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伦哥妹控~&&&& 其实我也不知道
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号An Intuitive Guide To Exponential Functions & e | BetterExplained
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e has always bothered me & not the letter, but the mathematical constant. What does it really mean?
Math books and even my beloved
describe e using obtuse jargon:
The mathematical constant e is the base of the natural logarithm.
And when you look up the natural logarithm you get:
The natural logarithm, formerly known as the hyperbolic logarithm, is the logarithm to the base e, where e is an irrational constant approximately equal to 2..
Nice circular reference there. It&s like a dictionary that defines labyrinthine with Byzantine: it&s correct but not helpful. What&s wrong with everyday words like &complicated&?
I&m not picking on Wikipedia & many math explanations are dry and formal in their quest for rigor. But this doesn&t help beginners trying to get a handle on a subject (and we were all a beginner at one point).
No more! Today I&m sharing my intuitive, high-level insights about what e is and why it rocks. Save your rigorous math book for another time. Here&s a quick video overview of the insights:
e is NOT Just a Number
Describing e as &a constant approximately 2.71828&& is like calling pi &an irrational number, approximately equal to 3.1415&&. Sure, it&s true, but you completely missed the point.
Pi is the ratio between circumference and diameter shared by all circles. It is a fundamental ratio inherent in all circles and therefore impacts any calculation of circumference, area, volume, and surface area for circles, spheres, cylinders, and so on. Pi is important and shows all circles are related, not to mention the trigonometric functions derived from circles (sin, cos, tan).
e is the base rate of growth shared by all continually growing processes. e lets you take a simple growth rate (where all change happens at the end of the year) and find the impact of compound, continuous growth, where every nanosecond (or faster) you are growing just a little bit.
e shows up whenever systems grow exponentially and continuously: population, radioactive decay, interest calculations, and more. Even jagged systems that don&t grow smoothly can be approximated by e.
Just like every number can be considered a scaled version of 1 (the base unit), every circle can be considered a scaled version of the unit circle (radius 1), and every rate of growth can be considered a scaled version of e (unit growth, perfectly compounded).
So e is not an obscure, seemingly random number. e represents the idea that all continually growing systems are scaled versions of a common rate.
Understanding Exponential Growth
Let start by looking at a basic system that doubles after an amount of time. For example,
Bacteria can split and &doubles& every 24 hours
when we fold them in half.
Your money doubles every year if you get 100% return (lucky!)
And it looks like this:
Splitting in two or doubling is a very common progression. Sure, we can triple or quadruple, but doubling is convenient, so hang with me here.
Mathematically, if we have x splits then we get 2x times as much stuff than when we started. With 1 split we have 21 or 2 times as much. With 4 splits we have 24 = 16 times as much. As a general formula:
Said another way, doubling is 100% growth. We can rewrite our formula like this:
It&s the same equation, but we separate 2 into what it really is: the original value (1) plus 100%. Clever, eh?
Of course, we can substitute any number (50%, 25%, 200%) for 100% and get the growth formula for that new rate. So the general formula for x periods of return is:
This just means we use our rate of return, (1 + return), &x& times in a row.
A Closer Look
Our formula assumes growth happens in discrete steps. Our bacteria are waiting, waiting, and then boom, they double at the very last minute. Our interest earnings magically appear at the 1 year mark. Based on the formula above, growth is punctuated and happens instantly. The green dots suddenly appear.
The world isn&t always like this. If we zoom in, we see that our bacterial friends split over time:
Mr. Green doesn&t just show up: he slowly grows out of Mr. Blue. After 1 unit of time (24 hours in our case), Mr. Green is complete. He then becomes a mature blue cell and can create new green cells of his own.
Does this information change our equation?
Nope. In the bacteria case, the half-formed green cells still can&t do anything until they are fully grown and separated from their blue parents. The equation still holds.
Money Changes Everything
But money is different. As soon as we earn a penny of interest, that penny can start earning micro-pennies of its own. We don&t need to wait until we earn a complete dollar in interest & fresh money doesn&t need to mature.
Based on our old formula, interest growth looks like this:
But again, this isn&t quite right: all the interest appears on the last day. Let&s zoom in and split the year into two chunks. We earn 100% interest every year, or 50% every 6 months. So, we earn 50 cents the first 6 months and another 50 cents in the last half of the year:
But this still isn&t right! Sure, our original dollar (Mr. Blue) earns a dollar over the course of a year. But after 6 months we had a 50-cent piece, ready to go, that we neglected! That 50 cents could have earned money on its own:
Because our rate is 50% per half year, that 50 cents would have earned 25 cents (50% times 50 cents). At the end of 1 year we&d have
Our original dollar (Mr. Blue)
The dollar Mr. Blue made (Mr. Green)
The 25 cents Mr. Green made (Mr. Red)
Giving us a total of $2.25. We gained $1.25 from our initial dollar, even better than doubling!
Let&s turn our return into a formula. The growth of two half-periods of 50% is:
Diving into Compound Growth
It&s time to step it up a notch. Instead of splitting growth into two periods of 50% increase, let&s split it into 3 segments of 33% growth. Who says we have to wait for 6 months before we start getting interest? Let&s get more granular in our counting.
Charting our growth for 3 compounded periods gives a funny picture:
Think of each color as shoveling money upwards towards the other colors (its children), at 33% per period:
Month 0: We start with Mr. Blue at $1.
Month 4: Mr. Blue has earned 1/3 dollar on himself, and creates Mr. Green, shoveling along 33 cents.
Month 8: Mr. Blue earns another 33 cents and gives it to Mr. Green, bringing Mr. Green up to 66 cents. Mr. Green has actually earned 33% on his previous value, creating 11 cents (33% * 33 cents). This 11 cents becomes Mr. Red.
Month 12: Things get a bit crazy. Mr. Blue earns another 33 cents and shovels it to Mr. Green, bringing Mr. Green to a full dollar. Mr. Green earns 33% return on his Month 8 value (66 cents), earning 22 cents. This 22 cents gets added to Mr. Red, who now totals 33 cents. And Mr. Red, who started at 11 cents, has earned 4 cents (33% * .11) on his own, creating Mr. Purple.
Phew! The final value after 12 months is: 1 + 1 + .33 + .04 or about 2.37.
Take some time to really understand what&s happening with this growth:
Each color earns interest on itself and hands it off to another color. The newly-created money can earn money of its own, and on the cycle goes.
I like to think of the original amount (Mr. Blue) as never changing. Mr. Blue shovels money to create Mr. Green, a steady 33 every 4 months since Mr. Blue does not change. In the diagram, Mr. Blue has a blue arrow showing how he feeds Mr. Green.
Mr. Green just happens to create and feed Mr. Red (green arrow), but Mr. Blue isn&t aware of this.
As Mr. Green grows over time (being constantly fed by Mr. Blue), he contributes more and more to Mr. Red. Between months 4-8 Mr. Green gives 11 cents to Mr. Red. Between months 8-12 Mr. Green gives 22 cents to Mr. Red, since Mr. Green was at 66 cents during Month 8. If we expanded the chart, Mr. Green would give 33 cents to Mr. Red, since Mr. Green reached a full dollar by Month 12.
Make sense? It&s tough at first & I even confused myself a bit while putting the charts together. But see that each dollar creates little helpers, who in turn create helpers, and so on.
We get a formula by using 3 periods in our growth equation:
We earned $1.37, even better than the $1.25 we got last time!
Can We Get Infinite Money?
Why not take even shorter time periods? How about every month, day, hour, or even nanosecond? Will our returns skyrocket?
Our return gets better, but only to a point.
in our magic formula to see our total return:
(1 + 1/n)^n
The numbers get bigger and converge around 2.718. Hey& wait a minute& that looks like e!
Yowza. In geeky math terms, e is defined to be that rate of growth if we continually compound 100% return on smaller and smaller time periods:
This limit appears to converge, and there are
to that effect. But as you can see, as we take finer time periods the total return stays around 2.718.
But what does it all mean?
The number e (2.718&) is the maximum possible result when compounding 100% growth for one time period. Sure, you started out expecting to grow from 1 to 2 (that&s a 100% increase, right?). But with each tiny step forward you create a little dividend that starts growing on its own. When all is said and done, you end up with e (2.718&) at the end of 1 time period, not 2. e is the maximum, what happens when we compound 100% as much as possible.
So, if we start with $1.00 and compound continuously at 100% return we get 1e. If we start with $2.00, we get 2e. If we start with $11.79, we get 11.79e.
e is like a speed limit (like c, the speed of light) saying how fast you can possibly grow using a continuous process. You might not always reach the speed limit, but it&s a reference point: you can write every rate of growth in terms of this universal constant.
(Aside: Be careful about separating the increase from the final result. 1 becoming e (2.718&) is an increase (growth rate) of 171.8%. e, by itself, is the final result you observe after all growth is taken into account (original + increase)).
What about different rates?
Good question. What if we grow at 50% annually, instead of 100%? Can we still use e?
Let&s see. The rate of 50% compound growth would look like this:
Hrm. What can we do here? Remember, 50% is the total return, and n is the number of periods to split the growth into for compounding. If we pick n=50, we can split our growth into 50 chunks of 1% interest:
Sure, it&s not infinity, but it&s pretty granular. Now imagine we also divided our regular rate of 100% into chunks of 1%:
Ah, something is emerging here. In our regular case, we have 100 cumulative changes of 1% each. In the 50% scenario, we have 50 cumulative changes of 1% each.
What is the difference between the two numbers? Well, it&s just half the number of changes:
This is pretty interesting. 50 / 100 = .5, which is the exponent we raise e to. This works in general: if we had a 300% growth rate, we could break it into 300 chunks of 1% growth. This would be triple the normal amount for a net rate of e3.
Even though growth can look like addition (+1%), we need to remember that it&s really a multiplication (x 1.01). This is why we use exponents (repeated multiplication) and square roots (e1/2 means &half& the number of changes, i.e. half the number of multiplications).
Although we picked 1%, we could have chosen any small unit of growth (.1%, .0001%, or even an infinitely small amount!). The key is that for any rate we pick, it&s just a new exponent on e:
What about different times?
Suppose we have 300% growth for 2 years. We&d multiply one year&s growth (e3) by itself:
And in general:
Because of the magic of exponents, we can avoid having two powers and just multiply rate and time together in a single exponent.
The big secret: e merges rate and time.
This is wild! ex can mean two things:
x is the number of times we multiply a growth rate: 100% growth for 3 years is e3
x is the growth rate itself: 300% growth for one year is e3
Won&t this overlap confuse things? Will our formulas break and the world come to an end?
It all works out. When we write:
the variable x is a combination of rate and time.
Let me explain. When dealing with continuous compound growth, 10 years of 3% growth has the same overall impact as 1 year of 30% growth (and no growth afterward).
10 years of 3% growth means 30 changes of 1%. These changes happen over 10 years, so you are growing continuously at 3% per year.
1 period of 30% growth means 30 changes of 1%, but happening in a single year. So you grow for 30% a year and stop.
The same &30 changes of 1%& happen in each case. The faster your rate (30%) the less time you need to grow for the same effect (1 year). The slower your rate (3%) the longer you need to grow (10 years).
But in both cases, the growth is e.30 = 1.35 in the end. We&re impatient and prefer large, fast growth to slow, long growth but e shows they have the same net effect.
So, our general formula becomes:
If we have a return of r for t time periods, our net compound growth is ert. This even works for negative and fractional returns, by the way.
Example Time!
Examples make everything more fun. A quick note: We&re so used to formulas like 2x and regular, compound interest that it&s easy to get confused (myself included). Read more about .
These examples focus on smooth, continuous growth, not the jumpy growth that happens at yearly intervals. There are ways to convert between them, but we&ll save that for another article.
Example 1: Growing crystals
Suppose I have 300kg of magic crystals. They&re magic because they grow throughout the day: I watch a single crystal, and in the course of 24 hours it sheds off its own weight in crystals. (The baby crystals start growing immediately at the same rate, but I can&t track that & I&m watching how much the original sheds). How much will I have after 10 days?
Well, since the crystals start growing immediately, we want continuous growth. Our rate is 100% every 24 hours, so after 10 days we get: 300 & e1 & 10 = 6.6 million kg of our magic gem.
This can be tricky: notice the difference between the input rate and the total output rate. The &input& rate is how much a single crystal changes: 100% in 24 hours. The net output rate is e (2.718x) because the baby crystals grow on their own.
In this case we have the input rate (how fast one crystal grows) and want the total result after compounding (how fast the entire group grows because of the baby crystals). If we have the total growth rate and want the rate of a single crystal, we work backwards and use the .
Example 2: Maximum interest rates
Suppose I have $120 in an account with 5% interest. My bank is generous and gives me the maximum possible compounding. How much will I have after 10 years?
Our rate is 5%, and we&re lucky enough to compound continuously. After 10 years, we get $120 & e.05 & 10 = $197.85. Of course, most banks aren&t nice enough to give you the best possible rate. The difference between your actual return and the continuous one is how much they don&t like you.
Example 3: Radioactive decay
I have 10kg of a radioactive material, which appears to continuously decay at a rate of 100% per year. How much will I have after 3 years?
Zip? Zero? Nothing? Think again.
Decaying continuously at 100% per year is the trajectory we start off with. Yes, we do begin with 10kg and expect to &lose it all& by the end of the year, since we&re decaying at 10 kg/year.
We go a few months and get to 5kg. Half a year left? Nope! Now we&re losing at a rate of 5kg/year, so we have another full year from this moment!
We wait a few more months, and get to 2kg. And of course, now we&re decaying at a rate of 2kg/year, so we have a full year (from this moment). We get 1 kg, have a full year, get to .5 kg, have a full year & see the pattern?
As time goes on, we lose material, but our rate of decay slows down. This constantly changing growth is the essence of continuous growth & decay.
After 3 years, we&ll have 10 & e-1 & 3 = .498 kg. We use a negative exponent for decay & we want a fraction (1/ert) vs a growth multiplier (ert). [Decay is commonly given in terms of "half life" -- we'll talk about converting these rates in a future article.]
More Examples
If you want fancier examples, try the
(notice e used for exponential decay in value) or . The goal is to see ert in a formula and understand why it&s there: it&s modeling a type of growth or decay.
And now you know why it&s &e&, and not pi or some other number: e raised to &r*t& gives you the growth impact of rate r and time t.
There&s More To Learn
My goal was to:
Explain why e is important: It&s a fundamental constant, like pi, that shows up in growth rates.
Give an intuitive explanation: e lets you see the impact of any growth rate. Every new &piece& (Mr. Green, Mr. Red, etc.) helps add to the total growth.
Show how it&s used: ex lets you predict the impact of any growth rate and time period.
Get you hungry for more: In the upcoming articles, I&ll dive into other properties of e.
This article is just the start & cramming everything into a single page would tire you and me both. Dust yourself off, take a break and learn about e&s evil twin, the .
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A dozen . Amazon bestseller.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stuart Orlando Scott (July 19, 1965 – January 4, 2015) was an American
on , most notably on . Well-known for his
style and use of catchphrases, Scott was also a regular for the network in its
(NBA) and the
(NFL) coverage.
Scott grew up in , and graduated from the . He began his career with various local television stations before joining ESPN in 1993. Although there were already accomplished
sportscasters, his blending of hip hop with sportscasting was unique for television. By 2008, he was a staple in ESPN's programming, and also began on
as lead host for their coverage of the NBA.
In 2007, Scott had an appendectomy and learned that his appendix was cancerous. After going into remission, he was again diagnosed with cancer in 2011 and 2013. Scott was honored at the
in 2014 with the
for his fight against cancer, less than six months before his death in 2015 at the age of 49.
Scott was born Stuart Orlando Scott in ,
on July 19, 1965 to O. Ray and Jacqueline Scott. When he was 7, Scott and his family moved to . Scott had a brother named Stephen and two sisters named Susan and Synthia.
He attended
for 9th and 10th grade and then completed his last two years at
in Winston-Salem—graduating in 1983. In high school, he was a captain of his football team, ran track, served as vice president of the student government, and was the Sergeant at Arms of the school's Key Club. Scott was inducted into the Richard J. Reynolds High School Hall of Fame during a ceremony on February 6, 2015. The ceremony took place during the Reynolds/Mt. Tabor (the two high schools that Scott attended) basketball game.
He attended the , where he was a member of
fraternity and was part of the on-air talent at . While at UNC, Scott also played
on the club football team. In 1987, Scott graduated from the University of North Carolina with a
in . In 2001, Scott gave the commencement address at UNC where he implored graduates to celebrate diversity and recognize the power of communication.
Following graduation, Scott worked as a news reporter and weekend sports anchor at
from 1987 until 1988. Scott came up with the phrase "cooler than the other side of the pillow" while working his first job at WPDE. After this, Scott worked as a news reporter at
from 1988 until 1990. WRAL Sports anchor Jeff Gravley recalled there was a "natural bond" between Scott and the sports department. Gravley described his style as creative, gregarious and adding so much energy to the newsroom. Even after leaving, Scott still visited his former colleagues at WRAL and treated them like family.
From 1990 until 1993, Scott worked at , an
affiliate in
as a sports reporter and sports anchor. While at WESH, he met ESPN producer Gus Ramsey, who was beginning his own career. Ramsey said of Scott: "You knew the second he walked in the door that it was a pit stop, and that he was gonna be this big star somewhere someday. He went out and did a piece on the rodeo, and he nailed it just like he would nail the NBA Finals for ESPN." He earned first place honors from the Central Florida Press Club for a feature on rodeo.
, ESPN's vice president for talent, brought Scott to
because they were looking for sportscasters who might appeal to a younger audience. Scott became one of the few
personalities who was not a former professional athlete. His first ESPN assignments were for SportsSmash, a short sportscast twice an hour on ESPN2's SportsNight program. After
left SportsNight for ESPN's , Scott took his place in the anchor chair at SportsNight. After this, Scott was a regular on SportsCenter. At SportsCenter, Scott was frequently teamed with fellow anchors , , , , and others. Scott was a regular in the This is SportsCenter commercials.
In 2002, Scott was named studio host for the . He became lead host in 2008, when he also began at
in the same capacity for , which included the . Additionally, Scott anchored SportsCenter's prime-time coverage from the site of NBA post-season games. From 1997 until 2014, he covered the league's finals. During the
and , Scott did one-on-one interviews with . When
moved to ESPN in 2006, Scott hosted on-site coverage, including
and post-game SportsCenter coverage. Scott previously appeared on
during the 1997 season, Monday Night Countdown from 2002 to 2005, and
from 1999 to 2001. Scott also covered the
in 1995 for ESPN.
Scott appeared in each issue of , with his Holla column. During his work at ESPN, he also interviewed , , President
and President
during the . As a part of the interview with President , Scott played in a one-on-one basketball game with the President. In 2004, per the request of U.S. troops, Scott and fellow SportsCenter co-anchors hosted a week of programs originating from Kuwait for ESPN's SportsCenter: Salute the Troops. He hosted a number of ESPN game and reality shows, including , Teammates, and , and hosted 's Drowned Alive special. He hosted a special and only broadcast episode of
called AFV: The Sports Edition.
Scott at ESPN The Weekend, 2008
While there were already successful African-American sportscasters, Scott blended
culture and sports in a way that had never been seen before on television. He talked in the same manner as fans would at home. ESPN director of news Vince Doria told ABC: "But Stuart spoke a much different language ... that appealed to a young demographic, particularly a young African-American demographic."
wrote that Scott allowed his personality to infuse the coverage and his emotion to pour out.
Scott also integrated
references into his reports. One commentator remembered his style: "he could go from evoking a
preacher riffing during Sunday morning service ('Can I get a witness from the congregation?!'), to quoting
('Hear the drummer get WICKED!') In 1999, he was parodied on
by . Scott appeared in music videos with the rappers
and Luke, and he was cited in "3 Peat", a
song that included the line: "Yeah, I got game like Stuart Scott, fresh out the ESPN shop." In a 2002 segment of NPR's , Scott revealed one approach to his anchoring duties: "Writing is better if it's kept simple. Every sentence doesn't need to have perfect noun/verb agreement. I've said 'ain't' on the air. Because I sometimes use 'ain't' when I'm talking."
As a result of his unique style, Scott and ESPN received a lot of hate mail from people who resented his color, his hip-hop style, or his generation. In a 2003
survey, Scott finished first in the question of which anchor should be voted off SportsCenter, but he also was second to
in the 'definitely keep him' voting.
criticized Scott's use of Jay-Z's alternate nickname, "Jigga", at halftime of
as ridiculous and offensive. Scott never changed his style and ESPN stuck with him.
Scott became well known for his use of catch phrases, following in the SportsCenter tradition begun by
and . He popularized the phrase booyah, which spread from sports into mainstream culture. Some of the catchphrases included:
"As cool as the other side of the pillow"
"He must be the bus driver cuz he was takin' him to school."
"Holla at a playa when you see him in the street!"
"Just call him butter 'cause he's on a roll"
"They Call Him the Windex Man 'Cause He's Always Cleaning the Glass"
"You Ain't Gotta Go Home, But You Gotta Get The Heck Outta Here."
"He Treats Him Like a Dog. Sit. Stay."
"And the Lord said you got to rise Up!"
"Make All the Kinfolk Proud ... Pookie, Ray Ray and Moesha"
"It's Your World, Kid ... The Rest of Us Are Still Paying Rent"
"Can I Get a Witness From the Congregation?"
"Doing It, Doing It, Doing It Well"
"See ... What Had Happened Was"
ESPN president
said Scott's flair and style, which he used to talk about the athletes he was covering, "changed everything." Fellow ESPN Anchor, , said he was a trailblazer: "not only because he was black – obviously black – but because of his style, his demeanor, his presentation. He did not shy away from the fact that he was a black man, and that allowed the rest of us who came along to just be ourselves." He became a role model for African-American sports journalists.
Scott was married to Kimberly Scott from 1993 to 2007. They had two daughters together, Taelor and Sydni. Scott lived in . At the time of his death, Scott was in a relationship with Kristin Spodobalski. During his
speech, he told his teenage daughters: "Taelor and Sydni, I love you guys more than I will ever be able to express. You two are my heartbeat. I am standing on this stage here tonight because of you."
Scott was injured when he was hit in the face by a football during a
mini-camp on April 3, 2002, while filming a special for ESPN, a blow which damaged his . He received surgery but afterwards suffered from , or drooping of the eyelid.
After leaving Connecticut on a Sunday morning in 2007 for
in , Scott had a stomach ache. After the stomach ache got worse, he went to the hospital instead of the game and had his appendix removed. After testing the appendix, doctors learned that he had cancer. Two days later, he had surgery in New York that removed part of his colon and some of his lymph nodes, anything near the appendix. After the surgery, they recommended preventive chemotherapy. By December, Scott—while undergoing chemotherapy—hosted Friday night ESPN NBA coverage and led the coverage of ABC's NBA Christmas Day studio show. Scott worked out while undergoing chemotherapy. Scott said of his experience with cancer at the time: "One of the coolest things about having cancer, and I know that sounds like an oxymoron, is meeting other people who've had to fight it. You have a bond. It's like a fraternity or sorority." When Scott returned to work and people knew of his cancer diagnosis, the well-wishers felt overbearing for him as he just wanted to talk about sports, not cancer.
The cancer returned in 2011, but it eventually went back into remission. He was again diagnosed with cancer on January 14, 2013. After chemo, Scott would do
workout regimen. By 2014, he had undergone 58 infusions of chemotherapy and switched to chemotherapy pills. Scott also went under radiation and multiple surgeries as a part of his cancer treatment. Scott never wanted to know what
he was in.
On July 16, 2014, Scott was honored at the , with the
for his ongoing battle against . He shared that he had 4 surgeries in 7 days in the week prior to his appearance, when he was suffering from
complications and . Scott told the audience, "When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live." At the ESPYs, a video was also shown that included scenes of Scott from a clinic room at
and other scenes from Scott's life fighting cancer. Scott ended the speech by saying, "Have a great rest of your night, have a great rest of your life."
On the morning of January 4, 2015, Scott died in his home in
at age 49.
announced: "Stuart Scott, a dedicated family man and one of ESPN's signature SportsCenter anchors, has died after a courageous and inspiring battle with cancer. He was 49." ESPN released a video obituary of Scott.
called ESPN's video obituary a beautiful and moving tribute to a man who died "at the too-damn-young age of 49."
paid tribute to Scott, saying:
UNC Student featured on SportsCenter and ESPN's broadcast of the Notre Dame vs UNC game on January 5, 2015 honors Stuart Scott with his trademark "Boo Yah" saying.
I will miss Stuart Scott. Twenty years ago, Stuart helped usher in a new way to talk about our favorite teams and the day's best plays. For much of those twenty years, public service and campaigns have kept me from my family – but wherever I went, I could flip on the TV and Stu and his colleagues on SportsCenter were there. Over the years, he entertained us, and in the end, he inspired us – with courage and love. Michelle and I offer our thoughts and prayers to his family, friends, and colleagues.
A number of
athletes—current and former—paid tribute to Scott, including , , , , , , , , , , , ,
and others. A number of golfers paid tribute to Scott: , , , , Blair O'Neal,
and others. Other athletes paid tribute including , , , , , ,
and . UNC basketball coach
called him a "hero."
said: "We lost a football game but we lost more this morning. I think one of the best members of the media I've ever dealt with, Stuart Scott, passed away."
gave on-air remembrances of Scott. On SportsCenter,
said farewell to Scott and left a chair empty in his honor. , , ,
shared their memories of Scott.
During his acceptance speech for his 2015
forfeited his award to Stuart Scott and presented it to his children. Of note, at the , Scott was included in the "in memoriam" segment, a rare honor for a sports broadcaster.
Teammates (2005)
Scott, S Platt, Larry (2015). Every Day I Fight. Blue Rider Press.  .
Strauss, Chris (January 4, 2015). . USA Today.
from the original on January 5, 2015.
Bensinger, Graham (15 September 2008). . < 2015.
. . 2015.
Sandomir, Richard. "Stuart Scott, ESPN's Voice of Exuberance, Dies at 49". <.
. 2015.
Wire Reports. . < 2015.
Rabouin, Dion. . < 2015.
Wulf, Steve. .
Schwab, Frank (January 4, 2015). . Yahoo Sports 2015.
Schiavenza, Matt (January 4, 2015). . The Atlantic.
from the original on January 5, 2014.
Augustine, Bernie (4 January 2015). . < (New York) 2015.
Sanchez, Mark (4 January 2015). . < 2015.
Knoblauch, Austin (4 January 2015). . < 2015.
Wiedmer, Mark (January 5, 2015). . Chattanooga Times Free Press.
from the original on January 5, 2014.
Giglo, Joe (January 4, 2015). . News & Observer.
from the original on January 5, 2015.
Waldron, Travis. . 2015.
Wilbon, Michael. "Stuart Scott changed the game". .
Sandomir, Richard (January 4, 2015). . The New York Times.
from the original on January 5, 2015.
Boren, Cindy (January 4, 2015). . The Washington Post.
from the original on January 5, 2015.
Williams, Stereo. . <. The Daily Beast 2015.
Sandomir, Richard (January 9, 2011). . New York Times 2015.
. <. 3 December .
Whitlock, Jason. .
. USA Today. December 3, .
Transcript. . 2015.
Rothkranz, Lindzy. . < 2015.
Chawkins, Steve (4 January 2015). . Los Angeles Times 2015.
Johnson, Brad (January 5, 2015). . Boston Herald.
from the original on January 5, 2015.
December 9, 2014. . Heavy 2015.
. FindLaw 2015.
Kelley, Michael (4 January 2015). . Business Insider 2015.
AP (4 January 2015). . New York Post 2015.
. USA Today. May 28, .
Jussim, Matthew (January 15, 2013). . Sports World Report 2015.
Sandomir, Richard (11 March 2014). . The New York Times 2015.
. . December 21, .
Scott, Stuart. . < 2015.
Busbee, Jay (January 14, 2013). . .
Foss, Mike. . < 2015.
Cohn, David. . < 2015.
Jackson, Scoop. .
. . ESPN 2015.
Dietsch, Richard (January 4, 2015). .
Boren, Cindy (4 January 2015). . < 2015.
Weinfuss, Josh. .
Burke, Timothy. . < 2015.
Doody, Ben. . < 2015.
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