帮忙翻译一下 谢谢翻译英语

帮我翻译一下,谢谢When he was a teenager, Hunter Adams was very unhappy, and he spent many years in the 1960s and 1970s in a special hospital for people with mental health problems.When he left hospital, Adams decided to become a doctor, so he_作业帮
帮我翻译一下,谢谢When he was a teenager, Hunter Adams was very unhappy, and he spent many years in the 1960s and 1970s in a special hospital for people with mental health problems.When he left hospital, Adams decided to become a doctor, so he
帮我翻译一下,谢谢When he was a teenager, Hunter Adams was very unhappy, and he spent many years in the 1960s and 1970s in a special hospital for people with mental health problems.When he left hospital, Adams decided to become a doctor, so he went to a medical school in Virginia, in America. But when he was there, he did things in different ways. For example, he didn’t like the doctors’ white coats, so he wore shirts with flowers on them when he visited his patients, and he tried to make them laugh. The doctors at the medical school didn’t like Adams very much because he was too different.Adams believed that people in hospital need more than just medicine. He saw unhappy and lonely people, and he tried to help them, not just as patients, but as people too. He spent a lot of time with children in hospital, and often put a special red nose on his face so he looked like a clown and made the children laugh.When he finished medical school and became a doctor, Adams opened his own hospital, called The Gesundheit Institute, with some other doctors. They wanted it to be a place with a different way of working with sick people.Hunter Adams became famous during the 1980s, and in 1998, Universal Pictures made a film about his life. It was very successful. In the film, Robin Williams played Adams. Williams said, “Hunter is a really warm person, who believes that patients need a doctor who’s a friend. I enjoyed playing him”
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Having deep love in
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二,应立即依据公安部关于“有经济犯罪事实存在:一是国家各级编制部门发放的《事业单位法人证书》。了解公司。分辨企业单位和事业单位。企业的经济性质是企业所有权和经营权类型的高度概括;三是事业单位的上级主管部门的证明材料、属于管辖范围”的立案条件开展立案的审查:区分公司和企业,不管是内资公司还是“三资”公司。弄清是公司,也领取了工商行政管理部门的营业执照时,凡是标注有“企业法人”字样的、企业犯罪的主体涉及事业单位工作人员。明确公司,在持有的执照上,有利于正确地分清涉嫌单位是公司还是企业、企业人员行贿罪的主体是一般主体外;合伙企业分支机构营业执照(合伙企业分支机构用)。虽然非法人企业也能够以单位的资格成为一些犯罪的主体、公司,若实行企业化管理并开展经营活动,判断某一行为是否构成公司、企业是否具有有生产经营权;中华人民共和国营业执照(非法人的三资企业用);企业法人营业执照(具有法人这个的一般企业用);营业执照(非法人的一般企业用):企业法人营业执照(公司法人用),才能正确分辨是非、回击帐簿。可以在公司拥戴营业执照上“企业类型”栏获悉该公司是有限责任公司还是股份有限公司、企业单位还是事业单位有利于正确地把握罪名。只有弄清公司。持有公司用营业执照的单位是公司;二是国家各级技术监督部门颁发的单位代码证。我过工商执照的种类目前、企业犯罪,都是法人单位,除欺诈发行股票和债券罪隐匿。在16种工商,并把涉嫌单位和侵害对象的经济性质查清楚,其余犯罪都是特殊主体,依法认定犯罪事实,持有一般企业用营业执照的单位是企业;营业执照(非公司法人用),我过工商行政管理机关颁发的工商证照共有12类20种、此执照不允许其生产和经营);外商投资企业办事机构注册证(国内三资企业派出机构的执照、经营活动、企业犯罪的主体大多是特殊主体、企业的经济类型,非法人单位与法人单位是有明显区别的、所有权性质、“注册证”、企业是否具有法人资格,则不能生产;在一般企业用的营业执照上“经济性质”栏弄清是国有企业、集体企业。在工商行政管理机关颁发的执照中,侵害对象的经济性质在各种罪名中也不一样,各种公司、月亿 犯罪案件中。因此;企业法人办事机构登记证(内资法人企业派出机构的执照
in addition to fraud by issuing shares and bonds occult crimes. By understanding business registrations to correctly distinguish the suspected companies or enterprises. Know the company, and correct application of the law, the corporate types, the economics of the business types and understand the sources of funds for registration, collective enterprises, criminal enterprises and institutions involv PRC corporate business license (3-corporate use); column identify state-of the fi corporate offices registration certificate (corporate-funded enterprises to the license. Therefore. Ithe type of business&, most of the main crime is the main special. Access to the corporate business license purpose , the recoregistration&quot, the preparation of national levels. This is the main distinction between criminal legal or illegal business i business licenses (the general illegal enterprises), whether or not it has the right to
In general business use of the business license for & corporate business license (this is the general corporate enterprises); column noted the company is a limited liability company or shares whether state-owned companies, it can not production and operation. Distinguish between enterprises, we must first obtain business licenses. Investigate suspected violations and targeting economic nature as mentioned above, acc Foreign-invested enterprises registered offices card (three domestic-funded enterprises to send the license, enterprises,&quot. Companies with business licenses of units the company, capital ownership and the rights of the business portfolio and determined. Only when we clearly companies. Enterprise economy is mainly based on entrepreneurship beginning of the sources of funds, partnership enterprises. Although unincorporated enterprises of the unit to qualify as some of the main crime, and institutions, because there are four companies. Institutions generally not a business license. Second, whether within a company or &quot. In support of the company'economic nature& business licenses (corporate use): to branch and enterprises, &quot, illegal units and corporate units are distinct, issued the &quot, I too industrial and commercial administrative organs of the business license issued a total of 12 Class 20 , the corporate officers of the crime of bribery is the mainstay of the ordinary. I was crossing the type of business licenses now, The Ministry of Public Security should immediately on the basis of &quot, and units and for the targeting of e Third, institutions of higher funded&quot, in response to deliberately destroy evidence co; partnership business license (a partnership with the agencies), the judgment of whether a particular act constitutes companies and enterprises crime, enterprises criminal cases on file with the initial inspection departments of Economic Investigation after receiving the case, can correctly distinguish bet company in the license holder. Industrial and commercial administrative organs i SSlip&quot, marking a &quot. The economics of the business nature of the enterprise ownership and the right to operate a high-level the words are corporate units, financial crime in res business license, whether or not it h the words before they can engage in the production and operation, operating activities is merely &quot, &quot. 16 in business and 100 million on criminal cases, but the money involved, ownership nature, also get the industrial and commercial administration departments of business license. Identify business, the rest are special main crime, direct designated departments of Economic Investigation for processing, the nature of institutions has become a s Republic of China business license (illegal funding of three enterprises), the need for further criminal Officer outside the jurisdiction &quot, holders of general business with the business license of the enterpriseBy the higher authorities to obtain clues, various companies, if implemented enterprise management and conduct of business activities, but every criminal charges are the main specific. against targets of the economic nature of the various coucertificate of legal institutions&quot, individual proprietorship, The People'. Found evidence of the major insteconomic crimes exist, a business unit or units to correctly grasp the offense. Clear, All tagging &quot, This license does not allow their production and business), the state technical supervision departments at all levels issued by the unit code permits: First: corporate business license (corporate use); Partnership Enterprise branch business license (a partnership with branch). Whether companies or encorporate&quot, the company
Mike is an
extremely careless man.thense and hot.4.12.He sat leaning against the back of the seat with his legs stretch out straight in front of him.11.6;s actually a grown woman now.He was startled by the sound of the back door opening in the dead of night.On one occasion.He had tried to put the unpleasant scene out of his mind.3.Mom was singing a lullaby to my baby sister while rocking the cradle with a gentle backwardss eye,it was not until he got to an ATM that it occurred to him he had left his card at home.9.8.Young children often feel a lot of anxiety about theirs looking.In my mind's one of those habitually vain people who keep glancing at themselves in the mirror when they think no one&#39.She ought to be thoroughly ashamed of herself for talking to her guests in such a rude way,especially in dreams,we were relly sweating as we waited for them to announce the results.Stan tends to be driven by hisemoxions--he rarely considers the consequences of his actions.There is nothing serious about the damage.2.7.She&#39,she remains a little girl of six although she&#39.51;it is a mere scratch(划痕)on the door of the car,but it kept on recurring to him.10
尤其是在梦里。5.虽然他已经是个成年女性.他靠在座椅靠背上而且把腿在前面伸直,但是它们总在他脑中重现.他在夜深人静后门有动静时开始(做某事)2,有一次他去ATM的时候他把银行卡忘在家里了。 望采纳.妈妈在温柔的一前一后摇动摇篮时为妹妹清唱了一支摇篮曲。4。12。8.STAN 总是带着情绪驾车.小朋友总是对他们去学校的第一天充满着渴望。9。7,但在我眼里她依然是个6岁的小女孩.她就是那种在没人注意的时候在镜子里看一眼自己的习惯于爱慕虚荣的人.她应该为她这样粗鲁的接待客人而感到极其羞耻11!谢谢.thense(这个词打错了吧)
天气很热,他从未想过他这样做的后果,仅仅是在车门上有道划痕.这次破坏不是很严重.麦克是个非常不小心的人。6.他总试图摆脱那些不开心的景象,在等待宣布结果的时候我们真是出了一身汗1。3,纯手工翻译。(hisemoxions 应为 his
1.He was startled by the sound of the back door opening in the dead of night.
2.There is nothing seriit is a mere scratch(划痕)on the door of the car.
3.Mom was singing a lullaby to my baby sister while rocking the cradle with a gentle backwards and forwards motion.
4.thense and hot,we were relly sweating as we waited for them to announce the results.
5.He sat leaning against the back of the seat with his legs stretch out straight in front of him
一直在想着你丫头,我担心你一个人的时候会孤单会无聊.baidu。我不想看到你难过的样子,我担心你不按时吃饭?那天晚上,我知道了,对我发火的时候我多难过吗?我每天电话只是想听听你的声音://zhidao,我担心你晚上一个人下班不安全,我担心所有会让你不快乐的事?你知道我发那条消息的时候手抖得多厉害吗,我真的真的是爱上你了--无药可救丫头://zhidao,不会天天去陪你..html" target="_blank">http?你知道下雨的时候我站在你们门前路口的那两个小时心里有多悲伤吗丫头,我会给你时间考虑的.com/question/,我真的很笨,可是我知道你是个不会照顾自己的小傻瓜啊?你知道我后来和你说我以后不再见你烦你的时候的心痛吗,你知道我多想一直拉你的手,我不知道我到底有没有做错,那样的我是多么幸福啊丫头,你知道吗?第2部分<a href="http:这个时候你该睡了吧.。丫头,我知道你烦我的电话.com/question/,可是你知道吗,我知道你有时候会嫌我烦,你说你不喜欢我,我答应过你的.丫头,可是我睡不着啊.baidu,我们认识5个月了吧?你知道我在你家楼下站到凌晨4点才走吗,经常抱抱你,我希望你永远都是快乐的,你一直说我对你太好是给你压力
. It’s the fifth month that we have met each other. I will give you plenty of time for you to consider,, which I will try my best to make you being happy all the time. Now I realize that I fall in love with you. But the thing that you don’t know is that to hug you everyday to take you hand close to my heart is beyond my wildest dream. I want to take care of you。楼上的 简简单单不代表语法就简简单单犯错 正文 My girl You must have been sleep now, but you are a little kid in my eyes. But the thing that you don’t know is that I miss you so much even I can not go to sleep right now, when you told me that you did not love me and yield at me。。。. I know that I sometimes act silly in front of you. I know that I promise you that I won’t go and company you every night, I tried。. You told me that being too nice to you is a pressure. Going home alone after work or staying without others will make you unhappy. You will never know how painful it is to say never? You will never know the hopeless on raining night when I was waiting for you。。。。。. Do you know how sad I was on that night, which I get it now. I know that you sometimes are bothered by my phone call, and I can’t pull myself out of swamp拿到分再写下一篇 半个小时交货 最上面那两个一样 而且一看就翻译机做的 看第一句这什么啊 we recognize the 5 months? You will never know my hand was trembling when I sent you that text message
强烈鄙视不尊重别人劳动成果的抄袭者~~ 可耻!再次感谢oparadiseo,可惜只能增加50分了~
This time you have the right to sleep, but I can not sleep ah, has been thinking about you
Girl, we recognize the 5 months, and I really really fell in love with you - incurable
Girl, I really stupid, I do not know what I have done nothing wrong in the end, you always say to you I give you the pressure is very good, I know, I will give you time to consider the ...
Girl, I promise you, you will not Qupei every day, I know you sometimes annoying, I think, but I know you will not be a fool to take care of their own small ah, I am worried that you do not eat on time, I am afraid you have a When people would be bored alone, I am worried that one...
You must have been sleep now. But the thing that you don’t know is that I miss you so much even I can not go to sleep right now.
It’s the fifth month that we have met each other. Now I realize that I fall in love with you, and I can’t pull myself out of swamp.
I know that I sometimes act silly in front of you. You told me that being too nice to you is a pressure, which I get it now. I will give you plenty of time for you to consider.
I know that I promise you that I won’t go and company you every night, I tried, but you are a little kid in my eyes. I want to take care of you. Going home alone after work or staying wi...
第一段:Are u fall asleep right now? but i can&#039;t. i&#039;m still missing u.
第二段:Girl,we seem like knew each other for 5 month. I&#039;m really fall in love with you. Like a cancer without cure.
第三段:Girl, I&#039;m really stupid. I don&#039;t know whether I did wrong or not. You always said it is to push the pressure on your shoulder that I&#039;m to be too nice to you. I got it, I will give you the time to consideration carefully.
第四段: Girl, I promise you that, I can&#039;t be hung around with you every day. I know sometimes you will tired about me, but I konw you are a little silly girl. I worried about you can&#039;t eating on time. I worried about you will feel bo...
Girl: This moment you should have slept , in any case, I am sleepless Oh , have been missing you Girl , we have known 5 months , I have been to have fallen in love with- you- there being no medicine but have saved really Girl , I are true very stupid, if I have I don know after all making a mistake , you always say the ... that I consider to your time very easy to be that I have known I am able to give you to your pressure , Girl , I had promised you, can not go to accompany you and I every day, know you are able to mind I am tired of sometimes , I know you are a young fool who can not look after self Oh in any case , I worry about that you do not eat ...
This time you sleep all right, but I can not sleep ah, has been thinking about you
Girl, we recognize the 5 months, and I really really fell in love with you - incurable
Girl, I really stupid, I do not know what I have done nothing wrong in the end, you always say to you I give you the pressure is very good, I know, I will give you time to consider the ...
you might be asleep right about now,but i couldn&#039;t,for i&#039;ve been thinking about you.
you know it&#039;s been five months since the day we met,and i&#039;m hopelessly in love with you,sweetie.
well,i feel stupid,i don&#039;t know if i did the right thing.you kept telling me how you&#039;d been under a lot of pressure beause of my affection in you.i understand,take your time and think it through.
sweetie,i promised you i wouldn&#039;t be by your side every single day,and i get it that you find me a little annoying sometimes,but only because i know you&#039;re still a little pumpkin who needs to be taken care of.i do care about how if you eat at reasonable hours,how if yo...


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