WINNIE jinnie the pooh & friends的意思winnie是什么意思?

Characters from Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh and his friends all live in the 100 Acre Wood. On this page, you can find all the characters found in the , together with a full profile and even some sound clips!
He is a small golden bear, stands at nearly 22 inches tall and wears an old red color t-shirt. This bear is undoubtedly the world’s most loved and revered bear. He has little brains, does a lot of silly things, and his love for honey (hunny) is endless, yes the bear is none other than everyone’s favourite bear - Winnie the Pooh. The 1st chapter of the Winnie-the-Pooh book was published on December 24, 1925 while the entire book written by A. A. Milne was released on October 14, 1926. All over the world his birthday is celebrated with much fanfare on 14th October. Winnie the Pooh is also called Pooh Bear or just Pooh. He is best friends with everyone in the 100 Acre Wood. The first thing he says when he gets up in the morning is “what’s for breakfast”. Pooh invented the game ‘Poohsticks’. Things he likes to do is to exercise in the morning, go on an adventure with Christopher Robin or Piglet, visiting friends who he thinks have ‘Hunny’ and looking for “Hunny to Fill the Rumblee in his Tumblee”.
Eeyore is a donkey and for some he is their favourite Pooh character amongst all the others. He is a blue-gray donkey, about 3-years in age and stands 18 inches tall & 27 inches in length. He is originally like the other P stuffed with sawdust. His appearance is highlighted by a small light pink bow on his tail. He is an intelligent animal but tends to keep to himself. Eeyore is a extremely gloomy donkey and has a very bad habit of losing his tail! Mostly, he tends to depend on his friends to find his lost tail for him and thereafter Christopher Robin fixes his tail using a drawing pin. What he simply adores is that his friends remember him on his birthday and celebrates it with him. He often says “Thanks for noticin’ me” and “Oh, well”.
He is a very Bouncy Animal and resembles a tiger. He is always in an electrifying & exuberant mood and loves to bounce, bounce and bounce. He is 23 inches tall and his most standout feature is his springy tail. His character is easily recognizable by the black & orange stripes, a springy tail, and a long chin, beady eyes which all mix well into his bouncy and fun loving personality. He is a bouncy, pouncy, flouncy and a trouncy creature that is always looking to make the most out of what life has to offer. The most wonderful thing about Tiggers is that "I'm the only one!" Tigger likes to bounce a lot, "cause that is what Tiggers do best." His favourite food is the extract of malt but is known to be an extremely fussy eater. He takes a lot of pleasure in being able to “unbounce” some of the other animals in the 100 Acre Wood.
Piglet is another of the original stuffed toy animals of Christopher Robin Milne in the Winnie-the-Pooh books. Piglet is a very brave animal as supposed to his diminutive size and frame of a timid pink pig. Piglet stands barely at 10 inches tall and is always seen wearing a long pink striped shirt. His original address in the 100 Acre Wood was the Beech Tree, south of Pooh's house, 100 Acre Wood Southwest. But from the time Owl moved into his house, Piglet has started living with his best friend Winnie the Pooh. What he loves doing best is going on adventures with Pooh, he is quite fond of bright colors and especially balloons, and he even likes blowing dandelions. Haycorns are his favourite food. Every Tuesday Piglet spends his day at Christopher Robin’s house. The first thing that Piglet utters when he gets up in the morning is “I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?”.
Rabbit is one of the 2 real animals that are recognized by their actual animal names in A.A Milne’s children’s story books. Since he is a real animal it is considered that he has brains and the same goes for Owl. He actually makes this clear in a conversation with Owl where he say “You and I have brains. The others have fluff”. He is pushy and takes his own decisions, is able to spell better compared to all the other animals. He is quite certain about the important things in his life. What he likes doing most is organizing a plan and to lead group events, even if nothing gets done. He is unhappy if anyone disturbs or interrupts him while he is engaged in any kind of activity, he doesn’t like being bounced either. He relishes gardening and his favourite food is the carrot and other vegetables, he makes it a point to avoid Pooh during lunch time.
Kanga & Roo are 2 fictional characters that belong to Winnie the Pooh. Kanga is the sole female character in Winnie-the-Pooh and she is 30 inches tall. She is the mother of a young joey (baby kangaroo) named Roo, who is nearly 10 inches tall. Kanga carries her family in her pocket and is the fastest amongst all animals in the forest. She takes utmost care of Roo and shall often warn Roo of possible dangers involved in the activities that Roo undertakes. She often says "Now now Roo, you mustn't do that dear," to which Roo mostly replies "But moma!" Kanga & Roo live in the Northern section of the 100 Acre Wood. Every Tuesday Kanga goes to Pooh’s house and tries to teach him how to jump. Roo is the youngest member of the 100 Acre Wood, he love milk and most other eateries expect for the extract of malt. He really likes the game ‘Poohsticks’ and likes playing with Tigger too.
He is boy for whom Winnie-the-Pooh was originally written. He is also a part of the stories and poems written by his father A.A. Milne. He is the master of the 100 Acre Woods. Christopher Robin’s address in the forest is – Top of the Forest (High Ground), 100 Acre Wood East. He is everyone’s best friend and mostly indulges in activities to help his friends to get them out of tricky situations, most of the times it’s the silly old Pooh bear that he helps. He will help Pooh collect honey, he will rescue Roo & Tigger when they are stuck in high trees in the forest and shall nail Eeyore’s tail. His favorite food is probably Birthday cake and one of his favourite things to do is hosting birthday and hero parties. But what he likes doing best is N "It means just going along, listening to all the thing's you can't hear, and not bothering".
He is the wisest amongst all the animals living in the 100 Acre Wood. He is a large owl and stands at nearly 28 inches in length and when he spreads his wings they are 42 inches wide. Owl, like Rabbit wasn’t an original toy belonging to Christopher Robin Milne. Along with Rabbit he is considered to be an animal with brains. His intelligence is often called upon to aid a certain bear of very little brain. He is always forthcoming in offering his advice, opinions and anecdotes irrespective of others wanting it. He also loves telling stories related to his relatives. His original residence is called The Chestnuts but when a storm blows away his house and thereafter he makes Piglet’s residence his new residence. His residence has amenities like a pull- bell and a door knocker. Owl is capable of writing and some illustrations show him holding a pen in his talons.
Gopher’s full name is Samuel J. Gopher. Gopher wasn’t a part of the original stories and poems written by A.A. Milne and was introduced by Walt Disney as the felt that the then existing characters of Winnie the Pooh weren’t American enough for the American audience to be able to relate to. This fact is recurrently pointed out he says "I'm not in the book you know." Gopher is a Bricklayer, Builder, Excavation and Demolition Expert. His address is perhaps more apt when describes as all over the 100 Acre Woods as he lives under tunnels he creates. What he likes doing most is working on projects that involve building tunnels or projects which could be used by the other members in the forest. Gopher is 15 inches tall and the biggest problem he will encounter is that he falls into the tunnels that he engineered. Since he is a Walt Disney character there are neither illustration of him nor is he there in the stories written by A.A. Milne.
Heffalump is a frictional character that has been mentioned in Winnie-the-Pooh (1926) and The House at Pooh Corner (1928) written by Author A.A. Milne. But the character of Heffalump had never been given a real structure in Milne’s children’s story books. He is an animal that the residents of the 100 Acre Wood fear. But in the Disney animated film Pooh’s Heffalump Movie he comes across as a friendly young four-footed creature. His color is lavender and a trunk similar to what an elephant has. Heffalump lives in the 100 Acre Wood but his address is not known as he is rarely seen. His favourite food is honey which is also Pooh’s favourite food.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the fictional character. For other uses, see .
"Pooh" redirects here. For other uses, see .
"Hunny" redirects here. For the food, see .
Winnie-the-Pooh, also called Pooh Bear, is a fictional
created by English author . The first collection of stories about the character was the book
(1926), and this was followed by
(1928). Milne also included a poem about the bear in the children's verse book
(1924) and many more in
(1927). All four volumes were illustrated by .
The Pooh stories have been translated into many languages, including 's
translation, Winnie ille Pu, which was first published in 1958, and, in 1960, became the only Latin book ever to have been featured on .
Hyphens in the character's name were dropped by
when the company adapted the Pooh stories into
that became one of its most successful franchises. In popular film adaptations, Pooh Bear has been voiced by actors , , and
in English and
in Russian.
Original Winnie-the-Pooh stuffed toys. Clockwise from bottom left: , , Edward Bear ("Winnie-the-Pooh"), , and . the other characters were made up for the stories.
named the character Winnie-the-Pooh for a teddy bear owned by his son, , who was the basis for the character . The rest of Christopher Robin Milne's toys, , , Kanga, Roo and , were incorporated into Milne's stories. Two more characters,
and , were created by Milne's imagination, while
was added to the Disney version. Christopher Robin's toy bear is on display at the
in New York City.
Harry Colebourn and Winnie, 1914
Christopher Milne had named his toy bear after , a Canadian
he often saw at , and "Pooh", a swan they had met while on holiday. The bear cub was purchased from a hunter for $20 by Canadian Lieutenant
in , Canada, while en route to England during the First World War. He named the bear "Winnie" after his adopted hometown in , Manitoba. "Winnie" was surreptitiously brought to England with her owner, and gained unofficial recognition as
regimental mascot. Colebourn left Winnie at the London Zoo while he and his unit were in F after the war she was officially donated to the zoo, as she had become a much loved attraction there. Pooh the swan appears as a character in its own right in .
In the first chapter of , Milne offers this explanation of why Winnie-the-Pooh is often called simply "Pooh":
But his arms were so stiff ... they stayed up straight in the air for more than a week, and whenever a fly came and settled on his nose he had to blow it off. And I think – but I am not sure – that that is why he is always called Pooh.
The Winnie-the-Pooh stories are set in , Sussex, England. The forest is a large area of tranquil open heathland on the highest sandy ridges of the
situated 30 miles (50 km) south of London. In 1925 Milne, a Londoner, bought a country home a mile to the north of the forest at Cotchford Farm, near . According to Christopher Milne, while his father continued to live in London "...the four of us—he, his wife, his son and his son's nanny—would pile into a large blue, chauffeur-driven Fiat and travel down every Saturday morning and back again every Monday afternoon. And we would spend a whole glorious month there in the spring and two months in the summer." From the front lawn the family had a view across a meadow to a line of alders that fringed the , beyond which the ground rose through more trees until finally "above them, in the faraway distance, crowning the view, was a bare hilltop. In the centre of this hilltop was a clump of pines." Most of his father's visits to the forest at this time were, he noted, family expeditions on foot "to make yet another attempt to count the pine trees on Gill's Lap or to search for the marsh gentian". Christopher added that, inspired by Ashdown Forest, his father had made it "the setting for two of his books, finishing the second little over three years after his arrival".
Many locations in the stories can be linked to real places in and around the forest. As Christopher Milne wrote in his autobiography: "Pooh’s forest and Ashdown Forest are identical". For example, the fictional "" was in reality Five Hundred Acre W Galleon's Leap was inspired by the prominent hilltop of Gill's Lap, while a clump of trees just north of Gill's Lap became Christopher Robin's The Enchanted Place because no-one had ever been able to count whether there were sixty-three or sixty-four trees in the circle.
The landscapes depicted in 's illustrations for the Winnie-the-Pooh books were directly inspired by the distinctive landscape of Ashdown Forest, with its high, open heathlands of heather, gorse, bracken and silver birch punctuated by hilltop clumps of pine trees. Many of Shepard's illustrations can be matched to actual views, allowing for a degree of artistic licence. Shepard's sketches of pine trees and other forest scenes are held at the
in London.
The game of
was originally played by Christopher Milne on a footbridge across a tributary of the River Medway in Posingford Wood, close to Cotchford Farm. The wooden bridge is now a tourist attraction, and it has become traditional to play the game there using sticks gathered in nearby woodland. When the footbridge recently had to be replaced, the engineer designed a new structure based closely on the drawings of the bridge by Shepard in the books, which were somewhat different than the original structure.
Winnie-the-Pooh's debut in the 24 December 1925 London Evening News
Christopher Robin's teddy bear, Edward, made his character début in A. A. Milne's poem, "Teddy Bear", in the 13 February 1924 edition of , and the same poem was published in Milne's book of children's verse
(6 November 1924). Winnie-the-Pooh first appeared by name on 24 December 1925, in a Christmas story commissioned and published by the London newspaper . It was illustrated by J. H. Dowd.
The first collection of Pooh stories appeared in the book . The Evening News Christmas story reappeared as the first chapter of the book. At the beginning, it explained that Pooh was in fact Christopher Robin's Edward Bear, who had been renamed by the boy. He was renamed after
called Winnie who got her name from the fact that her owner had come from Winnipeg, Canada. The book was published in October 1926 by the publisher of Milne's earlier children's work, , in England, and
in the United States.
In the Milne books, Pooh is naive and slow-witted, but he is also friendly, thoughtful, and steadfast. Although he and his friends agree that he "has no Brain", Pooh is occasionally acknowledged to have a clever idea, usually driven by common sense. These include riding in Christopher Robin's umbrella to rescue Piglet from a flood, discovering "the North Pole" by picking it up to help fish Roo out of the river, inventing the game of , and getting Eeyore out of the river by dropping a large rock on one side of him to wash him towards the bank.
Pooh is also a talented poet, and the stories are frequently punctuated by his poems and "hums." Although he is humble about his slow-wittedness, he is comfortable with his creative gifts. When Owl's house blows down in a storm, trapping Pooh and Piglet and Owl inside, Pooh encourages Piglet (the only one small enough to do so) to escape and rescue them all by promising that "a respectful Pooh song" will be written about Piglet's feat. Later, Pooh muses about the creative process as he composes the song.
Pooh is very fond of food, especially "" but also condensed milk and other items. When he visits friends, his desire to be offered a snack is in conflict with the impoliteness of asking too directly. Though intending to give Eeyore a pot of honey for his birthday, Pooh cannot resist eating the honey on his way to deliver the present, and so instead gives Eeyore "a useful pot to put things in". When he and Piglet are lost in the forest during Rabbit's attempt to "unbounce" Tigger, Pooh finds his way home by following the "call" of the honeypots from his house. Pooh makes it a habit to have "a little something" around eleven o'clock in the morning. As the clock in his house "stopped at five minutes to eleven some weeks ago," any time can be Pooh's snack time.
Pooh is very social. After Christopher Robin, his closest friend is Piglet, and he most often chooses to spend his time with one or both of them. But he also habitually visits the other animals, often looking for a snack or an audience for his poetry as much as for companionship. His kind-heartedness means he goes out of his way to be friendly to Eeyore, visiting him and bringing him a birthday present and building him a house, despite receiving mostly disdain from Eeyore in return.
An authorised sequel
was published on 5 October 2009. The author, , has developed, but not changed, Milne's characterisations. The illustrations, by , are in the style of Shepard.
Winnie-the-Pooh and the Missing Bees is a forthcoming book being written by the
about the current decline in Britain's bee population.
On 6 January 1930,
purchased U.S. and Canadian merchandising, television, recording and other trade rights to the "Winnie-the-Pooh" works from Milne for a $1000 advance and 66% of Slesinger's income, creating the modern licensing industry. By November 1931, Pooh was a $50 million-a-year business. Slesinger marketed Pooh and his friends for more than 30 years, creating the first Pooh doll, record, board game, puzzle, US radio broadcast (NBC), animation, and motion picture film.
The first time Pooh and his friends appeared in colour was 1932, when he was drawn by Slesinger in his now-familiar red shirt and featured on an
picture record.
also introduced A. A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh Game in 1933, again with Pooh in his red shirt. In the 1940s, Agnes Brush created the first plush dolls with Pooh in his red shirt. Shepard had drawn Pooh with a shirt as early as the first Winnie-The-Pooh book, which was subsequently coloured red in later coloured editions.
Main article:
After Slesinger's death in 1953, his wife, , continued developing the character herself. In 1961, she licensed rights to
in exchange for royalties in the first of two agreements between Stephen Slesinger, Inc. and Disney. The same year, A. A. Milne's widow, Daphne Milne, also licensed certain rights, including motion picture rights, to Disney.
Since 1966, Disney has released numerous animated productions starring Winnie the Pooh and related characters. These have included theatrical , television series, and
films, as well as the theatrical feature-length films , , , and .
Pooh videos, soft toys, and other merchandise generate substantial annual revenues for Disney. The size of Pooh stuffed toys ranges from
and miniature to human-sized. In addition to the stylised Disney Pooh, Disney markets Classic Pooh merchandise which more closely resembles E.H. Shepard’s illustrations.
In 1991, Stephen Slesinger, Inc. filed a lawsuit against Disney which alleged that Disney had breached their 1983 agreement by again failing to accurately report revenue from Winnie the Pooh sales. Under this agreement, Disney was to retain approximately 98% of gross worldwide revenues while the remaining 2% was to be paid to Slesinger. In addition, the suit alleged that Disney had failed to pay required royalties on all commercial exploitation of the product name. Though the Disney corporation was sanctioned by a judge for destroying forty boxes of evidential documents, the suit was later terminated by another judge when it was discovered that Slesinger's investigator had rummaged through Disney's garbage in order to retrieve the discarded evidence. Slesinger appealed the termination, and on 26 September 2007, a three-judge panel upheld the lawsuit dismissal.
of 1998, Clare Milne, Christopher Milne's daughter, attempted to terminate any future U.S. copyrights for Stephen Slesinger, Inc. After a series of legal hearings, Judge
of the US District Court in California found in favour of Stephen Slesinger, Inc., as did the . On 26 June 2006, the
refused to hear the case, sustaining the ruling and ensuring the defeat of the suit.
On 19 February 2007 Disney lost a court case in Los Angeles which ruled their "misguided claims" to dispute the licensing agreements with Slesinger, Inc. were unjustified, but a federal ruling of 28 September 2009, again from Judge Florence-Marie Cooper, determined that the Slesinger family had granted all trademark and copyright rights to Disney, although Disney must pay royalties for all future use of the characters. Both parties have expressed satisfaction with the outcome.
Winnie-the-Pooh at the Guild Theater |
Marionettes, 1931
Winnie-the-Pooh, a play in three acts | Dramatized by Kristin Sergel, Dramatic Publishing Company, 1957
Winnie-the-Pooh, a musical comedy in two acts | Lyrics by A. A. Milne and Kristin Sergel, Music by Allan Jay Friedman, Book by Kristin Sergel, Dramatic Publishing Company, 1964
A Winnie-the-Pooh Christmas Tail, In Which Winnie-the-Pooh and His Friends Help Eeyore Have a Very Merry Christmas (Or a Very Happy Birthday.) | Book, Music and Lyrics by James W. Rogers, Dramatic Publishing Company, 1977
"" | , 1986
Winnie-the-Pooh, small cast musical version | Dramatized by le Clanché du Rand, Music by Allan Jay Friedman, Lyrics by A. A. Milne and Kristin Sergel, Additional Lyrics by le Clanché du Rand, Dramatic Publishing Company, 1992
RCA Victor record from 1932 decorated with Stephen Slesinger, Inc.'s Winnie-the-Pooh
Selected Pooh stories read by
released on vinyl LP:
Winnie-the-Pooh (consisting of three tracks: "Introducing Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin"; Pooh Goes Visiting and Gets into a Tight Place"; "Pooh and Piglet Go Hunting and Nearly Catch a Woozle") 1956
More Winnie-the-Pooh (consisting of three tracks: "Eeyore Loses a Tail"; "Piglet Meets a Heffalump"; "Eeyore Has a Birthday".)
recorded a dramatised version with songs (music by ) of two episodes from The House at Pooh Corner (Chapters 2 and 8), starring
as Christopher Robin (who also narrated),
as Tigger,
as Piglet, and
as Eeyore. This was released on a 45 rpm EP.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Carol Channing recorded Winnie the Pooh, The House at Pooh Corner and The Winnie the Pooh Songbook, with music by Don Heckman. These were released on vinyl LP and audio cassette by Caedmon Records.
Unabridged recordings read by
of the four Pooh books:
When We Were Very Young
Now We Are Six
The House at Pooh Corner
In 1979 a double audio cassette set of "Winnie the Pooh" was produced featuring British actor
reading all characters in the stories. This was followed in 1981 by an audio cassette set of stories from "House at Pooh Corner" also read by Lionel Jeffries.
In the 1990s, the stories were dramatised for audio by , with music composed, directed and played by John Gould. They were performed by a cast that included
as Winnie-the-Pooh,
as Piglet,
as Eeyore and
Winnie-the-Pooh was broadcast by
stations on Christmas Day, 1925.
Pooh made his US radio debut on 10 November 1932, when he was broadcast to 40,000 schools by , the educational division of the .
(trilogy of the Honey Tree, Blustery Day, and Tigger Too)
adaptation of the film is currently in development with screenwriter
on board to write the screenplay. The story will focus on an adult Christopher Robin returning to the Hundred Acre Wood.
A postage stamp showing Piglet and Winnie-the-Pooh as they appear in the Soviet adaptation
In the , three Winnie-the-Pooh, (transcribed in Russian as "Vinni Pukh") (: ) stories were made into a celebrated trilogy of short films by
(directed by ) from 1969 to 1972.
(Winnie-the-Pooh, 1969) – based on chapter 1
Винни-Пух идёт в гости (Winnie-the-Pooh Pays a Visit, 1971) – based on chapter 2
Винни-Пух и день забот (Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, 1972) – based on chapters 4 and 6.
Films use 's translation of the book. Pooh was voiced by . Unlike the Disney adaptations, the animators did not base their depictions of the characters on Shepard's illustrations, creating a different look. The Soviet adaptations make extensive use of Milne's original text, and often bring out aspects of Milne's characters' personalities not used in the Disney adaptations.
Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends debuted on NBC Television in 1960.
A version of Winnie The Pooh, in which the animals were played by marionettes designed, made and operated by , was presented on 3 October 1960, on
Television's . Pooh himself is voiced by Franz Fazakas.
During the 1970s the
children's television show
serialised the two books, which were read by .
Magical World of Winnie the Pooh (Note: These are episodes from )
(*) (Disney Channel (), )
(Disney Channel (Playhouse Disney), )
(*): Puppet/live-action show
1991: , included in
1996: , included in
1998: , included in
These features integrate stories from
and/or holiday specials with new footage.
Winnie the Pooh has inspired multiple texts to explain complex philosophical ideas.
used Milne's characters in
to explain . Similarly,
wrote essays about the Pooh books in abstruse academic jargon in The Pooh Perplex and Postmodern Pooh to satirise a range of philosophical approaches.
by John T. Williams uses Winnie the Pooh as a backdrop to illustrate the works of philosophers including , ,
Pooh has also left a legacy in popular culture. Winnie-the-Pooh is such a popular character in Poland that a
street is named for him, "." There is also a street named after him in Budapest (Micimackó utca).
wrote the song "", which was originally recorded by the . Loggins later rewrote the song as "", featuring on the album of the same name in 1991. Also, in Italy, a pop band took their name from Winnie, and were titled . In Estonia there is a punk/metal band called .
In the "sport" of , competitors drop sticks into a stream from a bridge and then wait to see whose stick will cross the finish line first. Though it began as a game played by Pooh and his friends in the book
and later in the films, it has crossed over into the real world: a World Championship Poohsticks race takes place in
each year. The Oxford University Winnie the Pooh Society was founded by undergraduates in 1982.
McDowell, Edwin. , The New York Times (18 November 1984). Retrieved 2 January 2010.
. BBC News. Retrieved 20 July 2015
Ford, Rebecca (28 February 2007) , Daily Express. Retrieved 20 July 2015
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Historica Minutes, The Historica Foundation of Canada. Retrieved on 30 May 2008.
(1989). The Forest – Ashdown in East Sussex. Sussex: Sweethaws Press.. Quoted from the Introduction, p. xi, by Christopher Milne.
Willard (1989). Quoted from the Introduction, p. xi, by Christopher Milne.
Hope, Yvonne Jefferey (2000). "Winnie-the-Pooh in Ashdown Forest". In Brooks, Victoria. Literary Trips: Following in the Footsteps of Fame. 1. Vancouver, Canada: Greatest Escapes. p. 287.  .
. University of Surrey 2012.
. BBC News. Retrieved 11 November 2012
. BBC News. Retrieved 11 November 2012
. NPR. 20 July 2015.
"A Children's Story by A. A. Milne". London Evening News. 24 December 1925. p. 1.
(2004). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: Alan Alexander Milne. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(4 October 2009). . The Guardian. UK. p. 15 2009.
"The Merchant of Child". Fortune. November 1931. p. 71.
McElway, St. Claire (26 October 1936). "The Literary Character in Business & Commerce". The New Yorker.
The Albion Monitor.
Nelson, Valerie J (20 July 2007). . Los Angeles times 2007.[]
The Disney Corner.
James, Meg (26 September 2007). . Los Angeles Times 2007.[]
"Justices Refuse Winnie the Pooh Case." ABC News.
. ABC News. 17 February .
James, Meg (29 September 2009). . Los Angeles Times 2009.
Shea, Joe (4 October 2009). .
"Hastings Marionettes: Will Open Holiday Season at Guild Theatre on Saturday". The New York Times. 22 December 1931. p. 28.
. 45cat. 23 July .
. OCLC WorldCat.
. OCLC WorldCat.
"His Master's Voice Speaks Again". . Nov 1932.
Fleming Jr., Mike. . Deadline 2015.
. BBC. Retrieved on 11 March 2015.
. . Retrieved on 12 February 2011.
(). Retrieved on 12 February 2011.
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Wikiquote has quotations related to:
, from the Ashdown Forest Conservators
"", , 24 August 2014.
"", , 20 November 2015.
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