选择题:It's hard time( )us( )the work on time. A.for,to finish B.for,finishing

--Do you often read English magazines?&-- No, because I find the words _____the magazines too hard ____ me to understand.A.in, forB.on, forC.in, ofD.on, of
I find __________ very difficult to learn English well .A.thatB.thisC.oneD.it
Passage 2Dear Linda, I have been in England three months now. I hope you don't think I've forgotten you. There have been so many places to see and so many things to do that I've not had much time for writing letters. I shall soon be starting my studies at King's College. So far I've been learning about England and British ways of living. I won't tell you about London. There are plenty of books you can read and plenty of pictures you can look at. I'm sure you'll be more interested to know what I think about the life here. I find some of the customs (风俗) new and interesting. People here do not shake hands as much as we do in Europe. During the first few weeks I was often surprised because people did not put out their hands when I met them. Men raise their hats to women but not to each other.Yours, Alice【小题1】The writer came to London from _________.A. AsiaB. EuropeC. America&&&&&&&&&【小题2】The writer __________.A. has never been of EnglandB. came to England three months ago&&C. will come to England in three months【小题3】She has _________.A. not written any lettersB. a little time to write lettersC. no time to write letters&&&&【小题4】She came to England to _________.A. studyB. make a livingC. learn British ways of living【小题5】 Englishmen ___________.A. do not often shake hands with friends when they meetB. often shake hands with friends when they meetC. do not raise their hats to friends when they meet
I know what you’re thinking: pizza? For breakfast? But
the truth is that you can have last night’s leftovers in the a. m. if
you want to.
I know lots of women who skip (跳过) breakfast, and they have a lot of different excuses
for doing it. Some say they don’t have time. Others think they’re “saving”
calories, still others just don’t like breakfast food.
But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is
very important when you’re trying to lose weight. “Eating just about anything
from 300 to 400 calories would be better than nothing at all,” says Katherine
Brooking, R, D, who developed the super-easy eating plan for this year’s “SELF
CHALLENGE”. And even pizza can be healthy if it’s loaded(装填) with vegetables, and you just eat one small piece.
Breakfast is one meal I never miss, and the same goes
for most weight loss success stories. Research shows that eating breakfast
keeps you from overeating (吃得过多) later in the day.
Researchers at the University of Southern California found that breakfast
skippers have a bigger chance of getting weight than those who regularly have a
morning meal.
So eat something in the morning, anything. I know
plenty of friends who end up having no breakfast altogether, and have just
coffee or orange juice. I say, try heating up last night’s leftovers — it may
sound crazy, but if it works for you, do it! I find if I tell myself, “You can
always eat it tomorrow.” I put away the leftovers instead of eating more that
night. Try it…you may save yourself some pre-bedtime calories. And watch your
body get the fat-burning effects.
1.The word “leftovers” in Paragraph 1 probably
A.food left after
a meal &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.things left
C.meals made of
vegetables&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.pizza topped
with fruit
2.What can we infer from the text?
A.Working women
usually have breakfast in a hurry.
B.Many people
have wrong ideas about breakfast.
C.There are
some easy ways of losing weight.
vegetables helps save energy.
3.According to the last paragraph, it is important
A.be careful
about what you eat&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.eat
calorie-controlled food
C.heat up food
before eating it&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.eat something
for breakfast
4.The text is written mainly for those_______.
A.who want to
lose weight&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.who go to
work early
C.who stay up
late&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.who eat
before sleep
US teenagers may be facing a challenge (挑战) today. A recent survey suggests (表明) that they are less honest than previous generations
The survey was done among 29,760 students at 100 US
high schools. The results suggest that in the past year, 30 percent of US high
school students have stolen from a store. And 64 percent may have cheated on a
However, 93 percent of the students said they were
satisfied (满意) with their honesty. And 77 percent
said,“when it comes to doing what is right, I am better than most people I
Some teachers were unhappy about the survey results.
Some, however, defended (为……辩护) today’s
“The competition is greater and the pressures (压力) on kids have increased greatly,”said Mel Riddle, who
was a high school teacher and headmaster for 40 years.“It is the pressures that
make it easy for students to be dishonest.”
“I think these students are better than other
generations,”he said.“I find them more active, better to work with and more
thankful for support.”“ We have to create situations where it’s easy for kids
to do the right things, ”he added.“We need to create classrooms where learning
is more important than having the right answer.”
1.According to the survey, what challenge do US
teenagers face today?
A.They have
trouble getting pocket money
B.They don’t get along well with teachers
C.They are not
so honest as older generations
D.They have too
many tests to take each week
2.We can learn from the survey that children in the US
nowadays &&&&&&&&.
A.behave worse
B.work harder
C.are less
D.are busier at
3.According to the survey results, &&_
percent of the students are satisfied with their honesty.
A.30&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.64&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.77&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.93
4.What’s Mel Riddle’s opinion about the idea that
students are dishonest?
A.He gets
really angry about it
B.He thinks
parents must do something to stop it
C.He thinks the
students should change their behavior
D.He thinks
there are some reasons for being dishonest
5.What advice does Mel Riddle give on improving the
honesty of students?
A.Do not let
students do anything
B.Make it
easier for them to learn
C.Ask students
to find right answers
D.Give students
more free time to have fun
作业讨论群:DIt is difficult/easy...for sb. to do意为“对某人来说干……是很困难/容易的”。It为形式主语,代替后面的动词不定式。
DI know what you’re thinking: pizza(比萨饼)? For breakfast? But the truth is that you can have last night’s leftovers in the a.m. if you want to.I know lots of women who skip breakfast(不吃早餐), and they have a ton of different excuses for doing it. Some say they don’ others think they’re “saving” calories(卡路里);still others just don’t like breakfast food .&But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is very important when you’re trying to lose weight. “Eating just about anything from 300 to 400 calories would be better than nothing at all,” says Katherine Brooking R.D., who developed the super-easy eating plan for this year’s “SELF CHALLENGE”. And even pizza can be healthy if it’s loaded with vegetables, and you stick to one small piece.&Breakfast is one meal I never miss, and the same goes for most weight loss success stories. Research shows that eating breakfast keeps you from overeating later in the day. Researchers at the University of Southern California found that breakfast skippers have a bigger chance of gaining weight than those who regularly have a morning meal. So eat something in the morning, anything. I know plenty of friends who end up having no breakfast altogether, and have just coffee or orange juice. I say, try heating up last night’s leftovers—it may sound crazy, but if it works for you, do it! I find if I tell myself, “You can always eat it tomorrow,” I put away the leftovers instead of eating more that night. Try it. You may save yourself some pre-bedtime calories. And watch your body gain the fat-burning effects. 68. The word “leftovers” in Paragraph 1 probably means_______.& A. food remaining after a meal&&&&&&&& B. things left undone
C. meals made of vegetables&&&&&&&&&& D. pizza topped with fruit 69. What can we infer from the text? A. Working women usually have breakfast in a hurry.
B. Many people have wrong ideas about breakfast.& C. There are some easy ways of cooking a meal.& D. Eating vegetables helps save energy.&70. According to the last paragraph, it is important to________.&A. eat something for breakfast&&&&&&&&&& B. be careful about what you eat
C. heat up food before eating it&&&&&&&&& D. eat calorie-controlled food 71. The text is written mainly for those________.& A. who go to work early&&&&&&& B. who want to lose weight
C. who stay up late&&&&&&&&&&& D. who eat before sleep
DI grew up in a small town. I was only ten years old when my dad gave me the responsibility of feeding the chickens and cleaning up the stable (马厩). He believed it was important for me to have those jobs to learn responsibility. Then, when I was 22, I found a job in Natchbill at a country music club called the Natchbill Palace. I washed dishes and cooked from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm and then went on stage and sang until 2:00 in the morning. It wasn’t long before I became known as a singing cook. I had been rejected so many times by record companies that it was hard not to be discouraged. One night, a woman executive (董事) from a company named Warner Brothers Records came to hear me sing. When the show was over, we sat down and talked and after she left, I said to myself it was one more rejection. A few weeks later, my manager received a phone call — Warner Brothers wanted to sign me to a record deal. Soon after, I had my first record in June 1986. It sold over 2 million copies. My best efforts had gone into every job I’ve ever held. It was the sense of responsibility that made me feel like a man. 68. Why was the writer once known as a singing cook?A. He was a cook at a country music club.B. He sang for guests while he worked as a cook.C. He often sang while cooking.D. He liked singing better than cooking.69. Who first recognized the writer’s talents and helped make him successful?A. His brother.&&&&& B. His manager.&&&&C. His father.&&&&&&&&&& D. A businesswoman.70. It can be inferred from the passage that the ______.A. writer’s success is partly due to his father&&&& B. writer’s family was very poorC. writer succeeded easily&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. writer’s first record was a total failure
DI entered high school having read hundreds of books. But I was not a good reader. Merely bookish, I lacked a point of view when I read. Rather, I read in order to get a point of view. I searched books for good expressions and sayings, pieces of information, ideas, themes—anything to enrich my thought and make me feel educated. When one of my teachers suggested to his sleepy tenth-grade English class that a person could not have a “complicated idea” until he had read at least two thousand books, I heard the words without recognizing either its irony (嘲讽) or its very complicated truth. I merely determined to make a list of all the books I had ever read. Strict with myself, I included only once a title I might have read several times. (How, after all, could one read a book more than once?) And I included only those books over a hundred pages in length. (Could anything shorter be a book?) There was yet another high school list I made. One day I came across a newspaper article about an English professor at a nearby state college. The article had a list of the “hundred most important books of Western Civilization.” “More than anything else in my life,” the professor told the reporter with finality(firmly) , “these books have made me all that I am.” That was the kind of words I couldn’t ignore. I kept the list for the several months it took me to read all of the titles. Most books, of course, I hardly understood. While reading Plato's The Republic, for example, I needed to keep looking at the introduction of the book to remind myself what the text was about. However, with the special patience and superstition (迷信) of a schoolboy, I looked at every word of the text. And by the time I reached the last word, pleased, I persuaded myself that I had read The Republic, and seriously crossed Plato off my list68. On hearing the teacher's suggestion of reading, the writer thought _______. A. one must read as many books as possibleB. a student should not have a complicated ideaC. it was impossible for one to read two thousand booksD. students ought to make a list of the books they had read69. While at high school, the writer _______. A. had plans for reading&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. learned to educate himselfC. only read books over 100 pages&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. read only one book several times70. The writer's purpose in mentioning The Republic is to _______. A. explain why it was included in the listB. describe why he seriously crossed it off the listC. show that he read the books blindly though they were hard to understandD. prove that he understood most of it because he had looked at every word71 The writer provides two book lists to _______. A. show how he developed his point of viewB. tell his reading experience at high schoolC. introduce the two persons' reading methods D. explain that he read many books at high school
DI don’t like getting up too early unless I have to. When you’re filming, you’ve got make-up on, which doesn’t happen often. As I’m not filming at present I’ll get up at 8.30. Work normally means Matt coming over to my house about 10 am. We’re writing at the moment. We’ll chat for a bit before going to my study. One of us will have an idea for a sketch (梗概), we’ll talk about the characters and when we feel we have enough we’ll start writing. Matt and I met at the National Youth Theatre in 1990 and started doing shows together in ’95, at the Edinburgh Fringe festival. We know we’re onto something if we’ve made each other laugh, and that’s a really special moment. It’s not always like that, but we’re comfortable enough with each other that we can be honest and go. Some days you’re not in the mood to be funny—like writing when my dad was dying of cancer, or when Matt was separating from his partner. We stop for lunch and sometimes go to Wagamama in Camden, but the last time we were followed by paparazzi (狗仔队), which gets you down—who wants to be pictured eating noodles? When I’m not writing with Matt I work on other projects. My second children’s book comes out later in the year. It’s called Mr. Stink. The first one I dedicated to my three-year-old nephew, Eddie. Both books have been illustrated by Quentin B it’s been a thrill to work with him—like 20 years ago reading a Roald Dahl book and looking at those drawings, then one day that person illustrates your work… magical. At 5 I go swimming in Soho. My trainer makes me do horrible exercises, but I always feel better after.Being in all day, I like to go out in the evening and look smart, but not like I’ve come out of the City. I’m a tall, broad guy and well-dressed. For dinner I’ll meet friends. When you’re a single guy it’s great to have some good female friends. Or I might take my mum to the theatre, as I know she really appreciates it. I like watching TV comedy shows to see what everyone’s doing. When you see something impressive it makes you work harder. I also love Larkin’s poems: they don’t try to transcend (超越) they’re much more straightforward. Poetry is great to dip into before going to bed, rather than falling asleep reading a novel and being confused over what you’ve read or not. I haven’t had a good night’s
unfortunately, I rely on pills. I’ve tried everything. If I could wish anything for myself, I’d wish I could sleep better. 67. It can be inferred from the passage that _______. A. the author spends much time with his friendsB. the author and Matt are both famous in the district C. the author doesn’t care much about what to wear D. the author works at home and seldom goes out every day 68. Where does the passage most likely appear?A. In a travel diary. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B. In a news column. C. In an online diary.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. In a research paper.69. Why does the author read some poetry before going to bed? A. Because poetry can often bring him some funny ideas. B. Because poetry is much easier to understand than novels. C. Because poetry is very abstract and reflects unusual things. D. Because poetry can be of some help for him to kill time. 70. What might be the best title for the passage? A. A day’s work with Matt&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. A new life-style&C. A life in the day&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. A good way to write
阅读下列回函:Reply letter AThank you for your valuable suggestions. We have decided to show the Chinese character along with the Hanyu Pinyin for names of Chinese personages, places and specific things as from the next issue.Reply letter BThank you for your suggestions. Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. One of our staff reporters has just returned from Xinjiang and written a long article about her trip. Next year, we will have even more coverage of Xinjiang.Reply letter COther readers have asked us for similar information and we have so far answered them individually. In this issue, we will print an open reply. We discovered after making a survey that there are few books to be found on China printed in English. Most are published by the Foreign Languages Press and China International press, from where it is possible to buy books directly.Reply letter DA majority of Chinese tourists travel abroad in order to see different landscapes and various cultures, to appreciate an exotic atmosphere and to get to know local customs. Some Chinese tourists nevertheless go to China towns, because they can eat Chinese food there. For those who don’t know English or the native language of the country they visit, it is convenient to go shopping or find entertainment in a Chinatown.Reply letter EWe have taken on your suggestions to start a column on personalities. There are kinds of reports, such as movie stars, directors, businessmen, singers and so on. Our reports not only introduce their achievements, but also report their inner world. We hope you will enjoy it.Reply letter FThanks for your appreciation of our magazine. We have mailed your letter and your e-mail address to Tingting. Since both of her two letters were sent by ordinary mail and did not give her e-mail address or telephone number. We could not get in touch with her any other way.阅读下列信函,然后匹配相关信息:Letter AI have just started reading your magazine regularly and enjoy the articles very much. I have one comment to make. Can you include the Chinese characters for the names of people, places, etc that you mention with the Hanyu Pinyin of Romanized phonetic system that you use? For example, what is “Emei” or “Qitaihe”or “Shaoxing” in Chinese? It’s also helpful for those of us who are learning Chinese.Letter B.It was interesting to read the magazine. I wonder if you could start a column which introduces the Chinese elites of art, business, sports, politics, especially directors, actors, anchors(主持人)and singers. I believe readers will also appreciate a livelier style. Letter CI am a civil servant in Xinjiang, a region relatively underdeveloped in comparison with other provinces. But this does not mean it belong to another world. Xinjiang could benefit from overseas exchanges as well as contact with people living in other regions. Could you include articles about Xinjiang and its people? I suggest magazines report more about the western regions, especially exotic and charming Xinjiang.Letter DI am an avid(热衷的)reader of your magazine and it has helped me to introduce China to foreign friends. Thank you for great efforts to bring New China to the world. Next month, I may get the opportunity to go to Nigeria, so I must learn more about China’s history and culture. Could you kindly recommend a suitable book in English?Letter EIt was interesting to read “Chinese Travelers Step out”. It seems a large percentage of Chinese tourists visit the West. In Indonesia, Chinese New Year is an official holiday. How would you assess the level of interest Chinese tourists have in Indonesia? Would they like to visit Chinatowns or other unique attractions in Indonesia? 信函&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&回函【小题1】LetterA&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&A. Reply letter A【小题2】LetterB&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B. Reply letter B【小题3】LetterC&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&C. reply letter C【小题4】LetterD &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D. Reply letter D【小题5】LetterE&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&E. Reply letter E


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