茨出生于德国,日,一个路德会牧师的儿子。9. January在线翻译9. In 1954 Bissell left Ford to become a special assistant to Allen Dulles in January 1954 Ibid, p.&&&&在必塞尔的领导下,福特基金会转变成了美国的冷战先锋。10. The factory was founded in 1994, specializing in the production and sale of a large battery factory, in January 2004 registered as the owner the right to import and export CO., LTD.&&&&本厂创建于1994年,是专业生产和销售电池的大型工厂,2004年1月注册为拥有进出口权的实业有限公司。11. In January, the European Commission expected economies in the European Union to contract 1.8% this year.&&&&&&早在今年1月,欧盟委员会就预测今年欧盟的经济收缩会至1.8%。12. The full moon of January 30 was explosive for most people, but perhaps less so for you.&&&&&&在1月30日满月对大多数人来说是爆炸性的影响,但也许对你来说影响不会那么大。13. The clinic closed its doors in Manitoba in January after the provincial health department abruptly changed its mind about allowing it to operate.&&&&&&在省健康部门突然改变注意允许它去经营之后,这个诊所向曼省关闭了它的门。14. 14. I even wrote a Calcio Debate article around January time where I asked if he was the best defensive midfielder in the world.&&&&&&当然还是由于在对利物浦的比赛中,他消失在了同胞马斯切拉诺的防守下。15. Lobito, Angola, 24 Nov – The reconstruction of the railroad line linking Lobito to Luau, in the South of Angola, a project financed by the People`s Republic of China, will begin in January 2006, the head of the Benguela Railroad has said.&&&&&&安哥拉,洛比托,11月24日-本格拉铁路局局长丹尼尔·齐帕克称,连接洛比托-卢奥的铁路重建工作将于2006年一月开始。洛-卢铁路位于安哥拉南部,由中华人民共和国资助重建。16. Then, on January 12, I flew overnight to the U. S. Air Force base in Aviano, Italy, that had been the center of our NATO air operations over Bosnia, where I boarded one of our new C-17 transport planes for the flight to Taszar Air Base in Hungary, from which our troops were deploying into Bosnia.&&&&&&随后,在1月12日,我连夜飞到意大利阿维亚诺的美国空军基地,那是北约对波斯尼亚空中行动的指挥中心,在那里我登上一架新的 C-17运输飞机前往我们在匈牙利的塔萨尔空军基地,我们的军队就是从那里派往波斯尼亚的。17. A $25, 000, andinterestat 10 per cent per year commencing on January 6, 1998&&&&&&25,000美元,连同从日开始年利率为10%的利息18. We operate as your sole agents in Australia for a period of three years commencing on January 1&&&&&&自日起我们作为你方在澳大利亚的独家代理,为期三年。19. 19. The Kamov Ka-26, which has the NATO codename Hoodlum, was announced in January 1964 as a light commercial helicopter with twin-turbine powerplant and a design making it easily convertible to meet the requirements of several roles.&&&&&&该卡莫夫嘉- 26,它有北约代号流氓,宣布在1964年1月作为一个光与双涡轮发动机,设计使它很容易转换为符合数个角色的要求,商业直升机。20. Rajaratnam in January 2008, according to the federal criminal complaint.&&&&&&谈话录音导致6人被指控,这些人均否认有不法行为。January 词典解释1. 一月&&&&January is the first month of the year in the Western calendar.January&&&&e.g. We always have snow in January...&&&&&&&&&&&我们这儿1月份总会下雪。&&&&e.g. She was born on January 6, 1946...&&&&&&&&&&&她出生于日。January 单语例句1. More than 100 business jets are in operation in the country now, according to statistics from Firestone Management Group's released in January.2. The school first appeared on the rankings in January 2001 - the youngest business school to have ever made the rankings.3. The farmers in the subtropical region are entering the busy farming season in January.4. Cuban spent a chunk of his fortune to buy his favorite team in January 2000.5. From January to June this year, investments from Taiwan increased by $ 890 million.6. The proposal was made by US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick in January in a letter to his 146 WTO ministerial colleagues.7. Hung said he hoped the immunoglobulin could be harvested by next January, in order to cope with the winter peak of seasonal flu in February and March.8. The court said Odell resisted attempts by police and hospital staff to restrain her while acting suicidal on a bridge in Stockholm in January.9. But although the CAAC reported an air traffic hike in January, analysts at IATA suggested the figures may have been distorted by the Chinese New Year.10. A French cabaret show entitled Paris Plumes will play at Beijing's Poly Theater from January 17 to 20.January是什么意思,January在线翻译,January什么意思,January的意思,January的翻译,January的解释,January的发音,January的同义词,January的反义词,January的例句,January的相关词组,January意思是什么,January怎么翻译,单词January是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 thuray.January是什么意思 16th 是什么意思
ay.:星期二 January:一月 16th:16号 sunny:晴天请给好评,谢谢
桑妮·蕾奥妮 (人名)
the 16th CPC National Congress您说的是 :十六大 吗?
答: 你好孕妈,怀孕期间建议你按时去医院检查这个还是问一下医生比较好
这个不是我熟悉的地区英 ['d?aenj?(?)r?]
美 ['d?aenj?'?ri]
一月来自拉丁语Ianuarius mensis,门神Janus之月,用来指一月。
January: [14] The ancient Romans had a god named Janus whose head had two faces, looking in opposite directions. He was the tutelary deity of doorways, and his festival month was at the beginning of the year, when he could look both backwards at the old year and forwards to the new one. This month was therefore called Jānuārius mensis ‘month of Janus’ – whence English January.late 13c., Ieneuer, from Old North French Genever, Old French Jenvier (Modern French Janvier), attested from early 12c. in Anglo-French, from Latin Ianuarius (mensis) "(the month) of Janus," to whom the month was sacred as the beginning of the year ( cognates: Italian Gennaio, Proven?al Genovier, Portuguese Janeiro). The form was gradually Latinized by c. 1400. Replaced Old English geola se aefterra "Later Yule." In Chaucer, a type-name for an old man.
1. The club has moved its meeting to Saturday, January 22nd.
俱乐部已经把会议日期改到1月22号,星期六。 来自柯林斯例句 2. He arrived on January 9, disheveled and much the worse for wear.
他是1月9号到的,蓬头垢面,疲惫不堪。 来自柯林斯例句 3. The Independent Labour Party was founded in Bradford on January 13, 1893.
独立工党日在布拉德福德成立。 来自柯林斯例句 4. Both chambers plan to vote on that policy before January 15th.
两院都打算在1月15日前对那一政策进行投票表决。 来自柯林斯例句 5. I haven't seen my own daughter since last January.
自去年1月起我就没见过女儿了。 来自柯林斯例句
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january 17中文是什么意思
中文翻译01月17日1月17日&&&&n. 一月。 in January在一月里。 on Ja ...&&&&在一月份&&&&n. 一月。 in January在一月里。 on January10 一月十日。 on the evening of January 15 一月十五日晚。 ...&&&&一月船长&&&&杂谈中国&&&&一月&&&&1月0日&&&&01月01日; 1月1日&&&&01月10日; 1月10日&&&&01月11日; 1月11日&&&&01月12日; 1月12日&&&&01月13日; 1月13日&&&&01月14日; 一月十四日&&&&01月15日; 一月十五日&&&&01月16日; 1月16日&&&&01月18日; 1月18日&&&&01月19日; 1月19日&&&&01月02日; 1月2日&&&&01月20日; 1月20日&&&&01月21日; 1月21日&&&&01月22日; 1月22日&&&&01月23日; 1月23日&&&&01月24日; 1月24日&&&&01月25日; 1月25日&&&&01月26日; 一月二十六日
例句与用法Report on currency board operations 28 january 17 february 2005外汇基金谘询委员会于6 : 30pm on wednesday , january 17 , 2007 , in room mg07 , main building of the university1月17日星期三下午6时30分在大学本部大楼mg07室The consular section will also be closed on wednesday , january 17 , for staff seminar因内部会议,签证部亦会在十七日(星期三)暂停办公一天。 On january 17 , the recovery work began with a cleanup of debris in damaged houses and roads17日,救援队开始协助灾区的复原工作,清理散落四处的瓦砾及断垣残壁。 She was certified dead at scene . the charged man will appear in eastern magistracies courts tomorrow ( january 17 )被落案的男子将于明日(一月十七日)在东区裁判法院提堂。 Speech by the secretary for justice , ms elsie leung at the ceremonial opening of the legal year on january 17 , 2000律政司司长梁爱诗在法律年度开启典礼的致词全文(一月十七日) Speech by the secretary for justice , ms elsie leung at the ceremonial opening of the legal year on january 17 , 2000律政司司长梁爱诗在法律年度开启典礼的致词全文(一月十七日) An 11 - year - old boy who was reported missing on january 17 in wong tai sin was located this ( january 21 ) morning一名于一月十七日在黄大仙报失的十一岁男童已于今(一月二十一日)晨寻回。 Speech by the chief justice , mr andrew kwok - nang li at the ceremonial opening of the legal year 2000 on january 17 , 2000入境事务处处长李少光在香港电台香港家书节目的发言全文十一月四日页首Speech by the chief justice , mr andrew kwok - nang li at the ceremonial opening of the legal year 2000 on january 17 , 2000入境事务处处长李少光在香港电台香港家书节目的发言全文(十一月四日)页首更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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