I wasnarrowly beatenn by your black humour这句话的中文意思是什么

black humour
黑色幽默(等于dark comedy)
- 引用次数:10
So far,Black Humour has not been regarded as an independent aesthetic category in aesthetic system. It has not been referred to, or considered as a kind of comedy, and even as an "ugly"form, or a kind of absurd.
参考来源 -
black humour
the juxtaposition of morbid and farcical elements (in writing or drama) to give a disturbing effect
black humo(u)r
黑色幽默(尤指小说、戏剧中一种夸张、讽刺、荒诞、病态的幽默)[亦作 dark comedy, blackness]
黑色幽默(等于dark comedy)
"It is in incredibly bad taste," he said. "The pigeon finishes up dead in the middle of the road - it's black humour which we don't find amusing.
The subversive wit and black humour that pervades the Chapmans' works is undercut by the craftsmanship and painstaking labour evident
At least this was what happened to me. Quentin Tarantino's films always are full of weirdness and are famous for their black humour.
And his latest book called The Best of Worlds is set in Barcelona, but in a way he merely uses Barcelona as a kind of back drop for the black humour which has made him famous.
There was also black humour.
The only humour in this setting is black.
- 来自原声例句
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音标:[ 'hju:mə ]&&发音:&&过去式: humoured&&&过去分词: humoured&&&名词复数: humours&&&现在分词: humouring&&&
中文翻译n.1.幽默,诙谐,幽默感。2.幽默的东西[言词、文章等]。3.(生来的)脾气,性情,气质;(一时的)兴致,心情,情绪。4.(眼球的)玻璃状液体;(旧时生理学所说动物的)体液;(植物的)汁液。5.古怪的幻想;遐想。6.〔 pl.〕有趣的节目。 短语和例子A sense of humour幽默感。 Every man has his humour. 〔谚语〕各人有各人的脾气。 A man of humour富有幽默感的人。 A man of sanguine humour性情乐观的人。 Aqueous [vitreous] humour【解剖学】水样(玻璃状)液。 Black humour 黑色幽默〔六十年代美国新兴的一个文学流派〕。 Dry humour绷着脸说的笑话。 In bad humour 不高兴。 In good humour 高兴。 In no humour for … 不高兴…,无心…。 In the humour for …高兴…,有意…。 Out of humour 不高兴。 Please sb.'s humour 迎合某人。 Put sb. In [into] a bad humour 使人生气。 The cardinal humours 〔古语〕四体液〔即 blood, phlegm, choler, melancholy,据说能决定人的性格〕。 When the humour takes me 我高兴的时候。vt.1.迎合,迁就,纵容。2.使自己适应于…;顺着…办;灵活处理[掌握], It's not wise to humour a small child. 纵容小孩子可不好。短语和例子Don't force the lock, you must humour it. 别出死力开锁,得试着点儿开。adj.-ed 〔用于构成复合词〕脾气…的。 (good humoured 性情好的)。n.-ist 幽默家,幽默作家;滑稽家,丑角。adj.-less 不幽默的,不滑稽的,无趣味的。adj.-some 幽默滑稽的;古怪的。&&&&玻璃体; 房水; 前房液(眼); 水状体; 水状液&&&&黑色幽默〔采用荒谬、怪诞、可怕场面的幽默文艺形式〕。 &&&&粗俗的幽默&&&&〔美国〕凄惨的幽默;充满怨恨的幽默。 &&&&好心境&&&&幽默网&&&&使…高兴起来&&&&心情恶劣&&&&恶劣的情绪; 心情恶劣&&&&情绪不好&&&&情绪好; 心情(情绪)好&&&&蜥蜴粉&&&&情绪不好&&&&有味笑话&&&&肤浅的幽默
例句与用法He was not in the humour to seek anything .他没有心情去追求任何东西。You ought to humour your younger brother a little .你该让着弟弟一点。She flattered him into a good humour .她把他奉承得性子变温和了。She departed with the child, in good humour .她领着孩子欢天喜地地走了。Their humour is not unlike the american .他们的脾性颇象美国人。There is a slight tinge of humour in it .这里边有点幽默气味。A funeral is not the place for humour .葬礼不是幽默的场合。For the first time tommy showed a touch of humour .托米第一次显出一点幽默。I put them in good humour by this concession .我作出些让步,使他们高兴起来。A great deal of frontier humour was oral .边疆幽默有一大部分是由口头传述的。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) "she didn''t appreciate my humor"; "you can''t survive in the army without a sense of humor"同义词:, , , the qu "I fail to see the humor in it"同义词:, the liquid parts of the body同义词:, , , , (Middle Ages) one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotiona "the humors are blood and phlegm and yellow and black bile"同义词:, a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter同义词:, , , , a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) "whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time"; "he was in a bad humor"同义词:, , , put into a good mood同义词:,
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All rights reserved高频词,一定要记得哦!
adj. 黑色的;黑人的;不加牛奶的;黑暗的;沮丧的;邪恶的;黑色(幽默)的;巫术的n. 黑色;黑人;黑颜料v. (使)变黑;把(眼睛)打得发青;拒绝
搭配:[+ dress, trousers, shoes, hair]
a pair of black trousers
He had thick black hair.
a black jacket
The walls were painted black.
The sky was completely black.
搭配:[+ person]
Sherry is black, tall, slender and soft-spoken.
the traditions of the black community
Bud's nose was still black and blue.
Whenever she refused, he'd beat her black and blue.
搭配:[+ coffee, tea]
A black coffee, please.
Do you want your coffee black?
a cup of black tea
搭配:[+ day, situation, future]
one of the blackest days of his political career
The future for the industry looks even blacker.
Her mood was blacker than ever.
He's completely black with oil now.
搭配:[+ comedy]
It's a black comedy about racial prejudice.
搭配:[+ crime, offence]
I think their crime is a blacker one than mere exploitation.
David stares down the table with a black look on his face.
When he finished, he gave me a black look.
I wear a lot of black.
a woman dressed in black
mixing narrow palettes of blacks, blues and greys
There are about 31 million blacks in the US.
Steve Davis is about to pot the winning black.
We're hardly ever in the black.
vt /blaek/
搭配:[+ shoes]
He turned up on the night, hair brushed and boots blacked.
搭配:[+ goods]
The Union blacked incoming goods at the docks.
Her husband blacked her eye.
1.being of the achromatic color having little or no hue owing to absorption of almost all incident light
Black leather jackets
as black as coal
rich black soil
2.of or belonging to a racial group having dark skin especially of sub-Saharan African origin
a great people--a black people--...injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization
3.marked by anger or resentment or hostility
Black looks
Black words
4.stemming from evil chara wicked or dishonorable
Black deeds
a black lie
his black heart has concocted yet another black deed
Darth Vader of the dark side
a dark purpose
dark undercurrents of ethnic hostility
the scheme of some sinister intelligenc
5.offering little or no hope
the future looked black
prospects were bleak
Life in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and difficult
took a dim view of things
6.(of events) having extremely unfortunate
bringing ruin
the stock market crashed on black Friday
a calamitous defeat
the battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaign
such doctrines, if true, would be absolutely fatal to my theory
it is fatal to en
7.(of the face) made black especially as with suffused blood
a face black with fury
8.extremely dark
a black moonless night
through the pitch-black woods
it was pitch-dark in the cellar
9.harshly ironic or sinister
Black humor
a grim joke
grim laughter
fun ranging from slapstick clowning ... to savage mordant wit
10.(of intelligence operations) deliberately misleading
Black propaganda
11.distributed or sold illicitly
the black economy pays no taxes
12.(used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame
Man...has written one of his blackest records as a destroyer on the oceanic islands
an ignominious retreat
inglorious defeat
an opprobrious monument to human greed
a shameful display of cowardice
13.(of coffee) without cream or sugar
14.dressed in black
a black knight
Black friars
15.soiled with dirt or soot
with feet black from playing outdoors
his shirt was black within an hour
1.the quality or state of the achromatic color of least lightness (bearing the least resemblance to white)
2.total absence of light
they fumbled around in total darkness
in the black of night
3.British chemist who identified carbon dioxide and who formulated the concepts of specific heat and latent heat ()
4.popular child actress of the 1930's (born in 1928)
5.a person with dark skin who comes from Africa (or whose ancestors came from Africa)
6.(board games) the darker pieces
7.black clothing (worn as a sign of mourning)
the widow wore black
1.make or become black
The smoke blackened the ceiling
The ceiling blackened
1.Streaks of gray began to appear in her black hair.
2.His style is characterized by strong, black outlines and is widely imitated by later artists.
3.This black dog is chasing the white cat.
4.This [black] dog is chasing the white cat.
5.An [American] had got the gold medal.
1.& to paint sth black
2.& black and blue
3.& to beat sb black and blue
4.& to give sb a black look
5.& toto be in black
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Whatareyoutryingtosay?(你到底想说什么?) Don'tbesilly.(别胡闹了。) Howstrongareyourglasses?(你近视多少度?) Justbecause.(没有别的原因。) Itisn'tthewayIhopeditwouldbe.(这不是我所盼望的。) Youwillneverguess.(你永远猜不到。) Noonecoulddoanythingaboutit.(众人对此束手无措。) Isawsomethingdeeplydisturbing.(深感事情不妙。) Moneyisagoodservantbutabadmaster.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。) Iamnotavailable.(我正忙着) Wisdominthemindisbetterthanmoneyinthehand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要) Neversaydie.it'sapieceofcake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。 Don'tworry.you'llgetusetoitsoon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。 Ikonwhowyoufeel.我明白你的感受。 Youwinsome.youlosesome.胜败乃兵家常事。 Don'tburyyourheadinthesand.不要逃避现实。 Ididn'texpectyoutosuchagoodjob.我没想到你干得这么好。 Youarecomingalonewell.你做得挺顺利。 Sheiswell-build.她的身材真棒。 Youlookneatandfresh.你看起来很清纯。 Youhaveabeautifulpersonality.你的气质很好。 Youflattermeimmensely.你过奖啦。 Youshouldbeslowtojudgeothers.你不应该随意评论别人。 Ihopeyouwillexcusemeifimakeanymistake.如有任何错误,请你原谅 Itwasmostcarelessofme.我太粗心了。 Itwasquitebyaccident.真是始料不及。 Iwishihadallthetimei'deverwasted,soicouldwasteitalloveragain.我希望所有被我浪费的时间重新回来,让我再浪费一遍。 Ilikeyouthewayyouwere.我喜欢你以前的样子。 Youtwogoaheadtothemoviewithoutme,idon'twanttobeathirdwheel.你们两个自己去看电影吧,我不想当电灯泡。 Doyouhaveanyoneinmind?你有心上人吗? Howlonghaveyouknownher?你认识她多久了? Itwasloveatfristsight.一见钟情 I'dbettlehitthebooks.我要复习功课啦。 apieceofone'smind.直言不讳 Hegavemeapieceofmind,&Don'tshiftresponsibilityontoothers.&他责备道:“不要把责任推卸到别人身上。” acatanddoglife 水火不容的生活 Thehusbandandhiswifearealwaysquarrelling,andtheyareleadingacatanddoglife.这对夫妇老是吵架,相互之间水火不容。 adog'slife 潦倒的生活 Themanlivedadog'slife.这个人生活潦倒。  AtoZ 从头至尾 IknowthatfromAtoZ.我很了解这件事。 abovesomebody 深奥 Well,thissortoftalkisaboveme.我不懂你们在讲什么。 allears全神贯注地倾听着 WhenyoutellMarysomegossip,sheisallears.跟Mary讲一些小道消息,她会听地仔仔细细。 allthemore 更加,益发 You'llbeallthebetterforaholiday.度一次假,对你会更有好处。 alldressedup打扮得整整齐齐 Sheisalldressedupandnowheretogo.她打扮得整整齐却无处炫耀。 allinall总的说来;最心爱的东西 Thedaughterisallinalltohim.女儿是他的无价宝。 allout竭尽全力 Theywentallout.他们鼓足了干劲。 allover 全部结束;浑身,到处 Glad,itisallover.这事全部结束了,好得很。 I'mwetallover.我浑身都湿了。 allset 准备就绪 Heisallsetforane
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I Was Beaten by a Girl
"Nooooooooo! Impossible! I can't be beaten by a little girl! I'm a warrior!"
— Vikke, upon being killed by Juliet Starling in .
The note& rules of masculinity say that a man cannot be beaten by a woman. Of course, any such man who is beaten by a woman is pretty unhappy.
Rationale for .
may be in evidence. Related to , if the man wasn't aware his opponent was female before losing. May be the punishment of the , whose sole purpose is to be beaten by the woman.
This trope doesn't cover all situations where the girl wins the fight — the guy has to feel a particular injury to his pride because of the situation, especially if it bothers him above and beyond simply .
Unfortunately . Ironically prevalent among men who know little about fighting.
Not to be confused with , but may be the reason some victims of that trope are afraid to come forward.
&&&&open/close all folders&
&&&&Anime & Manga&
Takurō Ōtaku refuses to believe his high scores have been trounced by a girl, even accusing Minako of being a man in disguise. It ends with her kicking him to the curb after he lifted her skirt.
Averted in
is thoroughly defeated by , he was more concerned with the fact that he could be beaten at all despite finally becoming a Super Saiyan. He was actually angrier that it was a "machine" that did it than a girl.
Interestingly, Piccolo at least thinks Vegeta has this attitude, if he doesn't have it himself.
(Not exact quote) Piccolo: "He was soundly beaten, by a female at that! I can't imagine what that could have done to his pride."
The latest chapter of
has Rina bragging that she beat all the boys in her class at arm wrestling. Youta is shown looking humiliated with a note indicating he was one of the losers.
One episode of
happens in an arcade, where Konata beats several people in succession. When her opponents try to see who it is that beat them and realize it's a
girl, they quickly leave.
: One of the guys Tsukiko defeated had this reaction upon learning it was her and not her brother who defeated him.
Averted in . Eren is soundly trounced by Annie during combat training, and is immediately impressed with her skill. This leads to them becoming close friends, with her teaching him how to fight.
In , Rei quickly had the boys at school fawning over her after she got out of the hospital... Until she beat them all at soccer by herself. After that, everyone learned to avoid her.
Episode 46 of the first season of
follows a boy who decides to quit a kendo class because he was defeated by a girl. Although in this case, it has more to do with the fact it's a girl he likes, but refuses to admit it.
&&&&Comic Books&
story introducing the , Superboy's first task in order to join the team is to compete against Saturn Girl (part of the main
of the Legion) in retrieving a sunken statue from the ocean. However, Superboy is just barely on his way when he gets sidetracked by a crisis involving the local school's robot Superboy. By the time he resolves it, Saturn Girl has completed the task. When both returned to the clubhouse, Cosmic Boy takes the opportunity to rub it in:
Cosmic Boy: You lost out on your first task... and to a ! Is this the great Superboy we learned about in school? What's your excuse?
Happens to Ken Mills of , as his girlfriend Sujata regularly trounces him at whatever games they play.
Comes up a few times in , most notably when Dinah trounces a group of religious extremist terrorists. Because dying honorably in battle is believed to be a guaranteed ticket into Heaven, the man Black Canary has at her mercy refuses to talk— until she questions whether being killed by a woman counts.
comic, the Chameleon seemed he had broken out of Ravencroft Asylum, discovered Spider-Man's identity, and on top of it all, learned that he was his old partner Kraven the Hunter's half-brother, not just some lowly servant that Kraven had been bullying. (Sure, that made him a younger brother that Kraven had been bullying, but still...) He was so full of himself that he decided to ... Only for her to see through his disguise quickly , with a baseball bat. His lofty rush of confidence fell pretty quickly and only went downhill from there.
During a storyline,
went after
after the Kingpin hired them to steal a hyperdrive device. This ended up as one of the most humiliating moments in Castle's life, as Molly "Princess Powerful" Hayes defeated him with a single punch.
&&&&Comic Strips&
Jason, being a , had this reaction when Eileen scored higher than him on a math test, and has been trying to show her up ever since, always
Of course, Jason maintains his pride better than Phoebe's
of a brother Eugene, who once scored slightly lower than Phoebe on an IQ test. He would .
Jon: My arm is killing me!
Garfield: What happened?
Jon: I arm-wrestled my old gym teacher and lost badly!
Garfield: Hey, it's not like it's the end of the world.
Jon: And I had Miss Bryant right to there!
Garfield: Okay, it's the end of the world.
&&&&Fan Works&
: "We just got beaten by a nerd... Who's a girl."
An all too common a way to demonstrate how "awesome" a
is, is allowing her to beat up .
Midway through the , Azula has a run-in with a homicidal waterbending pirate. He comes back as
in the third part, itching for revenge after being beaten by a teenage girl. Fittingly, he just gets his ass kicked by Katara this time.
has this. In Arc 4, Bass is humiliated after Roll defeats him.
In , Superman loses a fight to Vita due to his weakness to magic. Everybody makes fun of him, even Batman.
In , Yang beats Darryl in arm wrestling. He gets so pissed that he attacks her. He didn't know she's a superpowered warrior, and she would have killed him if she hadn't been drunk and if their friends hadn't separated them.
In one chapter of , Vivio and Corona rescue Rio from some mobsters. It's mentioned that their therapy sessions lasted far longer than their prison sentences. Although, given , it might of had more to do with the fact that they were nine years old.
&&&&Films — Animation&
In , Simba gets pinned by his girlfriend Nala on three separate occasions.
Though in his case he eventually returns the favor.
Averted in . Though
is understandably furious with Mulan for destroying his army, he doesn't seem to care that she is a woman. In fact, he's one of the few male characters in the whole film who never outright says anything sexist towards Mulan. This is either
or , as many nomadic tribes (including both the actual Huns and the Xiongnu, who were the ones that actually attacked China but whose name wasn't used, probably because it doesn't rhyme with "sons") did have warrior women. So even though we don't see any in Shan-Yu's army, he may have been familiar with them.
In , Doctor Cockroach mocks the Missing Link for being "out-monstered by a girl."
In , the Wolf relates
of the humiliating story of getting beaten up by Red Puckett.
Nicky Flippers: So! You really took a beating, from a little girl? [Cuts to Red standing next to a picture of herself as the "Forest Regional Karate Champion"]
&&&&Films — Live-Action&
Uttered (in almost exactly same words, no less) by one of the heroes of Polish cult sci-fi film , after, well... It (like many other quotes from this film) has since entered .
When the / from
is mortally wounded by an , his response is to incredulously repeat "A girl?!" several times before dying.
Implied and subverted in , the protagonist scoffs when his female counterpart claims that a woman can be just as strong as a man. She challenges him to an arm wrestling contest in which he begins to lose. He stops and claims she is cheating somehow and gives it another time before almost losing again and stopping to make similar complaints. It's obvious he did not want to invoke this trope.
In : "Start with the part where Jayne gets knocked out by a 90 pound girl, cause I don't think that's ever gettin' old."
Ryan Dunn knows this is going to happen to him in the : The Movie segment "Ass Kicked by Girl." He gives it the old college try, but still gets the stuffing knocked out of him by female kickboxer Naoko Kumagai.
"Seriously, my jaw is, like, two inches to the left."
in . Lenny is beaten up by Gant's thugs, one of whom is a muscular woman who does the hitting while the men hold Lenny and taunt him over this trope. This turns out to be
Mace appears and beats up the thugs.
(1969). Chaney's fellow gang members mock him mercilessly after he's wounded by 14 year-old Mattie.
Averted in : After he is beaten by his aunt Stala, Ward is proud that he lasted so long. As Stala is the head of the guard and taught Ward everything he knows about fighting, that's hardly surprising.
had this as a running subplot.
in that, to the Clan what Ayla does and is able to do is literally inconceivable.
Averted in "A Scandal in Bohemia": , who , finds out that the adversary who managed to tail him home, then escape from him, is a woman named Irene Adler. He is greatly impressed and a little bit smitten.
In 's , Katharine wishes to beat Sir Lancelot in a joust, and then has to unwish it when Lancelot is mocked by the other knights because he was beaten by a girl. Though in this case it's more that she wished to be five times better than Sir Lancelot at fighting without also wishing to not be, to all appearances, an untrained child.
In , we have the , who was mortally wounded when a woman dropped a millstone on his head. He had one of his men kill him so that people wouldn't say that a woman killed him. This is referenced later on and unfortunately for him, they still say a woman killed him.
gets KO'd by an
because she thinks he's trying to steal her car. His friends naturally think this is hilarious, and one of them points out that speed and flexibility count for more than power.
When Margo and Malcolm spar in , their first two bouts go to Malcolm. The last two go to Margo. That he, an experienced guide twice her age, got manhandled convinces him he hasn't been spending enough time at the gym. That she, too, is spending time there is
The reason why
refuses to spar with . Though this has less to do with Elend being macho (he's not, particularly) and more to do with the fact that he's king and Vin is tiny. Knowing full well that she'd beat him, he'd rather not get curbstomped in front of his subjects by someone who's barely five feet... and his girlfriend.
Gerald Tarrand,
is not remotely pleased to learn that the
who defeated him in the first book is actually a woman using a masculine title. Of course, the fact that he's a vampire who normally prefers to feed on young women makes it a particularly galling role reversal for him.
series it is a constant source of embarrassment for
that he got beat up by
Comes up a few times in . After one of Polly Perks's fellow
clobbers one of a pair of guards (while
no less), the other guard asks if they could
against a bunch of women. When asked why he doesn't put up a fight, he simply states that he's not stupid.
&&&&Live-Action TV&
17, men from two different teams made a number of comments about how they felt of the possibility of losing to either of the female teams, Nat & Kat or Brook & Clair. Thomas, who finished third behind the two female teams in the finale, averted this, as he admitted that the female teams were the two best teams.
Harlem Globetrotters Flight Time & Big Easy begrudgingly acknowledged sisters Kisha & Jen's racing skills in the Season 18 finale, though their hyper-competitiveness meant they probably would have had this reaction to any team beating them.
Chip (Season 5) had this reaction after getting smoked by the Bowling Moms in what he described as "putting together a car," but was really just decorating it by attaching a bunch of pieces to it.
An episode of
had Xander react with annoyance when Buffy rescued him from a , which is distinctly different and more ego-deflating than the times she saves him from demons.
At the end of the
episode "Utopia", the Master utters his anger at having been fatally wounded by Chantho. His
is killed in a similar fashion by Lucy in "Last of the Time Lords" and jokes that women often do that.
In ' Boudicca song, a Roman soldier says this.
In , Reese gets his ass kicked by a female wrestler in a match, which demoralizes him and causes him to try and be nice, which in turn creates the
that later arises.
Prince Arthur from
really doesn't want to fight Morgause but can't back out without losing face. He ends up incredibly embarrassed anyway when she beats him. Arthur rationalizes the situation to himself by saying that he let her win because she' Merlin is unconvinced.
In an episode of , Mose beats Ned in gym during a martial arts class, causing the local bullies to give him grief that he was beaten up by a girl. Ned seeks the help of Gordy, who simply tells him fighting a girl is a no win situation, as if you lose, you just got beat by a girl, and if you win, you just beat up a girl. In the end, this is resolved by Ned and Mose flipping said bullies to show them how wrong they are.
The Sontaran Kaagh from series 2 of
is humiliated at being beaten by "a female and half-forms". He survives his first appearance, but feels unable to return to Sontar out of shame, and ends up working for the main villain in the series finale.
: A tribal chieftain, Turghan, gets owned by Carter. And she had a much smaller knife, too.
: The Winchesters are hunting a monster who assumes the form of its victim's idol. Its most recent victim was a teenage girl. The fight ends with Sam cutting its head off and a beat-up Dean on the ground.
Dean: Not a word. Sam: Dude. You just got whaled on by . Dean:...Shut up.
The whole basis for the "Battle of the Sexists" episode from season 1 of
is that Eric can't take being worse at sports than Donna.
: An intellectual version — When facing off on Sunday morning talk-show "Capitol Beat",
Ainsley Hayes takes Sam Seaborn apart rhetorically.
Josh: Toby, come quick! Sam's getting his ass kicked by a girl! Toby:
John Crichton of , so very much. The first episode features him getting his ass handed to him by A it doesn't really stop. Doubly amusing as John's a pretty buff guy, all things considered.
In , everyone mocks Will after he loses a fight against a female boxing trainer. When he decides to arrange a rematch, Hilary is shocked that he . A similar case happens in an earlier episode, when Will is made fun of because his
defended him from a man who attacked him.
a dummy of a character would often be used to indicate he or she was being tossed around. In an old west sketch Nasty Nancy (Kenan Thompson) and Dusty Pants (Josh Server) fought the Slappy Brothers (Kel Mitchell and Leon Frierson). Kenan hits them with a dummy of Christy Knowings. Leon remarked that he can't believe they were beat by a woman. Kel notes they weren't just beat by a woman, but .
On , Scotty and Lily are transporting a prisoner wanted for the presumed murder of a woman who disappeared several months earlier. Scotty taunts him about the fact that it was HIS blood found at the scene rather than the victim's, meaning that she'd managed to put up a decent fight—"You get your ass handed to you by a woman, Johnny-boy?"
One episode of
had a bully who had the misfortune of encountering Cy. Jackson later used this for
— particularly .
. In "Five By Five", Wesley is kidnapped and tortured by rogue vampire slayer Faith. In the following episode Cordelia examines his injuries and says, "If it's any consolation, it really does look like you were tortured by a much larger woman."
In an episode of , Diana's younger sister Drusilla (Debra Winger) befriends a shell- during their date at a diner, she sees the soldier being pushed she immediately "does the twirl" and in her own Amazon guise beats the crap out of the two punks (it should be pointed out that Drusilla is half Diana's size and weighs in at about 80 pounds) leaving them to moan, "Man, we just got made... by a CHICK!!"
Exploited in an episode of
when DJ's answer to a bully at school is to hire a bigger, female bully to protect him.
. Detective Ed Green is thoroughly impressed when his partner Nina Cassady is the one to beat up a combative suspect and taunts the guy about it afterwards.
This comes up several times in , as in
villains are understandably reluctant to admit they were beaten up by a gorgeous dame.
Thug: He didn't come by himself! He brought a girl! ()
Or six! Yeah,
. When Lucifer is being throttled to death by a
wielding a fire poker, his (almost)
are "Don't...tell anyone...I died like this!" After Chloe saves his ass, she makes it clear she's going to get payback for all the snarky comments Lucifer has been making about her.
Lucifer: I'm never going to live this down, aren't I?
Chloe: Not if I have anything to say about it.
by Phil X and The Drills contains the choice lyric "I'm the air hockey champion of the world, of the world ... except for the time I got beat by a girl!"
&&&&Myths & Religion&
In , Thor once lost a wrestling match to an elderly woman, and everybody makes fun of him. Learning that she was Elli, the
of Old Age, who cannot be defeated because nothing is immune to aging, not even the Gods, doesn't cheer him up.
&&&&Pro Wrestling&
El Profe went ballistic after losing to Monster Ripper at WWC's 18th Aniversario show. While it's true he was tripped up by her manager before getting pinned, his had tripped her up first to give Profe that advantage.
This happened to MANY guys who faced
in Memphis, as she got over by beating up both men AND women. At
Halloween Havoc 97, she defeated
in a non-title match (because WCW wouldn't/couldn't sanction an intergender match for the title). She defeated
for the .note& Right before being pushed out the door in 2004, she defeated
for the title, who was so incensed he tied one hand behind his back during their rematch to "prove" he could beat a woman.
On the September 16, 2000
Hardcore TV, the Musketeer ...and
ran in and
After the match, announcer
mocked him by saying, "Good night,
started her career in Missouri, particularly in Gateway Championship Wrestling, this way, going on an undefeated streak that saw her usually defeating men. And no man took it harder than Sean Vincent.
tried to get this reaction out of
by sending out Trinity with the mission to beat Punk down. Punk retaliated by having
beat down Raven.
had pinned three members of Bollin Services, it was Mike Mondo who took it personally, to the point he tried , Maria Kanellis, into a match to prove he could beat a woman.
didn't take to losing to girls too well. His most infamous instance wasn't even a loss when he gave a referee a stunner for awarding one fall out of three to Traci Brooks but his most high profile case was a definite loss to then rookie teen wrestler La Amazona in the IWA Puerto Rico Cruiserweight Title .
has lost to a lot of women. Maria Kanellis, Mickie James, ...and this had an odd affect on his psyche, as he would try to prove his manliness by beating divas at traditionally girly tasks. The divas are wearing bikinis? Behold, the mankini! Nothing says manly like a Battle Royal to determine Miss Wrestlemania!
Rachel Summerlyn has done this a few times. At ACW From Innocence To Insanity 5, July 17, 2011, she defeated Scott Summers for the . She defeated Evan Gelistico for the
at ACW Lone Star Classic 2012, November 11, 2012, in the final of the Lone Star Classic 2012 Tournament.
pinned her ex-BDK stablemate Tim Donst to win the Torneo Cibernetico at
Cibernetico: The Animated Series, November 12, 2011, making her the first and so far only woman to do so. Earlier in the match, she had eliminated the BDK's monster Tursas. However, the man who took losing to her the hardest was .
Seen at Wrestling Is Heart's October 19, 2013, show, Heidi Lovelace defeated .
Miyako Matsumoto defeated
at Ice Ribbon New Aisuhiro #493 - Muscle Venus 5th Anniversary, August 25, 2013.
"The AK-47" Allysin Kay defeated Kobald at AIW The End of the World, December 21, 2012.
Mike Bennett clocked Kimber Lee after their match and tried to give her a package pile driver on the edge of the ring when he became the latest person to fail to stop her 2014 undefeated streak in Beyond Wrestling when she pinned him out of a piledriver attempt with an , of all things.
In Puccini's , the female protagonists stabs the complete monster S "that was Tosca's kiss". Realizing the wound is fatal his reaction is: "Oh killed by a woman, what a disgrace."
In , after Hermione uses the Jelly-Legs Jinx to get past him, Goyle laments "that was royal . Beaten by a girl... who's a nerd."
Hakann gets beaten by Lariska (much to his surprise).
&&&&Video Games&
In , Maze Evalyn has her "chorus of the damned", which is a collection of recordings of people raging at being beaten by her. Many of them became even more angry and embarrassed when they realized that she was a girl.
In , Eagle expresses his surprise when Sami, who has just beaten his whole army, turns out to be female.
Seedle from
was a famous samurai in life, and died when a woman stabbed him while he was trying to rape her. He really hasn't gotten over it, especially since said woman was burned as a witch for killing him and ended up in the Netherworld alongside him, eventually becoming one of his rivals.
One of the pre-recorded taunts in
is "Oh, you just got beaten by a girl."
In 's original
game series, one of the female player character's voice options says, in a stentorian fashion, "Prepare to be beaten by a girl!"
In , when Juliet Starling defeats Vikke in a boss battle, Vikke has a
and screams, "Impossible! I can't be beaten by a little girl! I'm a warrior!"
: 's taunt invokes this: "Beaten by a little girl... Hah!"
that male gamers react more negatively when beaten by women - or even outperformed by a woman on the same team.
Inverted by Zeena in one of the last stages of , given her gender. "I can't believe I lost to a boy!"
In , , a.k.a. "Picky Dick", a
who embodies .
gets laughed at in TV for this, a result of his .
&&&&Web Original&
In , the first episode of the story (I. The Encounter) recounts Alezair Czynri nearly getting killed by Leid Koseling in the battle of Jerusalem circa 1180. Alezair's ego is significantly damaged by this, and this initiates the entire story, making him want to pursue her and perhaps fight her again. Later in Decus, Qaira Eltruan gets his ass beat by Leid on numerous occasions after losing his temper (or after she makes him lose his temper), and often he becomes so impossible to deal with that she must smack some sense into him. This is also ego-damaging to Qaira, since he is what we would deem a "manly-man", also a chauvinist, and also a misogynist. Although the readers find Qaira's beat-downs rather funny, Qaira, in fact, does not.
In the , huge Montana (who looks like a Sasquatch) gets challenged to a fight by petite
Chaka, who proceeds to utterly pwn him. In front of a big portion of the school. This does eventually lower his jerk quotient.
In a web game featuring , players who lose are scolded for being "trashed by a girl".
gets a few interactions with this trope. The tournament from the comic has him fight against
and he gets genuine fear of losing against her due to the fact that he has shown hints of
(he considers all his other female peers as unable to overpower him). In the webseries, he lets his loss of a
with Saphir pass due to her being a much higher level player than he is, but doesn't take loosing his first real duel against Gaea well at all.
&&&&Western Animation&
This happens in an episode of
when the Kyoshi Warriors jump and tie up the trio, and it turns out they are all . Sokka refuses to believe that a "bunch of girls" captured them, and tries to argue that "sneaking up" doesn't count as a fair fight. Confronting them later only confirms that they can, in fact, best him in a fair fight. And then he ends up dating one of them.
Duncan from
was demolished by his own girlfriend, despite mentioning early that he wasn't going to let her win.
Inverted in , Zapp Brannigan is actually happy when he finds out that the guy who just beat him was actually Leela in disguise. Relieved because he was starting to have...
In , everyone mocks Harold when he loses to Patty at arm-wrestling. After getting to know her, .
They were mocking him even after he got second place, and the girl who beat him became the city's champion by also defeating several grown men. Really, this plot could have been avoided early in the episode by having her challenge the guys who were mocking him.
In , Cartman gets beaten up by Wendy, which causes Cartman to despair that the other kids won't think he's cool anymore. All the other kids tell him that it's OK...they never thought he was cool to begin with! Of course, this being Cartman, he takes that as
Stan gets mocked for getting beaten up by
in the latter's first episode.
Mr. Garrison: Stanley, can I talk to you for a minute?
Stan: Okay.
Mr. Garrison: I couldn't help but notice that black eye you have. Are there problems at home?
Stan: Yes?
Mr. Garrison: Oh dear. Here Stanley, sit down, have some cocoa, and tell your friend Mr. Hat all about it.
Mr. Hat: I'm your friend, Mr. Hat, Stan. You can tell me anything. Now, who hits you, is it your father, or your mother?
Stan: Oh, neither. It's my sister.
Mr. Garrison: Your sister?! Oh for Pete's sake, don't be such a little wuss. Stop wasting Mr. Hat's time with pansy little foo-foo problems, and, give me back my cocoa!
Imagine the shame of being a muscle-bound henchman who just got your butt handed to you by a cheerleader, even .
In , Shredder, Rocksteady, and Beebop are really upset when Lotus beats them up, especially when she decides to humiliate them further by tarring and feathering them as a finishing move. (Well, throwing them into a pipe that breaks,
she likely thought up the feather part on a whim.)
Skeletor responds like this when She-Ra makes her first appearance, and knocks the stuffing out of him: "A female He-Man! This is the worst day of my life!"
This also happens in an episode of
in which Princess Calla defeats every man in a tournament before losing to a masked challenger... who turns out to be a girl as well.
While this could qualify for any villain beaten by , this explicitly comes up in "Members Only". The girls are not allowed to join the Association of World Super Men because they're girls despite besting the heroes at all the initiation tests. "Mascumax" then pummels the heroes, but the girls defeat him. He leaves crying that he lost to little girls. The association members state that the girls are now their heroes.
In . Mozenrath implies this, after being defeated by Princess Jasmine, though he doesn't say it. The look on his face as he's trapped inside a giant crystal says everything. Especially after he spends the majority of the episode being a sexist douche.
Alternative Title(s):
Beaten By A Girl


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