
篇叫I helped an old man I did not know另一篇是Have you ever been to亭偌递叫郛既滚哨 GuangYuan 写100字左右就OK
nonferrous metals. The cypress is the the eternal landscape like a green barrier, Tiantai Mountain! Have you ever been to GuangYuan GuangYuan is in the north of SiChuan province. Such as Jiang Tomb, powerful and unyielding. It has benn called LiZhou. In GuangYuan there are lots of beautiful natural sceneries and numerous historical sites, I felt very happy and was proud of my behavior. The city flower is osmanthus fragrans and city tree is cypress, medicines and animal husbandry production in SiChuan. When I went back to my own way. GuangYuan is one of the important bases of energy, we should help each other and advocate LeiFeng spirit for ever. Since it was the high point of the traffic in the morning,WuZi Mountain and so on. In my oppinior.Therefore I hold his hand and helped him crossed the road, it was very dengerous for such an old man to cross the roadThis morning on m勺熏鞭渴庄韭调嗽y way to XXX I met with an old man who wanted to cross the road, we are living in a big family. Welcome to GuanYuan
Pay More Attention to the Spelling
As we know,spelling is an important part of English learning.Only when we spell an word correctly,can we remember it clearly.Hower,many students attach little importance to spelling.The cause is that they don't think spelling is important.What's more,spelling is hard work,and they don't it.
In my view,we should pay great attention to our spelling.It's a good way to remember words.We should spend more time on spelling so that we can remember the new words clearly.
Nowadays, many students do not pay more attention to the English spelling,this phenomenon is increasingly common, after investigating, I think it is because of the following two reasons.
Firstly, many students think that good test scores is a master of English, therefore, they tend to accumulate the knowledge for the examination.
Secondly, more and more student pursue oral english as pure as BBC, VOA broadasters'accent.
I think this is a misunderstanding for the english learning, the word seems like the skeleton of english, it is very important to grasp them, which will also help us to grasp the relation between pronunciation and spelling
其他回答 (1)
英语难学吗?如果你三天打鱼,两天晒网,你可能终生不能学会;如果你能以持之以恒的态度去学习,学好英语是没有问题的。 在今天和明天的中国,你应该具备两个工具是:英语、电脑。这两个工具你必须学会,而且在你的工作中离不了它们。即使学不到学问家的程度,但至少你应该会应用它们。特别是将来你所处的环境、你所需要的资料中,有很大一部分是英语。所以学好英语,势在必行。 如果你还没有入门,要先过语音这一关,免得你说的英语别人听不懂。 第二是词汇关,你住的单词、短语越多,你学会英语的路就越短。达到一般的水平,你的词汇量应该在3千到4千的水平。 第三是听力关,你要大量地听别人说、广播讲。逐渐地提高自己的听力水平。 第四是说和写,你要在学习英语的同时自己学说、学写。自己学着写一些句子,写一些短文。 以上四关实际上要同时攻克,不可偏费,同时学习,同时提高。
下面谈谈学习毅力的问题。如果你有坚强的毅力,那么世界上就没有什么难事。学英语关键是能够持之以恒。 在学习过程中,你应该制订一个计划,一天记住几个单词,一天记住一两个句型。你不要小看&持之以恒&的力量。举个例子: 如果你一天背5个单词一年就是1825个单词,相当于初中三年再加高中一年零两个月的词汇量。如果你坚持两年你就能住3650个单词,相当于中学六年包括本科两年的词汇量。 在制订计划时要遵循以下几项原则: 1、计划要切实可行,不要好高务远。上面的例子已经说明,只要你能坚持天天学习,英语一定能学好。 2、要有坚强的毅力,每天都学习,不因为某些事而耽误了学习。如果哪天的工作没有完成,第二天一定要补上。连续不学习的时间不要超过两天。 3、要有一个帐本,哪天学会了哪几个单词,哪几个句型一定记录在案。 4、为了把单词、句型真正学到手,第二天一定要复习第一天的,第三天一定要复习第二天和第一天的内容。 5、所选择的课本可以是一套或两套,千万别太多。实际学英语的书没有什么好坏之分,只要你能按照一套或两套一直学下去,就一定能学好。 怎么样,你有决心学好英语吗?现在就开始吧!
第二点:文学作品是现实生活的浓缩和升华,它的材料来源于生活同时又高于生活,只要你是个生活的“有心人”,善于捕捉生活中的点滴小事,并对这些所谓的“小事”仔细斟酌、咂摸,你就会找到与众不同的作文的切入点和立足点。这个要练就“看山不是山,看水不是水”的本领,也就是说要练就思维拓展的本领。 第三点:要常读、善读别人的作品。不拘泥于名人的文学作品,尽量读得杂一些。好的文学作品会给你启示,让你往往灵感突现;差的文学作品会让你看见自己身上同样的问题,并促使自己去改正。另外,适当的做一做读书笔记更好。 第四点:多练练笔。时常写写文章,不必都是长篇大作,一些小片段也好,时常练一练,对提高写作水平有帮助。 就这么多了,OK?
求英文好的各位同学帮忙写两篇作文,要速度和质量啊,急求!!!1. 现在的科技日新月异,各种发明以及高科技产品成为了我们生活中不可缺少的东西,入电脑、笔记本电脑(laptop)、手机(mobile
phone)、MP5、数码相机(digitai camera数码摄影机(DV)等。请以“my favorite invention& 为题描述你最喜欢的一种发明,并说明理由(理由至少有三个方面)。字数八十词左右。2.由于中学生学习时间长,压力大,专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当的方式放松自己。某英文报《学习习作》专栏正在就“学生适当的放松方式”这一话题进行征文。假如你是二十二中初三3班的班长,最近你对班上同学课后放松方式进行了调查。请根据以下调查信息写一篇短文向该报投稿,字数不少于90词。调查对象:二十二中初三3班,人数60人(男31人,女29人),常用放松方式:1.看电视(30人)2..玩电脑游戏(12)人3.听音乐(8人)4.进行体育锻炼(5人)5.没有时间放松(5人) 你的观点:哪一种(些)放松方式是适当的?为什么?
第一篇:How time flies! We're in the 21st century. With the development of science and technology, our life has improved a lot. Many new inventions make our daily life easier and more convenient. Computers,laptops, mobile phones, mp4 and other interesting things have become necessary parts of our life. Among all these things, I like mobile phones best.
The most important advantage of mobile phones is that they can help you communication with your friends and family wherever you go. Because the mobile phone is smart, you can easily take it with you. When you are traveling, you can take some pictures. When you are tired and want to relax yourself, you can enjoy music or play games. All these are not be a dream any more if you have a mobile phone.
How time flies! We're in the 21st century. With the development of science and technology, our life has improved a lot. Many new inventions make our daily life easier and more convenient. Computers,laptops, mobile phones, mp4 and other interesting things have become necessary parts of our life. Among all these things, I like mobile phones best.
The most important advantage of mobile phones is that they can help you communication with your friends and family wherever you go. Because the mobile phone is smart, you can easily take it with you. When you are traveling, you can take some pictures. When you are tired and want to relax yourself, you can enjoy music or play games. All these are not be a dream any more if you have a mobile phone
have asked 60 guys ,31 boys and 29 girls included.The most part of getting relaxed is to watch television , which took up the half of the students.One fifth of the students would like to play computer games or chat with the classmates online. The quantity of guys doing sports are five,which is the same as the student have no time to relax .What's more , the rest of the students would choose to listen to music. In my opinion,listening to music or doing sports is the proper way to get relaxed because after doing about that,you'll be truly relaxed or sweat hard .These are the healthy ways to get relaxed
你对选秀活动的看法Topic2?2. 越来越多的选秀活动出现在我们荧屏上,教师与学生都能从中获益?3?1:My Opinion on the Popularity of Pop Idol-style Shows. 人们越来越提倡在英语课堂中有更多的交流?3?1. 人们对此看法不一:Communicati渍雍弟肺郗镀辊秘on in English Class?2Topic1. 通过交流
but not every one has the chance, by practicing it. I hope that when I’m older. We can take a break off our regular work and enjoy the shows for a change, I’ll be able to participate in these shows too. We often speak English with a Chinese accent1Nowadays. So I support the shows, the shows are very entertaining to others in their boring lives. Secondly, we can learn from the others who are better than us and help those who are a little behind, the whole group will improve as a result of communication, I like these shows very much because they provide us to place to express ourselves. F third, there are many popular idol shows on TV in china. Then, the skill of communication is very important in our future lives and works, we can become better and better!2Communication in the English class is a very good thing and I support it very much. So I suggest that everyone take part in the communication in the English class. They were modeled a圣蜒厕垦丿旧恩僳fter the TV show America idol. Many teenagers want to become famous. Second, communication can train our English very much. The shows are relatively fair stages and many people became famous later on. Personally
as true that these shows can bring amusenment to us and can offer many people chances to express themselves.It&#39..Some people think it is a good thing,the shows seem to be out of controlMy Opinion on the Popularity of Pop Idol-style ShowsWith the development of entertainment industry,they are badly made up,which can have negetive effects on our children and teenagers,more and more
popularity of pop idol-style shows are on the screen,and they were healthy and of great quality in the beginning.But with their surprisingly increasing.In my humble opinion,everything has its disadvantages,but others ht think thes纺院尺肝侔菲辐呢e shows are good for our society.(to be continued.,I don&#39
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