托福作文求修改 改好了再给高分作文

  之前写的我对作文的了解根本上是因循教师的了解。详细就是关于issue,将笼统详细化,经过抓住关键词停止展开剖析论证,构造根本上是平行的几段,而最近见过的一些作文,觉得除了这种写法外,本人写的角度和视野能够更高些,对标题采取折中的态度,正反各说一通,最后综合说一下,比方提倡议的,就说说有没有更好的倡议,比方因果类的,可能有些缘由自身有问题,却让我们去论证这个缘由能否能招致某种结果,我们正反说一下后能够谈谈本人对这种理由的认识,诸如此类,学会这样去剖析标题,写作文,我觉得肯定给人一定有深度的觉得。  关于言语,我觉得首先最根本的请求就是写对句子,一句话要表达正确表达明晰,阅卷人才有兴味看下去。比方时态,比方短语运用,比方动词和介词的搭配,比方单词拼写,比方单词的精确运用而不是牵强附会(不能为了运用一个高级单词而不择手腕)。其次就是我们的词汇运用的变换,同一个单词,可能一切人都会用,但用得恰如其分就很难了,同一个意义,可能大多数人都会向某个单词,这个时分我们可不能够换个别的单词(也不能是太偏远的单词)。再就是表达方式的变换,主动语态和被动语态的灵敏运用,我们当然很恶感每句话开头都是I怎样的怎样的,还有倒装句、虚拟语气以及独立主格构造等,这些句式的运用必将使文章减色不少,我们的句子会变长,而不是简单讲状语叠加和谓语并列。  关于构造上,大局部作文的开头是first,second,third等等序数词或者衔接词。其实我们学过更多的,多储藏些,恰当地灵敏运用是很好的。  在准备的前期,当然不用要苛求本人在规则的时间内完成一篇作文,每个句子本人都能够好好揣摩下,像上面提到的,或许我们不习气,但坚持锻炼十来天,置信会习气的,真实不习气就能够本人在写作文之前做些句子翻译练习,汉译英,然后跟人家好的翻译对照,练习一些天,也会好很多的。  言语关过了,之后的作文练习就会好很多了,就是学会思想发散和逻辑,总之就是能说出话,我想每个标题我们都应该熟习,遇到了能说个一二三来,想不出来的查相关话题的素材,与人交流,坚决弄明白,而不要闭门造车。  最后再次倡议写作文一定要修正,最好给他人修正,真实没人本人也要重复读重复酝酿,修正单词拼写报错语法报错,变换句式,查找思想破绽。
Android Bate
IOS Bate
题目是 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sports teach people lessons about life.Sports is a popular around the world . It can srong our body and be good for health . Wherever you go , it’s sure that a lot of people play sports . However , does sports can only build our body ? Surely not . In my view , sports can also teaches us some lessons about life .
Playing sports can teach us about persistance . For instance , if you run for a long distance in a compition , you can never give up . Giving up is the worst way to show that you are a loser . Once , I ran for 800 meters . I felt tired when I ran for almost 400 meters , I thought about giving up , but finaly I insist on . While I didn’t get a prize ,but I learned about a spirit that no matter how difficult the thing is , we must keep on .
Playing sports can also teach us about team spirit . Playing soccer is the best example to prove it . There are 11 players on the ground , they pass the ball to each other , they must care about their teammates and the ball . They can not just care about themselves . Basketball is another example to explain it . Our shoole held a basketball compition , my friend took part in the game . He told to me , the most important thing is not how well we play but how the players cooperate .
Last but not the least , sports can teach us about how to face achivement or lose . In a compition , there must be a winner and a loser . If you are a winner , you must be harder to keep the next win . But if you are a loser , you have to adjust your mentality . You can through the compition to experience it , then you will face success and lose in the future in a right way .
Because of all the above reasons , sports can give you a lot of lessons about your life . It can teach you about cooperation , persistance , face your lose . sports gives you more than builds your body .
Sport is very popular around the world . It can strong our body and be good for health . Wherever you go , it’s sure that a lot of people play sports . However , doing sports can only build our body ? Surely not . In my view , sports can also teach us some lessons about life .
Playing sports can teach us about persistance . For instance , if you run for a long distance in a compition , you can never give up . Giving up is the worst way to show that you are a loser . Once , I ran for 800 meters . I felt tired when I ran for almost 400 meters , I thought about giving up , but finally I insisted on . While I didn’t get a prize ,but I learned about a spirit that no matter how difficult the thing is , we must keep on .
Playing sports can also teach us about team spirit . Playing soccer is the best example to prove it . There are 11 players on the ground , they pass the ball to each other , they must care about their teammates and the ball . They can not just care about themselves . Basketball is another example to explain it . Our schoole held a basketball competition , my friend took part in the game . He told me , the most important thing is not how well we play but how the players cooperate .
Last but not the least , sports can teach us about how to face achivement or failing . In a competition , there must be a winner and a loser . If you are a winner , you must be harder to keep winning next time . But if you are a loser , you have to adjust your state of mood. You can go through the competition to experience it , then you will face success and lose in the future in a right way .
Because of all the reasons above, sports can give you a lot of lessons about your life . It can teach you about cooperation , persistance and facing your failing . sports can also give you more than about building your body .
题目是it is important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends.After my entering into the university,some of my old friends in high school was no longer in touch anymore.I used to feel isolated because of the distance between our campus and the diffrences in our lives,but gradudally I understand that some people will be only around you in a period of time while others,are real whole-life companys.However,how can we tell who is the real friend?The answer is not yet discovered,and that's the reason why we should always make new friends.
In the first place,friends will keep you company.There's a world full of connections and interactions,nobody wants to be lonely.If your old friend is far away from you,and you don't have someone else to believe here.Who can you talk when you're in misery?Who can you share your happinesses with?Who will sent you in hospital when you're in 40 degrees in the midnight.Everyone needs friends both mentally and physically.So the importance to make new friends is of no doubt.
In the second place,you may desperately want to make new friends when you are a newbe in campus or company because they can help you.The ability to make people like you in a new envireonment not only presents how easygoing you are,but alse proves a strong evidence on your good personal character.Imaging wherever you go,you are always surroundes by a lot of people who like to listen to you and are willing to help you,that will make life much more easier.
Last but not least,the desire to make new friend alse represents a positive life attitude,thus a indiffrent person is not likely to succeed in making new friends.There are so many ways to meet people,such as sports,lunch,and dance.But the lonely ones would never want to go out,and even if they go,they wouldn't pay attention to others.If you can make new friends in casual situations,it claims you are a outdoor activity person,and you always give strangers a positive attitude.
To draw a conclusion,making new friends is of certain significance in our lives,Friends are often needed in all kinds of situations,so more new friends means your life is much more colorful.
It is important to keep your old friends than to make new friends.After my entering into the university, some of my old friends in high school were no longer in touch anymore. I used to feel isolated because of the distance between our campus and the differences in our lives, but gradually I understood that some people only stay with me in a short period while others are real whole-life partners. How to know who is the real friend? The answer is not yet discovered, and that's the reason why we should always make new friends.Firstly, friends keep you company. There’s a world full of connections and interactions, nobody wants to be lonely. If some of your old friends are far away from you, and you don't have someone else to believe here. Who can you talk when you're in misery? Who can you share your happiness’s with? Who will send you in hospital when you're in 40 degrees in the midnight? Everyone needs friends both mentally and physically. So the importance to make new friends is of no doubt.Secondly, you may desperately want to make new friends when you are a freshman in campus or company because they can help you. The ability to make people like you in a new environment not only presents how easygoing you are, but also proves strong evidence on your good personal character. Wherever you go, you are always surrounded by a lot of people who like to listen to you and are willing to help you, that will make life much easier.Last but not least, the desire to make new friend also represents a positive life attitude, thus an indifferent person is not likely to succeed in making new friends. There are so many ways to meet people, such as sports, lunch, and dance. But the lonely ones would never want to go out, and even if they go, they wouldn't pay attention to others. If you can make new friends in casual situations, it claims you are an outdoor activity person, and you always give strangers a positive attitude.To draw a conclusion, making new friends is of certain significance in our lives. Friends are often needed in all kinds of situations, so more new friends means your life is much more colorful.给你简单改了一下,内容没变。你的单词拼写、时态掌握的很不好啊。很简单的单词也有错,时态也混乱。更重要的是,你的全文一直在重复,非常累赘。此外,最好不要自己在文章中自己问一大堆问题凑字,这是个恶习。最后,我真心建议你写前好好构思你的逻辑,并夯实你的基础!宽恕我的苛刻。祝你成功
是的,我也发现了很多拼写错误。。。这是我第一次独立写作,还不太习惯用键盘敲那么多英语而且我写作文就是喜欢扯很多东西,导致字数特别多,这点跟口语完全说不出来成鲜明对比。。。。但是那个问句不是凑字啊!那是新东方的写作指导书里提出的 排比反问法 啊啊啊!!!非常感谢你~
恩恩~ 你报的什么给的写作卡啊?我报的强化怎么没有呢。。==
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