beauty is only a matter of tastesong 麻烦翻译一下。

  I spent my teenage years scrambling up the mountain of mathematics。”  Why nature should conform to theories we find beautiful is far from obvious:那是当他生平第一次顿悟狄拉克的量子力学方程式. The machine on which I write these words embodies hundreds of insights into the workings of the material world,托马斯美国天主教教士和作家,其中奥妙不可言宣,和泉涌般的智慧。美在人类渺小的心灵和宇宙伟大的精魂之间,他大半辈子都在致力于破解群星内部的秘密;s wedding album holds only a faint glimmer of the wedding itself, and power、润泽着我们的心田,我相信美和生存之间有着千丝万缕的联系,它们一定是正确的, we need subtle instruments,而且把原子层层剥开:“我不敢肯定这种美是否与日落之美异曲同工。诚如爱因斯坦所言,以见证婚礼现场的光鲜夺目;re so beautiful,顽石诞生为雕像,创造字谜游戏;s⑴ equations describing quantum mechanics。正如一方相片框不住一只鹰的迅捷。想想这一切是多么地不可思议,他的回答是,架在鼻梁上的眼镜则是根据光学原理配制而成的.67度。如今的科学家大都摒弃了“造物主”一说,还计算出了黑洞的引力,但问题在于, we learn to savor all sorts of patterns,他们坚信牛顿的看法---世界受一套整合的法则所支配。人类虽然尚未全知全能,这些法则是如何开始掌管世界的, find food, I staggered to a halt。  We launch a satellite into orbit and use it to bounce messages from continent to continent,便通过心算处理加减乘除;s more to beauty than biology, echoes of that event still linger in the form of background radiation⑹,我便极为深刻地意识到, from quantum mechanics to patchwork quilts,正是这些微不足道的小生物, 其后,” a friend tells me. Nowadays I add。桑达出生于美国田纳西州(Tennessee)的孟菲斯(Memphis);而其量之充沛. Or at least on the way toward truth. Just so. Scientists in our day have largely abandoned the notion of a Creator as an unnecessary hypothesis. Midway up the slope. By paying attention, subtract.   通过对万物造化的深入观察:人类对美的体验中暗含着秩序和力量的影子, lay bare the s the same beauty you see in the sunset,并在实践中检验它们。但是,容易为我们所捕捉. This predilection brings with it a clear evolutionary advantage, that nature agrees。1963年,”他说道。宇宙大爆炸在一百五十多亿年后的今天仍余波未平, but that is about all that I&#39。  “All nature is meant to make us think of paradise。1971年;在我们的手中,又就读于剑桥大学(Cambridge University)并获得文学博士,” Thomas Merton⑷ observed,便开始步履踉跄。  (6) background radiation。这就像一位建筑师在薄薄的图纸上绘制出设计方案:在一个不起眼的星球上; to measure beauty。  ⑴ Dirac,即使不全盘否定,而我们的祖先则因循这一标准选择伴侣: 背景辐射。我坚信美不仅仅存在于生物学和文化习俗中.   每当我尝试着将美付诸于文字时。伊娃的婚礼相册仅仅留存了一丝微弱的光芒. A universe so prodigal of beauty may actually need us to notice and respond, carve stone into statues,人类的存在实为天工之作:若要欣赏她们,表现为一恒星中的绝大部分物质爆炸后, “Simplicity。宇宙和人类对于美的共识: 迪拉克,他就读于布朗大学(Brown University). How unlikely。纵观历史传承。然而. While they share Newton&#39,保罗·阿德利安·莫里斯英国数学和物理学家,宇宙的温度高得惊人. Because the Creation puts on a nonstop show, and in such myriad forms,它是由美国射电天文学家彭齐亚斯和威尔逊发现的.  无论是一朵花或是一双手,相当于摄氏-273. I find in that affinity a profound source of meaning and hope: 创世大爆炸按照大爆炸理论. Beauty feeds us from the same source that created us,爆炸当时所释放的能量(即使这些能量看起来似乎微不足道)仍以背景辐射现象的形式存在着,惟独人类在演变中独占鳌头, the experience of beauty is an echo of the order and power that permeate the universe,躲避敌人。有些美显而易见;恰恰相反. For most of human history:人们在探求自然规律的旅途中。本文选自他新近出版的作品《寻找希望》(Hunting for Hope)、迷人;m never more aware of the limitations of language than when I try to describe beauty, and he replies,生存着一种拥有短暂生命的两足生物:在这片恢宏的宇宙中,猜想出各种定理公式。” 我好奇一个“动人的”理论是个什么样;而衡量美。Anyone with eyes can take delight in a face or a flower, however,其温度不断降低,但另一些则不然:“简约, he was tracing the hand of God,或者说---至少。由此, the training has come from elders who taught the young how to pay attention, of course,神明之意, symmetry。如果说是自然造就了我们. Still,则需要动用我们的聪慧和所有敏锐的感官。相片和文字能够做到的最多只是描摹那些瞬息即逝的;re a long way from understanding everything。于是,包括 《七重山》(1948年)和 《无人为孤岛》(1955年)。  ⑵ Isaac Newton, elegance。现在的我.   托马斯·梅尔顿说过,犹如群星漫天. Generation after generation. You need training:  本文为美国当代作家司各特·罗素·桑达(Scott Russell Sander。” 我的这个朋友是一位物理学家. “They&#39, as to exceed by a wide margin any mere evolutionary need. Eva&#39,他在作品中对于自然的生动细致描写充分体现出他对环境的关注,但我们不能否认万物之法的存在,标志宇宙形成的宇宙爆炸,还是棉被上漂亮的拼花图案,还是我们不经意间摸索到了扎根于人类思想和苍茫万物间那深刻的一致性。如果自然界中所有的物种都拥有发现美的能力, or the shiver of breath through a flute,我一直都在努力描摹, they cannot say,也拜读过不少科学家的著作,那么它们都将在进化过程中称霸一方。语言自有其灵动可人之处,然后惊讶地发现,由此成全造物的圆满,发现数学之美, beauty is free and inexhaustible, and do long division when no calculator is handy, as scientists,牛顿相信自己正追随着上帝的笔触,甚至三角运算, in the architecture of a tree.” This friend is a physicist, I believe:这个世界最让人费解之处就在于. He recalls for me this thrill on grasping for the first time Dirac&#39。一个朋友对我说, how these particular rules came to govern things,寻找食物. So I keep gesturing、数学家,而欣赏树木形态。而我, that a short-lived biped on a two-bit planet should be able to gauge the speed of light?对此, in order to close the circuit of Creation. Which is not to say that beauty has nothing to do with survival, we puzzle out formulas, may need our sharp eyes and brimming hearts and teeming minds,但至少.   任何人都能在一颦一笑. I am convinced there&#39,我还能应付代数。测量背景辐射, and I stare at that screen through lenses that obey the laws of optics first worked out in detail by Isaac Newton⑵, but we need training in order to perceive more than the most obvious kinds, gasping in the rarefied air: I think it has everything to do with survival、充实的心灵、象棋之妙的眼睛并不是与生俱来,然而。可惜才到半山腰,身为科学家的他们也无从知晓,两者带给我的感受别无二致。  ⑸ the Big Bang, 并在那里的印地安那大学(Indiana University)任教至今,但是,至少也认定那是不可能得到验证的假说.   少年时;空气稀薄,我曾试图攀登数学之颠,若是手边没有计算器,可它却无法传达大千世界的绚烂.15度或华氏-459,美无处不在;ve kept from the language of numbers, who has spent a long career deciphering what must be happening in the interior of stars,在这颗璀璨的星球上,或是洞彻爱因斯坦相对论的方程式时的感受,我们需要精密仪器, I remember glimpsing patterns in mathematics that seemed as bold and beautiful as a skyful of stars。该学说认为,它便帮助我们将讯息传遍世界各地;但是话说回来。“那些方程式是如此动人. You can do science without believing in a divine Legislator, and her buildings stand up through earthquakes、或是悠扬笛声的心灵也非浑然自成,去发现美;她等待着我们敏锐的眼睛,无论是量子力学中精妙的理论: 牛顿 () 英国物理学家, or those of Einstein describing relativity。随着宇宙膨胀的进行:大自然竟然与我们不谋而合,给予我生存的意义与希望,时空归依为坐标,充盈. An architect draws designs on flimsy paper。我这样说并不意味着美和生存毫无干系。我们的宇宙中,也再现不了一颗超新星毁灭时的壮丽: 超新星,正在一台机器上记录下这些文字, the design of a bird&#39?
这一切究竟来源于何:我们谱写交响曲. But the same advantage would apply to all species,产生能放射极大能量的极为明亮而存在时间极短的物体,而这些秩序和力量充斥着整个宇宙空间。我们需要点拨和引领, is that it&#39, in this magnificent universe,它们的指向是正确的.  我相信后者是正确的,关于大自然的脾性, but not without believing in laws,而对这一理论进行详细论证的开山始祖则是艾萨克·牛顿,我们所知道的确实不能算少:它是能够被了解的, and I can do algebra and geometry and even trigonometry in a pinch,形态之多变已经远远超越了进化本身的需要,这样的点拨和引领往往来自长者, test them。  By discerning patterns in the universe,依此建造的高楼大厦、和谐,须臾便会与美不期而遇,认为那是无稽的假设,并以此让我们不再怀疑,从中我作出推断,而Eva则是作者的女儿)迁往印地安那州(Indiana)的布鲁明顿(Bloomington),一花一草中体验快乐,因为创世纪本身就是一出永不落幕的表演,一种罕见的天文现象, “but it feels the same, as Einstein said, you can&#39。美让我们重拾信念---相信自然对于我们的无私恩惠与慷慨, “you can see immediately they have to be true,到现在平均只有绝对温度2.7度(相当于零下270.46摄氏度)左右. It restores our faith in the generosity of nature.”   我结识一些科学家(包括伊娃和露丝)、几何, but we do understand a great deal about how nature behaves,我得出一个观点,去回应美;其间芳华之美悠游自在, for the ability to recognize patterns helped our ancestors to select mates, however。因为人类能够辨识出美的事物,数字世界留给我的也就只有这些零星点滴了,那么. Even 15 billion years or so after the Big Bang⑸、物理之绝。  It reminds us of the shaping power that reaches through the flower stem and through our own hands,不得不停下脚步, avoid predators,竟能够经受住地震的洗礼考验;有必要时,我们领略到万千形态的美。正是出于对美的强烈偏爱。印地安那的自然风光给予他创作的灵感。美我们身边流淌。他向我讲述了当年邂逅科学之美时的狂喜, to an astonishing degree,年轻人学会专注. To measure background radiation.   那些打动我们的理论,我们可以拒绝相信上帝的存在. By giving us a taste of the kinship between our own small minds and the great Mind of the Cosmos:文字的力量是多么有限,“只消看一眼你就会明白. Language can create its own loveliness,我们得付出一点努力。在科学的疆界,是美通过自然滋养了我们. We's faith that the universe is ruled everywhere by a coherent set of rules: 默顿。人类经过世世代代的努力, any more than a photograph can capture the stunning swiftness of a hawk or the withering power of a supernova⑶? Or have we stumbled onto a deep congruence between the structure of our minds and the structure of the universe, to perceive the beauty in mathematics or physics or chess: 绝对零度在此温度下物质没有热能,我至今仍然记得曾在数学王国里浅尝到的无穷变幻---大胆;因为专注, but it cannot deliver to us the radiance we apprehend in the world。  ⑷ Thomas Merton,依然耸立,又名3K宇宙背景辐射, or calculate the gravitational tug of a black hole,而爱因斯坦和狄拉克的方程式却仍旧远在高处;s comprehensible.   我们发射一枚人造卫星. It flows around and through us in such abundance,这台机器包涵着人类思想的精髓---对物质世界运作方式的真知灼见---每一次敲打键盘、典雅;当我注视着屏幕,都让我们联想到美的创造力量, well before I reached the heights where the equations of Einstein and Dirac would have made sense,其作品主要是关于当代宗教和世俗生活的,籍此。I&#39? I am persuaded the latter is true。不过,“世间造物之神奇无不令人联想到天堂乐土”,他携妻子(就是本文一开始提到的Ruth,有力,无穷无尽, or at least an untestable one。Have we merely carried our animal need for shrewd perceptions to an absurd extreme. The most incomprehensible thing about the universe.” I ask him what makes a theory beautiful,才使得人类在物种进化的追逐比拼中处于上风;s wing, multiply,大爆炸之初。诚然, we need alert intelligence and our five keen senses,往往受到自然之母的肯定。1933年因新原子理论公式与人分享诺贝尔奖,1945-)所写, only a few degrees above absolute zero⑺。  ⑶ supernova,是60年代天文学上的四大发现之一?仅仅是我们将本能的敏锐感知力推向了荒谬的极致,使我气喘吁吁, and yet we alone compose symphonies at pursue the laws of nature very long without bumping into beauty, insights that are confirmed by every burst of letters on the screen, more than cultural convention,这些真知便化为字母跳入屏幕、那些让我们心潮涌动的光芒。  译者注, beauty reassures us that we are exactly and wonderfully made for life on this glorious planet, Newton believed,化身为一座沟通的桥梁;ve read about,发轫之始,” he says, map time and space、鸟翼构造。   (7) absolute zero, including Eva and Rt know if it&#39. All that pictures or words can do is gesture beyond themselves toward the fleeting glory that stirs our hearts,不但测量出了光速, and those whom I&#39, and find. “I don&#39Beauty (excerpt)美(节选)   Judging from the scientists I know
Youth i i it is not amatter of rosy cheeks, red l it is a matter of thewill, a quality of the imagination, a v it is thefreshness of the deep springs of life.
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2006. It is only a matter of time before Sofia dominates some of France’s greatest battles and receives fame by winning the battle of Saint-Denis, appearing on billboards all over the world for this International clothing brand! The world gets to know her and her hiphop moves through Nike women’s 2005 advertising campaign, voice-over) and ‘Permis d’aimer’ (2005) and appears on a few TV-series: around the world) and Sofia lands her first movie role as David’s girlfriend ‘Samia’ in ‘The Challenge’ (‘Le défi, hip-hop and freestyle, 2002). She appears in several MTV music videos and does modelling work for female sporting gear and beauty products (Puma, she demonstrates a fusion of break-dance,…) After joining the ‘Vagabond crew’ and its’ spin-off team called ‘Aphrodites troop’ ;songwriter Safy Boutella begins her classical dance education, inspired by the great American tradition and is set in today’s world of France’s Hip Hop movement.After le défi she does two more films. From May 21 ‘till September 21, she also takes up swimming and at 17 she begins her education at a sports academy: ‘Azur et Asmar’ (2004. In this Nike campaign, the daughter of singer&#47. Jamie introduces her to Madonna where she gets roles in Madonna’s next two MTV video clips. Sofia’s popularity is higher then ever as she travels trough Europe with the Rockstar Workout, 1982 in Bab el Qued, she has the opportunity to be a part of the ‘Madonna for H&M’ campaign, Nike. Sport becomes very important to her, where she starts G.She joins up with choreographer Jamie King who mentors Sofia in Nike’s next two commercials, Reebok.R. This very strong cultural identity, fr, Sofia’s dance career takes a high spin in 2005 as she makes her international debut, targeting young women in Europe: ‘Cordier.S (rhytmical gymnastics). As part of the Confessions-crew, Narta., add Music’… a one minute during commercial that is entirely dedicated to Sofia, the capital of Algeria. While performing a freestyle dance session in Los Angeles. Blessed with exceptional strength and flexibility she gets interested in break dance, earning herself a spot in the national team for the Olympics at age 18, Sofia gets to travel around the world with Madonna’s Confessions tour, she attracts the attention of Bianca Li (choreographer of Daft Punk’s video. At the age of 5: ‘Hung Up’ and ‘Sorry’: ‘the Nike Rockstar Work-out’ and ‘Gear Up & Dance’. Five years later, Adidas. Within seconds she convinces every one of her amazing talent and the public is dying to find out more about her, she and her family move to France: ‘Take Sport. Le Défi is a musical comedy, different from the US model allows Bianca Li and her dancers to give an original point of view on today’s melting pot of French urban youngsters, juge et flic’ (2004) and ‘Malika’Sofia Boutella was born on April 6
杰米介绍了她。索菲亚成为法国最伟大的舞者这只是一个时间问题;科迪尔,阿尔及利亚裔法籍舞者开始她的古典舞蹈教育,街舞和自由泳。新é是音乐喜剧。她出现在几个音乐视频和女体育用品和美容产品(彪马。从5月21日直到日,她得到麦当娜伴舞的角色,与美国不同的模式使李比安卡和她的舞伴成为搭档,美国伟大的传统,她也需要游泳,她融合了霹雳舞,添加音乐……足一分钟在商业广告是完全致力于索菲亚,,2005年索菲亚的舞蹈生涯中以高自旋使她在国际亮相希望采纳,配音)和“许可d&#39:海岸等斯迈尔”(2004,她和她的家人搬到法国,她吸引了大家的注意,比安卡李(编舞达夫特朋克)和索菲亚土地(她的第一个电影角色是戴维的女朋友&#39,索菲亚得到全世界旅行的自白。看来今天的法国城市青年。在几秒钟内。这很强的文化身份;)。在这个耐克广告的运动品牌,她有机会成为其中的一部分的“麦当娜的并购活动。对于她运动成为非常重要。在新é她有更多的电影。5岁的时候。拥有特殊的力量和灵活性。日在索菲亚·波多拉出生在巴布;,在那里她开始体操学习。五年后,耐克,,我这个是自己翻译的,她17岁开始在教育体育学院学习,她让她的每一个惊人的天赋和公众渴望了解更多关于她事情一一展现。她加入了编舞杰米国王导师索菲亚在耐克的两年,锐步narta,麦当娜的两年音乐视频剪辑:&#39,在世界各地的国际服装品牌,阿尔及利亚首都,……)后加入“漂泊的船员及其衍生队称为“阿弗洛狄特队伍;aimer”(2005)和出现在几个电视系列,通过耐克广告,从而霹雳舞使人大为震惊,针对年轻妇女在欧洲。索菲亚的声望高于以往她前往欧洲的Rock star。一部分的confessions-crew,她在18岁作为国家队参加奥运会!世界知道了她和她的舞蹈动作。在洛杉机学习自由式舞蹈,阿迪达斯,法官和警察”(2004)和“马利卡&#39,集当今世界法国嘻哈运动:“拍戏
。这个耐克运动中.,使她的国际首演,舞蹈,因为她;和'瞄准器”(2005年),从美国的模式不同。作为自白机组的一部分。杰米介绍她到麦当娜在那里她得到角色在未来两年麦当娜的MTV视频剪辑:“红&#39,赢得自己在国家队的18岁的奥运会现场。在5岁的女儿,她的两片,她吸引的比安卡李(编舞的达夫特低劣的视频,她被霹雳舞感兴趣,索菲亚得到环游世界与麦当娜的自白之旅。五年后。这个非常强大的文化认同日出生在Bab el的Qued:“科迪尔,灵感来自伟大的美国传统,并在今天的世界的法国嘻哈运动.,其“分拆团队称为”Aphrodites部队“,允许比安卡李和她的舞者给原有的在今天的法国城市青少年的熔炉点:在世界各地)的关注和索非亚土地她作为大卫的女友“萨米亚”第一电影“的挑战”(“乐DEFI的作用神父,她和她的家人搬到法国。索非亚的受欢迎程度是以往任何时候都高。这只是一个时间问题之前索非亚主导一些法国最伟大的战争,她,在那里她开始档案处(rhytmical体操),歌手&#47.。她出现在几个MTV音乐录影带和女性运动齿轮和美容产品的建模工作(Narta.,她演示了一个突破!世界变得越来越知道她和她的HIPHOP移动通过2005年耐克妇女广告宣传,并出现在一些电视系列。从五月至日,并接收由赢得了圣丹尼斯战成名,阿迪达斯。她加入了编舞杰米国王导师索非亚在耐克的广告未来两年,耐克,阿尔及利亚首都索非亚Boutella,锐步。运动变得非常重要,添加音乐”。拥有出色的力量和柔韧性.) 加入WTO后的“流浪汉船员”,索非亚的舞蹈生涯在2005年的高自旋;:“以体育。在几秒钟内,嘻哈和自由式的融合,世界各地的广告牌上出现的一部分。LE DEFI后.这是完全致力于索非亚期间商业分钟。执行1在洛杉矶自由式舞蹈会议时.,针对在欧洲的年轻女性,她说服她惊人的天赋和公众渴望了解她的每一个人;对不起&#39,她有机会成为一个“麦当娜为H&M的运动这一国际服装品牌:“耐克的Rockstar工作”和“齿轮及舞蹈”.:“蓝色海岸等阿斯马尔”(2004年;,2002年),她也占据了游泳和她17岁开始她的教育在体育学院,画外音)和“Permis D&#39,21&#39,锯割等FLIC”(2004年)和玛莉卡&#39,然后她槽欧洲旅行的Rockstar锻炼。 LE DEFI是一个音乐剧.,彪马;;作曲家Safy Boutella开始她的古典舞蹈教育
日在索菲亚·布特拉是天生的巴布发光qued,阿尔及利亚首都。5岁的女儿,歌手/作曲家的安全boutella开始她的古典舞蹈教育。五年后,她和她的家人搬到法国,在那里她开始g.r.s(rhytmical体操),她在国家队的奥运会在18岁。拥有特殊的力量和灵活性,她获得感兴趣的霹雳舞。这只是一个时间问题之前,索非亚占据了法国最伟大的战斗和接收成名战役胜利的圣德尼。运动成为非常重要的她,她也需要游泳,她17岁开始她在教育体育学院。在进行自由式舞蹈会议在洛杉机,她吸引注意,比安卡李(编舞达夫特朋克的视频:世界各地)和索非亚土地她的第一个电影角色是戴维的女朋友'最' '挑战'('le丁é,果期,2002)。新é是音乐喜剧,由美国伟大的传统,集当今世界法国嘻哈运动。这很强的文化身份,与美国不同的模...
日在Sofia Boutella (索菲亚·布特拉)是天生的巴布发光qued,阿尔及利亚首都。5岁的女儿,歌手/作曲家的安全boutella开始她的古典舞蹈教育。五年后,她和她的家人搬到法国,在那里她开始g.r.s(rhytmical体操),她在国家队的奥运会在18岁。拥有特殊的力量和灵活性,她获得感兴趣的霹雳舞。这只是一个时间问题之前,索非亚占据了法国最伟大的战斗和接收成名战役胜利的圣德尼。运动成为非常重要的她,她也需要游泳,她17岁开始她在教育体育学院。在进行自由式舞蹈会议在洛杉机,她吸引注意,比安卡李(编舞达夫特朋克的视频:世界各地)和索非亚土地她的第一个电影角色是戴维的女朋友'最' '挑战'('le丁é,果期,2002)。新é是音乐喜剧,由美国伟大的传统,集当今世界法国嘻哈运动。这很强的文化身...
日出生在Bab el的Qued,阿尔及利亚首都索非亚Boutella。在5岁的女儿,歌手/作曲家Safy Boutella开始她的古典舞蹈教育。五年后,她和她的家人移居法国,在那里她开始档案处(rhytmical体操),赢得自己在国家队的18岁的奥运会现场。拥有出色的力量和柔韧性,她被霹雳舞感兴趣。这只是一个时间问题之前索非亚主导一些法国最伟大的战争,并接收由赢得了圣丹尼斯战成名。运动变得非常重要,她,她也占据了游泳和她17岁开始她的教育在体育学院。执行1在洛杉矶自由式舞蹈会议时,她吸引的比安卡李(编舞的达夫特低劣的视频)的关注和索非亚土地她作为大卫的女友“萨米亚”第一电影“的挑战”(“乐DEFI的作用神父,2002年)。 LE DEFI是一个音乐剧,灵感来自伟大的美国传统,并在今...


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