may you be happyy on有这样的说法吗

关于重力势能,下述说法中不正确的是A.地球上的物体具有的跟它的高度有关的能叫重力势能B.重力对物体做正功,物体的重力势能就一定减少C.根据重力对物体做功的大小,可以知道该重力势能变化的多少D.重力不做功,其他力做功,物体的重力势能也可以变化相关试题能不能说 I hope you 什么什么,这样的语法对吗?看到说不能用 hope sb to do sth.但是好像见过有句子是 I hope you happy.I hope you that ,I hope you hely me 这样的用法对吗
I hope you are happy 或者 I hope you to be happy是正确的不过你用wish的时候可以说I wish you happy没有 I hope you that...不过可以有 I hope that you
不是 不能用hope sb to do sth 吗?
那就是用 I hope that
不对 应该用wish 望采纳 谢谢
I hope you are happy 或者 I hope you to be happy是正确的不过你用wish的时候可以说I wish you happy没有 I hope you that...不过可以有 I hope that you
不是 不能用hope sb to do sth 吗?
那就是用 I hope that
应该是 I hope you are happy. I
hope that , i hope you help me .如 I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears.
I hope to get a job within the next two weeks.我希望能在未来两周内找到一份工作。
然而这句话并非马小姐的原创,它的原主人无论来头、狂劲和臭名昭著的程度,都不是马小姐可以望其项背的。人家是连宝马都看不上的,要坐的是劳斯莱斯。“I’d rather cry in a Rolls-Royce than be happy on a bicycle”这句话,是被称为“黑寡妇”(Black Widow)和“Lady Gucci”的Patrizia Gucci的名言。对对对,就是我们都知道的那个Gucci!别的Gucci有什么值得讲的嘛对不对?
她是Gucci家族末代掌门人Maurizio Gucci的妻子。也是她,亲手将Maurizio Gucci送入了地狱。
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邮编:100089 | 传真:010-828200生活英语:谣言粉碎机&有关饮酒的荒诞说法
Like everything else in life,
getting drunk is something worth learning how to do right.
Unfortunately, a lot of what we know about drinking and drunkenness
we learned from our friends, while everyone involved was, you
guessed it, drunk.
So let's take a moment to debunk some of these rumors while
we're all sober (most of us anyway).
5."Let Him Sleep it Off"
This myth probably stems from most people's desire to do as
little work as possible while getting shit faced. Basically, the
theory is that if someone drinks to the point of passing out, the
best option is to toss them in bed and, like magic, they'll be fine
after a little sleep.
The Truth:
Tossing a friend in bed after they've passed out drunk is a
fantastic idea, provided you're hoping your friend drowns in their
own vomit. Passing out and falling asleep aren't the same
Someone who has passed out as a result of alcohol intoxication
is unlikely to be awakened by the need to hurl. If they happen to
be lying on their back when the spewing starts, the chunks have
nowhere to go except into the lungs. Tell Hendrix we say hi!
What You Should Do Instead:
Lay them on their side and, between shots of tequila, try to
check and make sure they haven't stopped breathing at some point.
If their breathing becomes irregular or they start vomiting without
waking up, they have alcohol poisoning. Call for help.
In the morning, they'll thank you for being responsible and
taking care of them in their time of need. At least until they see
the collage of swastikas and penises you drew on their face and
4. Drinking Keeps You Warm
Alcohol makes you think that you sound smart while actually
making you objectively dumber. Anyone who's been sober at a bar is
familiar with this paradox. But you may not know that it has the
same effect on your ability to not freeze to death. Yeah, alcohol's
a dick like that.
The benevolent St. Bernard coming to the aid of a snowbound
mountain climber with a warming shot of brandy ... it happened in
too many 1950s era cartoons for us to count.
And you know what? Go take a shot of booze if you have some
around (we assume most of our readers do). You feel warmer, right?
But just like how that chick you brought Home wasn't nearly as hot
as she was the previous night, the same goes for your core body
The Truth:
Alcohol makes you feel warm and turn beet red because it causes
your blood vessels to dilate. This brings the blood closer to the
surface of your skin, which makes you feel warmer.
Unfortunately, with the warmth now oozing off the surface of
your skin instead of trapped in the core of your body, you're
losing precious body heat. The Mythbusters took this on recently
and said the same thing (in case you don't want to take our word
So while sitting in your unheated apartment in the dead of
winter pounding vodka might seem like a decent idea, your skin and
Russian history are leading you astray.
What You Should Do Instead:
If you find yourself stranded at the top of a mountain with a
few buddies and a crate of schnapps, you're probably better off
ignoring the booze and using each other's body heat for warmth.
It's only gay if someone sees you.
If a St. Bernard does show up with a shot of brandy, feed it the
shot and then drape its passed out body over your icy torso.
3.Taking Aspirin Prior to Drinking Will Prevent Hangovers
Drinking to the point that you have a hangover the next day is
kind of like taking a peaceful drive through a majestic countryside
only to arrive at your destination and find your wife nailing your
best friend. It's a great trip, but the ending fucking sucks.
Naturally, throughout the ages people have come up with all
kinds of harebrained schemes to avoid that dreaded hangover. One of
the more timeless techniques is popping an aspirin or two prior to
drinking. Sort of makes sense, in theory.
The Truth:
First of all, what kind of magical fucking aspirin are you
taking that has the tenacity to still be fighting a headache well
into the morning? It's not methamphetamine. Even if popping an
aspirin before drinking did do anything to fight a hangover, its
powers would have run their course well before you needed help.
But wait, it gets worse. A study by the American Medical
Association found that ingesting aspirin actually slows the rate at
which your body metabolizes alcohol. Not only does that increase
blood alcohol levels, but it makes the effects of the alcohol last
longer. So if you feel better than usual when you wake up in the
morning, it probably means you're still drunk.
And while that may sound like a pretty awesome solution,
especially if it gets you to work in time, you'll think differently
when the delayed hangover hits you like a truck a few hours later.
Or alternately, when you literally drive head on into a truck on
the way to work because you're both drunk and hungover.
What You Should Do Instead:
When it comes to a hangover, dehydration is the real enemy. Try
drinking eight ounces of water between drinks. It won't completely
prevent a hangover, but it will make it a hell of a lot more
manageable. Alternately, you could also just do what some do and
drink indefinitely.
2.Drinking Coffee Will Make You Sober
When it comes to drinking myths, this one is a stone classic.
How many movies have you seen where someone summons a cup of Coffee
to quell their drunken shenanigans? Ten minutes later, the drinker
in question has calmed right the fuck down and all is well. If only
it was that easy.
The Truth:
Coffee is a stimulant. Alcohol is a depressant. The thinking
here is that, in the war for control over your bodily functions,
stimulants kick all sorts of depressant ass. If this theory had any
legs, mixing cocaine and heroin would result in full-on excitement
instead of untimely death. Coffee won't make you less drunk, but it
will certainly make you a tad more alert. This is the stuff that
DUIs are made of.
What You Should Do Instead:
Pretend you've passed out. Since you're joking, the risk of
drowning in your own vomit is negligible. But your fellow drunken
revelers won't know that.
Sure, they'll write "i Like Cockz" on your forehead, but
cleaning it off will be a lot cheaper than the court costs from
that all but guaranteed DUI. Hey, speaking of that...
1.You Can Beat a Breathalyzer Test
Let's be honest here: Driving drunk is an art. And when it comes
to art, some people paint masterpieces while some others wrap their
Geo around innocent civilians.
But it's not always that cut and dry. You may feel fine, you may
be driving like a champ, but there is no accounting for that broken
taillight. No matter how adept your driving skills may be, if you
get pulled over and blow above the legal limit, you're going to
jail. And rightfully so. You're an adult, skip the risk and call a
But some people choose to push the envelope based on the idea
that they can outsmart a breathalyzer test if they're pulled over.
The methods vary wildly, ranging everywhere from sucking on pennies
that have been handled by God knows who (and may have been up
someone's ass at some point), to eating your underwear (which
definitely has).
The Truth:
Again, the heroes at Mythbusters recently tackled this subject.
Guess what? Nothing fucking works. Eat all the mustard you want (it
IS delicious!), hyperventilate up a storm, belch, do whatever you
like. But the fact is, that machine that you're blowing is pretty
much undefeatable.
We accept in advance that someone in the comments section
totally knows a guy whose cousin escaped a DUI by eating a jar of
Vaseline and cramming a roll of Mentos up their ass. But who are
you going to trust, a random internet commenter or the advice of a
team of internet comedy writers?
What You Should Do Instead:
Let's put it this way: It's almost a statistical certainly that
by New Year's Eve of 2009, at least one of the people reading this
will be dead due to a drunk driving accident. About 15,000 people
die every year that way in the US alone. The rate doubles over the
holidays, and skyrockets among the young, drunken males of the type
who tend to read this site. So seriously, just don't get fucking
hammered and drive. We mean it.
Stay safe and have a happy new year.
4 喝酒保暖
3 喝酒前吃一片阿司匹林能防止宿醉
2 咖啡能让你清醒。
1 你能骗过酒精呼吸测试
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。want sth done和want sth to be done的区别有个这样的题目:Some farmers do not want good agricultural land _______.A.built be built be built.D.A or B我觉得应该选D,但是答案是B.难道没有want sth done的说法?我很不解这两者到底有什么不同,希望哪位大侠知道的,
这个是want to do句型,只不过to do的主语是land,而build在此处与land是被动关系,所以要用被动.一般好像很少说want sth done.而是want sth to be done
want后只跟动词不定式,所以是want sth to be done。有have sth done,为请人做某事,不说那人是谁,如have some photos taken.为请人照相
want sth done是让别人做want sth to be done没有特指
都是表示被动 区别是ON是介词 修饰LAND


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