i cant recieve educationmessages on my phone now..i fell down n broke my phone..so pliz call instead!

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Spam texts are a
modern scourge, plaguing our mobile phones with unwanted adverts, often from
dodgy companies. Yet it is possible to
fight back, report them and minimise the number you get.
This guide
explains how to identify the three main types of unwanted texts and how to deal the problem - including the four numbers that can beat 'em.
In this guide
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What type of text is it?
There are three
types of spam message & each needs to be dealt with differently so it's important you identify which it is.
Spam texts
These usually message randomly generated numbers, advertising services such as accident 'ambulance chasers',
PPI claims handlers or debt write-off firms.
How to spot 'em: They usually come from an 11-digit mobile number and the company isn't
How to stop 'em: Read
Legitimate marketing messages
These should include
the name and contact details of the sender. You will usually have given consent for
them to be sent, though possibly unknowingly.
How to spot 'em: Firms will identify themselves within the body of text or in the sent-from number (this will show as
text). If not, it's breaking regulations and can be considered
How to stop 'em: Read
Premium messages
Again, these are services you have agreed to but you may be unaware that by buying a service, or game, on your mobile you're
getting a regular, charged text.
How to spot 'em: It will be from a
five or six-digit number and will bill you for receiving the message.
How to stop 'em: Read
Spam texts: NEVER reply
These are messages you've never asked for and don't
want. They're likely to be generic, not targeting you personally, though it depends on the company.
Spammers frequently change
these messages in order to try and evade detection, resulting in a
large number of variants.
Increasingly, these messages are sent by computers to masses of randomly
generated numbers.
They use multiple pay-as-you-go Sim cards which will often only be active
for a week or two.
It's a scam aiming to obtain genuine personal details. The GOLDEN rule is...
Do NOT reply, at all, ever - do NOT text STOP!
These texts WANT any response to confirm you are a real
person. Some even try to trick you by saying
"text 'STOP' to be removed from the mailing list". IGNORE THIS! (Of course,
it can be difficult to split the legit from the not-legit.)
Any numbers that are confirmed are likely to be sold on to
injury claim specialists, PPI reclaiming firms or other unscrupulous marketeers who may further spam you with unsolicited calls and texts. Ensure you don't click on any links within the text either.
Quick questions:
Are any claims messages legitimate?
After an accident, an insurer may ask you if it can pass your details onto a
claims management firm, who'll then text you.
However, if this is the case,
your insurer should have informed you that it's passed your details on. Even if it doesn't, the claims handler MUST clearly identify where it got
your details. If they won't give this information, you shouldn't proceed.
illegal for them to sell my details?
The buying and selling of your information itself is
illegal if you haven't
given permission.
claims management firms and anyone else who buys this data is supposed to make sure
it has been
obtained legitimately.
Not doing this could
breach the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations, the Data
Protection Act and for legal firms, the Solictors' Regulations.
Unfortunately, as companies don't tend to keep all the
paperwork, the information trail has been very difficult for the Ministry of
Justice to follow, so often action can't be taken.
The whole area is a bit of a black hole, and some spammers profit from it.
How did they get my number?
It's possible you've inadvertently opted into (or failed to opt out of) a marketing list, so
make sure to check privacy policies when buying products or signing up to anything. These can be tricky, as companies often bury this information, so always check the small print.
If you've been liberal in handing out your mobile number online then it may make its way into unscrupulous hands. So avoid posting it on sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
forum or elsewhere & even in pages you may think are private. And when filling in online forms don't give your mobile number unless absolutely required.
do if I get one?
There are three
steps you can follow when it comes to spam messages. The first two tackle the wider problem & they won't completely stop them but the more of us that do this the
more it helps to reduce spam in the future. The third should help stop repeated targeting from a particular advertiser.
1. Use the four numbers that can beat spam texts
The first option is to report it to your network provider. The big networks have a simple, FREE method to help you do this.
Just forward the message to 7726 (spells SPAM), making sure it includes the senders' number.
2. Report it to the Information Commissioner
The second option is to report it to the , which can fine firms up to
?500,000 for the most
serious breaches of the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations
(PECR), which govern spam texts. In 2013, a pay day loans company was fined ?175,000 after it was found to be sending millions of unlawful spam texts.
The ICO can look at texts sent within the UK or on behalf of a UK company. Unfortunately, some
messages are sent by companies outside the UK or through anonymous pay-as-you-go Sims,
which means they are difficult to prevent or punish, and difficult to stop.
However, you should still make a complaint
to ICO. It can then investigate the matter,
and penalise firms if it thinks
rules have been broken and they are based in the UK.
It looks at every
complaint and the more detail you provide, the better. Check the
information about recent investigations before making a
If you get one of these texts, you should record exactly what
the text says and the number it was sent from, then complain to the ICO
Online: File a
Telephone: 3
3. Block the number
The most direct way of ensuring you don't get any more messages from a particular number is to simply block the number. Doing so would also block calls from said number.
Unfortunately many companies use multiple Sims to send spam, so blocking one doesn't necessarily mean you won't here from them again. If you do it to every sender you get something from it will at least give them one less channel through which to contact you.
The method for doing this varies depending on the device you're using. See instructions for ,
phones (though the process may vary slightly form handset to handset) and
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marketing messages: Opt out
You get legitimate marketing
messages when you fail to tick or untick a box (whether on purpose or by accident) and allow companies
to send you marketing messages or give your details to third party
If legit, the text will always include the sender, in line with regulations. If you don't
know who the message is from,
then BEWARE, it's probably SPAM!
How to stop them
text 'STOP'. Firms are legally obliged to pay attention to this. However, make sure you are 100% certain it is a legitimate marketing message, or you may get even more spam. If that doesn't work, try the website of the company named in the message. You should be able to find
an option to opt out of receiving its texts. If not, phone the firm and
request it stops.
If that doesn't work, complain to the Information Commissioner, who can punish the firm with fines. To
complain to the ICO:
Online: File a
Premium rate
messages: Text 'STOP'
These are sometimes called 'reverse billed' messages. It's
where you get charged for receiving a text to your phone. These are becoming more
and more common - normally for subscription services such as games, or
weather/news updates.
Often you will have signed up for these services in the
past, but subsequently forgotten or not cancelled. The cost can run into ?100s,
so act quickly to avoid paying a fortune.
Here you should reply STOP or STOP ALL, in order to block
future messages from that company.
This should work, but if the messages keep coming,
use premium-rate regulator PhonepayPlus's .
Simply enter the number and it'll give you contact details for the company, which you can use to request it stops the messages.
Alternatively get in
touch with your network provider and ask it to stop the
If this fails and you're still tearing your hair out, the
final stage is to get in touch with
and it'll investigate your complaint.
Can I get my money back?
Sending texts to people who have explicitly specified they
don't want them is unlawful. Unfortunately, you'll only be entitled to a refund
if you DIDN'T subscribe to the service.
Failing to opt out of messages
& where you fill in a form
which automatically signs you up to a premium text service, unless you
specifically tick or untick a box
& doesn't count as subscribing to the service. You must actively sign up before they can legitimately send texts that charge.
If you're sure you never signed up for the premium texts,
don't delete the message. You may need the details later. You can try to get a
refund for any charges incurred
PhonePayPlus which regulates this industry. Follow this quick two-step process.
Stopping instant messaging spam
Many increasingly use
instant messaging services like&&and&&as an alternative to texting ? and
inevitably, a deluge of spam&s followed suit.
Dealing with it can require a different approach though ? it
tends to be less targeted, and because these services operate via third parties
and Wi-Fi, reporting the number to your&&wouldn't necessarily stop them.
However, the nature of
many instant messaging apps means anything sent should have a number attached
to it, so reporting it to the&&may still be
currently no specific procedure for reporting spam on WhatsApp or Viber, though
you can contact their general support teams and those of any other apps to let
them know about it.
try and stop any further messages, they suggest blocking the number within the
app ? instructions on how to do this can be found on the&&and&&websites. For other apps and services,
see their respective FAQs/websites.
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need a help with a claim or debt?
Many of these companies charge for services which you can do yourself, such as reclaim PPI, write off your debts and get a tax rebate.
CPP reclaiming
Up to 7m people were mis-sold credit card & identity theft cover by banks and CPP. Letters have been sent out including claims forms for getting the money back and our
guide includes step-by-step instructions on how you can get your share of the ?1.3bn redress pot.
For most people, this can be done for free, without giving up any of your compensation, using the template letters available in our full
your debts
This is almost impossible. If you need help with problem debts, you should
contact a free debt-help agency such as
Full info in our
Accident compensation
This is difficult to do by yourself. But by the same token,
firms using unsolicited texts are unlikely to be the
best route.
If you want to pursue an accident claim, try speaking to your insurer, or seek
advice from
For a full list of authorised and regulated
claims management firms,
Tax rebates
In 2012/13, HMRC announced 3.5 million people were due a tax code rebate as they?d overpaid, sometimes for years (see the MSE News Story ).
Almost instantly, firms popped up
offering to do it for you for a slice of the dosh. Yet you can easily do it
yourself at no cost. See our
for a step-by-step guide on checking if you're owed and how to
get it back.
Reclaiming successes of ?1,000 are common ? and some get even more.
Payday loans
The texts will offer
instant access to cash for a short term at extremely high interest rates. These should only be used as a very last resort.
guide to find out more. Alternatives include
need help with managing debt, visit our
Insurance policies
Spam texts offering cheap insurance are unlikely
to represent the best cover for you. Instead read
our full cost-cutting systems for , , , ,
Get this free weekly email full of deals, guides & it's spam free
More tools from MoneySavingExpertKorean Phrases: Everything You Need in 2016
Power of Korean Phrases
If you’re planning on visiting or living in Korea, then it definitely pays to learn at least a few key Korean phrases. If you live here, then you already know how valuable it is to speak at least a bit of Korean. Here are the top 10 reasons why people learn Korean phrases:
1. Meeting new friends
2. Ordering at restaurants
3. Chatting with locals
4. Taking public transportation
5. Getting discounts
6. Finding best cafes in town
7. Driving
9. Talking to in-laws
10. Showing respect as a visitor
A large number of Koreans in Seoul can speak at least basic English, so it’s true that you are unlikely to get stranded if you visit or come here to live.
However, not knowing any phrases at all . If you’re going to travel all this way to Asia, might as well make it the best experience possible!
Many people think that Korean is too difficult to learn. The surprising thing most people don’t know is that you can
(Hangul) in less than one hour. Imagine, you can be
by studying for a bit on your airplane/boat/helicopter/submarine ride over here! Exciting, isn’t it?
You can learn to read Korean in about 60 minutes
Of course you may not know what the words mean, but thankfully Koreans have Konglish! (Korean-English). Since many modern Korean words are taken from English, you’ll be able to recognize them easily as long as you can sound them out. Once you learn to read Hangul, you’ll have a vocabulary of hundreds of words right from the start. That’s a great way to learn Korean fast.
So if you want to learn conversational Korean, does that mean you need to put in months of study before you can get to talking?
Absolutely not!
into the mix. Then you’ll have tons to talk about!
We’re going to give you plenty of key phrases here, but know that you may be in for a surprise. These aren’t your regular run-of-the-mill phrases taken straight from a guidebook. We’ve been there, done that, and the fact is that a lot of those phrases aren’t what people use in everyday life. It’s embarrassing if people don’t understand you.
Instead of putting you in that situation, we’ve hand-picked the most commonly used phrases so you can talk the talk with confidence!
Before we kick things off, make sure to heed the Hangul Warning.
Heed the Hangul Warning
All of the phrases below are written in both English and Hangul (the Korean alphabet).
“But I can’t read Hangul, I just want the phrases!”, you might say.
While it is possible to learn some basic Korean without knowing any Hangul, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
Learning the Romanized version (English letters to sound out Hangul) of Korean without
is a dangerous way to study the language. The reason is, it severely limits you and almost guarantees failure. If you don’t learn basic Hangul:
1. You can’t read menus and signs
2. You can’t pronounce words correctly
3. You can’t understand other people
To elaborate, not being able to read menus and signs makes you feel like more helpless and lost in Korea. This is especially true if you venture outside of Seoul. If you don’t know Hangul, then pronunciation becomes much harder. Romanized Korean is hard to pronounce even to fluent speakers of Korean. It’s confusing! If you don’t know the correct pronunciation for a Korean phrase, you’re not going to recognize it when someone says it to you.
All of this ultimately leads to confusion and frustration, which eventually ends in lost motivation. This is how people end up quitting and saying Korean is too hard.
It’s not true. The learning system is the problem.
So whether your goal is to pick up a few Korean phrases or to become fully conversational, heed the Hangul Warning and spend the next 60 minutes learning the Korean alphabet. Your future self will thank you for it!
Formal or informal Korean phrases?
Korean has many levels of formality within the language. Because of this, saying simple things can seem extremely complex because of the social hierarchies.
If you’re learning Korean but you don’t have Korean ancestry in your family, then you’re in the clear! You can get by with the standard forms of the language and you’ll still be considered polite. That way you can learn some simple phrases without having to know all of the intracacies of the language.
Since there are different forms of Korean, you may occasionally hear more formal versions of the phrases below. However, we’ll give you the 20% of the phrases you’ll hear 80% of the time so you can learn Korean fast.
Let’s get to it!
Essential Korean Phrases
Only the essentials!
Need the bare minimum for talking in Korean? These are the phrases you’ll want to get down to make sure your time in Korea is smooth sailing!
You might notice that that there area few ways of saying some common phrases, such as “excuse me” and “goodbye”. In English, these phrases are much more multi-purpose. In Korean, there are specific phrases that you’ll use for certain situations.
*Can’t read Korean yet? Click
to learn for free in about 60 minutes!
??? (Korean)
Don’t mention it
That’s OK
Excuse me (to get attention)
Excuse me (to apologize)
Excuse me (to pass someone)
Hello (on phone)
Good morning
Good evening
Sleep well
Sweet dreams
Goodbye (to person leaving)
Goodbye (to person staying)
Get home safely
Have a nice day
?? ?? ????
Have a good trip!
Just a moment!
I feel sick
I need a doctor
Take me to the hospital (to taxi)
Everyday Korean Phrases
You can use these phrases everyday!
As you learn the lay of the land with your Korean learning, you’ll want to setup up from the essentials to phrases that you’ll need on a daily basis.
When you’re asking questions in Korean, make sure to direct your intonation upwards towards the end of the sentences, as if you’re unsure.
You’ve got the phrases necessary to have simple interactions, so now’s the time to put them to use!
*Can’t read Korean yet? Click
to learn for free in about 60 minutes!
??? (Korean)
Where is the bathroom?
???? ??? ????
Please repeat that
Please speak slowly
??? ?? ???
Please write it down
I understand
I don’t understand
I don’t know
Can you speak Korean?
???? ? ? ????
I can speak a little Korean
???? ?? ? ? ???
I can’t speak Korean
How do you say _______ in Korean?
_______? ???? ????
How much is this?
I’ll be right back!
?? ?? ????!
What is this?
Don’t worry!
?? ?? ???!
No problem!
Restaurant Korean Phrases
Mom loves when you have good manners at the dinner table
If you’ve had Korean food before, then you know why Koreans can’t live without it when they go abroad. A Korean meal is not just any ordinary culinary experience. It’s a symphony of various side dishes, main dishes, drinks, appetizers, and desserts that will make you wonder how you’ve lived without it for so long.
Korean cuisine is not only strong on variety, but it also is strong on taste! You’ll experience meat, vegetables, noodles, rice, and other seasonings in a way that you might not have had before. But beware, some of these may catch you off guard! Koreans love to spice things up, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself reaching for the ice water more than normal.
*Can’t read Korean yet? Click
to learn for free in about 60 minutes!
??? (Korean)
Do you have a table for 4 people?
?? ?? ????
Please give me a menu
Do you have vegetarian dishes?
?????? ?? ????
Is this spicy?
Please do not make this spicy
?? ?? ??? ???
Please give me 4 orders of galbi
?? ??? ???
Please give me 1 bottle of soju
Please give me 3 glasses
??? ?? ???
It’s delicious!
I don’t like it
It was a delicious meal!
What time do you close?
??? ? ????
Do you take credit cards?
Cafe Korean Phrases
If you’ve been to Seoul before, then you know you can go more than a few minutes in each direction without running into a cafe. Korea has a massive coffee-drinking culture, and it’s continuing to spread!
When you order at a cafe, there are some unique
that might be surprising to English speakers. For example, the way you ask for your order to go will be different depending on whether you order only a drink or if you order food with your drink. Although Koreans think this is normal, even they get surprised when they think about the intricacies of Korean!
Use these phrases to get the caffeine boost that will supercharge your day.
*Can’t read Korean yet? Click
to learn for free in about 60 minutes!
??? (Korean)
Please give me 1 hot coffee
??? ????? ?? ???
Please give me 2 ice coffees
??? ????? ?? ???
Do you have non-caffeinated drinks?
??? ?? ?? ????
I’d like to eat here
??? ?? ???
I’d like this to go (drink only)
I’d like this to go (food and drink)
Please throw away my receipt
???? ?? ???
Do you have wifi here?
What is the wifi password?
?? ?? ?? ???
Do you have electrical outlets?
Where are your electrical outlets?
??? ??? ????
Shopping Korean Phrases
If you’re out in Dongadaemun, Garosul-gil, or Myeongdong, you are definitely going to need some phrases to help you shop!
Korea has it’s own specialized vocabulary terms when it comes to shopping, so make sure you know these before you head out for the next shopping spree. For example, did you know that some Korean credit cards give you the choice of paying for your purchase over one month or multiple month installments? The installment plans have interest fees, so plan accordingly! Be ready for this question, since some stores will ask you if you want your purchase to be put through as “???”.
Use these Korean phrases to add even more fun to your shopping experience.
*Can’t read Korean yet? Click
to learn for free in about 60 minutes!
??? (Korean)
Throw away the receipt
???? ?? ???
Please give me a receipt
Put it in a bag
??? ?? ???
Please give me a discount
How much is it?
Please give me _______
_______ ???
Do you have _______?
_______ ????
Can I pay with credit card?
Please give me a refund
Please exchange this
Please wrap it for me
One-time payment
3 month installments
Dry Cleaner Korean Phrases
Looking sharp and stylish doesn’t happen by accident. Koreans are extremely image-conscious, and go to great lengths to make sure their appearance is the best it can be at all times.
If you feel the same about your clothing, then you know the dry cleaners is your best friend! Ordinary shirts, trousers, skirts, and suits make your clothing look new again. Not only that, but you can save some of your clothing from certain doom. We all know what it feels like when you put your favorite sweater in the dryer and it comes out three sizes too small!
Best to leave the care of your finest threads to the professionals. The next time you stop by your friendly neighborhood dry cleaner in Korea, use these phrases to insure you get exactly what you want.
*Can’t read Korean yet? Click
to learn for free in about 60 minutes!
??? (Korean)
Please dry clean this for me
Please iron this for me
Please make this longer
??? ?? ???.
Please make this shorter
??? ?? ???.
Please sew on this button
Can you remove this stain?
?? ? ? ????
When can I pick up my clothes?
?? ?? ?? ? ????
I’m here to pick up my clothes
? ?? ??? ???
How much is it?
How much is the total?
Bank Korean Phrases
Maybe you’re tired of fumbling around with hand gestures and sentence fragments at the bank. Or perhaps you want to get your banking done at the local branch instead of heading into the one across town that has English speakers.
We got you covered!
Grab your stacks of ??? bills, pack them in your briefcase, and head down to your friendly neighborhood bank. Hopefully they have a big enough vault for you!
Use these at the bank to confidently, quickly, and seamlessly get your banking biz taken care of.
*Can’t read Korean yet? Click
to learn for free in about 60 minutes!
??? (Korean)
I would like to open a new bank account
??? ??? ???
I would like an ATM card
?? ??? ??? ???
I need to reset my password
????? ??? ?? ???
Are there monthly fees?
Do you have an ID card
Please give me your ID card
Do you need internet banking?
??? ?? ?????
I would like to apply for a public certificate
????? ???? ???
I want to send money to _______
_______? ? ???? ???
I need to make a deposit
I need to make a withdrawal
How much is the wire transfer charge?
?? ???? ?????
Can I apply for a credit card?
?? ?? ??? ? ????
What are your favorite Korean phrases?
Hospital Korean Phrases
Nobody likes going to the hospital, but it sure it sure is a relief to see a doctor when you aren’t feeling well!
Use these phrases below to explain to the doctor what the problem is.
Even if the doctor speaks English, you may find these phrases handy to use with the nurse or the receptionist who takes your name down and asks what is bothering you.
If you get a prescription, they will usually be a pharmacy nearby. Sometimes, there will be pharmacy inside the hospital!
*Can’t read Korean yet? Click
to learn for free in about 60 minutes!
??? (Korean)
I need to see a doctor
??? ?? ???
I have health insurance
My body aches all over
I have a headache
I have a sore throat
I have a stomachache
I have diarrhea
I have indigestion
My nose is runny
My nose is stuffy
I don’t have any allergies
I am allergic to _______
_______? ????? ???
Where can I get this prescription filled?
???? ?? ??? ? ????
I have a prescription to fill
???? ?? ???
Pharmacy Korean Phrases
If you’re not feeling well and you don’t think it’s quite worth a doctor visit, then you might want to swing by your local pharmacy in Korea.
The pharmacists in Korea are very helpful. Explain what the problem is, and they’ll give you the recommended medicine to get you back to your former glorious self.
Or, maybe you went to the hospital and now you’ve got that piece of paper with the cure to your sickness. You’ll be on your way with your prescription filled in no time!
*Can’t read Korean yet? Click
to learn for free in about 60 minutes!
??? (Korean)
Do you have Tylenol?
I have a cold
I have a stuffy nose
I have a runny nose
I have a headache
I have a sore throat
I have a stomachache
My body aches all over
I have been sick for two days
?? ?? ????
Take one pill twice a day
??? ? ? ? ?? ???
Take one pill three times a day with meals
??? ? ? ??? ??? ? ?? ???
I don’t have any allergies
I am allergic to _______
_______? ????? ???
I have a prescription to fill
???? ?? ???
Dentist Korean Phrases
It’s about that time to take care of that movie star smile!
Visit the dentist regularly so you can show off your lovely smile!
If you’re afraid of the dentist, you’re not alone. Not to worry, we’ve got some phrases you can use at the dentist office to make sure your visit is a smooth one.
In Korean, people use the term “scaling” (????) for cleaning. If the dentist starts talking about scaling your teeth, don’t be surprised, it’s a good thing!
Most of the dentists in Korea speak English, so you likely won’t have to worry about a heavy langauge barrier. However, their assistants may not be as able to communicate, so having some Korean phrases may come in handy.
The dentists in Korea are really good, so sit back and relax, it should be a painless and carefree visit!
*Can’t read Korean yet? Click
to learn for free in about 60 minutes!
??? (Korean)
I’m here to make an appointment
????? ????
How long do I have to wait?
??? ???????
My last checkup was 1 year ago
??? ?? ???? 1? ???
My last cleaning was 6 months ago
??? ?????? 6?? ???
I am here for a cleaning
???? ?? ???
I'm here for a dental checkup
?? ?? ?? ???
My upper tooth hurts
My lower tooth is senstive
My gums hurt
I think I have a cavity
??? ?? ? ???
I don’t have dental insurance
I have dental insurance
Can I pay with a credit card?
Hair Salon Korean Phrases
Use these phrases at the ???!
Ready to head out to the salon?
Or, the “???” as they call in it Korean?
You may be worried about the stylist chopping away at you gorgeous locks of hair. After all, it’s really easy to miscommunicate when you’re talking in a foreign language!
And nobody likes to be reassured with the phrase “don’t worry, it will grow back.”
Unlikely it will grow back in time for your big date on Saturday night!
Thankfully, there are hair salon phrases to help you get exactly the hairstyle that you want.
Study up, and get ready to show off that new hairdo!
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??? (Korean)
Please give me a haircut
Please dye my hair
Dye only my roots please
?? ?? ? ??? (?? ????)
Dye my hair this color please
? ??? ?? ? ???
Please perm my hair
How much does a haircut cost?
?? ?? ?????
How long will it take?
?? ??? ????
Please don’t cut it too short
?? ?? ??? ???
Please cut it a little shorter here
?? ?? ? ?? ???
Please just trim my hair
Please just trim my bangs
???? ??? ???
Please trim the sides and even out the top
??? ?? ?? ??? ??????
Leave the back long
???? ?? ?? ???
I’d like to make an appointment tomorrow at 2pm
?? ?? 2?? ??? ??????
I’d like my hair like this person in the picture
??? ?? ???? ??? ?? ???
Make it about this long
? ??? ?? ? ???
Movie Theater Korean Phrases
No matter what time of year, what time of day, or what the weather is like, it’s always a good time to go see a movie in Korea!
There are a variety of movie theaters, some of the popular being , , and .
CGV Theater in Korea
There are a few great things about going to the movies in Korea.
First of all, you can easily reserve tickets for a movie through smartphone apps. If some problem with your schedule comes up, many theaters have a refund policy if you cancel before the movie starts (depending on the movie theater).
Secondly, many of the theaters have movies that start well into midnight. You may find yourself going to a movie at 3:00am!
Thirdly, you can cuddle up with your significant other during your movie by reserving couple seats, often on the top row. CGV calls them “Sweetbox” seats, and they have a foldable armrest for a loveseat-style feeling at the movies.
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??? (Korean)
Are there any seats available for the 7:30pm showing?
7?? ?? ?? ????
Are there subtitles for this movie?
?? ?? ????
What time is X movie showing?
X ??? ?? ?????
What is the genre of the movie?
??? ?? ?????
How long is the movie?
?? ?? ??? ??? ???
Where is Theater 12
???12? ??? ????
Where is the concession stand?
??? ?? ????
I’d like two tickets for X movie
X ??? 2? ???
How much are the Sweetbox seats?
????? ??? ?????
Do you give discounts to students?
When is the last move playing?
??? ??? ?????
Post Office Korean Phrases
Thinking about sending Mom a letter?
Or maybe you have to mail a birthday gift to a best friend.
Better head to the post office!
The post offices in Korea have a wide variety of services, from regular domestic shipments to international air mail. Most locations also have shipping supplies right at the post office, so you can do all of your packing and shipping in one spot!
*Can’t read Korean yet? Click
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??? (Korean)
How much is it to send by air mail?
?????? ?????
How much is the least expensive shipping option?
?? ? ?? ?? ?????
Do I need a customs form?
?? ?? ?????
Please send this package by registered mail
??? ?? ?????
Please send this envelope to Canada by regular mail
???? ?????? ?????
Where can I buy stamps?
??? ???? ? ? ????
Please give me 3 stamps
Do you sell envelopes?
?? ?? ????
How long will it take to be delivered?
????? ??? ????
What is the zip code for this address?
? ??? ????? ????
Please give me one size 3 box
3? ?? 1? ???
Please give me some bubble wrap
3. Travel and Transportation
Asking for Directions Korean Phrases
Pack your bags, it’s time to do some traveling within Korea!
Of course we want to make this experience as smooth as possible, so we’ll give you some phrases you can use in case you get lost or need directions.
Whether you’re in the big city or quiet countryside, use these Korean phrases to ask the locals where something is.
Start things off with a simple “????”, and then get to chatting!
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??? (Korean)
Excuse me (asking for help politely)
Excuse me (asking for help)
Do you know where _______ is?
_______ ???? ????
How far is it from here?
???? ??? ???? ????
Is it far from here?
It’s quite far
It’s not far
It’s close
It’s not within walking distance
??? ?? ??? ????
It’s about 1 kilometer from here
???? 1???? ???
Can you show me on the map?
??? ?? ??????
I’m sorry, I’m not from around here
????? ?? ? ?? ??? ????
It’s that way
Go straight
Hotel and Pension Korean Phrases
KAL Hotel in Jeju
Use these phrases to help you at hotels and pensions (B&Bs) in Korea!
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??? (Korean)
Do you have any rooms available?
I would like to make a reservation
??? ?? ???
Did you have a reservation?
??? ??????
I have a reservation
I don’t have a reservation
?? ??? ?? ????
How much is a room for one night?
??? ?? ?????
Is breakfast included with the room?
??? ??? ???? ????
How long would you like to stay?
? ?? ?? ????
May I see the room first?
?? ?? ?? ???
I will stay for _____ night(s)
_____ ? ????
May I have your name?
??? ??????
Can you wake me at _____?
_____ ?? ????????
I want to check out now
?? ?? ???? ???
Bus Korean Phrases
Sokcho Bus Station in Korea
The Korean bus system is one of the best systems in the world.
The buses are fast, clean, and on time. This goes for the smaller local buses (?? ??), the regular city buses, and even the express buses (?? ??).
At many bus stops in Seoul, there is a digital display that shows which buses are coming and what time they will arrive. It’s very accurate!
If you really want to dial in your schedule down to the minute, you can download applicaitons to tell you which bus will arrivate at certain times. That way, you can check the bus arrival times before you get to the bus stop. This is especially useful when during the winter. You may want to stay in that warm cafe or restaurant as long as possible, and walk out to your bus right as it arrives.
The phrases below will help you with regular city buses. There are also phrases to help you book bus tickets from different parts of the country at the various terminals around Korea.
Charge up your , and go for a ride!
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??? (Korean)
Please stop the bus here
??? ?? ???
Please open the bus door
?? ? ?? ???
What time is the last bus?
??? ?? ?????
How much is the bus fare?
?? ?? ?????
Where can I charge my bus card?
?? ?? ??? ??? ? ????
How much is a bus ticket to _____?
_____? ?? ?? ?? ?????
One ticket to _____, please
_____? ?? ? ? ? ???
Where does this bus go?
? ??? ??? ???
Where is the bus to _____?
_____? ?? ??? ??? ????
Are there tickets available for the 3pm bus to _____?
3? _____? ?? ?? ?? ????
Does this bus stop in _____?
? ??? _____? ???
When does the bus for _____ leave?
_____? ?? ??? ?? ?????
When does bus number _______ arrive?
_____? ??? ?? ?????
When will this bus arrive in _____?
? ??? _____? ?? ?????
4. Situations
Dinner Table Korean Phrases
Korea has a strong food culture. Along with that, comes a wide range of interesting phrases that will allow you to express your feelings in unique ways.
For example, you say “I will eat well” before eating your meal. This is the way that Koreans show gratitude toward the person who cooked the meal. Then, instead of saying “thank you”, you’d simply say “? ?????”, which means “I ate well.”
Also, don’t be surprised if you get some shocked looks when telling Koreans that you’re vegetarian! For Koreans, barbecuing meat is almost a religion. It’s hard for them to imagine living without that tasty part of their cuisine.
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??? (Korean)
Bon appétit
I will eat well!
I ate well
It’s delicious!
It doesn’t taste good
I’m hungry
I’m thirsty
Give me _______ please
_______ ???
I’m a vegetarian
?? ???????
I don’t eat meat
?? ??? ? ???
I can eat anything
? ?? ? ???
Getting to Know You Korean Phrases
These phrases are great for getting to know someone!
Concerned about first impressions?
Well, that’s great news! Koreans are very image conscious, so it’s best to start things off on the right foot.
And what better way of doing that than to know some small talk phrases!
You’re on your way to breaking the ice in Korean.
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to learn for free in about 60 minutes!
??? (Korean)
Nice to meet you
What is your name?
My name is _______
? ??? _______???
Where are you from?
I’m from _______
?? _______?? ???
How old are you?
I’m _______ years old
?? _______????
I can’t speak Korean well
I’m learning Korean these days
?? ??? ???
What is your job?
My job is _______
? ??? _______???
Where do you live?
Are you married?
Do you like _______?
_______? ?????
I like _______
_______? ????
Meeting Friends Korean Phrases
Use these phrases with your friends!
Imagine that you run into your long-time Korean friend:
“How long has it been?
Have you lost weight? You look great!
I don’t think we’ve seen each other since….well, it’s been way too long!
Are you free for a few minutes? Let’s catch up!”
If you study the phrases below, you’ll have a lot to talk about.
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??? (Korean)
Long time no see
Have you eaten? (showing concern)
How are you?
How have you been?
What have you been up to?
Where shall we go?
Say hi to _______ for me
_______?? ?? ?? ???
Get home safely
Special Occasion Korean Phrases
Use these to express yourself on special occasions
If you’ve been to or lived in Korea, then you know that Koreans love to celebrate!
The big cities stay open all night long, with people roaming the streets until the sun comes up—and
even after.
The next time you’re along for the celebration, use these phrases to fit in with the group.
As you go over the phrases, you’ll notice that some of them are Konglish and some are specific to the Korean language. For example, “Merry Christmas” is sounded out in Hangul. On the other hand, “Happy New Year” does not sound like the English phrase at all. Instead, it directly translates to “I hope you will receive a lot of good luck next year”.
If you’re looking for more phrases for special occaions, check out:
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??? (Korean)
Happy Birthday
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!
?? ? ?? ????!
Happy Chuseok!
??? ?? ????
Happy Valentine's Day!
?? ???? ??!
Phone Call Korean Phrases
He’s about to use Korean phrases on his phone call
How often do you pick up the phone and hear Korean being spoken on the other end?
If you’re living in Korea, chance are quite often!
Speaking on the phone can be challenging, especially since you can’t rely on body language or visuals to help make out words. For many, it is the part of language learning that gives them the
most trouble.
Well, today we will help you get a few steps ahead of the game by giving you some common expressions that people use on the phone.
The phrases below are written in the common form. Not only is it polite, but you can use it comfortably with those older and younger than you. You may hear the other person using slightly more formal versions of these phrases, but it largely depends on who you are talking to. Most often this happens when you call into a office or company.
The next time you get or make a phone call with the other person speaking Korean, you can chat with confidence!
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??? (Korean)
Hello? (on phone)
Who is calling please?
Can I speak to _______ please?
_______?? ?? ? ? ?????
Just a moment please
??? ??? ???
_______ isn’t in at the moment
_______?? ??? ????
Should I tell _______ to call you back?
_______??? ?? ????? ????
Would you like to leave a message?
???? ???????
Can I take a message?
???? ?? ? ????
I will connect you
?? ??? ????
Please repeat that for me
Please speak up a little for me
? ? ?? ?? ???
I will call you back
When shall I call?
??? ??? ??????
Mobile Phone Korean Phrases:
“If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items (besides food and clothing) would you take?”
When asked this question, most people reply with “cell phone!” as their first response. How could they ever live without it? It’s an important part of most people’s lives.
Whether or not you feel the same way, you’ll like come across times where you’ll need to take care of your mobile phone. Below are some common Korean expressions that you can use to help you keep your phone powered up and data-charged!
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??? (Korean)
Do you have electrical outlets?
Where are your electrical outlets?
??? ??? ????
Please charge my mobile for me
??? ??? ???
Do you sell mobile phone cases?
??? ??? ????
Do you sell cell phone chargers?
??? ??? ????
Can I buy a data plan for my phone?
??? ??? ??? ? ? ????
How much time is remaining on my contract?
??? ?? ??? ?????
Please add minutes to my phone
??? ??? ??? ???
Can you repair my mobile phone?
??? ?? ? ????
How much will the repair cost?
??? ?? ?????
When can I pick up my phone?
??? ?? ??? ? ? ????
Korean Exclamations
Remember your art teacher back in elementary school? She always encouraged you to express yourself, but maybe you didn’t know exactly how.
Well, we have good news for you! Not only will you learn how to express your emotions, but you’ll also know how to express those emotions in Korean!
Use these exclamations to express your emotions in Korean. ??!
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??? (Korean)
Amazing! or Unbelievable!
What?! or Oh my god!
Yay! or Hurray!
Oh my goodness!
Unbelievable! or Impossible!
Impress the Locals Korean Phrases
Native Koreans will love these!
Korea has a phrase called “?? ??”, which means “quickly, quickly”. It’s ingrained into the personalities, activities, and mindsets of the people and the culture as a whole. Korea rapidly developed in a short time period. It has a massive economy compared to the size of it’s land and population thanks to their ability to change, adapt, and get things done quickly.
How did they do it so fast? Well, they certainly didn’t waste time with unnecessary vocabulary!
One thing you’ll notice while talking with Koreans is that they make efforts to shorten the way they speak. Abbreviations and word blending is common.
Below is a list of phrases that Koreans use commonly today but you won’t find in regular textbooks. They’re all rated “G”, so use them freely without worry. Don’t be surprised if you get some shocked looks from Koreans. Be prepared to explain how you know how to speak like a local!
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??? (Korean)
Company dinner
Bomb drink (i.e. boilermaker or soju bomb)
Soju and beer
Chimek (chicken and beer)
Membership training (retreat)
Part-time job
Of course!
Free item at restaurant or store
Talking with the Landlord Korean Phrases
Who is it?
Not matter if you
or your employer set you up with housing, you’re going to have to talk with your landlord at some point.
In most cases, the landlords are from the older Korean generation and don’t speak English. Therefore, simple things like asking if a package arrived for you or asking for a repair can seem like a dreadful task. You either have to ask a Korean friend, you have to fumble around with basic Korean and body language.
But you don’t roll like that!
Instead, make life easier for everyone by using these handy landlord Korean phrases. Your landlord will appreciate the effort and you can get your housing business handled. Most importantly, you can spend your time talking to your Korean friend about the crazy day you had yesterday instead of the broken light in the hall.
Everyone is a winner!
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??? (Korean)
Did a package arrive for me?
I expect a package tomorrow
?? ??? ????
My _______ is broken
? _______ ?????
I’ll be on vacation from _______ to _______
_______?? _______?? ?? ????
My hot water doesn’t work
??? ?? ? ???
My hot water heater is broken
???? ?????
My sink is clogged
? ???? ????
My toilet is clogged
The water doesn’t work
???? ? ???
The lights don’t work
The air conditioning isn’t cold
???? ? ????
The neighbors are too loud
??? ?? ?????
The neighbors dog keeps barking
??? ???? ?? ???
If you’ve have the pleasure of going out to find your own , then you know what it’s like to be at the real estate office!
Highrise apartments in downtown Seoul
The ??? (real estate office) agents are hustlers. Most of them don’t speak English, but they will usually do their best with what they know to help you find a place.
You can help move the process along by using a few of these key expressions below. The real estate agents will appreciate your efforts, and you’ll have a better chance of finding exactly what you are looking for.
Make your house search a smooth and fun process so you can focus on your ??? (housewarming)!
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??? (Korean)
I would like to find housing around here
? ??? ?? ??? ???
I would like to find housing near _______
_______?? ??? ? ??? ???
I would like to find a studio apartment
?? ??? ???
I would like to find a one bedroom apartment
?? ??? ???
How much is the monthly rent?
How much is the deposit?
How far is it from the subway station?
?????? ??? ????
This is too small
This is too big
This is too expensive
I don’t really like it
I like this place a lot
? ? ?? ???
Dating & Romance Korean Phrases
Big date with a Korean coming up this weekend?
Or maybe you have a special someone in mind who you want to meet up with, but you’re not quite sure how to ask?
We’ve got you covered! Use the phrases below to set up your date, pay a compliment, or help move the relationship forward.
If you need more dating and relationship expressions, stop by our
for a complete list of things to say.
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to learn for free in about 60 minutes!
??? (Korean)
What is your phone number?
??? ??? ????
Let’s talk on KakaoTalk
?? ???? ??
Do you have time this weekend?
??? ?? ????
Are you available ________?
________? ?? ????
I’m busy on________
________? ???
Shall we go on a date together?
?? ??? ????
Shall we get dinner together sometime?
?? ?? ?? ?? ?????
You are pretty!
You are handsome!
You are charming!
That was a great evening
??? ??????
When shall we meet again?
?? ?? ????
Will you be my boyfriend/girlfriend?
Taxi Korean Phrases
Taxi in Seoul
If you’re living in Korea, then you know how great the taxi system is. The cars are clean, the fares are inexpensive, and it’s usually quite easy to find one.
If you’re not living in Korea and you’re planning a visit, then you can make your trip go even smoother by learning a few taxi phrases.
Although some areas have international taxis that speak foreign languages, the majority of the taxi drivers still mainly speak Korean. They may know a few words in English, Japanese, and Chinese, but it can sometimes be challenging to tell the driver where to go if you don’t speak the same language. This goes doubly if you live in an area with many twisty side streets—something that Korea is quite famous for!
Take a few minutes and get acquainted with some of the common taxi phrases. Not only will you make sure you get to your destination smoothly, but you’ll likely have a more interesting experience. Taxi drivers are usually friendly, so by showing that you speak a bit of Korean, you’ll often have an fun conversation on the ride there!
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??? (Korean)
Where shall I go?
Please take me to _______
_______?? ????
I will give you the address
??? ?? ????
Please go left at _______
_______?? ??? ????
Please go right at _______
_______?? ??? ????
Please go straight at _______
_______?? ?? ????
Please make a u-turn at _______
_______?? ?? ????
Please stop at _______
_______?? ?? ???
Please stop in front of _______
_______?? ?? ???
Please stop before _______
_______?? ?? ???
Please stop before _______
_______?? ?? ???
Please stop after _______
_______?? ?? ???
Goodbye (to the person leaving)
Taxi driver
for the full list of phrases.
Emergency Korean Phrases
Korea is a very safe country, so hopefully you will have a safe and pleasant time here. However, emergencies do happen, and it’s always good to know a few key phrases to help make sure that you navigate through them smoothly!
Below are some important emergency Korean phrases. Memorize them so you have them ready in case of an emergency.
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??? (Korean)
This is an emergency
Where is the nearest police station?
?? ??? ???? ?????
Where is the closest hospital?
?? ??? ??? ?????
Please call an ambulance
???? ?? ???
Please take me to the hospital
??? ??? ???
Please help me
Please call the US Embassy immediately
?? ?? ????? ??? ???
Where can I get help?
???? ??? ?? ? ????
I am a diabetic
?? ??? ???
I am allergic to _____
?? _____ ????? ???.
for the full list of phrases.
5. Special
‘How to Say’ Common Korean Phrases
Some phrases in Korean are so common, you’ll use them almost everyday. These are the phrases you want to learn the fastest so you can get to speaking Korean as quickly as possible.
Rote memorization of phrases is a bit challenging with a new language. This is especially true if you don’t know what the components of the phrases mean!
We wanted to help with that, so we wrote up a whole series on common Korean phrases. In each writeup, we explain the different versions of common Korean phrases. We also give some more detail as to the meaning and subtleties of each phrase. That way you can be confident using them!
The side benefit of to knowing the structure of the common Korean phrases is that you can break them down and substitute different parts into the phrase. In some cases, you can even learn some grammar points!
Read to learn ‘How to Say’ many things in Korean? Here we go!
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to learn for free in about 60 minutes!
Mimetic Korean Phrases
In Korean, there are a special kind of vocabulary words that are used to help paint vivid pictures of situations of moments. They’re called ???, or
in English.
These types of words are similar to onomatopoeia, except they take it a step further by describing movement instead of just a sound.
For example, you might want to talk about how hot the weather was outside. You can describing the hot sun with words such as “scorching” or “blazing”. Or in Korean, you can spice things up by saying the sun was ?? blazing hot. Think of the ?? as describing the movement of the suns rays on a hot summer day. That extra ?? may help you get the tan you were looking for!
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??? (Korean)
Twinkling or glittering
Heart throbbing
Streaming or dripping water
Thump noises
Blazing hot sun
Gentle soft breeze
Soft and chewy food
Moving up and down
Sneaking in
for the full list of phrases.
Onomatopoeia Korean Phrases
Raise your hand if you know what the word ‘onomatopoeia’ means!
It seems like a long word, but really it’s just a fancy name for a word that imitates common sounds that we hear.
In Korean, the word for onomatopoeia is ???. Here, we will go over some onomatopoeia Korean phrases.
Some of the most common onomatopoeia we hear from when we are kids are those of farm animals. Anyone know what sound a cow makes? How about a pig?
Well, Korean has these words, too! They’re really fun words to learn because you can compare them to the sounds of the animals from your native language and see if they’re the same.
In addition to animal sounds, there are also words for everyday sounds such as snoring, crying, and a doorbell ringing.
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??? (Korean)
doorbell ringing
car honking
heart beating
pig oinking
dog barking
cat meowing
pigeon sound
cow or sheep sound
duck quacking
mouse squeaking
for the full list of phrases.
What is your favorite Korean phrase? Let us know in the comments below!
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